Saturday, March 28, 2009
Breaking News: Heeeere's Bobby!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Bob is blue.
Bob has one eye.
Well, he looks like this:
This is the "official" Bob cake, made by Sugar Butter Flour and served at DreamWorks yesterday to celebrate the movie's release. Fortunately Jessica G.'s hubby works there, which is why we get to share in the gelatinous joy.
Speaking of gelatinous, though, wouldn't it have been awesome if they'd made him completely out of Jello? Sure, I'd rather eat cake, too, but Bompass & Parr (creators of the infamous burger-on-a-donut) have some nifty "Jelly" creations, some of which even glow in the dark:
Cool, huh? Plus, slap an eyeball on that sucker and you've got yourself a Bob!
Heck, now I'm inspired to go make some blue jello mounds with eyeballs. Then I'll bring them to the IMAX theater, and chuck 'em at the candy-wrapper-crinkling, seat-kicking, cell-phone-answering, talking-the-ENTIRE-TIME pests who sit behind me. "Who's 3D now, jerk-faces? Huh? HUH? SHWA-POW! Bob in the face!"
Hm, maybe John's right. Maybe I'm not ready for the movie theater again yet.
Oh, and before anyone gives me grief, this is just Cake News, mmkay? Not Wrecks; Cake News.
UPDATE: Just learned from SuperPunch that Bob also visited the DreamWork's campus "in the flesh," as it were. Check out pics here.
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A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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53 comments | Post a Comment
Why would Pixar celebrate a movie that's being done by Dreamworks? Me thinkith you have the wrong movie studio.
Either way, he sure looks like the character!
Jen, the world would be a better place if you started using your powers for evil.
Wow, that glow-jello is awesome! The Bob cake is pretty sweet as well, looks just like him - being a Saturday, I was expecting some horrible rendition, but I'm pleasantly surprised! Monsters vs. Aliens is a DreamWorks movie, though, not Pixar - just representing the art school nerdy demographic ;)
That cake rocks!
Wow! That LED Jello is so mesmerizingly, bluely glowy!
I want one to put beside the bed
(spoons optional).
Nightlight/midnight snack combo--what could be cooler?
WV: ruddias--"Get your ruddias outta here!"
Much as I hate to admit it, my Mother was right: There is no place on earth that deserves to have blue food.
I will admit the Blobby is sort of cute and that glow-in-the-dark Jello is cool and a half, but as food? No.
shwa pow! LOL crack me up!
I think a Jello Bob would have been awesome...
This jello thing is opening up a whole new world for me.
“pests who sit behind me”
You’re lucky then, they tend to sit all around me!
wonder what kinda cake was inside...
something that ooozzeessss???
Love the cake! And glowing jello? Wowzers!
My husband is insisting upon seeing this one at the IMAX theatre for his birthday. He's 27. I'll have to listen to some crying and whining and talking during the movie. The kids'll probably be loud, too.
Sorry, sorry - I keep getting my animation studios mixed up. It's been corrected, though, so I hope y'all forgive me for removing the 17 comments-in-a-row pointing out the error. :)
looks like there are a few more to remove Jen.
My hubby always has to keep me under control in the theatre...stupid gaggle of middle schooler ruining my Batman Imax experience...Im OK.
I love Bob, aka Seth Rogan, and his awesome Jewish hair!
I love Bob already. Anybody who can hug a person, ingest them right through their...blobbiness..and then vomit them back out again is alright by me.
Ohh Our theater has started removing people who answer their cell phones or even text during a movie. Its WONDERFUL!
ok.. so I EAT the fluorescent jello when it ummmm leaves me... and I happen to have black lights around will THAT glow in the dark too?
just askin...
drgns4vr said...
"Much as I hate to admit it, my Mother was right: There is no place on earth that deserves to have blue food."
As I remember reading/hearing somewhere many moons ago, the reason the folks invented blue food coloring in the first place was BECAUSE there were no blue foods (blueberries aren't blue, so they don't count).
Blue is cool. Blue is pretty! Blue evokes a lovely summer sky, or a languid, tropical sea...a dawn...a twilight...a kitten's eyes...
We do BLUE because we CAN. (!!!)
I have to respectfully disagree with your mother.
WE THE PEOPLE deserve blue food.
* hand on heart and tear in eye*
I don't have a soapbox, so I have to stand on my son's case of blue Focus.
I really dig the Bob cake.
And I'd be a bit nervous to eat glowing jello...
Ewwww Jello is the most disgusting food on earth and this may nave been the only way to make it worse.
Please change Pixar for Dreamworks/PDI! Beautiful Bob...
That glowing blue Jell-O is the most beautiful foodstuff I have ever seen--and I've seen a lot of it. It's otherworldly!
