During these meetings you will each be required to list at least one 'awesome' thing about working here. Susan, GO."
"Oh, come on, this is so STU...."
"Did I mention this will be on your monthly review?"
"...PENDOUS! Haha! Yeah! [grabbing manager by lapels] WORKING HERE IS AWESOME."
"Something more specific, please."
"Oh. Ok. Um...
"Oh, I know! Making the candy apples is awesome.
"I like misspelling things and then convincing the customer it's actually spelled that way."
"Bob, I'm not sure this is exactly..."
"Ooh, yeah! And scaring the kids! That is SO awesome, am I right?" [high-fiveing Bob]

"Alright, everyone, if you'll just wait your turn..."
"What's wrong, Debra?"
"No, that's my awesome thing! Putting chocolate poo swirls on everything!"
[sigh] "And Mary? What about you?"
"I like giving the customers exactly what they ask for."
"Ah, excellent! You see, everyone? Now this is...
"No, I mean EXACTLY what they ask for."

Thanks to Denise G., Gema B., Amanda N., Meagan B., & Anne L. for being, um, awesome.
Oh, and hey, here's something that really IS awesome: my friend Neil of 1,000 Awesome Things has a free copy of his new book, The Book of Even More Awesome

For a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite awesome things. It can be anything: getting extra icing on your slice of cake, picking the fastest line at the supermarket, snagging the last one of that sale item you wanted - you name it. We'll announce the five winners both here - on this post - and on the CW Facebook page at 12 midnight, EST, so be sure to check back!
1499 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1499 Newer› Newest»One of my favorite awesome things is driving around on a semi-warm day with the top down.
Also? The owl cake made me scream out loud.
White chocolate covered pretzels...I just bought 2 bags to keep at work. They are AWESOME!
My favorite awesome thing is having my husband home from Afghanistan!!!
Waking up a minute before my alarm is going to go off.
Its awesome to wake up just before your alarm goes off, so you don't have to be startled awake by that horrid noise! -GabieKat
Totally awesome is my son, Dan, being on Jeopardy! today in the show's first ever Teacher Tournament!
-Diane C.
I love picking up my old-fashion plain donut in the morning, and it's still warm. Mmmmmmm
Breathing is awesome. And addictive.
My favorite awesome thing is making origami flowers for my kids and watching their eyes sparkle when they show them to their friends, the brag that they have a coll mom.
The owl cupcake cake is creeeepy
one of the most awesome things to me is...how my mom "saves" her hour during daylight savings in the fall. she'll not change her clocks and will only use her hour on something fun and with family not just sleep. she'll save it for days and drive my dad bonkers.
then again my most awesome thing might just be my mom. hehe. can you tell I just moved from texas to maine and that I miss her dearly?!
Getting the piece of cake with a big, blue rose and having it be super delicious icing!
My most awesome thing is sending my kids to school for the day knowing that they LOVE school and knowing that I LOVE my well deserved nap =-)
One of my favorite awesome things is the leafy sea dragon! And free coffee with my "rewards" card at my favorite little local coffee shop.
I don't know what I would do without hot running water.
One of my favourite awesome things is making dinner for my husband when he gets home for work and then spending the evening together!
My favorite awesome thing is when you make a cake for a client and she says "It's even better than I hoped for."
Aside from my totally awesome hubby and kids? Vacuum lines in the carpet, mower lines in the grass, the smell of lemon furniture polish, shiny tiles in the bathroom and the satisfaction of getting out a stain that no one thought would come out. Yes, I am that messed up.
An awesome thing is cake wrecks! What? Too pandering? Oh, fine, another awesome thing is that as of Wednesday I'll be official done with year 2 of law school and have a glorious summer with no classes : )
Laughter when I look at Cake Wrecks website in the middle of the morning at work ... awesome
My favorite awesome thing is seeing my granddaughters smile at me.
My very favorite awesome thing is being newly retired!
My favorite awesome thing is making a quilt for someone who loves it.
