Anyway, since I've gotten a few of these "ink blot" type cakes submitted, I thought it'd be fun to add a little suspense to your daily dose of Wreckage. That's right, boys and girls, now it's time to play...
Everyone ready? Ok, clear your mind of all thoughts. Now, scroll down and tell me what you see:

Check back tomorrow for the "answer": I'll post a picture of what the cake was supposed to look like. In the mean time, let's see who can come up with the most outrageous explanation. I may even post the top 3 guesses here, so bring on the funny, folks; fame and fortune await!*
Thanks to Dana W. for inspiring a brand new category! Oh, and Dana? Don't go giving away the answer just yet, k?
*By "fame" I mean a shout-out to your posting name, and "fortune" is used more in the "destiny" sense of the word than the "wealth or riches" sense. So in other words, no, you won't be getting any money*. Unless someone sends it to you, of course. But that someone would not be me. So probably not.
* Or begetting any money, either; 'cuz that'd just be weird. And wrong. But mostly weird.
570 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 570 Newer› Newest»This is the Superdome in NOLA, right?
it looks like a bad hot dog explosion, but i am guessing it is a football stadium for the Saints (?).
It's a giant piece of French tuna sushi roasting on a tombstone held by the Football Team of the Damned. Right?
that's the New Orleans Superdome with the Saint's logo and helmets.
Is it supposed to be the Superdome? Those little numbered things could be football helmets, and it does have a fleur de lis...
I think it is either a hamburger but it's trying to escape so all the little football helmets are keeping it in place.
Some kind of sports stadium.
is that supposed to be a football stadium? the black thing i hink is a team ing and the gold things at the bottom have to be helmets.
I can only guess it has something to do with football with all the little helmets along the side.
Definitely Darth Vader with Jordie LaForge's tye-dyed eye wear.
Your site is awesome. :)
Judging by the logo and the tiny football helmets, I'm guessing that's supposed to be the Superdome. But in this post-Katrina world, shouldn't there be some refugees present?
Cake specially made for a surf and turf themed football party??
I can't remember the name of that symbol but it's a popular one in most seek N find type games on the net and it's french. So maybe a couch potato from france who happens to like football? I think those little guys holding up the cake are football players...Notre Dame maybe?
I'm guessing the Saint's Superdome. Watch, tomorrow it will come out it's a bidet or something.
I think it has something to do with the New Orleans Saints, but I can't begin to imagine what...
It's... a really ugly couch surrounded by giant bugs?
It looks like a toque, surrounded by football helmets. An Alouettes fan, perhaps? ^^
Is it the Superdome in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina fame??
oh oh I know what it is! Like for real, it is pretty terrible though. I won't ruin the fun in the first comment.
Are those little football helmets and numbers around it??
After careful scrunity, my guess is...a football stadium? With those little brown spheres around the edge being football helmets?
The problem with this contest is, even if you guess right, you still look like a total weirdo for being able to 'see' what the cake decorator 'saw'.
I'm going to say that's supposed to be Saints Stadium in New Orleans. I was only tipped off that it might have something to do with football when I saw the little footballs being crushed by the stadium. Because if those footballs were in that position, they would not really be recognizable as footballs. Of course, recognizability wasn't tops on this cake decorator's list was it? I like the use of the fleur de lis to give it that bit of French Cajun flavor. Now if only there were some crawfish on the cake as well. (What, like that would be the thing that would make the cake horrible, not the weird poop colored bottom of the cake?)
Gorgeous cake. I don't think I've ever seen a cake depicting a pair of chapped lips, with a "soul patch" goatee beneath. I hope he enjoyed his delicious meal of black bird pie, too, but he needs to slurp up that remaining feather.
Love the new category! I love guessing games. Judging by the little helmets around the perimeter, it looks like it's supposed to be the N.O. saints...but what the heck is the rest of the cake? It does look like they threw their logo onto a grill.
I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that it is supposed to be the Superdome.
