Ah, such a labor of love. Nothing says "celebration" and "strength" quite like a pepto-pink cake with "Survivor" misspelled across the top. At first I thought that paper cut-out was actually on the cake, too, but my eagle-eyed hubby assures me it's on the plastic lid - thus blocking our view of the white "ribbon". Which is the wrong color. But hey, one ribbon out of two ain't bad.
Fortunately most cancer survivors I know have an amazing sense of humor, so we can hope this cake went to a Cake Wrecks reader who could appreciate its wrecktastic nature.
And while we're on the subject, John would like to register his vote for this to be put on a cake:

(And in case you're curious; that's a car magnet. I found it over on Amazon here.
Thanks to Amanda H. for the scoop on the cake, originally uploaded here.
70 comments | Post a Comment
That's just awful and not appetizing in the least.
And, you can tell your husband that Save the Tatas is an actual brand and they sell an array of merchandise. http://www.savethetatas.com/
I love 'save the ta tas!' I am also a fan of, 'If you're going to stare at them, at least donate a dollar to save them' (T-shirt)
I agree that save the ta tas would be easier to spell than survivor. Which is sad. Haha.
I love that magnet! The pink cake, not so much.
But, yannow, if you made a bunch of cupcakes that looked like breasts, wouldnt' that be a better breast cancer cake decoration?
I've seen "save the ta tas" on t-shirts too. I think thats even better!
I totally have that t-shirt!! I love wearing it!! I find it very humorous when people stare. At least it's a good excuse to stare at someone's chesticles - "Honey, I swear, I wasn't staring at her monster boobs, I was reading her t-shirt and I totally support saving the tatas".
I can't stomach the puke-pink. Pastel pink would've been oh-so-much nicer. Looks like someone didn't put enough white in the red frosting for that.
It's too early in the morning for me to have noticed the misspelling without it being pointed out to me.
~Amy B
Oh look....someone discovered the "Salmon Pink" crayola crayon and decided to create an icing tribute. I actually had to send this cake to my mom and threaten her with it...I think she found the spelling more amusing than the color though.
On a side note, my daughter's old dance coach not only had a "Save the ta-ta's" magnet, but she also had a "Hurray for Boobies!" one with a pink ribbon. I wasn't sure if I admired her sense of humor or was slightly perplexed by it.
That cake gets more disturbing the longer I look at it.
Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore... What would a Suri-vor eat?
What's a "surnor"?
Hahahaha!! Who wouldn't want to be a "surivor"?
As a breast cancer survivor, I prefer the slogan "Saving Second Base". But "Save the Ta Tas" is funny too. As long as it doesn't appear on a realistic Ta Ta cake, complete with my scar.
My BIL has the best Breast Cancer Awareness T-shirt ever. It's from our small family beach, and there is a picture of a flounder with the caption "I Help Save Breast." One out of two ain't bad, I suppose . . . .
You can also get "Save the Tah-Tahs" shirts. They have a website floating somewhere on the internet.
Some more for your husband, and in case you missed the movement:
Brilliant stuff !! Worthy of a top ten cake wreck perhaps? I think so.I have to second John's vote for "Save the Ta Ta's". I think Survivors would get a kick out of it and the survivors I know have the sickest sense of humor out of anyone I know !!
I always wonder if the cake decorators fail to notice that they spelled something wrong, or if they decide to sell it anyway and just hope no one else notices!
I personally like "Save Second Base."
I'm puzzled by the fact that on Amanda's blog (the link where the cake was originally posted) someone tries to defend the misspelling by saying the final result is more aesthetically pleasing. Can't we have good spelling AND pleasing aesthetics? Is that too much to ask? (Well, maybe of someone who thinks Pepto-Bismal makes a great cake icing...)
In response to Susanna's question, perhaps a "suri"vor consumes the offspring of Tom Cruise?
Suri-vor....is that something to do with Suri Cruise?