My favorite awesome thing is getting my braces off today! :)
Congratulations, Tanira! I can't think of anything "awesome-r" than that! Blessings on you both.
My favorite thing is how you feel right after a hot shower. Clean, refreshed, awake and ready to start the day. It's AWESOME.
It is awesome to see how the trees start to redress at the beginning of Spring. It rocks to live in a country with marked seasons!
I just discovered pretzel snaps, the squashed flat pretzel cracker things...very yummy. (Oh, stop mocking me, I'm out of the loop. Oooh, and real Coke.
picking up my niece from daycare, she makes you feel like a super hero for rescuing her!
My favorite awesome thing is when I can get both of my boys laughing at the same time. They're 1 and 3 1/2, so it never fails to make me laugh when they do.
Ok, well, I really love the green nipples on all the balloons on that last cake! But in general, one of my favorite awesome things is mornings like THIS morning, wherein my kids actually got up, got dressed and got to school on time without any drama or meltdowns! Score one for mom!
What's awesome? Sleeping in on a rainy day and knowing you have permission to fritter away the entire day with completely unproductive activities!
My favorite awsome thing is waking up in the morning and all my cats are snuggled up against me sleeping contentedly.
My favorite awesome thing is selling my furniture for more than I had expected. (I'm moving back to the States at the end of the month. From Denmark, home of the freaky vomiting frog cake.)
I think Reeses peanut butter cups are awesome. And I really know my candy because I eat it a lot.
Oh, and winning books about awesome things. Just sayin'
Awesome is having my 11 year old tell me that I'm the best Mom ever (without being prodded...)
Tracy O
One of my favorite awesome things is turning a finished sewing project right side out, and seeing it complete for the first time-- especially when it turned out better than I expected :)
My favorite awesome thing is ME! Because I AM AWESOME! I am awesome with a side of awesome-sauce! I am awesome with bacon on top (because everything is better with bacon)! I am AWESOME!
My favorite awesome thing is when I wake up in the morning and realize that my darling daughter didn't wake me up in the night!
For the record my friends and I have nicknamed ourselves "The Birds" and we totally would have bought that Bird Day cake lol last year we made our own Merry Unbirday cookie cake for Easter lol
CakeWrecks sure is awesome :D
My favorite awesome thing is seeing the look on my stepdad and sister's faces when I buy them a new video game. And the billions of hours of playing it! We're just one big, nerdy family!
When you think it's Sunday, it's awesome to find out that it's really Saturday!
My most awesome thing? Planning to share a BIG secret with my family this week. Only Hubby and I know right now!
Finding or making the absolutely perfect gift for someone and the awesome anticipation leading up to them actually opening it - it's the best!!! The look on their face is so worth the wait.....peace.
Singing out loud to your favorite song on the radio, then noticing the person next to you at the stop light is doing the same thing! It's awesome!
A recent awesome thing was last night I dreamt I had found the most awesomely wrecked cake at the store and got a picture of it to send to you. But then I woke up. And forgot what the cake looked like. But seriously, it was awesome! Also, pea juice. Love it!
One of my favorite awesome things is getting a cookie cake for my birthday ;)
Haha, "aggressive tendencies." I can just imagine someone stabbing the Hello Kitty apples screaming "DIE, KITTY, DIE!" and scaring customers away...
Anywho, awesome thing: I love when I check my bank account and find more money in there than I was expecting!
Holding a live wild bird in my hand. I volunteer at a migratory bird banding station in Montreal, and occasionally get to hold a tiny wild bird - so warm and alive in my hand - then to release it.
Knowing I am going to be a first time grandmother in August is AWESOME! It's a boy!
The Sunday Sweets!
Chocolate covered raisins.
I think my favorite awesone thing is when I finish sewing something I designed, and it is just what I invisioned.
My husband is awesome. But maybe he's not exactly a thing.
Chocolate is always awesome.
wv: lesse
No, lesse chocolate is not a good thing.
Awesome is getting a daughter-in-law, two granddaughters, and a new baby all in the same year!!
