
Whatever this is:

And of course, Epcot:
Nicole N., Rachel L., Maryann G., Charlene, Dyanna, & Sarah C., it's almost like I don't know Spaceship Earth when I see it, huh?
- Related Wreckage: Introducing a Good Sport
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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216 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»The "broom" would probably be for a curling team is my guess.
Yay Pittsburgh Pens...uh...broom cake! :D:D
Clean sweep = curling.
Though absolutely terrible.
I'm pretty sure that the "whatever THIS is" is bowling. But it took me awhile.
The bowling ball looks really concerned.
Are the dimples on the last photo actually thumb prints?
Um...does #5 actually say "Go Penis!" like I think it does? That is somewhat unfortunate...
WV: bepum. If the cupcakes of your cupcake cake are too far apart, just bepum closer together.
Ugh, those are FINGERMARKS in "Epcot", aren't they? Doesn't look like it was done with a tool, but like someone just dabbed their finger all over the icing.
Epcot! Jen, you are hilarious! But I think that's a golf ball (wink, wink).
That soccer cake looks like the Atomium.
Ummm... does that "broom" cake say what I think it says?
P.S. Break a leg tonight (not literally! Just is against all I know to say "Good Luck") in Bethesda. Wish I could come!
At first glance I thought the Sweeping cake (what is that?) read: Go Penis.
Clearly I need to drink some coffee before checking out Cake Wrecks in the morning.
2nd to last image:
Thought the white thing could possibly be a cricket bat BUT cricket balls tend to be red.
Anyway at closer scrutiny, perhaps the white thing is a bowling pin and the yellow ball with 3 holes is a bowling ball?
The second to last one is a bowling pin and bowling ball
I think the sweeping is supposed to be broomball, which is hockey with brooms and shoes instead of sticks and skates.
I'm betting the sweeping is meant to be for curling.
uh, are those thumb prints in the "epcot" photo? ewww..
How could you not recognize bowling and golf?
Next to last photo: it's a sad bowling ball, sad because the pin is a giant that it has no chance of knocking down...
Broom = sweeping a series... but I'd still never buy that thing! LOL!
you are probably going to get this 8 million times in the comments (none showing yet) but FYI, as a Canadian, i feel *compelled* to enlighten you that the "sweeping" cake is very probably supposed to be for curling...
but maybe there really is competitive sweeping: who am I to judge?
Does the broom cake read, "Go Penis"? I know there's no line for the "i", but that dot is just there hanging out by itself. Maybe it's supposed to be an apostrophe and the word is "Pen's". Whatever. I'm still confused.
It's a happy little onion rolling toward a bottle of vodka, of course. My personal, favorite sport.
You forgot to mention on the broom cake that it says Go Penis on it....hmmmmm
I did miss the baseball mitt entirely.
I think you got yourself a bowling pin and bowling ball there, and maybe a golf ball?
the sad thing? I actually understand the competitve sweeping wreck. Someone wanted the Penguins to sweep in the Stanley Cup (I guess). Please note, I did, however, intitially read "Go Pens" as "Go Penis." Ooops.
Are you SURE that's a baseball mitt in the first picture though? I mean, really?
I always love the further proof of the evils of CCC. Just say no.
The "competitive sweeping" would be curling.
Okay, it took a while, but John's pneumonia has reached the other side of the world and I am sick as a big dog right now. Fortunately, I don't have to be hospitalized (yet) and I can still read Cake Wrecks.
But I can't read good enough because I thought that Clean Sweep "Pens" Team was another sort of a team . . . [insert unmentionable body part].
Don't make me laugh . . . it makes me cough . . . which causes way too much pain!
(Thanks, though. I need the laughs!)
LOL... I think the 2nd-to-last one was supposed to be bowling...
Are those thumbprints on Epcot? So that's how they did it at Disney!
Does that broom cake say "Go Pens"? It's real unfortunate to have that odd dot out there above the word pens...
I think that unnamed one is supposed to be bowling! Maybe...
for the 'sweeping' cake, think curling. which is what my hair does at the sight of these...(grin)
The what is it looks like an bottle of tequila with a Scorpion in in.
