That deer is staring straight into my soul, and it's totally creeping me out. The smoke column on the side is kind of odd, too, although I like the idea of using sprinkles for ash.
And what could be better than a cake with a demonic deer staring out from the fiery depths? How about one that was sold in California when all the wild fires were raging? Yep. Niiice.
Or, to Wreck it up further, you could always have a dial-a-wreck inscription on it:

Oh, wait, that smoke column was supposed to be a tree? Huh. Well, I guess if all the leaves were burned off...
Jenna Z. and Rya M., these cakes are smokin'.
160 comments | Post a Comment
I've decided to start taking my camera to the grocery store. I've already missed one or two great Wreck opportunities.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Pastard? Really??
You know, there's something about the haphazard way the second cake's letting is applied that just underscores the message...
Okay, here's what I'm wondering: On cake #1, is that a plastic deer, or one made out of fondant/gumpaste? I think it must be the former, becuase it looks VERY good, and wouldn't mesh with the quality on the rest of the cake.
Cake #2. *shakes head*
if it were a goat i would have it mounted on my wall !
I sent this in too! Couldn't believe it when I saw it! Made me flashback to poor Bambi...
The grass is much better done in the second cake- it really does look like fire in the second one. Without the inscription the second one would actually be nice, well, assuming you wanted a deer cake.
oh my.
The first one does look like a prairie fire. Which is cooking an oddly complacent deer.
The second one represents the trees and field better, but the writing looks like it was done by someone's two-year-old.
I bet if I applied for a cake decorating job I would be turned down cold (I'm a copy editor) but actually, not only can I decorate better, but also I can at least spell and punctuate the messages correctly!
Hey. That's an idea. Have these shops hire copy editors. No cake goes out without being proofread first.
Am I the only one who initially read it as "Happy Birthday, you old Postcard"? hahahaha.
"When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will eat venison."
Is that a plastic deer head? Creepy.
HAAAA!!!!!! The first one looks like something from Bambi's worst nightmare.
"Pastard" = what happens when an old bastard goes out to pasture
But the deer themselves are nicely done...they must be some sort of plastic add on?
hahahaha! Im not sure what to think about this......is it really supposed to be flames? If so .....that is terrible.......if not it's still terrible but in an un-sad sort of way!
Huh, and I thought Halloween was over...
It's like a bad Bambi flashback!
The deer has got to be plastic, how else would it look so good and the rest look so wrecky?
Sadly, I know WAY too many men that would LOVE that!
Nothing says "I love you" like a frosting rendition of torching Bambi. Unless of course you call that special someone an "old pastard."
Aha, the second cake makes it clear that the deer is not beconing from the fiery pits of hell...it's standing next to an autumn tree in a grassy field...you know, with yellowed, tall grass...right?
wow... after really thinking about it, methinks that this is supposed to be a deer in the brush during hunting season (fall). However, you really shouldn't have to think that hard to figure out what a picture on a cake actually is!!!
Those deer are smiling at me....
And just in case you weren't sure if the deer was on fire or not, the first cake was sponsored by the letter F... and they were kind enough to hide the sponsor in the shape of a tree.
This is the worst nightmare of all deer hunters. That the deer they've bagged are all coming back from hell to torment their souls . .in cake form that is.
And lets just assume someone out there is named "Pastard" and the cake wanted to tell Pastard that he's old. It's still wrong! Never mind torching the wildlife. The only thing this cake lacks is some nicely misused quotation marks!
Oh you old Pastard. Not quite a bastard. I was thinking maybe the decorator wrote it upside down but then that would be "pastarq." :D
I see two sides to this cake. Having hunted with my husband I can tell you the flames are probably meant to be long grass that is of course brown because prime deer season is usually fall-ish, so of course the grass is dead - and the sprinkles are leaves falling off the tree. But it's really badly executed. That's the practical side.
The fanciful side says that you're right and it's really flames. And Satan couldn't afford to hire four horsemen (even with outsourcing) let alone four horses because PETA wouldn't let him, so all he could find was ol' demon buck here.
The apocalypse is upon us and Bambi is SERIOUSLY pissed about what happened to his mother.
Maybe it was a cross between the "correct" inscription and a wish that the recipient be "Hoisted on his own Petard"? I know it's a stretch, but "your old Pastard" kinda sounds like it...