Awesome is also reading CakeWrecks every morning, just to get my day started!
I grew up extremely poor...I'm talking getting food from the food pantry poor. I got myself through college as a single mom and now have a career where I make a decent living. My most awesome thing is watching my daughters enjoy eating fresh fruit and letting them pick out treats at the store. Little things that I didn't have.
My favorite thing is a cup of green tea on a rainy day.
Getting almost 6 hrs of sleep from my 5 month old who was previously giving me 2!
The look on a newbie's face the first time they come to our Friends of the Library booksale. 292,000 items for the spring sale that starts next week (even a copy of the Cake Bible).
One of my favourite awesome things is an ice milk bar after a really good workout - nothing like a treat that cools you down at the same time! And of course Cakewrecks and Epbot are on my list of daily-dose awesomeness.
Hmmm, awesome is when I hold my breath and it helps my team (Celtics) make a basket!
Cupcakes are pretty awesome! Cool giveaway.
I think dirt is awesome.
My favorite awesome thing is watching people open presents that I made just for them. LOVE. IT.
A stack of new books from the library is AWESOME! (even if it means no housework will get done on my day off)-Heather
PS and Cakewrecks! Cakewrecks is always awesome.
My favorite awesome thing is that my husband let me take a 5 hour nap yesterday while he did the yardwork and laundry!
Having my 2 1/2 year old grandson running toward me yelling "Grandma, Grandma, I missed you!"
most awesome feeling loved by and loving strangers, especially when you dont speak the same language.
One of the most awesome things is overhearing someone rave about an act of kindness, knowing YOU are the one who did the act.
It's awesome when I find a really great vintage sewing pattern in my [plus] size!!!! Got one this weekend for $5!
My favorite awesome thing is getting a good grade on a final exam that I studied really hard for! It makes all the studying seem really worthwhile!
Also...the fact that Cake Wrecks is my #2 most visited site after Facebook. :)
-Sarah Brown
Getting my daily Dose of 1000 Awesome Things, and then having it appear on my other favorite blog! Awesome!
Hearing my children laugh - AWESOME!
one of my favourite things is getting through a week filled with 4 final exams...
or i could suck up to Jen and say reading CW every day ;)
honestly, though, my favourite awesome thing is knowing that God loves me :)
My favorite awesome thing is when my two year old sleeps thru the night. Which is not very often. *sigh*
Baking orange muffins is pretty awesome. Although they weren't as orange as I wanted them to be.
Something totally awesome, when my kids make up jokes, they crack me up!
Helping someone out who totally doesn't expect it. We both get to feel good!
The song you've been thinking about all day coming on the radio :)
awesome thing hmm... OH that felling you get if you correctly assemble a difficult lego set! AWESOME!!
Totally awesome thing= watching my 3-year-old use my 5-month-olds hands to "tickle" himself.
Eating remains of cake batter while the cake bakes is AWESOME.
Gummy bears are awesome! Just ask my two-year-old!
One of my favorite awesome things is actually managing to do EVERYTHING on my to-do-list for the day. ALL THE THINGS.
When you go to the store for something specific and it's on SALE.
I love "The Book of Awesome"!
One awesome thing is spending time with my fiance. We live in different states so we cherish the times we get to be together.
I think it is AWESOME when I wake up in the morning, realize its a holiday or long weekend, turning off the alarm, and burrowing back under the blankets for a few more hours of blissful shouldn't-have-been-but-totally-is-more sleep!
Alternatively, when someone else has to get up and you get to snooze out is particularly AWESOME in my books. Also, sinister.. but mainly amazingly awesome :D
At a tag sale, my husband and I were discussing buying some tchotchke and this 70-something-year-old woman kept asking, "Is he buying it? Are they taking it?" So of course we had to buy it, even though I'll probably end up giving it to my sister since it's not really my style. Yeah, that was awesome. :)
Having the spare cash to treat myself to restaurant food, even if it's just a fast food place. That's awesome to me. :)
My awesome thing is when my 4 year old son (who is autistic and doesn't talk a lot) comes to me and says, "I want hug!". :0)
My grandparents will be celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary in July. Now how awesome is that?
