Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Little Late to the Meme

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hello, Wreckies.

Look at this cake you want:

Now look at the cake you got:

Now look at me:

Now look at this other cake:

Now back to me:

Look down.

Now back up.

This is a horse:

Now I'm pink.

Now look at the Jonas Brothers:

I'm a pirate.

Valerie, Olyvia S., Stacey, Rebecca M., Kayleen W., Tamara H., Shannon S., & Mandy R., I think these jokes may be little stale. Eh, I guess that's what you get with
old spice cakes.


Update: The Jesus Raptor painting was originally done by Monty Propps. The original painting of Jesus with the lamb was done by Del Parson.
SuBee said...

I wonder if Jesus had Cinderella's help in taming that dinosaur.

Jessica Ball said...

Seriously though, as a geologist I would totally go for the Jesus-with-a-velociraptor cake. Even theropods need some love!

Morgan said...

My son and I just giggled our way through your post ... you have quite a few personalities there ... how do you keep up with yourself? said...

Okay, but can we get some respect for Dinosaur-hugging-Jesus. I mean, sure it's weird but it's pretty well done... for a photo cake.

Little Lucy said...

Ok really, I think Jesus cuddling what appears to be a baby raptor is kind of awesome. It also brings a Simpsons quote to mind (as does most things).
"Awww...will you look at that? He's trying to claw my eyes out."

Unknown said...


Carissa said...

I had no idea the Jonas brothers had such thyroid issues!

Beth said...

Thank you for giving me a laugh, every day.

Gary said...

Coolest daily cake wrecks ever. Especially the antievolution/Jesus/dinosaur number.

Sylph said...

Late or no, LOVE!!!!

KnaveOfGates said...

The only thing that could make that better would be Sesame Street...Oh wait...
It IS better...

Tina said...

The Jonas Bros. look like 3 different surgical stages of Michael Jackson! I can't even wrap my mind around Jurassic Park Jesus!! ROTF

Justine said...

I want to know what occasion they ordered the Jesus and dino cake?

That had to be one interesting social occassion!

Anonymous said...

Wait. Is that Jesus cuddling a dinosaur? Someone not only ordered that cake, but PAINTED that picture?

Gloom Raider said...

Is fish #2 seasick? What a terrible life!

sjp2012 said...

Is that Jesus cuddling a dinosaur?! Seriously! Haha!

Anonymous said...

I thought the horse was a dinosaur. The fish cake, oh my, how could they mess up a fairly simple design so badly??? JC with the velociraptor is just strange. And the pigtailed girl cupcake cakes??? A good one isn't great, and a bad one looks like a monkey.

Anonymous said...

If John(hubby of Jen) looks even vaguely like the Old Spice guy (even if you have to squint and turn your head when you don't have your glasses on)...he can post all the goofy wrecks he wants.

But Jesus with a velociraptor? snerk.

(WV: Ingur. I think I just ingured myself snerking at the dinosaur cuddling up to Jesus.)

Anonymous said...

That's one of the best commercials of all time!

Anonymous said...

The Jesus holding the raptor is a photo cake, right...??? Um, who took the photo?

Jules AF said...

I looooveeeeeee the Jesus with dinosaurs pictures. And this post.

Alisha Rene' said...

WTF is Jesus holding a Velociraptor(sp) for? oh, that made me Ricky Gervais cackle in my cubicle, thanks Jen. *wipes tears from eyes*

Danger Boy said...

Words have abandoned me. Very funny stuff, this post...but I just can't get my brain to reboot after the Jesus dinosaur cake.

frogglet said...

Jesus loves the velociraptors, All the dinosaurs of the world... Sing it with me.

SuBee said...

"If John(hubby of Jen) looks even vaguely like the Old Spice guy (even if you have to squint and turn your head when you don't have your glasses on)...he can post all the goofy wrecks he wants."

Oh, Anonymous, I do agree.
Perhaps some pictures of the Old Spice guy could be posted among the cakes. It would make them easier to digest..

Anonymous said...

