"Suzy, what did I tell you about leaving your dolls lying around?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know? So you're telling me you don't remember any of the HUNDRED times I've warned you about leaving your toys strewn around the house?"
"So you don't remember what I said yesterday? About what would happen if I found your doll on the floor one more time?"
"Ummmm... Maybe you said something..."
[whining] "But I want my dolly! You HAVE to give her BACK!"
"Oh, don't you worry, honey. I'm sure she'll turn up after dinner."

That's cold, Chad C. - real cold.
283 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»Oh my, oh my, oh my. I'm going to see that scary image in my sleep.
Oh. my. lord. That cake is giving birth. Either that or it's eating that baby. Hilarious.
What the.....?????
That's hilarious! I'm sitting here at work with my mouth open in shock! Ha-ha!
That baby has the fullest diaper I've ever seen? Flopped it over on it's back like a stranded turtle.
Wow this is seriously disturbing
That's definitely bizarre.
{runs screaming from Cakewrecks}
That's a horrid picture! There's no way I could eat that cake.
I love it!!
OMG.....disturbing much?! what is it? a baby turtle?! lol!
ohh first comment?!***
Oh, that's just wrong...
That is seriously one of the weirdest things I think I've ever seen. Who would think this is cute?
The pansies are simply adorable.
I cannot bring myself to acknowledge the rest.
Not as creepy as the creepy baby cake, but still totally creepy.
What in the heck????? Who... But why... I just... WTF????
It looks like a baby/turtle. I'm still not sure how I feel about this picture. There has to be some law about detaining children in cake.
Oh. My. God. The creep factor just went to 11 or 12 on a scale of 10
Yikes!! Scariest cake I've seen, but why is it in the oven after it is frosted???
This is scary on SO many levels
That is damned funny and SO like something I would think about doing to my own kids.
D'ylike baby? We've got rack of baby. Tastes like chicken! (sorry I'm channeling for Eddie Izzard)
This is weird...just really weird. The baby's stomach looks a bit like mine after I've had Taco Bell. Creepy.
This confuses me?
Did the baby doll eat the other doll, or did the mother bake the doll into a cake black bird style?
Either way a blue bloated flower covered baby is disturbing to say the least~
So is that a doll, inserted into a cake? Or is that one of those insanely detailed fondant sculptures?
What in the heck was that bakery thinking??? That has to be the oddest thing I have ever seen cake wise
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man!
That's hideous....I have two friends that are pregnant (one of them with twins) and have the same due date...I'm thinking I'll be looking at all the baby cakes on this website for inspiration on their baby shower cakes...
OMG!!! That so wrong on so many levels...
Seriously I have no words! Kinda creepy...no. Kinda odd?....No I just have no words and that's pretty rare from me!
Baaahahahahaaahaaa....any Mom will completely understand that!
Oh. My. God.
What the heck is that supposed to be?!!! OMG! Definitely a WRECK!!! YIKES!!!
Pansies usually give me the warm fuzzies because they remind me of my childhood and how my mom always planted yellow ones just for me.... so, yeah, I'm pretty traumatized right now. What. the. H-E-Doublehockeysticks?!!!
Ooohhhh so CREEPY! I love it. Who wants fresh baby? Anyone? Fresh Baby- hot out of the oven...
Puts new meaning to a bun in the oven..
Ha ha! I love the sweet little flowers stuck to the outside.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
That is scary. And definitely traumatizing! I'D be traumatized eating that :P
WV: mitzim. "Please pass the mitzim so I can sprinkle it on my doll"
Holy mother... That is so not right.
Wow... What is that?! a turtle-baby hybrid experiment gone horribly wrong?
*running away screaming*
I do not think I have ever been more frightened by a cake. Nightmares for sure!
What.The.Frick? That is just....wrong.
This is odd. Odd and strange. Odd and strange and a little scary.
How do you come up with this? What makes you think, "We should make a cake that looks like a baby drowning in a pool, but to keep it from seeming to scary, lets add some flowers."
[Singing like Julie Andrews]
The hills are alive,
And they’re eating children...
"That's cold, Chad C. That's cold."
No.... That's wrong, Chad C. That's very, very wrong.
WV: brang. I brang my dolly to the store and misplaced her.... Why is the bakery wreckorator laughing?
That is just flat out weird!
I shall have nightmares about this cake. That is just creepy!
My 11 year old son Jordan said- "EW! Who wants to eat a plastic doll?"
Why, why is that baby trapped in a blue hill? I don't understand the idea behind this cake at all! Sooooo creepy!
That is awful. How could anyone even cut into that cake? Aren't the c-sections supposed to be done on the mom, not the baby? This is just wrong on so many levels!
What's even more terrifying is that it appears that cake-baby is sitting in an oven rack.
there is something very disturbing about eating a baby.
