Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to Meeee!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It's muh birfday.

Awwww yeeeeaaah.

Now, I could celebrate by taking a cruise:

(A really really short one.)

Or by getting myself a new pair of...shoes:

Or go the traditional route and just get schnockered on booze sprinkles:

(After which I will apparently choke on ribbon and die. Hm. Ok, maybe not.)

And yet, all of those options (particularly the last one) pale in comparison to how I'm going to celebrate my birthday. How's that, you ask? Well, allow me to tell you...in song.

Hit it, Bobby!

[cranking up Ghostbusters 2 soundtrack]

"Too hot to handle, to cold to hold,
my name is Jen Yates and it's my birthday, yo!
So I'm throwin' a party, virtually speaking,
And I've got amazing news so please keep reading.
Now pack up your group, get a grip, come equipped,
Go pre-order lots of my book and then split!"

[music screeching to a halt] Of course I mean "split" in the ice-cream-eating way, not the hike-taking way - but you knew that, right?

And did you catch the big shocking news*, or were my sweet rhymes too dazzling for you? (*Granted, it's not quite as shocking for you Twits, since I inadvertently leaked it last week...) Yep, that's right: Cake Wrecks the book is now available for pre-order! Can we take a moment to savor that bit of sweet insanity?

[savoring] Mmmm. Yeah. That's the stuff.

Now, since I know how absolutely terrible you must feel over not getting me a birthday present - or even a card! You bum! - may I suggest a way to alleviate that burden? Buy yourself a gift. The gift... [cuing Hallmark music] of laughter:

(NOTE: This is NOT the final cover. Check back at 12 pm EST to vote for the cover you like best!)

[announcer voice] Yes, that's right! You'll get this lovely 6x8 hardcover edition of Cake Wrecks, When Professional Cake Go Hilariously Wrong, with over 19o pages of new Wreckage, fan favorites, behind-the-scenes commentary from Jen, reader stories, cakey controversies, and much, much more, all for the low price of $12.99! What a deal!

Why pre-order today? I'll give you seven good reasons:

7. It costs a heckuva lot less than a CW t-shirt.
6. It makes me look good.
5. Buy one for all your friends, and your Christmas shopping is done.
4. You'll get the book automatically shipped to you as soon as it's released.
3. High volumes of pre-orders somehow factor in to the mysterious industry formula that lands titles on best-sellers lists. Is that a lofty goal? Sure it is. So loft with me, darlings.
2. Every single order will give me a personal warm fuzzy. And it's my birthday, so today's the best time to send me warm fuzzies.

And the number one reason to pre-order Cake Wrecks today? (drum-roll, please.)

1. The Carrot Jockeys command you!

Wrecky World Domination, here they come! ;)

You can order Cake Wrecks: When Professional Cakes Go Hilariously Wrong from Barnes & Noble, Borders, or Amazon. (And as a bonus, both Barnes & Noble and Amazon are now offering impressive discounts off the cover price.) So what are you waiting for? Do it! Do it NOW!!
Anonymous said...

It's my birthday too!! It's my birthday too!! That is sooo hilarious. I logged on and saw the post title and was like? "How did she KNOW???"
Happy Birthday Jen. I hope your cake is a beautiful creation and NOT a wreck. have a lovely day!

Midway Records said...

Happy Birthday! Did I spell that right? Love your blog & I bet the book will be a big hit!

Alice said...

I have questions:
Why would you put a shipwreck on a cake? Just what is that guy doing to that womans chest? Why is the elephant hungover before the start of the party? Is it just me or are the wrecks getting worse?

Another Face said...

Happy birthday Jen! Congrats, Only I don't see what's wrong really with the first cruise one?

Tracy O said...

Oh, Happy Birthday Jen - and you gave us a gift! Thanks!! My vote would be for number 3 -but without the choking on the ribbon part - sprinkle drinks for everyone - on me!!

Dillypoo said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations! I pre-ordered two copies (so I don't have to share with my mother).

