I would like to state for the record that I grew up around a bunch of rednecks, and I have nothing but affection for that Nascar-loving, deer-hunting, Coors-ball-cap-wearing crowd. That said, I'm pretty sure they should never be allowed to plan their own weddings.
Exhibit A:

I have no words.
Exhibit B:

I have words, but none that can be repeated in polite company. Egads, man, the
hoof! I don't even want to
know what that is inside it - just tell me it's not the cake server, please. [shudder]
Exhibit C:
"We are gathered here today to join this man, this woman, and this truck in holy matrimony..."Exhibit D:

For a "shotgun wedding" perhaps? (Ba-dum-
And finally, Exhibit E:

Hey, look, an actual bride and groom topper - no deer heads! Oh, but there IS a deer...and the bride's toting a shotgun...and I'm suddenly in the mood for fruit roll-ups. Huh.
I'm actually a bit disappointed that I couldn't find a Nascar-themed wedding cake. Anyone have one to send me? C'mon: it'll be therapeutic!
Thanks to Chris M., Melody H., Jacy D., and both Anony M.s for their expert Wreckporting!
259 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»OMG, those are hilarious! A true shotgun wedding...just perfect ;-)
Um.. yeah... deer and cake just don't mix. Really.
WV: mudali... don't get the cake near the truck, Bubba... it might get mudali
Yee haw! Them are right purty! Yer just too dang high falootin'...
Actually, I think the first one is very pretty. Wow, what does that say about me?
Do you think one of those cakes was made for the wedding of Sarah Palin?!
A and C were pretty impressive as far as the talent goes. I thought C was hilarious. The stump just doesn't do it for me, though. And the bride dragging the groom by the collar? I just hope she isn't marrying the deer and presenting him with the man as a trophy. Creepy!
I'm just throwing this out there - there's definitely a TV show called Redneck Weddings that's filmed not too far from where I live.
I have yet to see it, but i'm sure they have some AWESOME cakes.
Um.....Uh.....huh? Too funny!
These cakes are great! I love them!! I couldn't stop laughing. :D
Wow...funny thing is that I actually know more than one person who would love those cakes. I know, trust me. But my cousin would love it: his Christmas card picture was of him and his wife in hunting gear.
I dunno, Jen; cultural baggage aside, I think these are pretty impressive cakes. The carved-tree one is masterful.
The tree trunk cake would be cute if it weren't for the shotgun shells...
It also looks in the last one like the bride is dragging the groom to the altar.
Disturbing as they are, one must still admit they were executed with excellent artistry (love the tiny flowers in the mudslide on the truck cake)... I'd like to see what these decorators do with not-so-strange/creepy orders if they can make these look as good as they do!
You have to admit that the first cake is pretty good artistically. You know, if you can overlook the beheaded deer.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
On the 2nd cake, I'm almost expecting the deer to jump out, shout "Surprise!" and start stripping... seriously, that's how disturbing it is.
It's all bad. A couple of them are skillfully-rendered cakes, but I'm shaking my head just the same.
Near where I grew up, a couple was married on their pickup trucks. The bride and groom both owned lift-kit-fitted, roll-bar-equipped trucks upon which they took their vows. Classy.
This is just wrong!
Actually The first cake is amazing to me, and it would be something I would get my family (though not for a wedding perhaps). My family is very much into the wildlife scene, photography, wild life rehab... and sadly even the hunting (how it all fits together is weird to me lol). So the cake as an art is pretty... just gotta have a sense of humour when eating it I guess haha.
*stares at the first cake* Is this for a California wedding? How come we've got two bucks on there? The one isn't even worth making a trophy out of...seriously who wants a little guy like that on their wall? I mean a buck and a doe would have made more sense unless it really was two guys (not that there's anything wrong with that!)
The others I can't really comment on because they all resemble something that would have shown up at my relatives' weddings.
I really liked the first one, although the deer and stag heads could be creepy in certain lights. I regret that there's no NASCAR cake today; I'll just look at the Hot Wheels cakes instead.
~Katie W.
WV: gition "Gition yerself into the truck, darlin'. We're gettin' hitched!"
Okay, I love all of these cakes..but then again My hubby is a hunter and we did go to Graceland for our honeymoon, that being said. the first cake has an error - at least I hope it's an error - they are both male deer. Female deers have NO antlers, that would be a buck and a spike (teenage male deer)...and no I don't hunt - but I have been married to my hunter for 15 years, and along the way I have picked up little tidbits - but the cake is still very creative! :)
Oi vey. The words have been sucked from me. I'm torn between horror and awe that people actually have cakes like this.
