[Duh da daaa! Da da da ta da DAAAA!]
This week, Supermom plans out little Annie's birthday party.
Annie: "Wow, Supermom, my birthday decorations look fantastic! This is going to be the coolest Wizard of Oz party EVER!"

Supermom: "Oh, it was nothing, really. After I finished all of the laundry, balanced the checkbook, and then reworked my dissertation on the ending of world hunger, I had plenty of time!"
Annie: "Oh, wow, are those cookies for the party, too?"

Supermom: "They sure are! It took four days, and I had to stay up all night hand-piping the little rainbows, but all that time and effort were well worth seeing the smile on your darling face. And just wait 'til you see the great Yellow Brick Road cake I ordered! Your father should be here with it any minute..."
Meanwhile, at the Bakery of Badness:
Diabolical Decorator of Doom: "What's this? Supermom has ordered a Wizard of Oz birthday cake for her daughter? Hee-hee! Oh, this is too perfect! Finally, revenge will be MINE!!!"
Diabolical Sidekick: "What will you do, oh Great Bastion of Badness? Oh Foul Foiler of Fondant? Oh Illustrious Icer of Ickines, Dastardly Decorator of Destruction, and Cruel Crafter of..."
Diabolical Decorator of Doom: [interrupting] "Do shut up, Sidekick; I'm trying to think."
Diabolical Sidekick: "A thousand apologies, Oh Putrescent Purveyor of Pastries!"
Diabolical Decorator of Doom: [rubbing hands together] "Now, the trick is to make something so vile, so heinous, that no one will ever, EVER think it is a yellow brick road with a rainbow over it. But how? What tool in my arsenal is capable of such complete and utter hideousness?
"AHA! I've got it! Diabolical Sidekick, fetch me the Airbrush of Atrocity!"
Later, back at the party:

Annie: [sobbing] "My Yellow Brick Road cake! It looks like an old squished banana! And why does it dead end in a river? And is THAT supposed to be a rainbow?!?"
Supermom: "Never fear, dear daughter: Supermom is here! Now be a good girl and hand Mommy her piping bags."
So Supermom (aka Amanda S.) re-frosted the cake at home, thus foiling the evil plans of the Diabolical Decorator of Doom and saving the day. (You can see she's already begun piping over the "road" in the photo there.) Good work, Supermom! Score another one for truth, justice, and sugary-baked goods for all!
182 comments | Post a Comment
Oh really? Did they REALLY make her pay for that??? By "yellow brick road" did the decorator think "mold covered path through a field"?
I take it our Supermom will be baking Annie's cake herself next year....
And squished banana is what I thought as soon as I saw the image, too! (Eating a cake colored like a squished banana would confuse me almost as much as eating one shaped like a corn.)
So very ugly and sad. Especially with those adorable cookies on stage right!
I'd like to have seen a picture of the finished cake after Supermom fixed it!
what a horrid yellow brick road.. horrid cake, period!
I want to see how it looked after she fixed it!
Jen, with this I think you completely elevated your CakeWrecks game. Not only do you get your quips in, but the story! The vision!
Basically, this rocked. Thanks for doing what ya' do!
jaw to desk!
Really that was what they thought the yellow brick road looked like?!?!
Way to go to Mom's bad** piping skillz and getting it right!!
Oh My Flying Monkees! I cannot believe they actually brought that home. I wish we could have seen the repaired version. I will have to show this as a good reason why I make my own. At least if it looks awful its my own darn fault!
Mary Ellen
Hey. Uh. That cake sucks, but is there some nakedness going on in the upper left-hand corner?
OH MY. I really don't think I would have ever payed for that. What a nightmare!
But I do have do have to give kuddos to the mom for the rest of the party.
*sighs* It's all fun and games till the flying monkeys get ahold of the piping bag. Then the yellow brick road turns into a moldy banana.
This is...astoundingly ugly. And as a Wizard of Oz fan I think it makes me cry just a little. *sniffle* How ugly.