Clean Sweeping? Maybe it's that Olympic ice event called curling(sp).
Is it just me, or does that "broom" cake say, "Go Penis!"?
Clearly, it wasn't just me.
Have you never heard of Broom Ball?
Oooooo, I know, I know! That “whatever” cake? It’s an incontinent, phallic bowling pin! I’d have a worried expression on my cute little bowling ball face too, if I were about to make contact with that!
Oh, Jen? That last cake? It’s Epcot.
WV: caterr. "To caterr is human, to forgive is feline."
Are those just thumb prints on the last picture? classy.
Am I the only one reading the Go Pen's as Go Penis because of the inappropriate apostrophe?
And that bowling ball is definitely worried about something!
um, yeah. go Penis.
I was really relieved to see that roughly half the commenters so far saw that, too.
Well, nothing wrong with cheering on the males of the species, I guess. GO! Go team go! Lily
On further review -
on "EPCOT" i think the dents are spoon prints - not thumb prints
I'm glad i'm not the only one who saw penis on the broom cake
The 3-tier weight lifting cake idea has potential, but it doesn't really shine through all that... brown. I can recognise the bowling cake ("Whatever this is"), but I wouldn't have come up with baseball if I saw the first cake without any explanation. Even now, I thought about a pile of balls before I read the mitt theory.
OF COURSE you know Epcot when you see it, Mrs. Former Jungle Cruise Guide!
I read that Mental Floss article last week... glad you got a mention.
Oh, dear, John and Jen. I see another "Epcot" day of comments headed your way! Thanks in advance for your patience through all the Captain Obvious comments!
See, THIS is what happens when people can not tell the difference between possessive (uses the apostrophe) and plural (does not). We get "Go Pen's" instead of "Go Pens" and you end up with penis on your cake.
I've been warning people for years it would come to this...oh well...{throws up hands}
I have two questions:
1. what´s going on with the text on the brown cake and
2. (like others have asked) does cake number five (the sweeping one) say go penis?
Dear all Canadians claiming the "sweeping cake" is for Curling,
Please read up on your native sports. The Pen's are a HOCKEY team (Pittsburgh Penguins), and as Trevor said, it's in referal to "sweeping" the series in the Stanley Cup Finals. If they win all of the games in a series, it's called a "Clean Sweep". Hence, the game scores on the handle of the "broom." It's still a wretched cake, but come on Canada, you're best sport is hockey! You should know this stuff!!
Agreed, a wished-for "sweep" of a playoff series by the Penguins is the probably meaning of the broom cake. Broomball is a possibility. That's the wrong kind of broom for curling, though.
And what's with that mushroom cloud on the bowling pin? (Next to the Day-Glo bowling ball.)
The broom wouldn't have to be for curling. A broom also symbolizes sweeping a series, usually in baseball.
Stray apostrophe
Strikes again! THIS is why I
slave at the whiteboard . . .
I may as well chime in with the chorus:
That broom cake could be for a curling team, and it looks like it says "Go Penis."
(Tee hee hee.)
"Our decorators put their hearts into their work" (snicker).
The fact that balls are round was one of the first facts I can remember learning about geography, but this idea does not seem to be very widespread in the cake-decorating community.
The broom cake either has a renegade apostrophe or may be a badly piped "penis".
Harry F
My guess (since it says Go Pens) would be that the broom cake is for "sweeping" the hockey playoff series (not curling).
The broom one does seem to be curling, but those scores (are they scores? up on the handle?) are not curling scores. Unless it was the highest scoring bonspiel ever recorded.
While it is obvious that the broom cake is not a curling cake, how awesome would a curling cake be?!!
"... The fact that balls are round was one of the first facts I can remember learning about geography ..."
Oh, no, I typed geography! I meant geometry! geometry!
There goes my witty remark.
Drat, now I'm probably going to be on "Comment Wrecks."
I'm thinking the "broom/curling/whatever" cake is a very interesting version of the Stanley Cup... the Pens did win that last year. Wow. Kind of an insult to them.
