Aaaaand now I'm craving donuts. Thanks a LOT, Anony M.
It's nice to see a member of law enforcement with such a good sense of humor, though. At least, I hope this was his idea: it would have been a tad awkward if the bride's father ordered it. No one wants a parking ticket at their own daughter's wedding, right?
64 comments | Post a Comment
What a colossal mess! I get the donut thing, but did it have to look like something the cat just drug it in?
Grapes ARE a nice touch tho.
dang it, now i've got to go get donuts for breakfast!
what i want to know is why would they put fruit on it? i mean donuts one a cake are one thing but dumping the fruit bowl and flower vase on top was just a bad idea
Now I want Krispy Kreme.
I don't understand why that looks good (tasty at least) to me, but it does.
"Krispy" and "Kreme," my two favorite words!
I agree with Alix.. except what's up with the fruit?????
mmmmmmmmmm... donuts!!!
That's a crack up! Makes me miss Krispy Kreme even more (sadly there are no more KKs in California).
The donut thing is cute and all... but who came up with the idea to pretty it up with fruit? They don't seem to fit.
Because nothing says celebration like grapes, donuts and a coffee cup stuck on a cake. 0.o;;
So is the all the fruit an attempt at health or what?
LOL, word verification - ingym - how appropriate.
Why didnt they just get him a stack of donuts? Its just a big mess! and is the fruit to balance out the mass of sugar? if so im thinking they need a whole vineyard to do that!
There's a cake under there? Barf.
i have to agree. not aesthetically pleasing at all.
word verification: prong - my brother's favorite band. (wait that's a real word!)
I had to figure out if I was seeing something professionally made, or something the decorator just threw together because he/she forgot about the cake.
Also, I'm craving doughnuts now.
Pfft. Amateur. Should have made this:
I made that. Crazy calories. Crazy good. Guy hit. And can give you a headache after the first rush is gone.
This actually makes me not want doughnuts.
At least there's not a little fondant pig on there!
Why are there grapes in with the donuts? And how sugar-y icky is that going to be!
~Amy B.
I'll take three Krispy Kremes and a side of icing. How do you request your piece with that thing? I'd be so pissed if I got stuck with the grapes.
Angie (from over at
I think probably the fruit is a nod to the traditional chocolate grooms cake garnished with fruit. At least I hope so. Well, at least most of it you can eat, that's a plus.....
This gives me an idea for a new category of cake wreck. Forget CCCs, how about cakes made of stacks of donuts. Mmm tasty and so easy to tear appart.
It would have been much more aesthetically pleasing if they had just taken a box of donuts and piled them into a pleasantly-shaped, cake-like formation... sort of like those tacky Twinkie cakes you see, with Twinkies just piled up on each other.
Sometimes cakewrecks is slow to load but that's o.k. because as it loads I try to imagine what the wreck will be based on the title. I can tell you that I missed this one by a mile!
Love your site. Keep up the amazing work! The world needs more Cake Wrecks.
The mixture of tastes in the mouth, all at the same time would be a bit much. I think all in all though (including the flowers and fruit) it was a very well displayed and thought up cake/doughnut creation. Perhaps the cake needed a little decor and the fruit and flowers was better than adding say a piped rosette or lily, adding to the already sugary confection.
What is that underneath it all? Tulle? Old nylons? Anyway, it's not a very manly-man look for a cop. They could have covered the table with old parking tickets, mayhaps.
I also vote for ditching the fruit--and the ittybitty flowers-- NO reason to be there, as one really cannot pretty-up a thing like that.
Who knows? Maybe that's what the department orders out for lunch delivery every day.
I have to agree with everyone on the fruit - what's up with that? And the fake flowers?
And am I the only one that things, flavor wise, the combo of krispy kremes and cake is just....well, i think I threw up a little.
Surely there is a better way to do a donut cake?
It needs sprinkles !!!
And Krispy Kreme has doughnuts with sprinkles, too.
And when you click on the picture, it is super big and yummy! And I have Krispy Kremes in my freezer. They taste super good microwaved for a few seconds.
Too funny.
Now I'm sad...the closest KK to me closed when I was pregnant, how's that for mean?!?
Sigh...I love the cake. I think that I will tell DH I want a cake covered in KK doughnuts for my birthday! :)
Are the badge and Krispy Kreme cup made of fondant? :)
Oh wow...that's so...umm.
I don't have words.
I love this wreck and as an cops x-wife I think it is even funnier.
Ah such a demonstration of the struggle for a cop's dietary balance...donuts AND produce. Hectic work life/wife nagging to eat better. Really, a huge struggle. Huge.
I'm glad they put a bit of fruit into the mix. My brother is a police officer and he said they often try to eat healthier nowadays.
Krispy Kreme donuts are disgusting to me! I tried one once and I found it WAY too sweet. Here in Canada we have Tim Horton's....which aren't as good as they used to be. Maybe my tastebuds are changing.
My favorite part is the completely random fruit. Lol!
I'm thinking those cute massive donut cakes from the link yesterday would have been a better idea. Is the fruit there to counteract the sugar overload?
My husband is a cop, and he would probably love this! Of course, design and aesthetics aren't really his area of expertise. But, as was mentioned by someone else, there's no Krispy Kreme in CA anymore, so none of that for him. (Which I'm okay with - I'd like for him to stay a skinny cop!)
