Ho ho,
haha, they're coming to take me away!!!

I'm not sure what these things are supposed to be, but they've been popping up at bakeries all across the U.S. lately. Could the carrot jockeys have some competition on their hands?
"Soon, your race of sugar-craving giant sloths shall be OURS. Thaaat's right, we're cute, aren't we? You want to take us hooome, and show us all your financial staaaatements."These guys are going less for "cute" and more for "mortal terror":
"The claaaaaw! The claw will choose who will go, who will stay, and who will have his or her face rearranged."Look, they even have a naval division:
"We're Popped-Eyes, the sailor blobs,We're Popped-Eyes, the sailor blobs,You won't want to finish,'Cuz we taste like spinach,We're Popped-Eyes the sailor blobs!"
Nancy H., Bridget D.,
Siiri L. & Heather K., I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their
clean white coats. Really.
(Now we get to find out which of you were around in the 60s. Let the age-determining comments begin!)
UPDATE: The general consensus seems to be these are "frog cakes". More info here.
UPDATE UPDATE: No, they're not supposed to be Bob from
Monsters vs Aliens. What, you think I would miss a kids' movie tie-in? Give me a little credit, eh?
263 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 263 Newer› Newest»They look like those Zoloft blobs from the commercials. Maybe they are full of antidepressants?
The third from above are an odd combination of Kermit the frog and the failed Ripley/ alien clones from Alien: Resurrection (which incidentally was also a failed clone of the earlier movies).
I can hear them pleading: "Please... kill us..."
I wasn't around in the 60's, but is is still good that I got the reference? Those blobs look utterly bloberiffic.
I wonder if it is a bad interpretation of the veggie tales characters...
I don't know what you're talking about. I love those things to death. They're the highlight of my trips to the bakery! :D
Maybe I'm sick, but something about the first set reminds me of male genitals.
Whatever these are, I'm terrified.
Egad. Does anyone know what those are even supposed to BE?
Maybe they're supposed to be one of the characters from the new Monsters vs. Aliens movie? They're still wrecks, though! Ew!
Remember when you baked that cake
and I got on my knees and begged
you not to bake because I'd go berserk?
You baked it anyhow and then
the Wrecks got worse and worse
and now you see I've gone completely out of my mind.
Ahem...I wasn't around in the 60's. Actually I'm an 80's child. But my momma raised me well and I've got the song on my mp3 player nevertheless.
And I'm not gonna tell you what these cakes remind me of because I know you like to keep things as G rated as possible.
I have eaten one of these a long time ago. Back in the day they looked like what they are (a cupcake with icing covered in chocolate) Im not sure why bakeries have gone for the ewwwww factor-especially with the green sloth like ones (the 2nd pic?).
I imagine that there will be a battle of carrot jockeys and wormlike cupcakes-I can see them battling it out and those baby jockey end up riding the wormlike creatures-appetizing!
I heard this song when I was 4 and it creeped the crap out of me. I never want to hear it again.
I think they're supposed to be the green blobby monsters from that movie Monsters vs. Aliens, which I can't wait to see, by the way!
OMG! I walked by these in my grocery store on st patricks day and thought to myself, omg, I need to send this to cake wrecks ASAP! They look like sex toys! Bluck! lol
I loved the "...popped-eyes..." one and song! This is the best blog! Who needs Prozac with a daily dose of Cake Wrecks! Thank you and keep up the good work!
The last one had me rolling in my cube. Hopefully people will stop staring and get back to work!!
Um, couldn't help but notice the 2nd pic was a little phallic looking.
WTH are these things?!? That's really weird. Must be some kind of children's show thing.
Wow, that's a LOT of frosting on the multi-colored dolphin-looking ones! o_o
They all look a little...odd. Cute, but odd.
I wasn't around in the sixties, but my parents used to terrify me with that song when I was a child. I still can't listen to it without shuddering.
And our grocery store just brought in a large phalanx of these strangely adorable blob-creatures. I had no idea it was such a widespread phenomenon!
What the heck is inside those things? Is it all cake? All icing? Makes me think of bumpy cake. We need to dissect them to find out.
