Thursday, March 26, 2009

Romance is Dead

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Look, I don't want to come across as some non-happening, behind-the-times, totally square fuss pot*, but...

Wassup with all the undead wedding cakes?

Creepy-crawly bugs and tongue-kissing skeletons, oh my!

You'd think you'd only see something like this for a Halloween wedding - if ever - but zombie mania is infecting the masses, and like a gnawed off limb, it sure ain't pretty.

Ok, so that was a massive understatement. Bleeeech.

You don't need fancy tier cakes to pull off a "deadly" wedding theme, though. And if you can't afford the tongue-kissing skeleton topper, well hey, that's just what the good Lord invented edible photo paper for!

Yes, I am cheating a little here; this is actually just the groom's cake, not the wedding cake.

This is the wedding cake:

As if the toe tags, "Til Death" inscription and creepy "last embrace" foot positioning weren't enough, I think that's supposed to be ashes sprinkled down the sides. Perhaps this is the happy couples' way of telling their families they prefer cremation?

Guys, I'm telling you, if you want to gross your guests out do it the old fashioned way: by ordering a fruit filling and letting it sit out too long:

Voila! Bleeding cake!

Kathy T., Christine K., Anony M., and Manny & Jennifer S., thanks for the killer finds.

Alright, guys, you tell me: am I coming down too hard on undead wedding cakes? Have you seen a zombie/skeleton/vampire one done well? Then send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com, and maybe I'll feature it this Sunday.

*Particularly since I already did such a good job of that last Thursday.

UPDATE: To all the complainers in the comments: guys, lighten up. You really think I'm hating on goths because I think these cakes are Wrecks? Gimme a break! Wait'll you see this Sunday's selections, and *then* tell me I'm a goth-hater, ok? I'll show you how the undead look should be done.

Related Wreckage: Spooktacular Wedding Cakes

Doublebanker said...

Big fan of the halloweenish cakes...not sure about the one with a tag on the toe!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I agree those are kinda creepy, but the first one reminds me more of calacas than zombie skeletons.

The Wagner Fam said...

SIIIIIIICK! I really NEVER want to think of my husband and me under a sheet together - dead of course.

Kara said...

These are pretty darn wrecky, but Ace of Cakes (Charm City Cakes) has featured a bunch of gruesome cakes that are actually kinda cute. Is cute the right word?

Karen said...

uhhh ohhh.
I think I need a bucket! That was so GROSS! The kissing skelliton cake is SO TACKY! EW! I don't know why but it made me imagine the bride attending the reception in her pajama pants and crocs.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I think that first one is actually kinda cute(well, the bugs are gross, but the rest is okay), but those other cakes are HORRENDOUS!!!! Yuck yuck yuck!!!!

WV: cacksa - the sound I made when I saw that rotting cake

OhMama said...

These cakes give me the shivers. All of them are fairly disgusting, but the eyeballs-as-decoration and the toe tag picture are especially disturbing.

Do you think the grooms dressed as Death and the brides as Morticia?

Anonymous said...

I personally would love to have one of the Nightmare Before Christmas wedding cakes that I see everywhere but then again I'm the weird one in my family.

Anonymous said...

Macabre cakes....ick.

Angie (from over at

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you about these horrendous and ugly cakes!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think you may be coming down too hard. The first two are very well done from a technical stand point. Not 'wrecky' at all. If not liking the subject matter is the important part a lot of the Precious Moments style baby dragon cakes that have been shown on Sunday Sweets posts are wrecks from my point of view. Way too cutesy. I'd love a zombie cake at my wedding personally. Not all of us are into the virginal white cherubs and doves wedding look.

- Cat

Dorci said...

I think you're right on, Jen.

I think that Tim Burton has brain-washed a whole generation. But hey, whatever floats your undead boat!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely vile and disgusting! The eyeballs on the one cake would have caused me to lose my $85-a-serving dinner!

Anonymous said...

I know there's so much to be appalled by with these cakes, but I just can't get past the concept of skeletons with tongues-- that's not how decomposition works, dangit!

Word verification-- fledee: What I did when I saw the cake at the reception...

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

I love the unintentionally bleeding cake.

As for the others, eh....pretty accurate depiction of marriage if you ask me.

Ace said...

Personally, I'd never go that route.

I saw one that wasn't too bad on Amazing Wedding Cakes once... but still... would never go that route.

Hope this link works,,com_picaweb.html?option=com_picaweb&albumid=5264299648475649457&photoid=5264299661011235810

Person thing said...

Too weird. Rotting food is gross and nauseating in real life. Why would anyone deliberately recreate that look for a cake??

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I think all things holy should be taken out of marriage. Things like love, vows, etc. etc. are just soooooo last century. After all it's just a piece of paper right? In fact lets all pledge allegiance to satan rather than vowing before God. That would be sooooo much more fun....ooooohhh and "trendy" (jazz hands!) ........NOT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wedding cakes for the necrophiliac? Ew.

becca.elpy said...

creepy, they're creepy.
i'm not one to EVER shy away from cake. but i don't think i could stomach those. :/

Miranda said...

