A) [hint] Sara is also a mom.

Huh. Yeah, I don't know where I'm getting that.
Say something nice about Wade M., Nancy S., & Jessica K. to thank them for the pics.
Answer Key:
A) Wreckerator is a pacifist
B) Wreckerator hates drawing
Update from John: So, apparently, the Auburn Tigers greet each other by yelling "War Eagle." Yeah. But we Trekkers are the weird ones. Anyhoo, so I suppose if you want to get all technical and correct about it, that cake is not a Wreck. But, it's too late to take it down. And we're tired. And it's Friday. So, we're all moving on. Right? [meaningful look at commenters] Right. We're moving on.
132 comments | Post a Comment
I don't think B is a wreck -- War Eagle is a slogan, not a mascot.
Well, Wreckerator #2 also doesn't like cleaning up their cake board after piping a border around the cake. It's really sloppy.
I'm confused over the wreck in the second one. Auburn is the school, "War Eagle" is one of their sayings (cheers? slogans? chants?)
I mean, it's not the prettiest design or anything, but I'm not really seeing the wreck.
Anyone else find it kind of morbid that the pediatric nurse one is covered in black icing roses?
Echoing Nick here. Auburn U. has a popular college football team. If you live in AL, it's Auburn (War Eagle) versus Alabama State (Roll Tide). Everyone has to pick a side. lol
Unless the person specifically paid for the decorator to put an eagle on the cake, B's not a wreck. War Eagle! is a rally cry for Auburn.
I agree with Nick. "War Eagle!" is something they say to each other like a special code.
I'm also not getting the wreck aspect of B. "War Eagle" is a battle cry. However, the sentiment would have been more apropos as "War Eagle! ... and Happy Birthday!" The "Auburn" is superfluous.
Maybe Sara was supposed to "flash" mom..ya know..good old birthday fun!
Why does a CPEN cake have black icing on it? ...umm Black spill?
Yeah, ditto Nick. If you live anywhere in Alabama (I grew up there) you're constantly going to hear "War Eagle" and "Roll Tide" over and over and over again.
I agree with Nick, "War Eagle" is something that people say. Still a strange juxtaposition, though!
B isn't a wreck. Auburn University's slogan is "war eagle". Auburn alums use it as a greeting.
Am I being dense? I don't see what's wrong with the second one. It wouldn't be my cuppa, but I know some Auburn fans who would LOVE it.
Well, After an exciting birthday for Sara the only other thing to really do was flash mom!
As for cake 2?? I am just plain confused (dot dot dot) and happy birthday
Cake 3..hmm..Congrats on becoming a CPEN and we are going to celebrate your success with BLACK FLOWERS!!! nothing says way to go than a big glob of black frosting on your cake
The second cake is intentional and not a wreck -- Auburn University's cheer is "War Eagle!" and the school's colors are blue and orange.
As a soon to be Auburn grad (May 11th can't come fast enough!) I can tell you that War Eagle is indeed a slogan at the school. The wreck of the cake is that it exists! I may be a soon-to-be Auburn grad, but I'm not an Auburn fan :D
Hahaha, I love the Flash mom. Maybe Sara is a fan of leggings, and Flash dance. Or the Wreckerator is, and is trying to place a subliminal message on the cake.
The 'H' on the first one confused me a bit...its like half of an 'L'...
is it just me or on wreck 1 does it look like we are wishing saraflashmom a Slappy birthday!
Being a loyal University of Alabama fan and graduate, the War Eagle cake is a wreck just because it has something to do with state rival, Auburn University. My husband, an Auburn graduate, might beg to differ. Roll Tide!
Thanks for your GREAT blog that makes me laugh everyday!!! Keep up the good work!
Nick is right. Auburn is a college and "war eagle" is the phrase Auburn fans say to each other instead of "go Tigers." So if you're an Auburn fan, cake #2 makes sense.
Um, except for the cake board being a tad sloppy theres nothing wrong with B. Auburn is a university in Southern Alabama, slogan is War Eagle even though their mascot is the Tiger, much like University of Alabama's is Roll Tide where their mascot is the Elephant.
War Eagle is the Auburn Uni. of Alabama's "war cry", just like "War Tide" is the Alabama University's. What makes it even more entertaining is that Auburn's mascot is a Tiger, and that Alabama's is an Elephant. And they are bitter rivals.
