Friday, August 13, 2010

Evil Gets... Evil-er

Friday, August 13, 2010

In a world...

where nothing is safe...

and no one can be trusted...

"Like, ohmygawsh, Kelly! I know it's midnight and raining outside, but let's strip down to our bras and go running through the woods! What could possibly go wrong?"

[blood-curdling scream]

From the people who brought you:
Butterflies from Hell,
Night Hugs from Hell,
Underwater Zombie Ballerinas (Also from Hell,)
and Gigli,
comes the most horrifying psychological thrill-ride blood bath you will ever wish you could un-see.

"Thank you for the teddy bear, mommy! I love him SO MUCH, and I'm glad he's not creepy and won't kill us in our sleep or anything!"

[blood-curdling scream]

No one knows where they came from... or who they will visit next.

"Well, I'm all by myself and the power's out, but I think I'll take a shower anyway."

[pulling back shower curtain]

[blood-curdling scream]

When the streets are paved with evil... and the nights are filled with... evil...

"Gosh, I'm so glad you came over to make out with me while I'm babysitting tonight. Maybe I should just go check on the baby... in the attic... in my high heels... in the dark... in my bra... alone... while you go get pizza.

[pulling back blanket]

[blood-curdling scream]

Nothing that lives in the imagination is more frightening than the terror that lives... in the bakery:

{Crazy maniacal Leprechaun laugh}

[blood-curdling scream]

This Friday the 13th, terror gets its just desserts.

Hell's Bakery... from Hell.
In 3D.

If you can't stand the heat... you're probably about to get murdered.

Shannon G., Anna L., Sara C., Melissa, & Lindsay, if you had trouble visualizing this post as a movie trailer, then we've put together a little something for you:

GrnEyes said...

OH.MY.GOSH. Seriously, what is WRONG with these bakers? That first one looks like a character from Sesame Street has become a stalker. The next is obviously "pooh" bear and NOT the one we all know and love. The decapitated and melty dog head, well, all I can say to that is WOOF. The baby face flower looks like a tribute to Anne Geddes that went horribly wrong and that last one - well I just love how they put hearts on the bottom, like that someone can distract you from that psychotically evil sharp-toothed grimace! Evil bakers!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I spy Labyrinth! And was that the car from National Lampoon's Vacation?

That teddy bear is freaksville.

That video was awesolicious!

- DB

Cathy said...

you guys just keep getting better. The trailer is amazing!

Anonymous said...

OMG that's way to funny

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the nightmares. That 'dog' especially shall haunt me all the days of my lives. (yes, lives, being a cat means I have more than one, and you've scarred me for all of them)

HOW do I get that image out of my mind?????


WV - stnesa ... I'm praying to St Nesa to heal my eyes and clear my mind right now.

AEisMe said...

Love Love LOVE the video! "And Gigli!!" made me cackle. I'm such a nerd that I almost shouted Labryinth! each time it was used.

Happy Friday the 13th y'all!

Firu said...

This is THE BEST TRAILER EVER!! I was sitting in my cubicle and laughing out loud uncontrollably and probably finally confirmed my co-workers suspicions that I have lost it...*lol*

Stephanie said...

I definitely had the movie trailer guy's voice in my head when I read this.
The video was hilariously awesome. :D

DebbaSue said...

What a way to celebrate Friday the 13th. That video was TOTALLY A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!

I am so glad I wasn't drinking anything while watching it. What a way to start the day.

Number 1 rocks

mn_me said...

only the shadow knows what evil lurks in the hearts (and bakeries) of men (and women)....

Great stuff once again ... Love the video concept. Very funny stuff!

Anonymous said...

OMG- That video was freaking hilarious! A+

Gary said...

This is my new favorite horror movie!

Those 80s perms are almost as scary as the cakes.

Anonymous said...

OMG! My co-workers were wondering why my mouth was hanging open in sheer horror. I shudder to think about the poor receipient of the first cake. That person is gonna need therapy-come to think of it, I might now too. ugghh.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jen and John,

What are your thoughts on a polyamourous relationship with an unknown fan from Australia?

