Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sweet Tweets

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Many of you already follow me on Twitter, but for those who don't (and for you newbies) here's a sampling I think is worth repeating.

- "Cake or death?" with Lego illustrations. Very nice.

Headline: Goat Breaks into Home, Eats Cake. Quote: "I feel sorry for the lady, but it IS kind of funny."

Does CW have some fans over at ESPN? You be the judge: "I want sprinkles." (Thx Ian!)

- Crazy cupcake creepiness:

I think I like it. (thx Itsirk!)

- Here's a nifty trip down memory lane: "My Life in Frosting": ET & Vader & Superman, oh my!

(Either this E.T. cake or the Ghostbusters one is my favorite, but check that link out for lots of nostalgia-laced goodness.)

- Need a diversion? Then take this quiz by CW reader Silver and find out which Cake Wreck you are!

And lastly, your Wreck for the day:

- Cakes that look like poo are bad enough, but on your WEDDING DAY?!?

Ah, redneck weddings…

If y'all enjoy today's post I may make "Sweet Tweets" a regular feature here on Wrecks. Thoughts? Questions? Comments?

UPDATE: Fascinating. I had no idea Twitter could inspire such strong feelings of dislike! Chill, everyone: I just thought I'd try something a little different for a post. I'm not trying
to "sell" you on Twitter or change my usual writing style - I just wanted to share some fun and funny bits for you non-tweeters, is all. I'll be sure to post less material if I try again in the future, though; it seems most of you agree this post is too long.
Yakira said...

What an...interesting...idea for your wedding. Wow. xD

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I'm a Wal-Mart cake according to the quiz. It figures.

Wanda in AL

Melinda said...

I don't care if it tasted like cake, it looked like crap...that would not make it past my lips.

I really enjoyed the life in frosting blog post though, and the Lego video. Great idea for a new feature, Jen!

Anonymous said...

I didn't like the post. Too much going on.

Truly Hideous Gifts said...

The kid with the ET cake looks like Elliot!

Sheila Bennett said...

Yes, I enjoyed re-visiting your tweets. I do follow you on Twitter, but you must have shared some of these before I started following. Love the Lego video!

And I also agree that there may have been a bit "too much going on" because there was a lot of clicking to other sites.

Unknown said...

As a series of links/resources (maybe somewhere on the far right side of the page), I think it's great. As far as a regular post is concerned, it's too disjointed and, as a post, not funny in and of itself. I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather read your writing which, more than the photos, is what keeps me coming back here every day.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, that is disgusting. And I can't believe Tapanga was hosting that show!

kat79 said...

I like it. Somehow I'm the raw steak from Father's Day.

w.v. calnurni - not sure what it is but sounds like a creature that my geeky husband would know about.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the post, but I like the regular posts better =) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Tweets sounds cute as long as you never again imply that ESPN knows you even exist. The head swelling would be explosive [on your part].

Katie said...

I could see Scott Van Pelt being all about CW. He did dress up as Captain America:

Robin said...

I always like to learn about new blogs and fun links, so this was a good post for me.

Anna said...

I enjoyed the post but I don't need Twitter in my life. Sorry, but this will not make me follow you either.

And what was with that dumb TV presenter? She seemed like she was on moron-crack or something...

The manure idea is really, really sweet though. A really good symbol for a wedding (and it reminds me of Hello, Dolly!).

Tara Bergin said...

I either have deja vu, or you have posted that last video before... hrmm..

Donna M. said...

Love it Love it Love it!!! Yes, keep it up :)

The wedding cake...ewww!

And...I'm the steak cake *sigh*

Unknown said...

Love this idea - please make it a regular thing!

Anonymous said...

You pulled out the ET Cake but left Ookla from Thundarr the Barbarian over at the My Life in Frosting page?! For shame, Jen.

Hali Chambers said...

YES! Regular feature! :-) H.

Chey said...

According to the quiz I'm the drunk plaid cake. I really do mean well. xD

The post was amusing, but I don't think it should be a regular thing. I miss the wrecks and your commentary. Maybe you could do it as an "extra" sometimes, but I don't like the idea of making it weekly.

Bdubba said...

That was a darn long, very profound quiz. I am the Walmart cake (under neat that write...)

Pilgrim said...

I took the quiz and found out I am the creepy baby cake. From now on, I'm going to introduce myself that way to people. "Hi, I'm Michelle... the Creepy Baby Cake Girl. How are you?"

Loved the flashback to the ET cake!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't do the twitter-thing, so it would be nice to see things I might have missed.

I agree with the CW fans who enjoy your writing, which adds so much to the wrecky goodness!

sendingtheclowns said...

Oh, yeah. I know some people who would do that poop-cake bit.
SO totally corny! And they'd actually believe that they were *shocking* people, too.

But the clip DID give me this thought:

DAY-YAM! Ah could git muhsef RICH if ah made poop-shape dog treats an' SOLD em ta people what have DOWGS!! AYUP, I could jes' mebbe DO that.

Anonymous said...

I like the Sweet Treats, enjoyed it very much!


Anonymous said...

I like this post! I generally don't tweet, so I enjoyed the highlights :)


Haiku Joy said...