Oohh looks like an interesting book!!!!
My favorite awesome thing is living in a foreign country!
I think the most awesome thing that could happen is Seal Team Six capturing and Killing Osama Bin Laden.
My favorite awesome thing is when you start watching a show that you're taping on DVR, and fast-forward through the commercials, but because of a delayed start, you finish at the same time as the show does, but you didn't have to sit and wait through any ads!
My awesome is sharing my birthday yesterday with both the beatification of Pope John Paul II AND the news that America's #1 terrorist was killed by our fine men in uniform :) Ok, a little dark, but that means my hubby is less likely to deploy in my mind, so yay birthday present to me!
I wore my homemade Captain Hammer t-shirt to Target yesterday and was vigorously high-fived for it by a teenaged skater-boy. It was very awesome!
Also, my oldest son turns 8 today. He's extremely awesome.
The most awesome thing ever is naptime for my 16 month old. We all need it more than we realize.
My favorite awesome thing right now is MY VERY OWN BRAND NEW OFFICE! Wheeee!
My favorite AWESOME thing is the correlation between 1)how light a color your top is and 2)how important that meeting is to 3)the darkness of the spot you get on yourself eating lunch.
Just freakin awesome.
Getting a slice of bakery cake that's got lots of thick and colorful flowers and decorations on it. That's awesome!
One of my favourite awesome things is waking up then realizing the alarm doesn't go off for another two hours... then snuggling back to sleep.
Another favourite thing is going out for a walk in the spring sunshine. Feeling the warmth on my face, smelling the fresh green scents, and looking at all the flowers.
Sleeping in because the kids did and dog did! Definitely a favorite awesome start to my day.
Also never having seen a poo swirl on a cake in real life but feeling prepared to because apparently there are LOTS of them out there--that's awesome and a public service, maybe.
You know what's "totally awesome"? A Very Potter Musical! Lol, that's what I immediately thought of when I read the title of this post.
One of my favorite awesome things is waking up just before the alarm goes off and turning it off so I don't have to hear it scream.
My very favourite awesome thing is the first squeeze in a new tube of toothpaste. Something about it is just SO satisfying!!
One of my most favorite awesome things is having my sweet dogie (all 45 lbs of her) napping on my lap while I knit and watch Dr. Who!
Fireworks are totally awesome... especially Disney fireworks!
My favorite thing is realizing my car will be paid off in two months!
My awesome? You know when you pull your container of fast-food fries from the bag and there are loose fries left behind on the bottom of the bag? I call that Bonus Fries :o)
Finding something really amazing being offered at an unexpectedly low price. Like the awesome bakelite headphones I got on ebay... for $0.99. THAT was awesome.
Some awesome things that happened to me lately: found a new (unwanted) Salvatore Ferregamo bag at the recycling bin; found 2 white Minnen Ikea beds for sale online after they'd been discontinued in Dubai and I need 2 for my 4yr and 2yr little girls who LOVE the glow-in-the-dark stars ROBOT shape I built on their wall and my most favorite: I rediscovered my 1990's Nintendo gaming system and 6 original games. Now if I can just get them connected back to my TV... blissful sigh!
Having my kids say they love me...
That to me is AWESOME!!!!
aka kadterp
My favorite awesome thing is my new job! It may be "just retail" to a lot of people, but it's boosting my self-confidence and making me actually enjoy getting out of the house!
It's awesome to hear my kids laugh.
My friend Julie because she is convinced she is AWESOME.
My favorite thing is monster movie marathons!
My favorite awesome thing is a yummy homemade cake for a party. There's something so great about smelling it in the house and putting all of that love into it.
The most awesome thing is getting my students to learn how to spell by using blogs as examples, for example CakeWrecks! I teach ESL to teenagers in Sweden, and they seldom realize what on the internet is correct and what is not. Using sites lite yours makes them learn while laughing!
