Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Teacher Tearjerker

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Educators of the world, get those hankies out.

Because this...[dramatic pause] your story.

Yes, every year you need some good "louck" as you embark upon that harrowing journey:

Back "toschol."

Here you will continue on for an indeterminate amount of time.

"4" more...years?
Sure, let's go with that.

During this time, you will expand your students' cultural horizons:

Perhaps by "celabrating" the mythical continent of "Afraicia."

You will "suport" your prep times:

(While grading the staff room cakes in your spare time.)

And, of course, you will strive to instill a love of reading into your young charges:

Not to mention their "comunity."

Until one day, the unthinkably terrifying will occur.

Your students will turn 18.

Yes, you've ushered another generation into adulthood!

"Yu dib it!!!"

And your reward?

(One baker, two cakes, two different mistakes.)

Now you can join with your students' families in saying...

"Happy Gracturations!"


And if you're really lucky, one day a former student just might come back to visit, bearing cake:

A cake of "apprication."

Aaron R., Marissa S., Alisha G., Kelly D., Amy S., Kim B., Rebecca N., Kasey, Stacey W., Anony M., Rebekah, & Amy S., have you thanked a teacher today?

- Related Wreckage: Cake Wrecks, World Educator
Anonymous said...

Normally a lurker, I just had to comment on today's wrecks.

OMG...My sides hurt, and I'm still wiping the tears...holy cow...I can't breathe!

Corie said...

I choked on my oatmeal about halfway through this post from laughing too hard. The journalist in me is crying.


Anonymous said...

When I scrolled to the 'Back "toschol."' cake I quickly read it and my brain told me it said 'Black a-hole' and I am not sure which is worse.

Mama Bear said...

as a former educator, this post warms my heart, or at least, it tried...

Half Assed Kitchen said...

The teacher(')s must be so proud.

Anne said...

As a former teacher, I had to say YAEH to today's cakes; I appricate them very much.

Keeley said...

While I have no words (Afraicia???), my WV says it all: putww

PS, "thank yu Jonh" for the note about Saturday posts. Yu guys need all the suport and louck you can get.

Kelly said...

the "Happy Gracturations!" had me laughing out loud.

Cathy said...

One of your best posts ever! As a former teacher, it breaks my heart, but in a funny way....

Pam said...

Note to self...pee BEFORE reading Cake Wrecks!

Jenniffer said...

AWESOMENESS at its finest! There's coffee coming out of my nose I was laughing so hard!


WV: poningl - A ningl without a lot of money.

D'Lyn said...

It always drives me nutz when peaple cant spel.

Tammy Moore said...

LOL! My grandmother was the principal of a very small, gang-riddled high school for a year when I was a teen. She said her greatest accomplishment was that the death threats (by letter) she received at the end of the year had much better grammar than the ones at the beginning of the year! :)
Love today's wrecks!

Rachel Moss said...

These cakes are amazing! Or terrible. Not sure which word to use.

Anonymous said...

While "appricate" may not be a word, it's closer to "apricate" (which apparently is--thank you!) than "appreciate".
1690s, "to bask in the sun," from L. apricatus, pp. of apricari "to bask in the sun," from apricus "exposed" (to the sun); perhaps contracted from *apericus, from aperire "to open." Trans. sense is recorded from 1851.
Perhaps they are apricating to celebrate "school's out for summer; no more kid's"...

Maren said...

Nothing like a big crack and black roses to celebrate the "comunity" library.
Mainly, though, I'm curious as to what that nasty black box on the "toschol" cake is covering up.... :)

Almost Taught said...

It's cakes like these that make me happy I never used my teacher certification. I'm so glad I stayed out of teaching if this is the result.

Yota Armai said...

Yeah, um, wow. So did anybody else see a umm, well let's just say the sand castle on the 2nd "no more kids" cake looks a little like, gee, stylized people worshipping an idol, a very naughty idol.