Mercy. I know zombies are in vogue nowadays, but this is a little much. You see, zombies do not = appetizing! Even if all of these cakes are for goths, still...unappetizing. Blargle. You can make your decor look gothic without being flat out gross. XP

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the look and coloring of the frosting in that second cake literally makes me feel ill. There is no way I'd eat that at anybody's wedding/party and I'm not one to ever turn down free food.


Anonymous said...

Sad is what it is. Probably more of a commentary on our society, than the mere fact that they turn your stomach. Getting married isn't what it used to be I guess. Again, sad.

PS: Love your blog by the way!

Bibi said...

I wish I was a life-insurance sales person at those events!

Skeletons with tongues - inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was that these were for Dia de los Muertos, during which skeletons (usually of papier-mache) performing human activities like getting married are rampant. But that doesn't explain the eyeballs on the one cake or the photo of the couple with toe tags.

FreedomFirst said...

If I attended a wedding and saw that cake at the reception, I think I would leave. I hate skeletons and all that gory dead stuff.

BrokeGrad said...

THAT is why fruit filled cakes are just WRONG.


sendingtheclowns said...

Actually, I see the second cake in a whole different light. (The dimmer, the better, by the way.)
What I imagine is an unbelievably sad scenario. The wedding of the couples' dreams was abruptly halted when a terrible tragedy (nuclear accident, deadly virus--you name it) wiped out the entire event--everybody.
That left the refreshments. A lovely cake with the gorgeously-gowned bride and her handsome, tuxedoed groom on top, flowers, a few attendants, etc. Waiting...waiting for the reception that never happened.
Years passed...

lime said...

except for the tongues i kinda like the top one. i am bothered by the fact that tongue would have long ago rotted away just like the other soft tissues did in addition to the esthetic of tongue kissing skeletons. but the rest of the cake is kind of cool.

all the other examples are truly ghastly wrecks though.

Overmatter said...

Ohhhhh. The last made me think of Miss Havisham. And maybe the first one, too, if the figures on the cake aged with her....

Anonymous said...

After seeing these cakes all I can think about is how grateful I am that NO ONE I know would think these cakes were a good idea. At least I can rely on the fact I'll never have to encounter one of these wrecks in real life. The bleeding cake is absolutely disgusting. And a "death" theme for your special day? Sick!

Love the blog!

Anonymous said...

In Mexico (and other Central American countries?) they celebrate Day of the Dead...maybe these people got married on that day?? But still, ewwww on the toe tags.

ilovebabyquilts said...

So they have no soft tissues at all, being skeletons, but they still have tongues? Creepiness aside, that just plain doesn't make sense.

Jackie said...

Goths get wed too. Personally, I find it all icky.

Heartfruit said...

I have long suspected that these sort of wedding cakes may be the result of fights between a bride/groom who want to do things their own way and parents who are insisting they have a cake at their wedding.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty much just sick...esp. the one with the tag on the toe.

Anonymous said...

If you're getting married in Mexico (okay and maybe Texas) on the day of the dead, I can totally see this non-wrecky cake:

Other than that...just no.

Anonymous said...

oh man. the goths need help.

sendingtheclowns said...

sendingtheclowns said...

"The wedding of the couples' dreams..."
You idiot! That is a misplaced apostrophe! It is ONE couple.
Unless we include the other two couples--the best man, maid of honor, and the other two lying there (bridesmaid/groomsman).
Screw it; they're all still dead. Why quibble over punctuation at a time like this?

Z_gal said...

None of the cakes really bother me, though I wouldn't all say the're equally well executed.
The one that really gave me the shivers and declare, "noooo":
The fruit filled disaster! That's well and truly a wreck!
Just think how proud some of the undead cake makers would be to be able to actually make their cakes bleed on purpose!
Carry on Jen, you rock. :-)

Kami said...

Okay, I don't get why the skeletons have TONGUES. They don't have eyeballs or hair ... but they have tongues?!

saborra said...

I quite like the first one! I mean, it has led me into an unpleasant mental tangent where I try and imagine how crappy skeleton kissing would be when all you have is teeth, skull and apparently freakishly preserved tongues to work with, but if they weren't kissing it would be kind of cool in a macabre black humour way.

The others I don't even like looking at. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

There are so many tacky wedding cakes, let the`morbid ones' have their own.
BUT: If you´re invited to such an event, what do you expect? cute kittens and fluffy unicorns??

Unknown said...

The one with the toe tag is just wrong. Like they died doing the deed. (shivers in horror)

The rest, I like!! LOL But I'm morbidly creepy that way.;)

~Amy B.

Anonymous said...

