Egads, people, what is going on at today's baby showers?!? First the boobie cake, then the edible baby, and now this!
Obviously, this is wrong on a level so VERY wrong that it doesn't really need elaboration. However, I feel compelled to point out that the, er, "mom" here has the face of a blow-up doll, is completely nekkid (is that a new trend in delivery rooms?), and is anatomically correct where you wouldn't expect her to be (ergo the censor bars - sorry, fellas!).
I'm picturing the games they played at this baby shower: "Pin the Epidural", "Catch the After-birth", and of course the ever popular "Guess Whose Hoo-Haw?". Yeesh - just what do you suppose the party favors were? No, wait, let's not go there...
(Liz P., thanks for sharing - I think.)
UPDATE: I am both surprised and amused at the number of you moms out there who have let it be known that not only is the whole "nekkid" delivery thing in vogue, but you have partaken of the activity yourself. A little TMI, yes, but I can honestly say I've learned something here. (Never post nekkid fondant figures again. Like, ever.)
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You can find more like this at the original site.
Man..I thought the cake with the flys was bad! This is in really bad taste.
I've seen that cake before and if I remember the story behind it correctly, the mom to be had a really weird sense of humor, and loved the cake. *shrug* Takes a special person, doesn't it?
Yes, I forgot to mention in the post that if you want to see the uncensored version, check out the original site. Perv. ;)
Also, there's one or two other PG-13 rated cakes on there, so keep that in mind if the kids are nearby.
I feel terribly sorry for Olivia--even if, as Jade suggested above, she liked the cake (which only means she has horrible taste). I also wish I could have been a fly on the wall when this was ordered.
Customer: "Okay, on the right we want *this* text."
Order clerk: "Mmmkay. Got it."
Customer: "For the other side, here's what we were thinking: Can we get a....?"
Order clerk: <blink> <blink> "Uh..."
I'll bet the shop that made this saw an unprecedented spike in cake orders from teenage males the following week.
Wait, are these the same people that got the carrot riding baby cakes? :)
if the lips aren't enough to convince you that Olivia is, in fact, a blow up doll, the unedited version... good grief...
This site is so hilarious. And hey, for the record, I stripped naked during both of my kids births. It's hard work and I was hot! ;-)
I think you need to take the censoring covers off if you're going to show it. It's Art, however frightening and only in puritanical Holy Roller America is a woman's body obscene. Not that this cake isn't a nightmare, but show some respect for freakshows. If you're going to show it, show it all.
I was completely nekkid for my second birth. It's quite common for mothers to shed more and more clothing as labor progresses.
However, I don't need that memory immortalized in fondant form. *lol* Great blog!
That cake is wrong on so many levels... the first that comes to mind is the complete and total lack of appetite afer viewing a birth on cake. Wow...
Um, yeah, actually, a lot of people are naked when they have their babies.
Other than that, agreed.
I was totally nekked when I gave birth, but I never needed it commemorated in cake form.
zenwaitress, the uncensored photo can be seen on the link in the picture, and all are welcome to view it there. I think you're being pretty generous to call this "art", but on that perhaps we can agree to disagree?
Also, I apologize if the conservative nature of my blog has offended you. That was never the intent, and I certainly never imagined covering up fondant genitals would be construed as showing a lack of respect. To make it up to you, I’ve typed this reply while in the nude. Hope that helps.
That's seriously disturbing.
This cake is icky and gross.
There's a bakery in Denver called "Le Bakery Sensual." I had a friend who got a bachelorette cake from them... an anatomically correct cake with the title "To Have and To Hold."
Some places will not only make anything out of fondant and marzipan, but they get their primary clientele by advertising they will do so...
Heh heh, found your blog via a chat room and laughed my head off at this cake. Yeah, lots of moms give birth stark naked, though in this day and age they should have included the IV tube and monitor and stuff.
Also, the baby usually emerges face down, not face up.
Actually, I think the bakery employee did a rather nice job, all things considered.
I for one, independent of politics, religion or taking things too seriously, am deeply relieved you censored it. I just wouldn't have been prepared to see that!
(Great blog, btw! I've been reading it for the last hour!)
haha, great site you have!
Yeah, it's MUCH more comfortable to give birth naked than not.
And, for the record, I also have a strange sense of humor and would have LOVED to have this cake at my baby shower. Memorable, creative, presumably yummy. What's not to like?
but funny.
"is anatomically correct where you wouldn't expect her to be"
I expect all naked figures to be as anatomically correct as possible, and I don't understand nudity taboo at all.
Great blog! I wish I had thought of it!
Personally, if it were my cake and I had a choice, I'd rather have this one than the scary realistic baby one that's a few posts down. For one thing, how would you cut the baby one? I'd rather be funny than creepy.
This cake makes me want to get pregnant again just so I can have a replica at my shower.