Or maybe I should drink some more coffee because my eyes must be blurry.

Tiffany in Topeka said...

yes.... I am a teacher. This was my actual response.

*close eyes, take a deep breath, slowly shake head side to side.

So hilariously sad.....

I'm so glad I teach music! :)

Kelley said...

Should we hold some sort of fundraiser to get a dictionary in to every bakery in the country? Because, wow...

wv- eatickp- If you eatickp, you will have to get your stomach pumped.

Cavane said...

The report card on the 'suport' cake makes me think that one was intentional.

ViolaNut said...

My inner editor just curled up and died. A long, painful, hilarious death. We're doomed...

Chris Friend said...

I'm an English teacher, and this makes me want to cry. Not tears of happiness or laughter as usual from this site. Oh, no. These are bitter tears of sorrow for the last, small shreds of Faith in Humanity that had remained in my soul. Those shreds just died.

I sincerely hope the wreckerators of these compositional catastrophes suffered ridiculous amounts of ridicule from those who picked up the cakes. (I also hope the cakes were free afterward, but that's a different issue altogether.)

The Gravekeeper said...

I think Legale is actually a small town near where my parents live. Did someone just up and buy the whole town, thus warranting the "Your Legale" cake?

Carolyn said...

The library cake reminds me of hunting in the original Oregon Trail. >.>

Mrs. DeRaps said...

I viewed this post as my students were taking a test. I laughed out loud! Thanks for the inspiration--Maybe we can have a good grammar/ spelling cake decorating contest?

Connie Moreno said...

Good lord....that was hilarious. Sad but hilarious!

Chatterley said...

For a second, I thought the one cake said "BACK 10 SCHOOL", which would be binary for BACK 2 SCHOOL. That would have made it pretty legendary in my book. but it was just a smudged "to". :(

CookieMonster said...

Very funny! Oh, my. I'm just shaking my head. I just...I it really possible???

Ok, and I love the grading of the one cake....sooooo funny!

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it. Back in the day when I decorated cakes at the ice cream store, we had to go through actual training before we could even write Happy Birthday on a cake. Do bakeries just hire anyone who can breathe now?

Tricia said...

Note to self: Steal Jen's idea of animal flash cards and add spelling cards. Laminate all cards so they can stick them on the cakes to copy from.

Kae said...

And this is why I want to teach college. So my cakes can come with longer, more obscure misspellings.

Beach Mama said...

As a homeschooling mom, I made this part of my son's English/Grammar assignment for the day! Sad, but very funny!

Roland said...

That's "one baker, two cakes, THREE different mistakes."

Extra apostrophe, missing apostrophe, missing word.

flying gargoyle said...

Oh, I am DYING of laughter over this guided tour of every teacher's nightmare!

One baker. Two different mistakes with an apostrophe. How "tragic". Yep, that's why you should pay attention in school, kids. You never know when you will "knead the knolege" being passed along to you!

Anonymous said...

BEST POST EVER! I love it! yAEh!!

WV: meatent - At least the cake didn't have any meatent.

Unknown said...

My last name is Loucks, so when I saw the first one with its convenient space for the "S" I just thought it sounded rather condescending.

Also: gracturations is a wonderful word.

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

I'm reminded of a political sign we saw a few years back. The guy running for Sherrif would "appericate" your vote! Now we can't help ourselves, we often say appericate instead of appreciate. My husband let it slip the other day at work and had to explain!

kbirchtree said...

Oh my! As a future teacher, it will be my goal to teach the next generation of bakers about the English language.

Wow, this set of cakes made my day.

Unknown said...

As a teacher, I was just laughing that Cake Wrecks is a more popular site on my school computer than my school's website.

Anonymous said...

Classic! One of the best posts yet! I love how you tell a story with the cake atrocities.

Anonymous said...

Lewis and Clark could not spell, and they were keeping diaries for the President.
Maybe these wreckerators will become professional campers and diarists. :)

I'm still that Nero I hear?