I actually really like the scroll work around the boxing cake. It doesn't look bad. Now the picture in the middle...yeaaaa.
The broom cake has "Go Pen's" but that ' looks like a suggestively placed dot for an I that isn't there. Hmmmm.
And I wouldn't buy the Epcot cake simply because I don't want someone ELSE'S fingers being stuck in my cake. Or my cupcake.
Oh the broom one I swear I thought it said "Go Penis"
and it wasn't until someone called them dimples on the last cake that I realized it was a golf ball...
The "Good Catch" cake could be an X-ray of a fielder's hand after he's stopped a few thousand too many line drives.
Are we sure the "Epcot" cake isn't a head of cauliflower? Maybe it's just me eating too many vegetables and not enough cake.
THANK YOU, Tina! You just saved me a lot of typing lol.
It should also be known that the possibility of the Pens sweeping the series was a HUUUGE deal here in Pittsburgh. They were the worst team in the NHL in the beginning, fired their coach, got a new one, and slowly but surely clawed their way back to the top to make it all the way to the Cup playoffs. The idea that after all of that not only was there a chance to win, but a chance to sweep, was like nominating the city for an Oscar or something to us. People carried brooms around, tied them to their cars, put them in their windows at home, etc.
So, yes- it makes perfect sense in a colloquial manner, therefore is not a wreck because of the picture or idea, but the oh so unfortunate punctuation and general fugliness of the "broom".
[sorry- hops off soapbox lol]
My favorite part is the stray exclamation point on the bowling pin/ball cake. Have Fun! Dad. Maybe it's supposed to be a quote from Dad?
Punctuation marks are our friends.
What do you MEAN 'whatever this is?' Clearly it is a toilet brush and the Zoloft guy [] with vertigo (hence the scribbly lines)
The question you need to be asking is how much fun is Dad really going to have cleaning toilets, taking Zoloft and experiencing vertigo? I could think of a few better ways to spend my time...though maybe having cake would help.
i gotta go a long with everyone pointing out that the broom is for sweeping a series not for curling. (i would've never known that if it weren't for the fact that at cubs games people bring brooms and display brooms with cubs flags on them on their front porch)
also if you look close you'll notice the little plastic hockey jerseys on the cake.
Maybe the the "broom" is a cricket bat...for an "alternative" league?
Are those imprints in the Golf Ball CCC FINGER Prints? Ugh!
Annika: The brown cake is meant to look like weights, so the text is "York Olympic" (which is a brand of weights, pictured here) and the weight in kilograms.
I have to say, though the lettering's not great, I like the weight cake. And the soccer cake is pretty good as CCCs go (though why you wouldn't just get a round cake if you want to depict a BALL, I don't understand).
I also vote that the broom is for sweeping a series.
A hockey score of 55 to 28?? Riiight. It has to be some other sport, where the teams are named after inappropriate body parts and that "glove" in the first picture would be part of the uniform...
The scared little bowling ball is kinda cute. =)
I find it VERY humorous that people are actually trying to help you with what the golf ball and bowling cakes really are... Jen is very smart and knows what they are. :-) She is just poking fun at the hilarity of those frosting concoctions.
And yes, like most people,I read "penis" also.... *shaking head*
How in God's name is that a MITT?
I seriously LIKE the wieght lifting cake!
1. I lift wieghts
2. It looks easy enough for me to make
3. It is chocolate -CHOCOLATE!
4. You have to lift approximately that amount of weight for a few hours after you eat it to burn it off.
Um, did they just stick a thumprint all over that golf-ball-that-looks-like-a-daisy-without-a-center in the grass? ewww.
The broom is for curling? What the heck is curling? Maybe it's a brush? Olympic hairstyling? Isn't curling a weightlifting term? I'm so confused.
The clean sweep could be for curling or it could be to indicate a "sweep" in any sport... when a team wins every game in a series, tournament, play-off, etc.
Competitive sweeping! TOOOOOO FUNNY! And Epcot! Epic! Thanks again for the hearty laughs, Jen!