I really thought the toe tag cake was cute. I did not think the first one was a wreck at all. It looked very nicely put together. Also the second one, while not my cup of tea, was very nicely worked and probably just what the couple wanted.

I think that calling them wrecks simply because you do not like the genre is wrong. But it is your blog so you have final say.

Kelsey said...

wow. I did not even get the toe tag one until you said "last embrace". I'd like to think that I still have a pure mind! :)

Suzy said...

If I had to chose one, I'd go with the first, minus the bugs. I don't mind the whole "til death" thing at weddings, but sometimes, It can be overkill.
Does anyone remember when Carmen Electra and Dave Navaro got married? They had a picture of them taken in a mourge, on the tables, be their invite!!

People do weird things

Anonymous said...

OMG, my daughter in law would have totally wanted one of these if she knew they existed!! She has a VERY macabre sense of humor.

I did their wedding cake and was put off enough by the fact that they insisted on chocolate inside and out. I would never have been able to bring myself to do dripping blood and skeletons even though the cake is white!

SuperAlto said...

Skeletons with TONGUES?

TropicGirl said...

Hate the wedding cakes with skeletons. You're not the only one. And fake blood? EW!!!!

Anonymous said...

The construction on the first cake is pretty well done it's the tongues that turn my stomach! The others have very little in the redeeming quality category for me.

Katie O said...

There is a REALLY cute Till Death Do Us Part wedding cake on Charm City Cakes's website. It's under the 'not so traditional' section. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

The first one isn't too badly done. The rest are ugly, ugly.

My hubby and I had considered doing a zombie wedding cake for our nuptials since we're both really into zombie movies, but we got married October 25th and didn't want the guests to think it was a Halloween party. :D

Katie O said...

I forgot! I saw these cakes on some We TV show. They are from the former Cake Atelier. Here's where the skull cakes can be found now.
Go into cake gallery, then into skull cakes. The way the cobwebs fall off of the cake, awesome!

John Sperry said...

I don't think these are creepy so much as disturbing and demented. I blame Tim Burton, personally.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... judging by the size of those feet... looks like two guys.

anadandy said...

People have already mentioned Ace of Cakes - they just had an episode where they did a haunted cathedral/zombie wedding cake featuring all the couple's cats dressed in costume. Again - not a choice I'd make but it was rather cute.

Amanda M. said...

whoa. whoa. whoa.

holy necrophelia, batman! that second-to-last one is suggesting all kinds of horrible things.

Sara said...

Oh my god, that second one is especially revolting, ugh! I can't picture people serving something that color to their guests at the wedding without mass-vomiting ensuing.

Anonymous said...

I know other people have mentioned it, but is it weird that I'm more concerned about the skeleton's having tounges than the actual cakes?

Nancy S said...

Skeletons with tongues? I can deal with that. Bleeding cake? No problemo. I'd even give that second one a try as long as it wasn't actually mouldering.

But what I found most unnerving was the weird black crumbly stuff on the toe-tag cake....WTF??

Anonymous said...

I want to know why you have skeletons with no flesh on their bones, and yet they somehow have managed to preserve their tongues...

Miss Kolleen said...

i'm getting married on halloween, and our cake consists of pumpkin flavored cupckaes with spiderwebs in the frosting, and a dias de los meurtos cake topper.

our vows include that we will love eachother until death and in death.

needless to say, i loved this post.

kolleen :)

Anonymous said...

Zom and skeley cakes kick ass in the right setting. Hell, my wedding cake had Spawn and Belldandy on it (Spawn is an undead general for the devil and Belldandy is a demigoddess). I say, if the bride and groom have to shell out $4000 for a confection, then it better be a pastry they'll never forget (and possibly have nightmares over)!

Anonymous said...

How about a bone cake? Does that count? It's kinda pretty...

Anonymous said...

The toe tags cake is just plain, plain wrong. Get a touch of class, people.

Anonymous said...

The toe tag cake makes me think of Carmen Electra's nasty dead wedding invites. Caution partial nudity (blurred)!

Shudders...I don't get why someone would want to even do that on a cake or an invite!

Anonymous said...

I love Halloween themed wedding cakes. Especially Tim Burton style. They're fabulous. I had a traditional white wedding but now that we're heading on ten years I wish I had done something fun like this. The toe tag is just plain funny. Not gross at all.

Sharon said...

I support goth wedding cakes, but these ain't doing it for me.

The first one is the best, but the black rose petals are overwhelming the top. The unspidery looking spiders aren't spaced too well either. So much stark white.

The second one is just way too busy, and fails at representing a graveyard. Not to mention the icky colors which I'm sure I've seen before on another cake wreck here.

3 - lol. Now that's cost cutting.

4. Despite the toe tags and the photo cake transfer, those feet look very much alive. What's with the caviar? o.O Something written around the edge then changed their mind about it and covered it up?

5. I can't tell if those were fresh strawberries or raspberries, but they've been on there a while and the juice is loose.