Alison said...

*sigh* Then those 18-year olds come enroll in my foreign-language class, and wonder why it's so hard.

I canNOT believe they found yet another way to "spell" congratulations.

LC said...

Those are hysterical. I just subscribed, and I swear, it seems like every entry is funnier than the last.

Nadir @ Hodgepodge said...

Oh my goodness this is one of the most hilarious posts I've EVER seen!!!

Unknown said...

...does the library cake say "Place of Library" in the top corner with the poo-bear??

Poohs Pics said...

Is it just me? or does the back toschol cookie look like 2 decorators had this conversation...

"dude, you spelled scholl wrong, there's only one L."

"dude, you're right, I'll just block out this extra L and make it look like a dicton....dictton...dicion.....a book."

Unknown said...

My favorite part is that we're "celabrating Afraicia" in *American* history class.

Alana said...

Wow. These make me want to punch decorators way more than the cakes that are just ugly.

Brandy said...

One of your best posts ever!

Jimh. said...

I think there are three mistakes for two that not an apostrophe AFTER S in kids'!!! ? Maybe it's my eyes inability to see through the tears of laughter.

dsgnGrl7576 said...

This post reminded me that I shouldn't drink coffee while checking your site. Those are awesome.

Andi said...

Also normaly a lerker, I fel need too coment. :D

Hooked on phonics did NOT work for these people! Afraicia?! WOW. Cake decorators should have to pass some sort of spelling test. Truly hilarious...thank you Cakewrecks! :)

Unknown said...

I just lurk, but I couldn't resist commenting on this collection...the best Wrecks EVER!! Still laughing/crying.

ThatBrunette said...

Cold you please post a pronunciation guide with some of these cakes?

Then again, maybe some things are better left unsaid.

Nichole said...

This was hilarious.. though, I totally forgot what I was supposed to be doing online in the first place..

Jamie and Angela said...

Oh my- I laughed, but at the same time, this made me so very sad.

Lettyb said...

Funniest post in a long time! Thanks, I needed that!

Anne said...

Apart from making up the continent of Afraicia, what does it, or Africa, have to do with American History?

(Yes, slavery, etc, but that's not exactly something we celebrate)

Myrna said...

This post was so funny that I had to read all of the comments too! Between this site and, I think I just might give up TV. Real life is WAY more hilarious - and horrible!

kateheney said...

Like Cavane mentioned, the report card on the "Suport (SICC!!!) your prep time" says:

"Report card - Spelling Grade- F"

or something to that effect, which definitely was intentional. It just doesn't have the same feel if you know this! (But now I can't ignore it - maybe It was a secret homage to CW!)

Looove these cakes! My dad's a teacher - will show!

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than feeling appricated!

kateheney said...

Shoot - wait, looking at it again with your caption, I think I'm the tool. Looks like there was a stealthy grader sticking it in the cake, right? Which was clearly your point in the first place? ahhhh Jen, always seventeen steps ahead.

Anonymous said...

Personal favorite: one Wreckorator; 2 separate cakes, 2 separate mistakes!

Truly a sad commentary on the state of what English classes teach today (albeit with hilarious results).

Anonymous said...

Anyone else read "4 more... years" like William Shatner?

Unknown said...

All I can say is "Wow!"

Elizabeth said...

Did you notice that the teachers in the "Suport" cake gave it an "F" for spelling?

Anonymous said...

The "School's Out For Summer" cakes actually have 3 different mistakes -- 2 of them on the second cake.

motherbynature said...

Could I just say, that despite the wreckiness, the "yu dib it" cake looks YUMMY?

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. That is horrific. Presumably, these are adults inscribing these cakes, not preschoolers, right? Sad, disgraceful, shocking. I'm thanking my teachers, my parents, my own self-respect.

jrnola said...

silly bakers...everyone knows "toschol" is spelled with a "k" ~ "toskhol"

seven years and counting... said...