Something that's totally awesome is when Jen gets to be funny and geeky and quirky and awesome and there are no horrid annoying comments from people getting mad at her because they just don't get it! It always makes me happy to see a Cake Wrecks post with no haters hating on it.
My fav awesome thing is the smell of laundry fresh off the clothes line!!!
My favorite awesome things are the random hilarious things my daughter says. She told my hubby yesterday, "You making me cry and ruining my life." All because he wouldn't let her have a sleepover. The awesomely hilarious part is that she's only 3. We both couldn't stop laughing.
-Lauren Toleman
One of my favorite awesome things is finding an hour in my day to sit and read. Preferably in a cozy, warm spot.
singing crappy top 40 songs in the car with my friends!
I teach some college classes, and, to me, there's nothing more awesome than when a student I've been working with all of a sudden gets it.
Awesome thing that happened to me this week: finally brought out my spring jacket and found $5 in the pocket! Yay for warm weather and money I didn't know I had!
Having a cake come out exactly the way I pictured it... Awesome =o)
One of my favourite awesome things is ridiculously geeky jokes in CW. I feel like I'm in some special club - a club for awesome people who love cake and geeky things and share a spectacularly silly sense of humour!
It's awesome waking up naturally, rather than because one of my alarm cats ("me-Now") decided it was time.
One of my favorite things is having a work meeting that gets out early. The gift of time!
The most awesome thing I can think of is that fresh kitty smell. Freshly washed kitty and then you rub your nose in her fur. The best things in life are free ;)
My favorite awesome thing is when someone cuts you off on the freeway and then a few miles down the road you see them pulled over by the highway patrol. Yeah, that's awesome. Completely selfish, mean, and vindictive, but apparently I'm a shallow person because I'm sticking by my selection of awesome.
My favorite awesome things are q-tips! :)
Reading Cake Wrecks every day! No, seriously, when work is going crappy, I take time to look at your site and it always lightens the mood.
Awesome things include...
A) Happy animals
Whether it's a dog outside on a sunny day, tail wagging and tongue flapping, happy to be alive, or my two cats, joyfully chasing each other around the apartment and skidding along the hardwood like little furry drag-racers, a happy animal is truly AWESOME and smile-inducing. Also to be included are playful dolphins, snow-ball throwing Japanese macaques, and mud-rolling, water-spraying elephants. Happy animals are AWESOME!
B) Baby laughter
The pure, unadulterated joy of a baby, toddler, or small child laughing is the best. To wit: google "baby ripping paper" and try to watch the first (thousand) videos without smiling or laughing outright. AWESOME!
Loved this post... I could go on and on. Very enjoyable.
Being head bumped by my cat while trying to brush my teeth over the sink. Nothing says "I love you" more that cat hair on the floss.
It's awesome waking up naturally, rather than because one of my alarm cats ("Me-NOW") decides it's time to wake the can opener.
My Most Favourite Awesome thing in the whole wide world is listening to my daughters giggle as they "conspire" in the fort they made from cushions and blankets :) :)
WV: suersess - to be living a Dr. Suess kind of life
Thanks CW Team for Lots of great Awesomeness everyday!!! xxMWAHxx
Rubbing my cat's belly and making him purr is awesome!
My favorite awesome thing is having my 2 little schnauzers cuddle up to me!
Penny R.
Awesome? Awesome? My kids are awesome. They are so loving and enjoy life and everything we do even if it's checking the mail. Oh and waking up to a snow day and realizing *I* have the day off too!
The frosting on leftover cake that's been in the fridge overnight: cold, delicious, & totally awesome.
Rubbing my cat's belly and making him purr is awesome!
When my toddler actually makes it to the potty on time, that is awesome!
The most totally awesome thing for me is when I order a Cherry Limeade with extra real cherries at Sonic and it actually comes with a LOT of extra real cherries!