Real answer: It has something to do with The New Orleans Saints, right?
What I think it looks like: It seriously looks like Little Shop of Horrors' Audrey to me. Audrey with a prison tattoo on her mouth.
Um, is that the Superdome? What an abomination. I can't even decide what it make me think of. It's just creepy. It looks vaguely like an insect. ugh.
It's supposed to be a football arena.
Well, that looks like a Boyscout logo...only in I'm going to guess that it's a bag of boy scout popcorn popping over hot coals or something.
Wait, those aren't footballs, those are helmets with the player's numbers under them. Man, this is a great example of wreckitude.
I was definitely leaning towards "grill," but those numbers at the bottom make it seem like a Vegas reference. So I'm going to go with "some form of gambling apparatus."
What we have here is a bunch of Japanese beetles (standing on numbers...which might be my fave part of the wreck) after stealing the fireplace of the Sisters of Bon Secour (whose symbol is the fleur de lis...don's ask how i know that)
Obviously, it is a bunch of scarab beetles (like the ones deified in acnient Egypt) carrying their offering of fire to the French moon goddess. Unfortunately, some are getting crushed under the weight, hence the bits of red blood you can see squishing out from under them.
-Missy C.
I love your blog!
Was I supposed to make up a guess or try to guess what it really is?
I think it's the Super Dome. I lived in NO for 6 years so I had to look at it every day.
It's a striped orange-y couch, perched on a large rock, with an ottoman made of grilled steak, and decorated not only with a fleur-de-lis, but also with assorted football helmets.
Maybe it's a stadium? A sad, sad stadium?
It's got to be a funky colored couch sitting in the mud. There are squashed little football men sinking into the mud. The black thing is a "tac" know, like the devil would sit on? This one "takes the cake"!
It was probably supposed to be a New Orleans Saints Arena... fun fact found the candles along the edge here:
Oh wait, no it's a steak and two salmon filets on a campfire grill. The grey thing in the back is supposed to be part of the rock ring around the campfire.
I see a fireplace. The emblem looks like the one on my fireplace poker...
Ok, I'm guessing a very strangely colored football field. It's football season, I'm allowed to think about football right?
Vanessa G.
Ok, this has got to be a couch...a really ugly one, sitting in the mud. Below the couch, there are tiny football guys sinking into the mud. The black thing on the couch is a "tac", you know, like "if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tac"??
It's a Football field! A terribly disappointing one....
Let's see...
For my guess as to what it was supposed to be, I say it's a football stadium.
But on the other hand it really looks like an abstract bit of modern art designed to symbolize the English coffee industry.
Doc, I'm seeing the wringer mechanism from one of those old-style clothes washing machines which are popularly referred to as wringer-washers; and, it's in mid-wring of a garment with a French Fleur de Lys pattern.
Oh, and, Doc, I don't really much care about the fame and fortune. I just want the PAIN to GO AWAY! Please, can you help me, Doc?
Ok, I figured out what it was supposed to be after a few minutes of true bafflement, and then a few more minutes of second-guessing, but I won't be a spoiler.
I will tell you that to me it looks like an army of beetles are eating poor Dartagnan - of Three Musketeers fame- and the only thing left is the smock with the fleur-de-lis.
Poor Dartagnan. I loved thee.
I think it's supposed to be the Superdome, but I ask you: Haven't Saints fans suffered enough??
I have no idea what this looks like, but based on visual evidence I believe it is supposed to be a football.
well i'm guessing from the helmets and the fleur de lis that it's supposed to be an homage to LSU football? and the field grass is brown b/c they play by scorched earth policy, and the bleachers are orange and yellow because the fans are on fire, and the big gray thing is a throwback to when LSU was the Agricultural and Mechanical College and so which means it's a big stone wheel (mechanical and also agricultural, you know, for grinding the wheat they grew and stuff). or it's brown and gray and ablaze b/c the school was burned down in the civil war. ??? yay!!
