Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Sweets: The Anti-Nerd

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Recently Jen and I have been informed that we put up too many nerdy Sweets. Being the big ol' nerds that we are, we hadn't really noticed. I suppose it's kinda like telling your local undertaker he wears too much black.

So, in order to cater to the needs of the many NON-nerds who read this blog, we've decided to push up our taped glasses, strap in to our Authentic Star Trek TOS Captain's Chair Replicas, and dig deep into our archives for the least... nerdy... cakes... ofalltime. [<-- my Kirk impression]

A teapot:

By Fantasticakes

Because nerds only drink Red Bull.*

A sandwich:

By The Cake Gallery

Because sandwiches are for jocks.*


By The Cake Mamas

Because nerds don't need makeup while playing StarCraft II in the dark.*

A birdhouse:

By Whimsy Cakes

Because seeing birds - or their houses - would mean leaving the comfort of our computer caves.*

Lady bugs:

By Alana Hodgson

Okay. This might be slightly nerdy.


By Sweet Stuff Cake Art

See "birds."

Toast and other homemade foods:

By The Icing on the Cake

Because nerds don't make their food. Other people do that.*


By Love To Cake

No reason. I just thought we needed a turtle in this post.

A banana:

By Kahlan4

Because they require far too much effort for us nerds to eat.
Give me an automatic banana peeler and we'll talk.

And finally, what might be the most mind-blowing cake I have ever seen in my entire life:

By Will Cotton

It's like someone built a Large Hadron Collider smack in the middle of a bakery, and it spawned a black hole which sucked all the cake toward the center of the room and someone snapped a picture just before the entire earth was sucked in and all of humanity as we know it met its dooooom!

[pushing up glasses]

But it's totally NOT nerdy.

So, there you have it. Next weekend Jen and I will be at Dragon*Con (watch Twitter to find us & win prizes!), so it's probably safe to assume that there may be a nerd cake or three. Prepare thyself!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the entire nerd community and may only apply to the author of this post, john (the hubby of Jen), who likes to refer to himself in the third person. Which is quite nerdy, if you think about it.
Rita Templeton said...

These cakes are awesome and decidedly non-nerdy. That turtle looks almost too real to eat!

Anonymous said...

That last cake just makes me laugh and makes me want to dive in with a fork! Must have been a lot of fun to make that one. (Darn, my word verification is "alpoo," which would have been perfect for some of the wrecky days, but not for today!)

Valdís said...

That's not a Turtle, that's baby A'Tuin, the world turtle from Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Totally nerdy ;-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cakes, although the nerd ones didn't bother me too much

PippaD said...

Those cakes are so lush looking. I can't decide if I want the collider cakes for my Birthday next year, or one of those ones from the other week that says something like;

"32 Your old and smelly"*

*I am not old ;)

D.B. Echo said...

I beg to differ. Russell's Teapot is totally nerdy.'s_teapot

Tiffany in Topeka said...

I agree, that turtle is amazing! The butterflies took my breath away - I wonder if they are clear sugar.... They are amazing!

The ladybug is just absolute cuteness!!!

And the collider cake.... total awesomeness. just sayin'

Kilroy! said...

That Collider cake is amazing! How on earth did they get all those cakes to stay together without a black hole generator? Some sort of super powerful cake magnet? Gorilla glue in the frosting mix? It boggles my mind!

Trish said...

Birds, and by extension, birdwatching = so nerdy other nerd won't associate with us. <:(

Fran said...

Okay, that Makeup cake says "Happy 30th Mike" on it. I'm going to assume that Mike is a drag queen?

Wendy said...

I love you guys...Nerd and all! These cakes are fantastic!!!!!!!!!!

S.U.R.F. Navarre Beach, Fl said...

Just an FYI since I cannot find a contact link for you all here, I gave you a shout out on my beach blog as we are socked in with day 3 of rain, we're stuck inside, and our turtles are about to hatch. I used the turtle cake, oc credited the baker. Thanks for the constant source of giggles and awe. In the case of sunday's cakes, Awwwwwww.

Amy Branch said...

As a fellow nerd, J&J, I truly appreciate the nerdiness that is you, and love nerd cakes. But these cakes were cool, too, I guess. Especially the collider one- bets on how many pieces get cut before the whole thing comes tumbling down?

Churndash said...

Didn't you see The Butterfly Effect? Might be some nerd there. It is beautiful, though.

wv: "delyso" - "I'm sure all these cakes are delyso but they look too good to eat."

DaMamaJama said...

Fran: It looks like "Mika" to me, but it's early and I don't have my glasses on yet. Is Mika a girl or boy name?
And those butterflies - **GOR-GEOUS!!!** - and "no one suspects the butterfly" (are Simpsons quotes nerdy?)

Anonymous said...

The tower of cakes is breathtaking.

And Fran, drag queens are pretty much the opposite of nerds. But the cake says "Happy Birthday Mika"

A Paperback Writer said...

Okay, that final cake makes me nervous. I keep wondering when it's going to fall.
And in the toaster cake pic, although I am truly impressed with the detail on all the separate items, I really don't think I could eat a cupcake decorated with what looks exactly like mixed peas and carrots.

The Beans said...

Wow. That last cake is just. Wow.

