Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Sweets: Jim Henson Tribute

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last week marked the 21st anniversary of Jim Henson's final bow. So, in his honor, I thought we'd take a look at some of the many Sweets featuring his most famous friends:

By dutch-cakebox

Not to mention my unofficial role models. Heh.

Submitted by Eri R. and made by Bluebird Cakes

This is the cutest flying bed (and miniature rubber ducky) I have ever seen. Such a great design, too!

By Cupcake Occasions

Why is there a Sam Eagle cupcake? Because AMERICA, that's why.

Now on to the "cakes you want to cuddle" section of today's post:

Sub'd by Karen A. and made by Suikertaartjes

Ernie is such a doll!

And Elmo is begging for a squeeze!

Best toy chest ever? I'm thinking YES.

These guys look like little beanie baby versions of themselves:

Sub'd by Mags and made by love-a-cupcake

I'd love to have Cookie Monster sitting on my monitor right now. So cute!

Here's a newer character from the Street today: Abby Cadabby:

Submitted by Lisa M. and made by Rhapsody Cakes

And classic Kermit never gets old:

I promise I *did* look for Sweets from some of Henson's other work - the Dark Crystal, Fraggle Rock, and my personal favorite, Labyrinth - but all I found worth mentioning (and that I haven't posted before) was this doorknocker from Labyrinth:

Yes, it's really cake! I actually have the matching set of Labyrinth knockers on the closet doors in my office (photo here) so I was especially smitten to see one rendered so well in cake.

So getting back to the Muppets, here are two more of my favorites (and who I'd also love to have on my desk):

Beaker and Dr. Honeydew! The baker calls this a "baby shower cake for a mom-to-be who is more into science than babies." (Note the H2O molecule on the border.) Brilliant!

And finally, since I don't have a cake version of him for you, here's the Swedish Chef demonstrating the proper use of the "cäkenschmööscher."

Bork bork bork!

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets (at) Cake Wrecks (dot) com.


You're feeling veeeery inclined to purchase a funny holiday book. This holiday book:

Here. Let me help with that.

Pre-order now at Amazon or Barnes & Noble and save up to 33% off the $14.99 cover price! (Prices may fluctuate.)

VeggieT said...

I love the muppets, and I loved the muppet babies rendition of ernie!

I must also say that the swedish chef is SOOO much better than sandra lee IMHO... why doesn't he have his own program on the food network??

Unknown said...

Re the cakensmoosher: one of the few times where you can actually see the hole in a surface.

Marci said...

Glad to see the tribute, now WHERE did you find the door knockers?!

Kim said...

Heh, you showed us your knockers ;P

Anonymous said...

I have an overwhelming urge to buy a holiday book......WEIRD!

mn_me said...

These are just fabulous! The only problem is I don't think I'd ever be able to cut into any of these cakes.

Love's the Swedish cook clip! Talking cakes!! who knew?


Unknown said...

OMG so much cuteness in one post-makes me smile :D

Anonymous said...

Here in France, we have Dr. Bunsen Honeydew's living, breathing twin -- and he cooks!

Anonymous said...

@Kim- F.T.W.!! LMAO

Beaker and Animal side-by-side!! Sam!!! (no Sweetums?? oh, well, I'll survive)

When you do find the Swedish Chef- don't wait for a Sunday Sweets and just post it for us!!

-Barbara Anne

tiny p. elephant said...

What a great way to start my rainy Sunday before hitting the books for finals.
I love Kermit and those cupcakes are the best.

Search youtube
Muppets/Ode to Joy/Beaker

sendingtheclowns said...

Not a fan of fondant (in general), but these guys are Adorable!
The Swedish Chef is my #2 favorite, after Julia Child (who's even funnier).
Happy Sunday, Sweets!

mizdarlin said...

Want. Door knockers.
Probably "not available in Canda" like practically everythng else that's cool, but please tell us anyway...
The "awwww" factor of those cakes is double digit..just wonderful...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Bork bork bork! Cake no. 11: I actually have a friend called Yvonne whom we call Beaker! :D

Pink Peril

steveandonna said...

