Friday, November 27, 2009

This Is What Happy Tastes Like

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thank goodness we have the box to tell us so, Erin G.

- Related Wreckage: Wrecktopia of Cornucopias

Hermite said...

Happy? Eewww, no thanks. I'll have a double helping of unhappy, with a dollop of angry on the side please.

Wild Cakes said...

Happy is a turkey with a wattle piercing?

Rachel said...

I'm just wondering...what's up with the tribal piercing?

Anonymous said...

Happy has a taste? And that taste is a Mr. Potato Head with a yellow lips, funky highlights, and a neck piercing? Sounds... uh... tasty. :)

Lillian'sheart said...

Oh wow! HAHA. The box is hilarious!!!

kathryn said...

I definitely didn't know "happy" was a flavor!

Becca said...

Is that a nipple ring or is there another body part of that turkey that is pierced?

ME! said...

I'm still preferable to "Fudgie the Whale". He would easily be just as happy tasting...

zombies4pets said...

It looks like some angry affro bird that is mad at me with a strange piercing in its chin...

The Internet Gypsy said...

That's what happy looks like too - the expression on the cake face makes me smile out loud. Sometimes these cakes make me want to cringe, but not this baby...

Nancy said...

At least you can identify what it's supposed to be! Although, when I think of "turkey"....the first thought that comes to my mind is NOT "happy".

Joy said...

Is it just me, or does the wattle looke like tears of blood?

Erica said...

I do not want to know what part of that poor turkey (?) is pierced. What would you call a Prince Albert on a turkey anyway?

Tiffany said...

What the heck? I agree - it's totally some sort of weird turkey piercing. Usually you can sort of guess what the decorator was trying to do, but I really have no idea!

Gary said...

Little Chickadee sez:
"What would you call a Prince Albert on a turkey anyway?"

A Prince Tom.

Terry Lee said...

i know i'm happy now.

happy happy joy joy!!

still feeling a little uneasy about that piercing.

gobble. gobble. ack!

Annieofbluegables said...

Amen to all the above. Besides all those things pointed out, what is that holding his waddle? It looks like his beak has been broken.
Adam's Apple piercing. cringe

hey if you are looking for more wreckarators, check out this wedding wreck site.
maybe you already know about it, but there are some amazing pictures here, including some terrible cakes.

Jedijson said...

What's with the bull ring stuck through it's neck? I'll bet it can't gobble anymore. Poor...whatever it is.

Becky said...

That box is just as funny as the cake!

Anonymous said...

Is this "turkey" happy because he "just" has a cold, and not flu?
Maybe it's not. Ewwww.

jackie31337 said...

For some reason I am reminded of a Discovery Channel nature documentary from about 12 years ago. I was trying to watch it in the common room of our house at college. When the narrator spoke the words "the male turkey has become aroused", my roommate insisted we change the channel.

Sick on Thanksgiving said...

what is it anyways? a google-eyed-triangle-nosed-neck-pierced-stick-arm-ketchup-snot-nosed-clown-wig-wearing-balloon-head? idk.... if that's what happy is suppose to taste like, then i never want to taste happy lol

DJ Beauty and Beyond said...

Yes...what IS that ring thingy?

Unknown said...

I can't wrap my mind around this cake. Disproportionate beak, drip of blood/gobble, wattle piercing, and ridiculously small feet? it just doesn't add up.

Froth said...

I thin I've worked it out. It's a bull, or something of that sort, which is the grey background and most of the black detail, and of course the nose ring. And then someone has turned it into a 'turkey' by decorating over the top with garish frosting.
So it's not even a turkey - it's a bullkey. A turbull.

Unknown said...

Sounds like something that should be printed on an adult product.

Karen said...

Being that I'm lactose intolerant, I feel compelled to state that no ice cream cake will ever be "what happy tastes like" unless, of course, feeling ill as a result of dairy consumption suddenly becomes a happy occasion.

joanne said...

that's one bad-ass turkey! what a menacing look! and fro! and--piercing???

Stephanie said...

I love the chin piercing and the blood running from its left eyeball...

Unknown said...

