Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Sweets: Cutey-Patootey Dragon Babes

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I think the designers of today's baby dragon cakes need to get into stuffed-animal design. And then send me free samples. [nodding earnestly]

Amber D. found these two from The Cake Fairy:

Everyone together now: Awwwww.

The wings! The itty-bitty wings! [swoons]

Check out the floppy ears on this guy:

Those scales must have taken forever! They look great, though. Shanna R. found him on Courtney's Cakes Flickr stream.

Here's one from The London Cake Company, found by Brian & Melissa W.:

This was for little Joseph's SECOND birthday?!? Dang, I really missed out during my childhood. (And adulthood, come to think of it...)

And lastly, Kate J. found some of the most adorable figure sculpting I've seen:

I love the simple-yet-ingenious "bushes", and the knight and princess are just spot-on perfect. Great stuff.

Found on Manray3's Flickr stream. I've been told this may be from The Cake Shop in the Covered Market of Oxford, England.
Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Too cute! I love them all!

Donna M. said...

Those are too cute to even cut and eat!

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Those floppy ears are so precious.

Colleen said...

OMG! Those are amazing!!! If I wasn't sure those are WAY out of my price range I would get one of them for my son's first birthday next November. The orange and white one is my fave...awwwwww!

~Colleen (

Kristin said...

The problem with these gorgeous cakes is that I'd have trouble cutting them.

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

The one with the figures is probably my fave, but they are all just too gosh darn cute!

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd say that the last cake comes from The Cake Shop, Oxford, The Covered Market, England - I've seen it in the window there a few times. Lovely site by the way

Anonymous said...

Those dragons are heads and tails over the scary baby shower cakes!

Anonymous said...

I would have a harder time cutting into these adorable dragons than I would with those realistic baby cakes. They're too cute!

Amanda said...

Totally agree with the other comments. I couldn't cut into these guys! (and knowing what these probably cost, it would feel like I was eating a $20 bill)

However, the sadistic part of me wants to pop the head off that knight and eat it.

Anonymous said...

Those are darling. And I love your parenthetical asides (nodding earnestly).

Angie (from over at

btw, thank you for letting me put my own parenthetical asides in your comments section. Quite a few people find me through your blog.

Mrs. Hammer Time said...

I am new to this blog and ADDICTED! I went back to look at most of your previous posts. I am shocked, and totally entertained, by these wrecks. As for these cakes: incredible!

Meg said...

Those itty bitty wings and floppy little ears are just adorable. I think the pink one is the best.

I can't imagine having to cut into those!!

anneconda said...

how do you eat any of the cakes on this site? I mean, the wrecked ones are usually unappetizing and the awesome ones are just to cool to destroy. plus, I have a feeling a lot of fondant and marzipan are used for the more sculpted ones and well... that just sounds gross. marzipan is deceptive and scaring.

Ellie said...

Adorable! Sunday's cakes are always so nice to look at after a week's worth of wrecks.

Ellie and Werther Blog

Anonymous said...

The writing on Joseph's birthday cake is absolutely beautiful!

Sarah said...

Oh man, I know I wouldn't be able to eat those little baby dragons.... they're ridiculously adorable! Especially the "newborn", with his eggshells beside him! Too cute.

Anonymous said...

My fav is the first one! Sadly, the link for the Cake Fairy tells me I'm FORBIDDEN. I feel so wrist-slapped. :-(

WV: recrab. I'm just not even going there....

Alison said...

Yeah, it would be hard to cut into these cakes, but I was also thinking, it's nice to see cakes that still look like cakes. Sometimes I forget these are supposed to be edible!

(licking lips earnestly)

Lulubelle B said...


BTW - Did you know Cake Wrecks was a discussion topic on Blog Catalog a few days ago?

Don't know why I didn't let you know at the time...Oopsie.

Amy Lee said...

Those are the cutest dragons! Great picks everyone!!

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

Those are just awesome!

I think I'd cry while eating the sugary goodness.

WM said...

OK...all together now...AWWWWWWWW...CUTE,CUTE,CUTE,
I would so buy the little pink one with the baby wings as a stuffed animal.

I just love the Sunday Sweets.

WV: delas...Delas one is especially cute

Mella said...

they are too pretty to be eaten

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that first one is just sooo adorable! How could anyone eat it, though?! They're all good, but that first one is my absolute favourite!


Anonymous said...

Anne, you should try some of my homemade cream cheese fondant... Not that chemically stuff you often find... I can sculpt and mold it like any other fondant, but it actually TASTES good! Isn't that the POINT of cake? :D

WV: byshotj - I drive by, shot j and left.

Bedlam said...

they are sooo cute!!! I know some kids loved them.