"4" more...years

pretty accurate, albeit mean-spirited, if the recipient is bound for grad school.

Anonymous said...

spelling errors always amuse me!! what a great post :)

Michael said...

"The ghost of the English language looks up at you.

"'You have already proven yourself literate! Go forth, then, and avenge my death!'"

bookbug said...

This english major is practically crying - pretty sure it's not tears of joy.

John Sperry said...

This post just made me happy, today!

Schwinger said...

You know, I actually know someone who's last name is Louck. Perhaps the "Good Louck" cake was just a play on their last name...though, we all know it's probably not. Hello bakers, hooked on phonics worked for me!

Shalmeno said...

1. I AM a teacher.
2. These were fantastically hilarious...and frighteningly true to life.
3. I want to go to Afraicia!!!

Pinnywearer said...

I'm weeping a combination of both big fat tears of sorrow and squirtings of gleeful hysterical laughter-induced eyewater.


Barbara Anne said...

"Kelley said...
Should we hold some sort of fundraiser to get a dictionary in to every bakery in the country? Because, wow..."

Noooooooooooo! Then we'd only have those who failed art class to worship as wreckerators! We must keep the language class failees decorating, too.

More Wrecks! More Wrecks! More Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

Former editor here. Can't stop laughing at this one, Jen! But then I laugh at work when I read management's horrid spelling errors and missing word emails. Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if those of us who CAN spell actually got recognized for it?

-- eilbeback

Terry Lee said...

yu dib it, jen! posted my favorite kind of wrecks ... mithspellings (and the like).

laughing to the point of tears.

Unknown said...!

I home school my four children and I used today's post as a lesson in proofreading. Thanks for helping me out today! :) I can't believe that these bakers get away with these wrecks (kin ewe say dikshunaree?)

Scarlett Robyn said...

yAEH for "teacher's" !

i laughed so hard i fell off my chair (seriously!)

thanx as alwayz,
Scarlett Robyn

Scarlett Robyn said...

BTW: I LOVE you guys' blog but why are there ads on the side for "" and stuff? It REALLY annoys me and distracts me from the HILARIOUS comedy you do. Can you tell us why and if you can, stop it?
Scarlett Robyn

Kirsten & Jon said...

I LOVE this blog. Just saying.

Stephanie McGee said...

Oh, good heavenly stars. I'm not an educator and these bring me to the edge of tears. (Though I'm not sure if they're sad tears or the result of laughing too hard at the stupidity.)

sarah said...

i have tears in my eyes. this post is so funny. SO SO SO FUNNY.

i apricate you, too!

Anonymous said...

Ha, I also thought that cake said Ahole on it!


Baker-Caker said...

I'm going to create a spell-checker for cakes that underlines spelling mistakes with a squiggly red icing line (just like in Word). If the Wreckerator wants to correct it, the spell-caker will ice over the word and the Wreckerator can re-write it.

I'll make a million dollars!

BADKarma! said...

Plaeaze rumimbur: Propir speeling is'nt "child-centric", as it migte irreparably daymuge Little Herkimer and Vajayjay's delaykit self-esteemie-weemies if they c'ant figer it out.

Jsut rite "Th'a'ts the currict ansser, but to anothir kwistien" in nice, freendli, happiy perpil ink on eech cak, and mouve aloong...

Jules said...

*sniff* I just love a story with a happy ending!

WV - "Grvere". I grvere for the educators of today.

Tim J said...

Not a cake, but you might appreciate, sorry appricate, this gem of a newspaper cutting which I kept years ago. It's complaining about mangled translations, and has words like "biluguially" in it.

sendingtheclowns said...

If "LOUK" translates to mean "petrified chocolate chip dog vomit," I don't care HOW "GOOD" it is...I'm not buying it.

