Last week you may have heard all the brouhaha over the release of Portal 2. And you may also - like me - belong to certain social subsets that not only have
no interest in video games, but would, upon questioning, ask what "port holes" have to do with anything anyway.
Well, never fear, fellow gamer geeks! Because today's Sweets are all about video games, and this is a safe place to geek out *AND* enjoy amazingly made cakes.
Let's start with some old-school gamer goodness everyone will recognize:
Submitted by Erin C. & made by Hello NaomiMy favorite part? You could totally arrange the cupcakes to set up different game configurations. Maybe even do a little stop-motion animation. And then: NOMS.
Another cupcake creation that makes this girl geek squee:
Sub'd by Hareem A. & made by Clever CupcakesAh, the law of miniatures: everything smaller is cuter.
Whooooo...lives in Ryan's Rapture under the sea?
Sub-ject Del-ta!
Sub'd by Barbara G. & made by her brother, Doug.Amazing and detailed and edible is he!Plus I love the checkered floor.
(There's another Bioshock Sweet here.)In honor of Portal 2's release, last weekend John and I
finally played the first one - finishing up right around dawn. (Have I mentioned we have a hard time quitting a game once we've started? Heh.) Needless to say, now I have a new appreciation for this companion cube groom's cake:
Sub'd by Colleen O. & made by Semiahmoo ResortRemember: your weighted companion cube cannot speak. But if it could, I'm sure it would say, "I'm delicious."
Time for another old-school goodie:
Who else remembers these? Eh?
(Wow. You guys are OLD.)
(Just kidding. Hey, I remember Pong! [But only because my grandparents had an old one in storage. Honest.])
Moving up to the newest handhold gaming device: your iPhone...
There are lots of amazing Angry Birds cakes out there now, but this was the first to go viral - and with good reason. John will tell you I've had my 'Birds obsession renewed recently with the Easter theme addition. What can I say? There's just something about knocking pink bunny ears off green pigs that's oddly...soothing. :D
Here's a game I've been meaning to try for a long time now:
. It's a puzzle game you play on your computer, and it has the most *adorable* little robots:
Another game I can't believe I haven't played yet is Little Big Planet:
Sub'd by Daniel K., found here, & made by Lillybit (no link)Really, I'm just a sucker for protagonists who'd make good plushies.
More classics: we can't have a game post without Mario!
Sub'd by Michael F. & made by his talented wife.
(Love the mushroom candle holders.)
Or Zelda!
And finally, one more iPhone game cake:
Anyone else play Cut the Rope? I did for a bit, until it got too hard for my spatially-challenged brain. John loved it, though.
Anyway, this is one of those rare Sweets that makes my jaw hit the desk. The baker used multiple techniques like modeling with krispy treats, sugar glass (for the window), stenciling, and - what I found most impressive - even made the shiny "packing tape" out of

Truly unbelievable.
One more detail shot:
D'awwww.Well, that's our Sweets for today.
go play!Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
67 comments | Post a Comment
Love the game cakes! I wonder why nobody has made any Mystery Case Files cakes *g* I'm thinking Ravenhearst would make for an AWESOME cake maybe *g*
My favorite of the Angry Bird cakes (not featured here) is the playable cake. I saw the video of that one and that's what got me into the game.
Amazing. I must really be OLD because the only two I have actually played are the Atari (ROCKS!!! We had like 50 games when I was a kid...before the earth's crust cooled.) and the top one (can't recall the name because of aforementioned being OLD). Great post!
ok, i'm old. i was 15 when pong came out, and we got it finessed to where the thing would go back and forth over and over without us touching the game.
we burned the tube in the television. *G* it had a shadow of the pong screen for the rest of its life.
But the cake is a lie! :)
Pretty awesome cakes though! Love the Sunday Sweets posts.
The Atari and Xbox ones are F'n AWESOME. I had just posted about Atari games I use to love playing. That was a great system and GREAT job with the cake, looks real
Best Sunday Sweets EVAR!!!1!
That Atari cake is by far my favorite!! AWESOME!! The Mario one is pretty great, too.
My husband just finished Portal 2 last night and said it was a 'genius'. I surprised him with it on release day. :)
He'll love checking out these cakes!
Awwww :D cakes like that make me happy
My 6 year old daughter (whose birthday isn't until October) has just decided she wants a Mario cake for her
Geek girls in the making! :P
Yeah I'm twelve and now what pong and pacman are !!!!!!
you absolutely HAVE to play Little Big Planet!! We'd be depressed, but would completely understand if you took a couple day hiatus to play through LBP and LBP2! Loved the cake too, they got the texture of the sack boy just right!
