Oh, but it gets better:

One with the wrong label, of course:
Come to think of it, Jonathan H., Booklet, Suzanne M., Megan T., & Anony M., the French probably won't be too pleased, either. ;)
- Related Wreckage: It Sends a Message, Alright
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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74 comments | Post a Comment
wow... That last one is hilarious. Bad enough Irish hate being associated with Italians up here in Brooklyn, I hope for that baker's sake, they don't operate in NY. guess it could have been worse. Could have been a Union Jack. >_>
Yup, as someone who's quite proud to be Irish, I'm quite pissed! THAT'S NOT AN IRISH FLAG!
Minimalism at its worst!
Groom. Who would've known?
Irish Flag... geeze
I kind of like the Groom cake. So understated.
Irish flag.
I love Cake Wrecks, Jen!
Miss Vintage Vixen
The color in the photo of the "Irish flag" might be off... could well be green/white/orange
It's too bad about the football cake - it otherwise would have been a non-wreck!
If you think the Irish are going to be pissed, imagine how the French will feel.
I love the random capitalization in the baby shower cake. Baby is good, and so is for, but who would have a small b followed by capital OY? And why would the same person who did that have capital S, lower case h and o, then HALF of the W is capital and half is lower case, with the ending of the word capital? It just blows the mind.
Of course nothing says groom like the word groom in semi-fancy capital letters, written in purple in 12 point font on a sheet cake that can only be described as a sea of brown. At least the brown looks like frosting, unlike some of the other brown cakes... (I said sheet cake, S-H-E-E-T!)
The only thing that would be better with the football cake would be if it said "49 in a star" and was on a square cake.
Wedding cooking? What more is there to say?
And I love the "Irish" flag. Too bad the word Irish wasn't in quotes.
Today's wrecks are all shouting out "I want Sprinkles"!!!
Blog Comment
That is SOOOO funny!
End of blog comment
My husband saw the "Groom" cake and was indignant that it wasn't even an option at our wedding.
Yep, that's a foalball, all right, if I ever saw one.
WV: moime--said by Miss Piggy as she comes to terms with the fact that she is not a native French speaker.
Waht do you mean that's not the Irish flag *smirk*
Wow, these are just AWESOME, Jen. Thanks for making my bad morning much better.
I love that the Wilton letter press set was used for the groom cake! I guess they didn't want to run the risk of "ruining" it with sloppy handwriting LOL
The "Groom" cake could actually be a mandate from the bride's, um, Godfather. As in, "You're gonna shower and get a haircut and not embarrass us at this 'family' event, aren't you, Mickey? 'Cuz otherwise, Uncle Vito's gonna take care of you."
WV: psychu-- It's Friday the 13th, and I need a day off already.
That flag cake says "Irish I was a French flag". LOL.
It's not a "foalball", it's a "foolball."
Don't read Cake Wrecks when bossman is walking by. The snickering, red face and eye tearing is unprofessional for a receptionist!
Ah, well. The French client would gave probably washed that cake down with wine, anyway. :-)
Go Irish!
To me the "Irish" cake looked black, yellow, and red, which would actually be the Belgian flag. But, the lighting could just be really off too.
Word verification: hillappi
These cakes are hillappious!
I guess French is the new Irish...?
How long does one cook a wedding, and at what temperature?
WV: rearan. Spelling errors keep rearan their ugly heads on Cake Wrecks!
The baby cake looks like it's for comebody who's expecting quadruplets. But, on the other hand, it says "bOY," not "bOYs."
Could these maybe be samples to display at the bakery rather than cakes people ordered?
Of course, that wouldn't explain the "Irish" flag. Or who would want to buy a "foalball shape cake" (or is that "foolball shape cake"?).
The "groom" cake seems like a real time-saver. In fact, county clerk's offices could save a lot of work if they just pre-printed marriage licenses with "Bride" and "Groom," and skipped filling in the individual names. Especially since then people wouldn't need to get a new license for second or third marriages.
I don't think it's a foalball or a football. I think it's a foul ball because it's not even the right COLOR! who ever heard of a white football? and foalball makes me think of pony poop. and again, it's not brown!
Maybe the "Groom" cake is someone trying to give a hint to someone with less than ideal personal hygiene?
If my stepmom had seen that first cake, she would've ordered one for our baby shower. We wouldn't tell her the name we'd picked out before our son was born, and wow, was she MAD!
WV: sibbs--Still won't tell when his sibbs come along!
Are you trying to say that the Irish have tempers? Well, are you!!?
I'm waiting for the cake that says "cake" - I admire haonesty.
WV: dizentme "'Zat you?" "Nope, dinzentme!" (2 bee red allowed)
The last cake was the best.
Although, the labeling was good too. LOL
~Amy B-H
Man, nobody wins with that last cake, do they?