The first cake is beautiful on a technical level, and so wrong on so many other levels!
Funniest cakes ever - Thank you so much for brightening every day from the cake-shelf, and I am delighted to be in early with my comments today, as you understandably get so many appreciative comments - You are fantabulous!
Exhibit A - I'm having difficulty breathing. Bride and groom represented by wall-mountable hunting-trophy deer heads... you could do a graduate dissertation on the symbolism alone...wow wow wow.
Those are too funny. What kind of women would go for cakes like that on their wedding day? Wait, I don't think I want to know!
Is it me, or are those horns on the doe in the first picture?
These are great! I have to defend (D) though. It would make a cute groom's cake.
I have to admit, I kind of like the cake with the truck on it. Would I have chosen it for my wedding? No. But it's kind of cool.
I always thought it was bad when people bought lingerie and bed linens with the hunting 'woods camo' theme. But there is no excuse for the cakes!
Nascar cake
That truck one brings new meaning to the term cakewreck!
Looks like it could fall off at any moment.
The interesting thing is how well-done most of those cakes actually are...
I love that the first one is actually served up on a log. How rustic!
Found one!
Hopefullly you'll have the e-mail submission soon.
Yes, these are tacky, but I honestly don't think they are that bad...
I kind of liked the first one - without the heads on it.
My husband's family would love the first one. :(
Also, I found a NASCAR cake. Emailing you shortly!
Just gonna have to send this entry to my daughter's best friend who is "getting hitched" in September. She just may have to change her theme.
;^) Jan the Gryphon
WV: terisej - name for upscale redneck baby (e.g. Marisue, Billijo, Terisej)
Somehow, none of those look appetising. Especially the one with the deer heads poking out of the top.
~Amy B.
That is freaking hilarious!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
Cake C is obviously meant to be funny. I mean, just ignore the subject matter and look at the cake itself - it's lush.
Hey, at least most of those are well done. Tacky as all get out, but well done.
Ahhh! You found the way to my husband's heart, cake & antlers! Michelle R - Oklahoma
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. NONONONONONONONONO! These are WEDDING cakes? I mean...NO!
That being said, I totally laughed out loud at the bride and groom toppers on the last cake. So wrong, but oh, so funny... heh heh heh...
The one with the deer head toppers is quite good, decoration wise, but totally tacky for a wedding!
Besides the theme, I think some of these cakes are actually done quite well!
i girl i work with was talking about her john deere firefighter wedding. can't wait to see that cake!
That made me want to go off-roading in an icing factory.
That last cake looks rather thin on the icing front.
And why is there a banner ad for "Diaper Cakes" under the post? Wow.
Uh... on the last one, did she shoot the groom? So it's supposed to be a representation of her "bagging" a husband? *shudder*
word verification: coppo. Someone call the coppo.. Janie's got a gun.
Okay- does this count for nascar?
This is a "trend" I don't get, and is becoming alarmingly popular. Girls who wear camoflage. I've seen girls who have had their naisl done, hair and makeup perfect carrying a camo bag. When I talk about camo I'm not talking army print. I'm talking sticks and leaves deer hunting stuff. These cakes just reinforce that.
Finally coming out of lurk-dom... OMG, these are BAD!!! Off to email you some links!
Sorry, but those don't look wreck-tastic at all.
Better luck next time.
As ridiculous as it would be for a wedding, I am impressed by the camo fondant on B. And sadly, I know people who would love these for their weddings...
The tree stump cake would be cute without the shotgun shells.
omg those cakes are hilarious. wow I can't believe that people would make such cakes.
here's a nascar wedding cake for you...http://www.ruscelli.com/images/pmsb49.jpg
The one of the tree stump caught my eye because the first person's initials are 'DWI'.
Well I couldn't find a NASCAR wedding cake, but... I did find a Jeff Gordon wedding topper.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned the creepy crawlers on the tree stump cake. "Yes, I'll have a piece, and be sure I get the grasshopper."
The James Bond cake is from July 24, 2008.
This just pulled up a repressed memory. My anniversary is Nov. 16. When I chose that as my wedding date 24 years ago, I didn't realize it was the first day of deer hunting season. My brothers were pissed, so my mother asked me after I order the invitations (bear in mind I got engaged in July and married in November so there wasn't a lot of leeway) if I could change my wedding date so they could go deer hunting. I told her, no, they could go hunting if that was their preference. I should have had one of these cakes!
