Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

When I went Easter Sweet hunting this year, I found that my favs were less about technical skill and elegance and more about adorably funny characters that made me laugh. So, hey, I'm going with it. Here's hoping they give you a smile, too.

First, the right way to do a lamb cake:

Just try and look at that face without doing a giggle-awww.

(By Nancy Courtney, who gives simple instructions [the legs are Twinkies!] here.)

(By the always amazing Bakerella. Click the link for her instructions.)

I'm a sucker for blobular characters. And itty-bitty feet. And cake.
So really, this is a win-win-win.

More cute chicks:

(Sub'd by Laura H., made by Cake Central member eniq)

Quite possibly the sweetest bunny cake I have ever seen:

This makes me want to go dye some coconut, post-haste. The colors are so soft! Love it.

The baker calls this next guy Eggbert:

Eggbert. I like it.

(By TraceyBestCakes)

And because no Easter post is complete without an Easter basket, here's the best one I've seen this year:

(By Cake Central member CindyVickers)

That piping is perfection itself! I also love the edible "grass" and eggs.

And lastly, if I ever decide to make an Easter cake, this is probably the one:

Just because it cracks me up.

(Sub'd by Laura H., made by babyblue113)

Have a great Easter, all!

Send your Sweets nominations to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
Candace █♥█ said...

Happy Easter from Brisbane, Australia Jen!!!!!

Momzilla said...

Eggbert is a book about an egg!

Shannon said...

I *may* have squealed like a little girl when I saw that second picture of the chicks on sticks. Adorable!

Jim Todd said...

Happy Easter, guys!

Rebecca F. said...

The basket is amazing. I can't believe it is all edible.

As always, thanks for sharing!

And happy Easter to you both.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear lord, how can people eat things this adorable?

Happy Easter from Indiana!

Anonymous said...

I refuse point-blank to believe that basket cake is not, in fact, an actual basket. It's simply too good!

Adore those tiny little Bakerella chicks, too. Awww. :)

Jules AF said...

That last one is the cutest thing ever.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the last one is Sheldon from Garfield and Friends. I watched that show way too much as a kid...

Unknown said...

I actually couldn't refrain from giggling like a little school girl seeing those. Eggbert is amazing, and the last one cracked my up. They are all so wonderful!

Suden Veri said...

Awww. I'm Jewish, so Easter doesn't really hold any significance for me, but I've always thought Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies were pretty and cute. And I concur with Jen about blobular characters and itty bitty feet (not to mention Bakerella!).

Anonymous said...

Those are so adorable.

Except the first one, that one should be in the wrecks section, I mean, maybe it's just the resolution of the photo, but the lamb's face looks like a pair of buttocks.

Anonymous said...

OOOOh my first comment...
Christos Anesti!

What cute cakes... such a relief from the tragedies of the past few days.
(Hello to Candace in Brisbane, from a former Brisbanite,now in NJ)

wv. vouns.. a verb formally used as a to cakewreck


sendingtheclowns said...

Let's not forget the Easter chicken! Without her, there'd be no Easter eggs! .!.
A Perfectly Lovely Eastertide to you, Jen & John!

.!. .!. .!. .!. .!.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the last cake, a hatching chick comes out beak first. Just sayin...

Candee said...

Those are totally adorable!
Happy Easter!

Bree said...

I love the coconut bunny, it could also double as a baby shower cake (actually one that wouldn't scare away the guests from eating it).

Happy Easter from Maryland! I'm making a Coca-Cola cake this year.

Candee said...

These are totally adorable!
Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

I that last one is Sheldon too. But even if it isn't meant to be it is to cute for words.

Ashley Ruth said...

I third Sheldon! I saw it right away. Loved that show.

Great cakes!

Unknown said...

These are great! I am with you on the last cake! Love it!

Kim @
party inspiration

web said...

"Except the first one, that one should be in the wrecks section, I mean, maybe it's just the resolution of the photo, but the lamb's face looks like a pair of buttocks."

Almost word-for-word what I was going to say! Buttock-face belongs with the wrecks, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,

Love your site, and I always love to go to the links and look at some of the other works by these fabulous decorators.

The link to the chicks, ( hatching out of the cupckes, by eneq,) takes me to the same site as the mel garza link (coconut bunny) below it.

Hope you can put up the corresponding link, as I'd love to view some of the other work. Thank so much.

Happy Easter to you all!


A Paperback Writer said...

I LOVE the bunny cake!!
That lamb is tons better than the others you've shown, but it still looks a bit squashed to me.
And I like the giant egg, too.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Hey Caroled,

Sorry about that. All fixed!