-French Bean

Tam said...

@Fran - It says Mika, which I believe can be used for any gender.

steen said...

These are all lovely. But see, I have this issue with cute animal cakes: how can you bring yourself to slice it up and eat it? The same goes for character pinatas. I just imagine a room full of 7 or 8 year olds beating the stuffing out of Cinderella.

Jcjohns said...

I think the birdhouse is totally nerdy. I saw it and thought of They Might Be Giants and Birdhouse In Your Soul, yes I am a nerd!!

(and how many of you now have that song in your head!!

Anonymous said...

Dude, nerds totally drink tea. Because it's Picard's favorite drink. Tea, Earl Grey, hot.

Also, bananas are Ten's favorite food.

Totally nerdy. You can't escape it.

See you at Dragon*Con!

Jules AF said...

The make up and the ladybug! Oh my gosh.

Helena Handcart said...

There's nothing wrong with nerds or nerdy cakes! Go Nerds!! ☺

The ladybird one [that's what we call them in England] could be a computer mouse, which would be tweely nerdy.

wv: hastri. Like pastry in a hurry.

Tricia L said...

Birdhouse took my breath away. Ladybug brought it back to say "awwww". Think the collider cake looks hideous -- a lot of work for a hideous looking cake. IMHO.

wv: sinkendi
I think I'll sinkendi my recliner and enjoy Cake Wrecks this morning.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


"Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch, WHO WATCHES OVER YOU..."

Thanks for getting that stuck in my head.


(muttering) Istanbul was Constantinople...

Easier2B said...

Sometimes you do publish "too much" Star Trek, Dragon Con, etc., stuff that I don't care for, but it's YOUR blog, so you can post whatever YOU want! If readers don't like the day's subject/content, they should just skip Cake Wrecks for that day, as I do. I LOVE Cake Wrecks and think you all do an awesome job! Thanks for my daily laugh (minus the nerd days when I pass on CW). :)

mickeyp415 said...

the one with the multiple butterflies is absolutely breattaking! i'm guessing that the butterflies are sugar? however it was done, it is fantastic.

the last one... while impressive (it's huge, and that's a LOT of cake to balance), it's kind of wreck-y. or maybe that's the point? regardless, not a fan.

Katie said...

As much as I appreciate the nerd cakes, I LOVE some of these - especially the butterflies!

And yes, nerds do drink tea. I have a Mad Hatter figurine in my kitchen. Which also has a teapot clock. And tea cups hanging from the light fixture. :D

Anonymous said...

Stick to the nerdy cakes!! I don't share half of your geeky interests but a lot of these ones were kinda boring lol

I do love the adorable taco cupcake though :)

SuperDaisy said...

Wait, wait... I think the last cake DOES qualify for being nerdy, because someone must have had an engineering degree to figure out how to get it to stay upright!!

And the turtle cake is-

Queen Julian XIII said...

Sorry to inform all the nerd-haters, but in trying to be un-nerdy, this post is the nerdiest of them all!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but the spout on the teapot is wrong, it wouldn't pour properly.(and yes ,I am English ) and that totally matters, a wrong spout makes it a wreck.

Peg said...

I NEVER skip a day of CW, even when it's nerdy and I'm not! I'm just a wannabe nerd. I only use one side of my brain most of the time. And it's always the wrong side.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so funny! Seriously! I love your blog, read it everyday! Keep up the great work.

werd to the nerd!


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that thinks the last one doesn't belong on Sunday Sweets? I think it is a wreck. Although I'm sure it was very hard to make and it took a lot of talent to do it, and I'm sure I couldn't have done it but it still looks like a mess!

LOVE the butterflies!!!!

Donna B said...

Two things:

1) It's hard for me to imagine there are a whole lot of non-nerds who read cake wrecks regularly. Just sayin.

2) I would really, really love to hear the conversation that led to the creation of the last cake. It must have been epic. For some reason I feel it should have involved a stoner, or three.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so funny! Seriously! I love your blog, read it everyday! Keep up the great work.

werd to the nerd!


Michelle Gore said...

I love this particular post and your self-deprecating humour... This blog keeps me in stitches. Wreck on!

WV: GUALA - another way to say Voila!

Craftinqueen said...

Awesome sweets... but I though nerds don't eat sandwiches 'cause they eat hot pockets. Bazinga!

wv inesphit "Inesphit of brilliance, Zaphod Beeblebrox realized the question is "How many pieces of cake can one Vogon eat in a single bite?".

Usagi said...

Bananas are the ultimate nerd food- they don't need refridgeration so they are awesome to bring to cons. Tasty and nutritious!

Captain Quirk said...

Love your Captain Kirk impression.
And if you really have a TOS chair, I'm insanely jealous of you.

rabi said...

the last one is a plaster-and-paint sculpture, not a real cake, right?

Jamie said...

Good catch, gypsy!

"Always bring a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good!"
-Totally Nerdy

Meanwhile, I love all cakes, nerdy and non. (Just more likely to order the nerdy ones for myself!) That turtle cake is something to behold, and the butterflies are utterly gorgeous, and that teapot is telling me I want spring now, just when fall is approaching, and blah blah blah, non-nerdy stuff. But what I REALLY want to know is: what are they going to do with the Collider cake now? Surely it can't be moved. Was it just for kicks? The Doctor would be so proud. He loves it when humanity does stuff just to prove that they can.