Yep, I remember that song.
Are they supposed to be one of the monsters from the new Monster movie?...
They look like those blobs from the dessert video you posted a while back. Like they are just emerging from the food.
They look like the blob in the new movie coming out soon "Hero vs Alien"
Dang, now I have both those songs repeating in my head, and now with these pictures, they have video, too!
WV: Culne : I think some of these creatures need to be culned.
Tracy O
Multi-colored Schmoo!!! I loved Schmoo. He was so brilliant, even though he couldn't talk, he solved mysteries.
According to my six year old they are frogs. Except for the ones in sailor caps. Those are piccolos.
I have no idea what that means, which is sort of in keeping with the theme, no?
Has anyone bought one that can share what is inside them? It's not just a pile of frosting is it?
It's just a matter of time before these thingies are "artfully" arranged into "cakes" ala CCC. Some possibilities: The Grand Tetons, Stalactites and Stalagmites, doggy droppings, Abe Vigoda, et al.
My question - is there cake under there or are these frosted cookies?
Ha! I was born in early '70 but still know the song (thanks Dr. Demento!...which I guess also ages me...)
The blobs? My guess is nematodes.
When I was in high school, my best friend's mother used to sing this song a lot. Her singing was especially enthusiastic whenever her daughter did something rebellious or just plain senseless.
Ahhh... memories....
The mushed ones look like Kermit! The 2nd ones are pretty cute i dont think i would be able to eat oone if he was looking at me like that!
I think they're frogs?
To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time!
Also... I am intrigued by the multitude of blob like structures
I think these are from the monsters vs alien movie.
That first set looks like the Seth Rogan-voiced "Bob" from Monsters vs. Aliens. Seems appropriate given the timing...
After that it's Hopeful Worms, Melted Kermits, and Sailor Jabba The Hutts, I believe.
i think cw1 is supposed to be "bob" from some new disney/pixar movie. yech.
I'm kind of wondering if they are that blob character from the new movie coming out monster vs. aliens. That's what they sort of look like to me.
Hey just thought I would let you know you got a "SHOUT-OUT" from Kat Dennings on her twitter. Pretty cool!!
Have you ever seen Flushed Away? These remind me of the sewer slugs from that movie...yuck
Eeeeeeewww! The 3rd picture looks like the character from the mucus commercials on TV. Gaaaagh!!!!
They remind me of the cartoon "nerds" on the Wonka Nerds candy. Here's a pic: http://www.knitwareblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/nerds.jpg
they could pass as cousins of the frog cakes we have in Adelaide, Australia
they are a historical item over here... i dont really like the taste of them but they are very popular.
Arora Pearl
Huh. Well my 8 and 6 year olds decided that the first ones were frozen frogs, the second set was a tossup between fish and worms, the third were, as labeled by my 8 year old son, blobs of mucus, and the last and possibly my favorite, submitted by my 6 year old daughter, were kooks. I think I'm going to go with that.
Your "popped eyes" song ROCKS--brilliant!!
Beth (I blog here and here.)
I was not around in the 60's, but I do know the song thanks to Dr. Demento!
Well you just wait, they'll find you yet and when they do they'll put you
in the ASPCA, you mangy mutt!!! And...
Yea! I remember that song! I only heard it once or twice on the radio and then nothing... Much later I heard it was banned because people *might* be offended. I was elated when my daughter gave me a tape with "unusual" songs from the 60's that this one was on it!
BTW, there are days when I long to see those nice young men in clean white coats!
I think they are characters from this movie
I think I've seen these in an anonymous form, usually a doughnut piled with whipped cream and dunked in chocolate coating.
They look sort of like McDonald's Grimace.
My five year old walked by when I was looking at the second picture and said, "look at the delicious fish cupcakes". I asked about the third picture, and he said it looked like dead frogs. The last one he had to think about, but he concluded it was the blob from the Monsters vs Aliens movie.
My mom used to play that song for us on a record player. Kinda creepy but she loved it. I have no idea what they are!! Crazy blobs with eyes, maybe?