*presents flowers*

*presents chocolates*

*presents ring*

*music from "The Marriage of Figaro" begins playing*

Gary said...

On the first cake, not only is that muppet climbing out of the grave horrifying in just about every other respect, but she (he? it?) doesn't seem to have opposable thumbs.

Wild Cakes said...

LOVE it... but somehow was expecting a Sweeney Todd reference at some point...

Jules AF said...

Great post!!! The teddy bear is just.... Indescribable.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.

JenB said...

That video is amazing. It reminds me of when I was a teenager and would have horror movie fest slumber parties every Friday the 13th. That dog cake freaks me out. I'm in my thirties and I still can't read or watch Cujo.

Sassy0 said...

Dear John, Jen, and Cake Wrecks crew:

I love you.
That is all.

Dori said...

Love the video!! And my daughter is watching The Labyrinth as I type...maybe I should go check on her...still fully clothed, of course!

Inaya said...

Cannot... unsee... maniacal grinning leprechaun heart cake.

(Except when I'm on the floor dying of laughter. Total bullseye with today's post!)

The Beans said...

I'm probably not going to sleep tonight. *looks nervously about room*

-French Bean

Brooke said...


Molly Malone said...

Hilarious :) The dog cake made me think of what my Kai dog would look like if I got dodgy contacts and his face melted... I have to wonder what combination of drugs those bakers were on...

jo said...

OMG that video was genius, #1! Great video! Bravo!!

"...and Gigli." LOL

Nash Nordin said...

Those cakes were creepy! Especially the flower-faced cake. What were they thinking?

Anonymous said...

Your trailer was amazing! It was interesting to go try and name as many movies clips as possible, but when it came to the clip from the Korean Antique Bakery movie I seriously loled!

*whistles 'One of these things is not like the others...' softly*

Hilary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This was maybe my favorite post ever.

Stella said...

Ya know, all those cakes got progressively worse as you scrolled down? Was that intentional? Geez, now I gotta go change...

Stephanie G. said...

OH MAN THAT WAS AMAZING! Before the post was even done I was like "they need a video for THIS one" hahahaha

I love how you incorporate the Labyrinth movie of my faves.

I think the teddy bear is the scariest ;)

Anonymous said...

That was too funny!! I love cakewrecks!!

Mary Connealy said...

Okay, possibly the funniest movie trailer EVER!!!


Brad said...

Does someone has too much time on her hands?

No way! That was AWESOME!

Anonymous said...


Nicole said...

I love you guys. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

These videos are KILLING me. It's like murder From Hell. At work which is kind of like hell... they're probably wondering why I'm hyperventilaughing with the screaming.

tiny purple elephant said...

how could you eat that dog's head, it looks too real.
loved the video even though im not familiar with most of the movies

"in my bra" wanted to add that when a girl hears a noise outside she opens the door, leaves it wide open and wanders around outside ( in revealing outfit), later back inside she is *surprised* when someone got in and attacks her (still wearing revealing outfit).

A Paperback Writer said...

Great, now I"m going to be humming Weird Al's "Nature Trail To Hell In 3-D" for the rest of the day.

Nice trailer. You people rock. :)

Erin - Thrift Madness said...

OMG, I love you SO MUCH for this post!

JenericFN said...

So awesome Jen, just awesome. I really wish I could get Underwater Zombie Ballerinas (also from Hell) on my Netflix.

But not Gigli.

That, my friend, was the cherry on top for me.

My birthday is next week, hubby insists he is getting a cake as a surprise... I hope it's wrecktastic just so I can submit it!

cs said...

Love it! It's MY birthday today and I'm always thrilled when it falls on a Friday since I was born on Friday the 13th. Thanks for the laughs! :)

heather andrews said...

You've really outdone yourself today–that film was awesomesauce! Love the Labyrinth clips. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG I think that baby-head-cupcake is going to give me nightmares!