Coincidentally the Irish are playing the French is some match (probably soccer) soon. Guess this way the bakeries don't have to pick sides, whoever wins, the cake will be sold :P
Or thats what they like to think
Does anyone know when the Foalball world cup will be? I'm really rooting for the Omaha Bambis.
Ha ha
Viva La Ireland!
Does this mean that the cake maker is going to surrender?
Well at least it wasn't the Union Jack. The Irish would really be made then.
Maybe its just a weird picture quality, but the "groom" cake looks photo-shopped. The part where each of the letters meet the cake is a little bit pixelated and looks unnatural. I know this is a mom and pop operation, but perhaps you guys should look into getting some photo authenticating software?
A big part of what makes these cakes funny is reading or imagining the back story. That's tainted by running across the occasional obvious photo shop because it makes me wonder if some other cakes are just better photoshops.
Perhaps my laptop isn't rendering the colours as they should, but to me, that "Irish" flag doesn't look even remotely French. It's "Black - Yellow - Red" which is the BELGIAN flag, which I would know, being Belgian.
(BTW, I never admitted to that, as they said when King Boudewijn wasn't dead yet: "There are only two real Belgian, and they can't make a third.")
Perhaps it would be beneficial to click on the picture so you can view it actual size before claiming that it is an "obvious photo shop." And while we're on the subject, who in their right mind would photoshop a cake?
Ah well. This particular cake was photographed during a wedding by a legitimate wedding photographer. He was actually called into the back room by an employee who was too ashamed to bring the cake out to the reception. The employee wanted a record of the cake before it was cut up in the back room and served to the guests.
We spend way too much time verifying these things before they ever make it onto Cake Wrecks.
I want that "Irish" cake to leave on the front porch for my neighbour to find. Once he's calmed down, he'll eat it anyway, if I'm any judge of character. Just better not let him see me with it...
ooh-la-la! What a barrage of cluelessness today! Not only to do the Irish flag wrong, but then to label it? do you think they realized they screwed up and tried to "fix" it? boy does that look stupid written down on the bottom like that. mais oui! maybe the guests were too drunk to notice the colors were off. hey, it's got stripes, right? pour them a pint and they'll be fine! (the French, however, might be cheesed... ;P )
and wedding cooking? who orders a cookie for a wedding? there should have been a question mark after cooking. like "you seriously wanted to order a cookie for you wedding?" (although "wedding baking?" might have been more appropriate.) wedding cooking? is making me think of hot dogs riding poo waves.
and Mike--maybe the maybe was a large Jewish boy? hard delivery perhaps? Oy! Arguably though, the only lower case letter is "b". The rest are maybe just small capitals my a minimally skilled icing piper who can't seem to make letters of uniform size.
and "s-h-e-e-t cake!" you're funny! seriously, minimalism aside (what, NO decoration?) purple and brown just don't seem to harmonize on cake, do they?
"Coincidentally the Irish are playing the French is some match (probably soccer) soon."
What we in Europe know as "Real Football" as opposed to that strange game involving a lot of prima donnas in padding.
And it doesn't come much more real than France playing the ROI.
That said, the French probably wouldn't mind being associated with the Irish because they are dreadfully fond of them and have historically come to the aid of the Irish in their struggles against the wicked English.
And the Americans against the wicked English.
In fact, pretty much anyone against the wicked English.
There's a pattern emerging there.
It could have been worse, you know.
Good thinking, Tara! Very somber suggestion on the serious chocolate desert. or dessert. with no-flower minimalism, it could go either way. Maybe it would be a good "breakup" cake--as if hygiene were the reason for the split.
@anon 11:41, that's a great back story! hmm...either a peeved m-i-l who didn't know the name, or a clueless coworker who just ordered a cake in a jiffy. name? who cares? let's have cake and open presents!
and Taggie, zoom in on the cake. you'll see the writing better, and the unevenness of the letters. plus, it's a perfect match for the purple perimeter dots.
As someone said it is a strange coincidence that this "Irish Flag" shows up just in time for "the soccer game of the year"(there is one nearly every Saturday here...).
As long as it's not the English the French wouldn't probably mind much about this wreck!
I take the opportunity to thank you for your blog,it's a real treat to read it every day!
so, Jon in France, what's your take on that foul ball? is it a hybrid between an American football and European football (soccer)? It's just the wrong color for American, but the right shape with the train tracks/stitches down the center. but then it's white. With a star. not that it resembles a soccer ball much either.
Either this decorator ran out of chocolate icing (perish the thought!) or is sports clueless. maybe the same baker of the baseball X?
OMG, I am laughing so hard right now! These are pathetically hilarious!
Wreck on!
Jen, you should be proud. The French (kings of pastry!) are fans of your blog. Of course, it IS a blog about wrecked cakes *blush on behalf of the US* but a source of endless amusement! Mes amis, bon jour!
I just started watching Clean House, and I'm addicted! I have about 20 episodes on my DVR. Whatever happened to that other show, Clean Sweep?