"In response to Susanna's question, perhaps a "suri"vor consumes the offspring of Tom Cruise?"
Mrs. Flax...you are hilarious!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!
There's also Support Our Boobs for even more shirts, magnets and other goodies.
Ah, darn... I almost snapped a cell phone pic of a wrecktastic cupcake cake shaped into a lumpy, pink-ribbon approximation for you at the local grocery which would have gone so beautifully with your 'surivor' cake! But I was afraid of the Atilla the Hun of a baker glaring at me with a look in her eye that told me she knew exactly what was in my mind...
My favorite breast cancer awareness saying is, well besides 'save the tatas' is 'save second base.' That could turn out to be a wicked sick cake.
"Survivor" may be misspelled, but at least it's beautifully centered on the cake! Unlike many of the other cakes here.
My friend recently found a T-shirt that said, "Tell your breasts to stop staring at my eyes!"
Hmmmm, unfortunately have met too many men that this applies to . . .
Something tells me the recipient of this cake is happy to be a survivor, no matter how it's spelled.
Hah, thank you for that link. My mom has breast cancer and has been wanting one of those magnets for ages, but I haven't been able to find them anywhere.
Good grief. That "Save the Ta Tas" thing is from a morning show called The Daily Buzz out of Florida.
First of all, that's not pink. It's kind of a strep throat red infection color complete with white pustule border. I think breast cancer SURIVORS deserve much better, don't you?
Alixandra Hice
My 16 year old daughter (faithful cake wrecks fan) figures it's the BUST they can do.
Empire biscuits/cookies make a good alternative to a cake for Breast Cancer awareness month. It's what I did yesterday.
And yes, the pepto-pink is a little hard to stomach.
It's possible that their spelling is how Astro, the dog from "The Jetsons", would pronounce the word.
Theres an entire "save the tatas' store at the mall near my house.I think they also have some peacefrogs stuff.But that might have been moved to a seperate store recently.
My favorite product from Save the Tatas, which I happened upon while covering a beauty product fair, is Boob Lube, a soap for your breast exam each month. Okay, it's probs just regular soap. But I like the idea. And the name.
I first saw "Save the Ta-Tas" on a baby's onesie, where it made perfect sense!
Oh, and that cake looks like a Petri dish in need of cleaning.
Jenny Islander
Thanks for your restraint in the pun department.
Anytime I see any of the pink ribbon campaigns I am always reminded of the horrible Yoplait campaign from a few years ago, "Together we can Lick Breast Cancer."
I love it! I fell upon your blog accidentally and am so glad I did. I think the Save the Tatas cake would be pretty easy to make...but then, you just never know! ;)
I actually have a "feel your boobies" magnet in my office as the young lady who started the organization is from where I live. I also have a t-shirt but I am always too chicken to wear it out in public!
There's advertisement on Facebook going around (I think on Flair) that says "Feel Your Boobies."nI think that should be on a cake as well. Perhaps next to "Save the Ta Tas"
I'm a cancer sur-i-vor myself and while the thought of a cake is nice, I have to wonder about that Pepto-Bismol pink frosting. It looks like something that might cause cancer itself.
My favorite breast cancer awareness slogan is still "Save Second Base"
Perhaps the cake wrecker added the white ribbon (a symbol against violence) instead of the pink one in the hopes that violence would not be taken out on him/herself.
I was at Costco the other day without my camera, and there was a big pink cake and on it a Ribbon and some flowers and it said:
I was cracking up and there was a little old lady standing behind me who said "Well, my husband loves mine too but I don't want it on a cake!"
We're wearing t-shirts at work this month that have the restaurant name on the front and a huge pink ribbon and "Save 2nd Base" on the back. You wouldn't believe how many people don't get it.
Why oh why can't people figure out that Breast Cancer Pink is a specific color of pink???
I love the slogans.....but I had the BEST shirts when I walked the 3 Day - they were Co-Ed Naked themed - Co-Ed Naked Breast Exam (complete with hand prints on my boobs), Co-Ed Naked Mammogram (squished boobie picture and all) and Co-Ed Naked 3 Day ("It's long, it's hard, and it made me cry!")