Where is Sporty Spice these days, anyway?
She's a Spice Girl you never hear about any more.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the curling cake said "Go Penis!" Ugh.
Sweeping is when you sweep a playoff series. Each hockey playoff series is the best of 7 & sweeping is when one team wins the first 4... unfortunatly The Carolina Hurricanes were victims to the Penguins sweep last playoffs.
i saw penis!
and when did bowling pins get square?
OMG! I'm on Cake Wrecks! Hahaha.
I took the unfortunate broom/Penis cake photo.
A couple people figured it out, it's from when the Pittsburgh Penguins (sometimes called the Pens, no apostrophe!) were competing for the Stanley Cup last year. I sent it in because I thought it was hilarious that a hockey cake didn't really say anything about hockey on it, and it was such a terrible broom/CCC. I didn't even notice the "GO PENIS" thing. Haha.
Also, the bowling ball looks remarkably like Strong Sad.
I'd just like to clarify becuase I got distracted while writing my last comment "ooh, shiny...."
THe numbers on the Sweeping cake are the jersey numbers of some of the Pens star players. I recognize a few of them, sadly, since the Caps played them in the playoffs last year.
SEe you all tonight. I'm excited to finally meet the Husband of Jen (oh, and her too I guess.... :) )
The numbers on the the broomstick are the jersey numbers of the Pittsburgh Penguins. 87 is Sidney Crosby; 71 is Evgeni Malkin; 55 is Sergei Gonchar; 28 is Eric Godard; 14 is Chris Kunitz. I can't remember who 18 is though.
"Clean Sweep...Go Penis"? Did I read that right? Or "Go Pens"? Either way, it's um....confusing.
My guess is it's either to commemorate shuffleboard or curling.
Yay! My wreck made it in! The bowling one is mine! I think it's supposed to be a Father's Day cake- but it's so funny!
heheee.. soo sweett!
A broom on a cake. Should I search for bad Harry Potter cakes? I can't think of any other justification for trying to do that one. And thankfully, I don't see any sugary dust bunnies piped onto the bristles (no real ones, either, come to think of it). :P
Maybe the baker misheard "groom" cake. How unfortunate, but we've heard the story a thousand times...
it does say "go penis." That is the whole reason I am commenting for the first time ever. Am relieved to see that it isn't just me.
How is this stuff "professional"? Why are all the sports balls broken out in hives?
If it was a curling cake it would have a stone not a broom people! ;)
broom cake = first ever quidditch cake?
although i hardly think 11-17 year old wizard and witches would name their team "penis."
(note i could have spelled quidditch wrong. it's not exactly in google spell check.)
Um wow...have fun moderating comments today! :) Did you know those were really supposed to be a bowling pin shucks, I can't even do it to you in jest.
The errant dot in Pittsburgh Pens led me to read it as Penis.
Is that first one really a mit? I truly thought it was coral. Like wouldn't that make a nice under the sea themed cake for an Enchantment Under the Sea Dance?
Yes, the broom one definitely says Penis. Yeah. And the first one just looks like donuts. A new abomination: the DC! (donut cake) Eww.
Oh man. The Spaceship Earth comment was the best one yet. (So glad I've been following thie blog for so long AND read the comments. heh!) You're too funny!!!!!
That mitt, or should I say alleged mitt, is not one I would have ever gotten without some explanation. Good thing they labeled it for us... Just goes to show the inadequacies of CCC. Blech.
And I'm pretty sure that's drunk bowling. Vodka (or tequila) and a day-glo ball. Sweet.
I disagree - I think the sport for the 'bowling' cake could easily be beer pong. :D Doesn't everyone draw a bowling ball face on their ping-pong balls? :D
(Note: it's REALLY challenging to play beer pong with bottled beer!)
Penis, Epcot and dangling testicles on the "boxing" cake. (Seriously? No one saw that??)
Life is good.
Obviously, only a few who know anything about hockey here. Yes, that broom cake is referring to the Pittsburgh Penguins. The numbers refer to top players...Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Sergei Gonchar, etc. Winning four straight games out of seven in a playoff series is called a "sweep." The cake makes perfect sense to me, but I'm a longtime Penguins fan.
where can i get myself one of those go penis broom cakes??
