After looking at these Wrecks, now *I* do.
There's color everywhere

There's white things in the air

What's this?

It's orange and so hairy - what's the deal with those two berries? I don't care!
What's this?
What's this? What's this?
I can't believe my eyes,
What's this?
A donkey tank surprise?

Could it be, oh could it be? Did I get my wish?
What's this?
What's this? What's this? There's something very wrong!
What's this? That blue thing's really long.

It's positively crappy, and yet I feel so happy, have I possibly gone sappy? I think I need a nappy 'cuz this song is kind of rappy so I guess I'll get a frappey and go shopping at the Gappy...
S.K., Patrick T., Chris E., Reagan B., Rebekah W., Austin L., Alex S., Kaylyn M., & Mikaela, your guess is as good as mine.
Oh, and for your continued "enjoyment" I have a special treat today: while we were writing this post, John & #1 (aka "the other Jen") kept singing it to get the cadence right. really entertaining.
So, I decided to tape them.
(If you're wondering what my contribution is here, I'm the one doing the scrolling. And giggling.)
394 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 394 Newer› Newest»I was going to say number 3 was my favorite. Then I saw the last one. Yikes!!
Aqwesome. :)
WV: flastedc. "I'd be gabberflasttedc, but this IS cake wrecks!"
#1 has a really great singing voice - oh yeah, you too John! It reminded me a lot of the "Once More With Feeling" episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
I think the orange thing is supposed to be The Flying Spaghetti Monster with blueberry eyes?
Great post, made greater by the video. I'm so in awe at how the 2nd phone call came right at the end. LOL! That was a hoot.
John - you outta be in the biz! You were awesome!
Great, now I'll have that song stuck in my head too.
Okay.. the last one looks like poo. Eww!
Cake Wrecks: the musical - coming to an off-off-off-off-off-Broadway hovel, I mean theatre near you!
So THAT'S what unicorn poop looks like!
John and #1 singing the page was the BEST part. Y'all should start a cake wrecks show. Or Youtube channel.
The first one looks like a rainbow poop! "taste the rainbow!"
I see Broadway in your future
These cake wrecks are amazing. But I think I laughed more at the video- the phone calls?! Hilarious! You guys crack me up!!
LOVE the video at the end. You should record yourselves more often!!
That first photo looks like Munchkin scat
roflmbo @ the song... that was priceless now the one with the blue thing that is so long is SUPPOSED to be a fire hydrant with a fire hose attached lol...
The first one: Either someone didn't clean up after Rainbow Brite's flying horse, or it's supposed to be Dr. Seuess's "Oh, The Places You Will Go". the pics but the video at the end was GENIUS!
OMG, the song...the singing...the GLEE-like duh-ba-duh-bah-duhs!!!!!!
omg. i simply love the video. and the fact that it started with John singing a song from wicked. <3
but why was she laughing that her friends dog died?!? sad. :(
Oh my gosh, the video is hilarious! I love it...especially the phone call and then the explanation of the dog - silliness, I tell ya! Nicely done.
This is the freaking most hilarious thing I've read/watched/listened to in the history of blogs I've read. FANTASTIC :)
I LOVE IT!!! You guys should do this more
I love that song!! Your version is way better though! That was hysterical!!!
The first one looks like a unicorn pood on the cake.
They used a VOTIVE candle in #7. Wonder if it's scented? That would make a total multi-sensory wreck experience.
That was awesome and so creative, LOVED IT
In my head, the conversation that they were having on the phone went an entirely different direction.
On the plus side, you did an AWESOME job with one of my favorite movies' songs!!
That was too funny - LOVE the song you recorded with the interruptions! LOL
BTW, I think the top cake is supposed to be for Seuss' "Oh the Places You'll Go!" Look up the book cover. I did a similar theme, though I like to think mine was a better attempt, but would probably still be considered a wreck (though it was not a paid for cake).
#4: Carrie must be the name of their septic tank. Its so nice they remembered their tanls birthday! Septic tanks don't ususally get the recognition they deserve. Bravo!