Just when I thought they couldn't get any cuter, they did! I so want cupcakes of the whole gang...but then they'd be too cute to eat!

RIP live eternally through your creations!

Anonymous said...

So....I'm wondering, who answers when you knock on your closet? Is there cake in your closet?

Mel said...

My reaction to the door knocker cake--"BAHAHAHA SWEET!!". My brother and I grew up on Labyrinth! It was always our first choice when our mom let us rent a movie on the weekend--I still love it, 23 years later.

These cakes are all amazing. Wonderful tribute!

min said...

SQUEEEE! (or should I say, Meeeeep!)

I was all prepared to be disappointed by a lack of Beaker, seeing as my favorite loveable lil guy is almost never featured in Muppet collections, but I should have known you wouldn't let me down. You've made my day.

Karen said...

The Bunsen/Beaker cake made me (no joke) start meeping out of the sheer cuteness. I am WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more into science than babies, so I'm going to save up so I can get that cake for my 40th birthday.

mickeyp415 said...

those are all pretty amazing, but those cupcakes blow me away. such detail!

thanks as always.

Anonymous said...

OK, I am slow this morning... I don't get the "America" thing. Is there a pun? Am I saying it wrong?
Where did you get those door knockers?

Heidi D said...

When I think about this wonderful genius being gone, the same song always springs to mind. I apologize for the length, but I'm sure you'll indulge me.

Saying Goodbye, Going Away,
Seems like goodbye such a hard a hard thing to say
Touching a hand wondering why
Its time for saying goodbye

Saying Goodbye, why is it sad?
Makes us remember the good times we've had
Much more to say, foolish to try,
Its time for Saying Goodbye

Don't want to leave but we both know,
Sometimes its better to go.
Somehow i know, we'll meet again,
Not sure quite where and i don't know just when.

Your in my heart, so until then,
Its time for saying goodbye.

Somehow i know, we'll meet again,
Not sure quite where and i don't know just when,
Your in my heart, so until then,
Wanna smile, Wanna cry,
Saying Goodbye

creeandme said...

This was great. My son was Jim Henson in a living wax museum last month so he was excited to see this post too. Thanks.

Heidi said...

RIP jim, you made my childhood a happier place!!!
I agree with Jen, the two old guys in the balcony were my role models too.....loved them.
Adorable cupcakes :)
The color of ernie on the bed cake seems a little off.
Bummed about no fraggle rock cakes and yes, now have that theme song stuck in my head....down at fragle rock *clap clap

Anonymous said...

Ernie #1 needs to lay off the self-tanner, me thinks. Rather than a muppet orange, that's pure Snooki color right there!

Love the cupcakes. And really love the Beaker baby shower cake! Perfect!


Tracy said...

Did you know....the gibberish the Swedish Chef speaks was actually based on Danish?

::insert "The More You Know" logo here:: xD

Deirdre said...

Want. Those. Cupcakes.

And now we see why Cake Wrecks exists: because those decorators learned from the Swedish Chef.

Natalie said...

I LOOOOOOOVE the Muppets and all things Henson. I subjected my little sister to Fraggle Rock just two days ago. :)

Oh, and I checked to make sure that no one else has said this (because no one wants another Epcot/King Cake), but it's only been 21 years since Jim Henson died, not 22. When I was born, both he and Dr. Seuss were still alive, and I'm only 21.

The Penny Wise Chick said...

SO cool. Love the pics! Happy Sunday =)

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Thanks for the heads up. I just changed it.


The OBlanc's said...

MUST. HAVE. DOOR. KNOCKERS...please please pulease tell us where you got them.

Misty said...

I am immune to your Jedi mind tricks!

Oh, hey look, new Cakewrecks book. :P

mouse said...


I was all ready to say how huge a fan I've always been of the muppets, can't get enough of their shows and clips, have you seen the banana sharpener? etc., etc.,

...but then I saw the door knockers. You simply can't put that picture there without giving us more info. It's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely wouldn't have the heart to cut any of those cakes. Just too darling.

