Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday Sweets: More 80s
Sunday, March 1, 2009
It's been so much fun seeing what you guys turned up in your search for 80s Sweets. To narrow my selection down, I'm going to focus on things that haven't had a huge come-back recently, like Transformers and Indiana Jones. (Okay, so "huge" is relative. Boo Crystal Skull!) I'm also going to hold off on Super Mario for now, since he's got enough material out there to fill several posts on his own.
So let's kick things off down at Fraggle Rock, shall we?
Sarah A. found this insanely detailed Fraggle diorama by Kimberly Chapman. The upper left-hand corner even has Sprocket waiting beside the hole in the wall! I like that Kimberly made it so detailed without being too busy: any more and the cake would have looked chaotic, but this seems to strike the right balance.
Ah, but where are the Doozers, you ask? Not to fear; Amy R. found them!
These Doozers are sooo cute, but I'm afraid it took me a moment of squinting to figure out that's supposed to be a giant radish. (Sorry - it's been a while.) I'm curious what the Bleeding Heart Bakery used to make the lettering, too: is it too much to hope they're sugar rods?
Speaking of adorable characters, check out Rainbow Brite's sprite Twink:
Michelle M. found this cuddly bit of cakery by Dora of Cakes Garden. I had this doll when I was little, and I used to love Rainbow Brite's crinkly holographic outfit, too - remember that, girls?
Sorry, I'm veering off into extreme girliness again. Uh, here you go, guys:
Eh? A little Space Invaders action? Get a load of that pixelated perfection!
Erin C. found it over on Hello Naomi's Flickr stream.
Here's some more arcade awesomeness, and our fondant-free Sweet of the week:
I know it's "just" a sheet cake, but that piping is perfectly done and nicely detailed. Karon Z. found it here, but the baker isn't listed.
Moving along in the evolution of gaming, who among us didn't have one of these?
Ah, how I miss those painful square controllers jabbing into my palms. [wistful smile]
This was the groom's cake at Rachel G.'s wedding, by the way.
Ok, that's enough for this week. Tune in next Sunday for all 80s cartoons. It's gonna be, like, totally righteous, dude.
(Speaking of which, anyone have a classic GI Joe cake to send me? Or how about Thunder Cats? And I'm still waiting for something featuring the Snorks - c'mon, people, if you can't find one, make one! Is that too much to ask?)
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- Sunday Sweets: More 80s
113 comments | Post a Comment
I love the nintendo and the pacman
My niece and I are having a slumber party and last night we watched Rainbow Brite. She recognized Twink right away. (I only hope she doesn't want one for her birthday)
The "just a sheet cake" PacMan is outstanding. Yummy.
Ah, good times. good times.
Awww, SWEET! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane :)
Aww, I thought we were going to see an Indiana Jones cake! --Sue
That's it, I *need* a Fraggle cake!
Fraggles! I just had to show my husband the intro...due to his being born in 1980 he managed to completely miss out on the fraggles.
So radical!
Wow, those are amazing! I love the little Sprite cake.
I am a lurking reader and had to finally post a comment. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 80s Sunday Sweets. You are bringing back some memories. Thanks!
I want to see a non-wreck Loony Tunes one!
Actually does one with Buggs and Duff and Elmer even exist?
These are marvelous! I sometimes deny myself your blog like an addiction, so it's that much better when I do read it after two or three days. Thank you for the fix :)
The Twink cake is totally rad!
i still own and use my original NES. Granted, i would enjoy it more in cake form.
I was born in 1980, and I remember Fraggles! Even the theme song "Down in Fraggle Rock."
I hope that the Doozer cake's lettering is sugar rods too--on the Fraggle Rock cake there is a litle structure (like what the Doozers built) in the middle back--do you think that is also sugar rods??
A Fraggle Rock cake is seriously my dream come true!
this post makes me think that the 80s were the coolest decade. ever.
I was born in 79 and I remember the Fraggles. Awesome cakes!