Carol said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope you get a LOT of pre-sales.....lol, (said as I meander my way over to Amazon)

Charlie said...

Happy Birthday! May your cake be non-wrecky.

Am I the only one who read that last line in a Zim voice?

Justina said...

Happy birthday! May your day be filled with fun, laughter, and cakes that don't look anything like the ones featured here.

Jamie said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday is coming up, and since my husband reads your blog (and has already bought me a t-shirt here), I'm pretty sure I know what my present will be. Yay!

Heidi said...

Happy birthday!!!

ck said...

it took me a minute to figure out the second one as I was taking your shoe comment literally. Why is she naked? Why aren't there any shoes? why does the shoe sales man lok like a dr? What the heck is on the table?

And as soon as all of the disparate elements came together and I realized the Shoesalesman/Doc was NOT handing her a box, but that was, in face, a censoring box and he was actually...well, we won't go into that...it all clicked together and I immediately had a "duh!" moment.

Of course! Why wouldn't I want a cake to celebrate my boob job? I'm actually surprised I can't go down to Publix to pick one up!

Happy B'Day, Jen!

Capability Bowes said...

So, I go into a bookshop and ask for your book, which presumably isnt on the shelves yet. They promise to hold one for me when it arrives in stock. This consitutes an "order", yes? So what exactly is a "pre-order" and how does this differ from an "order"?

I've long wanted to ask someone this - unfortunately every time I go into a bookshop and make the same enquiry all I get is blank looks, shrugged shoulders and "I dunno, do I?" from the person behind the till.

Christine said...

hapPy, Birhtday! Or perhaps Happy Balker Satherday? Hope you have fun. I think I'm going to order a book for my parents - they'll get a kick out of it.

As for the wrecks, that first one is clearly not a cruise ship, but a shampoo tanker that has ruptured.

Ice Cream said...

Happy "Birthdays" in red.

And at Amazon you can get your awesome book for just $10.39. This is one of those perfect what-do-you-get-the-person-who-has-everything kind of gift.

serialcinz said...

Happy Birthday Jenn!

I pre-ordered your book from Amazon! (So you're welcome lol)

Can't wait til October to read it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Your book gives me the perfect reason to use the Amazon gift certificate that I have. Congratulations!!

P.S. Thank you for all the laughs you have given me since I found your blog. The sprinkles are on me! (I mean...not *literally* on me...)

MFonvielle said...

If my carrot jockey overlords command it, then it is not my place to deny them.

Also, a very happy birthday to you :)

Julie said...

Happy birthday! Mine was yesterday. That means we're practically twins. LOL

Vashti said...

that 1st one looks like my son took his toy boat out of the bath and dumped it on a cake......horrible!
Hope your bithday is way better than these cakes! I WILL get a book as soon as I find some one who will ship it to South Africa!

Mish Meow said...

Happy Birthday Mistress of Cake Wreckery! I are mah birfday too.

frigglesnitz said...

Hapy brithday too yoo,Jen! Thanks for all the laughs. I swear you make me laugh til I cry more often then my sister. (that would be quite a lot.)

wv asysi I would try out for softball, but I throw like asysi.

Tracey said...

Happy Birthday! How is it that you only get one Birthday, but you give us all a Birthday EVERY day with all these hilarious wrecks?? That doesn't seem fair! ;P
Have a great day, ma'am!

Lani said...

Happy Birthday!! It's my husband's birthday too!

I just pre-ordered. MUST have the book, especially if 75% of the Wrecks have never been seen before!! When will it be published?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you. Thanks for making every day seem like MY birthday....cuz you give me the gift of laughter on a daily basis via CakeWrecks. (and UnderNeat that, Jen). :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday.
I have to get one...
who am I to disobey the carrot jockey overlords?

Steve S said...

Happy Birthday! Hope today finds you in Margaritaville. :)
I just ordered 3 from Amazon, they will make great gifts.

Baking and Mistaking said...

Happy Birthday!!

MoonGoddess said...

Happy Birfdae.

Thanks for bringing sunshine into my life so often. Hope all your wishes come true today & always.