Im surprised she didn't make her own cake, I mean, considering the cookies!
And then Annie wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream, right?
my friend put me onto this blog about a month ago. i took the better part of last week and yesterday off from work and i partied my ass off. im back at the office today still hungover and i cant for the life of me remember what it is i even DO. this post has made my morning. thank you!
Oh gosh. I think Amanda is right. There's a lil' somebody stark nakkies in the upper right of the cake photo... (Or is that a hand? Looks like a belly button and legs...)
LOL. I was thinking flattened, decapitated giraffe, but moldy banana is just as good. Go SuperMom!
Laura G
What are the little white dots all over - flying monkey doo?
As a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan I think this may be the saddest wreck I've ever seen!
Hope that decorator gets water thrown on them and melts...evil witch!
Totally agree with Brian, great writing! Horrid, horrid, cake. Show us what it looked like after!
Wow, that is really sad. I'm so glad Supermom could fix it. I only wish we could see the final product. I hope they complained to the bakery!!!!!!!!!
I want to know if Superdad made sure they didn't have to pay for that. If not, I'm sure Supermom turned him into Dunderdad right quick.
Why are the cookies stored in the bathroom?
That has to be the saddest cake I have ever seen.
And your commentary, the funniest!
Maybe the decorator was trying to modernize the yellow brick road.
Leopard print is very in nowadays!
P.S. I want to see Mom's finished product. MOM POST A PICTURE!
Holy cow. Not even your dire warnings prepared me for that...that...there really is not a word to describe that Wretched Wreck of the West.
-Another Jen
Wow. I think that Decorator of Doom spent too much time in the poppy fields...if ya know what I mean. *winkwinknudgenudge*
C'mon...brick road. Rectangles. All dots are disqualified.
How sad. It's a good thing SuperMom has the skills to fix it (and the time, I didn't have the time when I got my last wreck).
The nakedness looks like a small child, so probably had on shorts or a diaper or something.
So cool ! Supermom is my sister !!!
Well, the piping on the side of the cake looks nice at least....
But, um, yeah. Totally missed the mark. I was actually stunned at what she got.
Mold alert. Mom is covering the mold??? Please mom, scrape the mold off first. Please.
That cake is THE worst ever. Yikes.
That is one seriously tragic cake. I have done a couple of Oz cakes for my own kid and the whole bad banana motif somehow never entered my mind. God bless the mom, and where on Earth did she find those fabulous Dorothy cups????
Do cake decorators not realize that by agreeing to make a cake out of their range of expertise they may just ruin someones birthday? I'm glad Annie's mom was able to fix it. I hope she gets a refund.
Poor Annie! It's a Hard Knock Life.
Clearly this was just another case of miscommunication. The decorator didn't hear yellow brick road as much as yellow blech mold.
That's exactly why I decorated the cake myself for my son's Wizard of Oz-themed party last month. When I asked a few local bakeries about the possibility of a yellow brick road and a rainbow or something, they looked at me like I was talking gibberish. So I bought an undecorated cake and went after it myself. And I'm certainly not a cake decorator, not in the least, but even I did a better job than this wreck.
I thought it was a diseased headless giraffe, myself.
Just awful. The clenched fist resting on the side of the cake box in the left of the picture pretty much says it all.
I definitely wan tto see the after cake, too!! Is there a pic? Share it, share it!!
dear jen:
please write a book of nothing but awesome puns and and alliterations. it will make you billions of dollars.
p.s.- i too thought decapitated giraffe. is there an after pic from Supermom?
I think that decorator had too many poppies. I would have rather served that other, *male* wizard cake to my little girl than this one! Can we get a pic of the cake after Supermom finished with it?
am the Granmother a.k.a. Nonni of that disaster. First, that is a little nakedness in the one corner. That's my youngest grandgirl sitting on the counter watching us try and transform this hideous mess. I too wouldn't have paid for it but when you send dad's to pick things up like that they just think maybe they're supposed to look like that !!! I know that there are pictures of the somewhat fixed cake. It seems we were the only ones apalled by it or we have friends that are just too kind to want to puke on the cake.