Love the thumbprints in Epcot. I sincerely hope the wreckerator was wearing a glove.
On that 'broom' does anyone else see PENIS written in big letters, or is that just me?
Ugh! Those random thumbprints on the last cake are nasty. I swear if it had finger prints on it...soooo gross! I really hope the cake maker at least wore gloves while fondling that poor cake!
Of course the first picture is a baseball mitt. Can't you tell by the sprinkles? What respectable ball player DOESN'T sprinkle glittery fairy dust on his mitt before a big game?
How do you think the Yankees won, people?
"Soccer" definitely looks like some atomic structure. Maybe it was meant for chemists?
Does "Spaceship Earth" automatically remind anyone else of Dr. Bronner? All one!!
The "Clean Sweep" is most definitely a cricket bat - look at the scores at the top: 87-71, 55-28, 18-14 - you don't see scores like that in curling. Plus it seems every national team (including England) calls themselves the Pens. My Google Kung-Fu is ON today!
I also read #5 as "Go Penis!" and I wasn't surprised. I think a little encouragement is a good thing now and then. first glance the broom cake looked like it said "GO PENIS!" Freudian Slip?
I would interpret the 'bowling' one as beer pong.
Enough with the curling and cricket nonsense! Thanks Tina and Anonymous... beginning to think I was the only true Pittsburgh Penguins fan who didn't even do a double take at the "Clean Sweep" Go Pens cake... makes perfect sense to me. GO PENS!
The boxing heart cake..for your cardiologist who's also a boxing fan!
~Amy B-H
Yeah, I was all set from the title to see cakes depicting Mel C from the Spice Girls. What a letdown! :)
I an new to reading this blog. These cakes are SO hilarious.
The broom cake is for curling. But why does it say "Go penis" on the cake board?
I, too, read, "Go Penis!"
That Pens cake shouldn't be on here. It's a great looking cake. I can understand if you don't live in Pittsburgh, don't watch hockey or you are just a complete scumbag idiot, you wouldn't get it.
Let me explain it to the submitter:
"Clean sweep" is a term used in hockey when a team wins a 7 game series in the first 4 games.
Pens are a professional hockey team based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They recently won the Stanley Cup, which is the "world series" of hockey.
I suggest you do research before submitting photos. You FAIL.
I like how the (alleged) bowling cake says, "Have FUN, Dad!" (Or maybe it's, "Have FUN! Dad). In either case, is that sarcasm? At first glance, what turns out to be a pick on the bowling, er, "pin" made it look...unhealthy. Perhaps someone in this household claimed to be out bowling, but instead went out with other plans in mind?
And wound up in a clinic?
That little strategically-placed dot above "pens" on the broom cake for a minute made me think it said... um... something else.
When I first saw the broom, I thought the words said "Go Penis." Upon closer look I realized it says (I think) "Go Pen's"Nice.
the sweeping one totally looks like it says... pen*s
That's supposed to be a baseball mitt for who? Freddie Krueger? E.T?
Personally, I don't think I'd go anywhere near that weightlifting cake. Which is too bad, because the fewer people feeling that way, the quicker it would be cut up, and then no one would have to look at it anymore!
It's bowling, silly. ANYBODY can see that...
I've got to agree with everyone else that the broom cake looks like it says "Go Penis!" I mean they dotted the "i" and everything.
By the way the broom cake is either for Curling or Quidditch. Cleansweep is a brand of broom in the wizarding world. So apparently they can't escape cake wrecks even in the magical world of wizards.
I love the little yellow bowling ball that actually just looks like a sad little face!
Without reading through all the comments... the horrible broom cake is probalby not for curling. It is most likely for baseball. A clean sweep is winning all games in a series against an opponent.
I know, I'm such a downer. So... go curling! Yes, I'll watch it in the Olympics this year.
"Clean Sweep" I get, but the team name looks a little, uh, wrong. Hopefully that's an apostrophe and not a dotted i?