The best is Jen's wit,
But even Cake Wrecks needs rest.
Sweet Tweets = chance to breathe?

Ginny Teague said...

YES!!!! I'm the Creepy Baby Cake!!! I love those. They're so.... ew!! Keep up the GREAT work, Jen! Your blog is the BEST! I look forward to reading it every day!

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Well ou got to admire the fact that she's original...

Anonymous said...

I don't tweet so I really enjoyed this post!

Trish said...

Well, I did that "What Kind of Cake Wreck are You" quiz. Apparently I'm a Walmart Cake...they had the picture of "The Cake That Started it All" for good measure. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but I supposed it could be worse; I could be a poo cake!!

Anonymous said...

Please *DON'T* make twitter posts a regular feature.

I can't stand twitter. I'd list the reasons why but they are myriad.

Video-laden posts are a pain, too. People tend to forget that not everyone in the world has some form of high-speed connection. Hell, it's not even available in some parts of the US yet.

Ashley said...

Interesting to see what is going on in the cake world...

Ctal said...

Sure, make it a regular feature! Oh and also, omg...was that Topanga from Boy Meets World talking about the poo cakes???? It sure looks like her!

Dan said...

If I wanted to twitter, I would twitter

Half Assed Kitchen said...

You have some good stuff on there. I'm gonna have to Follow.

Angie (from over at

Squiddy said...

I love the blog and check it every day. But I find this Twitter thing very confusing. This is the first post that didn't even make me smile. Please go back to your own words in context and let those who love Twitter follow you there. Leave Cake Wrecks as is, so we ALL can enjoy it.

Jenneviere said...

The huge cupcakes are from Burningman (you can see more photos of them here: Having seen them in real life, I can honestly say that they're genius. They move! They're motorized, and can go at quite a clip--faster than I can run at a sprint, however fast that is. They've got a full bakers dozen, last I knew, and as they move across the desert (desserts across the desert!) they're quite imposing.

Momof4 said...

BTW, you were mentioned on Bakerella's blog this week. I meant to copy the link to send you, then I got sidetracked

Tonya Luiz said...

Oh please don't add any twittering to your blog. Your blog is one of my favorites and twitter is super annoying for many people including myself to have to deal with. I would hate to skip over your blog if you started adding a weekly twitter entry.

Marie Bayer said...

I'm going to have to join the 'nice but not very often' group on this type of posting. I follow blogs, I don't Twitter.

I'm a Steak Cake and I'm not quite sure how to take that ...

Jenika said...

Please, please don't go to a Twitter style. Everything is going to Twitter and I don't want this to be ruined.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel strongly one way or another about Sweet Tweets. However, if you keep it, pleeeeeeease cut it to a quarter of the length.

Raychel said...

The worse part was watching them eat it! NASTY!

Raychel from

Aphrodine said...

HooooooBOY! I bet Freud would have a field day with the last "cake."

Anonymous said...

OMG, OMG, OMG! Tea and cake or death! Tea and cake or death! Eddie Izzard rules. Eddie Izzard in Lego reinactments rules even more. (Can't believe this hasn't popped up in your posts before, but it is kind of a random reference that doesn't easily work its way into daily life - unless you're an Eddiehead like my husband and I are.)

Julie said...

Not a huge Twitter fan. I liked some of the features (I'm a drunk plaid wedding cake), but it was too much in one post for my taste.

WV: Backsp. Many a cake decorator wishes for a backsp key to correct their mithspellings!

arbed said...

I don't twitter (ick!) so I like to see the extra bits you've discovered or been told about. I don't understand why people are against this sort of post if they don't twitter - it's not twitter, it's just some fun links that came from twitter. What's wrong with that? Personally, I like this kind of post because it's a quick way to find other cool blogs, videos, etc. I find a lot of good stuff when people do this kind of post.

Depending on how much good stuff you actually get via twitter, maybe it could just be every two weeks or once a month or something. You'd know if you get enough to make it weekly.

Sunday Sweets isn't a "regular" post of yours either, but everyone seems to love that, so the argument that it's not "you" doesn't really make sense either.

I'm sure this type of post makes things easier for you because now you've only got to deal with finding "real" cakewrecks stuff for five days a week, allowing those to remain more cream of the crop, you know?

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad the girl from Boy Meets World is working.

crittyjoy said...

I love the Sweet fun!

Juliet said...

I think those cupcake costumes are actually little cars, I saw them in an article about the world's weirdest cars on MSN.

Please don't bring Twitter to the blog. If people want to follow you on Twitter, there's a link posted at the top of the blog... it seems like a bit of overkill... just my opinion though... I don't get the popularity of Twitter anyways.

Now the Sunday Sweets... Aw Yeah!

PS My word verification is Satinfro.

Lisa in TX said...

The sweet tweets is funny and all, but I'd rather have real wrecks.

John Sperry said...

Oh my gosh, I usually don't get nauseated looking at cakes, but the horse poop? Yeah, I'm feeling queasy!

Heather said...

I already follow you on Twitter, so don't feel a need to see this repeated. It is nice to see something I may have missed though, just maybe not as a regular post.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of Twitter, but I still have one and check it every now and then for good links from the likes of you and the Bloggess, as well as some funny things from a couple of other people...