Tacky or not I bet those weddings were a hoot to attend.
(And I love the truck cake, that is awesome.)
Some of those cakes are cute! *duck*
although...for a wedding...I probably would have to say they could be considered cake wrecks LOL
The shotgun shells REALLY make the cake. WOW!
Um, really...they do exist...
Nascar groom's cake: http://www.mcarthurs.com/wcgnascargrooms.asp
I can't find a wedding cake, though. Lots of toppers, but no cake.
I like that one of the initials on the trunk cake are "DWI"...wonder how many wedding guests will get one of those that night?
I'm not sure these cakes are wrecks at all. Especially the first one. The idea's kind of iffy, but I think the cake itself looks really good.
Yeah, the first cake is basically a father and son. Female deer do not have antlers. So, that just takes that cake to a whole new level! LOL
My husband had a Nascar grooms cake. Yep, right beside my beautiful pristine 3 tiered white wedding cake with a beautiful fondant bow, sat a sheet cake with a Dale Earnhardt car on it...talk about being mortified, and it was MY wedding! lol... I can thank my mother-in-law for that one!
Wow. The one with the truck actually could be a beautiful cake. Take off the truck and add some blue to make a waterfall down the gross mud.
But really, who on earth wants a truck on their wedding cake? Or a shotgun? Or a deer? Honestly, don't these brides have ANY sense of taste?
the first "shotgun" wedding cake seems to have green roaches and caterpillars walking around the base...[shudder] yecch.
Re: the cake with the buck and the spike buck on top...it's possible it was a decorator error. If the bride specified "two deer on top, a buck and a doe", the decorator might not have been aware that female deer do not have antlers, and might have simply googled up images of deer, and while looking for an image of a smaller deer, inadvertently picked an image of a spike buck for the doe.
I think the cake with the truck driving up the side totally rocks. I'm reminded of the James Bond cake with the top tier carefully balanced--how DID they do it? Lotta technical expertise there, subject matter aside. But if I were a Redneck Bride, that's absolutely the cake I'd want.
And the shotgun-toting bride hauling her "kill" away by his collar (presumably to the altar) is quite witty IMO. But you gotta wonder about the subtext--perhaps a bit of tension? ;)
A horny doe. Please tell me there's no Freudian slip here.
wv: robved
When Robved Bobby Sue, their cake had Budweiser cans for pillars.
Is it just me, or does that last one read as "Darn it, Lloyd, give me that gun and git your tail to the church. We are gittin' hitched and that's final! I don't care if it IS a twelve-pointer!" I mean...I know some guys who've had this issue....
I'm kind of in love with cake C.
Can't believe no one's mentioned the brown poo bumpy bark on the tree trunk cake! Nauseating! :o
WV: disshe - disshe or disshe not say "I do"?
Jen, I couldn't see the first 2 cakes was there a problem with the-WAIT A MINUTE-camouflage. It gets me every time.
I can only imagine what those couples danced to.
These are wedding cakes? Despite their wreckiness, they would have more potential as groom cakes. The camo design on the first cake isn't too bad, but I cringe at the heads on top. When I saw the last one, though, I thought of Sarah Palin, and that also made me cringe.
I found this site that had a grooms cake with a Nascar theme.
ok.. the camo cake with the deer head... Think about it. Remember the cakes where the barbie doll was sticking out and the cake was the dress? Well, that camo cake is the camo outfit for the deer! It even has green lace around the collar.. How cute..
I do like that first one, I have to admit. Of course, I'm a deer hunter...not sure I'd want that for my WEDDING cake, but...it is pretty.
To the nay-sayers: it IS possible for a doe to have antlers. It's quite rare, but it happens. Think of it as the bearded lady of deer-land.
i have to wonder if the deer heads are the sculptures you see in pawn shops and gas stations throughout the mountain west, or some sort of cake-specific creation.
Holy cow. Or deer, maybe.
There is NO reason to put shotgun shells on your wedding cake unless you want to shout to everyone that the bride is pregnant. None. I don't care how avid a hunter you are.
Let's all send a baby gift round about May, mmm?
The sad thing is, remove the plastic deer and the top one is quite nice. Barring the plastic deer/truck/shotgun shells, they're all pretty well executed...
Well, there might not be any hope for that one at the bottom. The fruit roll-up leaves don't quite hide the fact that you can SEE the cake through the icing. We need more leaves!