Simply amazing. I can't believe that I actually enjoy Sunday Sweets as much as I do the wrecks themselves. It's almost like I'm not a completely horrible person after all.
Fraggle Rock was my Favorite!
Firstly, the Fraggle Rock cake is amazing. Secondly, I nearly squealed when I saw Twink, and I totally had the crinkly holographic Rainbow Brite. In fact, I'm visiting my parents this week, and my mom says she's downstairs...
Other Emily, what are you saying? I was born in '80 and remember the Fraggles!
Meanwhile, as for Rainbow Brite's outfit, one of those overpriced-"sexy"-halloween-costumes companies is making a Rainbow Brite getup now, and it's probably the best thing in their line. If I were blond and small enough to fit in their stuff, I would own it.
OMG, those gaming cakes are brilliant. I wonder if the Pac-Man cake eats itself...
Makes me feel old...favorite is the space invader cupcakes!
Daily Gif Blog, check it out when ya have a chance.
The Nintendo console absolutely rocks. My husband and I are wondering what the controller cords were made of.
I'm a new fan - my cake decorating cousin had a friend post a link to your blog on her Facebook page. You get around. :)
is it just me or were the 80s THE coolest decade of all time? I'm sure it had something to do with the explosion of cable tv and cartoons taking on the role of extended commercials, but why are kids shows so practical these days? What happened to the crazy winding mythologies that most of those shows embraced?
Plus, fluorescent!!!
Aghh I feel another 80s b-movie binge coming on...
also thanks for posting the fraggle cake!
I am not sure if that's what you are looking for, but I thought they looked nice.
Emily- tell your husband he has no excuse-i'm familiar with the fraggles, and i was born in 87.
these cakes are absolutely fantastic, i really want the pac man one, though...
Fraggle Rock is back on the Toon Retro channel. My kids watch it now.
Dance your cares away..
Worries for another da---ay
Let the music play ..
Down in Fraggle Rock!
OMG!!! Cake #1 was made by a friend of mine!! So cool!!!! :-D
That Fraggle cake is astounding!
And nope, no Nintendo here, we had an Atari though - anyone remember them? And a ZX Spectrum (is that right?)?
I need to see some Smurfs next!
... from someone who spent almost an entire Sunday going through all of your blog!
OMG the rainbow brite sprite!! and hey - i HAVE that rainbow brite outfit, it's my halloween costume every year, complete with rainbow leg warmers! so don't apologize for your girliness. :)
Thanks for the 80s flashback! Those Fraggle Rock cakes are awesome... I want one!! :)
Rainbow Brite cake! Man, I had forgotten about my Rainbow Brite doll and her awesome crinkly holographic dress until you brought her up. Kinda wish I hadn't let Mom purge so many of my old toys now.
I want that Pac-Man cake. Not only is it well-executed and Pac-Man, it's not fondant! Since it's a sheet cake, maybe that's buttercream... mmm...
Somebody needs to post a She-Ra cake. I wanted to be She-Ra when I grew up. Pretty dress and crown, and magic sword to smite baddies with? Yes!
@Megan The Fraggle Rock cake in the beginning did indeed use sugar rods. The creator does have blog posts on the creation of the cake (made for her daughter's birthday) but I decided to give her a heads-up that this was here and she can come and post a link if she has time. I know she's at a cake show this weekend though, so she probably won't.l
LOVE the Nintendo cake! That looks so realistic!
Uuuuh nice walk down memorylane - love the first one with The Fraggles and now I've got the themesong playing in my head LOL
OOh! I hope someone finds a Jem cake! She was truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous.
My partner loves the game related ones. He's such a big geek lol
Yay the 80s!
That doozer on top of the radish though appears to be doing something questionable to his/herself from this angle.
Fraggle + diorama = Fraggle-rama!
Love it.
I love PacMan. I want that cake!
The Fraggle cake is amazing!
Now I want cake. Just not those cakes, because they are far too nice to cut into.
I turned my screen around to show Mr. Ego the nintendo cake. His reply was,
"What? I see a Nintendo."