"Not to put too fine a point on it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet..."

tricia said...

Up till now I never had anything to critize on your blog. But how can you declare Bananas to not be nerdy??? Haven't you ever seen Doctor Who? (I'm talking about the new who here.)

PS. Everything else was great as always. I really enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

You may recall the Ninth and Tenth Doctor's affinity for bananas (always bring a banana to a party, rose. bananas are good!) So, that banana cake is obviously nerdy!

That turtle though, oh my god too cute for words. one of my nerdy hobbies is I collect turtle statuettes and jewelry, so... i suppose that's nerdy too, lol.

Cherie said...

I don't know, the toaster cake COULD be nerdy. It's really "Toasty the Talking Toaster" from Red Dwarf! And the cupcake toppings? Some of those could be very nerdy:
Donut - Simpsons
Tacos - Invader Zim
Bacon - bacon everything - very nerdy

Jennifer the Geeky said...

Nerds have the uncanny ability to take things that are completely un-nerdy and use their Authentic Nerd Lazor (the Z makes it kool) Zapper on it and BAM. Nerdy.

Those butterflies are amazing. I don't even LIKE butterflies that much and now I want them on my wedding cake!

mystic_eye_cda said...

@john (hubby of Jen)

Then I had birdhouse stuck in my head, so I thought I'd watch it on youtube.

Then I found the literal video verson, and it almost makes up for grumpy children.

PS Why don't you get a capital J?

Roman Erik said...

That turtle made my eyes widen so much I thought I was going to sprain something. So cute and realistic, in a "my god, that's edible?! Wicked!" sort of way.

And that last cake (or pile thereof) is the most astonishingly clever bit of engineering I've seen on this site so far. Frilly and chaotic and fabulous.

WV: mochiz - those really awesome little Japaneeze ice cream ballz. Someboyd should make a cake out of themmmmm. *salivates*

A Cake To Remember LLC said...

The butterflies are printed onto rice paper then cut out with scissors, they're not sugar. They do look nice, though.

I wonder what event the banana was for...

TwinMint said...

LOVE the Kirk impression... spot on!

Lacy said...

I want that birdhouse to be made into a statue and then displayed prominently in my house forever more.

Marsi said...

Hahahahahaha!!!! Very funny, as usual! Love the nerd humour! Keep it up. :-)

Anonymous said...

The Collider cake almost gave me a heart attack. HOw...? But... it's ... yeah.

Saweeeet Discworld Turtle!!!

As to the foody one... one appropriate place for bacon on cake does not negate the need to outlaw bacon on cake.

Awesome Sunday Sweets, and I loved the Kirk impression. It was so good, I could hear it.

Yes, nerd, geek, cakebaker - that's me.


Maureen said...

The turtle one was AWESOME! As was the ladybug and butterfly cakes. But that last one ----!!!!!
And BTW - is it REALLY possible to have too many Star Trek, Dragon Con, etc. references? Discuss among yourselves.

Wendy Qualls said...

Whoa, wait! That turtle is a CAKE? I assumed it (plus the comment) meant "I put a cute picture of a turtle in this post just to be silly" and didn't catch on it was a cake until reading the comments! (Yeah, I know should be obvious, but . . .)

And that last cake? BY nerds, FOR nerds. Because not only did it required an engineering degree to design it, you'd have to be an engineer to figure out how to cut it without the rest of it crashing down!

Gumonyershoe said...

I'm sure someone else did this already but I didn't look through all the comments.


And holy crap that last cake with all the cakes...was AWESOME! and fascinating.

Carrie said...

Because I just watch Parellels (TNG) yesterday, the cake with all the cakes, reminds me of this...

Lt. Commander Data: The rate of quantum incursions is increasing exponentially. At this rate, the sector will be completely filled with Enterprises within three days.

Lieutenant Wesley Crusher: Captain, we're receiving 285,000 hails.
Alternate Captain William T. Riker #1: I wish I knew what to tell them.

Dee said...

It really doesn't matter if these cakes are nerdy or not, they're AMAZING!!! That last one of the pile of cakes is unreal! I would definitely display any or all of them on a shelf. Gorgeous!

LoJ said...

Well, by definition, a "geek" is somebody lacking social skills, but a "nerd" is someone who is passionate and knowledgeable about a given subject. Nerds, therefore, are pretty awesome.

And any of these wonderful cakes would require a lot of specialized knowledge and passion to create; therefore, all awesome cakes are made by cake nerds.

You just can't have good cake without nerds.

Four Jordans said...

Is it bad that I just want to love and squeeze and hold that little turtle baby?

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of the cake tower either--that is a TON of work to be that ugly--it almost HAS to be cake dummies, doesn't it? The only use I can see for it is as a display for a bakery window. That would stop traffic and definately get people to come in!! In which case--it's genius! If it really is all cake, who needs that many servings?

Emily said...

You're lying to yourself if you think that there are a lot of non-nerds reading this blog. I say, embrace it. Nerds forever!!

Stefunkc said...

Finally something for us normal people:D

Rachel said...