Shrek turds?
oh wow. i thought i was one of only four people who knew that song existed. i was sorta starting to think it was a figment of my imagination from childhood, but this proves it.
oh, the memories of mom singing in her demonically looney voice:
they're coming to take me away, haa ha, hee hee, hoo hoo,
to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time,
and i'll be so happy to see those men in white suits...
or something like that.
and that popeye parody was genius.
I hate to admit this, but the sailor blobs cracked me up so much that snot came out of my nose. Maybe they should make a cake about THAT! Anyway, that is the ultimate compliment, I laughed so hard, my nose ran. Thanks for the laughs!
Oh yeah, I was born in '73 and i know all about the nice young men in their clean white coats..
Haha HoHo HaHa HeeHee to the funny farm!
What ARE those?! They don't look like anything I want to actually EAT!
In Munich they make something that looks like those, but they're super-soft marshmallows, covered in dark chocolate. Mmmmm...now THAT I want to eat.
The second one looks or a little too phallic for my taste. Or maybe not.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
I am a child of the 80's but I know that song!
As for what is inside...if they are like the penguins in "Hello Cupcake" (which are very cute not creepy) then they are a cupcake with a half of a mini doughnut with a donut hole on top. Then covered with some frosting to fill in the holes and then dipped in melted frosting.
Now the green blobs made in mass...not cute but creepy, but that is always the case with lower end bakeries!
They are most definitely deformed second cousins twice removed to South Australian 'frog cakes'
or from our friends over at WIkipedia...
It's obvious -- they're Bunchies. (Google it. The horror...)
"...where life is beautiful ALL the time..."
Oh Rhino Records :)
Oh my gross. Who in the world could possibly find those things appetizing? (Pre-teen boys, I'm guessing... Them, and no-one else.)
HAHA!! I think the jockeys do have competition now!
To the funny farm!! Love that song!
I cant help but think that maybe they are trying to tie these little guys into the new movie Monsters vs. Aliens... there is a cute little blob guy on there
I could not bite that thing's head off if you paid me...well, depending on how MUCH exactly, but you know what I mean.
Reminds me of the characters that used to emerge from the trapdoor - an ace childrens program from the 80's: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trap_Door
Soylent green cupcakes!
um...which song is everybody referring to? popeye? from the comments, i get the feeling there's an inside joke here i'm missing....
the ones in the second picture look a lot like Grimace (of Ronald McDonald and friends) but in different colors. Aaaaand your "popped-eye the sailor blobs" song made me giggle.
yeah...what are these things?
I love the sailor hats, they are mega cute....but what's wearing them, not so much. :)
I loved that song when I was a kid... What does that say about me that other people are creeped out by it?
WV: dessees--oddly conincidental, considering I am have been studying diseases for the past 24 hours. ooooEEEEooooo
Hahahaha. I know that song cuz my mother sang it for me as a child, and she grew up in the '50s and '60s. :)
Those things are disturbing. The colorful ones kinda remind me of the sea-worm things that Ursula turned the mermaids into in The Little Mermaid.
Yike! Why would they sell such ugly things? Third photo is worst.
At first I thought some of them looked like characters from Monster vs. Aliens, but they'd need just one eye to be Bob.
It's also a check on who owns the Dr Demento collection :)
Those are truly bizarre cake critters!
"They're coming to take me away to the funny farm where birds sing and flowers grow..."
I love that song!
um, ok, I will bite (not those blobs though!) I remember listening to that song by Napoleon XIV on 8 track.
@MaryJack--the do look like the singing sewer slugs!! The second ones, anyway. The rest of them are just.... yech.
They're phallic... or their like LGM's from Toy Story.
the first ones look like cake versions of Peeps, the second and third are just a big ole' messy, and i think the last one is definitely supposed to be Bob from monsters vs aliens.
i don't believe i would eat any of them. ick.
also, in my experience, more people DO know "they're coming to take me away" than DON'T. perhaps i hang with a particularly crazy crowd?
Ah, these are Sugardudes from the La Delice Bakery on 3rd Ave & 25th St in NYC...I think they're more meant for decoration than eating.