Ok-what about the plastic bugs on the tree stump cake?!?
WTH is that hoof in front of exhibit B? I'm scared and nauseated all at the same time.
This is such an awesome collection of cakes! (I really like that mudslide one, and I haven't got a redneck bone in my body.)
This is actually my favorite type of wreck: talent used for evil (or at least to tacky ends), like that really creepy cake made to look like the bride. More tacky talent, please!
That is AWESOME!! Being from the South (born and raised, thank you very much) I can totally appreciate those cakes. I don't want them of course, but I can appreciate them.
At least they we executed well. Sadly the sam can not be said ot the bakers.
I agree with a lot of the other commenters: most of these cakes are well-executed, but that doesn't stop them from being hilarious.
Anonymous (Michelle) said... Ahhh! You found the way to my husband's heart, cake & antlers!
My boyfriend and I often say that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach... because the rib cage takes too long to chop through.
And finally (this one is for my brother): if your porch collapses 'n' more'n four dogs is injured, you might be a redneck.
I saw some camo cummerbunds this weekend that would go perfect with these cakes.
Probably appropriate that one set of initials on the tree stump was "DWI"
They have a bright future.
I am from South Alabama and I love the first cake! I would proudly use it!
I actually have made a groom's cake based on the top one. Except they wouldn't spring for gum paste leaves and put "silk" ones on instead. It was served on a log and had men and women hunters on the top. It was displayed right next to the wedding cake.
You can see it here. http://www.myriadcakedesign.com/
pages/special_occasion.php. There's no NASCAR cake, but I have done motorcycle and Corvette cakes (similar to the mudslide cake)
I have to say, I like the truck muddying up the elegant traditional wedding cake. It's nothing I would have wanted at my wedding, but I see the humor.
WV: iverseth. Who iverseth I've got a lithp ith athking for it.
@ Sandi - No matter how awesome your hair and nails are, you look stupid carrying your bow up a tree stand in a pink Coach bag. That's why the camo thing started. ;-)
It's that whole Beverly Hillbillies thing. ;-) (and it's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it)
I don't have time to read all 110+ comments so forgive me if this echoes anything that has already been said... My first thought for C is that the bride and groom met when the bride's truck slipped down a hill and the groom rescued her (or, I suppose, the bride rescued the groom when HIS truck slid down a hill). In which case the cake is rather clever.
Is it wrong that I think the cake with the truck is kind of pretty?
These are so great, love the 4x4 and shotgun cakes.
Those are actually really amazing works of art...especially the first one. Granted a bit of an odd choice for a wedding...a grooms cake maybe, but a wedding? But, it shows the spirit of the bride and groom and what they enjoy.
well creepy or not you have to admit that the first one is at least beautifully executed... hm, perhaps not the best choice of words... oh well!
also, i hate to even say this, but i THINK the hoof has been made into a cup or a vase! note the leather stitched into the opening. usually that means you can drink out of it or put liquid in it in some form. i hope to GOD that's not what they toasted with!! *SHUDDER*
Aw, the tree trunk cake is kind of sweet, with the heart and initials...okay, I could live without the shotgun shells.
And the first one would be rather pretty if it didn't have those creepy deer heads on top! A pair of entire deer would have worked better
Here's a link to a NASCAR themed groom's cake from Cakes by Sam: http://www.cakesbysam.com/images/Wedding_Cakepics/jengroom.jpg and here's one that looks like a wedding cake by Jo's Cakes and Catering: http://www.joscakesandcatering.com/files/7147777.jpg.
Have fun! Thanks for keeping us entertained!
I don't think the first one can be a wedding cake, since it's a buck and a spike. Maybe some kind of father/son event? Anyway, I think it's very artistically rendered. Using an actual tree "cookie" for the base is a nice touch.
I kind of like the tree stump with the heart, too.
I work in the woods. So sue me :)
Some of these may not be total wrecks, but they sure are trashy. Wow. I'm almost speechless.
At least they're done well...?
Uh, while artfully created "stuff we dun kilt" just doensn't come out to be a very romantic wedding cake theme. Maybe it's just me.
But you've gotta admit...those were really WELL-DONE cakes!
The themes may have been a bit silly, but they were well-crafted and quite attractive for what they were.
I think the tree stump is pretty cool looking. Not really what I would picture for a wedding cake but maybe for a trip to the redwood forest?
The first cake has two male deer on it... anyone else notice that? The one on the left is NOT a doe, but is a "button buck" as noted by the small horns on its head. The implications of that are endlessly entertaining...