Now, I REALLY want to see that the part above the bear (Library cake) reads: "Place of the boox."
That would be oh! todely perfek.
I also love how they've viciously impaled those balloons with the candles on Albrecht's cake...
(JAB! JAB! Take THAT!)
Hey-maybe "appricate" means something evil...and the candle-stabbings are a kind of a w a r n i n g ~~~
Good grief--my WV is "feckor." Must have been donated by a HI skool gradjoowait..

Kasey at Thrifty Little Blog said...

Yay, my cake dib it!!! I'm so proud to have eaten an official cake wreck. Thanks for including me :).

Just so you know: This wasn't your normal telephone cake order; the decorator was actually given a piece of paper with the phrase written on it!

@motherbynature~ Oh, it was! Dairy Queen Blizzard cake... YUM!

Anonymous said...

Imagine, Albrecht getting appricated, right there on a cake. :P

D.B. Echo said...

I'd like to think that last one was supposed to be "Abrogate."

Anonymous said...

Just for a moment, that last one made me imagine people throwing apricots at some poor guy.

tricia said...

you really need a disclaimer stating, "Do not attempt to consume liquid while reading this blog".
Oy, that is all :)

FluffyToFirm1 said...

Too funny! The things that aren't being taught...Sad, but REALLY FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

Tahnk yu! I needed the laugh today.

wv: pouctem - The wreckerators sure pouctem up this time.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Hey Scarlett,

Was it the content of the ad that offended you or the fact that we have ads at all? I'm more than willing to contact our advertisers and scream and yell until they take down an offensive ad, believe me. If it's the ads overall that are bothering you though, perhaps you could get the ad blocker on Firefox. It's super effective and you'd never have to see any of them again.


Blalock said...

Came home from teaching this morning and sat down and read the blog. How funny and so sad.

Pilgrim said...

As a teacher, I just gotta say...
I'm glad I teach preschool. At least MY students have an excuse.

Songbirdsara said...

These remind me of my very own cake wreck...
My parents were super proud when I graduated high school as the valedictorian. They ordered half of a sheet cake from our local Kroger (mistake #1) and asked for the words "Congratulations Valedictorian" in our school colors, green and yellow.

When my dad picked the cake up (without checking it), we were horrified to read (in red, off centered, poorly done cursive)
"Condgradation Valedictation"

Yep. Yay me!

belphebe said...

I've just started teaching a writing class. It is so tempting to send this link to the students!

wv: turbu. I'm having a turbu time keeping a straight face while looking at these wrecks!

Shannon said...

My hubby and I both agree that the "Yu dib it!!!" actually says "Yee dib it!!!"

Try saying it with some feeling and a cowboy accent, like you would say "yee-haw" it's kind of fun.

It's what I imagine NMBCJs shouting "Yee dib it!!!".

By the way, did the NMBCJs at the top of the page always have the motion blurs behing them? Maybe I should get my eyes checked.

Thanks for another fab post!

Anonymous said...

"Selabraiting Yurup" anyone?

Amy said...

Long-time reader but first-time commenter... I just have to ask, what's going on with the library cake? Black roses with an oozing stream of black, a bear, and "place of the...?". I am intrigued...

Anonymous said...

You know, of course, that it would do no good to provide dictionaries to the bakeries because you have to have SOME clue how to spell a word before you can look it up. And these people just don't have a clue.

For a fun look at the misuse of apostrophes and other punctuation check out the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves". It is hilarious while making its point.

sendingtheclowns said...

@BADKarma! --

--if ya don't but know it,
"Herkimer" and "Vajayjay" jest HAPPENs to be my mostest favoritest names for two twins, no matter how many. In the whole, big, widey-wide WORLD...of any species.
Ah wanned kee-ids but ahm celebrate.

Anonymous said...

As a retired educator, I must say that I loved my kid's and I hope that none of there handiwork is apricated on this website! Too hilarious! What exactly are we teaching kids these days? It's certainly not spelling, or proof-reading, or trying a rough draft out first!