Ladybug914 said...

Wonderful cakes and cupcakes!

I can't believe it has been 21 years! I was already an "old" married adult when Jim Henson passed away...I still get teary when I think about the kids who were worried that the Muppets had also died.

Jamie said...

My muppet/Henson loving heart can hardly handle these cakes! <3 I Looooove the Labrynth door knocker!

SaraCVT said...

The Swedish Chef was the original Wreckerator.

"You remind me of the babe.
What babe?
The babe with the power.
What power?
The power of voodoo.
What do?
You do.
Do what?
Remind me of the babe."

Haley Studio said...

21 years? Seriously? If I hadn't felt old before, I do now.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Tribute to Jim Henson. He is missed still to this day. Jim truly loved what he did. When he met my daughters,he knelt down to their level and very much focused on them and thanked them for the help they were in setting up an event in Atlanta many years ago. To this day they remember "Uncle" Jim.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't want to eat any of those, that's the trouble.

Isolder74 said...

Why are there so many wrecks about muppets?
I'm so glad there sweets on the other side!
Wrecks are visions and I wish just illusions there at least sun somewhere.
One day well find it, the sweet convention, for baker and sweettooths and me!

Marnie said...

I know this was going to be good the moment I saw the tops of Statler's and Waldorf's heads.:-) Kids today are so deprived...this was great television!
cupcakes were pretty sweet too. Gotta love Sam the Eagle.

Eggie said...

well if you haven't seen it - a wonderful tribute to Jim Henson is Tom Smith's song "A Boy and his Frog" link:

You would have to log in to view it because its been flagged as inappropriate (probably because you may cry while watching)
But I'm sure you can search and find it elsewhere. (This is just my favourite video)

Enjoy! It's beautiful, I promise.

Jasry said...

My baby girl loves the Swedish Chef; you should have seen her grin while we watched the clip! Thanks for that. :-D
I lovelovelove that door knocker cake. A-mazing!

Ziggyeor said...

So that's where cake wreckers get their lessons from! So now when we see a random pile of icing and one thin orange(?) we know where they took lessons from. From now on all your lessons blog post are going to be in Swedish chef voice in my head.

and DUDE Where did you find Labyrinth door knockers! Those are AWESOME! Google search commencing in 3...2...1...

teri said...

I literally squee'd when I saw the Chewbacca pictures on your wall! Baby Chewie is so cute! XD
I love those knockers too, but I don't have any doors to put them on.

Anonymous said...

Have to say one of my favorite posts :)

Piskeriset said...

Oh my God - I love them all! *instant love*

Phoebe Muse said...

I kept humming the Muppet Show theme..catchiest theme song EVER on TV

Unknown said...

LABRYNTH IS MY FAVORITE TOO! Great post today, as always. Thanks for all your work to bring us all so much joy! ~ Theresa Sanford

Anonymous said...

The bed cake is from "Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures." It's a newer segment on Sesame Street where they are done in claymation. Not sure if you knew -- my 4yo watches every day. :) Very cute and a nice cake to match! Love Jim Henson's stuff!! Thanks!

Jessica B, Future DVM said...

For me, the cupcakes look a little too much like hunting trophies. I'm torn between how cute they are and how they make me a little uncomfortable.

AliceBlue said...

I have one of the Labyrinth door knockers on the wall outside my craft studio (there's no door) but now I feel like a total slacker for only having one of them!

Rachel Moss said...

Fab cakes! I love the Muppet cupcakes, too.

ceruleanfleur said...

I had seen other Hensen based cakes, so I tried to find as many as I could...this is what I found:

some seriously cute cupcakes:,grouch

and here is one based upon Labyrinth!

Fernanda said...

You need one of these:
and these:

I have both, as well as the Pigs in Space one & a giant Sweetums.

Lis. said...

Beaker and Dr. Honeydew have human forms... The Myth Busters.

Julie said...

Love, love, love the Muppets. We have raised our two boys on Muppet DVDs. You know it's gone well when one wants to dress up as Marty Feldman for Halloween when he was three! The boys had a great time looking through these cakes with me.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my! This may be the best "Sweets" post yet! I love the muppets!