These are so funny!
Come visit me at http://festiveflops.blogspot.com/
for some really bad decorating! I am desperate for more photos!
I read that sports cake as "Foolball Cake"....which may be more appropriate, all things considered.
I especially love the bits of crumbs (and let's hope that's what they are) around the word on the GROOM cake. Nice touch. Oi.
Is it wrong that I'm starting to want someone to make me a cake that says, "TEH STOOOOPID, IT BURNNZZ!"?
Exactly like that, I mean every word as typed.
I just don't get it. If you are intelligent enough to make a great little football cake, what happens when it's time to write an inscription? I really want to know! It's clear that this decorator isn't stupid! How does it happen?
Oh yes, this Frenchie is highly offended by that last one... OK, I couldn't even type that with a straight face. :P
Oh, I finally got the book today and it was (pardon the pun) the icing on the cake to an already good day. :)
What are the random nuggets on the Groom cake...Yech!
The French flag/Irish cake - maybe it was Irish coffee/whiskey flavored? *snort*
I'm sorry. Looking at it again, it looks like the pixelation I noticed earlier could occurred when the picture was being converted to jpeg format. Overly compressed jpeg pictures can get weird distortions in them.
Fish cake, it says fish cake. Fish don't respect any single nationality, it's all good.
I honestly think this is the funniest post, ever, on this blog. And that is saying a lot!
Um, that was supposed to be "fish flag." Apparently fish do have their own nation and it has a confusing flag.
Truly! These are too stupid to be real. I agree with some of the other comments: How can someone smart & talented enough to create these cakes be so far off base? http://blog.sweetservices.com/sweetscandyblog/
At least the football-shaped cake was shaped like a football. That put it ahead of some of the other football cakes we've seen.
snicker! very funny!
Yes, I am baker.
Piped it myself on my chest.
That way I am sure.
what's with the random icing partial outline on the wedding cooking cookie? (head tilt) huh
I love the fact the cake was football shaped, looked like a football (somewhat) and they still felt the need to label it.
Maybe the baby's name was "Aboy"? With the weird names parents are picking for their offspring nowadays, who really knows...
'Course, it'd still be misspelled with the odd spacing, but at least it'd be less vague.
That "Groom" cake totally reminds me of the "Winter" cake.
Wasn't the Irish tricolor given to them by the French?
Maybe the Groom cake is a last name? ... At least it's MY last name. course even if it was, that still makes for a dull cake.
taggie2b: it's the dramatic color change from brown to purple that makes the JPEG artifacts (aka fuzzies) show up so clearly. In most pictures of this compression level, you would not really notice, because the colors blend much more smoothly.
(Lesson here: don't use purple and brown together. ever.)
-- abadidea
About the Irish flag with French colors... The French won the match! We'll see who wins this Wednesday... Pretty funny that it appeared before the match and it ended up "coincidentally" being the winning team!!
I watched the game, by the way. That is some premonition! Jen and John, where is the cake from? Do you have some background or story on it?
On the last cake: heck knows what Howard Goodall and Rowan Atkinson would make of that! (They wrote a song named, "I Hate the French," sung by Goodall.)
That "Groom" cake reminds me of the cake with the snowman that just said "Winter".
That French/Irish cake is especially poignant after this week's football match - and the infamous "Hand of Frog" incident.
Perhaps the decorator was a psychic, who was foretelling how France will steal something that belongs to Ireland, through the medium of cake decoration.
Lyk omg, foalball shape cakes! I luuuuuvvv those! XD
Le bleu, blanc et rouge POUR LA GAGNEE
(The blue, white and red ftw)
-twirls mustache-
-eats baguette-
My brain just exploded with the hilarity of the last cake.
P.S. My cerebrum too!
I am thoroughly enjoying your website and slowly working my way back in time through it. Some of the wrecks are hilarious while others should be classified as artwork. I couldn't help but notice that you enjoy making sport of others. This indicates that possibly you feel a teensy weens bit superior (he said with tongue in cheek). However, be advised that on the post for Sunday Sweets: Tour De Force, Pt 3, Sunday, November 15, 2009 you committed a major grammatical faux pas. At the end of the post, you wrote, "Thanks again to all of the bakers who gave their time and effort during our tour! I'm sure I speak for the thousands of people who got sugar buzzes thanks to your efforts when I say, Your the 'Best!'" Yikes! Please note that "Your the Best" is not a good thing. I found this website that may help explain things. http://www.copyblogger.com/5-common-mistakes-that-make-you-look-dumb/. Thank-you for listening. Happy Cake Crumbs Day to you. *Note Here* The author of the above missive is not a member of the Grammar Police and has no afiliation to the website mentioned. Mike
Hey Mike,
It was a joke. See, what we did their was insert bad grammer and punctuasion as a nod two what we do every day. I think moist people got it.
Thanks thouh!