Stoich91 said...

Pee in your pants material. Awww, yeah. :)

dawn said...

that "toschol" cake had a little black square with a smear of red....I visualized a little graduate cap with blood on it. Yuck. Just what was that supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what "gracturations" are, but they sound more painful than happy!

Okay, this wasn't on a cake, but did anyone see Biggest Loser last week when Melissa went home? When Victoria showed her voting card with Melissa's name on it, she had written a little side note. I think it was supposed to say "Best @home," meaning Melissa could win the at-home prize for losing the most weight. But poor Victoria accidentally (?) wrote "Beast @home." A freudian slip, or a slip through the cracks of our education system?

sendingtheclowns said...

Aren't "ADS" like, sorta, kinda, pretty much that thing where if they were on TV there'd be somebody yelling,, "And NOW, A WORD FROM OUR SPONSER(S)!" ?
And then, like MAGIC- there's a commercial?
And, hmmm, it seems as if those "sponsers" folks help keep your (let's say) show *on the air*...because, like, they get to sell THEIR stuff to folks who are watching YOUR show. And selling THEIR stuff thanks to YOUR show means that you are helping them, and they are helping you.

M I warm? =^~.-^=

Wendy P said...

Um, why is it that the teachers don't want their pay based on student achievement? Oh yeah, they might be getting a pay cut.

Lefty said...

Perhaps the "Schools for Summer/ No More Kids" was an ad for summer school, leaving the beaches free of children?

I love this blog! Makes me want to become a profeshonal ceke decoratoror...

Keep it up.

Rhiana said...

i'm sure no teacher really cares how the words are spelled ten minutes later so long as the cake tastes better than the backer can spell

Fanboy Wife said...

These cakes make me so sad...

Tricia said...

At 6pm CDT I Googled "Afraicia" just to see if it actually is a word. First off , NO I DON'T MEAN "AFRICA".

However, there were 7 sites with the word, yours and 4 referring to your site. The other 2 are in some foreign language, so somebody will have to translate for us.

PLB said...

I've never posted before, but I had to for this one. I am a k-5 reading teacher and this just made me actually laugh out loud. That means a lot since I found out last week that I don't have a job next year due to budget cuts. Thank you and keep the funny coming!!

Anonymous said...

i feel like maybe the YAEH cake was meant to be pronounced in two syllables: YEAH-UHHH to really emphasize the excitement.

Anonymous said...

Ok I've been looking at this while in the quietest part of the library at school and trying to hold back the giggles is hurting. X-D I'm a public school teacher and a stickler for spelling and Our public school systems ladies and gentlemen. X-D

Anonymous said...

yAEh, yu dib it!!

Margaret said...

My first thought when seeing "yu dib it" was....oh no, that decorator is dyslexic.....confirmed when the submitter said that the phrase had been written on paper. That whole copying from the board/paper to their paper/your cake is not very successful for someone who has dyslexia. Missing & reversed letters are common errors. Poor DQ kid...I don't think s/he could help it. If it's a kid, I hope the school noticed & at least tried to do something about it. If it's an adult who never got diagnosed...I'm so sorry...unfortunately, not everyone believes dyslexia is real.

Anonymous said...

what's worse, a comunity library or a pubic library??


Ashlie and Aiden said...

happy gracturations reminds me of the classic "word journey" cake falker satherhood! lmao

Anonymous said...

"Yu dib it!" hahaha that one was the best

Anonymous said...

OMG Thees peepul haff terribull spelleeng!
lol jk

Anonymous said...

Hot, partially chewed cheesy chicken nuggets, dipped in sweet chilli sauce, squirting out the nose is NOT appricated!

Unknown said...

What's up with the multi-phallus thing on the beach picture? I'm not even sure what that's supposed to be...