How'd he get the bloody beak?

~Amy B-H

kadyb said...

Turkey (?) is into bling. Wow. Professionals put these things out for sale?

wv: asimpri - Asimpri don't know what to make of some of these turkey cakes.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Does anyone else see a problem with laying the head icing before you do the "tail feathers"? It makes the dimensions ALL WRONG. Several of these cakes would be at least 42.6% less horrendous if it didn't look like the feahters were eating the head.

Hobbit said...


Happy tastes like a clown turkey with a bloody nose and a navel piercing?

(shrug) I'll buy that.

Laura Kathleen said...

That's a Carvel ice cream cake! :)

The M&M one is kinda creepy too. They have one stock oval cake that always looks like an M&M, an egg for Easter, or a football around Superbowl time.

It IS what happy tastes like, if ice cream cake is your cuppa tea. The crunchy things in the middle of the layers is pretty yum-o.

sloth003 said...

a tasty turkey so happy it is crying blood. ugh.

ksaldria said...

Why does the Happy Turkey have a wattle piercing? o.O

And yes, I did have to go to wikipedia to look that word up.

Joe said...

Jen, you are wonderful. Not only do you cause me to laugh till I cry nearly everyday but I also learn amazing new things on this site. Today I learned that a baby chick wearing a rainbow afro wig and a labret ring with blood running down its face pretending to be a turkey is what happy tastes like. Wow. Of all the things that happy could taste like I would have never thought of that. Thank you Jen for enlightening us. Wreck on!

Anonymous said...

I just had to tell you that yesterday was my birthday and my wonderful hubby ordered a cake for me, which he's never done before. He asked for them to put a ladybug on it since I love them, and instead of a ladybug drawn on the cake, they made painted the rectangular cake to look like a ladybug! I about died laughing! And, on top of that, it said 'Happy 27th Karen' and you could tell that they had messed it up and rewritten the 7. Total Wreck! I forgot to take pics before we dove in, it was priceless!!

Wolverine Girl said...

So happy tastes like a blob of tomato sauce on chocolate icing, does it? Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's pretty pissed about that chest ring!

Noni Mausa said...

To me, he/it looks like Fat Freddy from the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Compare:

Green said...


Word Verification: sympow!-enthusiastic sympathy. ex: I have real sympow! for that turkey's piiiieeerrrccciiingg.

Anonymous said...

Dang, that looks like a punk turkey with a ring pierced through its neck. Or is the baker confusing it with a bull with a ring through the nose?

krillia said...

That attempt at a wattle, seeing as it's a different kind of icing, looks kind of like the poor thing got shot through the head.

DMackendrick said...

A punk rock turkey! Rock on oh pierced one!

emily said...

i'm not even gonna lie, that's what all of the cakes at family gatherings have looked like. carvel is too good to pass up.

Kaelen said...

Once upon a time Mr punk teenage turkey yelled at his Mom,and then ran off to get a neck piercing.

On the way home he got beat up by a gang (hence the bloody nose).

As he was slowly limping back to his home a cake wreck designer saw him, and immediately rushed to work, saying he had found the perfect new design for cakes!

The end!

And the motto of that story kids, is never get your neck pierced.

Brittany said...

I have expected some sort of homage to Black Friday.... although from the sleep deprivation I lack the creativity to say something witty, thus sparking your imagination... oh well

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, it did use to be a bull. Look how the misplaced feathers are covering what used to be the eyes. Cake Wrecks is becoming like CSI: Icing Palimpsests.

Maz said...

I'm pretty convinced that it was once a Bull cake, and someone tried to disguse the fact with excessive icing and stickfigure legs.

ilovebabyquilts said...

This is what happy tastes frickin' eat it and shut up!
Love, angry bull turkey

kayak said...

Froth said...
-- it's a bullkey. A turbull.

Yes, I agree. That is one turbill cake. :)

Anonymous said...

Why the "nipple" piercing...does the turkey need to be led to the taste of happy?

Anonymous said...

It looks like Richard Simmons. o.o

Trish in NorCal said...

He reminds me of Mr. T. "I pity the fool who buys this cake!!"