You guys are giving the bakery near me way too much credit. I submitted the last one in the photo and it was taken over a week ago with the sign of St. Patty's Traditional Little Green Guys
I cooked your food, I cleaned your house and this his how you pay me back for all my kind, unselfish, loving deeds??!! HA!
Well, you just wait, I'll make you eat some of those odd, peculiar, strange and bad, bad blobs of cake!
And... They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa......
I guessing the idea came from the chocolate dipped cones at Dairy Queen!
Another Dr. D fan here; this was our geek anthem in HS...I just quoted that song not to long ago
We have similar cupcakes in our bakeries but they usually are a better representation of Cookie Monster or Elmo
wv - apster...a non-drowsy music sharing site?
I'm not sure about the others, but the ones in the second picture must be "NERDS," they look a lot like the cartoony little critters on the Nerds candy box!
And I'm sure they'd turn your mouth colors just like the Nerds candy too!
I think they're the Slurms from Eureeka's Castle.
I wasn't around in the 60s, but my dad likes to sing that song on occasion. Knowing him, he probably gets most of the lyrics wrong, but I did recognize it in this post. (Never knew that it was an actual hit song though. Thanks for the Wiki link!)
The green ones might be failed attempts at frogs. My family's favorite local bakery does frog petit fours on occasion. They have kind of a similar shape, but they're actually recognizable as cute froggies. (Tasty froggies, if you like frosting. Which I do.)
I have no idea about the technicolor ones.
Are only oldsters supposed to know the song? I was born in '90, but I know the song (you mangy mutt).
lol (with not at) Teresa "Maybe I'm sick, but something about the first set reminds me of male genitals."
If this is the case I don't think you are the one that is sick, I think some guy you know really needs to see a doctor.
I kinda like the last ones. They are cute in an ugly sorta way.
It's from a new movie coming out in a week.
I LOVE the third one!! The first thing I thought of was Toy Story...and then you made the exact same comment that I was thinking in my head!! Too funny!
Those are just weird.
~Amy B.
I think they look lie they adipose from Dr. Who.
I have to admit, if they had one eye, and were blue, they'd make much more sense.
But then again, if they had one eye and one horn, and were purple, that would make them funnier.
Some of the photos look like they're circle brownies with a marshmallow on top, dipped in colored chocolate... but WHY green? Could we pick a more appetizing color, please?
@not a sixties kid...
Get on iTunes and do a search for "Napoleon's Ghost". The song is called "They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha! Haa!"
I'm an 80's kid, but I'll never forget my dad gleefully singing this at the top of his lungs at random moments.
I think that's why I need therapy now.
Oh, and I thought the first ones were giant green noses. Yes, it is allergy season for me, why do you ask?
I am definitely a product of the '80s and have never heard of this song but I found it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnzHtm1jhL4
It kind of freaks me out.....
I immediately thought of the "smooze" from the My Little Pony Movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iefF9SS5yM
What can I say, 80s kid. :P
When I was a kid, the local bakery made "frogs" for St. Patrick's day - which are pretty much what the green blobs looked like, only better. My birthday is March 15th, so my aunt would buy "frogs" for the family. My older brother never ate his, we just thought it was because he wasn't much of a sweets person. Last year, he reavealed it was because of the brains in the frog. The base was yellow cupcake, topped with pink cream (later pink marshmallow), then covered with green fondant, with the face piped on. He said they gave him nightmares, and my aunt bought these for like, 15 years. I thought they were the best things ever!!
They can't be Monsters vs Aliens because I saw some of these on a trip to NYC several years ago. It's got to be from a cookbook that all bakeries secretly have but pretend they made it up themselves. like the clip-art of cupcakes?
lobs from Aliens vs Monsters? That new movie? The rest are icky, but the last ones might have a purpose.
I wasn't born until '86 but my Dad used to sing this to me as I was getting ready for bed as a kid and I would just laugh!!!!
I enjoyed your little rendition of the Popeye song immensely. Also, my cousin used to have an old record she bought at a yard sale with that song on it. When we were kids we used to sing it and run around the house. Looking back, that really explains a lot about how we turned out...
I had that song on an 8-track tape of silly songs - so I'm guessing you are my age - 42.
also, what are those things made from?? some look like maybe built around upside down cake cones. and what are the little sailor hats made from?