I think ne next cakes we'll do ourselves. Annie's mom ( my daughter) is very talented and a very good baker. Maybe I can get her to post a finished product picture.
My 4 y/o son was sitting with me when I opened the site. The first thing he exclaimed when he saw that thing was "Ohhh, a snake cake!"
i hope she took a photo after she fixed it so she can take it back to the idiot who decorated it and show them how it's supposed to look. cripes! to say their rendition of the yellow brick road looks like an old, squished banana is being kind.
Someone needs to stake out that bakery- what else is coming out of there?
That cake does look a bit moldy. I would like to see what magic supermom was able to do on that cake.
Someone needs to set the flying monkeys after that decorator....eep, that's awful...
maybe the bakery had some of that toxic black mold? it would explan thier lack of cake skilz. dang i hope they got thier money back.
do we have a picture of the fixed cake?
That is absolutely awful. I'd be livid if I paid for a cake like that. Mold was the first thing that came to my mind.
This post is legen - wait for it - dary! Excellent writing, I kept thinking "how bad is this cake?"
And still, even with plenty of warning, that is one AWFUL cake! Did the decorator think that the Tin Man left oil splotches all over the yellow brick road?
Even the comments are funny - "I see naked people!" That is a hand in the upper left corner, not a naked person!
Ummmm, what are those little white dots leading up to the "rainbow" supposed to be? I really love the reworking of the rainbow colors... Yellow, Red, Pink Purple, Blue.
Oh. Dear. Lord.
Somewhere L. Frank Baum is weeping uncontrolably into his Aether Flakes over this one.
But with a Winkie and a nod of her head, Supermom saved the day!
(Yeah, I know it's the movie version, but I'm a book purist and just had to fit in a couple of extra-obscure jabs in case there's someone else out there who prefers the version where it ISN'T all a kooky dream...but wishes this cake was one)
Why is there a naked kid in the photo, top right corner? Not good cake decorating hygene!
Nonni, thanks for the update. Supermom deserves a week at a spa for throwing Annie such an awesome party! I'm definitely voting for a fixed cake pic!
BTW, I used to work at a bakery where our decorator made some beauties that were almost too good to eat! She had a yellow brick road cake request, and even threw in some glittery fondant shoes(alas, no pics)... but Dad came in & was furious! He wanted the cake to look like a brick wall but in yellow(?!?) People are just weird, I guess...
Jen, you outdid yourself on the storyline. I love it! I didn't even care about the cake.
Word Verification: Urial
Mithspelling for urinal.
You know, I actually thought the "yellow brick road" looked kind of like The Cheat from Homestar Runner - maybe some sort of The Cheat pelt...
First of all, that's for the next Disney movie preview! Bad cake, awesome story, super mom, happy ending! :)
I should seriously not be reading this in the back of class- I almost cracked up with laughter! That thing looks like it rotted and died!
Can we please see what it looked like after she fixed it?
Since everyone is leaving the first thing that came to their mind, let me include mine as well:
I want to see the repaired version too!
I think what I love most is that Supermom *stopped* fixing the cake to take a photo for Cake Wrecks. Now that's a wreckporter if I ever saw one!
it looks like lots of little people exploded all over the road.
Well, all else aside, the white swirly border and penmanship of "Happy Birthday" are pretty. For once the person doing the writing is much more talented than the person doing the decorating!
I am thinking that the 'decorator' frosted the 'yellow brick road' and then opted to airbrush in footprints (like of the merry band traipsing down to the Emerald City) and the 'footprints' bled. Bad concept by a 'decorator' that doesn't understand humidity issues or mixing media w/o testing.
That cake is overall rather bland looking. :(
I hope Annie had a great birthday anyway!