Is it just me or does that infant look like it's bursting out of it's mother's womb? Eeeeewww....
i can only imagine how awesome it would be to eat the little fingers.
It's the Blob that ate the baby! (Cue cheesy 1950's B movie horror music)
Oh Wow - what the heck is that?!
Spilling Buckets
Just what this person was thinking... I don't think I even want to know.
Was the cake being baked for Ed Gein? Jeffrey Dahmer? Hannibal Lecter, perhaps?
That's the creepiest cake I've ever seen.
what can I say besides, YIKERS!!! Kinda gives a new meaning to "fatback".
oh i so wish i could do that sometimes to the toys i find all over the house!!! genius idea!
That is just plain weird!!
That is just sick and wrong!
that's just so seriously twisted!
a whole new twisted twist on "bun in the oven" isn't it!
the baby cakes are always so disturbing to me. thanks for finding these and making sure that I have a laugh each day!
I think as far as creepy baby cakes go; this one takes the cake. :)
Ouch! LOL... that would be seriously traumatic for a little kid. However, as a big sister doing something like this to scare the pants off a younger sibling does sound brilliant and clever... >D
Baked baby in a floral Iron Lung.... very original.....gross, but original.
that is the most terrifying thing i have ever seen! i hope they meant for it to look completely morbid, because otherwise, they're just a little off in the head!
wait...a lot off.
hysterical! creepy...but, hysterical!
wow - that is more bizarre to me than the gross foot cake. Weird!
Is that just a display rack the baby cake is on? Or is it an oven...sick, sick, sick!
mmmm...plastic taste. :)
So creepy!!!
Looks, umm.... cuddly.
...There are no words.
Creepy! Why.....just why?
Yikes, I guess that's better than throwing the baby out with the bathwater, isn't it?
Oh no. Oh no no no! Someone is going to EAT that?! Call the cops!
Aaaggghhh! My captcha is ovener!
It looks like this baby was bred w/ a turtle and it ended up w/ a blue shell w. flowers on it. That is just sick!
Yet another example of why baby cakes almost never work.
surely that's not supposed to be pregnant belly. ick.
I don't understand
What would compel someone to do that?
This looks like the worst nightmare of a pregnant woman. The National Enquirer Headlines: Giant Baby Bursts Forth From the Womb Unassisted...
Oh. My. God.
Forget Suzy - I NEED therapy NOW! That is so sad and wrong. Poor baby.
I don't see anything wrong with it, if you're a CANNIBAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I kind of like the cake all by itself but the baby just ruins it!
OMG! That's nightmare enducing!
I want my mommy!
Egads! Is this a poster for some new horror movie about baby eating cakes on the loose? This one is gonna give me nightmares.
Do they actually sell baby parts for cakes, or did this person disassemble an actual doll for this scary thing??
This just seems wrong on so many levels. lol. Yet tasty.
That's pretty disturbing, to tell you the truth.
Ummmmm... creepy.
So wrong, but so funny.
Holy sheep!
OMG! Just wow. Um... yeah just wow.
Uh, I don't get it. I mean most of the wrecks you can tell what they were going for, but this one I really just don't get.
It's obvious some people have an extreme deficit in the "visualization process". Creativity in the wrong hands is like roller skating with pencils in your mouth...
It might make a good turtle, anthropomorphic turtle, if the baker turned it upside down and instead of blue with flowers, went with turtle-shell greens, yellows, and browns. That is just ODD.
No lying, word verification is "baker"!!
What the heck?!?! That leaves me with my jaw hanging, completely speechless!
That is to disturbing for words.. I'm speechless. All I can say is WHY??
Well, that would be a great way to get my kids to quit begging for cake!
Oh God! Baby zombies are bursting through the petunias and coming for us!
Do they really CUT the baby AND eat it?!
Oh. My. Gawd. I just really don't know what else to say.
Someone gets PAID to make these things? That takes either fortitude or insanity. Or both. O_o
So, if the doll is actually a toy, wouldn't at least part of it be plastic? And wouldn't that melt in the oven?
I just showed this to my 5 year old DD,and her eyes grew really big and her mouth formed a perfect 0 and she said "Is that a real baby?" HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
One of those times I wish I could scrub my brain clean. Wow..just wow...
wv:fuzzymy I wish my brain could be fuzzy but I'm stuck with that image now *shudders*
Hansel and Gretle's baby sister
This is sick. So sick. But the flowers are cute.
W.V. plesse: as in "Plesse, (pleading like) don't post any more baby cake wrecks!?
That's freaky. It's so realistic. Except for the bit about the baby being eaten by a cake.
Kristen said... Is that just a display rack the baby cake is on? Or is it an oven...sick, sick, sick!
