Many thanks to Diana M., who tells me that "pear tree" is a bronze sculpture in Canada. Of a pear. So get your minds out of the gutter. There's barely enough room in here for mine.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Many thanks to Diana M., who tells me that "pear tree" is a bronze sculpture in Canada. Of a pear. So get your minds out of the gutter. There's barely enough room in here for mine.
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A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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88 comments | Post a Comment
That's a rather... uh.... unfortunate! yes that is the word I was looking for - color combination? for the "pear" cake.
word verification: kelen
As in "that cake is kelen me"
I sure HOPE it's a pear, I don't want to know what those two ... bumps are if it's not.
And...that's where I used to live (shudder). So, so proud.
Pear tree? I have to admit, I've never heard it called that before. It's appearant that they should have peared up with someone who could pear down their inadvertent double entendre.
Wow. And the coloring...are those Mike & Ikes?
Oh.My....I can barely type for the tears in my eys!
And a very shapely pear it is, also.
I dirty now :S
Really like your pears, want to shake your tree.
...Nope, just doesn't have the same ring as the Steve Miller original.
Blink. Blink. Blink. Um. Aren't pears usually green or red rather than, um, nicely bronzed and tanned, like they've been hanging out at a nude beach?
Region of WATERLOO? That's. I mean. SO DIRTY.
@ dangerboy
The original bronze had sever entendres going.
"And the pear represents nourishment", so the art statement says. Riiiight.
Bleh. Waiting for carrot jockeys to come to the rescue.
--link to picture of sculpture--!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif
Oh my. Oh my, oh my.
If not for the unfortunate color choice, that would have been a nice looking cake. And not a look-twice cake. Oy.
Oh. My. Gosh. Oh dear. Oh heavens. Did NO ONE notice what that ... apPEARs to be?
Good gravy. Those Canadians are supremely innocent souls. (That, or they just LOVE to play those little games.)
You're gonna get comments on this, you DO know that? "I can't POSSIBLY let my 3 year old LOOK at this!"
Life goes on, and with any luck, Cake Wrecks will long endure to keep us giggling and spitting tea on our keyboards.
Keep up the good work, you two!
Even being from Waterloo Region in Canada I still have no idea what the "pear tree" is.
And that cake isn't helping either.
I think it needs more Tree... and a lot less bumps in awkward places.
I once worked as a nurse in a GYN office... I know exactly what that is.
On the upside - kudos to the decorator for spelling the very difficult "occasion" correctly.
It's so smooth, and shapely, and shiny... mad fondant-covering skills, if there ever is a call for a cake of a different nature, please call this decorator! (no, there won't be such a call, I mean, who would ever want a... ok, stopping now!)
MC from NZ
Ha ha, that's awesome, I live in Waterloo Region! The pear tree in question can be seen here:!OpenDocument
Here's a picture of it:!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif
It's bigger than I thought, and smaller.!OpenDocument
Has info about the sculpture; looks like the pear the cake was modeled after is by the 3rd story
You can see the original sculpture here. It looks like a halved pear, not like... I thought maybe the sculpture itself was vaguely sexual, nope.
"I had the pear dream again."
Wow, brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "facing my Waterloo".
OTOH, I now have a dandy new euphemism!
That must be one of those Brazilian pears, which is odd given the whole Canadian dealie.
word verification: chessess
As in "Holy Chessess, that's one curious pear."
What a BALLSY choice for a cake design!
But I would have made a deferens...I mean different decision. That decorator was NUTS! He or she really should get a grip.
PS - my WV is "PROPER".
Tee hee.
I don't even have to make a joke...
Random off-topic fact of the day: the female equivalent of 'phallic' is 'yonic'. Just so y'all know. Totally unrelated to today's cake. Really.
*snortgiggle* My, what a cosy gutter.
Where is a fig leaf when you need one?
The sculpture is beautiful. There's a whole lot less pear and a whole lot more tree to it. A stem and leaves would have been so effective in communicating the true nature of the cake.
WV: trynogro. Even though "Pear Tree" try, no gro.
The cutting the first slice of cake...all I can think of is episiotomy.
