Monday, January 19, 2009
Wedding Crashers, Cake Wrecks Style
Monday, January 19, 2009
Many thanks to Gini N. for sending it in!
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A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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82 comments | Post a Comment
Now if only some of our wreckerators could do that good.
This is great! Who created the original claymation? I want to post that to any links I give to this, give proper attribution. But so far, my googling hasn't found the makers. Any ideas?
That was fantastic!!!!!!
Brilliant! I don't even have words for how much I love this -- wonderful use of colours and shapes and just fun, cute, and clever!
Great example of acceptance and integration on this, Martin Luther King's birthday. Also fabulous claymaton.
I think the little icing entities belong to the Ministry of Silly Walks. ;)
That was great! Definitely worthy of a post!
Delightful! Here's the same clip including subtitles for those interested in what the words from La Traviata by Verdi mean.
Big fan, daily visitor.
Wow, that was too cute and amazingly done.
It's not everyday that I get to say, "That was a great claymation opera!"
First comment! WOOHOO! IN YO FACE!!!
those little dessert claymation people did a better job decorating that cake than many Wreckorators I have seen. Lets have a big round of applause fo cute little opera-singing clay desert people!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT was VERY cool!!
Loved it!
Wow That is just amazing!
That was awesome!!! I wonder how long it too to make! So clever. And Cute!
That was really cute!
That is stinkin' cool!
that was truly an amazing video! thanks for sharing!!
Ha! That was cute!
Those little guys are adorable.
Woo! That was awesome! It wasn't entirely what I was expecting but it was beautiful nonetheless. As a once-was-an-animation-major I know exactly how hard that was to make and I -always- appreciate claymation. So glad you posted it = )
Well, I'm hungry.
That was great! I loved it, too bad we couldn't see what the cake looked like from a different view when it was done.
That is adorable! If different dessert goos can learn to get along...why can't we?
Funny, always loved clay-animation!
That was so cool!
fantastic! As I am a lover of both claymation and desserts, this definitely tickled my fancy -- thanks for sharing!
Oh, well done!! >claps< I love the little marching puddings!
This is very fun. Thanks for sharing. My toddler wanted to watch the ending with me again and again!
Great video and great blog! Thanks!
Holy cow! Someone has WAY too much time on their hands.
That was hypnotic to watch.
And now the music is stuck in my head.
This is fabulous! And a perfect addition to this hilarious blog.
This is absolutely lovely and incredibly creative...I love the characters and the finale is just beautiful...Wheeeeee!
that was really impressive! But I don't know if that cake would have turned out a wreck if it were
Awesome! I can't imagine how long it took to make that.
What a cool video! I love it!
I couldn't help thinking of those cute little Adipose fat babies in Doctor Who; "the fat just walks away"
That was adorable! I love the end--them becoming decorations was great!
This is just too cute - and so well done! Thanks for sharing!
Awww this one cut short. The link Toby gave is better you get the whole sha-bang at the end! Too cool. Apparently it's from something called L'Opera Imaginaire (it's in the comments of youtube and there's a few more clips from the collection there, different animation styles).
That was AMAZING. It was nice to cake-themed animation on here; it breaks up the awesomely bad cakes with just pure awesome.
Keep up the great work!
Super cute! Um, but... okay, maybe I'm just a little wrong. Did the yellow blobs that hopped along not look like, well, something unmentionable? Urm.... Still, incredibly creative and fun to watch!
That was so totally fantastic! i just love it.
i think its made be a french company. i saw another version that was slightly longer and included the name of the composer "verdi" and then 2 french words. i dont speak french so i dont know if it was someone's name or what. but after a little more search i found a site which seems to have the info of who/what/where/why but again, in french.!!!
Great! My 2 yo loves it too.
THAT WAS AWESOME! Thank you for sharing! I want you to know that I read your blog everyday. I've only recently caught onto the cake wrecks madness, but I am so glad I have found you! Thank you and your wreckporters for your endless entertainment! I love it! :)
Would that I had the talent to make such a video. Simply amazing.
This is so much fun! I loved it! =)
question, I'm trying to jazz up my blog, how did you get this template? Do you have someone do it for you? Or did you purchase it, or were you able to download it from the internet, email me because I need to do something to my blog.thanks
you can email me from there.
That was amazing claymation!
Fabulous! Many thanks for sharing!
Exquisite. Thank you!
Thanks for posting this! I've added it to my blog with a link to Cake Wrecks! (and a big Thank You to you!)
philipchek SAID on youTube
"L'Opéra imaginaire" is a french vsh/dvd a collection of 12 videos (the present video is of them) made by Guionne Leroy et Pascal Roulin in 1993. May be It would have been easy to explain it in the video description... Anyway, thanks for the subtitle work.
Someone ha WAAAAAY too much time on their hands. LOL!
Wow... I can't even imagine the number of HOURS that must have taken. Just fantastic!
That is SO cute and very well done! I'm in the animation industry myself, so I can REALLY appreciate the time and effort that went into it. Thanks so much for posting it!
That. Was. Awesome! Now I totally wish I could understand...whatever language that aria was written in (Italian?). It'd be fun to know what the song was REALLY about. :)
Oh how I love claymation. Especially with as inundated as we are with digital animation now. There is just such a charm, especially to this little dessert opera. Thanks for posting this
Sorry. Typo. That's supposed to be "had" not "ha," ha ha ha!
That was really cool. :D
wow!!!!! amazing.
Thank goodness it had a happy ending... I was worried it would ruin my love of pastry forever if the little blobs did something bad!
p.s. I'm still a little disturbed by the movements of the bavarian cream, though. Kinda creepy. Luckily, I never did really care for that stuff...
Donna C, The Colony, TX
what a SWEET post, this made me So happy on such an already happy day!
My kids and I really enjoyed this, thanks!
that's awesome
layla...i thought the same thing. glad i wasn't the only one.
opera imaginaire was a series of short animated videos, each set to a different aria. the series ran on bravo in the 90s. each short film was beautifully done and each very different... i've been searching for a tape or dvd for years! you can find a few on youtube, and i highly encourage looking them up! ;.)
If you're in the US then you can get it on Amazon:
Can't find any reasonably priced PAL versions though *snif*
Anne H.
Man! That *totally* made my morning! :D
That was awesome!
omg! I love it! And now I'm just a little bit scared of cutting into my mom's birthday cake.
That was amazing!
That was great! Very cute & clever.
Very cute!
that was fantastics!
one word: EPIC.
Thanks a bazillion Jen! It brings me back memories of watching it on Classic Arts Showcase several years ago - it's still good after all those years!
Clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap!!! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Fantastico!!
That is the most adorable thing I have ever seen! Who did the claymation? I love them!
OMG! That was AMAZING! Just remember this excuse, next time your friend pops to the bathroom and returns to find her delicious dessert has "disappeared" from her plate (yum!). Just say:
"It got up and ran away!!!!"
wow that was way cool !!!!!