Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to Liven Up Mother's Day

Thursday, May 7, 2009

You can't blame these decorators, really; flowery cakes for Mother's Day can get a little boring.

I would say this baker got down to the heart of the matter, but that would be hitting above the belt. [smirk]

Oh, dear. You know, I've never watched the movie, but from the tiny bit I saw here I'm starting to wonder if this is really the best choice for a cake, on Mother's Day or ANY day.* Yikes. And why "Mommies"? Do two Moms get to share this psychotic little treat?

Here's a bakery that really knows the best way to honor Mom: by eating her face!

At least they provide lots of options to choose from, though, thereby increasing your odds of finding a Mommy Head that "looks just like her!" Woo woo!

Alison J. and Kelly D., I think for fun I'm going to get a head that looks as UNlike Mom as possible. Then I'll tell her I brought in a picture of her for the bakery to match, and act like I think they did a fab job. :)

*Actually, I looked it up, and this is listed as a "christening cake". Wow. Somehow, I think that makes it worse...
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Chloe m said...

Just what I always dreamed of, a female anatomy cake! I would love to see the male version...

Anonymous said...

I don't get why the baby is on/in Louis Vuitton luggage? Is that part of the joke? Maybe aborted infants get a Chanel bag?

LoriK said...

The 2nd cake is basically an anti-choice statement in pastry form. I assume it was a party for multiple moms/babies and that the person who ordered the cake thought that the most festive and important thing to say tp the mom was, "Thanks for not having an abortion."

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who saw the wire coat hanger and thought it was an anti-abortion cake?

Charlene said...

OMG! A cake of overies? Really?

Ashley Manis said...

This has to be my favorite blog! I enjoy looking at all your cakes. So far my favorite is the a-bomb cake =)

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Sweet chocolate uterus!

Anonymous said...

The coat hanger symbol is actually generally a pro-choice symbol (ie, allow safe abortions so no one has to resort to this)... still can't figure out what the hell the cake as a whole means though!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm. Uterus cake. Appetizing? Not likely!

the ginabean said...

an ovaries cake, seriously? perhaps i shouldn't be surprised...

the mommies dearest cake is creepy to its very own degree.

as for the head cakes...i'm still laughing at the "dear caught in headlight" eyes. (not quite the same as "doe eyes" ya know?)

Reverend Ramona said...

"...increasing your odds of finding a Mommy Head that 'looks just like her!' Woo woo!"

Yeah, thank god my mom looks like Wilma Flintstone on Quaaludes, so the cake with the red hair and wide green eyes will work perfectly.

Jessica said...

I totally thought the Mommy Dearest cake was more of a "thanks for not aborting me with a coathanger!"

Cat said...

As a mom, I'm not sure how I'd feel if I had either of these presented for Mother's Day. I'd rather have the hairy earred Yoda.

skinny minny said...

Second cake...classic line from a classic movie but oh my! In CAKE for any occassion?!?!?! I don't think a line of anger and abuse is exactly a line that should be on cake.

Reverend Ramona said...

Oh, and I can see where folks might take the coat hanger cake as an anti-abortion cake, but I think it's a reference to "No wire hangers! EVER!" from the movie Mommie Dearest. Creepy cake, whatever the meaning, though.

bigSIS said...

had to take my niece for her first "appointment" yesterday....could've got that first cake to celebrate..."Happy Pap Day!"

ck said...

I especially like the sprinkles on the uterus cake. I mean, a plain uterus is simply not festive enough!

And the posters who are misinterpreting the 2nd cake have obviously missed the pop culture reference of "NO WIRE HANGERS!!!!!" Coupled with the "Mommie(s) Dearest" reference its hard to miss if you know your Hollywood Legends.

Katie said...

I hope I get a female reproductive system cake for Mother's Day. Nothing says love like a sugary depiction of a uterus and ovaries.

Megan said...

Anon-- that was my first thought too, but then I remembered the "No wire hangers ever" scene in Mommy Dearest.
So now I'm extra confused.

Megan said...

Cake #2 is not about abortion! The wire hanger scene is from Mommie Dearest, the movie (and maybe the book too, I haven't read it.)
Sometimes my mom and I joke about her being "Mommie Dearest" (she's no where near it, but has a good sense of humor,) but I don't think I'd ever get her that cake. I would, however, spring for the female anatomy cake. I love that!

Charlene said...

The first one made me howl in laughter.

But the second one...if I'd received that the buyer would have had a face full of cake *and* a face full of fist at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people have 2 mommies. That means sharing a cake or getting 2 different ones for Mother's Day. Sometimes you might have a Mama and a Mommy, but Mommies is probably easiest.

Anonymous said...

I love the first cake. Hysterical. The 2nd cake is ignorant at best. Although I personally enjoy the irony of anti-choice-ers cutting up & eating a "baby".

StuffCooksWant said...

Those are some wrecks!

The anti-abortion cake... nice coat hanger. Really classy. For an anti-abortion cake. I've totally seen better anti-abortion cakes though.

Charlene said...

My annoyance at a second cake is ABOUT it being about Mommie Dearest. Ha ha, child abuse. I would be really insulted.

Sarah Jane said...

Mommie Dearest or Anti-Abortion - either way, that's pretty f-ed up!!

Nichole said...

Why is the baby in a purse? Looks like she's going to carry her baby around in her purse like a chihuahua.

Etiquette Bitch said...

I actually pulled up CW to brighten my mood before a conference call. First words out of my mouth? "Oh, disgusting!"