Jesus. Oh Jesus.
If only someone had put a top hat and veil on the deer heads, I think that's the only way it would have been better (worse?).
UGH! A friend did have a NASCAR wedding cake, but I didn't take pictures. I'll have to ask her. In the mean time, this was her wedding cake topper.
The first cake I actually kind of like, though I could do without the buck heads on the top -- I mean, maybe some grass and a pair of deer of appropriate sexes grazing if you wanted to keep the woodsy theme.
(Also, am I the only person who thinks 'not that there's anything wrong with that' comments whenever someone points out that the first cake has two male deer on the top just makes the person in question look like s/he couldn't come up with a way to convey that without adding something to cover his/her butt?)
In Exhibit C, it looks as if the SUV had diarrhea down the side of the cake.
Dear baby Jesus.
All I can say is WOW!!! My dad would probably have loved to have cake A at their wedding but my mom would have killed him.. these are very funny.
The stump cake bears the initials of a "DWI." Perfect.
Oh, cripes. Only the last one even looks edible. I don't want to eat camouflage, mud, trucks, dead deer...Even if it's done well, it just seems so wrong on a cake. XP
VW: phali. Draw your own conclusions.
I think Exhibit C is HILARIOUS! That is probably how the bride feels with her husband's taste mixing with hers. I love it.
And I thought the shotgun wedding cake was pretty cute too (and funny).
Of course, I like the sense-of-humor cakes. I think we all get a little too serious about ourselves sometimes.
Hilarious. Great work! : )
Wow...that is all I got...Wow!
p.s. you are amazing!!
I teach Shakespeare for a living, and back in his day, horns--or any horned animals--symbolized that the guy's wife was cheating on him. No man in his right mind would have put a deer on his wedding cake, had they had wedding cakes!
For Rebecca: "not that there's anything wrong with that" is a Seinfeld reference. So it's tongue-in-cheek butt covering. Which sounds like quite the feat.
ok, I would NEVER have a deer on my wedding cake...But the first cake is actually pretty...in an odd sort of way. But the last one it beyond horrible. None of it goes together I'm kind of lost as to why there is a deer on the cake...and beyond that you can see the cake through the flippin icing!! But as a true southern girl, who has the most back woods husband of all, I will not be showing him this post like I normally do, because I don't want him getting ideas.
I think the hoof-thing it kinda neat, I thought it was a shoe at first though. XD I was a bit confused when I saw an antler in it as well...
While a bit, um tacky, I guess, I was actually somewhat impressed with the quality of decorating on some of the redneck cakes. The one with the truck, and the first one with the deer, despite their themes, were actually very nicely done.
they look kinda cool if you ask me. :D
While a bit, um tacky, I guess, I was actually somewhat impressed with the quality of decorating on some of the redneck cakes. The one with the truck, and the first one with the deer, despite their themes, were actually very nicely done.
Those are so funny! The first one actually looks nice. And despite the dubious content, the cake with the truck on it doesn't look half bad. And I LOVE that last cake topper. I wouldn't have it on *my* cake, but it's definitely interesting. :)
Sure, the concepts are awful, but you have to admit that the first three have been well constructed and crafted! (Hey... you have to be positive in this day and age!)
Yuck; deer and cake don't mix! Wouldn't you just LOVE that cake for your wedding?
Anna Marie
I like the first one and the one with the truck. But then, I live with a hunter and do spend some time in the woods in the mud on an ATV.
wvotd...bionirk..."Bubba used an old washing machine, busted truck parts and an empty party keg to save Ed's life and create the first bionirk Redneck".
"Jossie said...
Sorry, but those don't look wreck-tastic at all.
Better luck next time."
I suppose there will ALWAYS be someone who doesn't read the wreck disclaimer on the side of what gets posted on cakewrecks, how they are not necessarily poorly executed, how sometimes they are just something funny or different.. and then said person who refuses to read it leaves a snide comment, dampening the fun of the rest of the commentary. I guess I need to learn to ignore such comments ;)
http://www.magicalday.com/NASCAR-wedding-cake-topper.html thats a nascar cake topper, and this www.mcarthurs.com/wcgnascargrooms.asp is a nascar grooms cake... wait i think i found one, though i dont know if its a wedding cake or not but it looks like it http://www.thesundayhauler.com/store/media/PHOTOS/JeffM.jpg
I actually thought the first one was quite good. I mean, if you're really into deer, you might as well go with whoever made option A, 'cause at least you know it's gonna be the best damn deer-and-wilderness-themed cake money can buy.