I like the bowling one, too. Apparently Dad uses a really small bowling ball.
Jen, fabulous fabulous post today....and the commenters have outdone themselves. I'm wiping away the laughter tears...
"maybe the broom cake is for someone losing his virginity"...hahaha!!!!...ladycrim, that was hilarious.
I prefer the cauliflower theory than the "golf" reality. And the Vodka/tequila drunk bowling...Olympic hairstyling!!! And poor's okay, several of the posts would be right along side happens to everyone :)
And along with tigerwolf, diana and Sariah, I'm glad I've been reading the blog long enough to smirk at "epcot"...tee hee...
~Bonnie B :)
Broom Ball! A lot of my friends play at my alma mater:
Well Epcot is my favorite sport...(Disney geek)
Thanks for labeling the first one a glove it would have drove me nuts trying to figure that one out!! Whew!
But "Go Penis"?!?! WHY????
First cake : "Go tram" ??
For the record, upon seeing the boxing cake my 2 years old exclaimed : "Oh, ladybugs!"
All too often, horrible CCCs seem to aim at having a sports theme. Too bad that the sum of the parts is greater than the whole!
Yeah, I'm guessing that the "Go Penis" cake is actually just another instance of apostrophe abuse, and reads "Go Pen's" - which still TOTALLY makes it a Wreck. ;)
Megan @
I think I'd rather eat a cake made of actual golf balls.
The Pens cake is for the Pittsburgh Penguins, I think. That ... thing ... is supposed to be hockey's hallowed Stanley Cup.
*shudder* Such ... travesty ...
The 'Broom Cake' is a hockey cake, not a curling cake.
A 'Clean Sweep' is when a hockey team wins a best-of-seven playoff series in only four games, meaning that the other team doesn't win any games. The Pittsburgh Penguins OWNED last season.
Too bad the cake technician used a possessive instead of a plural, to make the cake even more ambiguous and confusing(Go Penis?)
I read through the comments and find the drama in trying to explain the broom cake hilarious. I almost wish the true explanation (the Penguins winning the Stanley cup) could be posted tomorrow, just so all the hockey fans could have a chance to say, "Ha! I told you so, you silly curling, Harry Potter, and baseball fans! You were soooo WRONG!"
This might have already been asked, but I'm too lazy to go back and look through all the comments so far...
Does the one with the broom say "Go Penis"?
I have to echo all the comments about the "Go Penis." That's the first thing I noticed.
the broom cake is for the pittsburgh penguins hockey team. you can see their jerseys on the corners or the broom thing and the player numbers on the handle. they are really kicking butt this year. the whatever this is cake is bowling and epcot is i guess a poorly rounded golf ball. GO PENS!
Man, would it ever be hard to play soccer if the ball was shaped like that cake!
I like the "Epcot" comment. I got it.
oh sweeping! that is AWeSomeE! ;)
thanks for a laugh!
I'm encouraged to find so many other Penguins hockey fans on this site!
The broom is to indicate a "sweep" of the series. People brought brooms to games.
The numbers are the shirt numbers of famous Penguins hockey players.
And yes, it's Pens, not Pen's.
That's not a curling broom, not even an "old fashioned" one, they are thinner and have two layers of bristles.
WV: sallygo
The broom cake is for the Quidditch team, of course!
Don't know about that weight cake. Maybe if the icing were...gray? :/
The cookie cake is clearly competitive drinking. Vodka bottle and martini olive. Where do I sign up?
I am so going to have to make a go penis cake for hubby. :)
Love the spaceship earth comment.
Seriously, this blog makes my day. I've never seen a bowling ball look so much like a surprised version of the Walmart smiley face.
Cake Wrecks inspired many of my snarky comments regarding graphic design in my blog post today :-)
No More HomeMade Flyers!
Someone might have said this already...
The broom cake is from the past NHL playoffs, where someone was rooting for the Pens (not penis, although it DOES look like it!) to "sweep" the series, that is, win it in four games. The thing that tipped me off were the way too small Pens jerseys and the numbers on the "handle" of the six big players. On the right hand side, it says, "Clean Sweep."