Anonymous said...

are those ovaries producing... sprinkles?!?!

Anonymous said...

I also thought the hanger cake had to do with abortions...the LV handbag the baby is laying on also threw me for a abortions = designer handbags???

Tracy O said...

Let's not get this into a political or moral debate, here - that cake has NOTHING to do with abortion - check Jen's link to the movie - "no wire hangers, ever!" is a famous line from Mommie Dearest about how to hang up your clothes (designer bag tie-in here)! - and in saying that, the cake is creepy in its own right as the movie is about how the mentally deranged Mommie abused her adopted child so why make a cake about that? Abortion cake - not, child abuse cake - OK.
Soap box - off...

StuffCooksWant said...

Anti-abortion or not... it's just a great work of art.

Bwah ha ha ha ha.

Becci said...

There is no way I'd want the anatomy cake. My kids would fight ovey who got to eat the ovaries and who got to eat the uterus and all the fighting would ruin my whole mother's day.

Erin said... I haven't watched mommy dearest but I went and looked it up since it seems cake 2 is a reference to that and not some sort of abortion reference.

Either way it's too confusing. Are they saying keep abortion legal to avoid hangers but have the baby, see this one is cute?

or is it a ref to mommy dearest despite the baby being a BABY not a child and if you were going to make a ref to the movie scene, wouldn't you do better with a dress ON a wire hanger, not a no wire hangers sign ON a baby?

what on earth was this for?!?!?!

Erin said...

So, did anyone else see a steer's head in the first cake? it took me a minute to see it, ahem..properly. and then I couldn't believe that's what i was seeing and it took me a minute more to really believe my eyes. INTERNAL ANATOMY SHOULD NOT BE IN CAKE FORM! EVER!

Karen said...

Deeply creepy........

Trevor said...

I'm curious if Jen actually knows is the coat hanger is a Mommie Dearest movie reference or a "thanks for not aborting me" reference. It could be either, honestly.

But, here's what I really don't get about the cake. The baby is in a Loius Vuitton bag. Why? Secondly, the graphic on the t-shirt looks HORRIBLE compared to the rest of the cake. It looks to me like someone went in after the fact maybe and added it.

The first cake? I'm not even going there. Hell, I'm so niave,I couldn't figure out what it was at first.

Momof4 said...

I, too, saw an abortion message instead of a Mommie Dearest reference in the 2nd cake. I'm sure it was unintentional, but it was poorly thought out. Really tasteless.

Michelle said...

Uuummmmm - given my choice, I'd skip dessert.
These are just disturbing on waaaay too many levels to really comment.

Anonymous said...

My jaw dropped when I saw the ovary cake! I can't believe it.

Karen Elmquist said...

Mmmm, uterus + sprinkles = cakey goodness!
2nd cake? Speechless. brain

Anonymous said...

NO, the hanger is NOT a reference to abortion! It's something from the movie "Mommie Dearest."

Anonymous said...

Ah, thank you Cake Wrecks commenters for solving the mystery (to me) of the wire hanger. The Mommie Dearest reference sounds correct, even if it still looks odd.

Anyone else have flashbacks to the U Texas Longhorns cake when he/she looked at the ovary cake? You know you've been reading CW too long when the first thing you think of when you look at a part of anatomy is, "Oh, remember that wrecked sports / school logo?"

And the mommy head cakes remind me of a traumatic experience as a tot trying to replace a doll I got for Christmas that broke upon opening the box (IIRC the head popped off). I threw a hissy fit until my poor mom found the last one that could kind of sort of look like me (yeah, I was quite the narcissist at age 3, but I'm over that now ;)). I'm willing to be she still remembers that and would enjoy giving me one of these cakes when/if I celebrate a Mother's Day of my own.

Unknown said...

I am cracking up at everyone misunderstanding the wire hanger reference. That's a CLASSIC movie line!

And I guess while they were all looking at the hanger, I was trying to figure out the alien arms around the baby... until I realized it was handles to the LV bag.

kerry said...

when i first looked at the ovaries cake i thought it was a steer head...

Exit, Pursued by a Bear said...

Why have those cake boxes got stickers on saying "Yellow"???

the uterus cake has to be the most disgusting thing I ever saw.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. At first I thought that second cake was an anti-home-abortion cake.

Alisa Knits! said...

I totally want to take the face cakes and play a massive yummy game of Guess Who!

(As for the "Mommies Dearest," don't discount the possibility of a lesbian couple raising a child...)

Anonymous said...


the man-nurse said...
It's an ironic statement on American obstetrics that natural births don't lend themselves as well to kitchen cutlery! ;)

I like the plastic baby inside. Too bad there's no way to cake-ify a uterus (which seems like it would be easy) and intestines (which seems not so easy) for ob/gyn students or something.

Wait, were they forceps or salad tongs?

April 22, 2009 10:23 PM
Anonymous said...
To:The Man-nurse:

That sounded like a challenge to some talented Wreckorator out there... Maybe Jen will be getting some Uterus submissions soon.

Crystal said...

That first one, um. Is that what I unfortunately imagined it to be as soon as I saw it?

I thought it was just "Mommie Dearest" (decorator, get the title right, would ya, sheesh) and Joan Crawford is Scary (Faye Dunaway did a good job if you ask me). Of course I said the famous line out loud as soon as I saw the pic: "No More Wire Hangers!!!!"

Run child RUN!

Wait, you noted that it's possibly a Christening Cake? No. Please. NO.

btw: LOVE YOUR BLOG! Love you more. Been reading past posts for like, um, days now??