No wedding cake but here is a NASCAR topper -- its only a matter of time before someone finds it ona cake!! Frankly just the fact that they make a topper is scary enough.
This is not direct comment about the redneck cakes, but about the misuse of quotations. I know how you hate the use of quotations on cakes, especially when they are misued, so when I read this article I thought of you.
Other than the green one, those are actually made pretty well. Maybe the designs requests were weird, but the bakers did their jobs well. Look at the autumn leaves on the top one! And making a deer head topper can't be easy. I think the top cake in particular is a-ok.
Actually, my mom had the tree stump cake at the reception for her wedding earlier this month. No shotgun shells though. I actually think it looked pretty awesome. it was pretty well made too.
I went to a wedding once (in a backyard) where the cake was a huge 4-or-5-tiered thing that was supposed to be a snow-covered mountain with loads of little streams running down it, and WOLVES all over it. Before I discovered this site, it was hands-down the ugliest wedding cake I'd ever seen. Now I'm not so sure. :)
Those who see two male deer on the first reminded me that not all New England outdoorsy types are furry animal- and tree-huggers who want world peace and universal health care; there are quite a few hunters in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and especially Vermont.
Or perhaps this is a cake for the premiere of Brokeback Mountain 2: Return to the Woods, only this time they're hunters instead of cowboys.
OK, I'm wondering given the great execution but wrecky idea of today's cakes if
a) these are decorators who take pride in the craft of cake baking and decorating, no matter the given task
b) these decorators knew about the design concepts for the rest of the weddings and figured they'd at least make something as beautiful as they could to save some small part of it
c) these decorators actually enjoyed the concepts behind these assignments
d) these decorators lovingly crafted their cake because these were for relatives
OK, that last one was kind of mean. My apologies to rednecks everywhere!
I'm secretly hoping A applies in all of the cases but suspect it's not so.
Okay, Exhibit A looks like a hunting lodge centre-piece
Exhibit B looks like they're getting ready for a Wiccan ceremony
Exhibit C looks like the groom doesn't like weddings
Exhibit D is kinda cute...but not really for a wedding
and lastly,
Exhibit E is Senator Sarah Palin's old Bridal Shower cake isn't it?
Actually, I think the 1st and 3rd ones make really good groom's cakes. A gorgeous wedding cake and then a groom's cake with all the trimmings! And I've seen the first picture before (even linked to it myself!), but didn't realize there were two bucks on it! LOL. Not necessarily wrecks (I think they are pretty well done, to be honest!), but the idea could be a "wreck" depending on your point of view and hobbies!
I'm thinking that the ribbons on exhibit B should have been "camouflage orange."
Rebecca, there's a difference between covering your butt and quoting a pop culture icon. Seinfeld much?
Oh Jen, you never disappoint. How would I have seen these without you?
My reaction to the first one was honestly "hey, is it Sunday already?" The stag and doe (yes, they can have stubby antlers like that) are a sweet metaphor. The woodsy cake on the actual round of wood is clever. If those are edible leaves, and I think they are, that's some fine artistry. Okay maybe the colours are a bit wrecky, but not everyone must bow to the wedding gods of peach and mauve and teal.
So given that green, brown and black are the wedding colours, I'd be pretty pleased with myself if I got the khaki swirls into the fondant as well as Exhibit B. Ribbons aren't quite straight, but maybe she's going to straighten them out after applying the icing. And maybe the icing around the base of the layers won't look as frightening as the "grass" around the severed deer head. And maybe there's something wrong with the colour on my monitor, and the icing isn't really quite that green. Besides, this isn't a professional cake, right? The pro wouldn't be icing it on the picnic table. She deserves to be well proud of that effort.
Exhibit C is so hilarious! It's beautifully done and just totally subverts the whole wedding cake stereotype. I'd way rather have that one than the equivalent cake without the truck running through the middle of it. You can still take a picture of it from the back and fool Aunt Maude into thinking it's a regular cake.
The last one is the only one I'd be catty about, but hey, if they both like it, then go for it. May they live happily ever after.
Exhibit E: so the bride shot the groom instead of the deer? Nice message to start your married life with. And with paper plates, natch!
Exibit D- are we sure the second set of initials didn't get a DWI where he hit a tree and then his gun went off??? The initials DWI just can't be a coincidnence. Can't be. I grew up small town Texas and a wedding is NOT what I thought of when I saw that cake. A drunken wreck where a gun went off is...