Like Kat79 said.. a Nightmare Before Christmas (or Corpse Bride) cake would've been nicer.

Unknown said...

And after their goth wedding they can go on a goth cruise for their goth honeymoon.


They even have a choice of two.

Royal Caribbean


And if you want an idea of what such a thing is like, there's a documentary about an all-goth cruise.

Maybe they hope for a marriage that lasts after death, but with physical bodies so they can still do it. Classical representations of the Judeo-Christian afterlife are not conducive to sex.

Anya said...

The first cake was quite elegant, actually. Reminded me of Tim Burton's creation. Well, I think there's nothig wrong with some people bringing their slightly eccentric sense of humor to the wedding. They'll need a lot of humor from then on! I wouldn't mind something like the first cake on my wedding, but the green mildewy thing after it that looks like it sat in a shed for a year I'll pass.

Robert said...

The first cake is gorgeous. The rest are disgusting. I'm not opposed to a dark/horror wedding cake if it's well executed and doesn't look like a rotting pile of garbage.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if "macabre" is in fashion or not, there's no way I would eat a piece from a cake with fake blood or spiders on it. And the dead couple....that's just chillingly bad taste.

Katie said...

Those are disgusting. Really nasty.

Kim said...

That just made me glad I already ate lunch otherwise I certainly would have lost my appetite. I may still lose my lunch though.

Anonymous said...

VERY tacky and in poor taste...

Bec said... has a bunch of really nice cakes from The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Corpse Bride... do those count?

Yarnhog said...


MiniKat said...

One word, if it is a word:


becca said...

Okay... I actually liked the first one. I thought it was lovely.
But if I was offered a piece from the second, I'd pass. Or possibly gag.
The toe tags are kinda fun, but I agree that the feet are looking a little too alive, and a little too 'the same size'- are there 2 guys under there?
Blech! Was the bleeding cake an accident? If that had been my cake I'd have cried!!

Anonymous said...

I'm usually a big fan of Nightmare before Christmas type cakes, but the morgue couple is just plain bad taste. Thank goodness the cake comes at the very end, cause I know I'd lose my appetite pretty quickly...

Scritzy said...

I remember reading about a Goth wedding that took place in a graveyard. Only then would I approve of cakes like these, and at that, only the first one.

The toe tags give me the shudders.

And the fruit-filled cake that's been sitting out too long — Ewwwwww.

Word verification: potograw. It's a wonder the potograws of the zombie cakes didn't break the camera.

Anonymous said...

Ew. Most of these are just kinda nasty... not really "fun creepy" so much as "icky creepy". Not something to look at if you have a sensitive stomach, which I, actually don't, and this still makes me a bit queazy.

Anonymous said...

That second cake is gross. It looks rotten. Cake shouldn't look rotten. Cake is supposed to look yummy and taste great with ice cream.

Hwa Davis said...

hahaha, oh man, the necrophilia cake is the tops, though not what I'd want at my wedding. You still have to admire anyone who was brave enough to eat it...

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed by the skeleton cakes, but the bugs and rot are so well done that I'm not sure I'd want to actually eat a piece!
I wonder if there's a Grim Fandango wedding cake out there, with Manny and Meche on top.

gayle said...

I sure hope I never attend a wedding like that!

Jessi said...

I'll never understand why people don't believe that the bride and groom should enjoy their own wedding. Okay, I wouldn't put monster trucks in love on my cake, but if that's their thing, then they should. Same for corpses. Some people HATE the traditional wedding fluff and over-the-top prettiness. I've seen goth cakes done nicer (and creepier) than this, but still. If they like it...

Also, I LOVE the toe tage cake (minus the oreo ashes, of course that's just weird). Also, I think it would be a better shower cake than wedding cake, but it's cute and just a little creepy. And maybe one of them is a medical examiner or mortician or something.

MaryIrene said...

As said above, I have seen some amazing Tim Burton-esque cakes that are amazing, particularly relating to Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride:
Tim Burton Cakes

There are some wrecks in the group, but some amazing masterpieces, too


JMG said...

Dispatch....send more buttercream....

Kae said...

While I'm trying to encourage our latest engaged friend to have Dalek and a Cyberman on his wedding cake, there is such a thing as going too far in injecting your own personality into any public event.

On the plus side, fondant in sight. (Though that photo paper stuff does taste about as bad, and is harder to peel off.)

Hollasa said...

But... but... why? Are weddings supposed to make you feel grossed out (for lack of a better phrase)?

If so, why get married?

Anonymous said...

This blog used to be about actual wrecks, but these days it's just about style you don't particularly like.

Different strokes for different folks. It doesn't make these cakes "wrecks" just because you don't like the subject matter.

Anonymous said...