Unknown said...

I was truly creeped out by the first cake (AMAAGAHHH) but it quickly dissipated thanks to your hilarious video.

"underwater zombie ballerinas....(also from hell)" snnnnkkkBWAHAHAHA

You guys are too much. Thank you for being too much. =)

WV: undirc: Don't look undirc the bed!!!

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHA! Love it!


Unknown said...

Hahaha!!!!! I would totally pay to go see that! How long did it take you to piece that together? I could only identify three of the movie bits you used but it was great!!! Posting the link on my FB now!

P.S. You know what we haven't seen in a while? Crappy nature cakes. I'm just saying.

L.B. said...

Don Lafontaine would be so proud of you guys! Those cakes are so... um... EVIL!!!!

Psychocat....from HELL! said...

Can't sleep....cakes will eat me....can't sleep....cakes will eat me....

LOVED the video!!

The Ciprich Family said...

I have to admit that I never leave a post but that was freaking HILARIOUS!!!!! Great job. That "dog" will haunt my nightmares tonight. Who actually thinks that is a great idea for a cake?!?!?!

Herouth said...

Something seems to be wrong in the embed code of the movie. Like its right side was truncated. I think the "trailer" is supposed to be wide-screen but the embed code is for regular.

Sabrina said...

Ha ha ha! That was FANTASTIC!

Pamela said...

For us readers of Cake Weaks Friday the Thirteen is not a bad luck day, it's a wonderful funny day. You've done it again. Thank-you

Anonymous said...

Arrgghhh! The babyface flower cupcake is horrifying! I wish I could unsee it!! Also, the video won't work for me which is also making me scared. Or disappointed. Or both. I'm sending you my therapist bills

Katie said...


Marney said...

You guys seem to really enjoy making these videos and I'm glad you do because I really enjoy watching them. They're always quite funny.

Anonymous said...

That was the awesomest evil promo trailer from Hell ever.

You need minions after that one!

Lisa said...

Best. Post. Ever. Especially. The. Video!!!!

Standing O, people... standing O!!!

JenniF said...

EPIC EVIL! I heart this!

arwen evenstar said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The post was hilarious...but the video was pure awesome. I was crying with laughter. It is epically wonderful.

Anonymous said...

In my morning ritual I always read Cakewrecks followed by icanhascheezburger. Today's Cakewrecks post was followed by this as the first icanhascheezburger picture.

Serendipity I tell you.

WV: ganutest - ganutest the wreckerators grasp on reality?

Adrian said...

Oh man, that trailer is SOLID GOLDEN. You could make a game out of name those movie clips!

The tagline also was fantastic. Thanks for making my Friday!!!

Mollie said...

that... scarred me... for life....
and i love all the Labyrinth clips in the trailer ^^

Michele S said...

I think the last cake is suppose to be a cheshire cat??? Love, Love, Love the video! Keep them coming!

Cutelilsnot said...

omg - that was the BEST!!! From Hell! You guys are my favorite sociopaths!!!!

CoasterChick said...

Today is my birthday and that was the greatest gift! I love your site, your witty ass humor, and of course the fantastical wrecks! You guys are fantastical!

Anonymous said...

That trailer made me laugh so hard, I had tears in my eyes! The Gigli reference sent me over the edge.

Hell's Bakery... FROM HELL!


Kathy M said...

woohoo! Another video! I love it!

str4y said...

1. That was awesome.
2. That video was awesomer.
3. Labyrinth!!!!
4. That is all.

Jen C said...

Laughed til I cried! At work!

HappyNat said...

Freaking brilliant. Well done.

VanDyks said...

That. Was. Epic.

BADKarma! said...

I kinda like that last one. Sadly, it's a cookie, but it's CHEERY!

Sharon said...

Creepy kids, and poo pets,
They're all Cake Wrecks.
Babies get cut down to size,
and cupcakes have a gross surprise,

Now I can't get it out of my head,
No, I can't get it out of my head,
Now my cake world is gone for dead,
Now I can't get it out of my head,
Thanks to Jen.