Christy F. said... this is my first post on Cake Wrecks..and I have to say..You are my new favorite person. We share the same birthday of May 12th. (I was born on Mother's Day..were you?)...and one my favorite movies is the Labyrinth as well.
I LOVE Cake Wrecks. Thank you for putting a smile on my face with all of the wrecks.

Sarah said...

I LOVE the Beaker and Honeydew cake! So cute!!!!!!! Hmmm, I suddenly feel the urge to buy a holiday book. Oh, you have one? How coincidental!

Anonymous said...

I loved this post!
The perfect gift for a wreckerator- The cakensmoosher!
@Isolder 74- Loved the song tribute!
@VeggieT- The Swedish Chef is way too good for food network!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that Bert and Ernie cake is marvelous!

Oldish Lady said...

Actually the Swedish Chef cake still looks better than most of the Wrecks on this place. I'd eat that one, even if it did talk back in mock Japanese.

You do know that the Swedish Chef has been fibbing about his nationality don't you? On one of the shows it was shown that he wasn't mock Swedish, but mock Japanese.

die Frau said...

Having a baby in a month and I now know what I want for his birthday--either the actual birth or his 1st: Either those cupcakes or the toy chest.

Dough Ball said...

LOVED the cupcakes!

sendingtheclowns said...


" may cry..".....

Here I
am, a senior citizen, watching that video for about 10 seconds before the waterworks started. Big sentimental baby, me.
Ii's okay... They are REAL! I hate to see Kermit sad. That is a true GIFT~~to create something like that... to give the characters real... well, HEART.

Go well, Jim.

Your soul was-- and always will be-- that of a child and a genius.


Eggie said...


Oh, everyone cries at it. I've seen it several times and still get weepy lol. Its very sweet though, haha - Jim Henson was a gift :)

Glad you enjoyed!

amyandtenaya said...

those were amazing, for some reason ever since i can remember i've always thought sesame street was creepy and frightening but always loved the muppets, lol

michele said...

Thank-you for posting all those cakes. They brought back so many memories of first Sesame Street and than The Muppet Show. Believe it or not I'm feeling weepy.

Anonymous said...

I found the knockers (heh) on ebay; these guys also have a direct online store. Info is in the listing:

Camichic said...

I am so NOT a celebrity groupie, but when Jim Henson died, I sat on the floor and bawled--I was 36 at the time. My daughters were just 5 and wondered why I was so sad and I told them that Kermit's daddy had got sick and was dead. The only other person we mourned like that was Jerry Garcia. Some people just refuse to be strangers, whether you meet them or not. Thanks for a wonderful tribute. Now I am strangely compelled to begin my Christmas shopping.

Punk Palate said...

WHERE did you get the doorknockers!that is my fave movie of all time I love david bowie and jim henson! i have looked online and did not see you remember where you got them?

Carol said...

Thank you for posting so many wonderful Sunday Sweets this week---my (adult) kids all have fond memories of watching Sesame Street. Kermit and Ernie and Bert were our favorites.

Calliope said...

my inbox was filled with people demanding that I come look at the cakes today because- oh my goodness- I am a total Muppet girl. (my son was *this* close to being named Grover...true story)

But seeing the door knocker from Labyrinth? (one of the best movies ever made) was what made my day.

Thank you for this fantastic collection!

(& why is it that no one ever does Pigs in Space cakes?)

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you SO MUCH for this lovely tribute to one of the greatest creative minds who EVER lived! Jim Henson's work was a HUGE PART of mine and my sister's childhood. So seeing this is truly touching.

Swedish Chef clip: I have watched that SO MANY TIMES before today! It's so fitting you would post it here!

Isolder74 said...

@Calliope said...
(& why is it that no one ever does Pigs in Space cakes?)

That is very tempting. I'll have to put that on my list of things to try.

wannaplay said...

I'm loving these! I remember playing muppets games as a child! Love them!!

Arlene said...