I get that the macabre cakes are not your thing, but my sister actually had a cake topper of two skeletons at her wedding, and it looked really neat, and was absolutely perfect for her and her husband. They love Halloween and have a house full of macabre decorations, so anything white and lacy and flowery would've been inappropriate for them. I'm not sure I'd consider the last embrace toe tags appropriate for a wedding (for reasons other than gruesome-ness - I mean, do we all need to know about your wedding night plans?), and I'm a stickler for accuracy, so the tongue kissing skeletons seem very wrong, but I think a couple should have free reign with their wedding cake design.

Anonymous said...

That bleeding cake is too much! I lol everytime I check out your blog. Keep 'em coming.

bpddjeoomon said...

I rather like the first one. If the bugs were taken off and there was a different skeleton topper (the tongues are setting it over the edge for me...:/...) I think I'd like it. The dead flower idea is neat.

El Comodoro said...

I imagine the guests filing quietly by the first cake, every last one of them rolling their eyes, realizing that the weirdest person they know has finally found someone equally as strange.

WV: estoni - (Italian. plural noun) A group of stoners.

Anonymous said...

I actually loved the first one, creepy-crawlies and all, and had the toe tag one not been so unbalanced and had the crushed up oreos on the side, I would've found it funny. Then again, I have a twisted sense of humor.

However, what I want for my wedding cake would be the Rocky Horror Picture Show lips. For those not in the know, it'd still seem somewhat appropriate, so I could have my cake and eat it, too. :)

*~*Lis*~* said...

Yikes! Those are just wrong! My cousin actually got married on Halloween and they had a costume party reception - complete with a groom wearing a noose and a bride with her throat slit. And they STILL didn't have anything like this for their cake!

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

I'm SO excited to see the Sunday Sweets this week! I don't think I'd haul out a full blown undead wedding cake (Hubby and I had something tasty over something crazy Mmm Black Forest Cake with cherries).
But the theme really does have potential to be done mind-blowingly well. I remember an episode of Ace of Cakes with some wicked Zombie themed confections.

Hurry up Sunday I want more cakes!

Word Verification: Nondedr, next week lets see some non-dead-r cakes instead of un-dead-r cakes.

Lenore Lovelace said...

The first one isn't too bad, but the second literally looks like someone puked it up. Yummy. The bleeding cake is kind of cool, but I'm sure it wasn't appreciate at the time.

Miranda said...

Yes, there is a Goth Cruise, and it sux that I can't afford it! X( Man, I would love to go...*sigh*

However...let me say in my defense, the last wedding cake I made was iced white with various shades of purple roses as requested by the bride. Nowhere did I put any tacky dead anythings! I firmly believe that food should never look gross.

AngelaRae said...

I am damn near positive the second cake is from a wedding I attended last Hallowe'en. If it is the same cake, while it did look tasted damn fine.

Anonymous said...

maybe more disturbing than the cakes themselves is the way people blame tim burton for them because that's their only point of reference to the weird. yay.


Anonymous said...

You can NEVER come down too hard on undead wedding cakes. The very concept of edible rotting flesh is wrecky no matter how skillfully you execute it (there's a bad pun there somewhere). I find edible "living" flesh disturbing enough--I guess it might be a good idea to avoid baby showers.

IMHO, you can never come down too hard on goth "culture" in general--perpetual adolescence just oozes wreck.

Susan said...

If I went to the wedding with the putrid oozing muck cake complete with eyeballs, I'd probably take my gift along with me when I walked out.

That's nasty!

(and I don't care if any goth people hate me for saying that...the cake looks like a pile of vomit)

Oh...and I wanna know how skeletons tongue kiss...wouldn't that have rotted away???

Anonymous said...

I was craving chocolate ... not so much anymore! Thanks! lol

Anonymous said...

First, I have to say, I'm a gothy sort of girl, so I absolutely love non-traditional weddings and cakes-the weirder the better, but I hate to see a good idea executed poorly. That said, I actually like the first one. I think it's pretty overall, but the not-very-spidery spiders weren't really necessary. Maybe roses instead of the spiders, or least *better* spiders would have made it a little less wrecky.
The rest...are definitely wrecks. The toe tag one would have been great if it weren't a photo cake. (Or a wedding cake.) I hatehatehate photo cakes, no matter what the subject matter happens to be. They just make the customer and the decorator look cheap and lazy. That one with the eyeballs looks moldy, and NOT in a good way. Ew.
These are, overall, pretty good examples of how NOT to do a goth wedding cake.

Anonymous said...

On Ace of Cakes they did a really good one for a halloween wedding. I can't find that particular one on the Charm City Cakes website, but there is this one:

Anonymous said...

Actually, what these most remind me of was the warning I gave my daughter when she went through her crazy-hair-colors phase:

People have cameras. And no matter how "cute" and "fun" you think this is now, trust me--in fewer years than you might imagine, you'll be writhing with embarrassment over those pictures!

Can you imagine these couples showing their wedding photos to their children or grandchildren? HA! Heaven help 'em then!

