Brain matter?
Squiggly pile of earthworms?
I could see it.
DIRT?!? Heck no!
Unless we're looking at the earthly remains of Edward (eeewwwww), then I'm afraid I just don't get it. And Beth H., that spider is totally freaking me out.
102 comments | Post a Comment
Actually it looks like what comes out of my dog when someone STUPIDLY sneaks her table food!!
Plus, that spider looks angry. And scarey. And mean.
How about giant pile of poo?
If they had only crushed up some Oreos and tossed it over that "dirt". :)
...gives a whole new meaning to "no one loves me, everybody hates me, I guess I'll go eat worms"
Thanks; now I'll have "the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out..." song stuck in my head all day.
Poor Edward...he's a pretty good guy for the shape he's in.
It looks more like a big pile of crap to me.
Anyway, if you want to make dirt, everyone knows you use crushed oreoes. :P
EWWWWWWW! Eww! Eww! Eww! Ewww!! I do research in digestive diseases and at first glance (even before reading your comments) I said - why are there intestines on that cake?
"Older than kidney beans," maybe?
I'm definitely going with brain matter.
Unless it's intestines.
There are some other things that resembles... all of them not dirt, but most of them dirty.
I guess nobody thought to use Oreo crumbles? Would have been much cooler, especially if it included some Gummi worms... mmmmmm....
I also don't get the dark brown shadow over the "dirt". What is that?
The spider addition is just cruel! :]
Gag. Intestines is right. I've never seen dirt like that.
~Amy B
Maybe it's supposed to be a refrence to zombies and Edward is really gonna want some brains and intestines after he turns into an undead.
Well, I actually think the idea of the cake, and the handwriting is cute- I love the way she used brown & black icing, it gives a little extra. But how exactly DO you make icing look like dirt? I think I would have been thinking more out of the box and dusted over my icing "dirt" with crushed cookies or graham crackers- but then again, I am no professional cake decorator.
Ya know, I was just innocently eating my breakfast and looking forward to my daily CakeWrecks read....
Now I may forgo lunch!
I love frosting more than anyone one I know. but that cake has turned my stomach. The dirt looks like ... like...poop! And not from a healthy person or animal. Oh god and the SPIDER. I have arachnophobia. There is no way I would ever eat that cake. This is about as disgusting at that foot cake! * rocks self in a corner while crying *
Yeah, I thought it was poo at first. Who wants to eat poo? Well, besides my dog who eats her own....yuck!
Does the person who bought that cake love Edward or not?
I had a hard time thinking that someone order a cake to look like that on purpose. Especially someone who loves a family member.
I mean the joke is funny but the delivery (in bad cake form), needs work.
Looks like a combo of brains and intestines to me, Jen.
I'm a cake-a-holic, and I would have to swear it off if that were set in front of me! UGH!!! It looks completely unappetizing and creepy! blech!!
Kinda looks like lots of little kidneys!
Loving the site!!
Wait. 50 is older than dirt? I thought 50 was the new 40.
And why oh why are there green flames coming out of the intestine looking, brain matter, not dirt?
It takes some sort of awesome chemical reaction to create green flames using copper sulphate.
Good God I love your blog!
If I need a good laugh - which is multiple times a day - your blog never fails me! Thanks.
I'll tell you later Betty
Ewwwwww. I vote for intestines. Or poo. Or poo in intestines. Either way, not apetizing!
Actually, it looks like earthworm poo to me!
And what is that dark brown shadow that looks like it's rising behind the "dirt"?...
Happy Birthday, Edward, here's a steaming pile of sh*t!
Looks like somebody ruined the cake with baked beans...eew.
I'd have to agree with others who've said something about cookie/cracker crumbs.
@team serrins springfield: Yeah, I kinda took offense at the reference of 50 being 'older than dirt' than I did at the brainpooguts all over the cake itself! It is intensely ugly, though. (I say here as I am eating a slice of coconut layer cake...which is yummy!)
I'm frightened.
I mean really, when there's a big pile of doo-doo on your cake, why bother piping so nicely in white along the bottom edge of the cake? And frankly, why bother centering the name on the cake either? At least this decorator realized the second of these two.
My first thought was intestines also!!! YUCK!!
I'm thinking that it looks like a corpse covered in stones... which is no more pleasant than intestines or dog poop.
I might've tried brown sugar for the dirt. That is, if i had to make this cake at all, which i would've given anything to avoid. ;)
I think it's more along the lines of an overflowing septic tank. And What is going on with the word spacing? A shame because the writing itself isn't all bad.
My daughter looked at this cake and said "Wow, that spider has laid a lot of eggs!"
It looks kind of... fungal. Maybe the dark brown airbrushed shadow is the dirt, and the light brown stuff is some kind of forest fungus growing on it. Mmm, mushroom flavored cake!
At least the writing is nice!
Would the poor old dear be able to eat it, or would he die of a heart-attack or something?
Yeah, I thought perhaps a hill of beans (still done badly, though).
clearly it's pinto beans, and the caption should say "Edward: 50 and still full of beans."
Definitely intestines. No doubt about it.
How depressing. You're "old" AND there's a spider in your cake.
I thought it was going to be a post about an intestine cake when I saw the pic without reading anything. YUCK!
Gosh, dirt could have been so more easily done with crushed chocolate cookies than with icing entrails!
Even chocolate smudges and a few candy rocks would have been better!
I'm w/ the looks like poop crowd! Could be intestines although they are actually a little pinker (or at least healthy ones are!) than that.
Also w/ the crushes oreos crowd. Would have made a world of difference!
