First, a so-simple-it's-sweet gem:

I think I kind of love those little egg birds.
Next is a more traditional, fondant-free style:
And now a similar design, done with fondant:
You all know I'm a sucker for the cute, too, so here's a little "aww" factor:
After our marathon of Wrecky turkey cakes, some of you asked if there were *any* good turkey cakes out there. So, we started looking. And the answer, pretty much, is no.
See, no matter how you slice it [smirk], turkeys are NOT attractive animals. So your best option is to make it cartoony and cute, like this one.
In fact, the best turkey cake I've seen this year was made by CW reader Belle, who isn't even a professional. She admits that the cookie "feathers" weren't quite what she wanted, but overall this guy is pretty darn adorable:
I just received another comically cute turkey cake from baker Ayse Yaman. Check it out:

- Similar Sweets: Cutie-Patootey Dragon Babes
51 comments | Post a Comment
Oh! The Joshua Gene and Melissa's Wild Cake are the prettiest things ever. Makes me want to eat leaves, and not necessarily the cake with the pile of nature raked on top either... even if that was a different post.
Thanks for these lovlies!
Those leaf designs are so beautifully intricate... but my favourite, by a mile, is the oh-so simple-looking second one. I really can't put my finger on exactly why, but I just absolutely LOVE that one.
All gorgeous, though, as ever. As much as I adore the daily dose of wreckage, your 'Sunday Sweets' posts are my all-time favourite part of this site. :)
Belle's Turkey looks great. It doesn't even hint at feces or any male body part at all! Great job!
Also meant to say, RE that turkey cake at the end, I'm completely and utterly mind-blown that the creator isn't a professional. Cookie feathers or no (and I think they're cute!), that cake is forty-three flavours of adorable.
The egg birds on an autumn cake confuse me, especially when the eggs look like emu eggs.
The cake by Melissa at Wild Cakes is gorgeous and that turkey cake is DEFINITELY a sweet one. I love Sunday Sweets!
I hate to be a downer, but I'm surprised that fondant-free cake is a Sweet and not a mild Wreck! The piping is sloppy-looking, and the leaves look almost too realistic until you realize they're fake, in which case they look just ugly.
But OH MY GOSH I looove the first two cakes! That bird topper is adorable!
Egg birds need their own miniseries.
I really like Belle's Turkey cake...she did an awesome job!
The leaves on these cakes are so pretty!
No I'm ready for Holiday wreckiness....bring it on! :-)
I like the stained-glass style cake. very cool.
I think bakers need to take note of Belle's turkey cake. This one is AWESOME! Course anything that doesn't look like poo or wang is above the curve already. ;o)
Love the leafy cakes too.
I absolutely love cake #2!!!!!
Every Sunday I find another cake I want as my own for some function!
Belle did a great job with the turkey cake, too.
I like the stained-glass leaves a lot.
But what's with the eggs with legs? Shouldn't that be on a spring cake (nesting season), not a fall cake?
I made a replica to the second cake for my co-worker's wedding but in spring colors!! Awh! Its a sunday sweet! I absolutely died when my co-worker told me she wanted that cake cuz that's the cake i wanted to make her!!
I love the birds on the first one, too. They remind me of the logo for the Partridge Family, which is a good thing. The turkey cake is really cute. I like the cookie feathers! See? A poo-wang-free turkey cake is possible.
Thanks for the mental palate cleanser. I know December is going to be gooooooodd in wrecky cake terms...
If you look at the original site the second cake pic comes from, the first cake (winter) has this note on it:
"All cakes by Kate Sullivan,"
I've spent too long on papers, I now have the need to properly source everything... or something...
Anyway, all the cakes are lovely. I love the turkey cake!
the sunday sweets are mighty delish today. and yes, belle did a fine job on her turkey cake!
i think it's funny that the cute lil pig is sitting right next to his traitorous turkey pal with the "eat pork" sign. heh heh
to Lulu
The flowers on the fondant free cake are sugar paste, not fake! So each and every petal has been hand-crafted, and placed. So IMO, that makes this cake a "sweet" and not a wreck.
Loving the fall themed cakes, and a big "Way to go Belle!" on the best turkey cake ever!
Andrea in OH.
The Egg-Birds cake was made by Mike's Amazing cakes. It was designed to match the couple's wedding invitations, which featured a pattern of various fall leaves and 2 blue, egg-shaped birds, which they wanted as the topper.