"always take a banana to a party"
"I think I just invented the Banana daquiri a few centuries early"
1: "Hold on to the banana!"
2: "Why!?"
1: "It's a good source of potassium!"

All of those are Dr. Who quotes, and are, therefore, NERDY!!

Erica said...

I. Want. That. Turtle. Cake.
That is all.

Widget said...

If I'm ever allowed to get married I want the butterfly cake. It's so beautiful it made me all misty. How could anyone ever cut that?

Erica said...

@Fran - I think it says Mika, not Mike

potsyinaz said...

I am in love with the turtle cake and the butterfly cake!! They are both too good looking to eat!

Anonymous said...

How could anyone hack onto the turtle cake without feeling like a murderer?

Anonymous said...

as a particularly nerdy person I have always loved your selection of sunday sweets, but once you mentioned it I knew it was true, they can be very nerdy, and you haven't done any better this week, these are still nerdy. This are still nerdy because they are still theme cakes and they still have a kitschy vibe, they are not just super posh cakes.

Anonymous said...

The Hadron Collider cake leaves me dying to know things: how many people are going to that wedding??? How did they get those layers to hang out like that without breaking??? And where will they start cutting???

Inquiring minds want to know (and isn't that a little bit nerdy?).

Lori said...

Actually, that last cake IS nerdy, and I LOVE it! It uses cantilever construction, and totally reminds me of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater.

Anonymous said...

The butterflies. ZOMG.

Unknown said...

All that turtle needs is 4 elephants standing on it's shell. And Discworld on the backs of the 4 elephants.

That last cake is hilarious and amazing. How in the world could you slice it up to eat without fearing it would collapse into a singularity? Did the creators make individual cakes, ice them, and then stack them?

Anonymous said...

I kinda come here for the nerdy....

Call_Me_Little_'D' said...

I love them all!! Especially the ladybug and the butterflies! The turtle is beautiful and the last one is phenomenal!! :D

kathym said...

I love all the nerd cakes!

Anonymous said...

The breakfast cake and cupcakes are awesome!

MBC said...

My first thought about that last mind-blowing cake(s?)...

"So THAT's what happens to all the day-old cakes that don't sell..."


Anonymous said...

The amalgamation cake is awesome!

There's a lot of biology in this post which is still nerdy... birdwatching, insects, the realistic sea turtle.

And its funny, since many nerds I know also love tea, sandwiches, and bananas (suddenly! bananas!). I am also a nerdy biologist and love baking.

I guess you just can't get away from your roots.

queenb said...

Love these non nerdy cakes! And I will try to find you at Dragon*Con next weekend!

~Bonnie B

Unknown said...

All these cakes are wonderful (the last one truly is a wreck with all those cakes crashing and colliding together). I love the ladybug because it's so cute ( can I have it for my next birthday please??) and the butterfly cake is awesome for its simplicity and artistry. Nerd cakes are fun too, even more so when they don't quite get it right!

Amanda | Glittericity said...

Hahahaha! I love the nerdy ones, but that's because I'm a nerd myself. However, these are spectacularly beautiful. I love the colourful butterflies, the amazingly realistic turtle... and that last one, WOAH.

wv: conas -- alternate spelling of Konas, as in Kona coffee... the caffeine-buzz-generator of the sophisticated nerd ;)

Anonymous said...

The non-nerds have had their day (what is wrong with you people? join the nerds, it's fun! we have candy and caffeine!). Lovely cakes, very cool, super shiny ladybug, etc.

On behalf of the nerds I'd like to request some "Serenity"/ "Firefly" cakes? CAPTAIN TIGHTPANTS FTW!!!

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh I love that turtle!! <3<3

NansJns said...

These are all so cool! The turtle cake is wonderful - it would be immensely creepy to cut, but it looks faboo! And dude, what's keeping the last cake up??

Now, for those of us who like nerdy, you might like the video blog "Stone Soup: The World According to Sci-Fi Geeks" at *dashes off after shameless self promotion.*

Tricia L said...

@ Lori said...
"Actually, that last cake IS nerdy, and I LOVE it! It uses cantilever construction, and totally reminds me of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater."

Perhaps Fallingwater after the 7.0 earthquake.

I don't think I could cut up the turtle cake. Would feel like I was killing an endangered species. Kind of like the baby cakes.

Claire said...

I like turtles.

Andrea said...

This nerd loves tea. (Especially Earl Grey. Hot.)

Even so, the teapot cake is beautiful. These are all beautiful and amazing cakes.

Christine said...

I agree with Jamie. This is what went on that day in the bakery:

Head Baker: "OK, time for the last layer...careful...careful...And lower it gently...there!"
[clapping, cheering, general high-fivedness]
Intern Becky: " do we move this?"

wv: obles. Because sometimes, you need to pop a couple of obles to get you through family dinner.

Anonymous said...

As one of your non-nerd readers (it seems many comment posters doubt our existence!) and doubtless one of the few who did not get your Monty Python reference of several days ago (hate Monty Python), I have to say that I appreciated your walk on the non-nerd side (and your justifications for each cake). I loved the M.A.C. cake! And the butterfly one and the last one.

Nevertheless, keep rocking your nerdiness to your hearts' content. Part of what I love about this blog is that there is such a strong personality to it. And, even if I don't get the references, I can still appreciate a good wreck (or, a beautifully made cake on the nerdy Sunday Sweets!)