I had to let him know that I was on Cake Wrecks. That was too cool, as was the Space Invaders cupcakes.
If there are no Snork cakes, I will personally make and wreck one.
"Come along with the SNORKS"
That Fraggle cake is, like, totally tubular, dude! My little boys love Fraggle Rock, too; we have several on dvd, and even a Wembly doll.
I am sooo having 80's flashbacks; where'd my mom hide my Tiger Beats??? :P
How can people eat cakes like the Fraggle Rock one? It is a work of art. Then again maybe eating is part of the fun, because once you eat it it becomes part of you.
OMG, Fraggle Rock! I love that show as a kid. The Nintendo totally rocks too, it just needs a TV screen flashing blue and black (or was it blue and green).
oh my goodness! i'm not a fan of fondant, but those space invaders cupcakes are pretty darn awesome.
I just asked my husband for the Pac-Man cake for my next birthday, except I want Ms. Pac-Man.
OMG Jen - I have goosebumps! This post threw me back to my childhood! I was nuts about fraggle rock, had the same Rainbow brite doll with crinkly skirt, and lo and behold - I also had the exact same nintendo system! (And I still do! Dr Mario anyone?). LOL!
Awesome post!
There really is a doozer in the first cake! He's the tiny tiny little dude next to his sugar rod contraption.
I bought my best friend season 1 of Fraggle Rock on dvd for her birthday about 2 years ago :)
I'm totally looking forward to Smurfs and Snorks!!
The Pac-man sheet cake is my favorite. It's simple, but it's totally awesome.
Also, I'm with Ms Sue from a few comments above--I'd love to see an Indiana Jones cake!
If you look very closely at the Fraggle Rock cake, you can see a tiny doozer by the sugar structure. That cake is outstanding, btw. I am and will always be a mass Fraggle Rock fan. Awesome cakes!!!
Great cakes, especially the Pac-Man one. I second Electrogirl's request for a good She-ra cake! I've been Googling and haven't turned up a good one yet, but would love to see one. Would settle for He-man, but She-ra definitely preferred!
Or how about Voltron? Preferably the lion incarnation.
I suppose Voltron would be too much to ask for...
OMG Nintendo...I must have that cake! I still have an Original Nintendo...and yes it works, I even have Mario Bros w/ Duck Hunt and Tetris...I actually asked for it on my 18th birthday and my uncle found a guy who restores them...LOVE IT!
And I just had a conversation with a friend about Fraggle wierd.
Thank you for adding the non fondant sweets. Personally I think the Twink cake is a wreck because of the apparent cake to fondant ratio. The last fondant cake I ate about made me gag. Are you supposed to eat the fondant? And if not, why is it put on cakes at all?
Ok, you are not going to believe this but my word verification is "radish" Seriously, no joke. =)
SPACE INVADERS. Wow. Awesome. I was good at that game.
Atari cake!
When you said 80s, I was hoping for some Fraggle Rock! Awesome! (Or should I say rad or cool beans?!) And Rainbow Brite too? My childhood wonders!! That Nintendo is terrific. And can't beat Pac Man. Thanks for a great Sunday Sweet theme!
I hope that means you found a Wuzzles cake! Definitely my favorite show growing up. It's weird that I remember watching it ALL THE TIME, but when I googled it a in college, I discovered that they only made like 10 episodes or something. So I must have watched them over and over. Good times!
This was a trip down memory lane...
FRAGGLE ROCK?!?! HOW CUTE! All of those cakes are too cute to eat!
I wonder if they are chocolate...
I can't even tell you how much I LOVE the Fraggle Rock cake. I'm demanding one for my birthday now. lol Even the dozer's one is cool. Talk about memories. I've still got my Nintendo somewhere too.
there is a thundercast cupcake out of the all
ok, they're all delightful, it must be said.
but i don't even care about any of them except for the FRAGGLE cake! i ADORE the fraggles and pretty much anything jim henson. (ergo, the Doozer cake is pretty great too).
i'm lovin' it!