Sharon's Edible Art

Alyssa said...

Can you imagine even contemplating eating that little baby face cupcake? What kind of a psycho would you have to be to dream of sinking your teeth into that?!?!

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious. Kudos to you. I really enjoyed this post.

Anonymous said...

the baker found the decapitated dog's head in his bed after falling foul of the Mafia

Anonymous said...

Today's post is so evil, you would say it's EE-vel, like it's the fru-its of the De-vel.

And the comment about "in my bra," so true. LOL.

Anonymous said...

You guys continue to outdo yourselves! Very funny as it was, but the video really makes it the best.

WV: expess--I cannot expess my gratitude for the laughs, or my horror at those cakes.

Jilly-bear said...

OMG! The cakewrecks themselves are creepy enough - then you had to add the video!

LOL - loved it.

Amie said...

The first one looks like Kate Monster turned into a junkie and is jonesing. YIKES.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't thank you enough for the brilliance of this trailer; my string of Friday-the-13th bad luck started a day early, and I so needed a good laugh. You rule.

Ice Queen said...

Love it! :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful post to lighten up my Friday the 13th!

Alisa Knits! said...

You are my new favourite person ever.

ethel aldehyde said...

my world . . . it has been rocked.

thank you, number one.


EG said...

The baby face cupcake is TERRIFYING! Just awful!

Anonymous said...

"...and Gigli"

Remind me not to drink water while I'm reading this - I almost had a serious incident.

dolphinwitchuk said...

thank you thank you thank you

Having read out the text in suitable voice for me and my dearest to enjoy, to be able to see it brought to life on the small (evil) screen was just wonderful :o)

Tbelle said...

Cannot get over how you seriously used Labyrinth clips in that vid. Blood-curdling horror flick that it is. (Well, there are the tights). I am forever in awe of your thematic cake-grouping skills.

It was as if Wes Craven did a guest post.

PD said...

I just love you guys so, so much.

(P.S. Nice job sneaking some Labyrinth in there. I approve!)

WordNerd said...

"Terror Get's It's Just' Dessert's"

Well played, J&J. Well played.

Love the liberal use of punctuation and the appropriate misspelling of "deserts" (given the context). Much squeeing from this word nerd.

Michelle S. said...

Hilarious! I watched it in the dark. In my bra.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that had me howling with laughter - especially all the "from hell" parts. Best movie preview ever. Bravo!

Ellen said...

Fabulous movie!! You guys are so creative!

Shawn said...

Baby face flowers? Ahhhh! I really loved the video trailer my wife and I are still laughing our butts off... From HELL....

Tova said...

First the singing video, and now this! I love the videos! Keep making videos! =D

Anna said...

Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

Molly said...

I loved the video, but something is bugging me and I have to share. Your site is usually over-the-top awesome with correct grammar. I mean, it has to be, right? Because you have to catch all the stuff that is so horribly wrong! the video, there were several different spots where the word has an apostrophe s when there absolutely shouldn't be an apostrophe. I think they were at 1:34, 1:37 and 2:34, or close to those spots. Other than that, I loved it and love your site!!!!

Leslie SGI said...

It's been said before but you people are seriously talented... and possibly alos from HELL. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

...and Gigli.

GOT ME SO GOOD, I almost cried from laughing.

I was reading that with a scary movie voice-over in my head, and when I got to Gigli I just LOST IT.

It could just be that I'm overly hormonal thanks to the alien entity I'm currently hosting, but I think it was probably just because it was that funny.

Good one, guys. Love it!

Myrna said...

The trailer was perfection - the best thing you've ever done! Bravo!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I absolutely loved the trailer and the horrific cakes "from hell"....I almost spewed diet mt. dew with this one

Dan Pearce said...

HAHAHAHAHA, thanks for the aweseome Friday the 13th laughs. Just what I needed today!