Catherine R. said...

I'm laughing at the people who would stop reading because of Twitter updates. Skipping posts you don't like is hard because the Internets are so heavy.

Kelly said...

How on earth is this post too long? people are so spazzy. "how dare you send a link to another website! I hate discovering new and cool things" The post was fine and awesome!

Anonymous said...

I like it, but that's probably because you lead off with Eddie Izzard. ;-)

Ringleader said...

Funny as always. Simply don't understand people who feel compelled to critique over every little thing. It's YOUR blog and we're all just visitors. Like, I wouldn't dream of stopping by someone's house and then complaining that the lemonade they served me was too tart.. you get the idea- so really people... get a grip!

megangiselle said...

Loved it!

I'm the Walmart Cake!?

Will. NOT. Twitter.

Maddy said...

Hmm. I was going to say that's the perfect combination until I got to the dog poop bit.

I love Eddie Izzard and I've actually seen the cup cakes just up the road at Maker Fair.
Tweet away dearie.

Valerie said...

I, for one, liked this post and thought it was fun and a neat way to share some fun stuff. I'm not a tweeter or on Twitter or however you say it, so I appreciate you sharing some fun stuff that I otherwise wouldn't have seen. I didn't think it was too long at all - it was a great length! As far as I'm concerned you can make this a regular thing - who can say no to funny cake links on the crazy ol' world wide web? Some people just like to complain. Whiners. :)

Kim said...

Too much going on? Too much clicking? I don't get it. Are we all so busy on a weekend that we don't have time to do more than skim a short blog post?

I personally thought it was all great - I love sites that find interesting things to share! I loved the Eddie Izzard clip - I was cracking up the entire time!

Robert said...

I, for one, appreciate someone that actually uses Twitter for good, not evil. Microblogging is a legitimate form of promotion, and it's not Jen's fault that some idiots tweet about their bowel movements.

I'll have to start following you.

Unknown said...

too long? sheesh ppl skip over and come back later if you like. i say- thanks!

jeannie said...

I don't have the attention span for multiple videos. Also I usually view CW in my google reader, and I don't like having to click all the links to other sites to watch the videos because sometimes (I have no idea why) a video in a post won't show up on the reader.

Love the Life in Frosting blog though! Thanks for sharing, and keep up the great work!

kth said...

I found your blog a couple weeks ago and immediately added it to my reader. I love this site - it always makes me smile and laugh. Thank you for the time involved in keeping it going!

This sweet tweets post was fun. The quiz was awesome - I loved the questions (finally a quiz that actually contained an answers I wouldn't be faking to believe).

smiles :) said...

Jen, your posts are never too long, I would love them to be much longer! :) And I loved that you shared the leggo video- that is one of my favorite Eddie Izzard bits! :) Thanks again :)

Mii Maker said...

I loved the legos. :)

...Problem is, my brother and I are going to be quoting it all day..."CAKE OR DEATH?" "Cake, please."

Unknown said...

I've never commented on this blog before, but I've been reading it for about a year. (Sorry, no need to go out of my way to say, "that cake is hilarious!" but I do enjoy the heck out of reading.)

That said all the "OMG please don't post here what you posted on the evil Twitter machine" comments are hilarious. Had Jen just posted "a bunch of short links to funny cake-related things I've seen," no one would have raised an eyebrow. But because she's posting things she tweeted earlier, that means we get threats of boycott and get to throw around words like "evil."

This is getting close to the funniest thing ever on this blog. (Nothing beats "I want sprinkles," which is going on my groom's cake.)

Jayme Q said...

I thought this post was great! What are people talking about?? And... what kind of attention span must you have to think that this post was just TOO long to bear? Ugh.

And... I'm the Wal-Mart cake. "You're an oldie, but a goodie. You can take things a wee bit too literally, sometimes."

That's true, I guess. Oh well, have a great afternoon!

sendingtheclowns said...

Ringleader said...
"Funny as always. Simply don't understand people who feel compelled to critique over every little thing. It's YOUR blog and we're all just visitors. Like, I wouldn't dream of stopping by someone's house and then complaining that the lemonade they served me was too tart.. you get the idea- so really people... get a grip!"
I SECOND that emotion!
With raucous applause and loud shrieking whistles, at that!
People who don't want to play can pick up their pouty lips off the floor and go home. (It's NOT their party and they CAN'T cry if they want to.)


Val said...

I really liked this post!! Its a great format for a lazy Saturday morning. Once a month would probably be good.

P.S. I'm pre-ordering the book this weekend! I can't wait to put it on my coffee table for all my guests to see!

Tabitha said...

Good lord people take a chill and don't read it if you don't want to see took the time to comment...I LOVED IT not all the posts make me want to laugh so hard I spit tea over the keyboard but more often than not on this blog...rock on and I CHOOSE CAKE or maybe death I dunno depends on whose comin' with me, will we still be able to read CW?

poklor: the portion of the population who hates what they read but decides they want to comment any way-that or a shortened version of the words 'pork lore' odes to pork rinds

Rachel said...