Jesus cuddling a dinosaur?? What's behind THAT order?? the graphic (on edible paper) is lovely, but just FREAKY!

and the fish...has a disease...and I can't decide if it has squinty eyes and pig like nostrils or eyebrows...

wv: giall. I can't believe they had the giall to put Jesus on a cake cuddling baby dinosaurs!

Elaine said...

I must spend waaaay too much time online, because I am honestly shocked that so many people have never seen raptor-loving Jesus before.

Curly-T said...

I've got to find a way to replicate the Jesus and raptor cake for my church potluck this Halloween. It MUST be done!

Brilliantpants said...

Jesus comforting a baby raptor is a total cake win. There is nothing even remotely wreck about that cake.

Saralukies said...

Awesome, awesome post, folkies. Laughed so hard I cried. Jesus w/velociraptor was great, but "I'm a pirate" killed me. Yay for stale memes!

Keeley said...

I loved this post. Needed a laugh today. That fish, those pigtailed CCC's (patooie), Jesus with a dinosaur--it's all good. Although i totally missed the creationist leanings of that one on first seeing it.

WV: carephyl--if wreckerators were more carephyl, we'd have fewer wrecks.

Anonymous said...

The raptor is a photoshopped disaster of a painting by Del Parson where Jesus is holding the lost lamb.

Google "Del Parson's The Lost Lamb"

Unknown said...

I want that Jesus Loves the Dinosaurs cake! WTF is with that pigtail girl CCC? Is that supposed to be some kind of character? The fish cake is just...odd. And the Jonas Bros are scary.

XTrail DayTripper said...

Aha! That's it the cake wreckers are chugging down cartons of Old Spice!

Marc said...

The Jesus/Dino cake I've before, although it was a greeting card. I used to live in Seattle and there was a shop that sold greeting cards from a local (I think) artist that featured pictures of "Dick and Jane" type kids playing with Jesus, and/or dinos and/or oversized jello molds from the 50's. Genius stuff...

Donna said...


Old Spice Cakes....I get it!!!


I did find the "pirate cake" a bit disturbing though...more than the Jesus cake (because he loves all the litte creatures)

Anonymous said...

@ SuBee

Don't you see Cinderella on top of the pterodactyl flying towards the volcano? ;)

I may go to h-e-double hockeysticks for it, but totally laughing at Jurassic Park Jesus!

You need a section for cakes that are wrecky but your henchpeople think are awesome.

wv pirria. What that last pirate cake gave me.

Beckah said...

I'm completely incapable of looking away from dino huggin' JC. Much like a velvet Elvis, kinda follows you, creeptastick.! Love a great snerk in the mornin'


J.C. & The Dino, that's what it's all about.
Now there should be a Virgin Dino holdin' Baby J.C.

Caroline B said...

I'm sorry, I can't give my attention to any of the other cakes because I just can't look away from Jesus & the dino-baby.........
Do you think the wreckorator misconstrued the Rapture of Christ to be the Raptor of Christ?

Anonymous said...

Jesus with a dinosaur is the most epic friggin' thing EVER.

I want that cake for my birthday...

Anonymous said...

I think the third one is for Washington's birthday. It looks like him wearing his wig.

Claire said...

The Jesus/dinosaur cake--- OH WOW. I laughed until tears (and, unfortunately, mascara) were running down my face. That cake is perfect in every way. I like how they tried to make the dinosaur as "tender" as possible, without losing "ferocious creature" credibility. The painting is perfectly done. Now I have to come up with some occasion in my life where I can get a cake just like that.

Fluffy Cow said...

I want the Jesus cake.

MichelleH said...

LOL I heart the old spice guy! :)

I saw this in my local paper today and thought of's not exactly a wreck, but it certianly isn't a cake you'd want to eat...

zombiekim said...

NO, not stale! Awesome! If Sesame Street can do Old Spice, so can Cake Wrecks.
Also, I like that you included the Jesus Raptor cake. Like you said, Cake Wrecks aren't necessarily bad; they're cakes that make you laugh. And that cake makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

OMG this post is HILARIOUS! And unfortunately for my computer screen, spit-take-inducing!! The combination of the Old Spice meme, velociraptors and cake is just tooooo delicious! Thank you for this.