Single Dad Laughing

Anonymous said...

You managed to sneak in Christmas Vacation. Well done!

slightlyawkward said...

The teddy bear on top of that cupcake should be named "Poo-bear."

Unknown said...

I loved the trailer, it made me laugh, does that make me a sicko?

Crystal said...

OMG that is the best vid ever!!!!!

Claudia said...

Branching out? Nice! There's a YouTube channel already? :D

Suzanne said...

Is it just me, or does that dog resemble Triumph the Insult Comic Dog?

theotherlion said...

baby. flower. head. nightmares.

Pilgrim said...

I don't know what you guys have been eating lately, but I think you need a little less sugar and a little more protein.
Either that, or you might have a brain tumor. Really. I'm concerned. :-P

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Good catch but the apostrophes are actually just part of the creepy font. It definitely looks a little funky though.

Oh, and you shall now be known as Eagle-eye Molly.


mizdarlin said...

Oh yeah, you have really outdone yourselves this time..ove, love, love the trailer..but for really blodd-curdling stomach churning fear, you omitted an obvious choice..Gordon Ramsay..although, I never HAVE seen him bake anything..wouldn't that be a chilling sight? Hmmm?

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Wow!! Number One is truly Amazing! two thumbs up! :)

msyendor said...

Hm. I think the stray tadpole apostrophes are subconcious inclusions of diabolical masterminds who first distract with full frontal spectacles of horror, then retire with gleeful snickering, knowing that they've successfully planted the seeds of future horrors. Thus ...

... Bakeries From Hell Part 2 ...

Settyk said...

Thank the universe for Cake Wrecks!! Always gets my day off to a fabulous start!

Anonymous said...

That made me LOL so much. The sad part is that trailor was about as good as other horror movie trailors

Andygirl said...

love the Labyrinth clips!

MissRon said...

oh my goodness! this is hilarious, and very much how I see all horror films! lol. you're a genius!

Anonymous said...

Best line:
where the streets are paved with . . . evil
and the nights are filled with . . . evil

Also: yay Labyrinth!

Tesha said...

Awesome as usual... Just surprised there wasn't some Mrs. Lovetts footage in the vid, seemed appropriate. heh

Just Me said...

I am laughing so hard I am crying. You people are broken in all the right ways. I have GOT to hang out with you someday.

Craig said...

#1 I was thinking 'Cathy' (the cartoon) on some sort of seriously potent controlled substance.

#2 Why is the 'bear' (?) wearing an attack-dog trainer suit with a respirator? No shortage of sprinkles, though.

#3 Happy Birthday, Karla, (?) from the Hound of the Baskervilles! I don't see how, but maybe it looked more normal before it began to melt. The glowing red eyes are a nice touch.

#4 Presenting Audrey III from the Baby Shop of Horrors. (I've been in some of those -- usually, it's just the prices that are scary.)

#5 I like frosting and I like cookies, but I am decidedly less than fond of the combination. "Too much of a good thing... always leaves one wanting less, I always find." That much frosting on a cookie is evil all by itself.

Bree said...

I about jumped out of my chair when I saw the decapitated dog head. I love horror movies and don't scare easily, but good god was that terrifying.

I also just found out a childhood friend had a baby girl and named her Audrey Rose. If she gets older and starts screaming about fire and calling herself Ivy, mom and dad are in a lot of trouble.

Unknown said...

I love the videos. You guys rock. :)

Majeeda said...

Yep, they were gross all right. But then I showed my daughter and now she wants to make one! Aaaaargh!

Arlene said...

Oh man did I have never laughed so hard watching your video clip. I nearly fell off my chair onto my poor hubby who is innocently playing Metal Gear Solid behind my chair. He has seen it isn't safe to be near me when I go on this site lol. Though he did stop to watch as well when he saw how hard I was laughing.. that teddy bear has made me rethink ever buying another one for a cake ever again.. scary.

Aviatrix said...