Though why didn't they use the orange and blue icing throughout is my question for number two... hmm...
WV: I hope Sara doesn't get ingestra from this cake!
... walking away now.
Wreck #1 also looks like it says "Flappy Birthday" or "Slappy Birthday"
I love Cake Wrecks and check it every morning to get my day going with a smile. As a huge Auburn fan I thought it was great to see the Orange and Blue represented on your blog. War Eagle Jen and Jon! I'm so happy you've learned how to speak the Tiger Lingo :)
Hey, did you know War Eagle is one of Auburn's slogans? That cake is not a wreck!!
Hey, did you know that - War Eagle! is a slogan used by Auburn? That cake isn't a wreck!
its almost like people didnt think you guys would get the hint after a billion people wrote about #2 being not being a wreck before they had to, too...
but i agree it looks like Flappy Birthday!
To be even more appropriate, it's War DAMN Eagle!
I think B still qualifies as a wreck because A) they gave up on using Auburn colors as if they just didn't care anymore and B) the way they wrote "...Happy Birthday" seems unenthusiastic, like the person ordering the cake didn't care. Oh and C) it's an Auburn cake. Yuck.
I will give Auburn this on the "War Eagle" front, if they said "Go Tigers" everyone would get very confused when they play LSU. I know LSU spells it "Geaux Tigers", but you can't hear that when shouting at your rivals.
CPEN black ink all over that poor cake. Ewww.
Cake #2...just replace it with a picture of Epcot. That should fix everything.
wv: eketera. Eketera, eketera, eketera.
Normally I just lurk but since war eagle was a part of the post, and trekkers were part of the update I just thought I should mention that our household includes both Auburn fans and Star Trek fans... it is weird living here!
Also, the frequency of the vulcan mating season was a trivia question last night (and we were the only team that got it right...)
So...is "War Eagle" vying to be the new "EPCOT?"
yeah, i was also a little confused why "b" was a wreck. but miranda the schools are the university of alabama and auburn univeristy. alabama state university is a whole other school, whose colors are black and yellow, the hornets. but i'd prefer to say "go trojans!"
'Nuff said. =P
Ok, now I understand #2 a bit more, but I still say it's a wreck. Who's bday is it? Auburn? The war eagle? Who knows.
WV: mumme "Mumme, please don't buy me a birthday cake from the store; they will wreck it!"
Cake number two is still a wreck, because if "War Eagle" is their battle cry or whatever then it should be in quotes. So the one time that quotes SHOULD have been used on a cake, they weren't. So it's a wreck. So there. If you notice even most of the commenters who pointed out that it is not a wreck because it's a battle cry put the words WAR EAGLE in QUOTES.
Ditto, I'm from AL as well. You decide at birth Alabama or Auburn. It's hard for me to see #2 as a wreck--other than the OBVIOUS--the family chose the wrong side...
War Eagle to Cake Wrecks!
then again, I was a Nebraska alum living in the middle of Alabama, and whenever we'd get 'War Eagle'd', we would reply 'Battle Chicken!' as well, 'Roll Tide' was 'Roll o'paper'
Ah, 'Bama barbecue, I miss you.
I like the fact that Jessica is an RV and not an RN. Personally, if my kid were in the hospital, I'd want them taken care of by an RN, not an RV. I mean, what is a recreational vehicle going to do for a sick kid anyway???
I'm certainly moving on.
I'm AFRAID to NOT move on.
Jesus, there are a lot of Auburn Fans/alumni on this blog!
I have never even heard of this college.
Moving on...
As an Alabamaian, I don't see a thing wrong with the 2nd cake. Yeah, it could have been a little more polished, but "War Eagle!", much like their rival, Bama ( #1! 13 nat'l championships! Wooooo!), uses "Roll Tide!" as their slogan. If you're not really familiar with SEC school culture, I guess it may not really add up. I'm sure that if someone posted a wreck about a Big10 school, I wouldn't get it.
YEE-HAW... I think I've GOT IT (And so soon!) that "WAR EAGLES!" is the battle cry of the school.
I'm in goosebumps, sensing that this thing has all the earmarks of becoming the latest incarnation of the dreaded "E-word" for the next few hours...