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a gal who got married on Halloween five years ago, there is a right way to do creepy romance and a wrong way. Bleeding cakes and plastic eyeballs is wrong.

Not being able to afford the $700.00 Nightmare Before Christmas dream cake is also wrong, but an honest baker who levelled with me on the cost (prohibitive) and the taste (FONDANT!) is very, very right.

In the end we went with a three tiered carrot cake topped with orange-flavoured (and coloured) chocolate curls and topped the whole thing off with a couple of Jack and Sally figurines I found at a local comic book store. Final cost: $200.00. No plastic body parts necessary.

But I'm very much looking forward to seeing this Sunday's Sweets :)



i love the Halloween/scary cakes, keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Eye roll - READ the sidebar - Jen's rules of Cake Wrecks are there. Please spare us the "these aren't wrecks just because you don't like them blah blah blah" - YES, they ARE 'cause Jen says so.

Donna M. said...

I saw a recent Ace of Cakes where Duff and the gang did an awesome zombie wedding cake. I tried to find it, but it doesn't seem to be posted online yet, probably because it's from the current season. You should send Maryanne an email and see if you can use a picture for Sunday Sweets *g*

I tried to Google images of "zombie cakes", they weren't pretty...could do a week of wrecks on those lol

Mad Izatie said...

Lol! They look so sad. I'm getting a Francis Bacon-esque feel out of the kisssing skeleton for some reason.

Giusi. said...


I want to say that as someone who loves Tim Burton, zombies and skulls and bones ... I have to say that these cakes are not good at all. In my opinion.. She isn't bashing the style at all. But they're not good and gross if you ask me. Maybe that's what they wanted.

I've seen a LOT of cakes with skulls, tim burton-esque, vampiro, etc.. styles.. that were very well executed.. and trust me.. i browse a lot. i'm a geek. i totally can sit here for hours looking at cakes.. lol

so.. i agree that these should pass for Wrecks! : /

Can't wait to see this week's Sunday Sweets!!
: ))))

Let's see some GOOD *goth* type cakes.. as they've been named by everyone above. lol

The Angry Jackalope said...

Let's face it, people, there are good "creepy" cakes and then there are wrecks. I don't think Jen hates goths, Tim Burton fans, or any people who would like a skeleton themed cake. The second cake looks like it was slopped together. By a blind rat. High on crack. The last cake totally made me LOL, though. Poor wedding couple! Unintentional horror.
WV: monesti, a type of modesty that can by bought by money. "She put the shawl on very monesti after har Great-Aunt slipped her $20."

Sonya said...

Hmmm, weddings are supposed to be about life. Two lives becoming one, starting a new LIFE together. Funeral are about death. Not interchangable. In my opinion this is about class and good taste, which these are not. You can like those dark, death and creepy things but still have a classy event and use good taste. Ever see a "Platinum Wedding" done creepy? No, because it is in bad taste, because a good host and hostess (that is what the Bride/Groom are) think of their guests first. People forget this, just as the Bridezilla's do with their "It's all about me!" attitude. The wedding ceremony is to commit yourself to another, the reception is a party to celebrate and is given by the Bride/Groom for their guests. Chances are there would be guests who have the same creepy likes, but not all. It doesn't have to be lace and fru fru, a classic cake/deco's well done would be better than a funeral service/wedding.

Anonymous said...

The one with the eyeballs is so creepy. I'm not sure whether I should run away screaming or sit here and laugh :)

Anonymous said...

The top one is alright. But IMO all photo cakes are wrecks. Especially when the photo is as tacky as those tagged toes.

Julie said...

I've seen three really cool Halloween wedding cakes on Ace of Cakes. One recently with a zombie theme, one with a day of the dead theme, and one other one. The latter two are posted on their website but the pictures are SMALL. Boo!

* Julie

Anonymous said...

Skeletons, bugs, eyeballs, none of them bother me even on a cake (due, in no small part to living in a male-majority house). Even a cake bleeding cherry filling, I could deal with. But that second cake looks like somebody threw up. Now THAT'S gross.

Anonymous said...

Did you post the undead cakes because it's zombie apocolypse day, or was it just a coinidence?

Rose said...

Ok, at first I thought the first cake was not that bad compared to the others until I zoomed in and saw what everyone meant about the tongues. ARGHHHHHH! Hella creepy.

Sonja said...

So... skeletons have tongues? ;)

Anonymous said...

Randomly came across this and it reminded me of these cakes:

Anonymous said...

The first one was really scary. Perfect zombie cake, great way to celebrate Halloween.

Belle said...

I actually kinda like the first one. Boyfriend and I are getting married in a goth themed wedding. Though I think I'd like the tongue kissing skeletons off. But the rest are pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda surprised by the vitriol in some of the comments, especially since comment moderation is enabled. I completely agree is it is the author's choice to include cakes whose subject matter she disapproves. And, I know the internet give people a sense of empowerment and entitlement to be completely rude, but reading all this really makes me want to give up this blog which I've read for some time now. I don't really want to be lumped in with the group who cackles and points at things that are offbeat. I enjoy a little giggle looking at cakes which I don't find visually appealing, bu I've never judged myself above the people who like those designs.