Apparently you have lazy readers. It is far too hard to scroll past a post with your Tweets. Post them as often as you like, it's your blog. :)

I will be a scroll-paster probably but it doesn't bother me to do so.

amandyanderson said...

People are crazy giving you so many opinions. It's a blog that you write for fun. And you write it for you, and we like it. Whether or not they like twitter or not who cares :)

I follow you on twitter, but I miss things, and so this is perfect. It really wasn't too long, I can read what I choose to read, it was perfect to be able to watch the videos IN the post. just PERFECT :).

I can't get over how opinionated people are about your life ha! I guess that's what happens when you have a blog, can't have a thin skin...

but I'll approve and still read no matter what you decide to do. :)

Thanks for making me laugh almost every day, and for free!

You Rock!!!!


Big Fat Mama said...

I had to post to say that I really enjoy Cake Wrecks and have sent a link to many of my friends.

I actually liked the Sweet Tweets (I'm not on Twitter) and I think it would me a really great regular feature. :D

And according to your quiz, I'm the Naked Mowhawk-Baby Carrot Jockey Cake. It's appropriate, I really am just plain weird sometimes.

Mike said...

I support this post.

Nicole P said...

For those ticked off about the Twitter aspect - deal.

No one is making you "join" Twitter. She is simply sharing things with you that you would not have seen otherwise.

I am no fan of Twitter either, but I loved this post. Keep it up!

Sheila said...

Yay! Funness! Not too long, not too tweet-y. Just lovely. :-D

Anonymous said...

I don't get how this ticks people off. Like someone else said--had you not mentioned specifically that this was stuff from your Twitter feed, no one would have batted an eye at it. But, since people have these areas of technology that they just refuse to accept, they have to cop an attitude any time that thing is even mentioned. Posting these links as one post is not a Twitter thing. And, if the post is too long or you don't like it, DON'T READ IT. Or don't click on the links and just speed on through to see the other stuff. Jen shouldn't have to not post things like video clips just because some people can't view them on their internet connection, either. Just because you can't view the things, it means none of us who have that ability should be able to discover and enjoy them either?

Anonymous said...

I thought that there should have been more wrecks on the post, but I really loved the "Cake or Death" video.

Spoodles said...

I'm the carrot jockeys! Sorry... I was excited... hehe... anyway... I don't do the whole Twitter thing, but I really liked this post as an occasional thing... if anyone cares...

Moo said...

I'll add my opinion, since you did ask. I don't Tweet, so I enjoyed getting the highlights I would otherwise have missed. I did not find the post too long. I don't feel that it is necessary for me to click on every link posted, I understand that it is okay to skim and only check the ones that look interesting to me. I got as many laughs from this post as from others.

Summary: if you want to add Sweet Tweets as a regular feature, I would quite enjoy it.

Denise said...

great post! thanks for the highlights! :)

Sckuter18 said...

wahhh, too much clicking. too many links. waahhh. seriously? are you too lazy to click?

Katie said...

Since I am not on Twitter and have no plans of joining up (EVER), I enjoyed the opportunity to see some fun stuff that I would otherwise have missed. I think I would be interested in this as an occasional feature, though preferably not as frequent as every week. I prefer the longer form of blogs to tweets. However, it's your blog. If you want to make Sweet Tweets a regularly scheduled feature to give yourself some breathing time, more power to you.

QueenKatofTypos said...

I am actually a Twitter lover and I follow you on Twitter. I'd rather not see more Sweet Tweet posts, because it's duplicate content to me. The people saying if they wanted to see your tweets, they would get on Twitter are right.

FWIW, I don't like blogs that post a summary of their posts that week or month for the same reason... they're duplicating content I've already seen.

Heidi said...

I just can't get over the fact that I am a Wal-Mart cake. LOL

AllBlueZoo said...

I for real threw up in my mouth at the poo cake. *blech*

Unknown said...

The amount of moaning in the comments is quite ridiculous. :|
People don't get twitter/don't want to twitter? Well, that should be fine since this isn't twitter, it's just links and videos of funny cake related things. Jesus.

I love the cake wrecks quiz! Haha, I got the naked mohawk-baby cake! Fabulous XD

Also: Eddie Izzard is the funniest man on earth.

Crystal said...

I'm not a tweeter, and after reading the post, I think you'd have to be a tweaker to know what the heck is going on. Not a fan. I enjoy your witty posts far more.

bubbasmom said...

I loved the post. I clicked every single link, and posted my quiz result to my facebook page:^)

It totally worked for me!

bubbasmom said...

Also, Ingeborg is right: Eddie Izzard R O C K S!

Anonymous said...

It's your blog, so do what you like with it. None of us can stop you anyway!

Personally, I didn't think much of the Sweet Tweets and scrolled past pretty much everything. Just not interested.

Then again, I'm not interested in the Sweet Sunday entries either. But I wouldn't think of berating you for posting them.

I come here to laugh my head off at the wrecks. If I wanted to read about cake decorating or cakes in general, or watch Eddie Izzard, or anything else, I'd look elsewhere.

But it's your soapbox. Anybody who doesn't like the content has the right to shut up and move along.

(By the way, I turned out to be the steak cake. Hmm.)

Dorci said...

Holy smokes, the ridiculously bad attitudes that some people have amaze me.