I shall brew a pot of coffee, pull up a chair, put my feet up, and doze off to await the nightmare that is inevitable...
I propose a new war cry for the universities: CPEN! CPEN! Goooooooo CPEN!!!!!
Today, the people commenting are even funnier than the post. LMAO!
They've also called Jessica an RV instead of an RN.
Since I'm a fan of the team that opposes Auburn, I say that cake is a wreck! Love the blog always and forever, Amanda (oh and Roll Tide)
Not everyone around has heard of AUBURN or WAR EAGLE.
SO it does seem ridiculous if you don't know.
Anyway - the cake itself is a mess and sloppy so it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. It doesn't look good.
So for some it STILL is a wreck.
Anna Lee in OHIO.
It's a wreck simply because it's an Auburn cake. Roll Tide!!!
As an SEC school alum, I liked the fact that cake B at least got their priorities straight. Football rally cry THEN birthday wishes! :)
"That there Clark. That there is an R-V"
I'm glad I'm not the only one who read the first one as Flappy Birthday.
No one has commented on the mold-like colored dots on cake A. Ugh.
I thought of flash mob when I read that inscription.
Okay, I got that out of my system. Moving on, I got an email about a new cake decorating tool:
"Introducing Cricut Cake™ — Available May 2nd for $349.99! -- The Easiest and Fastest Way to Decorate Professional-Looking Cakes -- Cricut Cake™ is an easy-to-use personal electronic cutter that precisely cuts gum paste, frosting sheets and much more! Cricut Cake™ is compatible with all Cricut® cartridges, so you'll save time and money creating perfect cakes for any occasion!"
Why do I think this will simply make the creative spelling on these wrecks more legible?
jodi said...
"is it just me or on wreck 1 does it look like we are wishing saraflashmom a Slappy birthday!"
It's just you.
See, a capital, cursive "S" does not go that way. This looks (if anything) more like a capital, cursive "L," which would make the whole word "Llappy."
Llappy, Slappy--what difference does it make...as long as people keep paying for these wonders, they'll keep on cranking them out.
The work ethic has gone the way of the Dodo bird.
LUCKY US!!! (I'm serious! I love these things!)
This is really the most difficult to write the text on the cake nicely. Ugly text could spoil all the impression of the confectioner with beautiful plants and sculptures.
But did Sara really *Flash* mom? Wow that's just so...so rude! Who would think of doing such a thing? Well unless mom and Sara are really hard core party animals!
OMG! you people! it. Does. Not. Matter. #2 is still a Wreck! hello?! "And... Happy Birthday"?! Ugggh.
WV: buciesse, Why do people have to take a perfectly good Wreck, and buciesse it to death?
Did the Auburn people pay to get this cake on the blog? I have heard enough about Auburn now to last me a LONG time.
Flour Girl (Alabama fan)
I was so confused as to why B was a wreck - looked right to me. Glad everyone else got here before me.
WAR EAGLE!! That second cake is soooo not a wreck! Except for maybe the ". . .and" Just not needed.
I'm a Trekker too. Not weird in the least. :)
All I have to say is
and I guess, CPEN CPEN CPEN
I live in Alabama, so I know that cake number two is intentially and obviously EPCOT EPCOT! =D Sheesh.
(And Roll Tide, y'all.)
Is a flash mom like a flash drive? or a flash mob? or a flashlight?
I say... CPEN! I want to know where she went to RV school....
Ohhh, what pretty writing on cake #2! Lol, I suspect that the wreckerators are closet Auburn fans and just wanted to get their school some much needed attention!
Alrighty, I'm an Alabamian, myself, and I think #2 qualifies as being a wreck, regardless of the whole slogan thingy. The border is poorly done, the word placement is way off, and did they forget it was someone's birthday until the last minute?? That said, my 11-year old HARDCORE Auburn fan would love it, and my HARDCORE Alabama fan step-dad would hate it. Heck, Mom might get it just to see what happens. :)
wv-trate. I'll trate you this wreck for that sweet.
While #2 cake makes perfect sense to me, since I live in Alabama and my husband is an Auburn fan...the fact that is says "War Eagle" and "Aubrun" makes it a wreck to me! ROOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE! ROLL!
