Julie D., you think I could get this stitched on a pillow?
- Related Wreckage: Freud Would Be Proud
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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130 comments | Post a Comment
I wish I would have been given that advice!!
Oh. my. word! I taught "Finding Love" this week in my classes. "Thrust" was not among the definitions I used for love!
I don't even want to go there! Such a beautiful cake, too!
so, when it's a cake is it a frostian slip?
Well, they say that the secret to a healthy marriage is a healthy sex life.
I guess...
Faith, Hope & Trust...Where's the Pixie Dust?
I really like it. It is plain and simple but really elegant...well for me anyways. I wouldn't mind having a wedding cake look like that for my wedding. My aunt owns a bakery shop and is making my wedding cake. I will have to send a picture of it to you when the big day arrives.
What a shame, because it's really such a pretty cake otherwise!! The poor wreckerator must have been mortified. Too funny.
I actually did this once, but in a letter. My dad is a terrible typist, and wanted to dictate a letter about a friend of his who was accused of embezzlement. He said "Bob is intelligent, a family man, and trustworthy." I typed "thrustworthy."
Thank God we caught it before the letter went out! Otherwise, maybe "thrustworthy" would be a good thing in prison...
do you think the bakers thrust this cake at the couple?
It took me a moment but ... ummm... wow... hopefully grandma can't see too well and doesn't as anyone to read the cake out loud!
I was thinking, "What a pretty cake..." Until I scrolled all the way down.
Wow, I'll bet the bride (or at least her mother) was mortified.
For some reason I never think of the word "thrust" in a dirty sense, but rather it always brings to mind the classic line from "Chicken Run"..."we need more THRUST"
such a pretty cake with such an embarrassing typo!
Gotta add that to the marriage counseling curriculum. Awesomely funny!
Oh, that is so perfect.
Haha, I almost missed it...Almost, but not quite.
Oh, WOW! Subtle; it took a minute for me to see it!
It's such a nice cake, with very neat and tidy penmanship. What a pity humans don't come with spell-check.
Talk about your basic Freudian slips! Hehehehehehehe....
Oh wow. Wow. That's just...wow. I wonder if it's like that around the whole cake?
OMG. Did that go all around the whole cake?
Well, I guess without 'THRUST' you can't get 'lift off' (wink, wink), so it is pretty important. =D
If that was done on purpose, someone has a great sense of humor. If not, I would hate to see the bride when she saw that cake.
Maybe the couple are astronauts? Or rocket scientists?
THAT is even more embarrassing than the Nazi ninja-star cake!!
So lovely. So delicate. So descriptve!
Ok, that got a serious guffaw out of me.
@ Maya - LOL!
What a gorgeous cake! I would have been blushing so badly!
It is a shame; if that extra "h" wasn't there the last "love" would fit perfectly. I wonder if they noticed:
"Scribing a cake, scribing a cake."
[Comes to end of side, with no room for last "e."]
"That's weird. I've made this cake a hundred times and it always fits. Hey, Dolly, come here."
[Dolly saunters over.]
"Does this cake look weird to you? I couldn't fit in the last 'e'."
[Dolly examines.]
"Maybe you wrote bigger than usual?"
"Nope, the letters are the height they're supposed to be."
[Both examine; shrug]
"Oh well. I guess if you keep going around the side no one will notice anything wrong."
Leanne, did you READ the cake??
I didn't even see it at first. I wonder if some baker snuck that in on purpose...just to see if anyone noticed.
I would have *loved* to have been at that wedding, to watch the guests reactions.
@Maya and Tamara--funny!
I wonder if the decorator was a)getting fired and thought they'd sneak in a little sabotage or b) was a friend or foe of the couple and thought they'd pull a little prank on them or c) maybe the couple was well known for their, um, passion?
I wish my husband got that advice! LOL
That could have been an easy fix if they actually caught it.
Maybe they had plans for "Mile-High Club" membership? How I wish I didn't have to know your honeymoon plans, you crazy kids.
At first I didn't see the problem and then I reread carefully and went 'oooooh'. XD Hahaha!
Okay, so what DO you do if you arrive to pick up the wedding cake and it's unintentionally pornographic?
Do you have any way of finding out if the error was all around the cake?
Huh? I don't really see .... oh. Oh my.
That oughta do it, indeed.
I didn't even get the joke until I looked at the cake a second time.
This is one of those where you wonder whether the customer ordered it that way, or the wreckerator is ad-libbing.
i swear i had to read that like 10 times before i caught the misspelling! but omgoodness that's hilarious!!!
I think this is the funniest one yet.
Where's Burton? I'm thinking a cupcake sized mash-up of this cake and the NASA "Something Special For The Ladies" Cake.
Its a classic! It wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true. I'll be laughing at this all weekend. Oh, and maya, I loved your comment....frostian slip...LOL!