Anyway, as I'm currently dating a physicist, it's probably to my benefit to gain passing familiarity with things like who Terry Pratchett is. You do me a valuable service. So thanks for that. :)


Anonymous said...

I like the nerdy cakes!

Anonymous said...

These are all awesome cakes, but why would anyone request a turtle cake? Can you imagine hacking into that poor thing?

Anonymous said...

I love that rainbow butterfly one. The wings are so perfect! Almost makes me want to start planning a big lesbian wedding for myself.

Unknown said...

Are the butterflies on that cake edible? If so, I will be their slave forever.

Jenny B said...

The butterfly cake is a copy of Martha Stewart Weddings winter 2009 cover.

Vanessa Martin said...

OK, maybe a banana peeler hasn't been invented yet but I know of a pair of intrepid scientists that have a banana sharpener. See the video here!

Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

I love nerds & all their cakes! You can never have too much nerdiness!

- Kelly

Unknown said...

That last one looks like the perfect wedding cake for two Chaos Theory mathematicians.

Unknown said...

That last one looks like the perfect wedding cake for two Chaos Theory mathematicians.

k said...

These are some of the best cakes you've ever posted. As a sculptor, I have to say that the turtle is just about the most realistic cake I've ever seen!

Cracked Pestle said...

I gasped audibly at the sandwich cake. OK, I admit I didn't get lunch today, but still. *drool*

Unknown said...

I have never posted before because I feel that by the time I post anything everything has been said.
This is another time where I have been proven correct but I do feel as though I have to put in my two cents worth on the general nerdiness.
Definitely why I continue to read this blog beside the fact that you guys are hysterical. With your sense of humor and your general geekiness, I feel as though we've been friends a long time. Have fun at Dragon*Con, which I will sadly be missing.

P.S. Isn't StarCraft 2 amazing?

Andygirl said...

oh my crap that last cake is INSANE! how do you even cut into it? my mind? blown.

Anonymous said...

Just because we may or may not want to see less of the "nerdy" cakes doesn't mean you need to be sarcastic or mean spirited.

mizdarlin said...

Gotta love the Hadron Collider someone who used to do wedding cakes as my present to the "happy" couple, it reminds me of my fantasies when people would keep changing their minds, the size, the shape, etc..and this was for free!

Angie said...

I'm LOVING the turtle. It's so freakin' cute. And real-looking!

That last cake took some real talent. And vision. Fantastic.

wv: femesses The plural, female nemesis. (Non-nerdy post, but a nerdy wv)

Simone said...

Too nerdy TOO nerdy?

Your words make no sense...

Muria said...

From the website, I can't tell if the last one is an actual set of cakes or a painting. The artist seems to work in both mediums (paint and frosting).

Love the butterfly cake! I've seen chocolate butterflies in the hello, cupcake book, but those pale in comparison to the Sunday sweet butterflies!

Anonymous said...

The top of the Collider cake looks like Pilot from Farscape.

Rosa said...

Wait, what's wrong with being a nerd?

Anonymous said...

The turtle looks way too real! I could never cut into it. And that last one... it's the most amazing mess I've ever seen.

ceck out my blog:

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Anon @ 6:56,

There was absolutely nothing even remotely mean spirited about this post and I'm really surprised you would say there was. Definitely sarcastic but then we're sarcastic everyday. This post used a comedic tool called Self-Deprecating Humor. It may be good to look it up.

Sorry you didn't like the post.


stephanie j. said...

I loooove your nerdy cakes! But you did sneak in some nerdiness,: Doctor Who #10's favorite fruit is a banana.

My youngest daughter adores ladybugs -- I'll have to show her the sweet ladybug cake tomorrow.

Stephanie said...

I thought the turtle cake was amazing, and then I saw the very last one. Wow. My mind is officially blown.

(Oh, and the geek vs. non-geek comments had me snickering. Nice.)

Chris Davis said...

Ha! Everyone knows that the last cake got that way because it got sucked into a Protoss Motership's gravity vortex!

Oh, and I totally agree that that is a world turtle from Discworld...

jillb-ilslp said...

I'll have a piece of that Perfectionist's-Reject-Pile cake.

And Jim Gaffigan would love that bacon cake.

Anonymous said...

The turtle is totally nerdy. Turtles carry elephants which hold up worlds and all. But, Wow! Those are fabulous cakes. I want to use the birdhouse's color scheme for my daughter's furniture. :)

Lindsay said...

I like the nerdy posts... The commentary is priceless and you can tell it's all coming directly from Jen's geeked out little heart.

While all these were beautiful... I think Cake Wrecks should just do what feels right... And being nerdy feels so so right.

Are there really people who frequent this site that think "Nerdy, ew!". How have they made it this far?

Rob Clay said...

The TMP captain's chairs with the fold-down arms would be easier to strap into than the TOS model. Never looked as comfortable, though.

That said, the turtle cake is amazing! So's the LHC cake, just in a very different way.

Diana said...


BADKarma! said...

That Sea Turtle cake is completey AWESOME!!! It is, however, nerdy, because harnessing sea turtles is how Jack Sparrow escaped his island prison... I'm just sayin'...