I was born in 73, but don't remember Fraggle Rock. Where was I?!?! However, I agree with everyone else in wanting a Jem or SheRa or Thundercats cat. Somehow I feel in the ether a Wreck coming on via the "Thundercats - HO!" motto.
if anyone can find a Rude Dog and the Dweebs cake, I'll worship them until the end of time.
wait...was that 80s or early 90s?
"Rainbow Bright, see the shining light...starlight flies right before your eyes...good times! I loved my "holographic" outfit so much, the crinkly iridescent stuff came off! And my sprites' faces washed off in their many trips to through the washing machine, so my dad drew funny faces back on with Sharpie!
Thanks for the memories. My daughter is almost three and she loves the Fraggles and Strawberry Shortcake--the whole bit. Where's the Rainbow Bright revival?
I so want that Fraggle Rock cake!
I absolutely ADORE the Fraggle rock cake. Dance your cares away.. worries for another day!!!
I'm looking forward to next Sunday's post because I'm headed to an 80's birthday party on Saturday and I know it's going to be a blast.
Thanks for posting these awesome cakes!
That Nintendo system rocks!
Oooh, Fraggle Rock! "Dance your cares away, worries for another day...."
I was definitely grown up by the time this show was run, but adored it. And I knew a number of adults who felt the same.:)
The video game cakes are awesome! Man, do those take me back.
I'm giddy that you posted my Fraggle Rock cake on the same day that I won two awards for another cake at the Austin Cake Show! It's been a great cake day for me! *squeee*
There are actually teeeeeeeeeeeny tiny little doozers on mine, under the poured-sugar doozer sticks, but they're hard to see in that photo. You can sort of see them in the photo in this blog post:
I need to post more pics to the cake gallery and hope to do that soon, along with my new creation.
BTW, total non-pro over here. Nobody pays me for any of this stuff. I'm just a hobbyist.
And I love this blog. I was recommending it to people at the cake show today who I thought would appreciate the horrible cakes-gone-wrong.
Since my (now) spouse and I spent quite a bit of time in the mid-80s at arcades, I love the Pac-Man the best.
Closely followed by the Space Invaders, because I have a miniature Galaxia machine (built like an arcade machine) that I still play!
I still want to see a Sinistar cake.
Spouse and I were true gaming dorks. I can't remember the name of the first gaming system he had (I do remember my favorite game was Parsec — not sure of the spelling), but then he got an Intellivision. I liked it so much that he bought me one for my birthday.
Good times. Great times. Where are my jelly bracelets and black lace mitts? Oh yeah, still in the top drawer of my dresser.
Word verification: mudonspa. Where I want to go some weekend to get the mudbath.
The Space Invaders "cake" is amazing and wonderful. I want one.
What? No Atari?
Your "if you don't have one make one" threat is very tempting. I've been trying for ages to figure out the best way to execute a Labyrinth cake...honestly the only way the Goblin King could be even more yummy is if he was covered in buttercream. Err...ahh. Maybe I should stick to your Nintendo cake.
I too had a Raindow Brite doll!! Loved her!! Sheera anyone?? Jem - because she's truly outrageous?? The Get-a-long gang?? Wuzzles - with Bumblelion and Butterbear?? Anyone...really?! I wish the networks would just bite the bullet and make a complete 80's cartoon channel. It would be complete and utter bliss.
PS - I just watched Juno (for the umpteenth time) and I can't get enough of her Thundercats reference. Gets me every time!! I did LURVE me some Thundercats. That cheetarah - she was AWESOME!!
(also...born in 81 - totally remember all of these! Being born in the early 80's is NO excuse for ignorance of the classics!)
these cakes are so beautiful, love the nintendo cake
Where's the Trash Heap, nyah! on the Fraggle cake? Robbed!
These are great. The Nintendo seriously brings back memories, especially since we've been playing Mario and Zelda on the Wii...good times.
DOOZERS!!!! I love the doozers. I used to ask my mom to buy me doozer sticks and refused to believe her when she told me they weren't real. I thought they would tasteso good... maybe that's why I like jimaca now...