Yummy and funny, what could be better?
LOL! I'd have LOVED this cake!
I wore the same for birth as i did for conception... Nothing! ;)
What a great cake! And what a fab blog :)
Okay people! I don't care that all of you have given birth in your b-day suits, it is still disturbing/unnecessary to re-create it. We can think out-side the box with out going crazy!
This was the first cake I ever saw on your site. I will be visiting every day as I have never seen anything so funny in my whole internet life.
I think that cake is hysterical! :)
Speaking as one who, briefly, had a cake decorating business - I'd say that I'm appalled, but that doesn't begin to cover it! LOL
Love your blog, btw, great visuals and very funny!
The cake was hilarious... yes, some people have a twisted sense of humor, and more power to 'em!
What I'm curious about is why you'd assume women would WEAR CLOTHES when they're delivering a baby... In labor, sure, strolling around the birth center, but why during delivery? You're in and out of the shower or soaking tub, in most hospitals anyway. It's messy and sweaty and you're adjusting position every five minutes, which would just make you get tangled in a hospital gown, plus as soon as the baby's delivered they plunk the little greasy slimy darling on your chest to nurse. Maybe you're just going by the image of childbirth they show on TV. It's not *really* like TV, though, and the sedated, highly medicalized hospital births of the 1950's (and their correspondingly high rate of complications) are, fortunately, a thing of the past.
I'm laughing at this cake. Fairly obscene, but definitely humurous. . .and yeah, I did do the nekkid birth too. . but I was at home.
keep up the great cake work! Love this blog, great discovery!
I think the real reason for her to be naked is that this is supposed to be a water birth... hence the little waves and the blue color. I dunno about Us, but here in CR water births are real expensive... there's nothing worse that rich people with BAD taste, they can really make your eyes bleed
I like it.
First, I love your blog. My monitor was in serious jeopardy of being sprayed with coffee from laughing.
No words for this cake.
What I want to know is how does one go about ordering a cake such as this?
I have to say me too on the whole giving birth naked. But if you can't understand it, you've probably never given birth!
HOWEVER, I didnt want any color photographs or video of the event, NOR would I ever have it memorialized in fondant. egads!
Jennifer Ryan Wilde
Album now available on iTunes!
"There is no end. There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life."
Hmmm maybe it's just California over here but everyone I know was naked during labor!
And I've seen some great sculpted "labor and delivery" head-coming-out baby shower cakes!
haha this cake is hilarious or was it your write up ?
my clothes stayed on in the delivery room if I had my way so would have my knickers and gee maybe even my dignity might have stayed too :) but now lots of people have seen it and even more nurse have squeezed and pushed my milking nipples..
oh dignity where for ought thou?
Somebody else already got the piece with the cherry. =-(
I am getting this cake for my best friend. So funny...not that I would serve it to her at a SHOWER with other people around, and I would probably have had the bakery put a bikini on the mom. But you know...this is really funny!
Uh yeah... I just saw the original version of this cake and dear lord, was the mother ever busty!
I know it's childbirth and should be completely devoid of any sexuality, but it really felt pornographic to look at it.
Just to add to the censorship debate, I view this at work. I am a huge fan of nakedness and yay for natural childbirth. My boss on the other hand, not so much. Now that I'm home and have seen the real cake. Wow ... Just wow. It's pretty amazing.
Also, I just found this blog thanks to craft mag's posting, and it is great. Can't wait to check back. Often.
I came here to be horrified. Remove the bars! Do you even have permission from the copyright holder to modify their work?
OK, that's really really funny.
If I saw that I would disturb but fully entertained.
this is HILLARIOUS! Thank you.
Ok people, childbirth in the nude is fine, but on a cake?? Seriously, who wants to eat a cake that a child has been delivered on? Absolutely horrid.
baby showers are freakshows. Im not surprised by this at all. Its right up there with people eating placenta. f*n gross.
Just imagine the rest of the theme for that baby shower! UGH!!!
Although I cannot claim to be a professional, back in the day I was asked to make many a birthday cake for friend's and their kids. Then there was this one couple - it was his 30th Bday, and she had recently found out that she was not his "one and Only" - so after telling me the whole story, I agreed to help her "surprise" him at his birthday party. A long sheet cake, a round cake cut in half, one peice either side, realistic frosting - pointing directly at him. Anatomically correct for his gender, and describing his behaviour at the same time. LOLOLOL
I think most women don't want any clothes on when they give birth. If you are really giving birth, the openness and effort required are not consonant with feeling that you need to keep covered.
Obstetric comment on the cake; by the time the baby is out that far, there is no need to push.
I think the cake is funny and I would have appreciated it at a baby shower with like minded folk, say, midwives and other natural birth advocates. It wouldn't be appropriate at a shower where you ask your mother and his mother and the girls from the office.
