Bri M., Stephanie R., & Liz W., ewe shore dew chews grate Wrecks.
- Related Wreckage: I'm This Many
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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74 comments | Post a Comment
That first one has an earthquake hazard as well!
My students struggle with these words as well.
At least anyone for whom a "fearless leader" cake would be purchased is probably someone with a sense of humour who might get a laugh out of the wreck.
Oh how I love these; but has someone tried to tear the No Candles Aloud cake in half?
wv: wedio
Your fearless leader is wedio than ours.
Ok, I'm horrified at the spellings, but on the first one--big crack through the middle plus someone swiped a dallop!
Gotta say, I love the four hour fearless leader one. Maybe I'm just skeptical of anyone who can always hold it together.
Tee hee! It's like Mad Gabs with cake!! Keep up the great work, I love this site!
Perhaps he works as a fearless leader part time...
Those are terribly sad.
Amy B-H
What was the occasion for that first cake? Why are there pitiful red airbrush "flames" engulfing the words? Why is there a question mark on the cake? Why should a cake decorator care about whether or not anyone puts candles on the cake after they pick it up? WTF?? Whose rule is it about the candles anyway and why did it mess up the cake order?
I think a large part of the blame here lies with the idiot who ordered the cake.
But then the wreckerator should clarify what type of cake the idiot is trying to order. Is it still a birthday cake or what, though candle-less?
Another example of how two wrongs will never make a right--just a wrecked cake.
It's a shame. They could have gotten the new long-lasting, over-the-counter, 12-hour fearless leader.
Our public education at work...now even desserts need a spellcheck.
Grate Rex?
Have I got a cake wreck for you! Last night, while watching the Food Network Challege, one of the cakes caught fire and had to be put out with a fire extinguisher. Let's just say that it's not a good idea to set a flaming container of 151 on top of a cake decorated with sugar paper. If only I had a picture to go along with it.
Their shore are sum grate spellers out they're.
Four hours is about how long I can hold it together too.
I needed that laugh today.
I think the last cake should come with the disclaimer..."If you have a fearless leader lasting longer than four hours, call your doctor immediately."
GunDiva- Jen posted a video of that earlier. That truly was a train wreck! I think it looked better after being extinguished!
Love the fearless leader cake!
are those OREOS on the last one? YUM!
Ah, phone orders, how we CW fans love thee!
GunDiva, we've already had some good laughs, OMGs, and WT?s over that Challenge cake and its self-proclaimed artist. Not sure if the post is still up, but do a search here for it.
honestly, these wrecks are my favorite kind.
there's just something innately funny about misspells and miscues and misunderstandings when it comes to writing on a cake.
are we to assume that the "suite paws" cake is for a one year old puppy? just axing.
These are hysterical. I wonder if "no candles allowed - fire hazard" were the instructions and the wreckerator just got creative with the flames, or if that was always the (misspelled) intention.
This is when spell check is not your friend.
I love how the wreckerator didn't leave room for Birthday on the suite paws cake, and had to cram it in there. Such great wrecks, I just hope the cakes still taste good.
Where's your brother? He's ineatin his Wrecked birthday cake!
If your fearless leader lasts longer than 4 hours please see your physician immediately! Come on...THAT is common knowledge!
Their are just two many words that sownd the same too keep them strate. Your beeing to hard on the pour decorators. Who maid up all thee's spelling and grammar rools? Its hard enuff riding in iciing and working long ours two meak every won suites. You want us too bee dictionairies, to? Four peats sake! Knot like we have spell cheque in the bakery! Know won ever wants easy stough on they're cakes. Its knot fare too use tricky words! Sew their!
I wonder if the "4 hour" leader is actually a "4H Leader". In either case being fearless is a good thing.
At least they didn't say "Suite Pause."
Are the oreos on the last cake supposed to be tires?
Just asking.
wv:maxici There is a maxici of 6 tires on a car.
Does the next Fearless Leader also get a cake at the shift change? I mean, it's really hard to be fearless on an empty stomach.
Good thing these wreckorators aren't in the tattoo business instead!
"Meh, gud enuf. U no watt eye meen."
I'm still a little bit disturbed by the placement of those paws. Um... CatDog?
There needs to be a spelling test to be a cake decorator. But then this site wouldn't be anywhere near as humorous.
lol@ Courteous Chihuahua!
The only thing "missing" on these cakes is "quotation" marks!!
I wonder if these decorators were ESL - English as Second Language. They get homonyms wrong pretty easily.
or maybe i just give them too much credit.
what dew ewe think?
These are funny - I love the 4hour feerless leader! hahaha
I like the second one, I think I could eat it. :P
ahaha, cakewrecks for English class today. The "no candles aloud" would be funny enough but with the homophone issue it takes the cake...stupid pun intended.
Sometimes I can hardly stand the stupidness. (it says that stupidness is not a word but it so is) haha
Is "quivering mass of jelly" an Airplane! reference?
wv: phonev
These wrecks are so phonev I can't stop laughing.
Heh, heh. :-)
'At hour 5 he turns back into a quivering mass of jelly.'