Maybe the 'flames' are late summer grasses? At least that's what it looks like on the second one. The first one is as successful at that as it is in portraying a tree.
I'm not sure I agree with you about the fire- I think its fall grass that's turned gold- and the thing on the side is supposed to be a tree? With Autumn leaves? But it does LOOK like it's supposed to be fire, doesn't it? Either way, the deer is clearly possessed by Satan. :)
Is anyone else having flashbacks to the fire scene in "Bambi"? Just me? Ok. I'm also reminded of the Woodland Critters Christmas, for all you South Park fans out there...
The first cake looks just like the rehearsal cake on Bridezillas with Cari & Rebecca. Lol. I think it is her cake.
That first cake needs an inscription like: "See you in Hell, Pastard."
BTW, Shira-Chan: I read the second one as Postcard, too.
Hate to be a spoil sport because I love looking at all the specimen cakes with the same cynical skewed scrutiny as our blog host, but c'mon. Those aren't forest fire cakes! They are lovely autumn depictions of deer gazing lovingly through meadow straw and bare nekkid trees save for a few acorns (shuddering at that word!). Not buying that, huh? Okay then, roasted venison for everyone!
Alixandra Hice
I posted my pic on my own blog... I actually think my grocery's decorator has some skillz since the grass and tree look pretty dang good... the idea still seems way wrong, though.
What the hell's a Postard?
I figure you must know this, but that's a tree and those are autumn grasses, because deer season is in the autumn. But it does appear to be a deer peering out from a grassfire, doesn't it?
What is a Pastard?
I'm pretty sure the top one is telling me 'F U'
Can I just say that I initially read that as "Your old Postcard". Way to be confusing.
Poor Bambi. =( Really they spelled it Pastard?!
I'm about to admit something horrible...that first cake -- I think it was a groom's cake at a wedding in South Carolina in the spring. I say that because it appeared on the WE show "Bridezillas" And now I've just admitted to watching that trainwreck.
(Oh and the bride complained that it didn't LOOK homemade enough.)
OMG - I saw someone carrying one of these at a Walmart in rural VA. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera. I'm glad someone else got a picture of.
I'm just creeped out with the floating deers head.
Shira-chan said... Am I the only one who initially read it as "Happy Birthday, you old Postcard"?
I read it as "Happy Birthday, your old Postcard. Which makes even less sense, actually.
I read that as "Your old postcard".
Creepy doe-eyes aside..why on earth would there be more than one of these?! What occasion could possibly merit a red-velvet version of one of the final scenes from Bambi? Although I think it's sweet that "Your old Pastard" cared enough to send it to someone =)
OH GOOD...someone else saw this too. I thot I was the only one. IN the first one, the thing that jumped out at me is a letter F in the tree and a U in the deer's antler's. Warped sense of humor on the decorater's part??? LOL
The second one...*shakes head* NO words can do it justice
BTW...love the site. I am going shopping today and am taking my camera along..HEHEHE!
Whoever made cake #1 needs to realize that the star tip is not the ideal tool for every single decorating task.
What in the heck is a "Pastard"?
These are great! My husband is a hunter. He'll really get a kick out of this one when he gets home from work!
Thanks! =)
the deer are definitely smiling. a really creepy come and shoot me if you can you old pastard kind of smile.
seriously... i think that these cakes were 'stock' fall/hunting cakes that the store bakery was supposed to have on hand (obviously one decorator was a bit more talented than the other) and that the hideous blue scrawling on the 2nd cake was an add on buy the purchaser and/or the non-skilled bakery employee that sold the cake. or at least that what i tell myself to make this okay...
LOL, it's not fire! It's tall yellow fall prarie grass... like during hunting season? With a fall tree on the side.
But eating a deer head on a cake is always.... difficult.
This is one of the strangest cake concepts I've ever seen.
Maybe I'm alone in that I don't think the decoration part of either one is that bad. The dried grass looks better in the second one, as do the deer and the tree.
Those words though. Dear God in Heaven! I need to poke my eyes out after seeing that.
Deer are so cute. I thought they were flames. Maybe it was meant for wildlife to purchase for their deceased friends memory? That was shot down by the next cake "Happy Birthday your old postcard". I'm happy it wasn't fire afterall. Poor Bambi.
I personally enjoy the fact that the leaves on the first "tree" are sprinkles-and star-shaped ones at that...not even leaf-shaped ones.