Can't wait to see the book!

Kat said...

Happy Birthday!! I will admit, I am DYING to see what your birthday cake looks like. I can't decide if I hope it's outrageously gorgeous or fantastically wrecky. Either way, have a wonderful time!

Laura R said...

Happy birthday to you! May your cake be impeccable.

You know you're a Cake Wrecks reader when.....
you read the ad banner as "Learn How I Removed 10 Years of Sprinkles!"

wv: redlies

Anonymous said...

I just pre-ordered it on Amazon. Happy Birthday! :)

The Fat Dietitian said...

Happy Birthday! I am mildly appalled by the plastic surgery cake... Who comes up with this stuff???

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Jen!!!!!!!!
I have a friend who works for a book distributer and she's already pre-ordered my copy for me! Yay, I can't wait!!!!!

ren said...

happy birthday, cake lady!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
I love reading your blog it's hilarious!


Chey said...

Happy birthday Jen!

I fully intend to order the book just as soon as I pay my credit card bill this month. xD After that, it's the first thing on my list of stuff to buy!

Chad W said...

Hapy Brithday "Jen"!!

Haiku Joy said...

Jolly good fellow!
Feliz aniversario!
Sto lat, Jen, sto lat!

Cass said...

when and where will this book be available in Australia??

Happy Birthday!

Michele said...

Happy Birthday Jen!

You make my day every morning when I get into work. In fact, my boss and I laughed until we cried the day we discovered your blog...Which brings me to a question. We are planning a conference for June 11-14 for our association. Our spouse event is an "Ace of Cakes" contest that we expect to have more wrecks than aces. We even went to the dollar store and bought all kinds of plastic flotsam for the occasion.
(Sadly, we found no naked mohawk babies.)

When will your book be available? I would love to purchase one so that we can give it to the "winner" of our Ace of Cakes contest.


Anonymous said...

Epi Burfday Jen!!!

Leslie said...

*bursts into song at the sight of cake 1* "There's got to be a morning after...." *crickets chirping*

Erm...yes, well happy birthday Jen.

Unknown said...

OMG, I wish I baked you something really hideous! And I promise you if I had...it would have been.

Rock on with your bad birthday cake self...

E.A.D. said...

Happy Birthday Jen! May you have much fun and delicious cake on your special day!

If I can find my Barnes & Noble gift card, I'm sure I could use that towards a pre-order. If not, I'll just have to wait. Looking forward to it!

c3 said...

Happy Birthday!

Mine isn't for another week.

Sell LOTS!

Anonymous said...

I think cake #1 started out as a ugly purple dress torso cake. Then someone sat on it. The wreckorator had a cruise cake to make, so she/he drooled some blue icing down the side, threw a ship figure ans called it a day!

bassgirl said...

This is too wierd! It is my birthday, too. Lots of wonderful people born on this date. I think you should send us each a copy of your book as a birthday present. Happy Birthday Cara, Jen, Lani's husband, and me! :)

Anonymous said...

It's my birthday too!! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and congrats! Don't forget that your book will also be available for order from everyone's local independent bookstores, as well! :)

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Happy Birthday! And congrats on the book. You deserve it. You carrot jockey pusher, you.

Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)

Anonymous said...

I am lost on cake #2... Is it a congrats on your breast implant cake? That's all I can figure.

WV:INGSIC - Those cakes are vile...I think I am *gmmft*ingsic. URP!

RAM said...

It's my birthday as well! :D Who ever thought I would share it with YOU? (And Cara, Lani's husband, bassgirl, and anon seem to have their's as well.) Happy birthday!
I know my cake at least, won't be a wreck; my mom is making it. Or.. it shouldn't be.. unless she writes the wrong age on it again..

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Jen! Congratulations on the book!

Samantha Suzuki Photography said...

Happy Birthday! ----->off to pre-order! Thanks!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday to you & congrats on the book!
'Tis my birthday too. I check CW every morning before heading to work and was thinking, "She'll have a b-day cake just for MOI!" and chortling to myself in a non-psycho way (honest).