And I want the Collider Cake for my wedding, if I ever get married.

Anonymous said...

Oh, btw - if you are having trouble opening bananas, you're opening them from the wrong end.

You need to watch how monkeys open them. Don't open the stem end that they are attached to each other at. Turn it over, squeeze between forefinger and thumb, and it will pop open as easily as ... as ... well, it will pop open neatly.

Just thought I could help out a fellow nerd.

tiny purple elephant said...

that turtle looked so real. i would not be able to cut into him. can you imagine the head on a plate looking at you?

Kelly said...

Jen, you give me courage in my nerdy/geekyness.

Thank you.

WTF is that HUGE jumble of cakes? honestly...

Craig said...

#1 Nerdy for anyone who can name the manufacturer whose work it is modeled after. (I can't -- just sayin'.)

#2 I thought the meat cakes and the non-wrecky turkey cakes (if that isn't an oxymoron) messed with people's expectations -- this takes the cake! It should be served with fried cake 'fries' and some sort of savory 'dessert'. Heh heh heh. I'm a technician; where I work, real sub sandwiches are always welcome (we like cake, too -- may the two never meet, except after swallowing).

#3 If there wasn't a picture, I would have assumed it was made up. Har.

#4 Sort of Lewis Carrol-ish, is it not? Thus, nerdy.

#5 My, it certainly is shiny. Nerdy for entomologists, perhaps. Also vaguely resembles a Roomba. I would ask what's inside, but that would mean finding out. Speaking of bugs...

#6 One or more people out there can say with assurance how many species of butterfly are represented -- and which they are -- thus, nerdy.

#7 Uh, I could probably fix that toaster for ya. Ok, the nerd tie-in is a stretch, but still there.

#8 Oh my. It's so... realistic. Sea turtles always make me think of the aliens from 'The Lathe of Heaven', thus this gets a nerdy nod as well.

*9 Doesn't that banana look a tad bloated? Definitely not your typical Cavendish.

#10 Anyone with an engineering background -- myself, for instance -- is going to want to know how that was done, which is the essence of nerdiness.

Cakes like these attract people who systematically dissect blog posts and generate numbered lists of comments.

Kiwi said...

Hmmm... has there ever been a Brave Little Toaster cake?

I think it's just the season for massive Nerdiness right now between the blockbuster movies, big SFF/Anime/Game/Etc conventions, Pensic for the SCA, back to school time, new tv shows soon...

The Squee is Out There.

Anonymous said...

I see a bit of nerd in every one of these cakes. Just goes to show nerdom is everywhere.(Or I'm too much of one.) =D

And have fun at Dragon*Con. I'd go if it weren't for AWA being only two weeks later.

Jess said...

LOVE the turtle cake, but it brought to mind the baby cakes. Eating its head would seem very anti-endangered-species to me.

Thanks for the great cakes! :)

Isolder74 said...

Nerds don't cook for themselves! I have just two words for that Alton Brown!!!!!

Those cakes are awesome. The last one makes me wonder what's holding it together.

WV: Churator: A guide at the International Museum of Fried Pastries, Mexican wing.

Beth said...

Although the last cake pile up is not nerdy, it would have needed much math to make the thing not fall to the ground. (That might be a touch nerdy! Would that be PI?)

Miss Deirdre said...

Anyone who thinks that the last cake is EITHER a wreck OR not nerdy should click on the Will Cotton link below it--he considers his sweet things "performance art"! They're amazing and worth checking out!

ps: after MONTHS of reading this blog, I JUST got the word verification joke! It was making me batty!

Anonymous said...

Those cakes are SO awesome! I especially love the tea kettle and the birdhouse.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful cakes!

I will be at Dragoncon too! I'll be in a giant Transformers G1 Bumblebee costume on Saturday! I am so excited! My friends and I shall be looking for you! lol

Anonymous said...

Much to my disappointment, I think the last cake is sculpture rather than real cake, despite the fact that the artist does bake real cakes sometimes.

Go to and click on "sculpture" and you will see a similar-though-not-quite-as-spectacular version of the black-hole cake made of "polystyrene, acrylic polymer, pigment, gypsum"

Honestly though, even as a sculpture, it's still incredibly cool. And I love the commentary, so don't you dare take down the picture!

Madhatter360 said...

The banana cake is very nerdy. The Doctor (from Doctor Who) loves bananas. They're a good source of potassium. Plus they're good.

Anonymous said...

Frakking toasters.

Becca said...

IMHO Nerds rule the world!!!

Did love today's post still.

Dragon-con is awesome. A cake of Simi from the Dark-Hunters would rock and that might be the place to find it.

Arlene said...

Aww that turtle makes me just want to hug it. Not eat it just hug it lol. Too darn cute. That last cake made me stare at the screen for awhile trying to figure out how the heck they got it to stay up. I say invisible duct tape lol.

Unknown said...

That last cake is like an elephant's graveyard for wedding cakes, where the wedding cakes go to die.

Unknown said...

The last picture is like the wedding cake version of an elephant graveyard. It's where the older wedding cakes all go to die.

Debbie said...