As usual, the comments are as funny if not funnier than the post. Go Wreckerators! Norine
What a coincidence! I just happen to have my "Partridge" in a "Pear Tree" as I type! Aren't euphemisms fun!?!
Que horror! The too-close-to-flesh-tone color of the cake was rather unfortunate as well, so yes, what I hope it ISN'T is the first thing that came to mind...
I live there and well lest just say that if they did not have the occasion this cake was for listed on the cake there might have been many interesting questions raised about the kind of statement this is making.
Uhh... all the pears I eat are green. So yes I see what you see.
Holy awful, Batman!
Stacy Q, I echo your sentiment with gusto. That is fierce.
I almost shot a bogey on the laptop when I read "had the pear dream again" I heart you, comments. I heart you.
If that is a pear it is one ugly pear and I sure wouldn't want to eat it! Those two lumps in the middle.. eek. Nope mind is out of gutter and running for the hills lol.
Dear Jen & co.,
Up until a few minutes ago, I would have said that today was the oily green-black mottled icing on the half-burnt, half-raw cupcake cake (patooie!) that this past month has been for me. But then I read this post and the associated comments, and I cannot stop smiling. Thank you for sharing things like this, thank you for the laughs, thank you for being there.
it's not just you. before the ads had even finished loading, I was absentmindedly thinking, "why do I see labia?"
Which I don't think I have ever thought before when viewing cake. And hopefully will never again.
I wasn't going to comment, but my word verification was just too good to pass up, especially considering the subject matter: valatio!
I swear those things aren't computer generated!
I actually felt dirty looking at this... Wow.
I viewed the 'inspiration' for this cake, thinking that would help make sense of it. Hey, we all have crazy ideas from time to time.
"The oval things at the top, with the long tails? Those are leaves. That's a pear in the middle, and that big oval thing at the bottom is an egg. It's all about nourishment and home and family and raising kids. Yeah, that's it -- that's the ticket!"
It's about making kids, I'd say. Heretofore I thought only American officials fell for stuff like that -- 'nice' to know those of us who have to shell out for these pieces of... art have some company.
What else awaits the unsuspecting;
"The Towering Mushroom" perhaps? I shudder to think where that might be thought appropriate.
As to the cake: At first, I thought it was a giant nose, but that didn't explain the bumps. Then I turned slightly and saw the pear. Still trying to forget what I saw next.
I can see where the 'tree' might tend to lock one in a certain frame of reference, but there must have been some latitude in choice of color. "Settle down, Bevis."
Oy, indeed.
Oh. My. God.
I must be a complete innocent because until I started reading the comments I thought it just looked like an over-ripe pear cut in half.... hmmm, I really must get out more....
Ummm.... wow.... thats all I have.
When the baker was done with this cake, did he/she stand back and think, "Yes, this is a gorgeous pear?" Really?
I definitely just squealed and minimized my browser to avoid work discovery...oh pears, why be you so saucy?
Oh. My. God.
...So that's what they're calling it these days.... hmmmm.
uh...Wow. Nothing more to say. Wow.
There's another Pear Sculpture in Edward Everett Square in Dorchester, MA. It seems really out of place until you realize that this inner-city neighborhood was once someone's farm and a couple of pear varieties were cultivated there. (I wonder how many pear sculptures are out there?)
Alas, I know of no cake version....
First time commenter, long time Cake Wrecks follower, but had to share the spontaneous reaction of my 3 year old (in light of Deborah from California's comment.) The minute I clicked on today's post I heard "Eeew!" from behind me. I turned to see my daughter pointing at the screen. I said "What?" She replied, "It looks like a [insert 3 year old euphemism for the obvious body part] with seeds in it!" (I'll spare you her elaboration on what kind of seeds she thought they were.) I mean if it's that obvious to a 3 year old . . .
My word verification just about sums it up: OBOEYI!
Wow. Okay. A pear? Then why do I feel unclean?
Wow! A pear? Not to my eyes.
If wreckerators would apply the "13 year old boy" rule before making a cake, this sort of thing could be avoided. The "13 year old boy" rule is this: show any plan/idea/design to said boy, and if he snickers, laughs, and immediately texts his friends, discard said idea/design.