Anne Spurgeon said...

Wait. Is that cake trying to say that is was the dinosaurs who killed Jesus? (that pterodactyl is swooping down pretty ominously) Or that it was Jesus who wiped out the dinosaurs? Or that they're in heaven together commiserating with each other for eternity? I should have paid attention better in Vacation Bible School.

wv: frotets. When you put the three crazy hair CCCs together they make up a frotet.

Julia said...

Jesus with baby velociraptor on a cake? Awesomeness! Wish I'd thought of that first...

Anonymous said...

There's got to be an awesome Sunday school song in there somewhere (sing it w/ me)...
"Oh oh oh, Jesus and the dinosaurs, Jesus and the dinosaurs" Ok that's all I got.
See, Jesus was here on Earth, billions of years before he was even born. Love that Raptor/Rapture comment though. I wonder if the original artwork says something like, "Where will you be when the raptor happens?" or "What Would Jurassic Jesus Do?" From this day forward all manger scenes MUST include dinosaurs. Cause you know, that's how it really happened and all. And no, the dinos did NOT eat the lambs and camels and wise men and stuff. Not one bit.

Junion said...

Oh wow..just..the Jesus Dinosaur one has me laughing, though honestly he should be riding one..not cuddling one. Otherwise I hate to say it but that cake dosn't belong here. Unintentionally Funny is the key here, I think the artist and the orderer both knew exactly what they were doing. Still a great cake and got me a laugh..but it should have been sunday sweetened in a huge purposefully hilarious post :).

Jennifer said...

That last line is classic.

Anonymous said...

I also have to give the Jesus holding baby dinosaur a big thumbs up. The edible paper gets a pass from me on that one. Or maybe it would just be best on a poster. But well done considering the medium.


Wv: defol - Defol is my favorite season.

Tricia L said...

That is the Jonas Brothers in their goth/punk phase, I believe.

Even with my totally non-existent artistic abilities, I do believe I could recreate the fish cake. That wreckerator should be flogged with a halibut.

Totally loving the Jesus cake. Hope Curly-T will update us after the church dinner ("I've got to find a way to replicate the Jesus and raptor cake for my church potluck this Halloween. It MUST be done!").

ania said...

Your follow-the-leader text had me totally laughing.

I recently watched and episode of "Lie To Me" and was reminded of the term 'change blindness'. I think that may be what some of the Wreckerators hope for. But you didn't fool me, I totally know you weren't a pirate when the game started!

Is that supposed to be Jesus in the Land of the Lost? Bizarre.

Also, your search box results page rules!!

A Cake To Remember LLC said...

I didn't realize there was enough of a demand for anti-evolution cakes that they'd have their own edible images! Pretty scary.

Jared Crookston said...

I think the Jesus-holding-a-dinosaur cake just redeemed photo cakes in my eyes. Any process that can produce a cake that majestic can't be *all* bad.

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love the Jesus hugging the dinosaur cake!!!! The weird CCC girl reminded me of Angelica Pickles from "Rugrats" at first, then later of a muppet. Why would anyone make a "cake" like that?

This is anonymous because of my closet crush on the Jonas Brothers.

Can anyone tell me what a etickili is? it was my verification word.

Lisa said...

I love that commercial! hahaha.

Anonymous said...

The CCC girl could be Pippi Longstocking? Or just yet another example of the monstrosities that are CCCs....

Tanya said...

Gotta love the morphing cupcake girl!! Who knew she could pull off a horse head AND a pirate... That's some talent!

Marga said...

I really love the cupcake girl cake. I think it is a very very easy cake to create for my kids. It is so much easier than creating a cheesecake... lol...

Daniora said...

Remember, Raptor Jesus went extinct for your sins. (It's true, look it up)

Anonymous said...

Sadly, there is a whole museum of things like Jesus cuddling dinosaurs. Admittedly I sucked at being a Christian even as a kid but I don't remember the bible mentioning dinosaurs...and I don't think they'd have left that part out somehow.