This post was a breath of fresh air. I admit, I am one of the nerd-cake haters. I used to read CW every day, but it got to a point where every other day, the theme was video games or wizards or Star Wars or Star Trek or Star Somethingelse. (well, if felt that way, anyhow.) I thought at one point, John and Jen should start another blog all about their geeky passions so we can go back to just funny cake wrecks (and when I say "we", I really mean John and Jen since it is their blog after all and they can do whatever they want and I am just an admirer who doesn't share their geekier passions). But then you DID start the other blog and the cakes here were still running 5:1 nerdy cakes (am I exaggerating again here? yeah, probably a bit).

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, "thanks for dialing the nerd factor down a notch."

shikishinobi said...

Ah, the highlight of my creative week is the major artwork of cakes I find upon this site. The butterflies are my favorite, simply because of the color, and butterflies are cool. I might start drawing again.

Anonymous said...

on further reflection I can see that if you put tea in the tea pot cake it would all just run out as the spout is totally wrong, so it is definitely a wreck. The trtle cake is just too real to eat and the sushi and bacon cupcakes? Im a vegetarian! and no I am not pedantic!

Sulien said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with nerds and nerdy cakes!

That said, I did enjoy all of the cakes in today's post, especially the DRD. Yes, I know it's a ladybug, but my first thought was "Cool, a DRD!" *sigh* I miss Farscape.

Colleen Marie said...

Based on the number of comments on EPBot, I'd imagine that the "Non-nerd" contingent isn't really all that large.

Anonymous said...

thanks for keeping the non-nerdy post still nice and nerdy! Delicious.

Zarich said...

Well, I don't know who told you guys that you post too much nerdy stuff but that's quite rude.... I mean, it's YOUR blog so you get to post what in the hell you like, right? And, having said that, I quite like the fact that nearly all the cakes featured have some kind of nerdy connotation. So, well done there!

I find the Hadron cake less than appealing (why would you order a traditional cake at all, let alone a pile of them?) but the turtle was out of this world beautiful.

Teapot - Russell
Sub - Homer Simpson
Ladybird - ladybird children's books?
Turtle - Terry Pratchett
Pile of horrible cakes - Hadron
Butterflies - chaos theory
M.A.C - Ok you got me there. Although I am a nerd and I LOVE M.A.C.
Birds - twitching is uber nerdy

Zarich said...

Oh, and Mika, as far as I'm aware is a girl's name. But even if it wasn't, why couldn't a drag queen or a transvestite have a beautiful cake with make-up on and the name Mike written on it?

lizzied said...

How could anyone possibly cut that turtle cake?? SOOOOOO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Cool cakes! I suspect that last tower of cakes is just their old styrofoam displays from the showroom since it isn't on a base they could carry anywhere.


Nicole said...

Is it super nerdy that I saw the Toaster and thought of BSG? Probably.

Anonymous said...

Re: the last cake. I want a slice off the bottom cake! Does it have its own gravity well?

Sylvia said...

Ok, the banana and the turtle and the mac make up kit are by far the best. The turtle actually does look really real! Amazing guys

jilly-bear said...

Is that bacon on that cupcake?

Anonymous said...

That turtle cake is absolutely amazing! I want one!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the turtle cake is TOTALLY nerdy, if for no other reason than the fact that as soon as I saw it I had the "I like turtles!" techno remix running through my noggin.

I like turtles!
I like turtles!
I like turtles, turtles, turtles.

If it prompts a meme memory, it's nerdy.
WV: ansur- The turtle cake is nerdy and that's my final ansur.

Unknown said...

no no no, the teapot is not geeky because of Russell. it's the Utah teapot, people! the original gold standard of computer 3D drawing:

i l(ed)ol when i saw it first.

and i don't know why a drag queen or crossdresser would have the name "Mike" on a cake -- she'd have her female name there.

Diana Davis said...

I dig the sandwich. I also love the one with the toaster. Carohdrates rock. Thanks for posting something that has nothing to do with *ugh* steampunk, video games, vampires *double ugh* or Doctor Who. I LIKE Dr. Who, AND Monty Python, and even Red Dwarf. I just don't go around quoting skits or acting life my life revolved around it, or dressing up as characters and meeting in convention halls. Not anymore. Look, I like eggplant, but I don't have a blog about it, nor a T shirt. an Eggplant cake might be nice, though.

Anonymous said...


Aliza said...

The turtle cake was lovely, although I'm with all the others who would have difficulty slicing into it. Far too realistic!

The MAC cake was interesting, the Toaster one was a bizarre (but well done), and the big banana-- I'm sure there was a story behind that one!

Adore the Collider cake-- my friends who are engineers have definitely influenced me, because I'm left wondering how they assembled that (if it is cake rather than sculptulre)!

As for the nerdy issues-- first, I like LOJ's definitions. Second: while I don't get a lot of the references to movies, TV shows, books etc on this blog, I still still find J&J's posts hilarious, the readers' comments entertaining, and the cakes appalling (or spectacular, if it's Sunday). I'm a little puzzled by people complaining about it-- if they don't like the blog, why are they reading it???

Kaz said...

Oh wow! Those are amazing cakes! My favorites are the ladybug, the butterflies, and the sea turtle.

By the way, as a nerd (though maybe in some different ways,) I fully love and appreciate any nerdiness shown. :)

Jennifer R. said...