Nightmare before Christmas is one of our family's favourite movies... my 3 year old came over right away to listen... and see why I was laughing so hard! Pure Brilliance!
We need sound every day. And John & Number 1 are actually pretty good singers. :)
Hahaha! This is fantastic! So glad you recorded the song--there's some real talent there--and the interruptions definitely added something. RIP the dog.
So the top one wouldn't be completely hideous if not for the big pile of color in the middle. And The song was AMAUZING (Amazing+Amusing) :)
The orange thing with eyes is the FSM--the deity of the newly created Flying Spaghetti Monster religion.
I... I... I think the Care Bears took a crap on that first cake... one at a time.
the first one really screams 'dog who is into the whole flower-power shtick'
And im not touching the meteorite bird-fish but the little creatures surrounding it look like something out of a Pixar movie
wv: flachoo: the technical term for sneezing and farting at the same time.
after a crappy tuesday I SO needed a better start to today. THANK YOU SO much!! this was perfect. The video was great. the phone call just built the humor to end with a dog dying....Carry on!!
Thank you Thank you for bringing me out of my funk.
Ahahahahaha. That song was hilarious, especially with the phone interruption
"No way!Hahaha"... "Her dog died."
Love, love, love it. Best. Post. EVER.
I LOVE the Nightmare Before Christmas! Awesome song you guys wrote! So funny! :)
I think the first one is supposed to be the thing from Dr. Suess...I think from "Oh The Places You'll Go".
wow, that first one looks like a Care Bear took a dump on it. very nice!
hahahaha! And now I can start my day. :oP
LOL at unicorn poo.
The song was fabulous, I agree that we may need you guys to record yourselves more often! Loved it!
The 'Hello' at the end of the video really tied it up nicely. Great singing you two! You should make "Cake Wrecks: The Musical" You can.... I dunno dance around with cakes and sing about cakes and.... maybe this wouldn't work as well as I though.... I loved the cakes, though, they were wonderfully ghastly ^^
The first one is a gay pride poo cake. of THE BEST posts yet.
OMGoodness - video was hilarious!
This is awesome! The whole thing. The song, the pictures, the reference to nightmare before Christmas, the video, the dog dying (no, I mean that was sad...)...the whole bloody thing was hilarious! Way to start my day!
I do so love the video at the end. Not only do Jon and #1 have great fun voices which make me smile, but the phone interruptions are priceless.
More videos!! That was awesome!
I read your blog all the time but do not usually comment but the video today had me rolling on the floor!! I might have to watch it a few more times today!
Love how John was singing 'Popular' at the beginning, lol.
Great as always.
Cake Wrecks/Nightmare Before Christmas excellence!
What's this? My favorite post so far, I think!
oh my farking god.
These people obviously have access to primo "vitamin A."
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA - that was great, esp with John and #1!
I can't decide: Is this my favorite post ever? Or the Princess Bride one from a while back? Tough call. Video does give kudos to this one though. Very entertaining, and I have NO idea what those cakes are actually supposed to be...
WV: pistina - ummm... I'll pass on that one. Too many bathroom/princess jokes. Do you think that first cake was made by Pistina?
The 5th cake reminds me of the monster from Monsters, Inc. movie. The colors are spot on.
I vote to make Cake Wrecks: The Musical a regular feature.
LOL! freakin hysterical.
HILARIOUS!!! love it
Love the song! And for those who are sad about the dog...she was KIDDING. That's what makes it funny. :)
Loved the song - maybe it should be a weekly feature!
Awesome song! That was a hilarious post!! Thanks for making me laugh this morning!!!
Wow. Definitely my favorite post of ALL TIME. I am going to have that song in my head all day now.
And John, that is a killah David Attenborough impression.
that video is hilarious. you should do more entries like that. if for nothing more than my own selfish amusement.
Oh my god you guys are my favorites!!! Love the video. It had me laughing out loud at my everyone thinks I'm crazy! Thanks Jen, John & #1 for helping to get my day off to a great start! :)
1st... awesome...
2nd... huh? "Her dog died" was not at all what I imagined that conversation was about.