Layne said...

Wow. Jesus and the dino is now my profile pic. Just awesome.

Lori said...

Wow, that was a random selection! But you totally had me looking up, down, & all around...

H.J.D said...

That Jesus cake was pure win. I want that one!

MissNay said...

Ok the stale Old Spice cakes line was friggin outstanding.

Full Passport said...

aw, it was sweet of you to invite Grover to do today's post.

Sweet and very funny.

Tuesday's Child said...

Where are the tickets to that thing I like?

WV: untee: My untee can decorate cakes better than this.

Mel V. said...

"old spice cakes"? You're killin' me.

Yeah, I kinda love the Jesus and dinosaurs cake too. :-)

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Hey guys,

Please try to keep the bashing of belief systems to a minimum. This is a funny cake blog.


Beth said...

I want JURASSIC JESUS cake for my birthday!!!!

Jester Queen said...

I'd hate to find that horse's head in my bed!

And the Jesus Dino has me thinking of the Bill Hicks routine where he envisions a Jesus and the Dino episode much like an Aesop's fable.

Angie said...

Double love.

There are no words for the Dino-loving-Jesus cake. (Altho, I, too, want to know what kind of occasion that was for!)

Anonymous said...

The expression on the pirates face reminds me of this:

Kenvee said...

....I'm sorry, I know you told me to look at the next one, but I just couldn't get past Jesus holding a dinosaur. OMG. Never thought I'd say those words.

Heidi said...

Love the Jesus cake.
It reminds me of these cards.

Terrrs-uh said...

why am i in love with the jesus hugging a t-rex cake? hillarious!!!!!!

now i want a bazinga cake.........

WV: angsts-All the preppy angsts in high school can't get over all the crazy melodrama that fills their lives.

Maria said...

i had no idea Mafia Godfathers liked cake so much. I thought they were more the cannoli kinda guys.

Bekah said...

EXCELLENT post. Love. Love. Love. (you guys...for the cakes, it's more like AUGH AUGH AUGH)

a member of b3ta said...

To all the fans of the Jesus and a dinosaur cake, the image on the cake was first posted as an entry to a photoshop competition on the website in the challenge "photoshop creationism" (nsfw due to some adult humour). Link:
Since then it has been all over the web, but to see it on a cake is ace!

Anonymous said...

@ Elaine Patton

I'm also really surprised at the number of people for whom the Jesus/dinosaur pic is new. It's a very well done photoshop though, and not a terrible cake.

I would imagine it's a birthday cake. I had a friend who had that picture as his profile pic for a very long time and he would adore such a cake (actually, I sent him the Cinderella/dinosaur cake too). I'm guessing the recipient was someone else who also enjoyed the image. Not to ruin any fantasies of those imagining crazy fundamentalists having creation parties or anything, but I'm guessing it was more likely the birthday party of a 20-something year old guy.


Y said...

You're killing me John!! That was hysterical! I hope Jen puts your name on the next Cake Wrecks book, you deserve it.

Kristers said...

Okay, can someone who is biblically well-versed explain the Jesus-with-a-velociraptor cake? I'm not religious, but I don't remember that at all, and quite frankly, it makes no sense.

Now Adam and Eve with a velociraptor...that would make sense. I'm not saying nudity with dinosaurs is dessert-appropriate...I'm just saying...

Alex said...



Ahem. Nicely done Jenn, I was expecting you to do one eventually.


Anonymous said...

Dude, do the Antoine Dodson/bed intruder thing next! lol

Marga said...

Cora -" Jesus loves the velociraptors, All the dinosaurs of the world... Sing it with me."

LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!! I will have that song in my head ALL day now thanks to you!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that the dino/Jesus picture is a Photoshopped image done by Monty Propps, a user on

Elizabeth C. said...

I was able to hold back the laughter and tears cause I am in a meeting, But I snerked out loud at Caroline's comment. Raptor of Christ. Have to stop reading comments now.