I loved the posts and hope you continue to incorporate it. The Cake or Death was hilarious. I had to post that on my FB.

And I checked out the "My Life in Frosting" blog and the whole post was so cute I had to leave a comment.

Thanks, Jen, for all the time you take to do these just to give our lives a giggle. It's much appreciated! (Nevermind the goobs.)

Glory von Hathor said...

Thank you Jen. The sight of those newlyweds forcing horse manure cake into each other's mouths sure did wipe away the memory of those c.l.o.w.n.s.

Now, what can you give us tomorrow to wipe away the manure?

Misa said...

poop means good luck in japan :) so it's not that weird to have it on a cake. it's a compliment really... rofl. they have all kinds of poop stuff, keychains, whatever :D wouldn't be surprised to go to a bakery and find one on a cake.

voting against twitter, it's kind of useless to bring it here - besides isn't twitter for posting what you are doing, or what's going on on your website...

wreck on!

Paradigm said...

It seems like a lot of the hate is for Twitter specifically, which is confusing to me. I follow you on Twitter but I do occasionally miss things. I liked this post, and I'm sure it was much easier for you to assemble than your more usual presentation of wrecks. I don't see a problem with you doing a Sweet Tweets post, or similar collection of cake-related interesting bits that you'd otherwise put on just Twitter, especially since I'm sure so many people do share these sorts of stories with you in the first place. Making it a regular thing, well, maybe not a scheduled post the way Sunday Sweets are, but maybe every now and then if you can't get an actual wreck post going.

Debbi said...

Holy Crap! I am the CREEPY BABY CAKE!!!!!!


Unknown said...

I don't get all this crazy hostility!

It's your blog, you do what you want with it. I enjoy it in all forms!

Joanne said...

What all the supporters said -- I need to find a day and do a catch up now that I have found your fabulous blog!!!

LOVED the first video - haven't check out the other posts but certainly intend to.

Thanks Jen!!!

Anonymous said...

Before Twitter, we called this sort of thing 'briefs.' Since it isn't 100% cake wreck material, I'm not in favor. Pictures of cakes with witty commentary, plz.

Anonymous said...

I love the extra content! Nice to share some notables for those of us who don't follow Twitter.

Although maybe it'd be better as an extra at the bottom of normal updates? Like when you showed us all that awesome claymation vid.

Captcha: fulases With all of these wrecks, we all won't have fulases any time soon!

Sarah Schulz said...

Ooh! Ooh! I like sweet tweets!

Walk On said...

I've yet to see a bad post here. Period.

As to the Twitter haters... ok, you hate Twitter. Fine. That's cool. You have the right to like or dislike whatever you want. So don't use it. However, you can't reasonably expect the rest of us to quit using or talking about it just 'cause you don't like it.

Likewise to the folks who don't like videos 'cause you don't have high speed. I don't have high speed either, however, I am capable of ignoring the video links if I don't feel like waiting for the download. What I would't do is demand there to be no video links for other people to enjoy just because I can't. She hasn't said a word about going to an all-video blog, so until she does, I'll enjoy what I can and be happy it's here. I don't expect other people to handicap or limit themselves just to come down to my level of 'net capacity.

Either way, it's a case where you can not expect other people to make all the same choices you have, or be in the same situation you are. Demanding or implying that they should is just disrepsectful of their right to have their own preferences. If there is one out of five entries you don't want to deal with for whatever reason, just skip it and enjoy the other four. Remember, no one pays her to blog, she does it for fun. And the day it becomes more annoyance than fun is probably the day she quits. I'd rather her continue to do whatever she finds fun and let me pick through that for what I enjoy than to see her quit 'cause too many demands ruined the fun.

So yeah, I will enjoy what I enjoy, and skip whatever I don't. She owes me nothing. If anything, I owe her for the amusement she provides.

I'm glad it was mentioned that cake wrecks twitters 'cause somehow I'd missed that before. :D

Cake wrecks is an excellent blog, one of the best and most entertaining I've found. There's no political/reglious agenda here, it's just honest fun. I am very greatful for the laughs it's given me.

Justin N. said...

Cake or death? I'll take death after reading all the complaining on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I do not twit nor do I care to. I just wanted to say that the idea of too long of a post, of too much cakewrecks, it nuts.

I love today's longer post! Thank you!

manz said...

I liked the post!

Katy said...

Ewww. Poo. That's just wrong.

Alison L. said...

Some funny stuff, but I'll add to the group that didn't enjoy it like I enjoy your regular posts. I couldn't care less about it being from Twitter (though I don't follow that). It's just that what I enjoy the most is the themed commentary, and this entry was just disjointed.

If I recall correctly, you may have posted some other "collection" posts before, and they too were not interesting to me. So it's not Twitter-specific, but the Twitter input means that the post is much more likely to have that disjointedness.

Belle Epoque said...

Love those UFO cupcakes...if they aliens arrive in those they'll be an instant hit and make friends with earthlings right away!

holly said...

Oookay. You have probably found the one type of cake I would have a hard time eating. Meadow muffins - yuck.

I don't Twitter, tweet or clack. However, you are the writer, you do as you wish.