3rd... "it's okay, we're doing something but its... dumb"
My world is so confused and yet so happy!
Great post. You need to do audio posts more often. Like the day we all were "hearing" Kerry Vincent or Sue from "Glee" reading your post.
Loving everyone's suggestions as to the meaning of the first poo pile. Loved the unicorns idea. Really loved the Care Bears idea. Rolling on the floor with the Anon 10:00am gay pride poo cake idea. Can't wait for more.
That was awesome! I love Nightmare Before Christmas so I was singing right along. CakeWrecks + Nightmare Before Christmas = Happiness and Joy!!!!!!!!1
Best Post Ever.
You win the internets for the day. *hand delivers it to you*
Wow,that's the funniest thing I've read/heard in ages! I'm currently sitting at my desk with coffee spurting out of my nose entertaining my coworkers with my geyser-like nostrils. Thanks Jen and John!
Awesome post! One of my favorites!
I laughed all the way through the wrecks, but it was the video at the end with the phone call ("That is CRAZY.") and the random conversaton about cargo pants and the imploring, yet firm request of "Guys, can we wrap this?" that really made my day.
Thank you, Jen, John, and Other Jen.
LOVED this! Quite possibly your most entertaining post...John & #1 have really good singing voices. Oh, and is it just me, or did #1 sound a little excited on the first phone call that the caller's dog had died? Very strange.
Excellent! I LOVE the phone call. LMAO
omg:) i was dying and on the phone with my brother.. he's like "what the heck!!" and i replied.. go to it.. He's a BIG Nightmare b4 christmas fan:)
I love how John was singing Popular from Wicked before the Nightmare before Christmas song started....
It's like being in musical heaven
Obviously #1 is what happens if you eat to much Kaboom cereal.
Oh my goodness! The video made it all perfect! Thank you for helping each day (except Saturdays! :) start with a smile! Sooooo funny!
Shelley in So. Illinois
I laughed so hard watching the video, my stomach hurts now... can I invoice you for that? ;)
Hilarious! Thanks for the laughs!
SO funny! I thought the third from the end looked like it was covered with dill! And the song was awesome! You made my day!
I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats.
BWAHAHAHAHAAAA... [long breath]
the video just made my day!! perfection.
you guys are my morning laugh and you never disappoint. thanks so much for this site.
kiss. kiss. [european style]
The cargo pants interruption was hilarious! Sounds alot like my conversations.
the first one was done really nicely, then the rainbow came and pooped on it.
Being a huge nightmare before Christmas fan this just made my day! I'm going to be humming that song all day!
I need to know what CCC number 8 is. It's making me crazy! AAAAAHHH!
loved the song!!!! lol... and that you recorded through the distractions! awesome!!
I thought the blue one with purple looked more like a whale folding himself in half. But who laughs and says thats great when someones dog dies? Other than that I was LOL!
HILARIOUS! I especially love the phone calls! (Were those staged?)
bet this one goes viral---
"her dog died" ??!!
beautiful voices. wow
OK, I must be the only regular reader who has NOT seen Nightmare Before Christmas. And I think I must immediately rectify that!
For anyone who has children, or dogs, that first cake should look familiar.
wv: muslei. Eat muslei every morning and you will poop rainbows!
holy carp? That's my answer for all of 'em....BTW, loved the swirling poop rainbow.
Oh my gosh--you people crack me up! The wrecks were soooooooo bad!!!!! But the post got even better with the singing, and the phone call interruption, and the witty banter. You must love your job! :)
Yep. That song is effectively stuck in mah head now.
And I just found out that it's no longer playable on Netflix so now I can't even watch it. Booo!
But hysterical post and video. Too cute!
Without the pile of unicorn poo, the first cake is actually quite pretty.
I was ROFL at the video! I wish more posts had audio accompaniment!
That video is literally the funniest thing I have EVER seen - tears of laughter rolling down my face - brilliant!!!!!!
Please oh please oh PLEASE do more videos!!!!
Best. Post. EVER!
Awesome! The interruptions actually make the video better. Only could happen here, I'm sure.
wv: chizessi: adj. so cheesy that it's cool
I'm wondering if that last one's supposed to be from Avatar: Gold eyes, blue/green scaly bits, and the long connecting whatsit.