I don't know what to make of the second one's inscription. Perhaps the cake is from an old friend named Pastard...Happy Birthday, (from) your old (friend) Pastard. But not all those words would fit so they had to pick their favorite ones?
ps-I definitely saw the "FU" on the first one too.
These make me :(
They seem to glorify the random burning of demonic, smiling wildlife. Not to mention blossoming pillars of smoke that rain rainbow sprinkles.
I also prefer the second cake when I thought it said "Happy birthday your old postcard". That took me to a happy place :)
--Brianna over at PassionFruit!
Glad to know I'm not the only one who read it as "Happy birthday, your old postcard!"
Well, it makes about as much sense as a LOT of what we see here...
The poor Deer. Commercial for "Only YOU Can Prevent A Deer From Going To Hell"??
And then I thought, who would call someone an "Old Postcard" then turning my head sideways.."Pastard? Oh! Bastard." Yeah..okay. Sure. (Shakes head)
~Amy B.
I love the design of this cake
I'm picking up my son's birthday cake tomorrow morning and secretly hoping for something really awful.
I actually had to do a "deer hunting" cake for a 6 year old once. I went to Walmart to see if I could just buy something to go on the cake, and that was the cake they showed me....that deer is actually a magnet. Crazy....
Needless to say, I am not a fan of hunting cakes.
What I want to know is, why is the sky green/yellow in both of these cakes? Don't tell me the green skyline is supposed to represent tree canopies, because if thats the case then these are the worst/laziest air-brushed "forests" I have ever seen. Plus, forests + prairie grass aren't usually found together, from what I understand.
Also, why make the "grass" yellow? I understand the autumn thing, but still. If they had simply made the grass green (or even brown/tan if you want the dead-grass look) then they would probably had avoided the whole "deer burning alive in massive fire" image altogether.
i thought that the deer must be plastic as well, seeing as how they are so well done, comparatively. but they look different from each other, meaning that both of these decorators somehow did the hardest part of the cake really well and the rest...not so much.
and the grass in the second one does look a lot more like grass, except where it is by the tree, and looks like perfectly formed tongues of fire. totally strange
Oh my! That's horribly wrong. It really makes you wonder what these people were thinking! oh right, they weren't.
I thought it said, "Happy Birthday, your old Pastor."
OMG it's Bambi in Hell!
It looks like he just decided to pop up in the middle of Dante's Inferno. Clearly Babmi has some major sins to atone for that none of us ever knew about.
Well....at least the deer on the 2nd cake looks more friendly.
Oh my...I just googled Deer Cake and can't believe what I came up with. The share number of bodyless deers.
At least the colors are pretty!
I think so anyway.
uh oh.
I think too much halloween candy may have impaired my judgment.
That's not just "You old Postcard" that's "YOUR". I can't be the only one who sees the r on the end of it. It's killing me.
The deer are so well done. I'm so confused.
Oh for the love of....Now I know what happened to Bambi's dad!
Postcard! Now I know what to get for my deerhunting mailman boyfriend who was never allowed to watch "Bambi" growing up.
Not sure about that saguaro, though...
I'm w/ Robyn. The "r" is just retching. It's not a confusion b/t "your" and "you're" here.
I also saw "postcard" at first and wondered if it was another phone order, "...and the deer, like in the old postcard..." until I scrolled down and read it was supposed to be "you" and "bastard."
I must remember to stroll through the grocery bakery more often w/ a camera! ;)
I am deeply sorry that some of your readers have absolutely no grasp of sarcasm, irony or hyperbole, and therefore make comments that doubt your intelligence. Most of us understand your brilliance and wit. Please do not ever be tempted to dumb down your hilarious commentary to appeal to the masses. Thank You.
I hate to say it, but my stepdad would love a deer cake, even if it is really a wreck.
He used to be quite the outdoorsman in his youth.
I probably would not have called him an old bastard though ...
I don't feel the need for a cake that kills Bambi
I look at the first one and see, "F U" the f from the true and u from the antlers.
Whose old pastard? Yours, of course. <3
My husband who is a firefighter and avid hunter will probably find this pretty darn funny!
I'm howling at the comments! So much to see and think about just on these two Wrecks!!
First, like several other Wreck Fans, I too saw "Postcard", then "Pastard" then made the leap to "Bastard" Ya gotta love it.