That dog is the scariest thing you've ever posted, and I include here all the dismembered pregnant women. I should have taken the hint when the pictures didn't load until the third time I refreshed the page. I'm gonna regret checking Cake Wrecks before bedtime.

shikishinobi said...

Friday the 13th and it was actually a good day for me.
Aside form that, I have seen some horrific things in film, read some horrifything things in books and had some good scares on a few rtides. But this takes the cake, no punn intended. I actually think that's a good idea. A Ghost Train ride that has all these horrific cakes in there.

Sew Happy said...

That was the best trailer I've ever seen! Keep up the creepy cake work!! Thanks for all your hard work on Cake Wrecks!

Tricia L said...

I agree with Suzanne and Craig. My first thoughts were 'Cathy' from the comics and 'Triumph' the Insult Comic Dog. Just glad I read this post yesterday morning and didn't save it for bedtime.

PS - 9 out of 10 times there is no wv. Just a blank box with a little red X in the corner. Been like that about a month.

Anonymous said...

Ok, the dog looks so sad! And that baby flower is something from a nightmare!

check out my blog:

Emilly said...

The first cake looks like the Muppet was impaled by the fence... very disturbing

Unknown said...

OMG, OMG, OMG, Labyrinth!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with you. AWESOME VID!!!!

Anonymous said...

that trailer was amazing!

sweetpeabart said...

1. Professional quality movie! I'd love to know more about how Jen#1 created sucha masterpiece.

2. Next time work *this* gem into your horror sequence.

Human Centipede trailer:

melinda KE said...

Wow, that video was awesome! You just brightened my work day, thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

This was posted the same day on Cake Central. How funny???

The Dream Police Person! said...

"AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!! WTH? Swirly bloody poo bear? *beep* *beep* *beeeep*" is typically how I'd react to a horror movie like that. Awesome post, you guys!

P.S. What up with that first one with toes for fingers?

My name is Michelle. said...

Keep the videos coming! It's so fun to read a great post only to scroll and find a video at the bottom.

Jenniffer said...

OMG! That video? One Word: FRICKIN' HILARIOUS!

Great job #1!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you've ever seen or featured these cakes, so take a look! They're very cute.

Anonymous said...

What I love the most is the short clip from Christmas Vacation! Very funny! Again!

Shelley in So. IL

Amanda | Glittericity said...

Hahaha! I love how you put these things together. Great video!

wv: sessesca... will probably be a top ten popular baby name in 2013.

Christine said...

That. Was. AWESOME. Even as I was just reading it, I was totally thinking of the trailer for the "movie" DON'T:

ReD said...

I want to make these for Halloween and make them a bit more bloody lookin.

Fanboy Wife said...

This is wonderful!

Princess Sara said...

Hell's Bakery..... FROM HELL.

Ahahaha. Love it.

Dylan said...

awesome video.

very scary dog cake.

Tama said...

Just completely brilliant~

Ranuel said...

You people are really, really sick.

Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

That "bear" looks like the daggit from the original Battle Star Galactica. :)

Julie said...

I love the roses on the end of the evil bear-thing's appendages. That really kicks the creepiness factor up like 80 points.

Notebook Creativity Forum said...

How can people not know that the 'background' to eyes is not the colour, with the white on top of that??

Anonymous said...

that was so epicly perfect!

lisadh said...

That was so frackin' funny!!! LOVED the video!!! AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's already been said, but-- FEED ME SEYMOUR XD Gotta love it.

Rascalmom said...

You people are not merely sick, you are the sickest funniest humans on the planet...thank heavens:) Or I guess, hell, in this case! ahahahahahhahha

Jordan said...

hahaha, wow. Cake wrecks are sooo funny. One time my friend and I stayed up til like 4 am reading cake wrecks online, and my mom came downstairs and was really mad. but then when she saw what we were looking at, she laughed so hard, too! :) We love cake wrecks!

Anonymous said...

That bear should be called "The Turdie Bear". Haha

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Runs out of the room]

Anonymous said...

I <3 the vid u should make more