For example, how is it that we live in a world where these are supposed to be guitars...
the CCC* is supposed to be on the CCC*. It's quite sporting of them to give us
a hint.)
...but this is not?

Hey, kudos to the decorator for trying to get some more mileage out of his or her guitar-shaped cake pan, but really...Really? A beer bottle? Really?
Freya F., Jill B., & Joe C., really.
* Patooey! (Just a friendly reminder to always cleanse your palate after uttering the foul name of the dreaded cupcake-cake.)
106 comments | Post a Comment
The first one looks like a ghost impaled on some huge black pole. But how can it be impaled? I mean, it's a ghost!
Okay, the first one looks way too much like a dead ghost (yeah, I know) with a board up its *ahem*.
My seven year old could do better.
Oh goodness! When I saw the top picture, I thought it was a sword-swallowing elephant! (and, given that scenario, the tree would make more sense. Jen - are you *sure* it's supposed to be a guitar??)
Patooey! Too bad there isn't a mental ccc[patooey] cleansing method.
I think I've seen a square guitar like that on at least a few hastily-drawn cartoons years ago...but none of them were blue.
I like how the ONLY one to look like a guitar they're trying to pass off as a bottle.
That's not an electric guitar. It's OBVIOUSLY an upside down jelly fish.... to a tree.... yeah... duh.
No no no! You've got it all wrong!
Number 3 is a Vincent Van Gogh painting, and number 1 is an out of water flying sting ray (man, those critters evolved FAST!)
Way funny.
That first one still has me quite confused.
Love your blog. Cannot wait for the book!!
Keep up the good work bringin' all these wrecks to us!
PS. Is that a real thumb or a fake thumb on the bottom of the pink nightmare picture?
(either answer, it's creeepy!)
You know, a little carving, and that bottle would have worked...
WF: impir- Warning, reading Cake Wrecks may impir your ability to get anything else done.
I was going to say Bowling Pin on that last one.
Angie (from over at
I had never even dreamed of a CCC until I found this site. Eeeek! Who thought this was less hassle than decorating (and cutting) a cake?
With the tree in the first picture, the guitar looks like a hole filled shovel with strings for a handle.
The hannah montana wreck does look a bit like a violin. At least they made an *instrument* that time. :-P
It's a shame, because if the guitar-beer decorator had just trimmed the bottom od the side of the, those little cake chunks would have made a couple of nice lime wedges to accompany.
I made a guitar shaped cake once... but it actually LOOKED like a guitar... these are kinda funny!
Oh dear. I shall be posting a guitar tomorrow. Timely or what! I must remember to refashion it to a beer bottle. Thanks for the hint!
Bahaha! I had no idea *Patooey* was used for palate cleansing! I thought it way merely a was to dis' CCCs. (Too funny!!)
Next time I'm at my Mom's and she tries to feed me peas (bleah!) I'll *Patooey* the little buggers all over the floor!
wv: groussem - peas are REALLY groussem; they make me go *Patooey*!
Yes! Huey Lewis and the News reference!
The second "guitar" reminds me of Prince's guitar -- the shape of his symbol as The Artist Formerlly Known As Prince.
But I don't know a lot of Prince fans who are also Hannah Montana fans. Which is too bad.
No, no, you've got the first one wrong. It's clearly a rocketship crashing down toward the earth! The tree is there to let us know that it's not blasting off and therefore the wreckerator didn't put the lettering upside down.
I was trying to figure out if the first one used the phrase "Yo Happy Birthday" to give it more rockitude. Seriously, at least five minutes trying to explain to myself why "Yo," why no punctuation, and why, when there's plenty of extra white space on this cake, the first two words run together.
Then I realized that the H was just too dang ornate.
Those are some wild cakes, Jen! Keep the wrecks comin'!
The first cake does appear to be a mangled attempt at a guitar. However, taking the tree into consideration I would conclude this must be a cakey representation of a UFO crash landing (and therefore upside-down) in a forest...a very small know, the kind with only one tree...yeah. Who wouldn't want a cake like that?
Love the blog, btw, keep up the good work!
for some reason, #1 puts me in mind of the Plain White... Trees?
no, wait....never mind. :)
obviously this site has super bakers reading- i LOVE their ideas for making the beer cake vastly better!
wv: nomichme
lol... my mouth dropped when I saw the first cake wreck. Wow, that's not even close to looking like a guitar. Sucks for the person that ordered that cake wreck of a cake.
Raychel from
Did they *airbrush* #3? And then write the greeting on the cake board? How lazy are wreckerators getting these days??