I love it! That last cake was amazing. I could look at it forever! How and why?
Thanks for the hilarious commentary, as always.

Angela said...

See this is why my DM says we're such a weird group. My entire gaming group is made up of people who love to cook. Our sessions have included arancini di riso, homemade gouda, homemade artisan breads (boules and focaccia), stir frys, curries with naan, and pretty much anything else we set out mind to.

And that sea turtle is way too scientifically accurate not to be a nerd cake. It needed to be googly eyed and a tortoise on the beach.

angelscairns said...

Another non-nerd standing up to be counted. Been a CW regular pretty much since the beginning but I rarely comment because I'm just not as witty as the regular posters (you know who you are!!)

Love the blog - nerdy, non-nerdy, what ever - if it's cake it's all good to me.

John - I think that "anonymous" who left the ridiculous comment about y'all being mean and sarcastic must have been a troll. No one who regularly reads CW would feel that way. The post was "punny" and tongue-in-cheek as always.

I am vexed by the comment by Colleen Marie at 3:59 am "Based on the number of comments on EPBot, I'd imagine that the "Non-nerd" contingent isn't really all that large."

Uh. . . what do the comments on EPBot have to do with the contingent on CW? EPBot IS a nerdy, steampunk (I had to Google that) blog so of COURSE there are a lot of "nerdy" readers.

Cake Wrecks is about cake and wrecks (clever, no?) which can be loved and appreciated and snickered at by ALL of us. Amen.

TheAmber said...

as another anonymous poster mentioned, the last cake isn't actually a cake. It is a sculpture. I am 99.999% sure it is featured in this video about the behind the scenes of making the Album cover and booklet for Katy Perry's new album.

Anonymous said...

Really and truly the last cake is just one big mess. I didn't favor it at all. It looks like the garbage can after I've cleaned out the refrigerator of bad food.

eilonwy said...

The tower of cakes reminded me of this sculpture at our local airport-it is called "Sampson" and has a very similar architecture-but with less frosting!

Bethany said...

for a bit more info on the last cake check out this article...awesome sunday sweets as usual john! keep em commin!

Plum said...

That last one made me take pause. Wow. Epic cake is epic.

Missy said...

Because sandwiches are for jocks.*

Sillies! Didn't you know that jocks are just sports geeks? (Or so says the fine print. And by the way, fine print is for nerds.)

Shelby said...

So...I originally wasn't going to go to Dragoncon. But, now my boyfriend's going. And it's right down the street from me. AND you guys are gonna be there...I now feel obligated.

HellTygr said...

Mad props to you for Large Hadron Collider reference!! :)

serns said...

A cake with a power cord is nerdy. I can't prove it. It just is.

y said...

the collider cake is the most awesome, amazing feat of edible delight I want to worship it then order a keg of milk and have a big party! then roll in the remains and run naked thru Chico State campus.... again!

Craig said...

'Tower of Cakes' is an excellent name for a band. Like 'Tower of Power', only nerdy. ;-)

wv: tameme.

Unknown said...

Gosh, some truly amazing cakes here - there really are some talented people in the world!

Marj Jenkins said...

OMG - I am so excited that you posted my toaster cake (and it was on a SUNDAY!) My goal in life is to never end up in one your weekday posts - ha ha! Love the comments about toasters being nerdy... if only you knew what I big cake nerd I really am. :)

Jura Kitten said...

Being a geeky girl myself, I must point out that the turtle (or tortoise) bears a striking resemblance to the Great A'Tuin from Terry Pratchett's Discworld, and therefore is disqualified as being nerdy. But cute...definitely cute.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the sandwich was one of the sandwiches made by Arthur Dent when he was the official sandwhichmaker on the planet Lamuella, in the book, Mostly Harmless. So yes it is geeky.

The butterflies remind me of those pretty blue butterflies in the Corpse Bride. So yes its geeky to.

mystic_eye_cda said...

If the tower cake is a sculpture then....

The cake is a lie


Anonymous said...

These cakes are great! I love the flowers on the teapot, and the Hadron Collider cake is hilarious (especially with the caption :)


Jenamarie said...

A turtle! There's good eating on one of those!

(or maybe it's a small god...)

WV: orvele:
Orvele Reddenbacker is *deffinately* a nerd.

Tindi said...


That is all.

Valerie said...

Wow, that turtle cake is SO realistic looking! I actually had to really like closely to realize it was actually cake and not a real turtle!


Anonymous said...

Looks like the last baker tried to divide by zero...

Dorie said...

As I'm sure fellow Doctor Who fans have pointed out before me SOMEWHERE in 188 previous comments, the banana can totally be nerdy.

Anonymous said...

Every time someone claims the hadron collider could cause a black hole, my nerdy husband dies a little inside. ;-)

Dragon-girl said...

*Tips virtual hat in recognition of awesomeness*

I SO want that banana cake for my next birthday!!

That turtle is CAKE??!! I thought it was real!


Dragon-girl said...

*Tips virtual hat in recognition of awesomeness*

I SO want that banana cake for my next birthday!!

That turtle is CAKE??!! I thought it was real!


Anonymous said...

Ah you forget. Bananas are the NERDIEST of all foods. Its the Doctors Favorite.