I wonder if this couple invited their minister to the reception. "Mother Jane, would you like some ca.... uh, some tea? Come over here and have some tea."
(I also love the captcha below that I have to type in. Not kidding, it says 'dangu'. Just what the couple was probably thinking...)
Definitely stitch it on a pillow--more cushion for the pushin'!
(Did I just say that?!?)
Does it say that on all four sides of the cake?
That was totally awesome!!! I want to hire this cake decorator immediately to put their unique spin on all cake quotes. Just think what could be done to this classic...
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach. ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
If you look in the background it looks like it is a) still at the bakery or b) in the back room of the reception place. So hopefully it was caught and fixed before too much damage was done!
Spell check would have been useless here. No, what this poor decorator needed was a second pair of eyes. Pretty cake, though.
*embarrassed chuckle* Oops...
And Juli, the Chicken Run line came to mind for me as well.
@ maya: too funny
I move that "frostian slip" become a new cake wreck category. Anyone care to second that 'motion'?
I bet the guests loved that - they must have been giggling like mad. Cue jokes about the wedding night!
W-O-W!! Those are good ingredients for a marriage!! I am crying I'm laughing so hard... and I may seriously stitch that into a pillow :)
PS- wouldn't that be better wedding night advice? Cheers! Jen
Woohoo! My Man just brought home my Cake Wrecks book!
It's a shame, because otherwise, it's a pretty cake!
I think this would be a great cake in 2 situations...
1) Only in one place on the wedding cake, in a set-up where it could be facing a wall, so really only the bride & groom would know/see it.
2) At a non-prudish wedding shower or bachelorette party.
I guess this means grandkids in the mear future ;)
"... What a pity humans don't come with spell-check."
Why do people keep suggesting spell-check for cases like this, where spell-check would not help at all? "Thrust" is a perfectly good word, it just isn't the right word (... I think ... unless they meant ... well, you know).
ROFL!! This had to be done on purpose...it's just too funny! It looks like the words were repeated as a border...I wonder if the typo (pipo?) is every time or just once "for fun"?
DEFINITELY one of my very, very, very favorite wrecks. I laughed out loud (and I'm more of a smiler than a laugh-out-louder.) :)
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but you mean your mother!
The saying "the proof is in the pudding" can now be: "the truth is in the icing!" This wreck is HILARIOUS!!!!!
Oh my god, I can't stop laughing! It's the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while XD.
You can't deny it's a good advice, though. Where would we all be without thrust? Where indeeed.
I totally missed the "Thrust"! LOL! My brain automatically corrected it!
Well....at least it appears to still be at the bakery.
Love the site BTW. Makes me LOL everyday. Literally!
*snicker* Some faith, hope, and clarity would be good, too.
Oh, that is a GOOD one!!!
Heehee! Gotta have plenty of thrust on your wedding night, right?
OK when I signed in to comment, there were 69 existing comments already. HA!!
Omigosh! We have the cake challenge show on the Food Network on right now and it's the cake-on-fire episode! I've only ever seen the clips on here!
My favorite kind of Wreck -the delayed reaction.
(Maybe it's just me, but if that had been MY wedding cake, I'd have taken it as is, just to see who was paying attention.)
I actually read it as "TRUST" the first time and was like "I don't get it. Why is this so funny?" and so I looked at the comments....
I guess you can see how this sort of thing can happen hehehe.
@ 9:41 LeAnne--
I wouldn't mind having a wedding cake look like this for my wedding either. But I would mind very much if the word "thrust" appeared anywhere on it.
I'm going to have to send this to my husband...we've been married 7 months and I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant, so...
Awww, it came so far but just fell flat right at the finish line to become a Wreck. It really was a pretty cake... Right up until the moment you read the writing...
At first glance I thought this was a Sunday Sweet. Oh, so close..one letter away!
Whew! *wipes eyes*
I can't breathe...
Love kind of looks like Lol at first, so I thought it was done on purpose.
Oh, jeez. What a laugh!
~Amy B-H
The background of the photo looks like it's still in the bakery - maybe they caught it before it got out the door? Still. I would have laughed so hard if that showed up at my wedding! And gone BRIGHT red, but hey.
Oh God. Toooo funny! And it's actually absolutely Awesome advice, haahaa....!
HAHAHHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I didn't read it as that the first time!! HAHAHAH! AM crying into my coffee!!!! God,,,no wonder I'm not married yet...I just didn't have the right, um, tools.
Wedding Cake + Freudian Slip = WIN!
I read it twice before I saw the misspelling. (beaver slap to forehead!) These wreckerators never cease to amuse me. Thanks for my Saturday giggle!
I totally didn't see what was wrong with it at first. I thought maybe it was the "lov" at the end, but that didn't make any sense because I figured it continued around the corner. So I read it again. Then I snorted.