Carrietastic said...

I enjoyed the entry since I don't Tweet yet... and I would enjoy it just as much if it was a regular entry... dude, it's your blog! I can't believe how much certain people are complaining about the daily content you provide us for FREE.

MarieA said...

yikes I'm a creepy baby cake..
LOVED the guy sharing his mom's and wife's cakes..
I LIKE this

~ L. K. said...

I really don't understand Twitter, yet, lol, but what I find hard is that I, who doesn't have it, can't read the posts!

I'm VERY glad you posted this! I like a lot of these, and I'm sad to miss an entirely different section of Cake Wrecks!

A few people mentioned, I think, that this would be a double post for those Tweeters, but maybe you could link to your site for this? I follow some Tweets online that way. Or you could, on a certain day, post the Tweets for the week? (After all, the ones who can't stand Tweets or use Twitter could just ignore that post AND get a normal cake wreck for that day.)

Ally said...

I like all the fun tid-bits in this post. I say keep it going! If people think it's too long, they don't have to read it all. I enjoyed it!!

Pademelon said...

I can't believe anybody is complaining about too much in a post. Bring it on! Loved it Jen. Thanks for sharing some of the good stuff us non-Tweeters would have missed. The idea of this being too much in a post is ridiculous. If it's too much to look at in one sitting, than it's more to enjoy later. There can't be too much CakeWrecks.

Promise said...

Okay, the cake wreck quiz was freaking hil.a.ri.ous! I had a hard time picking answers because they were all so full of win!

And apparently I'm the creepy baby cake. Interesting. Never knew that.

The pooh-wedding cake? Um, yeah, that lady has gross and funny confused.

I don't get what the purpose of Twitter is, though. Is it like Facebook or Myspace? I don't do those, either. I spend too much time online as it is!

beloved30 said...

I liked it. Tweet or not! I would have even liked it to be longer! The randomness of it made it unexpected. I also noticed most of the complainers were anonymous, lol!

I love that "Cake or Death?" thing!

robyn said...

Whatever. I don't tweet. Guess I'll miss out. Boo hoo.

WV--"azinesse" It's a sign of complete azinesse to "tweet". 9_9

Savannah said...

I think its amazing how you can come up with new material day after day.
I think it is perfectly fine if everynow and then you take a break and do a post like this.
It's your blog and you should do what you want.
PS. I want sprinkles

Promise said...

Oh, and PS - I liked this entry fine. As long as it's cake related and funny, I'm happy to read it!

WV: flumparm: a fluffy, lumpy arm.

Dakota said...

Sure it was a LITTLE long, but so what?

You should deff. post more stuff like this every now and then.

and I just want to know how I, a vegetarian, got the steak cake in the quiz??? lol

Dakota said...

Oh, and I follow you on twitter!

Sarah said...

Loved the post Jen & to be honest if you hadn't mentioned twitter & had just said you wanted to share some fun links then I'm sure you wouldn't have had so many complaints! (BTW I do follow you on Twitter but must have missed most of these as I'd only seen a couple of them before!)

Loved the Tea & Cake or death video - gotta love Eddie Izzard :o) + I did the quiz & I'm the Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys cake!!!!!!!!!!! That has to be one of my fave cakes on here so was well pleased with that :o)

Keep up the good work & don't be afraid to try something different occasionally, as much as I love your usual blog style it always makes a change to see something different & even if a few people don't like it there will always be some of us who do!

Unknown said...

OOOO I'm Creepy Baby Cake!! LOL I don't care what the others said , I liked this post. the links were great!

Brandi said...

I love this post! I don't twitter so it was fun to see some funny stuff you've posted.

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of Twitter either, but I enjoyed the post and had fun clicking through the links. I wouldn't mind a "Sweet Tweets" post every now and then!

Anonymous said...

I really liked today's post! I'd like to see it again =)

Kristi said...

People are such freakin' whiners. Do whatever you want, it's your blog. If people don't like something they can close the window, what's the point in giving you grief about it? Seriously!

Aersi said...

I don't care what people say Jen, I love you and your Twitter!

Honestly, I don't mind a post like today's. If there are too many things for that moment, I can just come back later and look at the rest. :)

Red Wolf said...

The funny thing about that quiz is that I actually DO dream about a zombie apocalypse fairly often.

Either my subconscious is trying to tell me something or I watch too many horror movies.

Cygnata said...

So that's where the actress who played Topenga went after Boy Meets World ended...


Unknown said...

Wow. Loved it, I don't tweet so it's great to see what you are doing over there. Thanks! And I did not think it was too long.

~ L. K. said...

Looking back, I also forgot to mention that this was a very short post in my book! It took about the same length of time to read as a newspaper article.

Also, thanks for linking to the Twitter cakewrecks! Adding it to my list!

Jenna Lynn Cody said...

That ET cake looks somehow dirty. Like he's either givin' us the finger, or he's just...well I'm not gonna go there.

Kristen said...

I'm going to have disagree with anyone who didn't like the post. I LOVED it. It's a nice break from the usual and it wasn't that long and the videos were hilarious. I say maybe a twice a month thing would work.

Alexia said...