And: word verification fun -->

uh, dios mio? very fitting
die o sia? what is that we see, death?

Unknown said...

What exactly is that 2nd cake saying anyway, Thanks for NOT beating your cute baby??? Really CREEPY!

Haiku Joy said...

No words adequate.
I believe they fail me now
Even in haiku.

Anonymous said...

Never seen Mommy Dearest, but the fact that there are 2 mommies? Shouldn't be a surprise, really.

From Mama to a boy who also has a Mummy.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

That wire hanger emblem made me think of coat hanger abortions...eww. Like, "Thanks for not aborting me with a coat hanger."

♥ Angela said...

Wow! You can't get any more "personal" than that can you?

Unknown said...

First and second cakes? Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Although the Louis Vitton sort of "classes" up the second cake.

As for the army of coked out mom heads? I'd like a brown-haired, brown-eyed beauty to celebrate my day.

And I want sprinkles. Lots and lots of sprinkles.

Bri said...

That coat hanger/Louis Vuitton!
But those head cakes are super cute in my humble opinion! I don't know if I'd eat them though!

Maggie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only person who, at first glance, thought that the second cake was making some type of pro-life statement. Don't WORRY, pop-culture posters, I got the reference quickly after!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Mommies are a lesbian couple?

Anonymous said...

I am loving the fact that the ovary/uterus cake as SPRINKLES!! ROFL. And I totally found my mom amidst the head cakes! YES!
As for wreck #2...umm...yeah, movie reference aside, it makes no sense at all.

WV: in...YOU NEED TO read the links and at least SOME of the comments before posting your own...really.

Jenn said...

Oh yeah, I definitely saw it as an anti-abortion cake. "Thanks for not aborting me!"

Justi said...

Weird cakes...But, love em', lol!

Unknown said...

That uterus cake is just PLAIN WRONG!! What are people thinking?? Is the mom a ob/gyn?

The second one? A Christening cake? In celebration of the baby not being aborted? Dang. I think I'll stay away from that family...(cue psycho theme music)

~Amy B.

bassgirl said...

Could it be that the second cake was supposed to have an apostrophe, and actually referred to the baby itself, as in the baby is "Mommie's Dearest"? Very very creepy!

Sheila Bennett said...

Oh my, the first cake reminds me of the Dodge Ram logo. Seriously, every time I see that logo on a truck, I think of the female anatomy. Makes for a nice chuckle while sitting at a traffic light. lol

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Just what we've all wanted. To eat the reproductive organs of a mother (hopefully not mine) wonderfully illustrated before us in cake form...

...of course... :)

Fluzz said...

You just know the way to make the uterus cake even more wrekky is to use cupcakes as the ovaries.

Yep, the no wire hangers woman is scary!

Tracy O said...

That reproductive system cake is a RIOT!! It's actually accurate enough to use to have "the talk" with my 9 year old daughter - how better to open a discussion than with cake!
WV: ardic - I guess I'll have to put that in the talk, too...

miVi said...

Glad to see I'm not alone in thinking the "No hanger" sign was an anti-abortion statement. Granted, there's a lot that cake is screaming at us.

Whatever it was, I'm sure it tasted like sugary inappropriateness.

Unknown said...

I figured the second cake was for a same-sex couple. That would explain the plural "Mommies".

I got nuthin' on the hanger part, though...

Raychel said...

Hahaha, at first glance I thought the female anatomy cake was a VERY BAD Texas Longhorns. lol

Meg Natraj said...

Wasn't there a female reproduction cake in an episode of Blossom? To explain to teenage Blossom how she's, er, blossoming?

Anonymous said...

Is the handbag from the 2nd cake a reference to "The Importance of Being Earnest"?

Anonymous said...

Ew. Just ew.

I cannot think of an event in which internal organs are a sensible choice for a cake (well, except that surgeon's convention, but even still...couldn't you do something clever with a gurney or some gauze?)

The second one? I at first thought of the totally tasteless option, too -- but even the movie tie-in is bizarre, and pretty tasteless. Wow, glad you're my moms, even if one or both of you are mentally ill, egomaniacal, alcoholic child abusers! Woo. Now THERE's a warm and fuzzy sentiment for ya.

The real tragedy is that it's a well-done cake -- and would be considered as anything BUT a wreck if it didn't have that ill-advised hanger on it.

Leslie said...

Like many others I thought the second cake was making an abortion statement.
And I'd just like to say "Mommie Dearest" is a good movie in the same vein as "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" If you didn't get enough stress in between work, people with road rage, and swine flu then either movie should keep you properly rattled for an hour or so. Guess it's what my old film professor would call "a hard watch".

Anonymous said...

Coat hanger? I thought the thing on the symbol on the second cake was a poorly-drawn depiction of male genitalia and it was celebrating a lesbian couples' adoption. Regardless, the cake's ugly.


Judy said...

When I saw all the mommy face cakes I couldn't help singing "Red and yellow black and white, They are precious in His sight." It's so funny to me that they made them all races and hair colours but they're all "Labeled" Yellow!

( Yes I know that's the type of cake...sheeesh!)

:::b r a n d i::: said...

If you squint you can pretend the reproduction cake is actually just a colorful steer head.

Arren said...

@ TracyO - trust me food causes a bit of a distraction! When our sixth grade class had to watch the video about reproduction the mother made pancakes for her daughter in the shape of a uterus and ovaries and was explaining the whole process over a steaming griddle. We all laughed so hard we completely missed the gist of the film. Of course this was back in the 80's so maybe today's kids are better equipped to make the reproduction/food link.

jackie31337 said...