Cute idea but that is rather messy looking. Hey, if you don't like cake you can have donuts instead.
It just looks like a big mess. I thought the random fruit was the worst part, then the girly flowers was the worst, then I decided the "flung on" donuts were really the worst ... then how can we make it even worse? Throw a badge and a coffee cup to round the whole thing out. It is just a mess.
I win the prize for using the word "worse/worst" the most!
OMG! My WV is "plasma" ...I have never had a real word before!
Oh, and there is NO saving this wreck! None!
Must ... have ... Krispy ... Kreme ...
Fortunately, I have one just a couple of miles away. I hope the Hot light is on ...
That is nasty. I made my already queasy tummy worse....
The KK groom cake here: isn't all that bad, but still wrecky. Any cake made out of doughnuts is just wrong.
i call fake! anyone can squish some krispy kremes into a pallet of whipped creme. yes, it looks yummy, stomach-ache inducing and bad for you..but not sure i'd call it a wreck.
I'm actually a little jealous he gets a Krispy Kreme mug. A wedding and a free coffee cup? That's just about everything you could want, right?
I had to look at the enlarged picture to convince myself that the grapes were real and not plastic (I was having a vivid flashback to my Great-Grandmother's fruit bowl that didn't changed between 1975 and 1998) I'm not sure I understand the fake flowers, ether.
Um, take away all the inedible flotsam (Jen, that's my new favorite word!) and this almost looks tasty--although it will probably look better when all the doughnuts are picked off first.
Are you serious about thinking this looks tasty? Because this is one of the most disgusting-looking things I've ever seen. I'd never want to eat it. If it was served at a wedding, I'd pass--and I never pass on wedding cake.
oh god. this actually turns my stomach a little bit. First time that has happened. it looks absolutely disgusting.
Cyberrblue: You must be in the wrong part of CA. KK had just opened in Sacramento before we moved a couple of years ago!
I actually like the cake. lol. I'm a Krispy Kreme freak, though. Unfortunately for my figure, I live just down the road from one! O_O Honestly, I think the fruit and flowers area cute little touch of the traditional while at the same time, the whole cake just blows tradition out of the water. I want a piece with a big hunk of donut!
My friends had a tower of KK's for their wedding 'cake', it was the BEST 'cake' ever!
Oh, my goodness--I forgot you could click on the photo to enlarge!
I clicked on it to enlarge.
I wish I hadn't.
I didn't even notice that the thing in the middle was a badge!! It looked to me like a clear plastic donation jar. (I thought that was odd.)
The badge depicts what looks like two women in dresses. Odder still.
Can we just forget the whole thing?
Krispy Kreme donuts are disgusting to me! I tried one once and I found it WAY too sweet. Here in Canada we have Tim Horton's....which aren't as good as they used to be. Maybe my tastebuds are changing.
Your tastebuds aren't changing; they went from making them from scratch in each store to mass-producing them in a factory. Now the "bakers" at Tim Hortons just heat up frozen donuts from a box and glaze or dip them.
I think this Krispy Kreme cake would be way more appealing without the fruit on it. I love fruit, I love Krispy Kreme... but the combination looks very unappetizing.
Sweet Baby Jebus in a Pita Pocket, I've gone into a sugar coma. Plus, I think I've gone blind.
It's U.G.L.Y.
A friend of mine had a neighbor who was a cop and had the "DARE to keep cops off doughnuts" bumper sticker.
I LOVE it! It's hysterical, just as it should be.
This is hysterical! I also have an ex-husband who was a cop. Quite fitting if you ask me. ;-)
now I'm very anti- KK (got sick after having some that weren't completely cooked), but perhaps the fruit and flowers were there to tie into the other wedding decor(like the wedding cake)and not a lame attempt to introduce healthy snacks. Still wrecktastic, but not as confusing . . . .
WV- dingly . . . the technical term for how your stomach feels after looking at this KK 'cake'
I dunno...I think maybe the bride's father did order it....the badge in the middle says 'special police'...hmmm...interesting...
And I can see the hot sign of my local Krispy Kreme from my desk at work...bwahahahaha...not to mention the daughter of a co-worker works there.....bwahahahaha...again!
~Bonnie B~
If I had sen this before I got married, this would have been my wedding cake! Krispy Kremes are my weakness.
haa I told my husband we should have done this to him at our recent wedding and he wouldn't go for it. although I would have done it a bit tidier. the whole cop-donut thing isn't just a cliche! its so true I'VE eaten more donuts since I met him than I probably did in my entire life before that!
Umm actually I think if you take out the fake flowers (which are just sick...bleaak), the badge-thingy (which I thought was made of ice at first...silly me), the excess frosting (or any frosting at all for that matter) and added more fruit for color (like cantaloupe, honeydew, maybe some kiwi) it would look a lot more appetizing for me at least. Even with the donuts. I'd probably not use KK's though. They're a bit too sugarly (lol) for me. I'm kinda weird though. Love this site! brings me joy and happiness!
Word Verification: calkhoe. I don't even want to go there.
My son's friend's dad is a cop, and last time I was at their house he was wearing a shirt that said "A Day In The Life Of A Cop" and in one of the panels it showed the little stick figure guy with a policeman's hat scarfing a huge pile of donuts. No point in getting all riled up over the stereotype, right?
And surprisingly, I DON'T crave donuts. Probably because I'm getting sick; otherwise I'd be scarfing them down like the stick figure