Thank you for the update John- and everyone else. I had absolutely no idea what the Auburn was about and would probably have written "War Eagles" in auburn writing myself!
Good job I don't decorate cakes then!
The people that are saying the war eagle cake is a wreck because war eagle doesn't have quotations around it or because someone not familiar with the school would find it baffling----um, the cake was obviously made for someone that would understand it. It's not a wreck. The cake is cute.
Could someone explain _why_ Auburn fans yell "War Eagle" at each other? I mean, I know that it's in their fight song, but why? The name of the team is the Tigers. Auburn students/the paper are called the Plainsmen? And they yell "War Eagle" at each other? Yeah, sure, 'Bama fans yell "Roll Tide" but the name of their team is the "Crimson Tide", right?
This is all very confusing.
#2 is still a wreck, if it's a slogan, it should have quotes around it, and could we cram any more on the top of the cake?
Love the blog, picked up a cake today and was almost disappointed there was no wreck to send along... LOL.
The auburn cake isn't a wreck at all, you're just wrong. And Alabama's cry is "Roll Tide", not War Tide.
Catherine said...
"...This is all very confusing."
To which I respond:
Only if you care.
See, I don't. So it's not confusing me...it is just ANNOYING the EARWAX outta me that I was right (I didn't want to be) about the "E-word"-like, repetetive explanations of why "War Eagle" exists.
We now have a Situation, as sadly expected, in which we will War Eagle (and by some perverted association, "E-word") the living **** out of this fairly innocent and presumably well-intentioned cake.
Jen & John--you two must have nerves of steel (or really good "meds")!!!
heh heh =^~.~^=
Catherine, the very, very abridged version is this:
It hearkens back to an old Auburn legend about a Civil War vet who rescued a baby eagle from the battlefield. Supposedly, nearing the end of a football game, Auburn was rallying to come from behind and win. The eagle (now old) launched off of his shoulder in a last effort, circled the field amid people's cries of "The War Eagle!", and died. Auburn won the game.
(There are many varied versions of the legend.)
That's why before every home game, one of our eagles is released from the upper deck and circles the field while we cheer "War Eagle!". And THAT is why the cake is not a wreck. :)
At Auburn University there's an actual eagle named War Eagle that they bring to football games, and there's also the Auburn tiger mascot that's a guy in a tiger costume!
Miss. Riss:
I've been checking this site out for awhile, as I decorate cakes as a hobby and check it out to hope nothing of mines ends up on here.
But anywho, I'm starting to wonder if these wreckerators aren't dumb, just some very revengeful employees who are pissed off at the customer?
Catherine - here's the history of "War Eagle" : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Eagle
Oh, and to whoever said "War EagleS", nope, not plural, that'll get you looked at funny down here. :-D
And it wouldn't be in quotes, either, any more than you'd put the Happy Birthday in quotes.
Melanie -
Not an AU or UA fan, but have lived in Alabama since 1985, and currently live in Auburn, specifically. :-)roway
Well if they shout that at each other shouldn't it be in quotes??????
War Eagle, Cakewrecks!
I'm an Auburn professor, and I fail to see anything wrong with the Auburn cake. "War eagle!" is our battle cry. Our students use the phrase to greet, to encourage, to congratulate, and more. "War eagle and happy birthday!" is a perfectly natural expression down here. You will rarely, if ever, see an attempt to draw an eagle to represent our battle cry. It would not convey the same message. The eagle represents learning and courage, the slogan represents community and brotherhood with one's fellow students.
Are all your fans from Alabama except for me? WTF is going on around here? How can so many people know what this is? Did like one alabamian suddenly get all their friends to spam this thread or something? It is ridiculously implausible that this many of your regular readers could really know this much about such an obscure cultural reference.
@Miranda, It's Alabama, not Alabama State. But yea. Move here (like we were forced to do) and you'll want to stab yourself in the eye every time you hear "War Eagle," "WDE," "Roll Tide," anything about Bear Bryant, etc.
Hahahaha! I was clueless about how the AUBURN (War Eagle!! Hey!!!) one was a wreck.
I do have to point out that even more strange than this tradition is the one of the rival University of Alabama.
Their mascot is an Elephant. Their battle cry is "Roll Tide!" (Or "Rawwel Tahd!" in the local dialect.)