Thanks for the heads up and Wreck On!


Dee said...

The bunny cake just goes to show you that less is more. Understated, yet perfect. I bet it even tastes good.

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Each one is adorable but I agree that last one is a crack up! I LOVE it! Wish I'd seen this sooner since I already made my boring, but good tasting, cake for today. I guess there's next year! I really liked this post alot!

Christy said...

Mel is a good friend of mine - not only is she super dooper dooper crafty and talented but she is also one of the nicest people on the planet. So fun to see her cake featured as one of the cute ones :)

Half Assed Kitchen said...

My son wants to know how they tied a ribbon around the basket handle. And so do I.

NYCGirl said...

Love the chick pops and chick cupcakes. :)

Happy Easter, Jen and John!

Anonymous said...

These are really cute and... oh dear... I'm not sure I should really mention this but... well... the lamb's face looks like a butt.

I was all for agreeing that it was just cute but then I realised that it looked like someone had put eyes above a butt-crack and that kind of killed it for me.

Everything else was lovely

Unknown said...

The basket is perfection! I guess I forgot I was reading about cake, and thought we just had a picture of a simple elegant Easter basket. Then the little brain cells kicked back in, and I was really impressed. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Happy easter, i love you blog

Bookworm said...

Those little chick lollies? So cute! Happy Easter! (:

Anonymous said...

love them, except for the first one which has eyes on its butt

eggbert is wonderful!

Amanda said...

Love every one of these. Thank you for sharing such delights! Happy Easter

Unknown said...

Oh man, that is the best basket cake I've ever seen! So pretty.

Suzi said...

The last one reminds me of Sheldon, from "U.S. Acres" that was part of "Garfield and Friends" back in the late 80's-mid-90's.

Kate said...

That basket is first I thought, "why are the they posting about a regular ol' easter basket?". OH WAIT THATS AN INCREDIBLE CAKE

Thanks, I love love your blog and read it every day :-) Happy Easter all!

Anonymous said...

Re the first picture, I think the sheep's face looks like a butt!

Kisa said...

And of course HAPPY EASTER!!!

Kisa said...

Ohhh! I love them all!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Jen and John!

Anonymous said...

"Just because it cracks me up."

Cracks. HA! You punny, punny girl you! ;-)

I thank YOU for your fabulous site, and I thank the powers that be for your fabulous wit. Fer shur.

~ Cynthia

viv said...

Thank you for taking the time to show us some real is appreciated! Love them all. Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Agree with the buttocks face comments, glad I read them first before writing, "HEY that first cake is just a BUTT disguised as a LAMB!" It's a butt in sheep's clothing is what it is!

Victoria said...

I definetley agree, all I could think of when I saw that first cake was that somebody was mooning me from the middle of that cake.

Alysa said...

I LOVE the Easter basket! That is absolutely adorable!

Happy Easter from Japan...(although it is Monday morning here now :)

MarieA said...

Happy Easter J & J
I loved the coconut bunny cake and the very first one. giggle I did.

I love Easter. It's quite possibly my favourite holiday.
Hope you're enjoying your day!

Anonymous said...

OMG is that Sheldon?!?!?!

cyn said...

I think the first one is rather Wrecky. It looks like the poor thing was run over by a steam roller. And I also agree with Anonymous at 10:46, the face looks like a butt.

Anonymous said...

It took me about two minutes to realize that the basket was fake. The grass, too.

At first, I thought "What? It's a couple of nice-looking eggs... Is that really the best from this year?"

Then it hit me, and daaang. If the baker were to sell it on eBay, it would be one of those big-sellers for at least $300, y'know?

Nonna said...

Awwwwww...Sunday Sweets...a great treat...thank you !!!

Terry Lee said...

love them all today! so sweet and adorable. my fave would have to be the precious pastel coconut bunny cake. ahhhh!!!

hope everyone got eggsactly what they wanted in their easter baskets this morning!

ShinyGreenApple said...

Aww! I have a love/hate relationship with cakes like these. On one hand, they are adorable, well done, and . . . well mostly just adorable! But the thought of them being potentially sliced up and consumed makes me very sad.

Little Lovables said...

all so adorable! the bunny is my fav, it reminds me of my bunny cake on my 3rd birthday :)

M.J. said...

Jen, you lost me with that first one. I understand it is a holiday and you may have had a personal relationship with this designer, but that is clearly BUTT CLEAVAGE filling in for this lamb's face!! I really thought you would have caught this wreck. But most of these others I love, I especially love the last one, most likely based on one of my favorite cartoon characters, Sheldon from Garfield and Friends.