Yowza... My sister is a huge wizard of oz fan... and if I ever bought her a cake that looked like that I would my butt handed to me on a platter... it might end up looking somthing like what the have going on on the top of that cake... Flat, Moldy, and speckled with ... what the heck is that stuff?
Well, Happy Birthday Annie is spelled correctly, and it is nice writing...at least they got SOMETHING right.
It's me..Nonni to the cake again. Just wanted to set a few things straight !!! The cookies weren't stored in the bathroom. The paper towel holder is one of those chrome kind. And the baby girl isn't naked on the counter causing anything to be unsanitary it just looks that way. So nothing unclean going on but she did want to watch what was going on with the cake.
I hope she got her money back! That is hideous!
Can we see the new cake?
Don't tease us, the Nonni. Break out the after shots!
Wow. That's what happens when you send Dad to pick things up from the store. No way would Supermom have brought that thing home without a fight.
If you had not said it was a Wizard of Oz theme, I would have been scratching my head while trying to figure out what on earth the cake was supposed to be. Wow, horrible!
Can we get a picture of the cake after Supermom helped out?
I've been following this blog for a few weeks now and would like to thank you; it has encouraged me to never ever order a grocery store bakery cake!
I would have told the kid, forget about having cake, then taken it back to the bakery, set it down right in front of the door and set it on fire. But I once threw a malfunctioning fax maching off the balconey, so maybe I have 'issues' about this kind of thing...
Your story cracked me up. Way to go, Supermom! I never would have thought to refrost the cake myself, but then I never could have made cookies that cool, either.
(What is up with the verification words? Wawbress?)
Seeing as I am from Oregon, my first thought was "Why did they put a giant banana slug on this cake?" Seriously, what is wrong with people? Annie, I hope you had a good birthday, and your mom really is Supermom for maintaining her sanity long enough to fix the cake, rather than *ahem* 'fixing' the bakery decorator.
Word verification "Plodsic". Yep, that cake is just that.
I'm glad you explained about the repiping. I thought that might be a fist on the verge of road demolition.
I keep trying to figure out what all those white dots are: from the "rainbow" to the "road"; then along the "river." I assume the green blobs are supposed to be trees or hedges of some kind but if so, why put a white dot on top of each of them?
Did they really make her pay for this? And can we see what it looked like after it was fixed by mom?
Jen - Your alliteration in the Diabolical Sidekick bit was awesome! The build up was fantastic! You outdid yourself.
I want to add my request to see the final cake too!
I was wondering why a leopard-print whatever was doing on a horribly airbrushed cake. And Happy Birthday Annie was spelled correctly and no quotation marks were used.
I really don't understand the theme of that cake at all. And Supermom's cookies were ADORABLE!!!
My word verification: forke. Which is what you'd use to eat this thing, I hope it tasted okay.
Dude, the rainbow is upside down!
While I wouldn't mind seeing the repaired cake, what I REALLY want to see is a picture of Supermom's face when she opened that cake box!
P.S. - I think naked kid in the corner is cute! That's just how little ones are!!
This is where you go if you click your Payless penny loafers together three times.
I want to see the finished product! YAY for SuperMoms!
Haha, that is hillarious! I can't believe they would send that away looking like that!
Good Job Supermom!
You know this really makes me NOT wanna order a cake... Seriously, what does it take for a cake decorator to just THROW out a mistake cake... maybe take the cut outta their pay for every BAAD CAKE.... UG!
Geez. Mouldered Banana Road would be more appropriate. How in the world?? What was that decorator thinking? Or was he/she?
Wait...I'll bet the decorator
1. Never saw Wizard of Oz
2. Hates the movie so bad that he takes it out on children's birthday cakes!
~Amy B
I'm surprised at those that don't know right from left. Cute lil naked baby is in the left of the photo.
Yellow brick road = giraffe neck....
As a card-carrying member of the Puget Sound Dwellers Society, I can tell you with some authority that that there is not a squashed banana ... THAT, my friends, is a bona fide Banana Slug.
See also: Ewwww.