Lo & behold.. birthday stuff! See, now this blog is beyond fantastic.

Holly Denghel said...

Happy Birthday!! I LOVE that ... shoes cake. Too funny.

Susan said...

It's my birthday too! Will you be getting a wrecktastic cake for your birthday? Will you share?

Anonymous said...

Happy Brithday! (you have no idea how difficult it was to misspell something on purpose...) As soon as I get home tonight, I'll pre-order the book - damn overlords disabled Amazon at work...

Meagan said...

Happe Birfday, Jen!!!

I have my copy pre-order - may it propel you onto the best seller list!

We love you

Geans said...

Very happy birthday, Jen. You bring much joy every day! Hope you get a fantastic cake!

Unknown said...

"Hapy Birtday and Congratdulashuns on you're book!"

Seriously, Happy Birthday and congratulations.

The "boob job cake" is hilarious.

~Amy B.

Anonymous said...

Aw, YAY! Happy Birthday Jen!

ablalock said...

Happy Birthday! What a fun way to celebrate! I'm off to Amazon to do some book pre-ordering. :-)

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Happy Birfday!

And congratulations! I am pre-ordering one right now!

rae said...


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a grate day! ;)

Etiquette Bitch said...


see, i didn't even misspelll it. :)

can't wait to get the book. i'm actually going to go to my local bookstore and request one, and i urge all small-business supporters to do the same. there's a bookstore/wine bar in Chicago called The Book Cellar, and I'd miss it like heck if it were gone.

Carly said...

I just pre-ordered 8 copies for Christmas presents! Happy Birthday, Jen!

wv therste: That elephant cake sure makes me therste for sprinkles!

Riiiight said...

Alright, fine. I ordered your darn book. I hope you spend your birthday knowing that I used my Amazon gift cards for your benefit. So what if your blog has brought me more laughter than any other blog combined. Now I'm out a whole lot of psuedo-money and it's YOUR fault.

Okay, I LOVE your site and so does everyone to whom I've introduced it. Keep up the good work, and sooner or later I'll remember to submit the cake my sister made for my brother last year.

Christa said...

My birthday is Thursday, and I know what I'll be getting for it...woohoo!

Moony said...

Happy Birthday!

But Jen... where is YOUR cake? I demand a picture of the hopefully non-wrecky cake you got!

Those cakes are just... shocking. Though the elephant was sort of cute, just not very... lively.

Sydney said...

Happy Birthday Jen!

T-Train said...

Happy birthday to us! (Yes, it's my birthday too.) And congratulations on the book!

bella1021 said...

Happy birthday!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jen!!! May your cake be the wrecky-est ever!!!!

Christine Radice said...

Happy Birthday!! I wandered over to Amazon and purchased your book. I also bought the complete series of Josie and the Pussycats on DVD and Ann Coulter's newest book - so your book will probably come up as suggestions in the oddest places. When I bought the book the "others who purchased this item also bought this" that showed up was a Harry Potter book.

Best wishes with the presales.

Sara Doane said...

Happy birthday!!! =)

Anonymous said...

I've done my part! Happy Birthday, and thanks for all the laughs!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday! It's my daughter's 3rd birthday today, too.

Unknown said...

Oh boy! Small price to pay for all the entertainment you've given me!

Underneat that


tracyvanhorne said...

I pre-ordered!! YAY ME!! :) Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy b-day, Jen! May you outsell Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity combined!

And can I just say that I think the Titanic and boob cakes in the post are both well made and hi-larious, even if not necessarily in perfect taste? I say their originality trumps their tackiness, and declare both as Not Wrecks.

Anonymous said...

Have a great birthday, thanks for the wonderful LOL moments. People at work think I'm nuts.

bassgirl said...

Other May 12th birthdays: Katharine Hepburn, Yogi Berra, Bert Bacharach, and George Carlin. Of course, the downside of this birthday, if you are a mom, is that the family combines it with a Mothers Day event and you don't get a birthday cake. I'm craving some serious chocolate fudge frosting!!