Ha Ha! I still have my nintendo! With all the orginal controllers, parts and plugs!
My husband also had a NES groom's cake. It was delicious and fun!
The only reason we had HBO was for Fraggle Rock. Man I love that show. "Dance your cares away {clap, clap} worries for another daaay!"
That would have been my dream cake when I was younger...who am I kidding, it would be a dream cake NOW! I wouldn't even wait till my birthday. "Happy Monday Heidi! Here's a totally cool cake, just cuz."
Totally random thought, I love how the verification words are sometimes real words or close to real it's "suckle"
Thanks for posting non fondant cakes from time to time. As beautiful as they are, I prefer the creativity and yumminess of buttercream (or the like) frosting.
The last one is I couldn't believe it was a cake at first.
First...there MUST be a couple out there for Herself the Elf and Rose Petal.
Second...why has no one mentioned the FABULOUS 'fridge magnet lettering on the equally fabulous Rainbow Brite cake? WE FREAKIN' HAD THOSE MAGNETS ON OUR 'FRIDGE!!! (Yeah, I know they still exist, but my mom bought them for us when I was in 1983!)
Good Sunday Stuff as always! I'm going to have that Fraggle Rock song stuck in my head for a month. Crap!
Wow those are great!! Love the Fraggle Rock cake!
Love the pacman! That one will be great to remember next January for my hubby's birthday. Though, I think I'd have to change it to Ms. Pacman...(what is it with guys and her?!)
Great almost 7 year old loves the arcade game of Mappy, so that would be great to make for his birthday next week.
Wait until you see the fabulous cake Kimberly did for this past weekend's cake show! It was just awesome and she won a couple of prizes!
This blog just makes me want to go pretend its the 80s and eat cake fo course.
Oh my gosh! Gummi Bears last week and now Fraggle Rock!!! My two favorite shows from my childhood! I love it, I love it, I love it!!! You just made my horrible awful no good very bad day sooooo much brighter! :) :) :)
Aaaah, the Bleeding Heart Bakery! Last year they made me a Wreck homage cake, with lettering that said "Calling back with instructions". I would have taken a picture but it got eaten too fast.
I must be a real cake geek, because a mention of my favorite Chicago bakery has me all excited!
Gotta note: That excellent Space Invaders creation is actually... a cupcake conglomeration cake! It can be done!
That first one's the awesomest cake ever -- but yeah, I wish it had a teeny-tiny Cotterpin Doozer.
Ha! NinTENdo! My roommate has a classic Nintendo, and we like to play it together. I can totally whip her at Jeopardy!
But...but...but...THERE IS A COTTERPIN ON IT! I swear! I had to make her because she's my daughter's favourite!
Okay, okay, I'll try to get some pics up on Thursday or Friday while she's in school...
Wow that Pac Man cake is amazing!!!! And while I didn't have the Nintendo, I DID have Atari. Yes I am THAT old......
I would LOVE to see a JEM cake... I wanted pink hair soo bad when I was little!
OH WOW!!! I need a Fraggle Rock cake!!!
I was amazed, actually, that in Malaga in Spain there's a club called Fraggle Rock. I was confused by the posters up everywhere advertising it, until I found their website:
That Nintendo cake looks so real I don't know if I would eat it!
The PacMan cake was done by Well-Brad Bakery in Weaverville, NC
Ask and I will tell. :)
Where is the ColecoVision Cake?
Okay, it took me longer than expected due to allergies and Spring Break and life in general, but there are now tons of photos of the Fraggle Cake on my site, including proof that there WERE Doozers on it, including Cotterpin!
I loved Rainbow Bright as a child. I still have some of those toys packed away somewhere...
The Nintendo cake is great! I also fondly remember those painfully square controllers. I used to get red places on my hands when I played for too long. I actually almost ordered a pair of padded Video Gaming Gloves!
Have not seen this one on here!
I, personally love it!
Doozer sticks!
Junior looks so good I could eat him up.