Looks more like a headless giraffe. Probably caused by the tornado.
I hope and PRAY that she did not plunk down cash nor credit nor debit for that, that.....that....vile "thing." To Supermom...I'm so horribly sorry! It looks like your "redec" was going to be wildly successful.
You have a wonderful imagination!
Ha! I love your dialogue! It cracks me up....
First off, just want to say I love your blog...long time reader, first time commentor. Its posts like this that make me laugh out loud...and that is rare. Thanks for filling my work days with hard-to-suppress laughter!
Oh Supermom, please send in a photo of how the cake looked after you fixed it!
Someone actually made that for a child? They ought to be ashamed! I hope that Supermom got it for free & was able to fix it. What did the final outcome look like?
Holy cow! It's a plastered plantain!
When Annie's birthday comes around next year, remember the old adage about where to get the birthday cake: "There's no place like home ... there's no place like home ..."
Word verification: hypectin. A hyper version of that which makes jam?
This is why I never order a cake. I always make them myself. Disgusting moldy cake!!! Yuck, what were they thinking?
Please tell me she got a refund! Or at least a discount?
Or failing that that the cake at least tasted good under its double layer of icing.
Another headless giraffe here.
And I wasn't sure *what* the river was supposed to be.
And color me silly, but I would've put the rainbow at the bottom of the cake. Because the song isn't "Somewhere Under the Rainbow."
Yeah, what did Supermom's cake look like after she fixed it?
Jane said....
This has to be the winner for the year! The child could have done a better job.
So--what is your immediate reaction when your supermarket-in-a-box baker hands you this atrocity? I mean do you smile, put it in your buggy and say thanks? I mean, really? Honest to the Almighty, there's no way I would pay for that! I think folks take these cakes home SIMPLY to post them here for our amusement.
Heather (didn't sign up for a blogger name..)
She really IS Supermom...I bet she wishes she'd stayed up just one more night to make it herself! I guess it goes to show, don't ask others to do what you can do for yourself!
You are hilarious!
ROFL - this was a fantastic post. I loved your devilish evil cake decorator. Glad supermom came to the rescue
i hope she got her money back!
those cookies rocked supermom! i wish i had me some for my birthday :)
as for the yellow brick road, wtf, seriously?
I too thought 'banana slug' at first glance.
And +1 for wanting to see the fixed version. :-)
There is only one word I can think of that describes both the cake (WRECK) and the dec...er... WRECKrator:
CHUTZPUH !!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk about a set of brass ones! They (the store that sold this) actually expected money for this cake wreck?
I repeat:
CHUTZPAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
perfectly done post. just loved how it kept me waiting in suspense and when i actually got to the wreck itself, it was even worse than i'd imagined - i can not imagine that poor mom's let down upon seeing that cake. she'd worked so hard on those cookies. squashed banana - very insightful and true for sure. i wouldn't have guessed wizard of oz with 20 guesses.
Ok one thing no one pointed out that is my hugest pet peeve on cakes... the top and bottom border are different colors.
The bottom border is a bright pink, and the top white.
I know I have some OCD issues but I hate seeing sheet cakes with mismatched border colors. It's all I can look at when I look at that picture.
It's the bi rainbow! Don't want our kids growing up TOO gay, I guess. Or maybe they have a hidden bi agenda.
Putrescent Purveyor of Pastries FTW!
Of course, that delightful display of alliteration wouldn't have been possible without such a kickass storyline to begin with.
This a real hall of fame blog entry!
[word verification: phibu. A flightless bird with a patholigical lying problem.]
GREATEST POST EVER!!!! you had me laughing on the floor for half an hour... your blog is by far my favorite ever! thank you for making my days a bit brighter everyday.
Hey! That's no rainbow! That's a flying saucer! And a pretty awesome looking one at that. Way better than the one that picked me up.
and this is why I make my cakes and decorate them at home
The decorator was obviously not a "Friend of Dorothy!"