Shelley said...

Happy birthday! I just pre-ordered my book from B&N. And I gave you a link over on my blog. http://www.savershelley.blogspot.com

Ellen said...

Happy birthday, Jen! Thanks for all the laughs you give me . . . I hope YOU have a lot of laughs today.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! Today is my boss's daughter's birthday too, she was born at 8:08 this morning! Thank you for maing the blog and I will definitely be getting the book!


Fluffy Cow said...

Happy Birthday! With sprinkles!!!

Boozy Tooth said...

Happy Birthday from the sunshine state. Vodka and orange juice for everyone!!

M K Glass said...

Ordered. I am praying that my cake wreck is in there (Halloween, green mummy-ish thing with white stuff all over it)!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Happy Birthday to someone who should get the BEST cake EVER for her birthday!

Michelle S. said...

Wheeee! Congratulations on your book!

Under Neat That

Best Birthday Wishes To You!!

joyce said...

I pre-ordered through Amazon and they said I'd get it 26 of October. I hope it is the first book of many---as more and more wild cakes are brought to your attention.

Happy Birthday !

Rachel T. said...

Happy Birthday, Jen!! Thanks for all of the grins, giggles and groans you've provided us - here's hoping for many more!

word verification: parop - All I want for my birfday is a parop fake boobs.

Leslie said...

Happy Birthday!! Mine is in two days, and I already want to celebrate. May birthdays are just the most bestest!

I am going to tell hubby he might want to pre-order this book as a lovely gift for me...er I mean YOU!

Have a wonderful day and hope you get to eat lots and lots of cake finery!!

Sarah said...

I just preordered 2 books! (one for me and one for a gift) I can't wait!!!

Bri said...


I'm all the way in Trinidad but I think I'll be getting myself one soon!

And Happy Birthday!

The wrecks are quite hilarious! Just reading the commentary on the third one made me want to go get schnockered on sprinkles too! Not sure I want any um...shoes...for my birthday though!

Brianna M.

Sarah said...

oh, Happy Birthday too!!

Anonymous said...

I just pre-ordered on Borders!!! (Hey, that rhymes!)

hIpPY burTdeY. und "CoMgraDs!!,."

I would make you a custard filled cake, but I don't think it would ship well.


Mara said...

"Happy" bitrhday!1

And that boob job cake is epic.

Christy-Lynn said...

Happy Birthday Jen!! I look forward to reading your blog every day and Im pre-ordering your book too! I cant wait!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

VeggieT said...

It a Gril! Hippy Balker Sirtherday! (That means "Happy Birthday" Jen in Wreckspeak)

Katie said...

Ahh, I love me some Amazon!! Just preordered your book, so excited to get it! Happy Birthday and many congrats on releasing your book!!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Jen!
I love your blog, I read it everyday morning as soon as I log on at work... shh, don't tell anyone!
Congrats on your book, you're going to be a famous literary type person now! Woot~woot!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jen!

I would love to vote on the new cover, but sadly all there is in the box for voting is a GOOGLE AD! Refreshing just changes the ad.


Dorci said...

Awww, happy birthday, Jen! And congratulations on your book! Can't wait to get and I think I'll get at least one for a Christmas gift.

Wreck on whichyer bad ol' self, Jen!

Julie said...

Elephant Cake.... um; apparently there's a bakery stupervisor somewhere that missed the discussion about checking for color blindness before allowing anyone to wreckorate anything.

WV: trami. I'm gonna trami skills at cake wreckorating.

Ms. Cherryspoon said...

Happy Birthday! Love love the blog!

Devika said...

Happy Birthday!! Oddly enough, yesterday was my birthday! Yay Tauruses!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! It's my Birthday too and I logged on hoping for some really great (not) birthday cakes for today's blog! 1st time commenting, long time reader. I think I'll get myself a present and preorder your book!
Happy Birthday to you, and thanks for the laughs!

Robin said...

I pre-ordered the book. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happle Irthday!