Mmmmmmmm, filled with antidepressants!
That is my theme song most days, heh. And no, I wasn't born in the 60's either, but that's the music I was raised on. As for the strange blobby wrecks, no clue what they are, and not sure I want to find out....
I was only around for the last few months of the 60's, but listened to Dr. Demento in the 70's. Yes, I always have been a geek!
And.... what are those things?
to the happy home! to the funny farm, where life is beautiful ALL the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in those clean white coats and they're coming to take me away!!!!
Jen, you seem to be a sci-fi fan after my own heart... please tell me you love Stargate? If so... I give you: http://puddlejumper.co.uk/bay/ImNotCrazy.wmv
yet another great post. excellent toy story reference, too. :)
My first thought about the red & blue ones was that they were VERY bad attempts at Cookie Monster and Elmo. I'm not sure that Adipose would make very appetising cakes either - they're cute, in a strange way, but I'd just be thinking "lard" which would put me off a bit...
The melty green gang in the third picture down looks like Kermit the Frog on acid.
In Denmark we have "Kaj kager" - http://images.google.com/images?q=kajkage&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_daDK265DK265&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=da&tab=wi and they remind me of the 3. photo :-) Kaj-kager is inspired by a danish children program called Kaj&Andrea http://www.dr.dk/NR/rdonlyres/D5AC7C88-E698-4393-92CE-88C823D686D4/825553/5353638b628b4a2abc1159fdce505ed1_kajullavoigt.jpg
The green ones look like moray eels!
Ok, wasnt around in the 60s but you have me singing it now :) On the other hand, seriously, what are those supposed to be?
They're definitely supposed to be frogs. My dad made those every St.Patrick's day when he owned his bakery. They are an upside-down cupcake with a large wad of pink buttercream (sometimes flavored) on top, covered with green fondant (I've never seen the other colors before). Put a slit in the icing with a hot spatula for the mouth, make a tongue, put some eyes on and you're done. They sold pretty well.
As for the song, I had the single as a young kid (I'm 39 now), which had the entire song backwards as the flip side (including the title). :)
I now have that song stuck in my head... and a desire to eat alien sugar blobs.
I was going to say, your title just gave your age away. LOL!
Oh, yeah. I used to sing along with that song by Napoleon (#?).
Now I'm going to have that tune running around inside my head all day, thanks to you! :D
Haha, I love that song! :P I'm only twenty years old, but I've heard that song many a time on my mom's record player ;)
Those second ones are so adorable! :P I don't think I'd have the heart to eat them! The third, however, remind me of squashed Kermit the frog heads. And the fourth are just scary.
I think they look like those globs of mucus on the Mucinex commercials. So gross!
I'm just going to pretend they're aiming for Barbapappa and move on....
@Emilia: I played piccolo in marching bands for 9 years, and those, ma'am, are no piccolos! :-)
@Poonamelesscat: In a Shrek universe, that's exactly what they'd be. Eeeeew!
The red and blue ones look so earnest, so needy, so "Dear Deity, PLEASE get me out of here" that I want to buy them all and set them free...
If I could stop giggling, I would comment.
Emilia: according to my 5-year-old, they are ducks, worms, aliens, and green snowmen respectively.
I think they're supposed to be Bob from that new movie "Monsters vs. Aliens". He's a blob of indestructible goo :)
They are Fish Heads Fish Heads, rolly polly fish heads!
The mortal terror ones look just like the so called Kaj cakes that are all over Denmark. They are yummy and they are based on the green frog character (http://www.akkc.dk/media/Kaj_og_Andrea_2007_200.jpg) from a Danish children's show.
I don't know about the rest though. :D
Dora from Iceland
@Emilia: Piccolo is a character on Dragonball Z (don't worry, he's a good guy!) and after reading your post I totally saw the likeness!
Will there be basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes? :3
I don't think I could eat something that was staring at me like that
Okay for all you Young-ins who don't know the song. Here it is on youtube.
The video is really irelevant as it really doesn't fit the song...someone just attached some visuals to it but at least you'll get to hear the full version of the song clearly.