Anonymous #1 said I love the first cake. Hysterical.
Was that pun intentional or unintentional? (See female hysteria.
Anonymous #2 said are those ovaries producing... sprinkles?!?!
Don't everyone's? :P

WV: aulch - the sound readers make when viewing these cakes.

maryjack said...

Geez people, if you'd read Jen's commentary, you'd know what the cake was about (and really, if you're skipping the commentary, then you're missing the best part of this blog). If you'd read some dang comments, you'd know what the cake was about. Everyone's so click happy to comment, lol! It's definitely NOT an anti-abortion cake.

Christa said...

Being pregnant; the reproductive system cake made me laugh, and almost pee.
And they anti abortion cake...I'm not understanding the LV bag...and seriously do people still use hangers in THIS country?
Then we have the heads...I'm reading the book STIFF right now by Mary Roach, all I could think about was the first chapter when she watches surgeons practice plastic surgery on decapitated cadaver heads.

Dawne said...

Bahhahahahahahha! "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!" I would TOTALLY buy that cake! :D

Chelsea said...

Oh my...those heads...Well, I don't know for SURE, but they look like leftover Easter egg cakes...and I know when I worked as a cake decorator, we'd try to use up as much of the excess holiday shape cakes as possible after the holiday. We even used Valentine's hearts for Mother's Day.

But, the heads...that's just creepy...

Christina McKinney said...

Lol, the top one looks like a chinese zodiac (if you were on crack while looking at it that is!!)

Anonymous said...

As I scrolled down, I saw a cake with a baby, with a "no" sign over a hanger, and immediately thought it was some crazy anti-abortion message. Then I got down to the inscription and realized it was a reference to Joan Crawford.

But that's not really better: it references a scene where a mother brutally beats a kid of about seven with a wire coathanger. Happy Mother's Day!

Also, as others said, baby (not a child even remotely resembling Christina Crawford) + no-hanger sign + luggage = Christening cake? Whaaa?

Christa said...

oh gosh... I just noticed the "ridge detail" in the uhm...special area of the first cake...way way way way WAY too much! I can't believe it!

oh and now I see the "no wire hangers" reference...but it is all confusing with the bag and it being a baby and I'm just still nost sure that's what they actually meant...maybe it's a play on, ya know like "oh that's a great concept for an anti-abortion cake." Even thought it's not.

Sue said...

Actually, the "no coat hanger" symbol represents pro-choice, not anti-abortion. But nobody in their right mind would put that symbol on a christening cake if they knew that so it must just be a reference to the movie instead. Either way, it's in very bad taste.

RogueFiccer said...

I thought the second cake was about abortion at first, and then I saw the comments about the movie. I'm not quite sure what meaning to take from it now, but either way it's inaprops and tacky and wrong on so many levels.

Unknown said...

P.S. Happy "No Diet Day", Jen:

Hyena Overlord said...

Gross award for #1.

Whoever ordered, made and paid for #2 should be stabbed repeatedly with a wire coat hanger while someone screams "No wire hangers ever!"

Sadyly #3's are a tad cute...just a tad thought. This could be because my perception is now horribly distorted by the crap that is #1 and #2, no pun intended.

wv equall...mithpelled equal.

Anonymous said...

I seriously had no words for these cakes....well I did have three words.

What the ----!

Anonymous said...

Whether it's anti-choice or about child abuse, that is one passive aggressive (and CREEPY) cake! The only salvation that cake could have is if it were a very, very inside joke.

Redheaded Wonder said...

Has NO ONE seen Mommy Dearest??? As in "No. Wire. Hangers. EVAHHHH!!!!!" And that line has become a pop culture joke for a very overacted scene. Not the universal slogan for child abuse.

C'mon people, does everything have to be twisted around into something politcal??? Seriously.

Do you think we can all lighten up here? Please? It is just cake. And silly cake at that. I don't think Jen is secretly trying to brainwash us.

As for the first work of art, MY EYES!!! THEY BURN!!!!


Boozy Tooth said...

I dunno... the uterus cake kind of grabs me - you know - in a maternal way. Is it the cute yellow ovaries? The sweet pink fallopian tubes? The copious sprinkles that look like wayward sperm? The ridged vag... vag... vag... nevermind! I guess it's the whole concept. So lovingly iced and tasty looking.

Kayt said...

I didn't see a Mommy Dearest reference in the second cake, I saw an anti-choice cake. I don't think it makes it any better of a cake. A cake seems a tacky place to make such a statement, right?

sapna said...

Clarity on the coat hanger cake:

1) There is a wire coat hanger reference in the movie "Mommy Dearest" that has nothing to do with abortion when the mom screams "No wire coat hangers, ever!" and goes into a psychotic rage. It is probably the films most famous scene

2) The coat hanger with the slash through it is a PRO-CHOICE statement, often accompanied by the slogan "Keep abortion safe and legal." Meaning, as pro-lifers make it more and more difficult and taboo to get an abortion, women are turning to dangerous "home remedies" like using a coat hanger to perform the abortion themselves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe my family is totally nuts, but my mother would laugh hysterically at the Mommie Dearest cake. No, child abuse isn't funny, but that movie is unintentionally hilarious (or is it intentional?), and we used to watch it all the time. The "no wire hangers!" symbol on the baby is killing me, and for some reason, the fact that it's an LV bag also amuses me. Love it.

Unknown said...

I have to admit, I'm slightly afraid to see the "Fathers Day" cake.....

Unknown said...