God help us, it's the Superdome.
My guess is a sewer grate after Mardi Gras or a Saints games. That's really all I have. That truly is a special, special cake.
It makes me sad that I saw the little football helmets, then had to go Google "fleur de lis football" to determine it had anything to do with the New Orleans Saints, then stare at the image for about five more minutes to figure out it was supposed to look like a stadium.
Everyone else here seemed to have a much easier go of it!
I'm still a little proud of myself, though. WIthout the Googling I did this morning, I wouldn't have been able to verify for you that New Orleans even has a football team, much less what their team name is.
To me it looks like someone's shield dropped out of the 1500s onto a bunch of cockroaches :S
Wow, lots of people think its the superdome. Now that I see the football helmets with numbers, I think they're probably right.
But I never would have guessed that. My serious guess was a treasure chest; my joke guess was some sort of mutant clam.
Very much looks like a grill. Or a couch with an enthusiastic fleur-de-lis.
I don't know...but the decapitated football player heads are giving me the creeps!!
Mmm... salmon.
Salmon something with green olives around it.
What are you complaining about? Isn't that EXACTLY what the Superdome looked like after the aliens set their ship down on top of it and all the players, squishing their helmets out along the edges like too much barbeque sauce on a sandwich?
It looks like a visit to a rancid sushi bar!
I GOT IT! That's a hell of a big salmon! So big in fact that it took the whole Saints football team to lift it onto the grill. They were so charged with testosterone after getting it on the grill, slapping each other on the bums and pulling chest hair and what not, someone got the idea to brand it with a fleur-de-lis. When it was finally done they tried to put it on a serving platter, unfortunately they were all squashed in the process. Sorry Saints fans, you can just hang up your jerseys no Superbowl for you guys this year!
I know what it's SUPPOSED to be, but it looks like it's a horse's mouth. But this particular horse is wearing a fleur de lis "grill" (TOO CRUNK!) in its teeth and a football helmet chain around its neck.
Apparently it's supposed to be a football reference. But for the life of me, all I can see is grilled salmon with a fleur de lis, a grilled steak and beetles surrounding it...
And a moldy piece of bread at the top.
Oh well!
I was going to geuss a well made bed..with fringe & then I noticed the little numbers and I realized
it's a bed surrounded by little football players.
The Superdome? HA! That's funny - if it weren't for the little helments on the side - I wouldn't have figured it out.
Clearly it's a giant piece of grilled salmon (branded with a fleur-de-lis) that landed on a muddy football field and squashed all of the football players. All you can see of them are their helmets and the blood oozing around the field.
I'm guessing it was supposed to be something like this:
It's a horde of beetles angered by grilled french whale blubber.
It looks like a casket with a half moon in the background, but the casket is being carried by little cockroaches. Numbered cockroaches.
Something that is celebrating cockroaches?
its the super dome.
My initial reaction was "fireplace." ...though I'm not really sure what occasion would call for a fireplace cake. Then I saw the football helmets, and I was like, "Erm, unless they're strange-looking coals, I'm guessing it's something to do with football..."
football statium
Flaming poo in a silver toilet. In Vegas.
It's the bed of Louis XIV, surrounded by footballs. Or rat turds.
Definitely supposed to be the Superdome. But what is the orangeish red part through the middle? Maybe an alien ray beam?
The Superdome! I used to work there, so I'd recognize it anywhere :)
It looks like a bunch of chipmunks are standing gaurd while the earth splits open. They need to move before the lava gets them!
Coffee beans spilling forth from the grocery bag after it caught fire in the moonlight
2 week old Nigiri-zushi with large green olives which have been inhabited by tiny hermit crabs?
I'm not sure I can even venture a guess!
I didn't even see the football helmets until I read the comments. I saw the fleur-de-lis and my first thought was "buche de noel." But why put it in a fireplace?
