This cake may technically be a wreck, but it's a freakin' sweet wreck. And get this: it's a wedding cake. Awww yeeeah [cue Bond music: dum da da dum da da da...].
Check out the details, folks: from the crashed plane and face-down henchman (my favorite) to the bad guy scaling the back and the bullet holes peppering the second tier, this is one detailed Bond diorama. And don't get me started on the blasted-off columns of the top tier: that's an engineering marvel all on its own. So sorry, but I haven't got a single criticism to offer here: just wanted to share a rare diamond in all this cake roughage.
Ann W. & Dayna B., nice one.
UPDATE: Thanks to David Malki !, the cake's designer, I can now tell you that this work of art was created by Mike's Amazing Cakes. The top layer is indeed styrofoam, and the plane is actually a model of one David flies. You can visit the original site here, where you'll also see the coolest idea to hit a wedding in a long time: an entire wedding party in coordinating Converse sneakers. Awesomeness.
74 comments | Post a Comment
what the heck is keeping the top layer from sliding off??
Wow. That is some detail. I cannot hate on that. I only wish I had done that for my own wedding but with a Star Wars theme. For example, what about me and Han utop the cake? I love me some Han and he knows!
That is awesome! If I ever get married again...
I love your site!
This is so cool. I am amazed, too, by the broken columns. very cool.
Oh my. That's brilliant. As a wedding cake, well, slightly disturbing. But in general, that's something else entirely. Is it an interpretation of On Her Majesty's Secret Service? Fascinating.
If loving this cake is wrong, I don't want to be right.
If, by any chance I were ever to get married again, I would have that cake. It is made of sweet awesome!
It makes me almost want to get married again so I can have a cake like that!
Is the groom-- is he PUSHING the bride off the side of the cake?
Dammit. I got married three months ago and I would TOTALLY have had that cake if I'd seen it first.
Nice! Where did this one come from?
I just found this blog on the Ra Cha Chow blog. LOVE IT!!!! I laughed so hard at a couple of the cakes that I just cried!!! I'll be looking forward to the daily posts!
Not what I'd want at my wedding, but full marks for execution.
Geddit? Execution! Ba-doom boom!
That is worth whatever the bride and groom paid for it. Almost makes me want to plan another wedding...nah, nevermind.
I wasn't sure if you were going to hate this cake, cause at first look I really liked it. Granted, it's not MY choice for a wedding cake, but if the bride and groom are into that sort of thing, it's a way cool thing. It kind of reminds me of a cake that would be done on the show "ace of cakes." They do some whack stuff! Absolutely unbelievable. So yes, I liked this, especially the tilt and the explosion residue. Very cool.
OMG -- I want to go to their wedding! Too fun!
I love it -- I got into baking last year -- I've only made birthday cakes for family and some holiday cakes and one baby shower cake -- I love I make a mess but it is all worth it.
Very cool but I wish I knew what would possess someone to have that as a wedding cake.
awesome cake!
This is the funniest friggin' site I've seen in a long time. I found you via someone I don't know on Twitter, because Twitter is majorly messed up right now. Will be visiting a lot!
Awesome cake! Thanks for sharing! That must have been a fun cake to make! What talent!
I'm glad you gave us the back story, Jen. On first glance, seeing that crashed plane, the corpse, the explosion around the columns, and the generally kinetic activity of the figures, I thought this cake was intended to represent a mini 911. And I thought, "I am so glad I do not know this couple."
That's awesome!!
That is just incredible!
Great cake! I love it!
This is very, very creative!! I can SO see my son, a James Bond fan, dreaming up a cake like this when he gets married. God help his wife, that's all I can say!
Thanks for sharing :)
That is the absolutely coolest cake ever.
Love it!!! Prop's to the decorator on this one!!
Oh, man. I need one of these for my upcoming family reunion. ( Not that the family would like it, I mean, they buy their cakes at (shudder)Costco.)
Wow. I sure do love that cake. Just one of those layers would be fantastic, but their powers combined equal delicious hijinks.
Not a very good omen on the future of this couple's marriage. It's like it was baked for Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Is there gun powder in the filling?
GREAT site, by the way. You're newest on my favorites list!
i love this one!! i want it as a birthday cake! well, without the bride and groom.
LOVE this one! I agree with others, though - not my choice for a wedding, but hey, it COULD have been worse, as we've seen! LOL!
Any way to find out where this cake came from? Just love it!
Too. Cool.