WV: fabil. Tell me a fabil.
oh! i want to go to the movies with you....pick me, pick me!!!!!
"who's 3d now?" hahahahahaha
That glowy jello looks a bit obscene. LOL
~Amy B
Want's a glow party now. with glow in the dark jello shot molds (moulds? I dunno).
wv guastlai ordinary jello is guastlai
At the risk of sounding off-color, am I the only one to note that Bob looks startlingly like a condom with one eye and a big grin? It's a little unsettling. Also, puts me right off the notion of eating cake (and that takes a lot).
Still, I really love the idea of hurling tiny Jell-O blobs at talkers and cellphone abusers in movie theatres. That's a big Go You! in my book.
and dreamworks celebrates with cheeseburgers/gardenburgers and mcdonalds fries??? written in chalk on a green board! how positively retro of them!
Is it bad that I'm more fascinated with the menu on the chalkboard BEHIND the cake than I am with the cake itself?
But...they're pointing out (in chalk) that they have MCDONALD'S french fries. That's funny to me...
I can't handle the movie theater either. It's more fun to wait for dvd releases and watch at home in my own comfy chair anyway.
I thought the blobs might be Bobs, but now we've confirmed, they're just blobs.
Word Verification: porstsk
That's not really a word now, is it?
"SHWA-POW! Bob in the face!"
HAH! that made my day :]
Heston Blumenthal on his recent series screened here in the UK made and an amazing glowing jelly and used and *cough* "interesting" way to make it wobble.
LOL! "I'm bringin' blobby back"
I hate to call you out, Jen, but I'm pretty sure that burger was invented by Luther Vandross. It's even called the Luther Burger!
Maybe the difference is the bacon. LOL
[comment captcha: "tator" haha]
Hi there!
That blue jello has a strangely hypnotic effect. I must have some.
The glow in the dark jello looks like a meeting of (insert you favorite word for a phallic symbol here). I guess you COULD keep this on your nightstand....
Glow in the Ugh. Any chemical that makes an edible item glow in the probably wouldn't wanna ingest.
I'm a US ex-pat living in Australia (20 years now). Those pop-eyed sailor blobs are definitely frog-cakes which originated in Adelaide.
Now you can put your hands over your ears (or eyes) and go "lalala things only happen in the US", but wouldn't you rather just eat the cake? :)
This has nothing to do with this post, but I'd just like to say that your site inspires me. Should the college thing work out, I could always go into grocery store cake decoration, as it seems that there is absolutely no talent or training required! (Though perhaps graduating high school makes me overqualified for the job.)
Thank you for alleviating my career-related anxiety.
When you're allowed back in the movie theater, I want to go with you. I'll even pay for popcorn, k?
If you hate noise in the theater, don't see this one in 3D! We went to the first show Friday with our 5 kids and the theater was full, kids of all ages there with their parents. It was Awesome! No inappropriate noise, just lots of jumping and shouting out at the moment things are about to hit you in the head or land in your lap. I think the 3D is so fascinating to the kids, they pay attention to watch for the next thing coming at them. I love it!
The glowing jelly is very easy to make and it totally food safe. Quinine's the magic ingredient. Drop me an email if you would like the recipe and the full story. It would be a pleasure to help out.
so wait...they're serving cheeseburgers and veggie burgers with mcdonalds fries? forget the cake -- i'm more intrigued by the menu! is mcdonalds a sponser or something?
No, madrobins, you're not the only one to have that off-color thought. Although, rather than a condom, I think Bob looks like a sex toy. Couple that with the fact that his name is BOB (aka, Battery Operated Boyfriend)....and, well....I refuse to believe that no one at Dreamworks made that connection.
Thanks for the link to Bompass and it! Also, you should definitely venture out to the movies again, but only if you bring a BOB with you, just in case...
I just talked to our chef here at Dreamworks/PDI and was told that Butter Sugar Flour did the cake( Not only did it look great, but the taste was fantastic; moist, rich, and a decent fondant on the outside.
the glow jello is super cool but looks more like another kind of b.o.b., if you ask me.
My 4 yr old son took a look at the first picture and said "HEY! That's a BOB CAKE! That's a FUNNY cake!"
He loved it, needless to say...
BWAHAHAHA! SHWA-POW! Very funny image being put into my head this early morning. I love you guys!
I really like the Bob cake, it looks very cute.. any new cakes from cartoon characters?
shwa pow! lol...I just burst out laughing in the office. ;) xx
Sugar Butter Flour - is that not the same company that made the famous Swastika wedding cake. Wow, they sure get around. I can understand why you took the famous wedding cake off if you have a relationship with the company. Shame.