Before I noticed the football helmets, my first instinct was that it was somehow Boys Scout related - what with the fleur de lis on the top. Then, I thought - oh, it's a campfire, and those are logs, in the middle are flames, and surrounding it are...scorched marshmallows? Rocks? Beetles? Oh wait...those are helmets...ooooh.
Ah, this is a very holy cake. That is a sacred ear of corn setting upon the alter. The grey piece in front is where they sacrifice the corn. The things with stripes and numbers are what do the sacrificing. When your number is up you get sacrificed with the corn. It is a great honor. The grey stone in back is just a couch prop.
good, enough football junkies here to recognize the Superdome. it looks better in real life, of course.
It's a promotional cake for a French sushi & martini bar. See, those are 3 big pieces of sashimi (salmon, tuna, and mackerel with the skin still on) decorated with a fleur de lis and surrounded by olives.
I was thinking a cake for a boy scout who likes football
My first guess was a piece of shrimp sushi and a centipede. But the little football helmets throw me off. Durn, I don't know anything about football.
looks like the side view of a football stadium, but since I don't watch the NFL, I don't know what team that is.
Well it's obviously supposed to be one of those Kangol hats that Samuel L. Jackson is so fond of wearing, only they butchered the design so badly that the Kangol sign looks more like a fleur de lis. I'd wear that hat, and I'd eat that cake. I'd even eat that cake whilst wearing that hat. That's how cool I am. Know what I'm sayin', Sam?
-Isaac in Belchertown
I KNOW its the Superdome!! I live very close to it!! To me, it doesn't look ALL's a nice try!
It's got to be a Boy Scout campfire cookout with a tinfoil dinner. Been there, done that. Got the galvanic shock from foil in my potatoes.
Of course it's not the Superdome. What we have here is a re-enactment of the Great Beetle Linen Theft of 1658.
Unbeknownst to most historians, it wasn't Louis the 14th's dicey wedding plans that led to tense relations with Spain, but rather the King of Spain sending his hoardes of racing beetles (depicted here with their little racing numbers) to steal Louis the 14th's favorite sheets (which in this cakey re-creation had just been neatly folded after being laundered).
As we all know, most men are cranky when they don't sleep well and therefore skirmishes broke out shortly after the incident.
*nods earnestly*
Seriously, when I first saw the cake I thought bugs under a stack of sheets. This is also why my kids don't ask me for help with their history homework. ;-)
Not knowing a thing about football or stadiums, I thought this was a casket that had been dug up with the headstone behind it. Guess I was thinking "halloween."
I had no idea what the icon was supposed to be. (I mean, I know it is a fleu de lis but I didn't know it was the Saints logo.)
I imagine you all are right as now I see all the sad little "footballs"around the edge.
Well, I see football helmuts, I think. Lots of them. But no people and a firey blaze of what I can only imagine is the football field. So I guess the football field is up in flames, "a goner", as my son would say. And the brown mess next to it? I have no idea. I have stared at this thing longer than I would like to admit with a million things to do on a Monday morning. I can't wait to see what the cake was supposed to look like!
I think it's the Saints stadium or perhaps it's supposed to be their helmet? It's something football and Saints.
It's the Superdome DURING Katrina.
It's an orange and yellow sofa overlooking a suspiciously brown football field surrounded by helmets, so I would guess this is a cake made especially for an armchair quarterback! And that "quarterback" must be a fan of the New Orleans Saints. Or possibly French. :-)
Okay, it's the football stadium in New Orleans, post-hurricane? On fire, on top of green/brown sludge. With some kind of polar ice cap on the top.
It looks like a load of health and safety conscious cockroaches trying to steal a mattress....
A campfire. I haven't figured out the logo but no matter, I'm still going with campfire.
It looks like a rock, some weird French food (obviously, since it sports a fleurs-de-lys), and a grilled steak, surrounded by football helmets.
Everyone else is saying a stadium, which is entirely plausible. However, I think I'll go against the grain and guess ... The place of the lovemaking, which happens to be in transit by a herd of tiny ants with malt ball shaped helmets to protect from flying debri and fluids.