I have to say, this is the coolest cake ever! Wish I would have thought of something like that, not that my family would have let me do that.
Love it!
oh my god.
it's ... it's *beautiful*.
It'd be a perfect divorce cake.
Well considering what happened to James Bond in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," I'd have to say that any Bond-themed wedding cake isn't exactly a good omen.
I really like this one. It's different, really different. And after reading that first blog (Freud blah blah blah) I gotta say I've seen worse lol. Cool Blog, I'll be back!
this is david malki !'s wedding cake! he's the author of Wondermark, a webcomic thats also featured in the Onion. http://www.wondermark.com
he's a pretty rad dude if you ignore the exclamation point at the end of his name.
I'm thinking this is the best wedding cake ever.
So cool!
Malki !'s cake really is the best cake
apparently the top layer was frosted styrofoam for weight reasons.
awesome cake.
That is awesome. I just found your blog and I love it.
OMG thats so neat!
i love your blog!
This is Sweat! Wish I did that for my wedding.
This is such an interesting topic for a blog! I really like this cake- a lot of detail and funniness!
Nice job on the blog and keep posting!!!
This is one great cake!!!
After following the link in the update, I have to say that the entire wedding sounds pretty flippin' awesome to me.
Matching sneakers? Did they all drink poison and hop on Hale-Bopp after the ceremony?
Love the blog, love the cake. May be a bad omen to have at an actual wedding, but it may also be a great conversation piece.
My wedding cake was made by the same baker. They are amazing!
This is a fine cake.
Unfortunately not a cakewreck™
This is the FUNNIEST blog I have come across. I'm in tears. This cake however is AWESOME! What a cute couple, they must be a lot of fun!
This is an awesome wedding cake. And the wedding itself looked pretty cool too. See, those people are real artists. Not like the fruit compost heap wedding featured above.
"If loving this cake is wrong, I don't want to be right."
Marc- will you marry me??
DWW-3 kids..... Hey wait- has anyone seen "Spy Kids"- this would have been the perfect cake for the one when the parents got married.I can't ever think "James Bond" because then the "Wizard of Oz" cake comes to mind - goldfinger!
It kind of looks like the top layer of the cake was photoshopped. There's no other explaination for how they pulled that one off! :)
I just shot a wedding where the guys all had Airwalks. I want the same pair. They're too cute. I love this kind of crap. http://catmanchackphotography.zenfolio.com/p605307466/
Actually, my wedding party all have converse sneakers too! (Mine are pink). Dang, I thought we were original....
I only wish my wedding cake were that wicked cool
That's a truly awesome cake, and I shall have to show it to my boyfriend as soon as he gets online. I want one.
I love Wondermark! So I'm not surprised that this cake is so great. :3
That's so fantastic! I wonder where they got it made, do you know? My husband to be is REALLY into Star Wars and wouldnt it be awesome to have an exploding Death Star cake in the same style, with people climbing around and shooting... hmm... on the other hand it might be a kind of hard shape to pull off easily, and the death star was pretty big to have people on a scale like that. I've been looking around on
http://www.gatheringguide.com/ec/wedding_cakes_bakeries.html trying to find someone who will do a cake like this, but have been seeing a lot of traditional bakeries. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Any ideas where they got this done? I really want to use this same style for my own cake! You've inspired me!
OMG a Pocket Dragon cake! How sweet!!
As David's mom, I assure you that the top layer was a real fake. Actually, the whole cake was awesome. David has been drawing exploding stuff since he was about three,but it's all on paper and harmless, he's actually a nice guy (sorry to give away your secret, Dave) and Nikki jumps right into his weird stuff. And yes, everybody was in Converse (at the bride's insistence), and I tell people that mine are from a wedding when I wear them.
Wow, a fandom two-fer... Wondermark guy and Mike's Amazing Cakes, who I see on Food Network all the time!
Woah. This cake just showed up in my "Comics" folder of my Google Reader, quite far away from my Cake Wrecks feed, because I also happen to follow Wondermark. Crazy how worlds collide.
That is completely stellar. What an awesome idea. Haha I know sometimes I felt like I was being sabotaged by carefully trained assassins when I was planning my wedding. What a fun wedding-- and the coordinating converse is darling; you know that couple's got a lot of personality.
That wedding cake is so freakin' awesome! I'm really impressed. When I get married I'm going to make sure that my cake is as awesome as this. Maybe I'll just buy that exact same cake. We'll have to see if my future wife approves.
Top marks for the detail. A lot of talent required for that im sure. x