(Presumably depicted after it fell into flyingcritter diarrhea?)
I hope you do more Broadway-ish renditions of Cake Wrecks in future posts. That just made my morning!
Oh dear god, I think THIS post is your funniest yet! I was making myself CHOKE from laughing so hard! Genius!!!
And on the flip side, those cakes: WTF????? I've got to put a link to this on my blog!
I'd like to say the rainbow lump is a pile of Rainbow Dung. You know, from Neopets?
Well, well, well.
What have we here?
Cakey Wrecks, huh?
Oooooooooh, I'm really scared.
So you're the ones everybody's talking about? Heh, heh, heh, heh.
You're joking. You're joking.
I can't believe my eyes.
You're joking me, you've gotta be.
These all are cakes, you do surmise?
They're creepy. They're ugly.
I don't know which is worse.
I must just split a seam now if I don't die laughing first.
Dear John & #1,
Your vocal stylings have wooed my hardened heart and melted my frosty exterior like that of an ice-cream cake in July.
I am very close-mouthed and easily grossed when it comes to (digestive) bodily functions, etc.
I just have to say that the first one resembles the type of "patty" that you'd come across as you strolled through a field of unicorns that lived in a Ski++les orchard and ate the fruit of the trees in light-spectrum order.
I'm so awful.
Um. Best. Post. Ever. The video is the cherry on top...or was that two oddly placed berries? Either way - it rocked!
I guess I have a warped sense of humor.
Of course the dog died, doesn't everyone react that way?
She was being funny! and it was!
Stare at a rainbow, eat some Skittles, drop some acid...and THIS is the result!
That orange thing COULD be a poorly done (is that redundant) Firey from Labyrinth...maybe? :)
Wow, lots of CCC (patooie!) AND a gingerbread cookie with poo piled on him. How can you beat that?
Am I the only person who tried to answer their iPhone during the video?????
Brilliant! (and i really did reach over to pick up my phone before I realized it was actually in the video!)
I LOVED the video! That tied it all together. I mean I was singing it in my head, but the video was icing on the cake?
#4 is probably from Naruto. It looks sorta like the symbol for the hidden leaf village.
This was BRILLIANT! Thank you so much!
Her dog died? Is that because it had evacuated the entire contents of it's body onto that last cake?
Definitely the BEST POST EVER!!! Thanks to that song, because well...the cakes, well...some major wreckage there! Can't even figure out what half of them are, but who cares when you sing that song while looking...LOL
i'll teach you what shoes to wear, how to fix your hair, everything that really counts...
that was totally awesome. best post EVER.
That was just fabulous... I think the other Jen's phone calls were my favorite parts, though. What exactly *is* the going rate for a pair of Gap cargo pants anyway?
# 1 rainbow unicorn turd. #2 cupcake balancing act, #3 crab in the sun, #4 cinnamon roll or poo, #5 shark before it attacks, #6 quetzalcoatl, #7 looks naughty, #8 crying fire hydrant, #9 ginger poo.
I must say the is the best and most hilarious post I have ever seen on here. I really enjoyed this one. That video was great. The phone call part was just obnoxious, so hilarious. Her dog died....oh...
That song was made of magic and made my day.
That was one of my favorite posts because of the song. Keep up the great work and I will keep sharing Cake Wrecks with family and friends!
This is definitely my favorite Nightmare song. More so since Flyleaf recorded a version of it :) But I think I might like John and #1's version slightly better... sorry Flyleaf! XD
I love the fact that Jon was singing "Popular" when the tape started rolling. Wicked is the favorite around our house and there was a time when our 5 year old could sing the entire song.
Your geekiness apparently knows no bounds. Awesome.
That video is gold. GOLD! (evil laugh)
My kids ran over to hear the song. Thank you. Now they want to know what "crappy" means. Harumph.
Best. Post. Ever.
I laughed so hard listening to the song. The phone call in the middle was crazy funny as well. =)
I haven't laughed as hard as I was laughing during The Other Jen's and John's rendition. Especially when The Other Jen said, "No, I'm with Jen and John doing this thing; but it, it's dumb..."