Uh...I don't think the "wire hanger" is simply an ode to the movie.

pants said...

Oh. My. God.

I thought that coathanger baby cake was a "Thank you for not aborting me" thing.

Deliciously tasteless!

alohagirl444 said...

On the first cake, are the eggs chocolate???

pants said...

To the people complaining about people seeing the "thanks for not aborting me" message in the 2nd cake... Yes, we *know* it's not about abortion. We *know* it's about the movie Mommie Dearest. The point is, the illustration leaves itself open to the obvious allusion to abortion, thus making the cake a totally tasteless wreck on multiple levels.

Short Round said...

I never imagined something made of sugar could be so...tasteless.

Actually folks, it's a pro-legal abortion symbol (worth adding: it's based on perjured court testimony, the premise of which has been debunked by at least two high-ranking insiders). I imagine the person the cake was intended for got the reference, but anywhere else this would be a pretty major gaffe.

Becci said...

The uterus cake seems more appropriate for a mother to give her child/ren. Instead of I <3 you, it says I uterus you... like I conceived you, gestated you and gave birth to you and if that doesn't say love, I don't know what does.

But it doesn't really work for adopted children.

And there has to be a cake for moms with their tubes tied and some blank ones for moms who have had a hysterectomy.

Or maybe a uterus with a big red circle around it and a line through it... that would work for adoptive mothers AND mothers who have had hysterectomies!

clare @ the pretty walrus said...

That first one!!!!! I don't even know what to think!

Judi Hahn said...

Those first two wrecks are just horrible. Who, in their right mind, would buy a cake like that, let alone give it to their mother. So children of mine who read this BLOG beware, no uterine cakes for this mother, okay?

Mella said...

What's the meaning behind the baby on the luggage ? Babies are stashed with your bags and not suitable passengers

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment suggesting the second cake is missing an apostrophe - as in "mommie's dearest" things are her baby and her designer purse. The coat hanger is a tacky tie in to the play on words of the movie title. Tacky all around!

Anonymous said...

Clearly, they decided to write "Mommies Dearest" on the cake and then, in an attempt to be funny, they added the "no wire hangers" thing from the movie. But it's still weird, creepy, tasteless, etc., and could be misunderstood very easily...That's why it's a Cake Wreck, folks!

Anonymous said...

I can't comprehend why people would make cakes like this. Though my mom IS an OBGYN, so I suppose I could maybe, maybe, get away with the first one. But I wouldn't want to take my chances.

Anonymous said...

Joan Crawford would beat her daughter if she hung her clothes on wire hangers, screaming "No Wire Hangers." So the phrase has come to be synonymous with mean Mommie Dearest, which is what Joan insisted Christina call her. And I find the use of the term "anti-choice" very interesting. If aborted, the baby obviously has no choice in the matter..........I find anti-life much more accurate.

sendinthenewclowns said...

Tracy O said...
"That reproductive system cake is a RIOT!! It's actually accurate enough to use to have "the talk" with my 9 year old daughter..."

Have fun with that!
I can see it /hear it now (as the girl half-listens while her eyes wander hungrily over the cake):
"Uterus thing, tubes things--Yeah, Mom. OKAY, Mom. I GET it, Mom!
Now, can I PLEASE have an ovary???"

Anthrophile said...

If the second cake is for a same sex couple, it could conceivably be referring to adoption, what with that bag?

I saw the movie and read the book and I still thought "abortion." Having the movie reference back in my brain isn't changing that. I'm seeing it as an intricate twist USING the movie line to make an anti abortion statement...

(To other posters who noted this: yeah, an apostrophe in "mommie's" would make it cleverer, I think.)

Whatevs, I'm still cringing.

(I've no real objections to cakes 1 and 2. But they do make me laugh.)

holly said...

OMG. No WIRE HANGERS EVER. And "Mommie Dearest" on the cake. It's referencing the movie Mommie Dearest about Joan Crawford. Not abortion. Good golly. Maybe it's a generational thing, I don't know. But I'm always amazed at the number of people who don't get cultural references (The Godfather, Mommie Dearest....)

My mom would totally crack up at that cake. I've been known to call her 'Mommie Dearest' when doing work for her, albeit in a funny way. She knows I'm joking, just like when I call her the Anal Retentive Chef (old Phil Hartman/SNL character people). But then again, she has a sense of humor.

NancyDaQ said...


The first cake reminded me of the Chicago Bulls logo until I realized that it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

The horrible mother - the one who would scream at a child about using the wrong hangers - made the choice not to keep the child. Instead of aborting the baby, she delivered her (in a LV bag, no less) to a lovely lesbian couple, who adopted her. And now they celebrate with cake.

Lina said...

I will admit that the day before my scheduled hysterectomy I had an uterus shaped cake and a "coming out" party.

it was the best thing to liven up the spirits.

Ted S. (Just a Cineast) said...

Seeing the female reproductive system cake reminds me of Sheena Easton's Sugar Walls

Shannon said...

I did not get that the first cake was the female reproduction system. I thought it was a bull's head. Maybe Ferdinand, because he liked flowers so he would wear pink. Seriously.

And no, I don't know what a bull's head would have to do with Mother's Day.

Marga said...

Jen -

I love Cake Wrecks. I love your witty writing and even your silly puns. I used to even love reading the comments which were usually very funny as well.

But the comments lately, well...
{shaking head} I just can't stand it. I'm not trying to mean-spirited, but please go away stupid people who don't get it!

I will still check out your blog every day, but NO MORE COMMENTS!