Chrissiebear said...

I agree with Jenn. I love the last cake! So simplistic, but says so much!! Loved Eggbert too!! I sense a theme here!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad it's not just me who thought the first one was a wreck. But no one else has mentioned the butt-plug!!!

Anonymous said...

I like them all except the lamb. It looks like a run-over butt. Can nobody make a good-looking lamb cake?

The bunny cake is absolutely adorable.


Anonymous said...

I love the chicks on sticks and the eggs with the chick legs coming through the egg.

However, I have to agree with others: the lamb cake is a butt cake. The first thing I saw was butt and didn't realize it was "Sunday Sweets" until I scrolled down and saw the others.

Stevens Family said...

Eggbert is my favorite. I think that last egg is from the cartoon Garfield and Friends isn't it? The eggs name is Sheldon I believe. I love it though!

Anonymous said...

The basket's not a fake. The handle would have to be made out of royal frosting to hold like that. Oh,and you can make edible Easter grass.

Arlene said...

Wow that Easter basket cake is so beautiful! I also loved the bunny cake. This totally makes up for those horrifyingly bad lamb cakes that caused nightmares aplenty. I love these!

Anonymous said...

That "lamb" is going to give me nightmares.

Anonymous said...

I saw buttocks on the lamb face, too. And he looks a little flat.

jo said...

AWwww. Anyone notice the lamb has a pacifier? And a look like, "ok, I'm born. Now what do I do with these legs?"

the basket and eggs are gorgeous. I forgot that was supposed to be cake!

love all the hatching chicks, coming out the top or legs coming out the bottom. sweet!

"blobular characters." What a great descrip!

LaurenH said...

I love the chick-balls!!!! Cutest thing EVER!

Becky said...

That Easter basket is absolutely amazing!

Kim said...

I LOVE THE BUNNY!!! I will have to make that one ASAP! I'm thinking Mother's Day gets a bunny this year!

I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read the "butt-plug" comment! That lamb has cute possibilities, but the flesh colored tush is hard to overlook.

Julia said...

I love those, and the chicks on sticks were THE cutest Easter ANYTHING I've seen in forever.
The basket? I thought 'Nice, but I thought this was a cake website with edible stuffs.' WOW. That is awesome!!!!

Rachael said...

That basket is a CAKE??

Wow. I don't think I would be able to eat it (or any of them really). It's way too gorgeous!

Jenny said...

My Mom used to make cakes just like the bunny one. She made them for a few of our birthdays and, of course, for Easter. It's not hard to accomplish, but I have seen SO many people wreck that design. Whoever did that particular cake did an amazing job though, the cheeks are just so adorable!

Unknown said...

Oh, gosh, I love the bunny, and the basket, and, and, and . . . I love them all! --- Except for the butt disguised as a lamb pancake. Parents are going to accidentally let their children see that and have all sorts of awkward questions to answer about butt plugs.

Shinnewn said...

They're all so adorable! Especially the chicks-on-sticks. Sooo cuuute! Great work all. Except for the lamb. Or rather, the cross-eyed, road-flattened pig with a pacifier that is trying to masquerade as a lamb. Yikes.

Melissa @ Silly Bee's Chickadees said...

Thanks for including my bunny cake! We used to have one at my Grandmother's house every Easter when I was little. But, the tradition died in the 80s, so I decided to bring it back! -Mel

Kelly Sturken said...

Omfg! Is that last one Shelldon from Garfield and Friends? That's win!


Suzanne Dargie said...

That Easter Basket cake is SOOOOOO
CUTE! Very impressive!

dangerbug said...

The last one is like Sheldon from the cartoon Garfield and Friends? Could that have also been an influence?

Aliza said...

The blobular characters are adorable, and remind me of the unbelievably delicious brownie-pops I had at a function recently (nicely iced, but not super-cute like this).

Those hatching chicks are how a cupcake should be!!

The bunny cake reminds me of what my mother did for my fourth birthday: a catapillar (a row of cupcakes) with green-tinted icing and green-tinted coconut (and licorice antennae). Soooo cute! And thanks for the memory.

I **LOVELOVELOVE** eggbert!!!

That basket is unbelievable. I thought it was a regular basket with cake pops for several minutes, though. WOW to the talented decorator.

And that last egg was cute. Love the feet.

VW: thert. laughing so hard at cakewrecks you can't speak properly and your abs start to hurt.

Bethany said...

You need a squishable! very cute stuffed critters.