It's really a horrible cake though!
Oh boy! There's nothing I want to do more than gobble up a scrumptious, um, "golf ball" with someone else's finger prints all over it! Only God knows where those fingers have been prior to "decorating" this CCC. Hoo boy.
WV: beabousl - I'd beabousl if I ate that cake!
I thought the one with the white shape and the yellow circle (probably meant for the bowling pin and ball) looked more like a vodka bottle and a drunk happy face. See how he can't smile and is just getting ready to worship the porcelain goddess?
Yay Penguins are now becoming a cleaning team as well as a hockey team?? I'll have them clean for me any day!
Does that say Pens, I thought it said penis, that apostrophe threw me!
Does anyone else see "Go Penis!" on the Pittsburgh cake?? Or has Cake Wrecks taught me to look for it in EVERY CAKE ever made? : ) You've taught me well!
OK is it just me or does the "Broom Sweep" one have an extra dot and it looks like it says Pen*s.?
And the golf ball dents look like thumb prints?
Hey, Jen @ John.
I'm a Texan living abroad - moved here less than 2 weeks ago. One of the first things I saw this morning was the news about the shooting at Fort Hood. After that, CakeWrecks gave me a brief but much-needed laugh.
Thank you.
haha I do believe I used to train at the place the boxing glove cake is from!!
Totally asking the owner of the company about that!
i'm pretty sure #5 is susposed to be the stanley cup & the numbers on the top are some of the player's numbers
I liked #4. Not brilliantly done, but cute.
# 6 is something in a liquor bottle, being looked at by a sad tennis ball. I'm not sure whether the something is a mushroom cloud or a brain.
The Clean Sweep thing is for the Pittsburgh Penguins. I think that that thing is supposed to be the Stanley Cup - though WHY it's yellow I wouldn't know.
Yay Pittsburgh!!
~Jen from Pittsburgh
am I the only one who saw a hidden mickey in the Bowling cake?
(And for the penguins fans out here ... Chris Kunitz is a hack. That is all)
Epcot.... HA! Thanks for my daily snort while trying to eat something moment. We adore ya'll!!!
The weight lifting cake COULD have been fantastic.
Emphasis on the could.
And I totally thought the fifth cake said "go penis!" Oh, how the apostrophe get's abused these day's. ;P
#5 looks like "Go Penis!" and in #6 it looks like dad is already having fun ;)
Ah! The Broom cake is for the Pittsburgh Penguins (aka Go Pens) they put an apostrophe where they shouldn't have *sigh*.
The numbers on the handle are players numbers
87 - Sidney Crosby
71 - Evgeni Malkin (sorry if I spelled Gino's name wrong)
I can't be bothered to find the other numbers out right now cause the Pens are playing.
(cake was probably to celebrate the sweeping of the one team last year right before the stanley cup finals...we swept the conference finals).
Hi! I just wanted to say that we had a GREAT time with you guys in Bethesda and thanks so much for coming!!
Sara and Ashley (the last two people there)
I am envisioning the "Clean Sweep" cake as a message from some poor guy's doctor: "Let's have a clean sweep now-- these numbers here are your test result levels, and here's your penicillin prescription. Good luck, be more careful in the future, and Go Penis!"
Did you know that is it actually called Spaceship Earth?
He he he he. I loved the Epcot controversy reference!
Wait I mean the Epcot Center reference. ;-)
Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laughs!
it's most certainy epcot...
The broom cake cakeboard looks like it says "Go Penis!" because of the poorly placed apostrophe. I had to read it twice.
That is all.
i for one feel like the apostrophe was correct grammar, just poorly done. because when you omit letters or pluralize something that is a singular phrase there is always an apostrophe. geez you know-it-all's! there are''s when you say ya' know, or an' for and, or y'all... go pen's. even hockey fans know that lol
What does it say on the "bowling Pin"? I can see the word "best" but I can't read the rest of it. And why would a bowling pin be wearing a necklace?