What creeps me out (also like many Wreck Fans) are the grinning, leering deer. These are DEFINITELY Stephen King deer - come for the hunters who killed them - with the flames of hell ... well never mind. I digress. In some ways the creepy trees (more like dead bean stalks) creep me out more!
As usual I am ROTFLMAO !!!!!!!!!
I read it "Happy birthday, you old postcard." How quaint.
This reminded me of the horrifying "deer caught in the forest fire" picture I saw a few years back
google it under search images and you'll see it
BWAHAHAHAA!!! That deer is freaking me OUT - looks possessed!!!! Of course, who wouldn't when roasting alive?? Oy....who thinks up these deco kits??
See, I'm from one of the many parts of the country where deer hunting is, well, the be-all-end-all this time of year. It's the kind of place where the opening day of deer season is actually a school holiday. Yeah, it is. Really.
Anyhow, I knew that was a tree. And the fire isn't fire, it's brush/tall grass that was green in the summer but has since faded to a yellow-ish brown dead color that grass seems to go to.
I don't really understand why anyone would give someone a burning deer cake for their birthday, even if they are a Pastard. But, what would have improved both cakes would be if they added fire to the deer's antlers since he is obviously in the center of the fire.
Haha, I love the Evil Deer... Sent straight from the Depths of Hell apparently.
"your mother can't be with you anymore." omg, when blossom and the gang told me that i just about flipped. disney had just turned down my contract in 'dumbo', it was supposed to be pink DEER, not elephants in that psychedlic dream sequence and i was just sooo upset about that. losing mom was the last thing i needed. for years after that i rampaged in suburban neighbourhoods, tearing up landscaping and probably inspiring the low-paid bakery workers that woke in the wee dawn hours and saw me as they trudged out their doors to go to their jobs.... um.. faline, ... honey, is that you?????? oops, gotta go, i really have to get out of this rut.. losing my day job has really been the pits... faline???? MOM!!!!!!
I had to read through all the comments and study cake #2 before I could believe that cake #1 wasn't supposed to be a recreation of the pivotal scene in Bambi.
It could be worse, though. To emphasize that it's a hunting cake, Bambi's chest could be exploding in a burst of blood and bullets. I wouldn't speculate that such a cake could exist, except that after seeing the cake for te natural birthing centre, I realize there are no boundaries to cake taste.
They are both horrifying.
The rabid-deer-on-fire is the best wreck ever!
I think everyone's waaaay off with the second cake. Clearly the cake recipient is not only an avid hunter, but also has an excellent relationship with his church. His pastor and good friend recently retired or moved, so the cake was sent to the birthday boy with the inscription:
"Happy Birthday! Your Old Pastor, D."
Please, please let me be right, because the alternative is just too mind boggling, even after reading this blog for several months!
The second one looks pretty good to me, other than the "Pastard" part and the handwriting. It is clearly grass and an autumn tree. The first one, though - Wow. I love how the flames/grass climb all the way around the edges of the cake, like the whole thing is about to collapse in a giant fireball.
It's hunting season; that's why the deer cakes are proliferating.
Lois beat me to the punch, but I would like to reiterate that at least a few of your readers can recognize sarcasm. Oh, Jen, your old Pastard. What will you come up with next?
I thought it said, "Happy birthday your old postcard!"
I thought the "your" was meant to be "you're".
Scary on all counts!
How does one get "Your old Pastard" from "You Old Bastard???" AMAZING.
And the ONLY thing that keeps the 2nd one from looking like a forest fire (and only after examination) is the way the grass splits around the deer. First one - no such luck.
I first thought it said "Happy Birthday, your old postcard."
Which makes about as much sense.les
And was I the only one who read the inscription on the second cake to be 'Happy Birthday your old postcard' and trying to figure out what the heck THAT was supposed to mean???
Oh, lord. It took me until now to realize that wasn't SUPPOSED to be fire. LOLZ.
I don't think it is suppose to be fire but grass that has gone yellow and a tree with leaves that are turning color. The second one even has real leaves on it so you can see.
It looks exactly like a hunting scene to me.
the deer in the second one looks so much better, but why is he being burned? *sob*
See, the funny thing is that when I first looked at it, all I saw was "FU". And then I realized that that was a buck. It took me another couple of seconds to realize that was suppose to be a tree?
The first thing I saw in the first one was F U
Maybe the cake giver was the "old bastard". That would explain the heart too. Like they signed it with a pet name. Maybe. But with the misspelling of bastard, I doubt it.