Anonymous said...

At last! Dragons to die for. These are so appealing and done with such a sense of humor. The cake artists on these get my vote.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Prince Valiant is offering the dragon a churro!


Anonymous said...

I just peel fondant off...I never eat it. The point is for the stuff to be edible i.e. if someone eats it they won't get sick from it but you don't have to.

I think the cakes are beautiful and from my experience, if you buy an expensive cake the actual cake part is exceptional regardless of the fondant.

I like cake, not maybe I'm just biased.

I love Sunday Sweets, by the way. After a week of wrecks, it's nice to see someone get a cake right :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing! My four year old LOVES the Sunday sweets, especially with all the dragons and castles lately. I'm a little afraid of what his next birthday cake request will be LOL.

Amy said...

Adorable! Maybe my girls will get a pink dragon birthday cake this year. :)

skatej said...

Hey, it's Kate J! I found the email I sent you with the dragon cake. Here is the flicker link:


Anonymous said...

Those are amazing!! I've been holding out all week for this weekends' installment....I'm really enjoying Sunday Sweets. Thanks for adding it!!

Anonymous said...

Cannot show to nephew! He would want them all. BTW voted for you for the Bloggies :)

Nancy B said...

The FBI HQ could probably use these cakes as a litmus test...anyone willing to cut into these adorable, wee widdle dwagon babies is probably a psycho killer.

Anonymous said...

I want a stuffie of that first one SOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!! Any designers out there just gimme a price.

WV: hotse I am so totally a hotse! hee hee hee NOT!

Anonymous said...

I love the Sunday Sweets- it's amazing what some people can do with cake. I love today's with the baby dragons! I agree they're almost too cute to eat!

Sleepwalker said...

All very 'squeeee!'-worthy.

Brianna said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWW! I could never eat that!

sendingtheclowns said...

Generally, I like dragons to be ferocious-looking, not cute. It's like the way I want my dinosaurs to be velociraptory rather than cartoony. Whatever.
My favorite dragon is the little red one in the last cake. I don't know what he's doing, just hanging out there, seemingly chatting with the knight (who is both smiling AND pointing his sword at him), but he has an endearing quality about him that is touching.
Are there any girl dragons, or are they always thought of as males?
I just realized that I'd never thought about this before.

Unknown said...

Every one of those are just precious!
Amy B.

Scritzy said...

The most adorable dragons I've ever seen, hands down.

They look as if they would breathe cotton candy rather than fire.

Word verification: stingedu. When you go to pick up a cake and it's a wreck, you realize the baker has stingedu.

Torii said...

CUTE! CUTE! Sickenly cute!!

Lisa Chin said...

Those are so adorable! I love Sundays!

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a blog catalog discussion about your brand. sorry for the link but I thought you would like it.


clueuin said...

Awwwww, is so spot on! Oh those dragons are so darling and that Knight and Princess cake....
....All I can say is lucky, lucky, kids, whoever they are.


Christie said...

I must have that pink dragon. MUST, I tell you!!@11!11 eleventy.

jill minus said...

I'm i way out of line in saying that the Sunday Sweets, while always amazingly cute, never look, well, very appetizing? Or even exactly edible?


Katherine said...

I agree definitely The Cake Shop in the Oxford covered market. I spent my past summer studying at Oxford and spent many mornings peering into that little cake shop and their wonderfully decorated cakes. A must see if ever in Oxford.

the ginabean said...

I LOVE the teeny tiny little wings. Adorable.

Anonymous said...

Wow... Why didn't I get cakes like these when I was a kid?

The artistry of these (and the previous several Sunday Sweets) just blows me away.

-Myc (long-time devoted lurker)

Anonymous said...

How lovely, I'm defiantly going to try and steal this idea!

ksaldria said...

I <3 the pink one! The floppy eared dragon reminds me of my rottweiler.

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

Wow - those are amazing! My first thought when I see creations like these is to wonder how much they cost. I mean for the good stuff, it can't be cheap, right? :)

Anonymous said...

Amazingly adorable. I love any dragons.

Share your recipe?
Never heard of cream cheese fondant, but would like to try.
Anything with creamcheese is good.
I have wanted to try to make a fondant cake, but don't want to create something that tastes nasty.

Anonymous said...

Sendingtheclowns said:
Are there any girl dragons, or are they always thought of as males?
I just realized that I'd never thought about this before.

Have you seriously never heard of the Inheritance Chronicles? What kind of cave have you been hiding in if you do NOT know about Eragon and Saphira? Google "Alagaesia" and educate yourself you troglodyte!

Teacher of the Year said...