WV: unwrise: Reading cakewrecks at a meeting is unwrise.

Ferralyn said...

Has everyone else missed the fact that there's a picture of Jesus on a CAKE? That means someone has to eat his face. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

oh the hurts.

Candice Y said...

I LOVE how the velociraptor is all :huff: FINE. I'll LET you hold me. :sigh:

LOL. I loved that cake. Might be my hubs' next birthday cake.

Kim said...

Jesus and the dinosaurs....yes (a new band name?). love love love the post!

Odie said...

Say what you will about edible printable ink, but holy crap, now I want a Jesus Horse cake!

- Odie

Joanna said...

I LOVE your Old Spice spoof, as that commercial is officially the most clever one I've seen in years. Good job. Brilliant. Awesome. You guys rock.

Beth said...

HA! That is CRAZY! And now, I have a version of a popular, old Sunday school song in my head... "Jesus loves the little dinos... all the dinos of the world..." ;)

peewee said...

It's like, every post is funny. EVERY.ONE. I don't know what sets apart one from another, only that THIS one KILLED ME.

Kim in the Boonies said...

Thank you.

I have had a really...well, let's just call it a day and your post just made (almost) everything better.

I just wanted you to know how much I really really really appreciate your wit and wisdom. That and introducing us to steampunk. ;)

Please don't stop...ever.

Kim in ID

Jenna Harris said...

You all know the Jesus picture is photoshopped, right? The original is Jesus holding a lamb with mountain back ground.

The "artist" swapped the lamb for the raptor and changed a mountain to a volcano and added a small pterodactyl. Wa-la.

If you want to see the original, just google "Jesus and lamb picture" and you'll find it.

Anonymous said...

John, Applause for this great "crowd of mis-cakes".


PS You are walking the fine line with TNT and a sense of humor- good job.

msyendor said...

"Raptor of the Christ" *snerk* "Dyno-Christ" So many bad puns come to mind.

And so many bad cluster bombs of CCCs.

I could use some fresh spice cake right now.

halesbales said...

I just read it 3 times in a row. That brightened my day. Good times

Anonymous said...

My husband thinks that the only cake that could top the Raptor Of Jesus would be Him caressing a baby Cthulhu. Or maybe Cthulhu showing up in a manger scene.

Mcarr31 said...

Thank you so so so so much for the Jesus/dinosaur cake. I am laughing/crying at work and could not be happier. I needed a good laugh so bad, and WOW, did that just hit the spot. Love you guys!

Raquel SK said...

Gotta love it! Just when you think you've seen it all!

Sam Gamgee said...

"Mommy, why is Jesus holding a velociraptor?"

Anonymous said...

@Caroline B:
"Do you think the wreckorator misconstrued the Rapture of Christ to be the Raptor of Christ?"

ROFL That's genius! (and probably what inspired the photoshop)

Deborah in California said...

Serious props to Caroline B for the "raptor of Christ." I laughed out loud.

And hooray for you for that great, great, fabulously hysterical image. I thought I spent too much time on the internet, but it was new to me, too. Now must think of an occasion for such a cake....

Anonymous said...

Love the dinosaur cake. Wouldn't say it's a wreck, I just love it. It was well done.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered where dinosaurs fit intto biblical history. and behold! evidence!

BLAM! said...

Nice reference. Made me smile. :)

Also, that raptor jesus cake is pretty cool, actually.

Anonymous said...


I love the Old Spice commercial, bringing it to CW was just a step into the Twilight Zone, and absurdly wonderful.

I'm pink, I'm a horse, I'm a pirate. I heard it all in OS guy's voice. Which is weird, since the CCC's were mostly female.

I admit it, I'm an internet junkie, I have seen Jesus holding the raptor before. Ok, so maybe not in person...

Thanks for the laughs!!


Inaya said...

Oh, I love that commercial! But some of those cakes... not so much. Brilliant post.

Also, the Jesus/dino cake is the only acceptable use for edible photos (paintings?).

Stephanie said...

Great spoofage there John! :D

Taskado said...