The top picture looks just like something the Wegmans grocery stores carry. Best part: They're filled with pink frosting, and if you jostle them too hard, you wind up with Gaping Head Wound Frog-Thing Cupcakes as the green outer shell cracks. Awesome.
I thought they might be fraggle/muppet-like creatures? Definitely getting an 80s vibe.
"They're coming to take me away! Ha ha
They're coming to take me away! Ho Ho
Hee hee ha ha, to the funny farm! Where life is beautiful all the time!
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in the clean white coats...
They're coming to take me away! Ha ha!"
That's all I can remember from the song. My friend and I used to listen to the record (old, much?) ALOT. I was born in '71...close enough to the 60's I guess. Or too close, maybe?
Anywho, blobs of any form certainly fall into the wreck category to me. I sure as heck wouldn't eat 'em! Especially the whacked out Popeye wannabes.
They aren't even appetizing and coming from me....that's saying something
I vote for the new Monsters vs aliens animated movie. I remember seeing a very similar blob in the poster. Not sure about sailor hat and such. Just went and watched the movie trailer and those are most definitely one of the characters from that movie.
The second photo looks a little like the guys from the La Traviata opera you posted awhile back...
Actually, the bakeries in my area (Long Island NY) sell those multi colored things and the labels for them usually say they are Sesame Street characters. So the Red is Elmo, the Blue is Cookie monster, etc. Not that they look anything like them. Also, they are usually just a big pile of buttercream covered in chocolate. Occasionally, they have a slice of cake at the bottom. Totally gross.
The pop-eye song is epic. Good work.
And being a child in the 60's I loved the "Coming to take me away" song for the few weeks they deemed it ok to play on the radio.
...to the funny farm, where life is beautiful!
(born in 1969, but remember hearing this)
Yiiiiip yipyipyipyipyipyip Uhhhh-hon Uhhh-hon.
That is all.
The first two remind me of a Dirty Jobs episode where he was on a Gooey Duck Farm. NASTY!
Yes, I remember the song. It used to give me the creeps when I was a little kid!
I'm glad I'm not the only whose dad sings that song endlessly! My dad is well known for making up songs, so for the longest time I had no idea this was a real song!
Until today, I'd never actually heard the original though :)
Thanks to whoever posted that Youtube link!!!
are they Barba Pappas..the morphing blobs of early 80's cartoon fame?
zolofot blobs*LOL*
I like the hats on the sailor blobs.
everything else is just ble....
wv blelenti...the blobs have a high blelenti factor
the pink things in the 2nd pic look a bit like patrick star from spongebob
They look like a combination of Sigmund the Sea Monster and Peeps.
Maybe Sigmund and the Easter Bunny have had a love child, and its been cloned?
These are scary. But sorta cute. In a sick sort of way....
The "things" on the third picture remind me of melted Kermits
they're frogs. at least that's what they were when they were the featured item at my 10th birthday party in 1970. they should be a cupcake with cream and jelly on top, and when the mouth slice is made you can see the red inside.
in 1970, they only came in green.
"...where life is beautiful all the time..."
yep, I can do the whole song. it was a featured highlight on the Doctor Demento AM radio program they played on my 1.5 hour school bus ride home all through junior high. the whole bus could sing along. Loved that bus driver... let us listen to the cool stuff.
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAA...Popped eyes the sailor blob!!! You are too much. too too much.
I'm not sure about the other ones, but the first set is definitely the cute gelatinous blob thing from Monsters v. Aliens.
They kinda look like B.O.B., y'know, from that monsters vs. aliens movie?
Well, most of them.
I <3 da "popped-eyes sailor blobs"! I spat out the soda i was drinking!
Could they be frogs for Passover (10 Plagues) that was my first guess.
My grandmother used to make petit-fours "frogs" at our old bakery but they looked almost nothing like this...
I'm sorry, but I think they are kinda cute. Especially the ones with the hats.
But realizing that they are made with ENTIRELY too much icing makes me a little queezy. I like icing as much as the next gal, but ooooh, that's alot of icing!!
I love that song and it was really interesting to find out more about it, so thank you for the reference and the links!