Ahh you made my night. I love the Swedish Chef lol. Now I want to watch the Muppet Show again. And again. Lol my favorite show as a kid and even now.

Anonymous said...

Another source for 'A Boy and His Frog' can be found on Tom Smith's website-

I LOVE that someone else has the door knockers! My brother gifted me with a pair for my birthday a few years back.

Craig said...

Why doesn't the Swedish Chef have his own show? Probably because he doesn't take himself seriously enough.

"Wreck the Halls with boughs of folly..." Something made me think of that song for some reason. Odd.

wv: urthshas. Anyone remember those? (Earth shoes. Ok, it's a stretch.)

Harry.Potter.Nerd.11.21. said...

Epic Wind! Jim Henson is without a doubt my biggest hero - because some of us still have them. He will continue to delight and inspire people for generations. Thank you for sharing. The world lost an amazing man way too soon.

Adorably Dead said...

Oh my goth! I love Mrs.Piggy! She was my rolemodel when I was a kid. And that doorknocker is brilliant!

Lori said...

OMG - anything with Beaker is now officially my favorite cake ever!!! I love that little guy. :)

Wee Tait said...

That toy chest and cupcakes are fantastic! Although all of these cakes are pretty fabulous. How could you eat them?!

Anonymous said...

Abby Cadabby?! Is her name supposed to sound so morbid, as in cadaver? I haven't watched in a while.

As for the rest of the cakes, all I have to say is, "Squee!" SO DARLING!

Danielle said...

I was hoping to see some Muppets doing Bohemian Rhapsody! "Mammaaaaaaaa! Mama? MaaaMaaaaa! MamaMamaMamaMama!"
I do believe they're making a new Muppet movie and it's coming out around November.

I can't wait until I'm back in Disney World in 5 days!! Muppets 3D at DHS, HERE I COME!

antique engagement rings said...

My kids just loved the cakes.. thanks!

Ashley said... here is a fraggle rock cake I found on google

Royce said...

Thank you so much for the Jim Henson Tribute. I was strictly a Sesame Street kid growing up and now I have a three year old son who loves it too. I don't normally share Cake Wrecks with him, but today we snuggled on the couch to look at them together. He was so excited to see his favorite charcters (although the color of grover was off). And the video clip was a huge hit. I had never seen it, so we both were laughing when it started talking. But when it got smashed my son got sad and said "but I wanted to eat the cake".

Wendy said...

I don't think I could ever eat any of them!

Libby said...

Alas, a day late - but this might be my favoritist sweets entry ever! Now we see how Kermit OUGHT to be done. :)

Canterbury Cakes said...

Thanks so much for sharing these, they are fantastic & soooo cute!

Laura said...

There's sooooo much I love about this post! The cupcakes were awesome--because AMERICA, that's why! Beaker and Animal are my absolute fave muppets. The door knocker from Labyrinth--A-MAZ-ING! And my God, thank you for posting the Swedish chef vid. Bork bork bork!

Kat said...

Great post, I always look forward to the Sundsy Sweets - so many skilled people out there!

I'm sure some of your will enjoy this: Look at this insanely awesome Fraggle Rock cake*!

*I just had to try my google-fu when she said she couldn't find any good ones of the fraggles

Leah Wolff-Pellingra said...

Um, Jen? That Abby Cadabby is terrible. As in, if someone had done a cake rendering of a character you love to that caliber, like Mickey for instance, it would have NEVER made the cut for a Sunday Sweet, and most likely would have ended up in a Kids' Birthday Wrecks post.

I'm sure there are good Abby cakes out there. This just isn't it.

Anne-Marie said...

Watching the Muppet Show with our kids was always a treat - we loved the humor, the personalities of the characters, everything! I agree with those who have said that Jim Henson left us way too early - he was brilliant, clever, with a huge heart.

@Lis: "Beaker and Dr. Honeydew have human forms... The Myth Busters." That is a hilarious observation! I wouldn't have thought of the Mythbusters in that regard, but you're absolutely right.

Thanks for the awesome post and trip down memory lane, Jen. We need more shows like the Muppet Show. One of the previous posters mentioned there may be a movie coming out later this year. If so, I am so in!