Also worth noting, the egg-bird cake is entirely fondant free.
It is iced in buttercream, and the leaves, branches and band borders are all made from modeling chocolate (white-chocolate & corn syrup).
I love the bird cake toppers on that first cake! Really, they are all lovely.
Though the turkey holding the eat pok sign, is cute... but when you see the happy little pig sitting next to it, I'm like, disgusted
I think my amateur turkey cakes are okay, in that cartoony way:
Plus they're easy enough for a beginner to do. I know, because I was a beginner the first time I did one.
Aww, I like the idea of the cookie feathers. It's definitely way cuter than any other turkey cake we've seen in these parts.
Belle did a great job. And it just shows that professionals don't always know whats best. Its just like that quote...
"Just remember, Noahs ark was built by an amateur. Titanic was built by professionals."
Wow, turkeys that don't look like poo OR wangs! And no psychedelic feathers!
Belle's cake is awesome - any instructions?
They are all so nice! A great change after the ahem, patootie-mess of the week!
Love Belle's cake . . .
But Ayse's cake . . . wow! The look on that bird's face was "Ah ha, my pretty! Revenge is so sweet!"
Using maple-flavored leaf cookies for turkey tailfeathers is inspired! It definitely gets away from the problem of arranging globs and globs of frosting. I suppose you could also make colored leaves from white chocolate and arrange them instead, but they wouldn't hold up as well.
Word verification: asphouge. The weirdly foamy, luridly colored frosting that is often used to stick cupcake cakes together.
I love pork at Thanksgiving. Family tradition calls for ham and turkey. I'll take ham over turkey any day.
The first two are just AH-MAZE-ING. Love. Beautiful. (And such a nice change from all the monstrosities this week!)
CAKE is just not appropriate for Thanksgiving, it is all about PIES (and maybe some lemon bars or brownies), so all those turkey-cake makers should just give it UP!
Doodle-Cakes makes the most AWESOME cakes! Her website is worth checking out/bookmarking!
I just wanted to say, thanks for being here! I needed a little dose of positivity, and saw my bookmark of your site and remembered Sunday Sweets. Always sweet! Much needed today. I appreciate you!
Just saw the updated post...that last cake is made of AWESOME!!
SLIGHTLY demented? That last Turkey makes me reconsider the whole Thanksgiving feast. Time for Tofu!
Anonymous said...
If you look at the original site the second cake pic comes from, the first cake (winter) has this note on it:
"All cakes by Kate Sullivan,"
This is correct. I went to her website, and sure enough, there's the cake:
Sorry, I guess the link I posted for Cake #2 ( doesn't go directly to the cake itself. The cake is under "Bold Wedding Cakes." Her cakes are really beautiful!
Partridge Family egg-birds!
Love Ayse's turkey. And her (evidently) slightly twisted mind. He looks like he's thinking, "Go ahead. Make my day."
1st cake - love it! Love the egg-birds.
2nd cake - love it too. Stained-glass is just so pretty.
3rd cake - is it in focus? The other cakes on their site look so much better, for instance, their BC11-Vegan Buttercream cake.
4th cake - just gorgeous.
5th, 6th, 7th cakes - the whimsical ones just cracked me up. Especially Ayse's cake. I LOVE the look on the bird's face!
I think that first one is one of the prettiest cakes I've ever seen. I also think I kind of love the little egg birds!
Aww, these cakes leaf me all smiley.
I especially find it funny that one of the funniest Turkey cakes is made by someone from Turkey! (based on the language on Flickr at least)
Thought I'd just point out that there ARE little egg-shaped birds out there:
I have another cute turkey cake for you!
It was done by a family friend who is an amatuer, but looking to go pro. She did an amazing job and this was the only turkey I've ever seen that didn't have leftovers!
I posted it on my site today.
The baker's name is Priscilla and she lives in Ft Lauderdale, Fl.
I LOVE the first one, with the little egg birds. :)
The third cake has colors reminiscent of the Best Wishes Suzanne wreck on the cover of the Cake Wrecks book. Secret shout out to you Jen? hehe =)
For our wedding, my husband and I had the bakery recreate the second cake and it turned out so perfect. We also had a red and a green Yoshi as caketoppers.
My roommate just pointed out that the last one looks like the fork and knife are stabbed into the turkey and it's bleeding!
Uh oh. I think two of my favorite sites have just collided. Cake Wrecks meets Suicide Food