*sings* "But it's the pelvic thruuuust that really drives you insaaaaaaaaane"
ROLFMAO! I had to look twice, but it was worth the second glance!
my reaction to that was.. "That's so pretty, I don't understa.....OH!" LMAO
So, were the people getting married both jet pilots or astronauts?
... or, uh, porn stars?
If that was my cake, I would have did a double take, then started laughing. I would take a typo over lopsided layers, attacking flowers and melting buttercream any day of the week. And it is a cute cake. I do hope that was caught before it got to the reception though!
am late getting here today and hate to see that i've missed out on all the fun.
this is, by far, one of my very favorite wrecks to date!!
what. a. frickin'. HOOT!!
That made me giggle like a 12 year-old.
Ahahaha-- I needed a good laugh today!
@Alicia-- Maybe this one WAS funded by NASA again; they've started to seem like a dirty-minded bunch to me!
@Untamed Shrew-- I can't believe you said that, or how hard I snorted when I read it!
Well, clearly the baker is a Rocky Horror Picture Show fan.
It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insaaaane!
Let's do the Time Warp again!
The Time Warp is indeed sage advice for any married couple. *nods vigorously*
At first I was confused about why this was a wreck. Then I read it again and LOLed my head off. I hope the couple was amused. If it were my wedding, once the mistake was made I don't think I'd want it corrected. Too hilarious!
As an avid cross-stitcher, I would gladly cross-stitch that onto a pillow for you... for an autographed copy of the book. ;) LOL
The cake was beautiful... too bad it was messed up. :(
okay.... so, i saw this and it took a second for it to sink in that it said "thrust" not "trust" i am sooooo showing this to my boyfriend tomorrow. he'll get a kick out of it.
@Jedi Knight Ivyan I Second the Frostian Slip motion! :-)
I know what piece I want. So perfect with those prim pink bows, I'm just glad this wasn't my sister's wedding cake.
Bahahaha! Well, that's an important part of a marriage too... right? hehehe
WV: fadabst
that cake is fadabst, daaahling!
*snicker snicker* My friend's MIL insisted on making the groom's cake for her wedding. It was an open book (supposed to be the Bible) and the verse inscribed on it was "And the two shall become one flesh." I think they had the thrust down-pat.
If I'd had a mouth full of water I would have done a spit take.
I hope the bride and groom cut that piece first.
Oh, Oh my God. Oh my god that's brilliant!
I didn't get why it was a wreck at first, except maybe because the "Love" on the end was cut off, and I was confused...
I just read it again.
Oh my God.
Now see... If that happened on My wedding cake, I'd be laughing my ass off...
I kind of think that qualifies as a Win...
~ Maddy
HaHa! Took me a moment to notice that. I thought, nice and simple desi...oh...OHHHH!
Ha ha ha! My thoughts went like this 'wow. what a cute idea for a cake! Love, faith, hope, tr-- thrust?? What? ...Oh.' **Blush**
Jedi Knight Ivyan said I move that "frostian slip" become a new cake wreck category. Anyone care to second that 'motion'?
I second that!
SouthernSugar said Awww, it came so far but just fell flat right at the finish line to become a Wreck.
Were those puns intentional, or is it all just in my (admittedly dirty) mind?
I wonder if the bride will be wearing white? Humm?
@Serena PLEASE make a pillow of that!!! Oh man, that is a perfect wedding present. >:D
this should be really on a pillow on the site. i would definitely buy it! it is way toooo funny! hehe.
something tells me the making of that cake involved "hey guys, watch this! they won't even notice!"
This wins.
WV: prega -- 'nuff said!
Looks like either the bridesmaids or the best man bribed the baker.
This is just as good as the stunt where the best man 'loses' the wedding ring.
Two of my very dear friends got married on the day of this post. How perfect!!!
I just spit all over my keyboard...wow, that was unexpected but awesome.
My first and probably only belly laugh of the day. Thank you!
OK, so I sat here staring at the cake trying to figure out why it was a wreck. Then I took my brain off auto-pilot and actually READ the words. That is hilarious! Love. Faith. Hope. and let's not forget to THRUST!
That last E would have fit nicely if they had left out the H!
Could have been worse
My Husband wants this on matching t-shirts.
I seriously think that if my baker had done this by mistake and I saw it before it was corrected, I would be BEGGING my husband-to-be to let me get it (after negotiating a discount from the baker, of course). I'd even serve it at the reception.
Then again, I used to sell "marital aids" for extra money, so I think like that.
If the couple is anything like us and our friends they asked for the cake that way to see who was paying attention! And for a little bit of that hope to keep the sex life alive and happy.
SHUT UP!!!! That does NOT say, THRUST, does it?!! Oh my word - I can't even breathe, I'm laughing so hard!!!
:) Mags
That is too good. That is what I want on my same-sex wedding cake! It's perfect!
that is great!