Little Lady Cakes said...

mmmmm, I just love a little blood with my cake!

Sometimes, weird is just creepy.

twinkle teaches said...

I can't wait to see goth done right. :)

Serena said...

I don't know. I think the ashy-looking stuff around the toe-tag cake might be a misguided attempt to make it look like it had begun to mold or something. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

The "till death" phone is a photo from Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra's wedding invitation. That worked out well.

Anonymous said...

*I'm* goth and I think those cakes are wrecktastic.

I made our wedding cake so it doesn't count as professional, but I like to think it wasn't wrecky...

(It's impossible to see, but the topper has a lil bat and spider on it...awww...) ;)

Anonymous said...

I thought the first one was done pretty well considering the genre, actually. It's just well done enough, with just a few details turned upside down from the "ideal" that makes it pretty good.

It's the second one that's... ugh... errrrggghhh... uhhhhmmm... -worthy.

As for the last one..OOOOOPS!

Anonymous said...

I could see some of these skeleton cakes as possible props for an episode of "N.C.I.S.", one where Abby the Goth lab technician marries any other NCIS staff member in Dr. Mallard's morgue. Best would be if she hitched up with old Ducky himself, but she'd be a more likely bride for McGee or Palmer. Except McGee couldn't handle Abby, and Palmer is with Lee...Are my TV shows getting to be too real to me? Yes, Yes, they are.

Anonymous said...

What? You never saw "Zombie Honeymoon"?

TAL said...

These are definitely unique wedding cakes... personally I would want something a little bit more traditional and romantic, but that's just me.


Danielle said...

We had Corpse Bride action figures as our cake topper, but we were kind of going for goofy and home-grown with the whole wedding. (And the cake was non-professional, so it's not eligible to be a wreck.) No one said anything about being creeped out ...

Dorci said...

anonymous said - maybe more disturbing than the cakes themselves is the way people blame tim burton for them because that's their only point of reference to the weird. yay.

Me - Just a joke, dude. Don't be so serious.

Anonymous said... is kind of a focal point for brides and grooms doing the wedding their way. And there are a lot of spooky or just plain bizarre cakes there. Hit their Flickr group and search for "cake".

L. Shepherd said...

I was a goth in high school- but then I grew up. That's what's missing from these pictures- the growing up part. The wedding is supposed to be a pleasant experience for everyone who attends. Perpetual adolescents see it as a way to express every gross thought they've ever had.

Unknown said...

Oh, wow. Those are... special. I had to look at the enlarged photo on the first to see that they were black/dead rose petals going up the side and not the trail of poo I saw at first. And that's the best of the lot, gracious sakes.

I have to say, though, I'm really more appalled by the comments to this post than by the cakes themselves. I'm not goth--I have goth friends of friends, but that's as close to the scene as I get--but I'm seeing just as much "adolescence" from people who want to hang out with the cool kids and sneer at the weirdos as I am from people who would want these cakes.

I'm not going to get into my rant about how I hate the term "classy" as a superlative, but. If you personally wouldn't have something at your wedding, that's fine. I'm casting no judgment there. But just because *you* [the editorial 'you', not Jen or any specific commentor] don't like it, that doesn't mean no one else is allowed to have it at their wedding or to have different ideas than you do about what weddings mean/have/do. It's really okay for people to have opinions and tastes different from yours. I promise the world will not end if it happens.

And besides, I'm seeing far more Ray Harryhausen influence in those skeletons than I am Tim Burton.

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Totally disgusting, gross, and inappropriate for a wedding (understatement!) but call me old fashioned. Here I thought a wedding was a celebration of life and love!

Batbrat said...

Well, technically a skeleton wouldn't have a tongue, sure. But he or she wouldn't have any connective tissue holding any bones together into a recognizable shape at all.

Sounds a bit like: "A dog drives to the doctor's office and tells him he's got a bad cough due to his 2 pack a day smoking habit. Doc tells him to take up gum chewing to help him quit" and your reply is: "A dog that chews gum? Preposterous!"

Brain Picker said...

I LOVE the first one, but what's up with the second? It looks like a melting blob of slime and mud! Blech!

Tadpole said...

I love love love the first cake!!! I HAVE to convince my fiance that we need one like that at out wedding. But unfortunately, I'm afraid I don't have much of a chance. He's totally lost for macabre humour (one of our main point of mutual incomprehension). Perhaps using blackmail?...

Jenna Lynn Cody said...

The toe-tag one was gross, but I thought the first one was pretty cool. Technically, it was fine and the subject matter is one of personal taste.