They have taken to decorating their heads at games with Tide laundry detergent boxes and toilet paper rolls.
Cringeworthy for sane residents of the state.
I am surprised you are only one state away and aren't familiar with these phenomenons!!
BTW, Auburn has 99% more Trekkers and Trekkies than UofA.
War Eagle!!
Maybe I will get a "Auburn! Go Tigers! War Eagle! Aubie Rocks! Happy Mother's Day!" cake on Sunday.
Alex (Auburn B.S.M.E., '89)
ANYTHING is orange and blue or "war eagle" is a wreck in my book!
Sorry another comment (after reading more of them)...
@Jennifer, uh... NO, "War Eagle" shouldn't be in quotes on the cake. It should be in quotes in these comments, because we are "quoting" people. But on the cake we are "saying" it.
That would be like putting "Happy Birthday!"in quotes. WRONG! Rookie commenter mistake.
Happy "Mother's" Day, love "Dad" :)
Alex (again)
Wv: "colin"
There should be a colin after AUBURN.
d. none of the above
e. other
f. yes
g. no
h. all of the above
Actually, the eagle's name is Tiger, and the mascot in the Tiger costume is Aubie.
WDE, y'all!
Rebekah, I wouldn't consider Auburn "obscure." Surely it's not well-known in some areas, but it's also not some Podunk community college. It's known across the country for its veterinary medicine, agriculture, fisheries and pharmacy programs, and its student newspaper, up until recently, was the No. 1 award-winning college newspaper in the country (stunning, I know). I'm an Auburn graduate and have traveled all over the place in Auburn gear, and it never fails that someone shouts "War Eagle!" at me. We've got alumni all around the world!
Also, to those of you who think Auburn students or graduates are spamming the site: I think not. In fact, a good half of the comments attempting to explain Auburn or its traditions contain some type of factual error. Trust me; if you've attended Auburn, you certainly don't get any of that information wrong! Those comments are obviously from well-meaning readers who have a little knowledge of the school from somewhere.
By the way, I'm a longtime reader but very infrequent commenter. Love the blog, Jen and John! Oh, and by the way ... War Damn Eagle, y'all!
As an emergency nurse, the best part of the CPEN cake to me is that the poor nurse went from being an "RN" to an "RV".....
For shame.
LOL. I just spent ten minutes studying the second cake and decided I was just plain missing it (being a former Auburn fan myself, I just couldn't figure out where the mistake was). And then I saw the note at the end. Glad to know I haven't completely lost my mind...yet!
LOL! I am glad I'm not the only one looking at cake B and trying to figure out what I was missing! I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it! I grew up in Alabama, so the AUBURN and War Eagle looked perfectly normal on a B-day cake! :)
I just wanted you to know that it made my day to see the second cake pop up on my screen today. I am an Auburn Alum and I started laughing as soon as I saw it. I also liked the commenter that said War Eagle is a code between Auburn fans. It really is if you're not in Alabama! Anyway, thanks for making me smile today!
War Eagle!!
ok- Another Auburn grad here- it would be perfectly normal to say War Eagle to somebody and then wish them a Happy Birthday- especially if the game was on their birthday- which would make their birthday secondary....;-)
(1)@ Art (at 4:26) and
(2)@ Rebekah (at 6:04):
#1-That's the silliest thing I've heard in minutes.
Besides, you don't really know which side the eagle("now old"--but not as old as the CIVIL WAR vet whose shoulder he was perched upon) was ROOTING for, now DO you?
#2-That, on the other hand, is the most logical thing I've heard ALL DAY (even though I see you've been told how *wrong* you are).
Just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser...
To quote the Progressive insurance girl: "I love this channel!"
Oops, my mistake at the eagle's name! My grandfather was the head of the music department at Auburn for years, he'd be horrified at my mistake.
And if you're from the south you can't NOT know about Auburn, it's not exactly an obscure college.
Lol at the first cake. Flash mom eh? I am sure she would appreciate that.. man what a way to wreck a perfectly pretty cake. I thought the rest of it was pretty nice until they went and did that lol.
I don't understand Cake #1. Why would they write "Sara, Flash Mom" -- what is it supposed to say?
No, "Jennifer," "War Eagle" should not be in "quotes" on a "CAKE!"