Michelle S. said...

Wow. Cringeworthy cakes. You know they're bad when you bypass the laugh altogether and just go straight to shocked disgust.

Rebekah said...

this one just cracked me up

Redraven said...

Oh my goodness...the first two are just...WRONG. Technically, both are well done...but just wrong. Ick.

The mommy heads...kinda cute in a weird way. Better those than the first two, any day!

Bead Up said...

Woah -- the first one is half woman's reproductive organs, half Texan Longhorn logo; the second one is not only offensive, but who tf would want to eat that? I am glad the kid knew well enough that it wasn't aborted and could thank its multiple mommies for the favor.

Ai yae yi.

Brossettelewis said...

Uterus cake - I'd buy one... under the right circumstances and all. :P

It's just like my sister's urology clinic baby blankets she makes for co workers...there is a need!

What if this was celebrating a hysterectomy...cutting it apart, taking it out?

Allison said...

Anyone else see the P.A.G.A.N. goat head from the movie Dragnet in the uterus cake?

No one?

Okay, then.

Anonymous said...

I got angina looking at that first cake.


Satchel said...

You guys.

"Mommie Dearest" came out in 1981.

Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.

The red slash/wire hanger symbol was used as a powerful "never again" symbol of back-alley abortions during the fight for reproductive freedom.

I see that the symbol is now printed on T-shirts along with the famous movie line, but its first and most important use was during the fight for choice.

(Man, I feel old now.)

Karen said...

Cake 1 is making me have a flashback to Blossom! Witness the cake decorating, period explaining Phylicia Rashad

It starts around 1:00 in

As for cake 2, the less I think it about, the better.

Anonymous said...

I would like to hereby state that I am more than just a uterus. And that my duties to my daughter actually truly began when she was born. And if she gets me a uterus cake, I may throw it at her. Especially with the sprinkles acting like...something.

As for cake #2. It could be either Mommies or Mommie's. And while the coat hanger, either way it was meant, is just ridiculous, it's the bag that gets me. Huh? Is it supposed to actually read :I love Mommie's Darlings? What. I got nothing here.

And I, too, found my beloved mother's head. And I am simply never, ever going to eat it. 'Cause, ew. Just...ew.

Justin Lockwood said...

They were apparently trying to tie in with the "Mommie Dearest" legend by having a "no wire hangers ever" symbol, but the first thing I thought of-- and you all agree, too-- was a coat hanger abortion, which is a totally disturbing and inappropriate image for a baby cake.

Anonymous said...

The coat hanger thing makes a tad more sense after watching the youtube vid that Jen linked to.

But I must admit that at first glance I thought it was some sort of sick abortion reference on a cake! Ewwwwwww.

Weez said...

I love the second cake. It's a little Wildean, don't you think? A "HANDBAG?!?!?!" accompanied by a little bit of dark, biting humour. Wonderful! :3

AiringMyLaundry said...


That first cake made me giggle.

And the cake with the face? Yikes. I don't eat things with creepy faces.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the last one. the cake heads are adorable.
where can I find one?!!

Anonymous said...

Dude, at first I thought the first one was a really fancy bull's head! D'oh.

Kasey said...

UGH. That uterus looks like a maxi pad! It's awful.

I love it.

Jess said...

There's nothing more touching than saying "thanks for not aborting me" for Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...

Um, wow. Y'know I'm all for anatomy in the school cirriculum, but I'd really rather not see it on my Mother's day cake...LOL. Scary... and that comes from a former pre-med major.

Regina said...

Nancy, I too thought it was a Chicago Bulls logo. So you were clearly not the only one....Now, the notion of ovaries on a bull just makes me think of one of my co-workers, to whom we refer as "t-ts on a bull" for his general level of usefulness.

Leaving aside the politics of the 2nd cake, the bit that blew my mind was the freakin' HANDBAG. Is this a stork reference--and what self-respecting stork can afford to deliver babies in Louis Vuitton bags?

The burns.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who saw Mommie Dearest that is what the "no more wire hangers" baby cake is refering to!

MrsBean said...

A uterus with sparkly sprinkles. Hmmm.
I did not notice the coat hanger reference on cake #2 because I was busy trying to figure out the handles on that bag: some kind of freaky tail? a bizarre arm? When I did finally notice it was a bag, I wasn't done figuring: Why is the baby ON TOP of the bag, not in it? Why is the bag there at all?

dogface said...

Anti-abortion, a movie reference, Luis Vuitton, and lesbian parents all in one cake? I have to say, they do get points for creativity.

bleu said...

#1 - Even though I'm a proud owner of a set of them, I always thought ovaries and fallopian tubes look like monster/alien hands grabbing at things.

#2 - I totally took it as thanks for not aborting me in a back alley with a rusty hanger, Mom! I guess from a group of people? Or a two mom family?

Near Philly said...

Anon @ 6:07 pm,

I sent Jen pics of the same design of cakes from our local Acme food store. They are part of the Albertson's food store chain.

Pink Haired Momma said...

Hilarious! I received an email today of a cake that is fitting for your post. You can view it at and laugh your bootie off like I did!!

Enjoy your blog! Thanks for the giggles!!

CD said...

I love the uterus cake! Don't they say that ovaries look like almonds? That could be an, wait, I think ovaries are the size of almonds.

I want to make a series of cakes out all the stages of gestation!

Katie said...

Long time lurker, first time commenter. Those cakes are hideous. OMG. How could you give your mother a cake like that? That's so weird.

John Gjertsen said...

waitaminute... is that first one actually a cake, or a decorated slab of foam rubber?