I'm old enough that Space Invaders was the only one of these I've played, until last month, when I finally played Portal. And now I've played Portal 2.
The Companion Cube cake is great.
i am not a gamer - not in the slightest! - but i am loving these cakes. especially love the old atari set w/ the pac man. (good lord, it looks just like the one that we had!) thanks as always...
I am officially thinking of an event that will require 150 of my closest friends and a cake.... I must have the cut the rope cake! My kids loved it, I loved it, who wouldn't?! I haven't got on the 'birds bandwagon but cut the rope is a favorite around here. And while I may only be 30, I grew up on Atari!! And now I have In The Hall of the Mountain King stuck in my head...
(You knew that was comming)
Ok, moving on....That Xbox controller is so gosh darn adorable, its a good thing its a cupcake becuase I want to eat it up!
Also now I have "Still Alive" from the end of the first Portal stuck in my head. Thanks guys, I just got it out
These are lovely, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed there's no post about the royal wedding cake. I was one of three people NOT paying attention to everything, but the one thing I was interested in was the cake. I've been waiting since Friday to see it featured here, since I figured: what an obvious nom-ination for a Sweet!
Dear just made my day..seriously amazing! Squee! Now I have to go finish portal before work and then go bake a companion cube cake for my geeky boyfriend. Also, how have you NOT played little big planet! Its the cutest game EVER!.
Oh my goodness, I love the machinarium cake! It's such a cute game too, you must play!
You guys have got to play little big planet, it is amazing. The second one just came out and it has a level that is all steam punk and cake themed. you shoot little cakes out of a hat!
I love the Mario cake! Of course, I am partial to pretty much anything Mario related.
My husband's groom's cake was an Xbox 360. The controller wasn't cake, but the rest was:
Okay young'uns
I have Atari, just like the cake pictured, sitting in my guest room because my husband refuses to part with it. If only it were a cake- We'd eat it, it would be gone, and I wouldn't have to dust it.
I would love to have the Bioshock cake.....however, that isn't Subject Delta. That's just a Bouncer Big Daddy, with the scary drill of death.
I love these!!! They're so squee-worthy.
I want that Zelda shield. Badly. It's soooo pretty! Hyrule!!!!!
Can I have a Zelda wedding cake?
I heart gamer cakes. My b/f and I have already decided that our wedding cake will be the Weighted Companion Cube and his grooms cake will be a 1-UP mushroom. Although, he might be persuaded to get that Zelda shield if I show it to him. LOL
Those aren't wrecks...they are fabulous.
ooohhh I love the joysticks and the 'real wood' facing on the atari console. AWESOME!
Cute! I love the Mario one, but I have to say may fave is the Cut the Rope one! And I will admit I am old, we used to have an Atari. It rocked!
You *must* play Machinarium. I loved that game. Loved, loved, loved it. My only complaint is that it was too short. Not in a "what a ripoff" way, but in a "that game really under-stayed its welcome" kind of way. :-)
The robots were so freaking cute, too.
Holy cuss! Packing tape. Who'd have thunk it? Cut the Rope kicks Angry Bird bootie any day, by the way.
I just finished the first Portal too, and am now Companion Cube obsessed and planning how to make my own plush cube that will never be euthanized... love the corner detail on the cake version!
I'm old too - we had a pong game when I was a kid...
OH my Gosh Jen! You absolutely MUST play Little Big Planet, you will looove it.
It makes me SO happy!!
I can't wait to play Part 2!!
Hold on there, dearie. I have one of the original Nintendo systems. I may even remember when Pong was released. Or was that ping pong?
Gotta go take a nap, now.
[I don't know...these kids today, with their blogs and their crazy cakes...]
I don't play video games old and missing the players gene, but from the first Mario game my boys got through to them moving out of the nest they always wanted Mom to watch and watch I did. Didn't watch the fighting games, yuck. Enjoyed the RPGs. Talking about cute, the lego games like the Star Wars, Indian Jones and Batman are pretty cute. Seeing these wonderful cakes to-day sure brings back memories. Thanks!
Squeeeeking over the Angry Birds cake. Wonder if it is too late to request one for Mother's Day?
Keep up the great work, Jen & John & crew!
Yay, companion cube cake! I'm having a stack of them made as my wedding cake in about a year. (eep!) Haven't decided yet, but the top tier just might be a proper black forest cake which will not be a lie.
Heh, Kinda thought the Royal Wedding cake would get a look in today. It was all kinds of detailed amazingness!
That Zelda one sure brought back memories... and the joysticks, hooooboy. Yep. I'm officially old.