I'm going to have to go with kidney beans on this one, just because the more accurate descriptions are making me not want my breakfast anymore.
Ugh. It looks like what happens when someone gets food poisoning. Pick an end, any end, it looks the same >_<
"Would anyone like a piece of poo...I mean cake? Anyone? Anyone?"
Yeah at least it didn't say "You're UNDER the dirt!" I was thinking a big pile of baked beans.
after reading everyones comments and going back to stare in disbelief I do believe that the intestines are supposed to be ROCKS and the black spray is the dirt.... though I am not sure just really reaching out here ya know.
ACK... poor cake wreck
i love that spider.
That so does NOT look like dirt....blegh....and brown and black icing - reminds me of the scene in Steel Magnolias when they're talking about the Groom's Cake - and Sally Field says, "It's got gray icing! I can't even begin to think how you make gray icing!" Best....ever....
Yikes! Baked beans was definitely my first thought.
The first thing I thought of when I saw that was poo. It looks like a pile of poo. LOL
At least the writing is done nicely!!
Since when was "older than dirt" a common cake-phrase, anyway?
Shiny frosting should NEVER be used in such a manner! Do people not THINK when they decorate??
Intestines was my first thought. Yuck! Why the need to put in the spider?
Thanks for the laughs, keep up the great work!
Definitely intestines.
It's definitely baked beans
For comparison:
Looks like what my toddler deposits in the toilet after too much dairy.
(new here-- this site is simply the best read of my day)
Mmmmmm...chocolate tripe cake!
I vote for intestines.
In form, that cake looks like small intestine. But the color is wrong.
Or that small intestine is badly diseased.
The spider is kind of cute. If spiders can be cute.
And 50 is soooooo NOT older than dirt. Dirt is much much older than 50 years of age! We're talking millions here LOL
Wow, that is a truly disgusting looking cake. I'm thinking the decorator's intention may have been to make Edward feel better about being old by making him a cake that is just so revolting he feels better about the way he looks, considering his age.
My vote is for baked beans.
I mean really, who's the lucky bugger to get the spider? The birthday boy himself? Poor, poor Edward.
It occurs to me (too late!) that maybe it's intended to be a hill, and that the alternate text would have read something about his being "over the hill"... maybe?
Before I even read the post I said to myself... "Self, what is a pile of intestines doing on that cake?"
Older than poop?! Ugh!!!
As someone who spends a lot of time in the woods it actually looks just like a fresh pile of deer droppings - A.K.A. - POOP
Happy Birthday Edward!
Older than poo!
Looked vaguely intestinal to me. Ew.
I think it looks like intestines!
since when is "50" older than dirt? o_O
My dear old Dad - long dead - used to eat brains on toast for his lunch on a Saturday!
Looked like Edward's cake - sans spider!
India Pale Ale
Brain. Clearly Edward is older than brain. Odd.
How hard is it to make dirt? Ever heard of crushed Oreo's? Hello?!
I hate when people say someone is "older than dirt" after they hit a certain age. Isn't 40 supposed to be the new 30 and 50 the new 40, or something? I don't think 50, 60, or even 70 is that old anymore, unless you're really decrepit and unhealthy.
Even using the airbrushing on the "dirt" pile (which does look like intestines to me), like under the "Older than Dirt", or cocoa powder would have looked better... it's just the sheen to it that's really creepy.
Wow that is seriously gross, it actually made my stomach turn. I don't know if it is the brain/intestinal pile or the creepy spider. YEUCK!
Ewwwwww...reminds me of the excriments they describe on those "CLEANSE" infomercials...BLECH!
Beans, beans, the musical fruit...
So if dirt looks like that, then the mess my cats just made on the carpet must be nothing more than dirt droppings. Shame my mess is likely just as difficult to clean up as that cake will be.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought "intestines" before reading the commentary! Probably would have been better to put an ant on the cake instead of a spider. I don't recall ever seeing frosting that shiny before.....which just adds to the "intestinal eruption" effect. Gross!
Looks like a pile of poop to me..LOL
Yep, looks like intestines to me. Icky brown intestines. :P
Huge thanks to you Jen and all of your loyal Cake Wrecks readers!! My little blog for friends and family has had more hits today than it has averaged each month of its 8 months in existence.
Thanks also to your wonderful readers for their shouts in my comment section!! Keep them coming!
It has been such an exciting day for me, but does this count as my 15 minutes?
Thanks again and here's hoping none of you are ever given a cake like the one from today!!
beth h.
"I put some beans on it...y'know, in case you wanted some beans on it."
If I was at Edward's birthday party, I would ask for a piece from the top of the cake. No poo for me, please!
it looks like hearts of poo!!
It looks disgusting! How could anyone not see that, and change it. He/she could have crumbled a Cadbury's Flake, that would have been much better.
I am quite positve that is a TICK not a spider.
I'm not sure if I want to even take a bite out of that. It looks so... hm... suspicious. It's like seeing the after product of eating it. Crap. XD
OMG, that is so gross!
Tapeworm, tanned in the sun.
My daughter saw this cake and immediately said, "brains". LOL
~Amy B
Alright, I don't know if this is a Cakewrecks "first," but this cake actually spawned a nightmare for me. I won't go into details, but I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because of this foul thing. I need a hug.
Hmmm melted chocolate. Another favourite.
Ew. At least it's not gray or white! Or should it be?
I think it's some sort of giant segmented earthworm.
Haven't you people ever seen worm poop? Now you have. I kid you not - that's just what it looks like.
I'm not sure I'd be eating it though...
it looks like a funeral cake with an ominous black cloud coming for ed's decomposing body
it's actually a nice looking cake! except for the "dirt"..