Anon at 1/26 1:28 a.m.:

Something tells me you might want to doublecheck any messages you write on the cake.


Anonymous said...

Wow, the artistry is just amazing! Though, lol, I've just got to say the following about the last one...

"Just like man. Sitting down on the job."



Anonymous said...

At first glance, the 1st, 2nd and 4th dragon cakes looked to me like they might be mutant cousins of the Hungry Hungry Hippos from Chernobyl. Something about the shape of their heads and faces...

On second glance, though, the 1st, 2nd and 4th cakes are all undeniably cute, and all five cakes have been beautifully crafted.

But by crikey, no matter how hard I try, I just can't get the image of mutant Hungry Hungry Hippos from Chernobyl out of my head!!!

Maybe I have a twisted mind...

Michelle said...

It looks like that last cake DID come from the Covered Market in Oxford. I used to love sitting at the little cafe across the way and looking at all the cute things they had in their cases.

I remember a particular run on Pokemon characters about 3 1/2 years ago while I lived there, but, alas, didn't take any pictures.

Oh, and don't get me started on the Harry Potter stuff. Cupcakes and candies and cakes decorated with every character imaginable from the series!

Anonymous said...

So cute you!I wonder how whoever got these cakes ate them:D The one hatching is my favorite

Anonymous said...

Aww! What adorable cakes!

Anonymous said...

Too cute-I actually made the hatching baby dragon (not the one here, but same design from a Debbie Brown book) for my nephew's first birthday. He loved it-at least that's how I choose to interpret his removal of one of the ears and a nostril before it was served ;)

Anonymous said...

Dragon on hind haunches, rubbing belly...

I want one - I need one!

sendingtheclowns said...

MONKEYBIZ23 said...

Have you seriously never heard of the Inheritance Chronicles? What kind of cave have you been hiding in if you do NOT know about Eragon and Saphira? Google "Alagaesia" and educate yourself you troglodyte!

I am SO out of touch!
No, I have, unbelievably, never heard of that/those story/stories.

Eragon? Sounds like a laundry detergent.

Saphira? Some kind of synthetic blue gem? Cheesy porn star? Phone-a-psychic operator?

Alagaesia? Yikes--is there an ointment for that?

In all fairness, I DID Google it, and, welllll....what can I say?
Just not my cuppa Joe.
I'm not really into the Goth, "young-adult fantasy"
(reviewer's words, not mine), cult-ish stuff.
I'm too old for THAT much fun--and with a memory like mine, I'd never be able to get the characters straight, anyway...all those weird names!
It's okay. When you get to be my age, it's acceptable to be completely, utterly, in-the-dark uncool. I do THAT really well!
Back to my cave, now! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sendingtheclowns,

If it makes you feel any better, I have actually read the books MANY times and I didn't even know they were called the Inheritance Chronicles. Ah well. Any room in your cave?


ps. It's better to be a troglodyte than a troll, I always say.

Sara said...

cute cute cute!

Erin said...

They are really cute. My personal favorite would be that green dragon one with the floppy ears. I could never bring myself to eat any of them

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Why were these uploaded to Cake Wrecks? I'd say that these are highly successful!

Julie said...

The talent some people have never ceases to amaze me- very cute!

sendingtheclowns said...

TO: john (the hubby of Jen),

Aw, thanks for the morale support! It's okay-I don't mind being out of the loop; I've always been one to march to the beat of a different banjo player. I'm actually quite cozy in my cave. There, I can be blissfully *in the dark* about such matters as, f'rinstance, The Inheritance of Chronic knownothingness. Heh heh...

(So, I guess it's safe to assume that there ARE girl dragons... :P)

As for trolls and troglodytes-- half of one and six dozen of the other, I always say! =^~~^=

Pen Pen said...


Anonymous said...

that is actually really good! i want to eat them all.

Anonymous said...

I have traumatic memories of that cake from the Covered Market because my son saw it in their window and wanted me to make him one just like it for his birthday. Fortunately he eventually settled for a liberal interpretation of "just like it".

And the first one (the just-hatched baby dragon) is from Debbie Brown's Magical Cakes, by the way.

Anonymous said...

The princess looks so much like my '80 Cabbage patch kid. Miniaturized.

Anonymous said...

They are so well done! It was a shock to find something on cake wrecks that didn't make me afraid of ordering a cake from a bakery. Thank you for restoring a little of my faith in decorators.

Tara said...

Absolutely precious!!! I want one of each, please!

Heather said...

for the lack of something better to say: OOOOO MMMMM GGGGG !!!!! How stinking CUTE!!!! Forget the kid - I want one for *my* birthday!

Cupcakes Lady said...

Those are amazing, thats what you call cake art. Well done xx