Just because it's something people say, it doesn't mean you have to put quotes around it on a cake! Otherwise, Happy Birthday would have to be in quotes on every birthday cake.
If they're the Auburn tigers, then why do they yell "War Eagle"? Whatever the reason, I agree that Auburn is NOT an obscure school. I'm a big college football fan, and I've definitely heard of them!
And I thought Alabama was the Crimson Tide, so why do they have an elephant for a mascot? Have they always used an elephant? I guess that's better than having a vat of blood for a mascot.
Moving on? You kidding me? You know not the other world you have entered by posting that non-wreck.
What I want to know is, where my clones at?
Where my hardcore clones who know that if one were to War Cake Wrecks it would be an homage to War Eagle at?
Step your game up.
Yes, #2 is a wreck because a wreck is any cake, no matter how well-designed, that makes Jen (or John) laugh or cringe or go 'What the heck?', etc.
If you're in the 99.99% of the world who has no idea about "War Eagle" (or were before reading 9 bazillion repetitions of the same explanation) the cake definitely makes you laugh at the ridiculousness of it, especially that 'AUBURN' and 'War Eagle!' are primary and '... and Happy Birthday' (without so much as one !) is a secondary afterthought. "Yay college! Go Team! Oh, and Happy birthday, whoever you are." I mean, seriously, how many times a year does Auburn have a game? And how many times a year does our sadly anonymous (because where would you fit a name?) cake-receiver have a birthday?
So, it DOESN'T MATTER that it may very well be what someone ordered. It DOESN'T MATTER that the eagle shouldn't be drawn, just like it didn't matter that the sprinkle-less "I Want Sprinkles" cake was actually a quote and was SUPPOSED to be the text on the cake. It still makes you laugh to see it, either because one is ignorant of the esoterica of one school in one of the 50 states of one of the many nations in the world and would expect the eagle to be drawn or because one finds the sheer lack of priorities ridiculous.
It's a wreck because Jen found it funny. It continues to be a wreck because other people find it funny, too.
#1- note the comma after Sarah. Sarah is a mom who photographs everyone and thereby earned the title "Flash Mom". Therefore, "Happy Birthday Sarah, flash mom!" Yeah, I think that's it.
#2- It's not Spaceship Earth, it's Epcot, you can tell by the Disney font.
#3- If being a CPEN CPEN CPEN got any happier than black flowers, we'd all want to be one, then it's all work, work, work.
Ok, so I never comment but I just had to say this... To those of you who think that Auburn spamed the board today because why would so many people know about it... Auburn is an SEC school and SEC is a big deal for a large part of this country, especially in the South and you don't have to be an Auburn fan to know about it...with that said... I love the blog...read it everyday...and GO DAWGS!!! That is Georgia Bulldogs for those of you who don't know!
I look at Cake Wrecks every day and have never commented...but now, I must.
Weagle, Weagle, War Damn Eagle!!
I think people calling this a wreck anyway because the icing is a LITTLE smeared on the cake base are really reaching.
P.S. I'm not an auburn fan, I just think this is stupid.
I had to google SEC...I am going to assume it's South Eastern Conference and not Security & exchanges commission?
I genuinely figured Auburn was the birthday girl's name until I started reading the comments.
BTW, I thought South Carolina State was the Bulldogs. Now I'm totally confused.
A: We're talking about a game played in the 1890s or so, so I fail to see what's so strange about a Civil War vet being there.
B: As I said, it's a legend. I made no claims as to the truth of any of it. Lighten up, Francis.
I LOVE this blog. I am often in tears, holding my side laughing at the post. And now, I must say I LOVE it even more after this post and finding all these fellow Auburn fans who follow this blog. We have good taste in both football and internet fun!
war eagle is the Auburn tigers war cry, it is becaue a gentlman who attenedAuburn was fighting in civil war found eagle brought back to Auburn he became mascot, hense war cry, gag me I just defended Auburn! GO GATORS!
I'm sorry, but I have to correct the people presenting the Civil War "War Eagle" story as if it's true. It's apocryphal. Some guy made it up in 1960. Before that, the story didn't exist. There are several other stories explaining it that were around before the Civil War one.
That said, I'm glad that in Georgia our mascots go along with our war cries. GO DAWGS!
Art said...