I like the little story you conjured up. You forgot to add one thing, though:
Diabolical Decorator of Doom: Curses! Foiled again! By the piping bags of Hades, I will get my REVEEENGE!! *shakes fist at the sky*
That is hideous. And I too would love to see a picture of the fixed cake.
Rotten Banana, Yellow Brick Road... I could see how you could confuse the two.
Is there a picture of the re-frosted cake?
I actually whimpered out loud when I saw that "road." To be fair, in the book they do have to cross a river, but the road continues on the other side...
Oh, my.
That is absolutely horrendous!
Word verification: mocks.
I think it's a sign- the verification is mocking the cake wreck!
Also- loved the writing, Jen. As a retired journalism teacher, I can safely say that you'd have gotten an 'A' in my class!
And I, too, would love to see the Supermom version of this cake.
Go Supermom! I wish there was a picture of the cake after she fixed it : )))
I would NOT pay for that. Nuh-uh.
Yea! Someone else besides me thought it was a banana slug!! The rainbow bending the wrong was is rather disturbing as well.
That conversation with the diabolical decorator of doom sounded awfully like a normal conversation between me and one of my friends.
That cake made me sad ):
Oh. My. God.
I would love a Wizard of Oz birthday party!
WTH, I serously hope they didn't have to pay for that rotten banana cake. So glad Supermom was able to fix it up for sweet little Annie.
I just wanted to say thank you. I just found your blog and have spent the last hour or so scrolling through and laughing out loud.
I hope that you post your final, fixed, yellow brick road cake and I hope that Annie had a great birthday
Love the commentary, Jen! I do hope SuperMom sends you a pic of the fixed version.
Thanks for a great laugh!
That looks like a really crappy version of the My Little Pony cake from DecoPac.
Wow... I definitely want to see a picture of the finished product!
In the rainforests of the Pacific Northwest they have slugs that look just like that.
Is it just me, or do the black spots make the yellow section look mouldy?
This really is tragic. But I love that "Annie's" mom was fixing it up, and I'd love to see the eventual results.
You should start a spin-off site: Cake Fixes: Where Good People Repair Bad Cakes.
Hello everyone! it is me, Amanda S., AKA, SuperMom. I don't have much to say about this cake, as I do not wish to relive the pain! It really did take me four days to make those cookies, and my sweet husband went to the store to pick up the cake for me. When he opened it up, I believe his words were, "Is THIS what you asked for?" I am pretty sure I ledt out a little scream, and cried a little, and immediately said to Nonni, get me the icing out of the pantry, the food coloring and a piping bag. i DO have after pictures, but will not be able to send them in for a few days. All i was able to repair was the yellow brick road, because we got the cake an hour before the party. The nakedness in the corner of the photo is a half dressed birthday girl, watching me fix her cake. All of the Wizard of Oz decorations are from birthday express, and they were super cute. About three weeks after this cake wreck, I decided to start my own business, and i will be making my own cakes from now on!
I am so relieved to know that you all see the wreckiness of this cake too!
keep up the good work cake wrecks, this made my day!!!
Supermom ought to just do the whole thing herself. But it is frustrating when you're capable of making something, and you hire someone else to do it to save time or whatever, and it turns out worse than if you WEREN'T capable in the first place.
wow, sounds like she should have just ordered a blank cak with grean grass and blue sky and decorated the rest her self... what an awesome mom!
Other then that i'd say the cake looks weird it has a rainbow on the left and partial on the right then a river as you called it that interupts the yellow brick road... who thinks of these things... weirdosssss....lol
I also want to see the fixed cake!
WVWOTD: drings
craig said"Clearly this was just another case of miscommunication. The decorator didn't hear yellow brick road as much as yellow blech mold."
OMG sooo funny..
I thought it was a safari range rover accident where the giraffe didn't survive.
Or that's raw sewage headed for the blue lake now that OZ is being developed for condos.
word verification: inesses; plural for inny belly buttons. "all my family members have inesses"
As a Kansas girl, I think I'm offended by the original "artwork". How dare someone mess up the sacred Yellow Brick Road? ;)
This is just too funny. It's my favorite dialog so far. Well done!