You mean you can't see it!?!
It's obviously a Halloween cake of the NOLA Saints! You can clearly see the heads lining the outside of the stadium, obviously to scare away any opposing team. Next year's version will have the bodies laying about INSIDE the stadium.
I think it's pieces of a salmon, flayed open for grilling. Some have got the scaly side up, some have it down. And apparently this salmon was suffering from a parasitic infestation of Southern Striped Helmet Suckers, and the cook decided to leave them attached, for extra flavor. The black shape in the center must have been made with a branding iron. Why the Flying Fleur-de-lis Ranch would need to brand the inside of a fish is a mystery to which we'll probably never know the answer.
I know. The football team got teleported to the Land of OZ (note the yellow brick road) by a large grey rock where a giant couch (complete with fleu-de-lis decorative cusion) and coffee table were dropped on them. That dark reddish brown piping at the bottom is depicting the gory nastyness.
I'm going to go with "Fear Factor". The 'contestant' is walking a tightrope over hot coals in the moonlight while the beetles to be eaten during the final round hold the net below.
A couch about to burst into flames being propped up by a boulder with a grilled rectangular steak in front of it. And it has to do with football and the French somehow.
It doesn't so much look like the Superdome as it does the cutout Superdome backdrop from the Simpsons' episode where Marge stars in a musical version of A Streetcar Named Desire.
I shouldn't have read the comments before posting mine. Now that I'm looking at it with Superdome in my head, I can see that.
Unfortunately, that was not my first thought. With the fluer-de-lis and the weird column looking things, my first thought was the Bastille. Perhaps it was supposed to be a cake for Bastille Day?
I also saw a really ugly couch...a pull out couch with a gray thing (blanket?) sitting on top...crushing some scarab beetles underneath. Though I've read the comments and know what it's supposed to be...I still don't see a stadium. *shrug* Guess my dislike of sports spreads to cakes too.
Clearly it's a representation of a tragic accident in the parking lot of the Superdome, in New Orleans. The world's largest grill was being used to broil the world's largest steak, but when the silver lid was lifted, an unexpected explosion hurled the giant steak off of the orange-hot coals, onto the New Orleans Saints football team.
My guess is someone was "grilling up" some New Orleans Saints, maybe using the helmets as little charcoal briquets, and the reddish thing being some kind of Saints filet. Not sure about the gray part at the top, though...
i'm not even reading the other comments, but is it a football field for the saints? the ONLY way i sort of 'get' that is the saints logoishy thingy is there.
I'm positive it's supposed to be the Superdome.
What it actually looks like, I can't say. Let's just leave it at it ain't pretty.
Haha its the Superdome if someone mistook it for a burger and threw mustard and ketchup all over it!
This is clearly a host of beetles who are saints fans bearing away the detritus of a Mardi Gras: namely, a huge rock, a piece of grilled salmon stamped with the fleur-de-lis, and a very square-looking pile of poo. (Perhaps someone actually did sh*t a brick?)
I'm pretty sure that is a New Orleans Saints cake, but damn, someone mangled that, didn't they?
It's the football stadium... but the only tell tale clue though is the helmets and the fleu de lis.
Sigh, love cakewrecks though!
I agree with the football stadium, but it sort of looks like a coffin. On wheels.
It's obviously a coal effect gas fire with a faux beaten copper canopy and fleur-de-lys embellishment.
Upon first glance, I thought it was some sort of medieval castle with the heads of impaled knights on stakes around the gates, sort of a Vlad the Impaler thing.
After closer inspection, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the Superdome. A really crappy representation of the Superdome, but the Superdome nonetheless.
It is the Superdome but looks more like an open casket with no one in it.
i thought the helmeted dudes were COCKRAOCHES. and i thought it looked like some sofa attacked by cockroaches who decided to pull out the matress. or something.
A giant tarantula with a French hamburger on its back?