[CENTER]On the first day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
A cooter on a ball sac[/CENTER]
Never thought I'd see such a peculiar juxtaposition of genitalia.
WV: bamyr
"The only known case of labiascrotal superimposition stems from a coupling of cousins in Tuscaloosa, Bamyr, in the 1980s."
Definitely live there.
Why does the region get to have a cake just to commemorate "art"? And WHAT a cake! I mean, just look at those... seeds? *sigh*
A juicy pear, no doubt.
First the lion shaped like a phallus.. now this.
As a resident of Waterloo Region, I have only one thing to say.
I'm moving!
"Region of Waterloo"??!?! Ha ha I'm going to start using that one in place of "squishy parts" from now on!!
Um...yeah...I'm quite glad my boss wasnt around to walk in while I was checking cakewrecks on my lunch hour today...
wv: indenc
I'm pretty sure my boss would consider this "pear cake" indenc for work.
OMG I am so glad that I wasn't invited to the unveiling of the "pear tree" because I would have gasp when I saw the cake then laughed..........
pear? Wow I have heard some crazy nicknames but never pear......
I'm glad it's a cake! For a second I was confused and thought it was a picture of the actual bronze thing. At least cake doesn't last forever! I would still eat an edge piece, I think. Cake is cake.
Holy F#$%^!!!!!
Is that a date cake? Talk about inuendo!
"Anonymous said...
'I had the pear dream again.'"
LOL! Kids in the Hall reference FTW!
Caffeinated. I literally snorted/laughed/diet coke choked.... Holy Chesses...
Thanks for that.
And Mary C. Re: Episeotomy .. too funny...
Blessed... Hahaha.. I also hope to never think that again!
ANony 9:14 - TOO funny that even a 3 year old catches it!!
I also have a WV that I think had to have been created just for this page: Sestict.
Hahaha! I live in the "Region of Waterloo" and I've never even heard of this before.
Oktoberfest has its phallic lion, and it appears we've found its mate. *sigh*
I'm surprised nobody commented on the paper printout sign for the region/lettering. I think it's actually paper, and not the edible kind.
umm. yikes!
A pear AND a lion ( Waterloo also has nice Blackberries. I mean the phone kind, not...oh dear...
A pear tree...come on...its quite obviously a... ;)xx
Sometimes I think bakers' ideas should be pear-reviewed before publishing, uuh, baking.
Tha taint what I thought it was at first!! :)
I'd like to thank all the commenters here for being hilarious and not turning this post all EPCOT-y. :)
Waterloo REPRESENT! woot!!!
Now will he sit under a medlar tree,
And wish his mistress were that kind of fruit
As maids call medlars, when they laugh alone.
O Romeo, that she were, O that she were
An open-arse and thou a pop'rin pear!
Nothing says it like the classics.
I took one look and did a double-take.
Oh. MY. GOD.
Obviously this person who decorated it wasn't thinking.
- Courtesy of The Sugar Cube
Trying not to think of ABBA....
Ow! Ow! Ow! WATERLOO! Promise to love me forevermore! EEEEeeeeewww!!!
Hello from the Region of Waterloo!!
My god that's awful.....LOL!!
Gives a whole new meaning to "a partridge in a pear tree." great. now that song is ruined for me. LOL
is this from a pear shaped woman with a big rump?
The best thing just happened... I look at this page and there's a HUGE ad for Summer's Eve wipes on the sidebar. :gigglesnerk:
i am a 10 YEAR OLD and this cake totally looks like a penis even to ME. i LOVE cake BUTT i wouldn't eat THIS cake.(sorry about the awful joke)
......ummm yah. Ok? Remind me to never eat a pear again.....please
Hummm......Very Nice!
This pear cake must be modeled after the Vajay pear variety.
every water dept employee who saw this cake and remained professional deserves a huge raise! (raise in pay!, don`t let your mind go there)
I'm sorry for this but, it looks like a vagina. omg, i wonder what the people thought when they saw this lol remarkable lol cake. HA!
I'm eating choclate chips, and they now don't look good. And did someone actullyeat the cake