Shelley in So. Illinois
one awesome thing is when you have no clue what you're doing so you click "send me follow up comments" then you have hundreds of emails and you feel popular. plus you have all that awesomeness in your inbox.
This morning was pretty awesome - hot chocolate and cake for breakfast on a rainy day.
Cooking a healthy meal that all 3 junior food critics... oops! ...darling children enjoy.
Summer days! Come on crappy island, warm up and make my dreams come true!!
Catching more fish than my dad. At least, that WOULD be awesome...
You know what's awesome? New relationships... It makes me feel good. I'm happy. I feel interesting, sexy, fun. He looks at me and I melt, I can watch him sleep on the couch and get all bothered by it. He's smart and attractive and in great shape and he's interested in ME. He likes how I make him feel. AWESOME. :)
Oh- and yeah- chocolate covered pretzels are pretty darned awesome too.
My favorite awesome thing is when Im out playing on my Nintendo DSi and people ask me for my age and the funny reactions they have.
I am 19 and the biggest game nerd in my family. No one appreciates video games (including the classics) like me.
Today's awesomeness...running to my office 20 minutes late for work to find that my boss took the day off. Phew!
You know what I think is TOTALLY awesome? The devious self satisfaction I feel when I don't let the car in that waits until the VERY last second to get over when a lane is visibly closing 1000 feet ahead, in an attempt to avoid he back up that is caused by said lane closure. Ahhhh. I feel all warm and fuzzy thinking about it.
That owl cake is frightening in a very awesome way!
When you FINALLY get to wear your brand new rain boots! This makes rainy days AWESOME!
How clean sheets feel when you get into bed
Getting a letter in the mail...a for-real letter, not e-mail, not a bill, not a credit card offer, a letter in an envelope with an actual stamp from a friend just to say hello.
Caitlin :)
My awesome thing is hearing my cell phone go off with my geeky little Zelda ringtone. Saria's Song always was my favorite. =)
The moment each night when I realize that ALL THREE KIDS ARE ASLEEP AT ONCE.
That is utterly awesome!
Wow, 139 comments at 10:38 in the morning. Now THAT'S awesome!!
My favorite awesome thing is when the idiot who's sitting on people's bumpers and weaving in and out of slow moving traffic finally sees his chance and floors it, only to be pulled over almost immediately. AHHH so good.
PS you should definitely give Tanira a book. Her awesome thing is really awesome!
Awesome things include waking up, thinking it's time get up, and realizing you still have a lot of time to sleep! Awesome things are snuggling under a blanket and watching movies on a cold, rainy day like today :)
One of my favorite things is to pet my cat in the dark and watch the static sparks.
Forgiveness is the most awesome thing I know of. Without it, all of the other incredible blessings in my life wouldn't mean anything at all (even though they are pretty awesome, too!).
My mom... she is totally awesome. And waking up on a spring day with a cool breeze coming in the window. That is awesome.
My most awesome thing is getting hugs from my kids (ages 12 and 11). I know that someday soon they will be "too old" to want to hug mom goodbye every morning.
My favorite thing is being able to work from home.
Discovering that the really important deadline you accidentally missed was really more of a guideline is really awesome!
One of my favorite awesome things is an angel food cake that a wreckorator can't eff up :) One other favorite awesome thing is finding a professional baker whose chocolate cake is dark and doesn't taste like crap, yuuuummmmmmm.
Taking that first bite of just-made ice cream cake, with the warm cake and cold ice cream, on your birthday? Definitely my favorite awesome thing.
My most awesome thing is that NONE of my cakes have ended up on "Cake Wrecks"! (except that I would like to end up on "Sunday Sweets"!
One of the most awesome things is Rita's Water Ice. Especially on a warm day!
One of my favorite awesome things: Randomly bursting into song. Especially in public, when it will embarrass someone (usually my lil brother :D:D)
One of my favorite awesome things is really great light timing all the way home! You know, when every signal you come to is green! I have to drive through the city so great light timing can take 5 to 10 minutes off my drive! Woohoo!!