I laughed so hard I cried! Keep up the great work, Jen, and I'll go buy a huge box of Kleenex.
My son's birthday is Tuesday and there is a sick and twisted part of me that hopes his WALL•E cake is a hot mess. This is wrong, of course, as he's only going to be 6 and probably wouldn't find it nearly as hysterical as I would.
This is like the vase/face picture. I pull up cake wrecks and see a smiling deer on fire. Do a double-take and see a deer in alien world's meadow (you know, on a planet where the sky is green and yellow and the tall grass is strangely thick and the trees are like post-modern art). I see both bambi flambe and alien deer.
The second one is just weird. I read it as "Your old, Pastard" Maybe someone is telling the deer he's old and they plan on burning him alive now that he's outlived his usefulness?
Y'all have to start reading other people's comments before making your won... There's about 3 people who have already asked "Am I the only one who read it as 'your old postcard' first?". No, you are not the only one--if you had taken 2 minutes to check you would have known this.
I can't count how many people have pointed out that the cakes are supposed to show deer in tall autumn grass rather than in an inferno, as though no one else had already made this observation. YES. WE KNOW.
I'm having a San Diego '07 flashback!
I would take great offense at being called a pastard. Was this a mistake or did the decorator have a problem with writing the word?
And is it just me or does the deer in the second one seem happier?
Postard...someone who was a tard but is now not?
I dunno...I don't like cakes with eyes on them.
Or OT, ice cream cones filled with icing.
I am constantly amazed how often the word "you" is misspelled on the cakes that get featured. I mean...how difficult is it to spell a 3-letter word?!
I used to work as a grocery store bakery cake decorator. I have made that cake kit before. The deer is a plastic magnet. The brown lines are supposed to be a tree with fall leaves (done with icing, not sprinkles) and that is supposed to be tall dry grass. I don't have a photo as evidence, but my execution of the cake was actually very nice, well, nice for a deer cake. Here's a link to a site that sells the kit, along with a photo of the cake that decorators are supposed to copy:
"You Old Postcard"? The heck is that supposed to mean??
The grass that looks like fire doesn't bother me as much as the sprinkles on the tree. Are those supposed to be leaves?! What tree has leaves that turn blue and white in autumn?!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who saw the F U on the first cake.
No, FU!
Am I the only one who thinks it actually says "YOUR"? As in, "Happy Birthday Your old Pastard". Could it be saying something like "Happy Birthday! Love from Your Old Pastard" I know, it still makes no sense whatsoever. But I do think I see a definite R there at the end of that word.
. . . so even the people who sell the deer head magnet agree that the deer is supposed to be on fire?
You guys have to click that link. The ad shows a deer staring blankly out above "grass" that is blaze orange with sinuous red cores. FLAMES, FLAMES on the side of its FACE . . .
Is it terrible that all I can manage to see on that first cake is F U???
Jessie, do y'all realize that messages are posted online in groups, that Jen or Mr Jen approve them before they are posted? So many times previous comments are *not* visible when another one is posted saying the same thing.
And who wouldnt want a scary red eyed deer on a cake??
What kind of pastard can't even spell you without putting an r on the end? Seriously?!
I have been checking back on these comments throughout the day and I can assure you, the comments I was referring to were definitely visible early enough for many of the repeat-information commentators.
I've mad this cake before. I hope that mine have never looked this bad.
Yes, as some have noted, it says:
Happy Birthday
[heart = love] your Old Pastard
Hence, a cake FROM the Pastard, not to to him. Mystery solved.
Next question: so who does the Pastard love?
I used to decorate cakes at a grocery store. The deer head is a magnet. The "fire" is actually supposed to be like prairie grass in the fall. This is how the cake is supposed to look:
I always hated making this cake. If you love frosting this is your cake! All that grass (or fire lol) is a lot of frosting.
ROFL!!!!!!! What a tacky cake!!
I'm inclined to believe Jessie, who insisted "I can assure you, the comments I was referring to were definitely visible early enough for many of the repeat-information commentators."
That's just the nature of humanity.
"What I want to say is important, but I won't bother to first read what others have said."
Ah, the internet...gotta love it.
The top one looks like it says F U.
love it.
So... do those antlers look like chicken feet to anyone else? Just me? OK, then.
I see the FU in the top cake also. Hilarious.