Jennie said...

Happy Birthday!! Love your blog! and now I have that "Fitty" Cent song stuck in my head!

"Hey Shorty, it's yer Birfday"

Megan said...

Happy birthday!

jenni said...

It's my birthday today as well. Happy Birthday Jen.

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday Jen! My baby's 1st birthday is today as well. Hope you have a fabulous day!

Rachel Erstwhilely said...

pink elephants. YES!!!

happy birthday. looking forward to sighing over the book next time I'm at Barnes & Noble, a place I go just for the pleasure of handling clean books. (I work at a downtown library. I'll make sure they order a copy. But wait... does it go under Humor or Food? Guess we'll need two.)

Debbi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!!!! I hope you get sprinkles. Lots and lots of sprinkles.

I pre-ordered your book!! YAY! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! You have the same birthday (and name) as me. :D

Jen D

kerri said...

Happy birthday In Bold Purple
Below That We Love Your Blog!

Nakia said...

Happy (belated) Birthday! Thank you for all you and hubby John do to give such hilarity and entertainment each and every day. I have ordered a copy of the book and cannot wait to receive it!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! I hope you get all the sprinkles that your heart desires. But not like that purse cake. Overkill and all that.

NotSoccer Mom said...

happy birthday! i love your blog--it always makes me laugh.

WM said...

Hippy Berfday Jen...This is the cove I would buy! Go for it. Forget the baby cakes and the wookie.

WV...PHOIN...I would phoin in my vote, but the cellphoin needs charging

Crystal said...

Happy Birthday Jen!

You Rock!!

Keep on Wreckin'!

Mari said...

Happy Birthday Jen! Now we wanna see your cake...

ehnie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YAY FOR MAY BABIES (my bday was yesterday)!

I hope your book is a success! :)

Anonymous said...

(In my most off-key voice)Happy happy Birthday from all of us to you! I wish it was my birthday, so I could get new...shoes!

Speaking of the "new shoes" cake...did anyone else notice the...ummmm... "alternate pair" on the table or was that just me?

Sue KuKu said...

Barnes & Noble Online price is $9.74! I'm a member, so I get it for $8.76!!!!

As soon as I get paid on Thursday, I'm preordering 3, me and 2 for gifts.

75% unseen material? Yowsa!

I am a letterboxer and posted on a letterbox board a message on how to find cakewrecks and the following:
Be forewarned: cakewrecks is an addiction. I have laughed until I cried reading this blog.

If you don't read it regularly, take some time to read all the older posts. Believe me, you won't be sorry!

who will never forget the day she read Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys and knew her life would never be the same!

And it never has. . .


Mike Brady said...

My initial thought upon seeing that first cake was that it was a reference to that Christmas Special of Doctor Who. The waterfall doesn't really fit, but there's a very astral vibe going on in the decoration. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. :)

Anonymous said...

I started to read this post and guess what song came?? I am going to party like its my birfday. So weird.

I love your blog!

Pink Haired Momma said...

Today is also my younger brother's birthday. He would have been 28 years old today. Splendid day for a celebration!!!

Happy birthday Happy birthday and thank you so much for the giggles!! I hope your day is full of laughter and love!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Does the color on that cruise one give anyone else the heebie-jeebies?

redraven said...

Happy Birthday Jen!! Here's to many more. Thanks for all the laughs you bring me and all your other adoring fans.

Have a best-cake-ever kinda day! I'm heading to Amazon to pre-order.

c. simpkins said...

My birthday too! Happy co birthday!

Erin said...

First, Happy Birthday!

Second, sorry for being difficult but I don't like the three options. I do like the "... Suzanne ... Under Neat ..." cake. The babies are a tad too disturbing. A poorly written/spelled cake on the other hand.

Can't wait to see the book. Thinking of all the people I know who make cakes and would not be offended to receive this as a gift.

Melanie said...