As for your main points, I'm sorry, I don't know what any of them were because my peril-sensitive sunglasses kicked in every time I tried to read the writing on the cakes...

Little Step said...

The grammar and spelling nerd in me is totally freaking out!


Anonymous said...

I don't usually comment but I laughed so hard that I couldn't talk and I got tears in my eyes.

Best cakes EVER!!

Awesome site, can't wait until tomorrow! :)

sendingtheclowns said...

Anonymous said...
"what's worse, a comunity library or a pubic library??"
Possibly, neither.
It could be this:


Tiffiny Felix said...

OMG, my stomach hurts! :*) Seriously, how can professional people do stuff like this? Too freaking funny!! :)

Dan Bradbury said...

The one with the bear on it looks like the worst job of frosting that I've ever seen! Not only is it spelled wrong the frosting is all cracking and uneven. ARGH!!!!

Arlene said...

Oh my if I had to grade these cakes they would all get an F for complete and utter lack of spelling. Lol I honestly looked at the cake with the poor handwriting that said your legole and nearly died laughing.. I think a cat could spell and write better than that! And someone tell me where exactly is Afraicia? I bet it's between Narnia and Hogwarts..

Becka said...

I'm pretty sure the "4" more years" thing was actually intentional. In Texas (and other states I'm sure) we have yearly tests, one of which is an English exam. Starting in junior high, they tell us to get a "4" on the writing part, because it is the highest score you can get. Every year without fail there are TONS of "4" themed sayings, like "may the "for"ce be with you", etc. It might be "4" the freshman class. If it's not, then I sincerely hope that there is a darn good reason for it.

Teresa said...

I love that they gave that one cake a report card with a F for spelling on it!

Anonymous said...

1)"The teachers must be so proud"... Yes, because year after year, no matter what horrendous mistakes they see or hear, they tell the kids "You are so bright, we are so proud of you!"
2) What the heck is that thing on the beach on the second 'Summer' cake?

Reformed Supermom said...

What's with the penis castle at the beach?


dmontag said...

The "Your Legale" cake CANNOT have been made by a professional. Tell me it isn't so...

cc said...

yAEH! That was AMAYZING!

Linda said...

This thread can inaugurate a new glorious category of "lolcakes".
Yaeh! Teh kayks is grate!

rascalmom said...

As a proofreader, I fear for the future! Of cakes at least. I hope the students being "celabrated" and "congractulated" can spell better than these bakers:)

Osaka_Mary said...

I had a high school classmate whose last name was Louck. Maybe that first cake was for him.

By the way, how do I put an avatar in these posts?

Queen Mommy said...

Hysterical! I homeschool my kids, and I just used this post as an example to my 8 y/o--about why it's important to learn how to spell and use correct grammar!

ilovebabyquilts said...

Ok everyone, let's clear this up for the second last cake's wreckerator: "Yeah" is for when you're answering a question yes in a casual way. Like "yeah, I'll do it". If you want to cheer for someone, write "yay!". Yeah is never pronounced yay. Lesson over.

Melissa said...

Oh my, oh dear. Shaking head in awe and disbelief. So glad the youth of this fine country, Afraicha is it?, is being so well edumucated. YaEh!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!! These are hilarious!! I actually snorted while laughing! I come from a family of teachers(4) and I just this! Love Cake Wrecks!! Thanks!

Natasha Winters said...

You guys should do a special entry about cakes that were messed up and what actually happened afterwards! We always want to know if the cake was free, who the heck was stupid enough to make that mistake, and what they thought when you brought it back (if you did.) Inquiring minds want to know!

Lady Anne said...

DiPLOMA? Why, oh why, do people use a lower case letter in the middle of an upper case word? There is a store near us that has one of those illuminated signs with plastic letters. The man always uses an upside down exclamation point for an I, so his signs say "PA!NT" - except that my keyboard isn't Spanish, but you get the idea.

Justine said...