WV: crack. Seriously? Since when are they real words? Takes all the fun out of it...
Love the Angry Birds cake!
Sadly, the only thing I recognize here is the Atari. Yes, I really am that old.
OH ... MY ... GOD! my sons 8th birthday is coming up and i think i wanna get something like the first cupcake one for his birthday, he'll love it! btw, i LOVE game inspired cakes, deffintly my all time fave!
How appropriate is that these cakes took amazing skill and attention to detail to make -- just the kind of thing game-lovers would appreciate!
Thanks for sharing them with us.
LOVE these cakes. I am a sucker for any game-inspired cake regardless of whether it is a game I even play. I know absolutely nothing about Cut the Rope, but that black spider/bug thing reminds me so, so much of the soot spirits from My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away...just with legs, lol.
I am getting married in October. I am weird and so is my man. I am so hoping we have a good cake but because of the insane amount of time I spend on cake wrecks, I am scared. If there are ANY bakers from Southern Wisconsin WHO CAN DO WEIRD WITHOUT SCARY, PERVY OR STRANGE, PLEASE post here and let me find you. JEN, JOHN, I am scared I will end up here and not for a good reason. . .
I want that cupcake with the lil itty bitty XBOX controller. So darn cute! Plus that Mario cake is one I would love too lol. All great cakes.
I'd never in a million years figure out from the picture that the Zelda cake is actually edible...
Wow, that one touch--the shiny tape--is blowing my mind.
Love them all!! And definitely play machinarium sometime, it's a fun little game!!
That Machinarium cake is *precious*! I have played it, and the robots are indeed adorable. I'm not much of a gamer but I've had a go at Little Big Planet and Cut the Rope too, and I've seen hubby play Portal so I know about the Companion Cube. Excellent cake selection this week! But I am also curious about the royal wedding cake...
Love the old school cakes! The Atari looks just like the one I used to have, but I'm sure much more tasty. I hesitate to show my son the Xbox controller because he'll want me to make. Poor deluded child thinks I can do stuff like that.
@Cami: your daughter sounds awesome to me! If I had a daughter, I would totally want a "geek girl"! I'd probably end up with the Disney Princess kind, though. :D
We recently did a game cake as well. World Of Goo. It was featured on a few gamer sites, including World Of Goo's 2D Boy:
Little Big Planet 2, has a 'enterprise' ship for the 'space' level and steampunk outfit with goggles! My daughter plays, I just watch in awe....<3
Love the Bioshock cake, and love the Zelda cake EVEN MORE! :)
Have you guys tried "The Clockwork Man" & "The Clockwork Man: The Hidden World" yet? I finished the former in a night. ADORABLY steampunk! Also don't forget, as a side note, that Steampunk World's Fair is in Somerset, NJ, May 20-22.
You totally need to play Little Big Planet! I'm not even a gamer and I love this game.
The companion cube cake literally made me squee. I want a plushie of that thing.
"The cake is a lie."
The companion cube cake literally made me squee. I want a plushie of that thing.
"The cake is a lie."
You should be making commision on these games! I just tried cut the rope (free) and purchased the full version about 4 minutes later. Such a fun game!
Momma L,
That is the FIRST CCC I have seen and actually LIKED!!! claim to have no interest in video games: "And you may also - like me - belong to certain social subsets that not only have no interest in video games...." But then your post goes on to describe all the games on which these cakes are based (all of them awesome, by the way) and which ones you've played or want to play: "In honor of Portal 2's release, last weekend John and I finally played the first one - finishing up right around dawn. (Have I mentioned we have a hard time quitting a game once we've started? Heh.)"
Curious, indeed!
How sad is it that my 3 year old immediately recognized the angry birds cake? "look, mommy, its the game on the phone" lol
You MUST play Little Big Planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in shock you haven't yet!!!!!!!
I heart the Cut the Rope cake!! It's absolutely impeccable! I have played that game obsessively until I beat every level with all 3 stars, which means I am oh so pathetic...but love it!
I love the companion cube, but there's a mistake on the Zelda cake.
Hylian shields are blue, not black.(Sorry. i'm a die-hard Zelda geek)
also: is the companion cube a lie, and it's really plastic? 'cause that's what it looks like to me...
Out of all of these, I've played four XD (Machinarium, Portal, Angry Birds and Cut the Rope). And now that you've finished Portal, you need to get Portal 2. It's very amazingly amazing. Despite the fact that you're being insulted. ("Look at you, soaring through the air like an eagle… Piloting a blimp." "You know what you are? SELFISH." "You're here because we need the best, and you are it! *Snort* Nope, couldn't keep a straight face.")