Happy Day! Hope it's aaammmmaaazzzzzing :)

jen bryner said...

i vote for THIS book cover...it's a professional cake that is CLEARLY messed up, but trying to be passed off as still great! totally wrecky:) now that i have come back to this post, i decided i don't like any of the options in the poll. GO WITH THIS ONE!!!!

Unknown said...

Woohooo! Happy birthday! It's my son's birthday today too!

Congrats on the book news.
'Fraid my fav. cover was the mock-up in this post though, not one of the 3 to vote on.

fairyhedgehog said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one.

megan stemm-wade said...

Happy Birthday! Thank you for the buttercreamy good times!

Haiku Joy said...

Dear Under Neat That,
Be Thou Jen's Cake Wreck Flagcake!
All love ~ Haiku Joy

wv: belyfich

Don't eat too much pink elephant, or you'll get a belyfich.

lori said...

Happy, happy birthday, Jenn!

And, thanks for all the laughs you've given me. :)

Congrats on the book!!

Jessica - Magical Mundane said...

Happy Birfday Jen!!




PS Yes I misspelled Birthday on purpose LOL

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Thanks for running such an entertaining blog! I put in my order with Amazon. :)

K said...

Happy birthday!! Today (12th) is my buddy's bday and Friday is mine. I think we both need a book....

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jen! Thanks for always bringing laughter to my day! I'm on my way to Amazon.com now! Can't wait for the book!

Heather said...

HAPPY BURFDAAAY!! Enjoy the cakey goodness coming your way and for the love of God don't eat the plastic baby!

Unknown said...

Happy happy birthday!! (I personally hope you get your own baby jockey cake with some horrible writing on it!)

I hope it's a great one :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!

I've never commented before, but I thought that now would be an appropriate time to express my appreciation for this site. I check it every day (and it's thus left in the history of many a school computer), and it never fails to make me laugh, or grin at the very least. It's one of my favorite sites to show to other people, and I'd love to both own and gift the book.

I also find that my craving for icing-bedecked baked goods has greatly increased over the last six months.

Becs said...

Happy Birthday Jen!

Amber said...

That's Awesome! Today is my b-day as well. Happy Birthday to us! There must be something about our sign that brings us to the love of sugary confections. Have a great one!

Indy said...


Sarah said...

It's My Birthday too!! Happy Birthday all you May 12th girls!


Allison said...

Hey, it's my birthday too!!! And I did a post on my own blog with the very same title, extra "e"s and everything.

"HapY" BrifthDay (in pink)

Anonymous said...

Jen, Cara, 2slippers, and Lani's husband -- it's my birthday, too!!! Happy Birthday to us all. Looking forward to the book, Jen. :)


Trish said...


Just wondering, what exactly is on the sprinkly, ribbony cake behind the passed out pink elephant? Looks like a pile of something! EWWW.

Jayme said...

Happy Birthday, Jen!
May the inscription on your cake be spelled right, may your icing balloons never swim in a circle, and here's hoping it's not a CCC. (*Patooey*)

Das Mutter said...

okay, that boob job cake is spectacular. I keep stealing the wrecks I like and doing them myself...now if only I could find someone getting some work done...

Das Mutter said...

oh! did I miss the part that says it's your birthday? clearly! hope it was a great one!

Anonymous said...

well it was between the book and "Happy Falker Satherhood" t-shirt... my bank account won and I went with the book :) but soon I will work a double shift and order the t-shirt!

misha said...

1. happy birthday (woo!)
2. i may never forgive you for that bobby brown video link.

Suzanne said...

It's my birthday too! That's weird. I was just wishing that you could've made mention to my birthday with a spectacularly bad wreck.

Ida said...

Happy Birthday! Is that elephant poop?

Jessica Samantha said...





HAPPY BIRTHDAYSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julienne said...

It's my birthday too!! Yay - we should all celebrate by having....wait for it....cake!!!!

Leah said...

THIS is the cover you should use on your book, for reals!

Kelly said...

Hope your day was as fun as the wrecks you find! Congrats on the book.

Xeandra said...

Happy Birthday to you and ME TOO!!! 1975

Thanks for all your 80s theme cake nostalgia.