A gravestone for a French piano-playing Football player, clearly. Who was really into either showing pride or just primary colors in general.
Is it a shrimp with a tumor?
The SuperDome, recovered from Katrina, faces its second disaster in this decade as it is engulfed by a giant piece of Sashimi.
I think it's Jabba the Hutt's colonoscopy.
<3 Alisha
OK so we all know its the Superdome for the NO Saints, but my first guess was a french panini sandwich being held down on the grill by a large rock... and i thought the football helmets were charcoal briquettes! :-)
That's the Superdome. Who Dat!!?!
Clearly, this is France's revenge for our calling french fries "freedom fries". They have sent a mutated, grilled baked potato to wreak havoc on our country, it's deadly fleur-de-lis ready to eviscerate any slow-moving american in its path (and as many fr9ies as many of us have eaten, we are slow-moving indeed.)
Why did they take so long to attack? They didn't. The spud of doom is propelled by classic French escargot (snails to us Americans.) It just takes them a while to get where they are going.
Jewelry box? LOL
Hah, not being an Amurican, I thought cos of the Fleur de Lys, it was meant to be some kind of deformed guillotine with red trickles of blood in the middle there, the French all love guillotines right? And there are a whole bunch of weird French bugs nibbling on the bottom of the podium the guillotine stands on.
Errr, yeah. That's because I'm not an Amurican.
It's supposed to be a "photo negative" of a delicious double-hamburger, surrounded by giant ladybugs. And a squished spider that ALMOST made it out of the patties before its untimely demise . . .
Or it's the Superdome in N'awlins.
its the zombie foot ball team coming out of the ground to deast upon the cake ;)
My first thought was a flaming coffin being eaten by cockroaches...
Cora Lea
That's a souffle. And it's angry. We all need to give it some room.
I have no idea what it's supposed to be, but that is THE ugliest cake I have ever seen in my entire life.
I guess I have to go with everyone else and say it's a football stadium,meant to "honour" a french ( due to the fluer de lis) football team.
New Orleans' sushi roll on a burn football field.
It looks like a big couch to me, but since there are numerous football heads surrounding, it must be a French (fleur-de-lis) royalty's litter being carried by burly men. The Royal personage must be irritable, and tends to throw things at his/her litter bearers, so they have to wear helmets. OF COURSE that's what it is! ;)
I was thinking astrodome or superdome or some kind of stadium!
yeah I also say superdome
Audry from little shop of horrors with a tombstone on her head and a pied of ciabatta bread under her chin.
I can't decide. It kinda looks like Angelina Jolie's cracked lips in like 20 years when they've officially taken over her face.
but for some reason, I get this "Little Shop of Horrors" bit lips coming at me ready to say "feed me!"
Oh god are those olives round the edge?? This is terrifying. The middle section looks to me like a close-up of the butt crack of someone who recently sat on a lit barbecue. With the decorative spearhead tactfully concealing the bumhole.
It's the Louisiana Superdome, home of the New Orleans Saints (and the Tulane Green Wave). Although I can't tell you why it's red and orange (the Saints are "on fire" right now, so maybe that's it), that is fleur de lis and tiny Saints helmets.
Also, to the commenter who made a very distasteful "refugee" joke, give me a freakin' break. The Superdome reopened 13 months after Hurricane Katrina and it's currently in great shape.
It is clearly a chocolate millipede being flattened by a very heavy slab of airbrushed bacon.
Football purgatory.
It's obviously a loaf of bread rising from a bread pan owned by some monarch somewhere. On another planet. Where the bread pans can move around on their numerous little round feet.
Yeah, I got nothing.
That's the New Orleans Saints' Superdome surrounded by football helmets and their numbers! That's hilariously bad. Eww. I can't imagine eating that thing, and you can't make me.
I think I know what it's supposed to be: Superdome?
However, my better answer is that it is a cake to celebrate the graduation of a geology* student from the French Monarchy who has a penchant for football.