Susan Peterson
Three words: that's not cool
What is soooooooo gross and bad about childbirth that it has to be censoured??? Get a grip people, babies come out of VAGINAS!!!
OK so I don't reallllly see the need to put it on a cake, but each to their own!
AAAhhhh...what is that? And more importantly...WTF??
I'm just glad she didn't have a c-section.
I think the cake is absolutely hilarious. If anyone if offened by showing of candy and icing external genitalia and breasts (posed in way to depict chilbirth not sexually), then I think people need to lighten up a bit. Thats where babies came from and really what the anatamy was originally designed for. Anyway, I am going to try and get a similar made for my friends baby sore. She will have it after the baby is born so I think she will it as even more comical and I write congratulations on it or something
i think there are other ways to have a fun shower cake without being....that special. i am well aware where babies come from, but grandma and auntie sue do not need to be feasting on part of my breast while i open up packages of onies.
i don't know if laugh or cry with this one. too much info....
I keep thinking, WWDD - What Would Duff Do? Can you just imagine Charm City Cakes getting that phone call??
The blue icing around the edges is really quite lovely. Excuse me, I have to go put on a bathrobe and a sweater and a snowsuit now.
But wait... who's gonna catch the baby?
Well, she's going to catch, of course! ;)
LOVE IT! I bet my midwifery friends would get a HUGE kick out of it, too (and in fact, I'm going to email them all the link! :D)
Thanks for the blog. I laugh out loud every time!
ROFL! I actually know who had this particular cake. And yes, it's from an L&D Nurse. We have a warped sense of humor!
OMG, and you wondered who would want to eat the baby cake? Who would eat this???
Oh and btw, I was clothed when giving birth as much as I could be, even wore my bra! Some of us aren't into the every body sees everything bit~
OMG! I used to think it was 'extreme' creating butt cakes, boob cakes and pe&is cakes, but this is too too much! Wow! I can't even imagine the sick bunch of people enjoying this cake??? I hope the cake is not split down the middle with some type of red fruit filling!
Not every "normal" and "natural" event needs to be immortalized in fondant. I mean, there's nothing sexual or naughty about going to the bathroom, either, but I'm not ordering the Watch Me Defecate cake any time soon. Some people just have very Freudian senses of humor, I guess.
Okay so if I choose to get a colonoscopy in the nude, do ya'll want to see it on my Get Well cake?
agreed...be nekkid during childbirth but on a cake?
art? is anything a person does besides think in their head, art?
at least the punctuation is right on!
This cake is hilarious.
I have to make a comment about child birth. I find it quite odd to be totally taken during child birth. I was only naked from the waste down, as that's all that's needed. Yeah I was hot, but didn't continue to shed all of my clothes. Odd .. and yes, I live in CA.
Well, at least correct punctuation was used in the message on the cake.
That's seriously gross, but *almost* funny. I'd never be able to eat that cake, though.
BTW - I've had 3 babies and kept myself as covered as possible (with the hospital gown) the whole time. Giving birth did NOT take away my modesty at all. I also do not have a single friend who was naked during childbirth.
I don't find this offensive at all. But then, my second birth was naked, in a tub, at home, and was awesome!
Love this site! My husband and I have been laughing, laughing, laughing!
Nice cake. But what is the meaning of this pics on this cake ?
Ummm...wow. Odd cake.
I've given birth to 3 kiddos that are still young and don't remember being naked or not. Must of been too busy to notice.
Funny stuff!
Actually, I find the encouraging message on this cake rather charming :]
And I always appreciate a confidently rendered fondant childbirth scene.
The thing that seems off to ME is the way "Olivia" is lying like a discarded barbie on a featureless expanse of floor, as though she just hit the deck and started squeezing out infants.
Love your blog <3.
ive had 6 children and i can honestly say that i never once got the urge to strip..it was bad enough with all the medical students trying to watch "down there" as if it were cable tv or something! i had a gown on in the front, and in the back with a sheet over myself.
And she would have had to push REALLY hard because the baby is looking UP and not down...most babies are NOT born this way! Push! As a labor and delivery nurse, I think this is pretty darn funny!
First, I love this site. This is my first visit and I can not stop looking, readig or laughing. Second, this cake is in extremely bad taste. I have a twisted sense of humor, but this is wrong. Who gets the piece with the vag on it? Third, I have given birth four times and NEVER felt the need to get naked. No whirlpool tubs, no drugs or epidurals (ever) and still kept the hospital gown on. There was enough of me hanging out already, I didn't need the girls making an appearance as well.
I have to say - having worked in the medical field, I understand the sense of humor for labor & delivery nurses & this type of cake fits to a tee. Some are saying that kids are born face-down, yes, that is the normal - but both of mine were face up. This type of delivery involves low back pain rather than the spread-out frontal delivery pain. Believe me, it is extremely painful because ALL the pain is in the low back. By the way, I kept clothed for both deliveries Juls
Am I the only one who thinks that baby looks like an alien?