WV: trofst. The wreckerator always says, "Trofst me!"
My friends and I made our first fondant/creative cake attempt for my friend Jake's birthday in December. He's in a band, so we made him a guitar cake. It turned out much better, minus the fact that we didn't have a big enough plate so we used a tote lid hahaha...
The blue "guitar" cake reminds me of making a guitar out of a kleenex box, a ruler and some rubber bands as a kid....
Ah, memories.
Matt is a naturalist. That explains the tree and the rare creature on his cake. So rare, that perhaps only Matt can identify it.
cake 1 looks like a crashing alien spaceship.
wv: phandedq - I completely agree with your phandedq attitude towards CCC's (patooey!).
nice about your blog man yo!!
Love the nod to Huey Lewis!!
Personally, I love the Hannah Montana cake. It makes me think of those Halloween costumes you could buy at K-Mart when I was a kid:
"Look, I'm Spider-Man! You can tell because I have this cool mask and a picture of Spider-Man on my chest...but Spider-Man doesn't have a picture of himself on his chest because that would lead to an infinite regress."
Everyone loves beer cake. Mmm, delicious.
The truly sad thing about all these cakes is that you just KNOW that somewhere out there, when the cake was presented, there were people who thought it was "sooo cool!!"
tsk tsk tsk
I am loosing my faith in people
I agree w/Miranda's Minutes. The first reminded me of a ghost, but I don't know what the things coming out of it's "mouth" are.
Maybe the decorators were trying to make the guitars look like what The Who's guitars looked like post-smashing!
~Amy B.
wv: "faked" Looks like these guitar cakes are faked..
Well, the third one is OBVIOUSLY an homage to Bo Diddley! (Or at least I hope so...)
That square one reminds me of Bo Diddley and his guitars. Not that I think for one minute that the wreckerator is that hip... I also vote jellyfish for the first one.
The first thing I see when looking at the first specimen is a small, fat, gray airplane with different-sized windows (for 1st class, 2nd class, and "you didn't pay for a view") Smoke is streaming out the back--it is ready to crash into the ground. (!pop!)
Hope the tree doesn't catch fire!
2nd cake: pink amoeba. A DESIGNER pink amoeba. Aimed at the tween set, who are welcome to it.
3rd cake: No idea, but it may require medical attention to stop the bleeding.
4th cake: Putrid-looking thing, that.
The photo is fuzzy. The details are wobbly and *just a tad* "off."
My guess at what happened here: they baked the cake, but didn't have a real bottle to use as a model to frost it by, because they'd already drunk every one in the house, turned in the empties, then came back to decorate the damn thing.
"I was trying to figure out if the first one used the phrase "Yo Happy Birthday" to give it more rockitude. Seriously, at least five minutes trying to explain to myself why "Yo," why no punctuation, and why, when there's plenty of extra white space on this cake, the first two words run together.
Then I realized that the H was just too dang ornate."-------
I did the exact same thing. I am glad that I am not alone haha. It puzzled me for quite some time before I finally figured it out.
"While my guitar gently weeps..."
WV sarri: These are some pretty sarri cakes today!
Wow... the thing that gets me about the Hannah Montana cake is that they have a physical mini guitar to model it off of, and STILL can't get it right!
A people need to stop trying to squish guitars into boxes. It doesn't work.
Couldn't the Corona decorator have used the guitar-shaped pan, then TRIMMED the extra parts to MAKE it more bottle-shaped? I guess that would take too much effort.
ahahah the airbrush overspray on the blue monstrosity! So pro.
lol, I always imagine a horse whinneying after someone utters CCC, like in Young Frankenstein!
Is that JESUS inside the guitar on the first CCC????
The first one is for a fan of the television show "Lost"--it's Oceanic flight 815 hitting the island for the first time--or second, or third time which happened before the first time after they traveled through time...whatever. I'm sure the purchaser of this delight wished they could travel back in time.
I really think the next Cake Wrecks t-shirt should say something like (FRONT) CCC Wreck* with a pic of the CCC wreck of choice and then (BACK) *Patooey! I know you already have one hilarious CCC shirt on the site, but why not have two? Come on Jen, make us one!
The first one definitely looks like a rocketship/bomb crashing to Earth.
The Hanna Montana one looks like one of those plastic, electronic, guitar wannabes that you buy for toddlers to make annoying sounds on.
The square "guitar" is the most hideous thing I've ever seen! They even airbrushed black all around the outside! Well, at least they gave it six strings which all mysteriously attach themselves to the machine heads!