I came to the same conclusion: it looks like an oven, but it's probably a rack in a display case. PLEASE let it be a rack in a display case!
So does that baby have a torso? If so how did they bake the cake?
2 questions..1. Did they actually bake the cake with the baby in it? And if they did how did the baby survive and not melt? 2. How do you cut that cake? Sorry I guess I had 3 questions
I thought of that scene in Willy Wonka where the girl turns into a blueberry!
Baby shower cake + cake designer/decorator who's obsessed with the movie Alien... What could go wrong?
(raises one eyebrow) Ummm- okay.(cocks head to the side) What concept, exactly, were they going for? If it really was because toys were left on the floor, then that's hilarious. That'll teach them! lol
WV: deout. I was on deouts with my children after I baked their toys into a cake.
That cake is just wrong. I do wonder, though, whether the "baby" portion of the cake is a plastic insert or a fondant masterpiece.
Baby, it's hot in here!
Words fail...
Oh sweet jeezus!!! LOL!
(word verification: shedlint...*snorts with laughter*)
I'm trying to work out whether it's a whole doll in the cake, or whether it was one of those ones with a fabric body and someone has actually spent time dismembering it to put it in a cake. Either scenario is pretty disturbing ...
First of all, it looks like a baby hatching from an Easter egg. Second, is it on a storage rack or in the oven?
Word Verification: chose
I can't believe someone CHOSE to make a cake like this!
We discovered a new species . The flesh eating cake
That's almost as weird as the baby cake.
See Johnny! I TOLD you babies hatch from eggs!!
I think what is most disturbing is that it is very beautifully done. The design creeps me out, but the execution is flawless.
holy cripes on toast! That is an abomination, an anathema, an evil, plain horrible, and a down right shame! LOL. I'm just excited I used the word anathema in a sentence!
HAHA! This is great.
extremely bizarre.
Incredibly disturbing!
HOly crap, that's fat baby in the oven, Kate is gonna loose it!
BTW What the He 2 sticks is that????
THat is just too funny! In a disturbing kind of way, but too funny!~
Wait...how does that even work? wouldn't the doll melt or a least get singed in the oven? Reminds me of the Ramona Quimby story when she ruined Beezus' birthday cake by putting her doll named Chevrolet into the oven. (Chevrolet was pretending to be the witch in Hansel and Gretel.)
My first (well...actually second or third...) thought was that it would be kind of cute if the baby was sticking out the top because it would kind of look like it was wearing a wide hoop skirt!
The way it is though...that's just weird. I'd love to know the actual idea behind this.
And no one ever asked Mrs. Tylor to bake another cake for a baby shower after the last one tasted strangely of burned latex..
~Amy B.
I say the psycho music started playing when that was brought out!
I am having a really hard time figuring out what the decorator was going for??? Tiffany
That's creepy is what that is. Oi Vey.
What?! I'm staring at this in shock! And yet at the same time what a great way to get your kids to pick up their toys...
Oh but the pansy's on the sides are quite pretty. are they frosting or fake plastic?
That is seriously wrong on so many levels.
My 2 almost 3 year old summed it up for me...
"No momma, can't eat cake baby..."
Wow...whole new meaning to 'baby cakes'
BTW, we use baby dolls like that in our sunday school classes...
Bwahahahaha...that is so WRONG!
Who in their right mind puts a realistic looking baby doll in the oven? And how do you bake a doll without it melting into the cake?
that would certainly teach a child a lesson. it's so wrong it's almost awesome.
This is disturbing on a whole new level. Seriously. (Oh yeah, and your "dialogue" certainly added to the creepiness.)
Totally made my Day! I love it!
This is so very wrong. So very wrong...
WV:Babsly--This babslys in a cake mound...her final resting place?
What creeps me out the most is thinking that someone had to chop up a baby doll so they could insert the pieces into the baked cake.
that one made me lol, I don't do that to often, thanks
A cake straight from the mind of the evil witch in Hansel and Gretel. It's full of WRONG! and WIN! at the same time.
That cake puzzled/disturbed me so much that I totally didn't even see the (apparently) pretty pansies on the side... What in the WORLD was the wreckorator going for? If it was W-T-F-were-they-thinking-creepy, they succeeded.
What is it with baby shower cakes?? What is it?
Oh, and people, it's in a fridge, or storage rack, that's not really an oven, however, the oven imagery really lends an air of creepiness.
Horrifying. Hilarious. Horrifying.
I just can't decide.
What is it with baby shower cakes?? What is it?
Oh, and people, it's in a fridge, or storage rack, that's not really an oven, however, the oven imagery really lends an air of creepiness.
So (disturbingly) astonished that I am moved to comment here for the first time ever...