The cake aliens are rather cute; except for the third pic where they are just plain disturbing. Are we sure these are even from the same planet as the others? ;)
Yes the second one is definitely the yip yips from Sesame Street! Drip....drip...drip...drip.drip.dripdripdripdrip
I would eat one for sures.
the green ones with the sailor hats look like slimer from ghostbusters.
The melty kermit looking things I believe are turtles, not cake. You know, the pecan & caramel candies covered in chocolate? That would explain why they're so irregularly shaped and lumpy. Looks like somebody decided to try to be cute with the name turtle and give it a fact, but wreckorated it instead.
WV: dizingu - how I feel after a seeing a particularly gross wreck.
Oh my, the middle blob in the last picture should be on a shirt. Or a bag. Or a tattoo.
whant: I reaaaaallly whant that guy as a pet....
I'm guessing they're a tie-in for that "Monsters vs. Aliens" movie that's coming out soon.
The second picture--the one with all of the Cookie Monsterish/Muppety guys?
What are they all STARING UP AT???
They all look so...so...UP. It makes me want to get in there, lie down on the floor beside their rack, and look up for myself to see what the deal is. Is someone up there on a ledge, poised to JUMP or something??
I couldn't work there and have to look at them staring up all the time. I'd probably keep reflexively looking up and stumble around with a permanent stiff neck.
Know what? There are a lot of really young people here, aren't there ("I wasn't around in the 60's, '70's, 80's"..etc.)? Lawdy.
Well, I remember Schmoos, too...
I'm a dinosaur (Phiphtyishaurus).
I INVENTED the sixties-when I was 10 years old!!!
Peace, man.
All these have 2 eyes, don't they? And are not blue? Not Monsters V Aliens (which btw is Dreamworks... not Disney/pixar)
Oh my goodness,
these are worse than the "cookie monsters" they sell at our Great American Cookie in the mall! You know, the things made up of two chocolate chip cookies with with a blob of icing in the middle for a mouth, and M&Ms for eyes. They look Dis-Gus-Ting.
Hahah, and I love your Toy Story reference :] Made me giggle!
I just showed this to my 4.5 year old daughter and she said they were cute! She must have gotten her taste from her dad!
What the hell ARE those things???? ew!
Well, they look a LOT like Nematodes to me, but that's the think with taking AP biology - everything reminds you of it. Hmm . . .
I may not have been around in the 60's, but I surely know that song. I think that merits a cupcake.
The instant I saw these I recognized them! I haven't seen these in years.
They were popular when I was a kid back in the late '70's growing up in Boulder. We called them frogs. There's cake in there somewhere, with filling, if they are the same.
But I think the bakers then were stoned (it was Boulder, in the '70's) and I don't know what these bakers are using....
That's what the bakery near us used to call them when I was a kid, anyway. We only had the green ones, but the multicolored ones in the second pic have the body form closest to the ones from my memory.
I used to love those things - of course, my mom hated them, and both of us for the same reason. That huge pile of frosting!
Over here (Uppsala, Sweden) they are known as frogs, and consist of a roundel of sponge cake, a MOUND of butter cream, and a layer of green marcipan. A slit for the mouth, with a tounge of red jam, and icing eyes complete the ghastly thing. Apparently they sell well enough that many cafés keep them stocked...
WV: evalize -- not really evaluating, only pretending to.
The second picture looks like baby Koozbanians from the Muppet Show! I can't find any pictures, but this is the skit:
The Pop-eye song was awesome!
Some of my friends say that "They're coming to take me away, Ha-Haa!" is about me.
Maybe ...
they're right.
Word verification: metro. You sure can see some weird cupcakes on the Metro.
My dad taught me about that song. It's awesome! And yeah, I wonder how much of those blobs are cake, and how much are frosting?
I was born in '79 and totally LOVE that song! In fact, I find myself occassionally singing it out loud and fear that people really will want to take me away! : )
i think it's something to do with the Monsters Vs Aliens movie....
word: Subalt : I live in a subalt universe, I can't afford the fully alternative version.