I, too, know plenty of "surivors" who would laugh themselves silly with a pepto-colored cake that was mis-spelled! LMAO!
The cake decorator was definitely a boob.
I keep waiting for a congratulatory cake with the inscription "Weigh to Go!"
PS "Save the tatas" is my new favourite slogan.
Wow. I am over fifty years old, and I have never heard them referred to as ta tas. What area of the country did that get started in??? And it took me a while to get "save second base", too. Oh, my. I have lived a sheltered life.
I am afraid to ask what the "feel your boobies" campaign means. Oh, the monthly exam?? Oh, I am SO slow.
Actually the spelling mistake is that it should've read Sir Ivor, (he is the British patron saint of the boob)
They have shirts that say that, too.
Here are some Divorce Cakes, including one with weird quotation marks: http://listoftheday.blogspot.com/2008/10/divorce-cakes-of-day.html
awesome. i have to say, i don't hate the cake. Don't get me wrong, i hate the misspelling, but I am all for pink, and the cause. And it's not too ugly, overlooking the missing V. That said, impressive pun restraint, Jen, and I'd eat a save the ta-tas cake any day.
I love it, save the ta tas!
The cake...not so appealing.
Hard to tell with the label on the lid, but it almost looks like the missing V was trying to escape out the bottom of the picture. Maybe the color scared it.
Mom's a "surivor", too and she'd really laugh at this one!!
And don't forget to go to www.thebreastcancersite.com and click every day to donate a mammogram for free!!
Tracy O
I have that car magnet!!
oh how sad..... they should have just wrote, "I like "boobs" in pink writing with sprinkles"
I saw the name of the store embossed on the lid (look at the pic upside down) and laughed. An off-color nickname I've heard for that store is 'The Teet'.
Not quite as off-color as that frosting, though.
LOL - OMG, you are an eternal source of great laughs! I just love your blog for that! The cakes of course have their share in it, but your comments make me roll on the floor laughing! Thank you - and "Save the ta tas"! :)
I've been meaning to share this link "Dolly Partron" boob cup cakes since I saw it in the paper:
The "Save the Ta-Ta's" deal is obviously a breast cancer awareness group...at my local Relay for Life, one of my Mom's friend (who is a breast cancer survivor) was selling all sorts of things there. I have a tank top, sweatshirt, button and sticker set as well.
And that cake...how could you even consider yourself a person who is "for the cause" when you can't even spell Survivor, let alone but the correct ribbon on the cake?
*sigh* I hope for the day when all cake wrecks aren't mearly caused by stupidity...oh wait, those are the best one! =D
Blech! That's a nasty shade of pink.
This may be the cake that Anonymous tried to photograph. My husband snapped it at the local grocery store.
I saw a baby onesie with the same ribbon design that said "I love the tatas" I was quite amused.
Long before I discovered this blog, I once asked that a pink ribbon be put on a cake for my mother, in honor of her one year survival day. The result was a misshapen, pink blob that had me tearfully begging my husband to confront the baker because I wouldn't have been able to do so without causing a scene.
Cause cakes done badly really upset me. Aren't those people who have been so much worth at least a *little* effort?
I have a save the ta-ta's t-shirt that has the same logo on the, ummm, chest. hee hee My friend got one at the same time that says save second base. We both get lots of looks until people realize that it means.
My favorite slogan... "Let's Fight Can Cancer!!"
I walked the Seattle 3-Day. My favorite team was the "Tuff Titties" which was a team of guys.
On the back of their shirts it said "Busting our balls to save breasts."
My mom actually owns that magnet.
I gotta' say, that "save the ta tas" is amazingly offensive. Reducing a womyn to her breast; yeah we haven't heard that in a while, unless of course you watch television, read mainstream books, and perhaps associate with an humin being ever.