* You can see the decorator's attempt at different kinds of rock formations. Magma in the middle, "dirt" on the bottom, limestone or similar on top. The indentation is meant to be an illustration of plate tectonics (specifically when to plates collide)
Clearly the Superdome has caught fire and all of the players have evacuated. That's why they're standing outside.
What do I see when I view this cake?
In the background, there is a rock. Attached to it, is a sheet of thermophilous cyanobacteria engaging in mass mitosis. Underneath the sheet of cyanobacteria, are a pair of Halucigenia mating.
It's a cake representation of everyday life in Precambrian oceans.
I see a fireplace where the poker tip broke off and is resting on some wood.
Or rather, I should say I *saw* that since my eyes later focused on those tiny plastic footballers.
Whatever it is it has to be terrifying because those footballs are running for their lives!
A sad thing.... A football stadium with decapitated football heads posted around it like in the middle ages. A warning to others. I wonder of what crime they were accused?
Umm, it's a burned hotdog (bottom wreck) waiting to be placed in a grilled bun (middle wreck), to be eaten at the full moon (top wreck.) It's meant to be eaten at a tailgating party; hence the little football helmets. The fleur de lis was just the signature of the decorator. Yeah, that's the ticket!
I used to live in New Orleans, so I'm gonna go with:
A representation of a Voodoo ritualistic slaughter/grilling of the rival team's QB's leg to keep them from beating the Saints.
Haha! Get it? it's a QB-B-B-Q!
Oh, and naw, the Superdome actually looks like a giant boob. Really.
At first I thought they were little bugs around the cake then I realized they were helmets and was going to guess the Superdome. But it can also be a pot of chili, a fondue pot, or a hotdog with ketchup, mustard and a fleur de lis in the middle. Or maby the old time, stove top jiffy pop popcorn.
I think it is a cake representing an infected wound surrounded by olives and toped by a fleur-de-lis tattoo.
something to do with football.
Looks like a coffin to me...
Snail racing!?
the superdome!
it looks more like a cross-section of a very bad hamburger though!
I'm guessing that it's a bad (rotten) egg dressed in a belted, tie-dyed, tube top with a brown skirt that has a nice football helmet fringe.
But really it must be a New Orleans Saints cake of some sort.
It's a (very, very poor) Superdome, where the Saints of football play.
It's a symbol of the oppression of All-American Food, represented here by a slab of grilled ribs supported by a football team, by European Haute Cuisine, represented by the broiled salmon filet with red wine and mustard sauce garnished with a fleur-de-lys of toasted nori.
First thought - it looks like a bed. The bed of a couple who tried (and failed) to find a compromise between French sophistication and a childish obsession with football.
Why, it's one of those expensive limoges jewelry boxes with a delicate clasp closure! And, I believe, a beaded necklace around the base.
My 5 year old says it is a "bear's paw with a soldier's hat on it"...
We are not french so I don't know how he came up with the fleur de lis being a symbol of any military...and I'm slightly concerned about how he thinks the soldier's hat would get on the bear's paw... in his imagination was this some horrible mountain training expedition gone wrong?(as would explain the streaking red)...maybe "When Animals Attack" isn't an appropriate show for a 5 year old who can't fall asleep to watch...
Being a Canadian and not a sports fan, I have to confess I have no idea what the NOLA Superdome looks like. I can buy the dome idea (the silver thing?) but ... why is it orange? And why does it have a bend in it? I see an ugly couch, in front of a rock, with coffee beans scattered evenly around the edges. And I have no explanation for the brown thing ... if it *is* the superdome, what is the brown thing? The football field? Why is it outside the arena then?
To me this looks like a torso, you have the brown bottoms, maybe the starting of a skirt or pants, the orange tank looking top with a brooch and the silver could be a very pale upper chest area
Oh, absolutely fabulous! I was a little confused at first, thinking it might be the superdome, but how silly of me...CLEARLY, this is that new French version of surf 'n' turf: a nicely-grilled sirloin topped with a lightly seared tuna steak. And to finish it off, a rich, creamy half-wheel of fully mature camembert.