" We're talking about a game played in the 1890s or so, so I fail to see what's so strange about a Civil War vet being there."
My goodness--the thing I was mainly getting at was that in your version of the "legendary eagle story,"
1, The eagle flies around the game and then dies.
2. Auburn wins.
My point was, "SO? Is this supposed to imply "magic"? The eagle COULD HAVE been flying overhead to rally the OPPOSING team!
The legend is lacking in something more draamtic, like...
How about, at the last minute, the sunlight flashed off the eagle's wings, and its feathers LIT UP in brilliant ORANGE and BLUE!!!
That'd do it.
War Damn Eagle!
A true wreck would be a "Roll Tide" cake.
Lauren S. Grider, DVM
AU College of Vet Med 2008
AU College of Agriculture 2004
Telling Sara to flash Mom is weird. But telling her to flash Dad would have been creepy. Let's be thankful that they didn't go that route.
I would gently suggest some research from some of these people who say "99.9%" of readers don't know what War Eagle means.
Clearly that's not the case.
And what's with the snotty, angry comments against the nice people who are just trying to let the rest of you in on the background of the battle cry?
People here are usually pretty nice, but these non-Auburn fans are getting kind of snotty today.
It's part of the post. Why are you guys surprised people are commenting on it?
Oh, and also
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar EAGLE ... HEY!
I now know more about War Eagle than I ever, ever, ever, ever wanted to know.
wv: quitica
Quitica, already!
The word "happy" in the first one looks like "flappy."
I'm just piping in, but, as other people have mentioned, #2 is not incorrect. I live in Auburn, and the war cry/greeting for Auburn fans is "War Eagle!" People wear shirts with "War Eagle" written on it all the time... but very few would know what to draw if you said, "draw the War Eagle" (which happens to be a golden eagle)
Am I the only one who first saw the words "Flappy Birthday"? I was laughing before I got any further than that...
Yup. #2 = Epcot revisited (just not as nicely decorated!). Now I know far more about Auburn & its mascot/slogan/competitors than I ever wanted to know. I've heard of Auburn before... but aren't too sure precisely where Alabama is!! (non-American reader here) I'm thinking that when these situations arise, there may be virtue in not posting all the comments... or just posting a summary with a list of the names.
Re Sara: now, if the birthday girl is also a Mum, then... was she trying to flash herself? That raises a whole new set of questions about just *what* she was doing ;)
And the CPEN one: I'm glad I wasn't the only one disturbed by the use of black to decorate a pediatric emergency nurse's cake. Did she escape to the RV in distress over the wreck of a cake??
haha! i was so excited to see my wreck of a cake posted today! yes, i am jessica, the "RV" -- which was actually my favorite typo on the cake as well. the only thing better than the pic of the cake would have been our faces as we all sat, puzzled, in the ER attempting to decipher the words on the cake. "RV? CPEN picture? what?!!"
the cake was very tasty though, despite it's obvious short-comings....black roses and all!
thanks jen, for posting my cake. love the blog and all the commentary!
To Anonymous who wonders about snotty non-Auburn fans:
It's not that we don't want to learn your history. It's just that none of you bothered to read the 100+ other posts stating the exact same thing!
Once.. twice.. a few times, one might scroll past a similar comment, sure.. but at four dozen times, Auburn evidently needs to re-double their efforts to teach reading comprehension!
When callers to "The Jim Rome Show" say "WAR _____" to show support of something, it's derivative of Auburn University's WAR EAGLE battle cry.
Ooh, I think I got it! Sara must be the mother of Barry Allen, the Flash!
If only they'd written War Eagle in crimson icing. ROLL TIDE!
Just seeing this one. I've never commented here but read daily.
War Damn Eagle!
Ph.D. in English--
Loved my time there indeed!
Someone should make a "Rolling Toomers" Cake, no?
WAR EAGLE, y'all!
You know, Auburn has produced more astronauts than any other college.
We developed the seedless watermelon.
Celebrity almuni include Rowdy Gaines, Toni Tennille, Bo jackson, Ann Sidons, Vince Dooley ,Jimmy Buffett, Charles Barkley, Taylor Hicks, and Victoria Jackson and Jimmy Wells, co-founder of wikipedia.
Karen Jones
Auburn Alum 1991
I love this blog. Always brings a smile. xx