After a long winter, the first day you wake up and realize the buds on the trees have distinctly crossed the line to baby leaves or, even, actual, full-blown, no-more-snow-for-a-few-months leaves. That's today!!
Getting together every month with my Awesome Book Club! I love those people!
I'm a mom of five..so that last piece of clothing I put up after a loong laundry day (which is everyday by the way) is the most "awesome" feeling ever! Who would have thought that underwear could make you happy in more than just the obvious way ;)!
Finding out that the contest I want to enter is actually open to Canadians... that is always awesome!
teehee :)
The most awesome thing is going out in the rain in summer, clothes and all! And to just stand there :)
The most recent awesome thing?
A day of roller derby...4 leagues joining together for 8 hours to train, hang out, support each other, and drink beer...
Other than that...the most awesome thing was getting my first ever unassisted pull up at the gym a few months ago. My friends who were there screamed so loud people turned to see what was so awesome. Today, I did 30 of them.
This made my morning :-)
My favorite awesome thing? Hearing a student (I tutor) tell me that I'm going to be a great teacher one day because I've helped them so much, often after only half an hour to an hour of being with them.
My awesome 'thing.' My daughter.. She is 7 years old and was born with a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Sydnrome.. Princess Aubrey has lived 7 years *God willing 90 more* with only half of her heart.. To me and everyone that meets her.......she's awesome..
I think it is awesome when I find a random dollar or two in a purse or pants that I haven't used in a while.
Awesome thing of the day: Two hours ago, I gave my boss three weeks notice so I can finally get out of a career I've been hating and follow my dreams.
My favorite awesome thing is listening to the frogs sing at night while falling asleep.
My one awesome thing is my best friend, a 2-year-old named Lindsey. She's is just the funniest, smartest, sweetest, most mischievous little thing I have ever known, and I've been wrapped around her finger since the day she was born. The best thing about our relationship? I'm fifteen, and get these awful looks from everyone while playing with her. People think she's my daughter!
My favorite awesome thing is putting my daughter to bed at night and her saying "You're an awesome Mom". Makes the long days worth while and makes the next day seem a little less intimidating.
-Tabitha W.
One of the most awesome things is my life is laughing with my children and husband. Nothing makes a day better than when we all share a good laugh.
My favorite thing is being one year in remission and getting these last 365 days to spend with my two wonderful children. I relish in the awesomeness of many more to come. I don't really need a book. I'm already winning. ;)
My awesome 'thing.' My daughter.. She is 7 years old and was born with a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Sydnrome.. Princess Aubrey has lived 7 years *God willing 90 more* with only half of her heart.. To me and everyone that meets her.......she's awesome..
My name is Angelina
(forgot to post that before)
My favorite awesome thing is warm sheets on a cool day; and alternatively, cool sheets on a hot day.
It's the simple pleasures that are the best enjoyed, in my opinion.
Cheers, Jen!
Oooh, my wv is pretty awesome today too:
kowsesms- The cow doesn't say "moo" any more; now the kowsesms.
My awesome thing: finally having power back in Huntsville, AL so I can check out the latest cake wrecks! Not to mention being blessed enough to be one of the ones who still has a home.
One of my favorite awesome things is making bread from scratch, with no recipe, just trying something different and coming up with something delicious. My last bread experiment was a brown rice and kamut meal bread, and it was fantastic.
My most favorite awesome thing is welcoming home my boyfriend at the airport after his deployments. Best moment ever.
I love seeing everyone's face when I deliver a cake.
My husband 5 years and 8 months cancer free is my very, very favorite awesome thing.
Also, black jelly beans.
There are so many awesome things in this world! Reading Cake Wrecks and Epbot AND The smell of a baby's freshly washed hair!
Awesome: the corner piece (if the frosting is good)
My dog running through the long grass of a meadow in the spring sunshine today - I wish I could run that fast & with such abandon!
Knitting a miniature cat with a knitted litter tray and knitted cat poo and knowing someone is PAYING me to do it - now that's awesome!