The one with the truck should be moved to Sunday Sweets. Very well done!
I don't think they're wrecks, you just have to account for different tastes. I know some people who would think that a LOTRs wedding cake was a wreck, no matter how artistically rendered (me, I just think they're silly.) And theme aside, these cakes are well made and decorated.
A, C and D would actually be great groom's cakes.
If the cake is camo, what are the bride and groom wearing?
I actally like the first one, minus the deer heads, of course... but the leaves and nice.
Ok, my first time commenting, but I have to say, with the exception of E, I don't think these cake qualify as "wrecks". Sure, they aren't what most people would choose for a wedding cake, but the artistry on them is fabulous (I'd love to see a finished picture of B, because it's obvious that the decorator wasn't finished.)
As for exhibit E: funny, but not nearly as well done as the others. Looks like someone spewed leaves on the cake.
And to answer some questions about the doe with antlers.... http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/volunteer/mayjun04/fndoes.html
I love your blog! It's a great place to gat laughs!
I'm sure more than one person has noted this already, but the nice 10-point buck is obviously a male...however, the little spike on the left? Also male. A gay deer-head wedding cake? Most excellent in my book :]
Also, the tree stump is pretty cute, minus the shells around it.
Haha, on the shotgun wedding cake, the first initials you see are "DWI." They really should be DWIBTCW- Driving While Intoxicated By This Cake Wreck!
Or should it be Dead While Inhaling (the cake)?
I think the deer bust cake topper is the best fitting for a wreck. Not only is it ridiculous but it is also incorrect. I am assuming that it is suppose to represent a male and female deer, but females don't have horns, so its actually 2males... People should do their homework before caking!
It could be worse... Anyone who's seen "My Big Redneck Wedding" on Country Music Television will remember the wedding cakes that looked like they'd been done by a blind person with the DT's, as well as the one where the bride and her friends decorated the cake in camo with spray paint. And I mean real spray paint -- the stuff from the hardware department at WalMart.
That first cake would be something I'd consider for my own wedding. You know, if not for the giant deer heads and all.
You know, for a bunch of tacky concepts, these are actually pulled off pretty well.
I think the truck one is hilarious, but I'm not sure I would let a deer theme anywhere near my wedding. Might these be grooms cakes?
I dunno if it has already been said, but I love the initials DWI, they seem so appropriate :0)
These cakes actually look very well-made, but deer and weddings just don't mix. At all. The deer head cakes sort of make me want to throw-up.
The subject matter of the cakes makes me cringe but the artistry should be applauded!
I do wonder just where "Sandi" lives that apparently the need for hunting camo is gender-restricted. (They manufacture Realtree in women's sizes for a reason, eh?)
I love these cakes. (Antlered does are uncommon, so I had the "...two bucks?" reaction along with everyone else.)
I'm going to go put on my hunting pants and clean my old 16-gauge now....
what's really funny about B, is that the deer is actually a hitch cover. I have the same one on my truck.
These are simply not wrecks!
The first cake is extremely well done and the second is both well done and, in my opinion, extremely clever!
These are awesome and hilarious. But for background: I'm guessing these are what's known in the south as groom's cakes. I think these get eaten at the rehearsal dinner rather than the wedding reception proper, and are supposed to be a fun reflection of the groom's personality. Often a recipe for a wreck, true, but also often just a deliberately silly cake.
Look closely-the groom appears to have met untimely demy at the hands of his wife.
I kind of like Exhibit C...not that I would ever choose that for my wedding. However, if I saw any of the others while attending a wedding I'd sneak out back and order a pizza.
you gotta admit, though the first one is a little creepy to have as a wedding cake, excellent work! off to find nascar cake...
I am definitely from an area where most people are 'rednecks', but those are a little... wow. And I've been to a wedding where the groomsmen had camo vests (no joke, you can get them at MW Tux), and the ring-bearer took the flower girl down the aisle in a little kids electric John Deere. (Granted, the flower girl had no way to get down the aisle herself, she was an infant...)
I do think the first & third cakes were great.. the CAKES. The addition to the cakes, however--not so cool. Not my style, at least...Seriously? A Truck?
(Just FYI, at the camo wedding I mentioned, the cake was great--beautiful, with a little mini cowgirl & cowboy bride & groom. No deer hooves.)