You know, if the cake were rectangular it would look a little like a blanket partially covering a happy baby, yet still lying in the frig. But the way it is here--it is just ODD! What were they thinking???
(This is how it went in my mind.)
"...this cake is why i failed my high school life management class. Apparently, we were supposed to treat the dolls like babies.
On the bright side, i get to miss gym class twice a week so i can talk to my guidance counselor..."
Did they bake that baby in the cake??? That is freaky, especially since it seems like its sitting in an oven!
My 2 year-old looked at the picture and said, "Jo-Jo cake." Maniacal laughter ensues.
(Jo-Jo is her 6 month-old baby sister.)
mmmmm looks like an upside down turtle... or a baby on the back side of a turtle.
oy vey. very wrong.
Awww, babycakes! Perfect to go with fetus cookies.
WHAT ARE PEOPLE THINKING??????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?? ??????????????????????????????.
Abby Normal said...
[Singing like Julie Andrews]
The hills are alive,
And they’re eating children...
And made me snort my tea!
Thanks for the laughs everyone!
That's the most humanoid chestburster I've ever seen. :P
Gives new meaning to the phrase, "So, what's new, babycakes?"
As a mom who's struggled with the whole "put your stuff away" deal, this cake & dialogue is hilarious!!! Just wouldn't be the same with shoes & undies baked in a cake, though. :P
I'm going to throw out a theory here: the cake was made "around" the baby. Back when I attempted to decorate cakes, I had a mold that was a huge "skirt" that had a tube up the middle. Sort of like a Bundt pan. Once the cake was made and cooled, a Barbie could be inserted into the cake tunnel and then frosted into a cake "dress."
Perhaps this cake was baked in a two-halves Easter-egg mold with tubes inserted at strategic places so the (dismembered) plastic baby parts could be inserted when the cake was put together. The frosting would hide the seams.
Or maybe the baker is just a sicko.
Or maybe the aliens won't come in pods, they come in Easter eggs. Cadbury Bunny, beware!
Word verification: equingly. My stomach felt equingly when I saw this cake.
Its like a horror film. Except I'm laughing!
don't throw out the baby with the... uh, rest of the batter...
this is strangely reminiscent of those dolls with crocheted skirts that you're supposed to put over your extra toilet paper in the bathroom. you know, to pretty it up.
what, am i the only one who ever went to a Methodist Church bazaar??
I hope it's not the I-pee-and-poop baby doll....
weirdness. ?=/
Craft stores sell plastic doll pieces, for you to build your own dolls. This looks like one of those kits.
You bake the cake, then you attach the plastic doll parts after the cake is cooled, and you're icing it. You don't ACTUALLY bake the doll INTO the cake.
Haven't any of you seen the Barbie cakes? It's the same principle.
Much more disturbing, but the same principle.
Auntie Em! Auntie Em! It's a baby eating cake Auntie Em! Run Toto Run!
About the most disturbing cake I've seen.
That might just be even more disturbing than the lifelike baby cakes. It looks like someone baked the baby in the cake. Yuck.
Alli: the doll limbs were probably added to the cake after it cooled and before frosting. For example, doll cakes have a doll pick (doll body from the waist up, approx. 3" long plastic skewer from the waist down) inserted into a bell-shaped cake and the decorator frosts a bodice onto the doll to tie it in to the dress.
Back in the early 1980s, my mother hid a Cabbage Patch Kid in the microwave while my father was watching a late-night horror movie.
So, would sending a link of that cake to my friend who just gave birth a couple days ago be wrong??
I'd normally be creeped out, but as I just picked up lunch at a restaurant with a SCREAMING baby, I'm thinking that eating a piece would be fairly satisfying right now.
This is the most disturbing cake on cakewrecks. I choose to believe (for my sanity) JohnnyB when he says it's a really full diaper.
What are people thinking??????
Too freakin' funny!
I'm pregnant with twins and this is pretty much how I feel... Insultinig to see it presented like that...
Oh no they didn't!
Someone has a warped sense of humor. Either that, or they really, really hate babies.
Is it just me and my blonde is showing but I truly don't get this cake? Usually you can tell what a cake is sort of going for - but I can't figure it out?
Wrong wrong wrong. Ugh.
You know, I've had dreams like this when I was pregnant, that baby parts were sticking out of my abdomen. Thanks for the solid visual. -Heather
Haha! This blog is HILARIOUS! I just discovered it a few days ago...I write for a humor blog and was looking for others when I came across this site...I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time! It's so true what they say - "a picture's worth a thousand words."
Oh my. I think I need to stop reading your blog.
I'm going to have nightmares.
Nightmares I tell you.
Not pretty ones, either. The bad ones.
I need to go bleach my brain...
That is possible the most disturbing one I've seen.
Oh, I'm still laughing! I like that!