I wish people knew how to use apostrophes....
thanks for the laughs -- I'm wiping away the tears.
Ih! The boxing cake looks like it has to human hearts hanging from a thread.
I feel the need to share that I used to live in York, home of the York Barbell Company (also, formerly, of the York Peppermint Pattie). When you drive by the factory, you get to see a giant, revolving statue of a man with skin the color of silly putty, wearing a blue singlet, lifting a barbell over his head. I'm just sayin', they would probably find that cake beautiful.
And the broom on the "go pens" cake doesn't look like a curling broom...but how awesome would a cake shaped like a stone be? The handle could be molded out of fondant.
The sweep was probably due to the Pittsburgh Penguins sweeping Ottawa in the first round of the NHL playoffs in 2008.
I figured out it was a bowling pin on the cake almost immediately, but I was fixated on that yellow orb and commented to myself, "That has got to be the saddest happy face ever."
It took me a couple more minutes to figure out it was a bowling ball. I guess that will happen when the pin is about seven times bigger than the ball trying to knock it down.
Is it just me or does the broom cake say Penis next to it?
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the broom cake read "Go Penis" (Then again, maybe that's not really a broom)
WV: phetti....if you are against sprinkles, you are con-phetti
LOL!! Thanks for the reminder of the awesome comments on Earth Day. (Isn't that a golf ball? :) )
I was going to say broom is for curling and that is OBVIOUSLY wine bowling. Which is just a waste of wine.Unless you drink the wine and then set the bottles up as pins, in which case that sounds like an excellent idea.
miss leigh...
I am very much against the improper use of apostrophes, but I agree with the hockey fans that it should just be "Pens." For example, my local football team is the Jacksonville Jaguars, and we shorten the name to "Jags" not "Jag's." The 's' in both "Pens" and "Jags" indicates that it's a plural, and adding an apostrophe makes it incorrectly look like a possessive.
"Pens" is a nickname for the Pittsburgh Penguins, this years NHL hockey champions. A sweep is winning a playoff series in which the losing team did not win a single game.
That said, the sweeping cake isn't too bad.
I rather like the weight lifting cake, too.
I'm guessing the Broom Cake is really just a terrible representation of the Stanley Cup. (Since the Pittsburgh Penguins won it last year.)
Also, Pretty bummed that I missed you in Bethesda last night. I was at home sick with the flu!!!
Yeah the 5th looks like it could say "Go Penis!" to me too.
Glad I'm ot the only one who read "go penis".
Uh huh
YAY - Go Penis!!!
I'm likin it :-D
Surviving breast cancer...
I grew up with golfers -there are hundreds of old Golf Balls in bags in the cellar- but I thought 'Epcot' was an Hydrangea!
Re: that "mitt", if those are the damned cupcakes-used-instead-of-real-cake, does that mean the writing is on the mat???
"What respectable ball player DOESN'T sprinkle glittery fairy dust on his mitt before a big game? "
I like the weightlifting one, it's a pretty good representation of stack of weights; the broom one I think is for the Pittsburgh Penguins hoping they will "sweep" the season, but I must admit the way it is written looks somewhat fishy...!
Oh my.... uh, does that say "Congratulations, Penis!" on the "Sweeping" cake?
The clean sweep cake has to be curling. At first glance, I thought it said "Go Penis". Why is there an apostrophe in Pens????
The cake for dad is a bowling ball and bowling pin.
Interesting placement of the "you're the best" pin on the bowling pin... even the bowling ball is staring and seems to say to me "wait, no, this wasn't in the job description!!"
Are you SURE that's a soccer cake. I thought it was a spider web...
(PS it won't let me sign in - it is, of course, Ricebubbles)
There is NO way that's a mitt.
I don't understand the soccer (i.e. football!) one. What are those red dots supposed to be?
Umm, that 'broom' cake looks like it is say 'Go Pxxxs' (male anatomy). Maybe I need to get my eyes checked, but maybe others are reading it like that too?
The 'whatever this is' might be a cricket bat - specifically indoor cricket (yellow balls)...but it's hard to say.