I was the Walmart cake. lol

I actually shrieked "YAY!! I'm the Walmart cake" out loud. My poor hubby already thinks I'm nuts. lol

and then every time I get on here I either laugh till I cry, spit coffee out on the keyboard... or now I shriek about BEING a cake. lol

Hunter said...

Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockey Cake!!

Nagem said...

I do not Tweet, or follow Tweets, or whatever. Maybe I will, because this post had some VERY interesting stuff in it (I am the Creepy Baby Cake! w00t! Though I think some days I might be the Naked Mohawk Baby Cake… hmmm…) but probably not. For me, this post was worth it. I think what people mostly miss is the witty commentary, and I admit at first I didn’t want to click on the links because I wasn’t sure what they’d be. Maybe more witty introductions for each clip/link would entice people to lift that finger *rolls eyes*.
Something Paradigm said made me think… perhaps, for the people who already follow you on Twitter, you could set aside a few links that you DON’T put of Twitter for the Sweet Tweets. Y’know, to avoid the rehash? Or like Steeple333 said, it would be cool as an extra at the bottom of regular posts, like “Your SWEET TWEET of the day is…”.

My advice (however uninvited): Do whatever you want, you’re the genius behind this in the first place. We’ll all adjust to this strange new world of Cake Wrecks, I’m sure ;).

Oh, and Eddie Izzard fans: Look up Billy Connelly on Youtube. Brits are just wittier and weirder by nature, I think.

Keep rockin' the WRECKS!

Jess said...

I think that this is a great post and I would love to see it as a regular. I don't use Twitter, like many people that have already commented. However, unlike most of the other anti-twitter people, I loved your post. Just because you posted, on your blog, things that you posted on Twitter in no way makes the post into a "twitter post". I did not think it was too long, I thought it was great. If I thought it was too long all I would need to do is skip over the post and come back another day to read new posts. Um, everyone else can do that too. Stop complaining. It's her blog and if you're lame enough to stop reading the blog because you don't like Twitter and she posted items from her Twitter, then good riddance - the rest of us will continue to enjoy the blog without you.

Karen said...

I liked this post and think that over all there are people who take this all way too seriously.

Also love that show the dish - just like the soup but with glitter!

the purple dragon said...

I don't have a problem with the length of the post; I always know I'm going to have a good laugh when I log on to your blog. And the Eddie Izzard sketch was soooo worth it.

Shawty said...

I'm the evil dinosaur cake. YIPES!! Hmm. I remember that one DID appeal to me when I saw it...

Anyway, I would prefer you stayed with your old method of writing... It's a lot funnier!! Plus, since my computer is slow, I typically don't watch videos, and just having pics of the Wrecks makes CW's what it is. Toodle-oo, kangaroo!!

cx420ns said...

LOL it finally made it to the blog! been waiting for my poop cake submission to pop up, made may day =D

Keeley said...

Hee hee, I'm the melting plaid cake. Wow--it just feels so right. But having read about all those who are steak cakes, I'm going to have to go back and look for that one--it must be an older post.

The trolls have come out to complain about your blog again. I liked the links, Twitter or not. It was all great and not too long or too boring. Keep up the good work.

WV: undogi: what I try to do to my house when I clean.

Julianne said...

Ahaha, I'm the Steak Cake. I do love steak... ;)

I thought this post was quite interesting! I don't have a twitter, and I don't really have a desire to have one - maybe because I don't really know what it entails, lol - but I thought the links were funny.

I personally think that you should write your blog how you want, and not how others should dictate. You're so kind to ask what we think, but ... in the end, I say do what you want! :D

WV: hatotes. Hatotes love this blog so much :D

archersangel said...

WTF on the poo cake.

and i'm the steak cake in the quic, which apperently means;

Are you even a cake? Yes, yes you are. But you're not really happy with who and what you are. Sometimes you really wish you were something else...

andie said...

Weird -- I'm shocked at all the strong reactions here. I seriously think if you had not used the T-word you could have done this post and no one would have complained. Yes, I do love your unique writing style, but I didn't think you'd drop it completely, just because you want to do something different once in awhile.

Frankly, I found it highly entertaining, and not even remotely too long. Thanks for the laughs! "Tea and cake or death" was my favorite.

wv: spotabli. People's feelings about Twitter were spotabli evident in their comments today.

Sorcha said...

I don't get the level of venom directed at Twitter. It's like hating the mass transit system of a city you never visit and never will. There are people who have done me personal injury that I don't bear as much malice toward, as some people do toward Twitter. Crazy.

Anonymous said...

I really liked this post and didn't find it too long at all. I absolutely love Eddie Izzard, and the "Cake or Death?" Lego video had me rolling. I figured that was the funniest thing I'd seen all day until I came across the story about the goat.

Anonymous said...

It's your blog and I love it - but skip the Twitter! It's not nearly so much fun as the "regular" CW.

Anonymous said...

i didn't like it. it was disjointed and i really didn't get what was going on.

BigMomma said...

I think I threw up in my mouth a little after watching the second video. Love the Eddie Izzard though.

Anonymous said...

Late commenting, but reading the others inspired me. To those complaining about complainers: Jen asked for feedback!