In the past couple of months I have had a few people request CCC's and I refuse to make them. They're generally easy to sway over to a nicer cake to be made. When they ask why I won't make CCC's I say , I certainly could make them, and very well, but I have too much pride in my work to stoop to that level of cake decorating.
I really thought that that first cake said "Yo, Happy Birthday!" for a second.
The first one looks like a whale.
Hey, isn't that pink ccc a guitar that Prince used back in the day?
That last one looks more like a maraca than a guitar or a beer bottle.
nah. take it from me, that's neither a guitar nor a beer bottle. it's a cello case.
Maybe it is what a beer bottle looks like after emptying too many of them?
Not that I would know :)
I dunno, the first one looks more like an upside down vomiting amoeba --- or dirty ghost.... eh.
The guitar cake pan being used for a beer bottle reminds me of the many different ways Carvel Ice Cream shops reuse that goofy Fudgie the Whale mold. And in both cases, the cake artiste is sure no one will ever notice....
Jen, you should post Pyraterose's cake as a positive role model for these Wrecks. it's pretty cute and has correct guitar anatomy!
wv: ousiz
Ousiz dese cakez ar awfulls.
Really, it's sad. I know I've been assimilated by this blg when I think of that Miley Cyrus pink CCC monstrosity as "not bad" because at least the shape is *kind of* guitar-like, and the cupcakes seem to be largely individually frosted. YIKES!
And yet my gut KNOWS it's still a wreck.
The last one... never underestimate a decorator's... erm... creativity?
I think the first one looks like an impaled Epcot
just saying
ok I'm stealing someone else's joke... still funny
Anyone else questioning the extra purple cupcake sitting off to the side on the Hannah Montana CCC? Is it there to draw your eyes away? Is it a guitar pick? Did it get lost on it's way to a Barney CCC?
Well, I flunked the cake test--I thought the gray thing was a dead saguaro cactus, sort of symbolizing dead and the living tree symbolizing...Well, anyway Happy Birthday to Matt.
I don't know this for an absolute certainty, but I'm guessing that the first cake was for Matt of The Whomping Willows (Freya, if you're reading this, correct me if I'm wrong).
The Whomping Willows is a botanical wizard rock band based on the Harry Potter series. Hence, the tree.
Matt is awesome, btw, and I bet he got a huge kick out of his wrecky birthday cake!
Number 1: Underside of a sting ray, projectile vomiting.
@kid-lit-fan and Figgylicious, I too thought there was a "yo" at the top of that first one, but I thought it said, "Yo crappy birthday Matt." No lie. Look at it again!
I was frightened I'd be the first person to mention the Bo Diddley resemblance until I got through about 2/3 of the comments. Phew!
sweet! I'm so psyched about the beer bottle idea with the guitar cake pan. A little trim here and there, and it might have worked!
Nice! Love the guitars!
"Festive" gray "guitar."
Here's hoping you like tree halves.
Happle irthday, Matt!
Violet cupcake,
Rejected by cool cuppies,
Turns to the shadows.
Looky it, mama!
Made my own shoebox guitar!
Listen! Strum strum nom . . .
You mean it's hip to be square unless you are a sponge? It doesn't work for me with guitars either!
WV: bruum--the first strum of the fake guitar
Well, The first one I thought could have been an upside down nose that's nasal leakage defies the laws of gravity.
Anything with Hannah Montana on it should be considered a wreck
Patooey! *L*
impaled dead ghost for the first one has my vote.
All except the beertar look like deep sea creatures brought to the surface too quickly. kiddin.."is the sound made when cleansing ones palate after saying CCC."
@ Ajhorse21
It's Hannah Montana :)
@Kassy: You are correct, and Matt and I both got a giant kick out of this cake (I believe there are pics of his reaction on Facebook). It was wreckier than anyone could have hoped for.
We really thought the guitar looked like a squid. I'm glad that others have weighed in with other marine life ideas as well, though the Lost theme is my favorite.
What's sad is that a guitar cake *can* be beautifully done--and it's just not that freepin' hard, y'know?
One of our church ladies made one for my former boss's birthday (as he is, among other things, an amazing guitarist, singer, and songwriter). It was superb, and although she was a professional cook, she wasn't at all a pro cake decorator--yet it beat every one of these with a stick!
Oh, I wish I had a photo of it. :(
wv: qualti. None of these qrecks are of good qualti!
Ok, I'm having trouble finding the Yo Happy Birthday.