The orange one is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Bow when you speak his name. Or, Google him.
A couple thoughts about the first cake:
1. Rainbow Bright vs. a wicked bean burrito... guess who won.
2. If a unicorn poos on a cake in the forest, does it make a sound? No, but they might take a picture of the cake.
The video was a great touch, awesome voice #1. The phone ringing was right in time with the song both times. But about the dog... wow. Was Debbie Downer calling?
I would like to thank you for getting that song stuck in my head. lol. I loved your rendition! Absolutely hilarious!
This is the best post EVER. Love that song, love it. :)
I'd like to proudly display my music geek card as I declare I sang through that entire post. I LOVE that movie! Thank you for making my morning!
I LOVE this post. LOVE... LOVE... LOVE.
That is all... :)
Freaking Hilarious!!! That is all.
You are all the best ever.
You are "Popular"!!!!
This is the BEST. POST. EVER...
This has to become a weekly feature. What an awesome treat after enduring those hidious cake wrecks.
Great job to John and #1 ~ but let's not forget the scrolling... great job!!!!
Brilliant combination of song and cake.
And really sorry her dog died!
Hahah oh my god, the song is amazing. I'm rolling on the floor over here! XD
That video was AWESOME!! I was laughing so hard (not so good to do at work). I loved how they jumped back in after the phone call like nothing had interrupted them.
So great!!!
The singing was genius. I loved it! :D
"Ha! That's so crazy! No way! That's crazy! No, I'm just doing this thing, but it's dumb...That's so crazy! No, I'll call you back! ...Her dog died."
"Oh. ...What's this?!"
AWESOME. Very SNL. Well done, you three.
my daughter really thought these cakes were beautiful and she loves them and asked for most of them for her birthday.
of course she is only three
best video EVAR
OMG, funniest thing ever! This was just what I needed on a boring humpday!
The first one, while a bit odd, is actually sort of okay. Cheery and colorful, if a little barf-inducing (it's like a rainbow frosting Matterhorn! although probably meant to represent the cover of "Oh, the Places You'll Go!").
The rest...eeeee. Especially the blue blobby sprinkle eye thing (poor Sean). I'd scream "WHAT IS THIS??" when faced with those, too.
Oh hey! I loved hearing the voices in your head. Now, go back and narrate the crab vs octopus one earlier this week. I bet your "voices" are even funnier than mine!
WV: WORGINDS Some people like to listen to worginds with silent movies, but I prefer listening to John + #1.
I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! That was the best video EVER!
that is hilarious. especially when Jen stops abruptly and starts talking about her cargo pants :) so great.
I don't think I've ever commented here even though I've been reading for years, and years, and years. But here I am sitting at work (I pay for my own Internet connection here) and I am just cracking up like mad. I was especially liking the post, then the video was better, but then the phone call in the middle, and then THE DOG DIED? Man, it's like living in some alternate, or parallel, universe? I am the consummate dog lover, yet I'm laughing so hard, my office mates thought I'd finally gone over the edge. Today's post was THE BEST EVER!!
I love how the video starts out with a song from Wicked... :D
Loved the pictures and the video until I found out that I have no sense of humor when it comes to dogs dying. I gasped in horror. I'll work on it. Does anyone else want to hear "original" Jen sing?
The first one is Unicorn Poop, an item from Deathspank.
The video is hysterical. I love the call in the middle of that whole thing...and someone's poor dog died.
After that...I'm not sure I'd let her invoice you for the pants.
Still cracking up!
Ok, that was one of the best posts ever! I was laughing so hard at the phone call right in the middle of the video and how you guys just jumped right back into it.
Kasey said...
The first one looks like a rainbow poop! "taste the rainbow!"
Now I have to wash the coffee spew off my screen.
"Oh my god really" "Thats crazy"......"Her dog died". LMAO that made me almost spit out my iced tea!
I sure hope the dog bit was not real because even though I though the pictures were unbelievable and the song priceless, the thought of anyones doggy dieing just makes me so sad.