"It's a shame. They could have gotten the new long-lasting, over-the-counter, 12-hour fearless leader."
That made me laugh! And so did these wrecks! "Perfect!"
wv: bories - boring stories
At Thanksgiving, we always hear Uncle Bob's bories about his pet snail.
Hmm...could "Suite Paws" possibly be a pet hotel? No? What can I say, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. ;)
My word verification is "oveyelly," which is the phrase wrecks invoke.
"4 Hour"
Bwahahahahahaha!! I might just go around saying that all day. That is awesome.
At least the last one had all the letters there. It could've said "are" instead.
Courteous Chihuahua--OH MY GAWD I about gave myself a stroke trying not to laugh out loud in the office! How many men are thinking now "gee I'd LOVE to have a fearless leader that lasts 4 hours!"
Polydactyl Cake! Those cakes are lucky you know.
wv = bednicat.
Shadrachat, Mesachat and Abednicat.
"Suite Paws" pawprints definitely came from a polydactyl (Hemingway) cat. I should know since I have five of the furry beasts currently taking over my home. Probably the cutest thing about them are their little "thumbs".
...most of them have their paws on the right way around, though...
I think the first cake maybe issues a warning, but here we're all laughing-- is that some kind of ash tray all down the side of the picture? Yuck!
WV: andefaw-- He cawwy decake andefaw andow is awbwoken!
"Four Hour Fearless Leader" would make a great band name. "Suite Paws" sounds like elevator music, though.
FABULOUS!! The wrecks and the comments...you guys are so clever!
Jen and John, I'm in countdown mode...Sea ewe too in a couple ours hear in the ATL!
~Bonnie B :)
WV:blobarli...Someone saying "Bob Marley" with a mouth full of taffy
I love it! I am so excited to see you tonight in Atlanta!!!
I found this blog a couple of weeks ago and am still working through the earlier posts, but I want to say how much I love this! Such a simple yet awesome idea! And it's so great to just laugh at something silly, no politics or controversy involved.
Anywho, I just don't get that first cake. I'm trying, but I can't see any possible reason for it, except that maybe it isn't really a cake, just a display, and the bakery owner wanted to remind the workers not to put candles on it. Or maybe it was made for someone who has a severe phobia of talking candles after watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast too many times.
Cake 1: "My eyes! My eyes!"
Cake 2: That's got to be a 'fake-wreck'. Who can spell a French word, but not an easy English word?
Cake 3: Maybe he's only a part time fearless leader. The kind that doesn't get vacation and health care.
LOL @ WriteCards!
I was an RA in college. If I knew cake was the way to stop my residents from doing boneheaded things, I would have spent my programming budget on buttercream.
Three laugh out loud beauties! Thank You!
The Suite Paws cake was actually the human cake we had for our 1 year anniversary of our Pet Resort. The dog version of the cake came out much, much better.
Ahhh CW You never let me down- I knew I could turn to you for a bit of levity in my day!!
What is up with the first one? It's all kind of wrecked. Unreal. Maybe they dropped it for um, effect? Haha. Wonderful!
I want a leader that will last at least half a day! 4 hours is nowhere NEAR long enough for all the work in the IN box...unless its part time, then ok.
This makes me think of the amazing book 'Anguish Languish.' It tells such fairy tales as Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, Center Alley, and Guilty Looks Enter Tree Beers.
It's out of print and you can read it on the internet... For maximum enjoyment, Hit Mush Bee Red Allowed.
Here's the link... enjoy!
EW: somenest - That's somenest you've got there!
I love how I always find new and entertaining things on this site!
And if I keep reading the "Furry Tells" Jeska provided the link to out loud to myself, I am going to wet my pants! rotf...
People who buy birthday cakes for their pets should be forced to spend eternity wherever pets go when they die. I bet it smells like dog butts.
Sure its not ewe shore chews grate Rex?
So I was right about "Suite Paws"? Wow!
I envision the first one as being ordered for someone who had a fire-related accident the previous year.
Remember: candles that make noise are a fire hazard; quiet candles are safe.
Maybe there's a four hour leader on a film called Fearless? That cake looks like a film spindle after all...
From the Not Always Right website; seems appropriate to share this with Wreckers:
The Cake Is A Lie
Me: “Okay, would you like the cake to say anything?”
Customer: “Like what?”
Me: “Happy Birthday? Happy Tenth Birthday?”
Customer: “Oh! Well, if you could teach it to sing ‘Happy Birthday,’ that would be great!”
(I think the customer is joking, so I write “Happy Birthday” on the cake as usual. Later on, the customer calls in complaining that his cake didn’t sing when the candles were lit!)
Good LORD that took me >24 hours. Clearly I need a vacation.
And thanks for the 4-hour fearless leader (with comment). I kept going back to the page and laughing out loud every time!
"4 Hour Fearless Leader?" It's like a Viagra cake!
Glad you all got a laugh out of the cake - our whole team did, expecially our Fearless Leader. She had survised a lousy week and this Boss' Day wreck had her practically falling off her chair!
Holey buckets, I about died laughing!!! I work with these spellers!!!