Hmm, I get the feeling I should ask for a book this Christmas...

Anonymous said...

Justin's toy box would be perfect if the real Muppets would kick Elmo out of there. Sorry, but the kid has no business hanging out with the big boys.

Love the cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

Jim Henson is one of only two celebrity deaths that I've actually mourned - the other was John Denver. Both of them put so much of themselves into their work that it felt like a friend had died.

I'm envious of the poster who met Jim Henson, although I have met Elmo, also at an event in Atlanta (probably the same venue - the Center for Puppetry Arts). The amazing thing was how the kids related to Elmo, running up and hugging and talking to him, even though Kevin Clash was RIGHT THERE, not even trying to disguise he was working him. The kids didn't even see him, they were so caught up with Elmo.

The Muppeta are real - I have proof.

WV: andschya - Andschya it shall be, forever and ever, Amen.

Anonymous said...

I do believe you have found the video training class all wreckerators were required to take in order to "practice". I LOVE the Swedish Chef!

Suzi said...

Is that my dear friend James's Chewy I see on the wall?

Anonymous said...

The Swedish chef is a culinary genius! I need a cakensmoosher for my kitchen. I'd have it engraved and mount it on the wall.

Plus Bunsen and Beaker rule.

Anonymous said...

Bert and Ernie look prepared for an adventure! WV: reinn - someone may need to reinn them in before they get out of control ;)

Paige said...

Oh my goodness, WHERE did you get those doorknockers?!? I need them in my life.

Mel said...

I feel bad now that I didn't get my son a sooo cute muppets cake for his first birthday (today!).

The cakes are so lovely, but on a serious note, who spends that much money on a first birthday cake? Or am I just being cheap?

Anonymous said...

You have fantastic timing - your sunday sweets post came within 48 hours of the brand new trailer for the latest Hensonesque creation!

Best wishes,


Nina said...

That Kermitt one is kind of hilarious but in an unintentional way.

Sarah said...

Aww these are all adorable~

And Labyrinth is also my favourite movie X3

Anonymous said...

I...want...those...doorknockers!! Awesome!

Becky said...

Ah, the Swedish Chef: role model extraordinaire for Wreckerators everywhere. :)

Ness said...

I didn't want this post to end. I love the muppets and these cakes are brilliant.

Carolina Nightingale said...

JEN!!! Rockin' awesome OFFICE Doors!! WHERE did you get them. I want a set...

Carolina Nightingale said...

Jen- since there are millions of us who want duplicate awesome doorknockers, and since the other ones that were posted are similar but not the same as yours, plz post the linkie to where you got them. Because you KNOw we're all OCD a bit and it will take us all night to find them otherwise (uh, or it's jsut me, it'll take forever to find the perfect ones...) PLEASE?!??!??

Jen said...

@ Carolina - I think your only hope is ebay...and lots of patience. :D (I saved a search so it would e-mail me anytime one was listed.) The knockers were originally sold at Hot Topic, but that was years ago, so they're really hard to track down these days.

Good luck, and happy hunting!

Darla said...

That little Ernie is so adorable! I want him.

And that Labyrinth door knocker cake?!?! Holy awesomeness, Batman! So talented!!

Michelle B. Baker said...

WHERE did you get the door knockers??? Labyrinth is only my most favorite movie in EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Hilary Higgins said...

Hi, my name is Hilary Higgins and I am the creator of the LifeSavers Cake! My Business name is Corporate Cakes Melbourne, and I am based in Victoria, Australia.

Amity said...

Nathan Fillion posted this link on Twitter the other day; bf and I stared at it for ten whole minutes giggling like little kids.

Anonymous said...

Jim Henson was my first hero, and the second person I mourned (the first was my grandfather).

And I can't believe no one else said it -- those are not cupcakes, they're MUPCAKES.

Yes. Thank you. I'll be here all week, try the veal...

Joe C. said...

The door knockers are cool, but I absolutely love the wookie pictures on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Beaker's face on the cupcake look like he's begging not to be eaten!