Love it, I now have one of these cakes as the screensaver on my iPhone.

Kristine said...

Whoa! Looks like the Jonas brothers 20 years into the future!

wv: wommatif - An interjection referring to tooth pain

"Wommatif are killing me after eating that CCC"

Anonymous said...


I just posted this sesame street video two days ago on facebook:

to which my husband commented:

"Look at your comment, now back to mine. Now back at your comment now back to mine. Sadly it isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through comments, writing the comment your comment could look like. What did you post? Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again the reply is now diamonds.Anything is possible when you think before you post"


Diane Schultz said...

The Jesus with the raptor is a great looking cake, but I just couldn't eat a picture of Jesus.

For those wondering about dinosaurs in the Bible, check out the book of Job and the book of Psalms.

Linda said...

Its kinda coincidental tho..Captain Morgan on Facebook had his status set today sounding like the guy from the Old Spice commercial too! Also hilarious!!/CaptainMorgan/posts/166822666677644

WV: whing "Whing goes my head..looking at you, back at the cake, back at you..LOL

maryliso said...

I so want the Jesus with the dinosaur cake!

tiny purple elephant said...

lol, look for the grover version of this!!!!
as for the jonas brothers cake... EDIBLE IMAGES PEOPLE, though that would be illegal for copyright reasons.

VeggieT said...

♪ ♫ dododo-dodo-da-dodo ♫ ♪

W.V. Kilatt - Remember john, it's hard to kilatt meme.

Elizabeth said...

Haha that cake with Christ was hilarious. I had to look at it twice to relize what was so off about it. So funny!

Unknown said...

the horse should have been the last thing to mimic the commercial better

SituationAbs said...

The one with Jesus and the dinosaur has got to take the cake. See what I did there?

Wahyu Wijanarko said...

Wow, I love the photo cake.

Four Jordans said...

I kind of love the Jesus cake. How awesome is that?

Sam Rice said...

I love the that cake with Jesus carrying a dinosaur! That is really heart-warming and the art is really definite and well-made! One of the best cakes that I would want to have for my birthday!

Unknown said...

Ok I'm sure it's been said 127 times already (I'm too lazy to read through the comments) but can you puh-lease make a video of this post?! John can sing? Or your assistant Jen can find out there's a dead dog again? Extra awesomeness if you do it with muppets..... Pleeeaasseeeee?

JenV said...

Does this mean that all the little dinosaurs get to go to heaven now too? Oh, glory be! I was so worried about them!

BADKarma! said...

There's a song titled "Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree". It's about the devil tempting the singer. I'm thinkin' that's the big black horse from the song.

...And T-Rex Jesus is just funny, even if it IS a photocake.

Anonymous said...

the post itself made me grateful for Kegel xrcz (exercise should be a 4 letter word- don't you think?) but the Raptor of Christ made me pee on myself. after that, the songs were just icing on the cake, so to speak

-Barbara Anne

Erin Knightley said...

Best. Post. EVER! Someone should totally email it to the corporate Old Spice people - how could they not hoot with laughter?
Just plain awesome :)

My name is Michelle. said...

The Jesus holding a dinosaur cake made even my grumpy husband giggle.

Anonymous said...

It's Raptor Jesus!

Stacy Q said...

That's the cake your cake could smell like!
(Anything is possible when your cupcakes smell like a dinosaur and not a lady.)

Lacey said...

I want Jesus cake!!!

Anonymous said...

My guess is the Jesus-dinosaur cake was commissioned by a creationist group.

Jasry said...

Ooh, maybe the horse is Bad Horse himself! The Thoughoubred of Sin in the same post as Jesus and the dino, wow.

colleenoz said...

The pirate cake makes me think of Noddy playing pirate-
What strikes me about the Raptor of Jesus cake is the expression on Jesus' face- looks like he's thinking, "Just wait till you see what my Dad has planned for you, ha ha." Which is not a very Christian attitude ;-)
WV: Latoo- what you get when you order a latte from a cakewrecker to go with the cake

Arlene said...