Nonetheless I'm tipping my hat to all those who found the impaled ghost, the UFO, the stingray, Jesus, the amoeba, the dripping nose. :-)
My attention was immediately drawn to the tree that seems to be sporting a cluster of wadded up kleenexes where the leaves normally grow.
You would think one wouldn't need to clarify as to what a Hannah Montanna guitar looks like... but sometimes they really should... I once got the most oddly shaped gummies. Could it be that wreckiness extends beyond cakes? Oy vey...
The first one looks like a stingray.
Mmmmmmmm stingray cake.
Red strings on a blue "guitar"... which look like melting rivers of BLOOD!
I'm a bit disturbed by that CCC (bit disturbed by all of them, actually).
Word Verification: Blyclogi: the sound you make when you see what the decorator expects you to pay for.
wow mong cakes ... but mong cakes say 'i love you' ... I made a great cake the other day then iced it with happy birthday etc. ... looked like a junkie with mild hypothermia had iced it!! he loved the caked though
I think I got it figured out. The first one is a spaceship crashing; the second is a butterfly with elephantitis on one wing; and then of course third we have the breaker box CCC.
The first one looks like how I draw guitars :P
As the first cake was loading I thought it was a road-killed elephant! Now granted I am looking at this on my phone so the pics are pretty small, but still...
MY dear it is very nice and interesting blog .best wishes.
That first one looks more like a stingray!
I noticed that too! Its been annoying the heck out of me because I know, in my heart, that there is MORE of the wreck that I can not see, and the glutton for punishment in me would really like to see it! Unless... mayve there is just one very special purple cupcake that didn't quite make the cut, but they decided to throw it in there anyway. And that IS the whole story. But I think there's more to it.
HA! These are baaaaad. Especially the first one, which looks rather like a dead fish, and the second one, which is a pink blob with a plastic hannah montana guitar. * shudders* My older sister is a rocker type, so I say to her,"Ellie, you've gotta come see the newest cake wrecks, it's guitar cakes!" And so my mom says, " Oh, I've GOT to see this one" and so then followed my dad and older brother, it was kind of like a family gathering for cake wrecks. Just goes to show you how great this website is!
Uh oh. Lack of apostrophe alert. And it's not the cake. Jen, when talking about CCC, you wrote the following:
(Thank goodness Wreckerators are starting to put miniature plastic versions of what
the CCC* is supposed to be on the CCC*. Its quite sporting of them to give us
a hint.)
You know very well that there should be an apostrophe in "Its." It is it's.
Those are hilarious! Wow that first one is way off.
I thought I'd post a non-wrecky life size guitar cake. Made by 2 of my friends...
They own "Simply Sweet"
Anonymous said...
Uh oh. Lack of apostrophe alert...
You know very well that there should be an apostrophe in "Its." It is it's.
Uh oh!! Lack-of-capitalization alert, "Anonymous"!
You wrote: "It is it's."
You should have written: "It is It's."
It's okay--we're only human.
Don't worry Jen I had you covered when I put in an extra apostrophe in my last comment....Did it get lost on it's way to a Barney CCC?...
I know!! Man where is Paul Harvey with the rest of the story when you need him. I am going to have sleepless nights thinking about that extra purple cupcake.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Thanks.
Same Anonymous
The first "guitar" is clearly an octopus diving down while squirting ink. Through tree-infested waters...
Subliminal Lizard says: "Methinks the idea of using a guitar as an actual axe takes the meaning of figurative to a new, wrecky extreme."
BAHAHAHA! I thought the first 'guitar' cake said "Yo Crappy Birthday' LMAO :)(and yes I am wearing my glasses)
okay that first guitar is obviously a KOALA!!! admittedly, a koala badly photoshopped to look like a guitar, and then rendered poorly in icing, but a koala just the same.
mystery solved!
It looked like the guitar one said "yo crappy birthday..." LOL. Love the blog- first time reading today... :)
John and Jen I'm issuing you guys a rather gutsy challenge: find some nice cupcake cakes. Personally I don't think you can do it. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'LL NEVER PROVE ME WRONG!! NICE CUPCAKE CAKES DON'T EXIST!! HAHAHAHA-HACK *AHEM* enough of that...*calmly walks away*
I see I'm not the only one who thought "Prince guitar" for the (patooie!) Hannah Montana one.
There's a tree on the first cake because guitars are usually made mainly of wood. Yeah, that's it.
heh, commenting again just because the WV is too good to pass up.
hydet: What to do with a wreck like one of these