I also prefer the normal posts. The writing, and a self-contained dallop of information is why I come to this blog daily ( sometimes 20 times when I keep checking before the new post is up).

To those who think we are "lazy" for not wanting to click links, it takes up to 5 minutes for some sites to load on my blackberry, and others will crash it entirely. I don't have time to sit at a computer and look at humor blogs, I sit at a computer all day and that is the last thing I want to do at home.
So I get a select few blogs on my phone to brighten my day and kill some down time.

I can't see videos, unless they are youtube, and links work, but not embedded videos. But that doesn't mean don't include some links for others.

The reason this post scares me, is my other go-to blog, GWS (intoduced here, btw), has all but stopped making posts because he is too busy twittering.

I enjoy the long posts of multiple cakes and Jen's stories the best. But I rarely follow links off site, unless you have a link and it appears to have a clue to understanding the post that I don't get.

So, my vote (since you asked for opinions) is to keep the standard 6 days of wrecks and sunday sweets.

Those who want soundbytes and links can easily follow on Twitter.

Alex (yes, laziness might be why I still post anonomously. Another account to keep up with is not in the cards for me.)

k.spear said...

I enjoyed the post. Why on earth did someone say it was too long? It's not as if they were forced to read the whole thing. Unless perhaps someone makes bad cake decorators read the blog as punishment? I like that idea.

Kim said...

lol. I got the steak cake...and I"m a vegetarian. I love irony

12 hour pills said...

Ah, I didn't know you were on Twitter! Awesome.

And I am the meat cake. Which amuses me. Because if I were a cake, I'd definitely want to be one of those very wrong, very realistic cakes. Woot.

Anonymous said...


This is my first post, I was refered here by a friend after we watched the Eddie Izzard Death Canteen skit(OMG, that man is so hot, especially when he does his Sean Connery as Bond voice) And this site is hilarious! I love it!

A.G. said...

I think the backlash is unfounded. I absolutely DESPISED anyone telling me they did ANYTHING Twitter related for a long time.
I recently made an account just so I could follow the tweets of some of the bloggers and sims players I like reading. My first post was something along the lines of.. "Great. Now I'm officially a twit."
I have quite enjoyed watching your Twitter and I don't see the problem with the length of your post. In fact, I'd say it's shorter than you usuals.
..seriously, I'm thinking some people are like me and buck at the sign of change. :P

Suzanne said...

I'm the Walmart cake too! LOL Pretty funny that it says "Best Wished Suzanne" since I AM Suzanne! LOL

Anonymous said...

love this post and anything that is on this super funny blog.
how can anyone hate twitter? it is like a giant cocktail party. i'm just guessing those that hate twitter ironically enough update their facebook status every hour, but cannot comprehend twitter. p.s. its the same thing! i however think it is wayyyy better than facebook. you can have as many follower as you want, whereas on facebook you can only have 4,000.
lastly, how can you hate twitter, something that is all about being short, 140 characters or less, and in the same sentence say this blog was too long?!?! i think micro blogging aka twitter may just be your thing you a.d.d. ridden twitter hater.
jen + cake wrecks = the most awesome part of my work day

-anonymously or not so much
megan mw

April said...

cake or death? LOL This was fantastic. I'm in the love it crowd. I don't twitter but I think this was fun.

Anonymous said...

None of your posts are long enough! MORE Cake Wrecks! MORE laughing! MORE Tweets! HAHAHAHAHA!


Holly said...

Blah. I seriously can't believe that people are complaining about this post. Get over it!

Christina said...

It's simple enough for people who don't like to click links to just NOT CLICK ON LINKS. As for the many, many others of us who are always open to recommendations from people whose sense of humor we truly enjoy, PLEASE continue to post links and videos, and frankly, anything else you damn well please. Love it!

Unknown said...

I saw the cupcake (and muffin) cars at Maker Faire in San Mateo this weekend! I even delivered a letter to them that a friend of theirs wrote at the St. Clair Aeronauts' "Royal Airship Mail" booth.

Unknown said...

I know I'm late in the game but I loved this post! I love your regular posts more, but if you had a change of heart and decided to do a "sweet tweet" entry here or there, I would definitely enjoy it! I, by the way, am the drunk plaid cake! And since I am not a partaker in the Twitter phenomenon (fighting tooth and nail), it was fun to see the links to different things you posted!

Athanasia said...

Topanga + poop cakes....WTF.

Elizabeth said...

You haven't lived until you've seen a gaggle of cupcakes parked outside the Porta Potties. And one of them is covered with medicine capsules instead of sprinkles -- they're alll a sight to see though!

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh....the host of that video segment was TOPANGA! Ah I loved "Boy Meets World"...

business startup loans said...

I love the Sweet Tweets.... Too Good... :)

Cupcakes Lady said...

YES! Make a Regular feature if poss! xx

los angeles criminal attorney said...

That was a great cup cakes I've ever seen and that was huge indeed. Great designs and hoping I can have one. Thanks for sharing!

Sarah said...

I'm the naked mohawked baby carrot jockey cake because, apparently, I'm just plain weird sometimes

Anonymous said...

I'm the scary dinosaur party hat cake -- and I missed that one! Must find self and -- and -- bite off head!