That video was just icing on the Cake Wrecks--pure awesomeness!
Moar, plz. :)
I absolutely love the video! Might be my favorite post yet!
That was....the most awesome video ever. "Oh, her dog died....WHAT IS THIS?" A.D.D, much? :D
The first one! Double rainbow across the cake! What does it mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAAAAAAAAAAN?
I scrolled through all the comments and apparently I am the only one who cannot see the video. Sad face. Why does Firefox not like me today?? I hate being left out.
Okay, I was totally singing it in my head and scrolling in when I got to the video of that actually happening--Awesomeness! (Sorry to whoever's dog died, btw). Great job, singing, y'all!
OH...MY...GAWD!!! Awesome post today (not that this is unusual, but...)
The next to the last cake (upside down, of course -- notice the "SEAN") has got to be the one that poo'ed the rainbow cake (#1). Then it got this forelorn expression and needed a religious experience (thus the votive candle!)
And THANK YOU for the ear worm from one of my all-time favorite movies!! You guys totally RAWK!!
Cake Wrecks: The Musical! "Once More, With Sprinkles."
Hahaha the video was awesome! More videos please!
That song was AWESOME!!! Give us more, please give us more!
wv: protones- that song has some serious "pro" tones in it!
The "unicorn poo" just needs sprinkles to make it complete and the last one just needs either TP or a pooper-scooper...I think I found something similar in the cat box last week....Hmmmmm....
Poor Sean, not only does his cake look like snot with eyes, they jammed a candle holder in the middle of it.
I appreciate the singing of 'popular' beforehand, as well :)
that video has made my hangover that much more bearable!
so. much. happiness!
so I was going to comment on how *now* the song is in my head and how impressed I was that the cadence was so perfect.
aaaaand then I watched the video. which was absolutely delicious on SO many levels. I am clearly going to hell, but my favorite part was: "her dog died. WHAT'S THIS?"
The video was hilarious!
Never thought you had such talented folks in your husband and #1, did you? :)
The first cake is obviously magical Unicorn feces. DUH!
the red one is a fire hydrant sideways... i think lol
check out my blog:
Awesome! I think I need this song on my goofing-off playlist, along with Jonathan Coulton and songs from MST3K. Any chance of a downloadable version? :)
LOVE how we got to hear the phone conversation in the middle of the video.
That first one looks like a big pile of care bear poo.
Freakin awesome! What the heck are people thinking???
That was awesome!
Fantastic! More of this please!
This is why I freakin' love this blog! You guys are hilarious!!
John - thank you THANK YOU! for singing Popular from Wicked at the beginning. It made me laugh. it made my day. thank you for combining Wicked and NIghtmare.... it;s like one giant happy video :D well done
The first cake would have looked perfectly fine saying, "Happy Birthday, Rainbow Brite," if Starlite hadn't left the pile on it. I actually the sheet cake underneath the crap.
That was AMAZING! Fantastic post (that had me singing the song in MY head), and then I came upon the recording. I'm still trying to wipe the tears and the huge grin off my face, but it's not working yet. LOVE IT!!! (And the phone call in the middle - accidentally perfect!) Maybe there needs to be a Cakewrecks Singing Blog..... :-)
Whoever was calling will be famous forever.
I watched the video at work. BIG MISTAKE! I was controlling my giggles until "Huh...her dog died", I couldn't stop LOL! Now everyone at my office knows I'm not working! One the of best posts ever!
(for the music addition)
[Clap clap clap clap] Brav-O! Encore! Encore! [clap clap clap clap] (insert loud whistle here) BRAV-O!
the captions keep getting better and better!
"I'm with Jen and John and we're doing this thing... but it's dumb. It's okay..."
Lmao @ "donkey tank surprise"
This is definitely one of my favorite posts ever.
Hahaha, LOVE the video. Quite entertaining, especially with the phone convo's... ;)
p.s. sorry about the dog.
It's official. I'm moving to Florida to earn a spot as #2...or that annoying girl that you let hang around because she's lame, but still kinda sweet. hahaha
That was wonderful!