Thanks for your blog, I know that I can always turn to you when I need a good laugh.

NYCGirl said...

It a gril! Uh, I mean, hope it was happy-- and that we'll get to see your cake!

Kemmei said...

I think I would chose the "I Want Sprinkles" cake, or one of the wedding cakes (the tartan plaid, or the Tiffany's boxes) as opposed to one of the others. Chewy and the doll don't look enough like cake, the Under Neat That cake takes too long to read and get the joke to catch a shopper's eye. I work in a bookstore, and I think that unless I featured any of those books in a staff pick display, they wouldn't sell well just from the cover.

Cris said...

Happy birthday! the first cake is just fine but the second cake is just too kinky (for adults only!)
and the third is just as cute as the 1st one..good luck on the book!

BJ said...

Happy birthday!

And that's what I was talking about in the book cover post! That cover is *perfect*.

It's the one I would vote for.

Sleepwalker said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you, and congratulations on the book. Not even going to try to come up with creative misspellings there--the accidental ones done in frosting are way funnier.

Wow, I've been following this blog for a year now. How time flies when you're having fun.

Jenna Lynn Cody said...

Hey I kind of like the freaky cruise ship.

Laura said...

It's my birthday too! I heard only really awesome people are born on May 12th.

Stephanie said...

A day late, I know, but happy birthday! :) Hope it was a good one! :)

Tamar said...

It was also my birthday! Yay for May 12th-ers!!!

Linda B said...

Happy HAPPY birthday hugs from north of the border (that's Canada folks!)
Linda in Toronto
PS. Your book will be a huge success! You'll have to pay someone to watch over Cake Wrecks while you are travelling around the world with CW-Fest 2009!
Here's to mega sprinkles today!!

Unknown said...

Hope it was a great day! Although as a fan of the English language, I must say that there is a problem with the phrase "to cold to hold"...

Anonymous said...

It was my birthday, too! I hope you had a great one, as your blog never ceases to brighten my day! Happy Birthday, Birthday Buddy!

Pilgrim said...

Well, I'll go ahead and order since the carrot jockeys are COMMANDING me to. Must listen to carrot jockeys. Must listen to carrot jockeys....

Happy belated birthday, and congrats on the book! I can't wait to get it!

A. Louise said...

last one! last one!

Jenny said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jen! :)

Anonymous said...

omg omg omg
it's my bday too!!!!!!!!!!

JustAGirl said...

Well rock me, I'm a Danish!
This makes me ridiculously happy. Hooray book!

Alison said...

A Cake Wrecks calendar would be awesome!!! (2010 maybe??????)

Happy Birthday!

Judy said...

My vote is the the "under Neat that cake" since it was the one that started it all.

Anonymous said...

Borders has a discount too!

CrankyOtter said...

Happy birthday. I ordered 3 to get the free shipping. I figure, who won't want one for christmas?

Unknown said...

How exciting! I feel compelled to point out that the book is also available through independent booksellers as well, via Indie Bound (http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780740785375).

jelloegg said...

Are the books being sold in Barnes 'n Nobles, not just online?

Baka-Neko said...

but really WHY what has the elafont been doing? (que the scary music)

Diane Kneeland said...

oh. my. gosh. I just found your site thanks to www.theatre-illuminata.com/contest2 and my life jsut got better. It's hilarious! thanks a bunch for existing hahahahaha

Bev Sykes said...

Best part about the Amazon option for purchase is finding out that "Customers buy this book with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance - Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem! by Jane Austen"

Nothing says "cake wrecks" like Zombie Jane Austen books.

Pam Bellemare said...

Happy birthday! And I'm with Tracy O: sprinkle drinks for everyone! A shout out to your blog and my newly purchased I WANT SPRINKLES t-shirt: http://betweenjobstheblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/jury-duty.html

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jen! \m/(>.<)\m/ (Insert Happy Birthday Poem Here, Rock On!) ... Oh yeah. I have to go, my "doctor" is here.(nah, I'm just kidding.)