Not everyone cares for white frosting flowers, silver bells and other wedding frippery. Given a choice between flowery wedding cake and zombie cake, I'd take the zombie cake!

(I plan to have neither - my mother and I are going to cook up three tiers of my famous chocolate truffle cake).

Kelsie said...

This corpse bride cake is pretty cute:

But those other cakes that you featured? Not something I'd really want to dig into, or something that I'd want to help me celebrate anything, really, wedding or otherwise.

Just my 2 cents, though :)

Anonymous said...

I am all for expression and I get it that I might not relate to why a morbid cake is the way to celebrate going on to live "happily ever after", but the toe tag cake is bizarre: That original image was used in advertising to communicate the need to know your partner's sexual history or use condoms... so I don't think that the re-appropriation is an odd one for such a cake/event.

butcherbaby said...

i got married on halloween, and my friend gave us the same statuette used as a topper on the first one as a gift. i thought the tongues were hilarious. i'd like to be able to find the one shown on the second cake too, it's really sweet and touching. i don't think the first cake is that bad, actually, it just doesn't look like it was quite finished.
and i agree with the people who are appalled at the nastiness shown against people who like creepy stuff (though i agree that most of these cakes are wrecky.)
what's wrong with goths (or anyone who likes spooky stuff, they are not ALL goth y'know) having a wedding that reflects their life and likes? and what makes them more "adolescent" or less "grown up" than someone who has, say, a deer-hunting cake or one of the really "kid" type ones that so many people here gush all over when they are on the sunday sweets? is a woman who collects dolls or a man who's hobby is model trains considered immature or someone you "can't come down too hard on"? no? what makes them different than someone who likes skulls, bones, and halloween?
my husband and i got married on october 31st because it our favorite holiday, and we wanted our wedding to be on a day that actually meant something to us rather than "whenever".
oh, and sunlizzard? i am forty two years old and still going through my crazy hair colors "phase". and i'm not any more embarrassed about photos taken of me 25 years ago than i am now, nor am i ashamed to show my day of the dead themed wedding photos to anybody.

Iron Chef Kosher! said...

Butcherbaby, you tell 'em! I'm forty-SIX, & I still wear glitter nail polish!

flikinudbird said...

I LOVE IT!!! I am 40 years old...NOT GOTH in the least, I am married for 17 years and counting, we have 2 cars hold down good jobs and are both absolutely HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE with halloween. To the extent that my family and I have been involved in a all out spook house in South Mississippi for the past 3 years!!! ( check us out....if you dare!!) I would ADORE any of these cakes! As a matter of fact, I may just make one of my own for our opening night this season! As far as having one of these as my wedding cake...DAMN RIGHT I WOULD!!! I am all for freedom of expression. Just as I applaude the opposition of these cakes as a wedding cake. But, passing judgement on a day that is not only sacred to each couple but so very personal that having a personalized cake is a necessity, well that is just not nice!!! People please....think before you blog ok!

LYDIA said...

I don't see what's wrong with the undead ones, and after reading the updates, I'll say I'm not goth - I just like zombies, skeletons, etc.

Hostile in Ohio said...

Allow me to say that the bleeding cake is from my wedding, and given it was my wedding, I was FAR FAR more appalled than anyone else could be.

I was gifted a cake from an acquaintance who thought she should make cakes professionally. THAT is how I ended up with that mess.

I'm not sure how a picture of my wedding cake got here, but it was deserving. I just wish it wasn't presented as a wreck that I asked for or did something to to make it look like that...

It was a surprise cake wreck that I try very very hard not to think about when I remember my wedding.

BeccA's Buzz said...

The bleeding cake looks like a Soprano's special LOL

Lynn said...

*squints at the last one* It looks oddly as if the cake is menstruating.

troyin17331 said...

actually that first one isn't half bad

sheree said...

I had to laugh when i saw the first cake.... Its the same cake topper we had at our wedding almost 10 years ago but i must say our cake looked way better. No we are not goths it was just a little joke on our behalf as our theme was gold cherubs.(babies with wings)it was very funny to see peoples faces!!! :)

Cupcakes Lady said...

Thats just alittle...different. Not my taste, but im sure somebody out there appreciates it. xx

Anonymous said...

Ahhh....nothing says "Love" and "Romance" like the morgue toe tags cake...unless it's romantic tour of State Penetentaries!!! (sp?) Geez, NO Nightmare before Christmas cakes??? Phoooey.

Anonymous said...

So I don't know why it has become a recent trend, but those of us that are a little "different" see much appeal in the undead cakes. Especially us that fall in the punk or goth category. :)
Those are pretty bad though. My friend had these really awesome Day of the Dead style ones at their wedding. I would really love to see a well done Nightmare Before Christmas cake too.
-Heather C.

Anonymous said...

Folks, the toe tag cake is a PHOTO CAKE! Get a mental image of the two kiddos getting ready for THIS pic!

Sick and funny at the same time!