I heard that song whilst at my grandpa's. It still cares the crap outta me. D;
I have to wonder... is it piles of sugar on a cupcake? I mean, I love me some frosting (like those 3:2 store ratios of cake to frosting, yum), but that just seems inedible. Who wants a cupcake you can't fit in your mouth?
The solution for the carrot jockies vs blob cupcakes is obvious: we need someone to make a CCC with baby jockies riding the blobs!
Great now that song will be in my head all day...thanks...and I'm a child of the 80's, I just have a healthy appriciation of all things musical.
I wonder if I can find it on youtube to show my kids...
If it IS a character from the Monsters vs Aliens pixar movie that's about to come out, it's fitting. BOB is the only character that resembles them, and his description from a website:
B.O.B. - Remember The Blob? Well BOB is what you might already be thinking. Voiced by Seth Rogen, BOB is a culinary experiment gone terribly wrong. Scientists were attempting to combine a ranch flavor to a tomato, and created the gelatinous force known as B.O.B.
A bizzare (possible failure) of a cake to commerate a failed culinary experiment. Funstuff
I know! They're the blobs from the cake animation you showed us a while ago! The opera one.
I'm 28 and I still know what song you're referring to. Does that make me old?
I think it's especially funny/strange that the first set are in their own little capsules. Like they're little treasures...
They look like Barbapappas, no?
Duh, they're the Mucus family from those Mucinex commercials!
What I want to know, though, is how they get their shape? Is that a mound of frosting? 'Cause I haven't ever gotten cupcakes to crown like that before! Eeew.
And by "those around in the 60's," did you mean the Popeye reference? Hmmmm...I guess my preschooler kids don't really know who he is, but my generation certainly does!
Here in Australia we have the, Actually here in South Australia is our state icon cake. They're called green frog cakes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frog_cake have a look if you feel ready.
Heh - when I saw the title, I immediately thought, 'To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time...' and then I thought, oh, no, this blog isn't that old, is she?
Well, this 56-year-old appreciated the blast from the past, even if the cake creeped her out.
No No No people! They are Patrick's cousins...you know from Spngebob Squarepants. Uh just kidding I have no freakin clue!
Those blobs are actually a character from an upccoming movie, monsters vs aliens.
The second photo of red and blue look like geoducks, which are not at all appealing.
The green ones look like boogers. I wouldn't eat them.
They are supposed to be B.O.B. from the new movie Monsters vs. Aliens!
They actually look like an American-version of the great South Australian FROG CAKE!
I'm in Sydney, not South Australia, but these are delicious!!
Some of the ones towards the top look like marshmallow peeps. the color's pretty enough. apart from the booooooogers...
Errr.... those pink and blue ones kinda look like tongues. I wonder what poor cakey creatures can no longer speak?
Oooh, that was morbid, huh?
emporess-zia said...
I'm 28 and I still know what song you're referring to. Does that make me old?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
**ICY GLARE** NOooo, my dear...
It simply makes you a 28-year-old who knows an old, OLD song.
Maybe you heard it on the Victrola at your great-grandparents house?
They have these at our regional grocery chain...my 2-1/2 yo saw one in the person ahead of us in line's cart, and started crying. No joke.
My mom has the 45 of that song and I used to listen to it a lot when I was growing up. I may need to borrow it from her and torture my kids. Maybe I could feed them some scary blob thingies while they listen?
You people cannot be serious. CLEARLY, these are renditions of the monster from Tremors. Really, am I the *only* sane one here?
(Move over, nice young men in clean white coats, you're crowding me.)
Special blue ribbon to Crazy Raven Productions for best post on the Comments section. Next to mine, of course.
I wasn't around in the 60s, but we had that record. They're coming to take me away haha. They're come to taking me hoho....to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time....My dad could tell you who sang it, but I can't recall.....good song...good memories!!!
This is just a guess, but I think they are for the character B.O.B on that new movie Monsters vs. Aliens.
Some of those look kind of like the frog cakes which are a South Australian icon and have been since forever... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frog_cake
I think thay are to represent the aliens from the new "Monsters and Aliens" movie.
@sending the clowns - so many of these comments have cracked me up, but yours especially. You come back now, y'hear?