There is a God. I was just paging randomly thru the blogs and came across these cakes. What a gift to me. We have a big party coming up this summer and rather than go for multiple layers of twinkies and chocolate hostess cupcakes glued together with cool whip, I'm thinking I might go for a wildlife theme such as these... Thanks for the inspiration. Is that my cousin's truck on that cake?
That second thing, there---the one ("cake"??) with the camo covering and the dead-animal foot accent (party favor??)...and the severed head sprouting out of the top? What IS it???
You know, it's so tacky that I wouldn't be AT ALL surprised to learn that there is an actual person crouched underneath the table with his hand up inside the head--waiting for the signal to operate the mouth like a ventriloquist dummy's! The head could start talking, burping, singing or making lame jokes. Can you picture that?
I CAN, actually...
MAN! I just realized that I must be a lot less mentally stable than I had thought!
I actually think the tree stump cake is kind of cute. Hehe... Also, in its defense, the initials are clearly "DWL", not "DWI."
I'm glad you liked your cupcake. Good luck. But I don't think you'll need it. Your site is great! And that hoof is scary!
Of course there's a NASCAR wedding cake!
Anonymous said...
Those who see two male deer on the first reminded me that not all New England outdoorsy types are furry animal- and tree-huggers who want world peace and universal health care; there are quite a few hunters in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and especially Vermont.
Or perhaps this is a cake for the premiere of Brokeback Mountain 2: Return to the Woods, only this time they're hunters instead of cowboys.
January 28, 2009 2:36 PM
Ay-yup! I can attest to that 'specially Vermont stuff, having been a Vermonter for all but three of the earliest of my 58 years. Damn straight.
Vt. is chock-a-block FULL of us huntin rednecks. Way more of us than them there treehuggers an peace-sign wearers...if you go out fur enuff from the big cities like the capital, that is. Bout a mile or so'll do er (cross through Wilter Hanksabob 's pasture and apple yard to find a real good spot).
Problem is, they's too many of them rich outta-staters comin in an huntin in our woods with their fancy-shmantzy car racks an huntin LICENSES an LL Bean coats an such. Think theys so all-fired bettern us locals. Fraid to get a little cow flop on their overhalls.
They can all go ta--
Gotta go, Ma's callin me fer breakist.
That first cake is not bad, but the two male deer make it somewhat odd.
I like the third, as well. Creative.
Not that either of those should be used as wedding cakes.
Now, A & C are really quite well done. Hilarious as all swyve, too, but not wrecks.
I give credit to the first one for being well made. It's not what I'd pick myself, but if it's what the customer wanted, the decorator got the job done.
I didn't run across any NASCAR cakes, but toppers for them abound. I think I'd go for a checkerboard layer and a tire layer with a nice topper.
Hee! But I have to admit I kind of like the truck cake...it has a lot of personality.
I ADORE that first cake. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO talking MG (My Guy for those who don't know me) into getting us that for our big day!
I was at a wedding where instead of a traditional wedding cake with cars on top. They had his and hers nascar cars. I'm so sorry I don't have a picture
Exhibit A is actually pretty, but I really don't want to be thinking "dried leaves" when eating cake.
The last cake - it looks like the bride shot the groom instead of the deer! Mwahaha...
I actually think that first cake is quite exceptionally done, though the theme may not be everyone's favorite, still well done!
I also think it's funny that on the stump cake the first person's initials are DWI...are they telling us something?
I want to lick the stump cake - I imagine it tastes like maple.
Now someone went to a lot of trouble to make that first cake. It is still awful. The rest? Bless their hearts! (snort)
I'm confused, it isn't Sunday??? I don't see what is wrecktastic about these cakes (well OK the first one with 2 bucks is a little odd).
The initials on the cake are DWI: Is that how they're getting married? "while intoxicated?"
the first cake is a buck and a spike. a spike is a male deer...
my dad had the armadillo cake (from Steel Magnolias) made for his wedding... I think it was his groom cake. Red Velvet. yummmmmmyyy. And maybe it had a crushed beer can under its chin. Can't quite recall. Blocked it out. Love that guy.
At least most of them were done by people that can actually decorate cakes. I love the first one with the deer. Does that make me strange? I think it is very well done and I love the colors. That said, I wouldn't want it at a wedding but it is a cool theme cake.
Even if it is in poor taste, at least the first one is executed well.
Bahaha, I actually kinda fancy the stump one.
First one reminds me of paint-by-numbers... and that is the nicest thing I can say. LOL... great post.
Eloise said... More tacky talent, please!
I move to add a "tacky talent" tag for cakes like these.