I had a hospital gown on when I gave birth. I didn't have any problems with it at all. I was also put on magnesium for pre-eclampsia which makes you feel HOT all over but I didn't need to take off the gown and it didn't even occur to me to do so at the time.
Childbirth is natural and beautiful, but not everyone is comfortable viewing it. The person who ordered the cake was a L&D nurse so she was probably completely used to this sorta thing. The woman on the cake looks like a barbie doll sorta, though. The legs disturb me somehow. Also the baby looks honkin' big!
I think this cake is actually kinda neat. I am a doula and dream of being a midwife in the next few years, so I think any type of celebration of birth is a good thing. I don't think i could eat it mind you, the idea of eating a birthing woman is kinda strange.
I had a homebirth last year and I couldn't stand the feeling of clothes on my skin. I laboured and birthed completely naked, but I also have at least one hour of naked time a day. I am comfortable in my own skin I guess.
Wow... I'm a little late since I just discovered this wonderful blog, but I just had to say, "good grief"! (Did you like the quotation marks? I'll throw in some more later and maybe I'll even misspell something.)
Anyhoo, I don't know where all these free loving hippie types are coming out of the woodwork to comment on this cake, but I have never been, or ever met, anyone who has been completely naked while giving birth.
I just had my third child last summer and wore a robe all the way to down "there". The only visible parts were the whowho (just barely) and my legs.
I definitely would not want anyone I don't know (nurses), or especially someone I do (my mother-in-law) to see me naked, much less have it replicated on a cake. Ew!!!!! At least put her in a hospital gown for the sake of those that are going to be eating it!
I don't care how "in vogue" nude labor is, I would sure hate to be the person who gets the puckered labia slice of cake.
And for the birth of the next baby... we'll feature the afterbirth! You can only imagine the cake they had at the commemoration of the ...circumcision? First bath? Stopping nursing? First time on potty?
Wow - that cake decorator must've been advanced in figure piping the Wilton way...
Wow, it's amazing how uptight and squeamish people are. I always considered myself to be squeemish, but around a cake? I know, the subject matter makes some people queasy, but despite being "anatomically correct," it is so in such a cartoon-like (non-realistic) way, for me it takes any potential grossness factor out of the picture. When you eat an animal cracker, do you really imagine yourself devouring that entire animal, head an all?
The other thing around the giving birth naked issue that some have alluded to indirectly is that there is no hospital gown in home births, nor in many birth-centers. You might bring your own robe or nightgown you are comfortable with, but one of the stages that most women experience during a natural birth is a loss of inhibition.
Now, sure, if this cake was brought into your standard office, it would be inappropriate, but if it's a group of close friends, even relatives, who are all women and actually meant as funny and yes a bit shocking, then how is it a wreck?
From a midwife and home birth perspective, this cake is totally cool...
And, um... yea... most of my clients are NAKED when they give birth!
Kim Mosny, CPM, LM
Home Birth Midwifery Service
O.K., I have nothing against childbirth. I have nothing against childbirth naked even. But...
Poor Olivia.Poor Olivia's child.
Why would someone want THAT on a cake? Boy, some people are WEIRD.
On the original site they didn't put any bars on!
Tee Hee!
This is genius. From just having a baby 2.5 months ago, I remember how much I craved sweets, and I got to take the leftover cake home after my shower. What a great way to ensure that the guest of honor gets to take more cake home! LOL ;)
Also, on the original site, the 5th one....
Who would ask for THAT on a cake!?!?!
You can imagine what any little boys who saw THAT would be like:
"Mummy, why's that cake got.....?"
I have seen this cake and I stare at it every time. Seriously, W...T...F??
Disturbing....why would you make this? Some sick brains out there! xx
Hi, there! Love your blog!!
Yes, many women do give birth naked, myself included. Point #1 - Losing modesty is a symptom of normal labor, #2 - Laboring naked is more comfortable, especially if one is going to be in and out of a shower or labor pool, and #3 - Laboring unclothed is logistically easier, since your lower half has to be open anyway, and it is healthiest and safest for baby to be put immediately on the mother's bare chest after birth for warmth, breastfeeding and snuggling. In fact, I don't know many women who DON'T give birth naked.
While I might not want this for a church shower, I would find it hilarious among intimate friends or birth workers. However, I would object to this cake on the following points: (1) the baby is coming out malpositioned in an occiput posterior position, which makes for lots of uber-yucky back labor - NOT COOL, and (2) the cake just looks like poor quality. I wouldn't want a crummy-quality cake at my shower, regardless of the comment.
Love the blog!
Oh... My....
I literally Lol'd so hard I fell out of my chair. My cousin and brother joined in.
Fondant is natural!
Where do you think baby cakes
come from? The cake store?