I, honest to G-d, thought that Smokey The Bear had been replaced by some random deer and this was a cake advertising fire awareness.
How else can one possibly describe why a harmless deer is being engulfed by fire? In nice Thanksgiving colours. All packaged up for that fantastic Monday morning meeting with staff.
I'm horrified to think of the small children going up to the glass to smoosh their noses next to the cookies and cakes and seeing their new firewise friend being burnt like some 4th of July hotdog.
Rest in Peace Bambi. Rest in Peace.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the "F U" in the first cake. I'm shocked that only a few people noticed it. It's the only thing I can see every time I look at it!
The next time I buy a cake for anyone, for any reason, I want it to have "Happy birthday, your old postcard" written on it. This HAS to happen.
I must have done too many rebus puzzles as a child--I read it as "Happy Birthday, your "dear" old postard."
The first dear cake, when I saw it I thought it said F U (The F being the tree, the U being the deer antlers)
So is this where evil deer go after I run them over with my car?
Deer Hell?
i'm going to start calling everyone a pastard. it reminds me of a kind of mustardy bastard. which seems worse than just the regular kind of bastard.
(i got nothing.)
Yes, the deer's antlers look like chicken feet. Or like fat fingers with those black Halloween fake-nails attached.
I officially have The Willies.
Did anyone else see "F U" on the original picture (the tree branches make the F, and the deer's horns form the U)? Are they trying to tell us something?
Pastard? Pastard? Hahahahahahahahaha!
I showed this to my co-worker, who is a hunter, and his remark was, "I can’t help but think that the antlers look like Chernobyl chicken feet or something."
the first cake kind of at first glance looked like it says "F u" the F obviously in the shape of the sad tree/smoke stack area....and the antlers of the deer are kind of shaped like a U...well ok maybe my eyes just see what they want to see.
That first cake looks like it says, "F-U"!
I work at Baskin Robbins and the decorating company we go through has this available.
In the 4 years I've been decorating, I don't remember anyone actually ordering it. Surprised much? Haha
Adrian W.
ok so after talking to my husband he says we have this cake all wrong... he is a deer hunter and he says that it looks more like a tree on the left in autumn hence the multi colored sprinkles and dots of icing. That my also be why it's brown... and he says if you notice the "flames" are all yellowish in color...kind of like a wheat field where deer like to eat. I mean I will say if it is a wheat field shame on them for making it look like flames...but I think my husband might be right about this one.
haha, what i don't understand is... one deer burning in a forest fire on a cake is pretty hilarious and weird, but why are there two?? is "deer burning in a fire with a tree on the left" a commonly requested cake theme for some reason...?
The first cake... disturbs me on many levels. Not only is the deer on fire, but the deer is also SMIRKING, like a demon rising from hell-fire...
*shudder* no amount of ash-sprinkles could make that cake acceptable
and the second cake... it looks to me like it says "your old pastard"
Which leads me to believe that the heart is sarcastic.
do these cakes make anyone else think of that scene from the lion king, where the savanna is on fire?? ...no?
Anyone notice how on the first one it is shaped oddly like "F U" ??? interesting...
I have a site that's named perfect for this cake. www.flamingdeer.com is my site - Flaming Deer Designs is the name. Google automatically sends me anything with Flaming Deer in the name which is how I was directed here. Nice site, humorous. =)
I think it's actually supposed to be a deer and a tree in a field of wheat or grass.
Wait, look. It actually says Your Old Pastard. Maybe it was from your old Pastor. Maybe he was trying to tell you something. It is a cake with an important message from God. "your going to rot in hell with a crazed deer on your birthday." or "Satan is a deer, beware" Either way Happy Birthday!
I saw the first cake on “Bridezillas.” It was for a rehearsal dinner in a country themed wedding. Naturally, my first thought was “Is that deer on fire?”
Wow yummy.. I enjoy reading this, and I almost hungry for now...
Looks delicious! Just found your blog through Google, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoy it.
Thanks for a nice and informative site. Somehow I was drawn to reading the post and I enjoyed a lot. Have a nice day!
i was lucky enough to spy this wreck today at walmart. i was dragging my husband across the store, "come here! you gotta see the flaming deer!" the version i saw had some lovely black mixed in with the flames.. i'm tempted to go back with my camera, but i'm guessing you've seen more since then!
-missy in mississippi
Haha I read it as postcard too!
"I hate you! You're such a postcard!"