Dawnspring said...

My mom would always call me "Christina darling" when I was little. Then this movie came out when I was seven years old. Since then she's never called me that except when she's being snarky.

...I really hate that movie. The cake just gives me a whole new mental scar that's never gonna heal! *I need brain bleach!*

Scritzy said...

Wow. I should have had that first cake to celebrate my hysterectomy.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. Am I the only one seeing this?
The "baby" looks likes like its pregnant..


Oh dear GOD.


Just NO.

Now how am I going to get these wrecktastic images out of my brain now? LOL

Uterus cake for the WIN!


:Candice: said...

the 'no wire hangers' is too funny.
Whenever my friends and I joke about parenting, we always bring up the wire hangers from Mommy Dearest. That movie is, I think, an anti-Mother's Day movie lol

Anonymous said...

The wire hanger has been associated with PRO-CHOICE, and not anti-abortion. The symbol means to keep abortion legal so women don't resort to a hanger.

But, I like the Mommie Dearest reference. Mommie Dearest was a classic!

Jess said...

You know, as an infertile, I really like that first cake. It's just the kind of sarcasm I'd have appreciated before we had the kids!

I assumed that the coat hanger thing was a reference to Mommy Dearest, not abortion? Just a guess. And why can't "mommies" be lesbians? That seems obvious to me...after all, otherwise wouldn't it say "we"? Also, it could be birthmommy and mommy. I'm the first to jump to that conclusion, though I'm not sure the whole cake screams that as a likely possibility.

jmladow said...


And I don't think I could actually eat a cake with ovaries...

<3 Jessica from

Anonymous said...

Love the first one! Yes, it looks like a steer's head; gives it a friendly appearance. Y'know, home on the uterine range and all... What I like the best about it is how the sprinkles make those ovaries look all sparkly.

THe evil baby-in-a-purse is so weird it made me laugh.

dykewife said...

what got me on the "mommies dearest" cake was the coat hanger thing on the weird!!

Glory von Hathor said...


Ah, and the irony is that the very best uterus cakes are the CCCs which are meant to look like an elephant/ballerina/shamrock/car.

Hannah said...

I think the second one is thanking 1) birth mother for not aborting AND 2) non-birth-mother for adopting. Though why they would be together on Mother's Day to receive the cake, I have no idea.

You should do a wrecks post on bag cakes. I've seen some hideous ones, like the Louis Vuitton in that cake.

Anonymous said...

Good heavens! The "no-coat-hanger" as a pro-choice symbol? That's genius.

Unknown said...

I would actually get the Mommie Dearest cake for my mother (who'd probably love it - although she'd want to correct the extraneous 's'). XD She and I both love that movie, and make a lot of joking references to it that are doubtless in terrible taste but that's the fun of then.

And of course on my next birthday she'd retaliate with a The Bad Seed cake... maybe the little blond girl sitting on a pink electric chair?

the new world said...

Even if the second cake is supposed to be a reference to that movie, the wire hangers emblem is really misleading.. I used to have a pro-choice button that looked identical to that (a hanger crossed out) so people can be forgiven for mistaking it for an abortion reference. Wouldn't there be a better way to reference the movie without making an ambiguous abortion statement?

the new world said...

Also -- to all the commenters -- why don't you actually read Jen's posts and click on the links she includes with the posts? She already knows about the Mommie Dearest reference; that's why she LINKED to it IN THE POST. Sorry to yell, but so many of you are saying "Hmm, I wonder if Jen knows that's a reference to Mommie Dearest?" and "Thanks to the commenters for explaining the second cake to me!"

I don't read the comments to every post, but it seems like this is Epcot all over again... Is the comments section always so oblivious to what Jen actually wrote? She's pretty smart; I'm guessing she gets the references in 99.9% of the cakes she writes about, and if there's a reference she doesn't recognize, there's this thing called Google that I'm sure she uses regularly. I don't know why people automatically assume she's totally clueless about everything.

(/getting down off soapbox)

Anonymous said...

I get that it's supposed to be a "Mommy Dearest" reference, but the anti-abortion statement is and unfortunate, and rather glaring coincidence. How could the decorator miss that?

jackie31337 said...

sendinthenewclowns said Soooo... After Mother's Day is over, I see a potential market for all of the ugly head cakes that didn't sell (of which there could be many)!
They can put them out for those who like to celebrate the French Revolution.
Let them eat cake heads?

WV: caliced. Caliced the cake beautifully, but the wreckorator still messed up the inscription.

Marjorie said...

I admit the first cake made me laugh - maybe not to eveyone's taste, but if it was a mothers day cake presumably whoever ordered it knew their mother would be entertained!

The second one - I've never seen Mommie dearest so didn't get that reference - I thought of Lady Bracknell and 'A HAAAAAANDBAG'..

having seen the link for the movie I'm now guessing this was a tongue-in-cheek thing - some in-joke for the people concerned.

I actually find the severed heads most disturbing..

Ophelia said...

Okay, I'm going to say this: I would rather have an overiced, crappy cupcake cake than a cake with a full female reproductive system on it. Yargh!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't the second one a "thanks for not aborting me, then hiding me in a suitcase and dumping me somewhere" cake?

lbgriffin said...

I am grealy disappointed that you posted the "Mommies Dearest" cake with the coat hanger symbol on it. It was in very, very poor taste that it was made to begin with, and it certainly wasn't anything that I wanted to see on your site. I look here every day for a laugh, and that certainly is not remotely entertaining.