Ok I kinda liked the Jesus cake. It is tons better than those evil CCC cakes that are trying to be cute. But are not lol. And that first cake scary how that fish looks like it has a swirl of green poo with red dots on it.. gross and scary.

Anonymous said...

I want the Raptor of Christ cake next Easter!

Anonymous said...

The Jesus picture is actually originally a picture of him holding a lamb. You can see it here:

Leigh said...

Maybe, just maybe, if Jesus had loved all the lost little dinosuars He wouldn't have let them go extinct. I kind-of feel gypped. JC gets to love the dinos but we have to make do with bones? So unfair.

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

That ad will live on forever for awesomeness. So will this blog XD

kadterp said...

Three cups of coffee later and I get the old spice zinger! *sigh* Im still voting that the Jesus cakes has got to be the best. If anyone can figure out the reason why someone would want a cake like that, I would love to know!

Unknown said...

I'm inclined to think that isn't a horse, it's clearly a Thestral! An extra creepy Thestral.

thechubbygrl said...

You would love this if you haven't already seen it. :)

Eliza A. said...

"SWAN DIVE! Into the best wreck of your life".

Loving the Jesus cake.

Anonymous said...

Everybody sing:

"I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I got my Jurassic Jesus."

wv: invoutt
"I'm not very invoutt, but I really love that Jurassic Jesus cake!"

stephanie said...

i had to come back to the page today to make sure jesus and the dino was not a "Figment" (ha ha ha ha disney pun) of my imagination.

Ok, maybe Figment was a dragon not a dino... whatever, that cake has killed some of my brain cells.

Barb said...

Thank you for the out loud laugh -- you can come late to any jokes that you do so well!!!

FarmWife said...

Wow! Really gotta' love the Jesus cuddling with a dinosaur cake. Wonder what the occasion was....

And is it just me or is the horse head a little Godfather?

Aviatrix said...

That was horrific. I was begging you to stop.

My safe word appears to be caliabl.

~Alissa said...

Could Jesus holding a dino replace naked baby carrot riders as the CW mascot? Oh please, make it so.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus with Baby Raptor" is SUCH a classic!

Agatha Justyna Zu said...

I love sweets. I look like I'm hungry

this is my blog. see

Scumbag Sam said...

that last one looks like Nadine from Twin Peaks - seriously, google it! :D haha. Love it!

Laura Wittman said...

The only thing I want for my birthday next year is the cake with Jesus holding the dinosaur... seriously

Jaime said...

I love Jurassic Jesus! I want it for my birthday!

Anonymous said...

The "Raptor of Christ"! Now I get it! It's an eschatological joke. I LOVE it! Thanks, mysendor!

WV: prehums. That sound Joe makes right before he starts humming.

Heather D. said...

I knew Jesus liked dino's too!

Anonymous said...

This post is so, so good.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I love that commercial.

Unknown said...

Ha! That Jesus/Dino image is mine with the tag removed, naughty people who made it.

Can you give me a credit/link to the original in the original post as I have no objection to people using it, but it does annoy me when my tag is removed. But it's great to hear some of the positive comments about it, cheers guys :)

Tracy said...

Warning: In case of raptor this car will be unmanned.

Little Lovables said...

best post ever!! but h are half the pics missing on your posts lately? is it a blogger thing?

fansmom said...

Jesus loved the baby raptors, all the raptors of the world, green and scaly, tough and tail-y, Jesus cuddled with them daily, Jesus loved the baby raptors of the world.

Rats, now I'm damned for all time.

janina said...

stale jokes?! whatever! this post is HILARIOUS and made me laugh so hard i had a coughing fit after!

Anonymous said...

that is just too weird.

Wee Tait said...

Haha,I always knew Jesus had a pet!

Anonymous said...

Well.... the jesus raptor has always made me laugh, due to the fact it was ridiculous and if you didn't take a second look, Photoshopped. It's acutally a lamb and the original is a Mormon picture. However, the best add to the photo:
I'm so sorry Rex,
The ark is FULL.

Zekrom10 said...

Am I the only one that thinks it's awkward that John posted this?