I'm sorry, but I just had to comment today! This post was absolutely hilarious! I burst out laughing more than once and reread a few of them, too. I just wanted to make sure you knew how much your humor is appreciated (appricated?). Thanks for all the laughs!

Amy said...

To be fair, in graduate school, "4" more years is probably accurate

Cygnata said...

The beach cake's "sandcastle" is a bit... suggestive.


Melissa said...

I somehow ran into your sight and just spent the last 3 hours laughing my buns off! Thanks for distracting me from that psych paper I should be writing for class tomorrow! ;)

Melanie - The Fearless Baker said...

These make me want to cry just a little bit.

Jenna said...

Omg I love your blog!! It is hilarious!!

Judy DeBoer said...

I used to teach at a university in Indiana. The faculty in my department would have a "creative spelling contest" every semester posted on our conference/coffee room wall. One semester the winning entry came from a course evaluation at the end of the term. Under "things I liked least about the class" one student wrote: testes.

Amber said...

Cake Wrecks - you totally made my day. Those are awesome.

Unknown said...

From Spain: Laughing out loud...glad I'm alone tonight, because this wonderfulness doesn't translate.

Unknown said...

As a future educator i really am crying a little inside...

Bree said...

Afracia sounds like the name of a kingdom. Perhaps the wreckerator is secretly writing a fantasy book on the side?

This is one of the funniest posts yet. I love the misspelled words and random bad punctuation cakes. Just when you think it can't get any worse...

Jennifer said...

As a primary teacher, I look upon this blog entry with a combination of fear and resignation. You see, I once worked in the bakery section of a supermarket and was constantly pointing out to certain cake decorators that "graduation" had a d and a t in it, for example. I can actually write better than half of the wreckers, since I often had to write on the cakes after their hours.
Perhaps I will one day order a cake from one of my students - and then we'll see hoe well they can spell. Or at least copy off a piece of paper.

Tiff said...

Your legale! I'm so glad I teach... high school music, and I get to have them four for... years.
I sure hope these are tears of joy.

Brownlee's Blog said...

As sad as it is...I'd be willing to bet that "4" more years is a cake from MN or WI and is NOT related to school but rather to the Brett Favre annual retirement drama. It was a popular saying before he left Green Bay the last time and is now big in MN...all begging him to play 4 (a play on his jersey number) more years.

Tara said...

lucky teacher.

sneece said...

Immediately my brain picked up on "toschol" and thought.....oh, Hebrew school?!

Twisted am I.

Molly said...

I'm normally a lurker too but this post has got to be the funniest thing I've ever seen. I can't stop laughing, I have tears streaming down my face, my 5 year old keeps asking me what's wrong, oh my goodness. My sides...ouch...

Miss Michelle said...

I'm hoping that the "your legale" one happened because some very intelligent person told the person making the cake sheet to "not forget the e".. Meaning the E in YOU'RE.. *sigh*

Abbie said...

I actually found most humor from the "Good Louck" cake because I actually have a math professor named...Mr. Louck. said...

Did you get the bear cake submission from Wisconsin? I am pretty sure that this one is celebrating the Mukwonago library in Wisconsin... They had a whole big deal anniversary of the town deal years back and the bear and "place of the bear" slogan was emblazoned on everything.

Noelle said...

Actually - THREE different mistakes - the second cake says "Schools for Summer" - it's missing the "out"...of course that is in addition to an apostrophe!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really like the one about "School's out" it made me laugh. This made up for the paper I had to write for my summer class...

d.c. said...

Why are there toothpicks poking out of the "Appricate" balloons? If they're candles, then why would you blow out candles on an appricate cake?

Anonymous said...

I must say....I am totally addicted to this site. Nothing makes a lousy day better than catching a couple bad cake posts, bad "splling" and "gramar" and all. Now, my coworkers wonder why I'm turning red...trying not to laugh so hard at today's youth, who can't spell, or be "apricating" of today's "learnings."