Does anyone else see a spaceship beaming up the banana??
I want to see the version that was re-did.
I would of opened the lid and thrown it into the decorators face....
sad but true..
props to supermom for having the smarts to keep her cool and fix the cake
Looks like the yellow brick road is full of foot (that should be shoe) prints
Lol, to funny. At least supermum was able to salvage it. I hopw she didnt pay for that.
I saw the "yellow brick road" as some kind of swath of leopard-print fabric. And the rainbow looks like more swaths of fabric. They didn't know what a rainbow was supposed to look like?
I agree--we want to see pictures of the salvaged cake!
Do we get to see its Supermom make over? Supermom. Makeing other mothers just look plain old sucky.
Dorothy forgot to scoop up after Toto on the yellow brick road.
I just have to give a *hi5* to supermom!
Hope Dorothy didn't catch the road's leprosy when she skipped down it.
nicole is right! It does look like the DecoPac My Little Pony set (sans plastic bits) and they tried to modify the road into a brick road...
Wait, can we see what the end result was??? Is there a picture of that?
Awww I wanna see how the supermom (the novice) kicked the crap out of diabolical decorator of doom (the professional) at cake decorating. We wanna after shot.
My first thought was Headless Giraffe
I want to see the re-finished product.
Amanda T.
Amanda, rock on, you SuperMom you. You don't let 20-day old banana peel break you. I wish I had emergency frosting stored in my pantry for such a purpose.
Take your time getting the pictures to us, but definitely let us show us the finished result!
I'd love to see Mom's re-working of the cake. Even if it's nothing spectacular, it's got to be better than what the bakery gave her!
I wonder if there's a photo of the cake AFTER supermom saved it. I'd pay big bucks to see it!
Wow, that's horrible. How could they even sell that, in good conscience? Wow.
Oh, yeah. I want to see the remake, too.
Supermom, you are awesome. Please let us know when you get your cake business Web site up and running.
And I hope your husband learned the lesson of "check finished product before taking home" after this situation. Even the best of us have had the brain fart moment when we forget to, of course.
Hope you are able to put up the re-finished product?
I wonder if the bakery thought you meant Dorothy from Twister?
I'd love to see the repaired cake when you get a chance.
"Word" verification: heialsiv
What you say to your spaghetti strainer when it's plugged up. (heal seive)
I smell a possible sequel!
This is DEFINITELY just a messed up version of the My Little Pony cake by decoset. Here is the non-wizardized version at a bakery.
OH Amanda I am dying laughing over here. Poor Annie. I'm glad you fixed it though, you are super talented.
i had a similar experience with a yellow brick road cake. my husband arrived from the bakery with a green brick road cake, no joke i thought "have you ever seen a green brick road on wizard of oz?!" needless to say, i had to do an emergency road repavement of my own. i was sure no one else could be that stupid but then again....
thanks for the blog-kristi
That story almost made me cry.
That's probably why my very own Supermom always made our birthday cakes for us when we were little. I used to turn my nose up at bakery-made cakes.
It's a shame that she had to pay for that mess!
I am more scared by what looks like a strange hand and a naked child in the left corner of the photo.
awwwe, its cute how much mom's and grand-mom's will put towards a daughter's birthday!
lol, the emerald city is a lake!?
I can explain a LITTLE of why this cake looks the way it does. I'm a decorator myself and I recognized the cake kit it's based off of.
That's where the weird rainbow comes from, it's supposed to be a sunset om the original kit. Also why the road ends at the 'moat' and the green blobs are supposed to be hedges with little white flower dots on them.
I guess the decorator wasn't feeling up to the challenge of doing a rainbow freehand?
I know this post is a couple years old, but I just found it. I laughed so hard...Love your commentary!!! I think "Putrescent Purveyor of Pastries" is your best alliteration yet!