Anonymous said...

SICK!! I love it! We've used that line for years every time our pants get wrinkled while hanging in the closet. Wonder if that baker does Father's Day cakes .... or even better yet, Grandparents Day! Now there's fodder for deep seated psychoses!

the un-bride said...

Apparently I'm not the only person who thought the "no hangers" cake had another, more grim interpretation. How does a wreckerator miss that, exactly? Yikes.

Lapis Kelinia said...

If a uterine cake is what MOM gets, what does Dad get??

Sophia Nightengale said...

Makes me wonder about how Father's day will turn out on here?

Furry Bottoms said...

OMG the Mommy Dearest cake! In the movie Mommy Dearest used a wire hanger to beat her daughter hence the no wire hangers sign on the baby's shirt on the cake. WOW.

Unknown said...

im speechless :)

Special Sauce said...

Hee- I've got my mom sold on a uterus cake for mothers day... also? Mommie dearest cake was in sorta poor taste, but I get the joke. (Then again, I also got Joan Crawford movies for my on mom for her birthday. The tag said... "To Mommie Dearest." We laughed our arses off.)

Then again, we are a little strange...

linty said...

Down with coat hangers!

sendinthenewclowns said...


"Let them eat cake heads?"

Works for me! >^~~^<

Anonymous said...


Since when were two mother families worth mocking? Nice to know that when I eventually adopt kids with another woman it's worthy of adding to the 'wreck' label.

Trish said...

Just what I'd love for Mom's Day! A uteris cake! Ewww...

Those Mom Head cakes are kinda frightening. If your Mom looks REALLY tense and either scared and/or constipated, these cakes are for you!!

pika23 said...

Ohhhhh the wire coat hangers=Mommie Dearest! I love that movie, but totally missed the No More Wire Hangers reference...I too thought it was first glance I thought it was the Ghostbusters ghost wearing a NO symbol, then I thought it was a no smoking symbol, then I thought it was a choking hazard symbol so baby can't get strangled by a hanger.

As for "Mommies"Dearest, maybe they are a gay couple? I dunno.

faunablues said...

I love the uterus cake! It could be worse... maybe an endometriosis cake, or a ovarian cyst cake, or a hysterectomy cake (well, that one would probably look the same, but with a circle and a slash). Maybe we'll get a diagram of the male (internal) sexual anatomy. A piece of vas deferens for everyone!

Amy Lee said...

Nothing says I love you like a uterus....

Anonymous said...

I swore off reading comments after the Epcot controversy (which was entertaining yet tiresome), but I was hoping someone would have an answer about why the hanger baby is in a handbag. Instead, it's Pop Culture Knowledge Wars Part II in here! I guess I'll jump into the fray: I agree the cake is most likely referring to the movie, but without the text there is more evidence for it to point to a statement about abortion. Either way, it's as spectacularly wrecky and tasteless as you can possibly get!

holly said...

Yanno, the more I think about it, the more weird that 'christening cake' gets. Here we are to dedicate this child to God, to make them a member of the church...and mom's LV handbag ranks right up there next to the infant???? Is that materialistic or what? That would bother me far more (as a statement about me) than would the uterine cake.

Professor Chaos said...

Oh good God Almighty! It's enough to make me wish I were an orphan!

Vita said...

It took me a minute to figure out that first one, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I actually kind of like the head cakes. I would be kind of happy if someone gave me a cake of my face. is that weird?

Queen Mommy said...

Seriously, WHO could EVER eat a uterus cake??? OMGoodness!

twenty_two14 said...

That first cake is seriously disturbing.

Dea said...

Maybe the baby in the Louis Vuitton bag was from an adopted kid to BOTH his moms - the one who gave him up and the one who raised him?? The no hanger sign is a super classy touch, though...

And um - can I have the piece with the ovary "dust" on it???? PLEASE????

Dea said...

And yes - we get that in the movie, Mommy Dearest, she doesn't want her to have wire hangers - BUT - it's an a bag....and it DOES say momMIES....plural....I still say it's even funnier as an adoptive kid thanking his birth and adoptive moms...

Whitney G said...

Re: Cake #2I can actually see this cake being both a reference to Mommie Dearest and to abortion (whether pro-choice or anti-choice, I honestly can't tell). Is there some rule that states that the two references can't be incorporated together in pastry form? I see pro-choice T-shirts with the iconic quote "No More Wire Hangers," so obviously SOMEBODY is tying the two together.

It's the Louis Vuitton bag that's totally throwing me, though.

@Angela:Might I offer some advice to you? If you think the commenters here are so stupid, perhaps you should not read the comments. Just an idea, of course.

hanna said...

OMGOSH! I love the 'no wire hangars' cake. Too funny! I *loved* that movie when I was a little girl. However, even to this day, when I hang my husbands pants on wire hangars, I always think "NO WIRE HANGARS... EVER!"

FTR, I have 5 kids, soon to be 6 - and I've never abused any of them.... and to my knowledge, even the older ones have not seen that movie.

Rechelle said...

These are classic....too funny!

... said...

I actually think the baby with the 'no wire hangers' thing is really funny :)

in a sick humor kind of way.

Amy J said...

Could the wire hanger be in reference to the Movie? Since she has her freak out moment over wire hangers? Ok I see others thought that too. I think that has to be why it is there. However I still think that the cake is just creepy. Especially the Louis Vuitton print on the bag. It makes no sense at all.

Andie said...

Actually, the uterus cake would still be ~below~ the belt.

And, I'd like it if it weren't on a background of darkness.

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