My only question is: why make a cake of it, when the real thing is already so fabulously delicious?
In honor of banned books week, it is a book being burned on a charcoal grill. Each little numbered charcoal briquette below represents another book that was banned.
Is it an ugly striped couch with a really really really dirty ottoman?
-Rebecca B
I think it's a couch. Those little round things around it look like roaches, though, so it's a very unsanitary couch?
It's definitly supposed to be the Superdome, but it looks like it was split open to reveal the barbeque from hell.
It is a a piece of salmon branded with a fleur de lis in the cake as other food category. It is sitting on what was a cedar plank but has burnt. Some half squished bugs are sitting around the base, having broken the protective perimeter of the mosquito netting on top of the grill.
marching band, gotta be marching band!
It's an old fashioned clothes wringer that can't quite get past that huge fleur de lis. Luckily there are body-less football helmets waiting to jump in and help.
I see a flattened piece of shrimp nigiri being devoured by little bugs, which for some unknown reason, an entomologist has numbered.
"Join us this week as the Central High Saints grill the North Side Steelhead in this year's not-to-be-missed homecoming football match-up!"
Fabulous site and excellent new game!
It appears that some Hostess Tigertails, one of which seems to have been badly burned in a fire, have smushed several cockroaches wearing football helmets. A tragedy indeed.
Oh sure, I've seen this very cake in nature.
It's a cross section of a lighly grilled scallop. Then being carried away a group of hungry beetles.
Pretty common at family bbqs at the seashore. Seen it a dozen times.
It's a royal couch with royal roaches crawling out from beneath it.
Oscar the Grouch put a tie-dyed cozy around his garbage can before closing up for the night, which happened to be during the super bowl playoffs which as you can see by his decorations!
If it IS the Superdome... check out - the way a SuperDome cake is supposed to be done. (I ggogled it to see if I could find a photo of the SuperDome and that came up!!) The cakes on that site are pretty amazing, but talent doesn't account for people's taste- the "Beer Coozie" cake for the "Beer Princess" -
My guess is a camp fire that a boy scout has fallen into and all that is left of him is his badge.
The first few comments I read said it was the Superdome, so I looked at some images online. I guess it does kind of look like the Superdome... If a group of body-less football-helmet-wearing-giants bisected it, flipped on its side, painted its top gray and put red & orange graffiti all over it...
It looks an awful lot like a graveyard for football helmets.
Totally the Superdome. A really really bad representation of the Superdome, but still.
Yo ho, mateys! Me thinks 'tis a treasure chest belongin' to the kings and queens of France! Argh!
An electric fire (like this with a fleur de lys on top.
It's the Prince of Wales' Royal Bingo machine, hence the fleur de lys. It looks like a knitted crown but all those little things with numbers are obviously iced olives representing bingo counters that are pulled at random. The Queen of England shouts the numbers out as she draws them- two fat ladies, 88- that sort of thing.
A bed with a brown headboard and bed bugs. And ugly bedspread.-zazo
It is the top of a grey (and French!!) BINGO DOBBBER!!
Ok it is some kind of funeral pyre for a french football hero... the grey at the top is him rising from the ashes as "LE SUPER FRANCAIS FUTBOLL HERO!!!"
I believe that this is meant to be an ugly couch, with an evil court jester sitting on it, watching football on TV and laughing at the confused people wondering where the football team has gone, as he has kidnapped them and stuffed them under his ugly couch.
I actually thought it was a sofa... one with a fleirdeleis on it...
Looks like a rock sleeping in a truncated version of Louis XIV's bed crushing a football team
Erm, I see some kind of hotdog/hamburger thing going on, with loads of creepy-crawlies (ants or spiders maybe) around the base. With a randomly placed fleur-de-lys, just for the heck of it.