This next Wreck sees Amber's "hassel", and raises it a "taffle":

Speaking of lots of room, Courtney M. asked the bakery for a Star Wars graduation cake, and this is what she got:

Where some Wreckerators call it a day after a lime-headed Yoda and a plastic grad cap, though, others keep going, and going, and...
'Scuse me, Mr. or Ms. Wreckerator, but I think you missed a spot. Could you cram a few more "09"s on the top? Oh, and while I have you here, a few questions:
1) What are you congratulating math for?
2) Does that inscription really say "this book is for smart people only please donoot atemple to open if you are not smart"?
It does? Ok, then my next question is...
3) For the love of crossed-out-but-not-corrected spelling errors, why? I mean, wouldn't only the really dumb people try to open a cake that only resembles a book in that it is somewhat flat and rectangular? Or am I over thinking this? (Don't answer that, Wreckies; I'm talking to the decorator here.)
Jess K's mom ordered a graduation cake for her brother. To keep it simple, she asked for the cake to read "Woo-hoo Tommy!" Instead, she got:
Unintentionally appropriate with a side of sneering sarcasm. I like it.
Sabrina S., Jess G., & Maureen, you each get a gold star beside your name on my monitor. (Granted, this may make typing a little more diggifult, but fortunetly I learned to typr by touch.)
83 comments | Post a Comment
I think that Yoda is cute!
Ooohhhh. Those are abysmal!
VW: rudinput
I have some rudinput for these people who can't spell or follow directions.
I think math is being congratulated on finally shortening the quadratic equation. Instead of "x= + or -b, times the square root of 4ac, all over 2a, it is now simply =+squareroot. Nice.
ROFLOL! That's hilarious, I wonder if Cake Bakeries around the world wait for girls named Amber to come, order a cake, so they can wreck it....
Also I think you have that second cake entirely wrong, you see Rhianna just graduated from a vocational school, see? Oh you don't? Well She went to a Candy Making college, with a masters in the taffy-puller. So that cake was supposed to say "The Taffy's worth the hassle" yeah......... That's it....
The only thing that would make that math book cake better would be if it were a CCC!
tassel, hassel, taffle--don't worry, who'll ever notice, but the math thing is just uggggly.
Boo Hoo, indeed! But at least he got sprinkles.
I think I shall forever ponder a Taffle's worth.
Who even knew that "the tassels worth the hassle" was even a graduation saying commonly known. Maybe it's only "shared" in the cake wrecking community.
On the first one: since the whole phrase is in quotes and obviously they're quoting SOMEONE since someone...ah...attempted the same phrase on the next cake, are the quotes REALLY that wrong on the first one...?
I mean there's plenty of other things wrong, like how it's feeding time for the leeches up in the corner! I'm just not really having a problem with the quotes.
I AM having a problem with congratulating Math! Why does no one want to congratulate Physics!?
...I just don't understand why we are congratulating math. What did math do for me lately?
Boo-hoo Tommy...so-what? He didn't graduate? LOL
The second cake is clearly using the f-shaped ligature-s, fashionable in the 18th century. Thanks, wrongly-maligned wreckorator, for keeping archaic but still-classy font choices alive!
Perhaps Tommy didn't actually get the diploma, which would make the boo-hoo appropriate. Either way, poor Tommy.
These are truly awful! You didn't even mention the weird scribbles-that-could-be words on the bottom of the math cake! What is that? "nadondoom"??
At least the tassel wasn't worth a Hasselhoff cake.
Notice the 6 on the Math cake looks like a chewed up piece of gum?
I just love the Boo hoo Tommy cake. I think that one deserves to be made into a wreckerators apron.
I love the math cake. Love it. But the one that really got me was Tommy's. I laughed, I cried. It was like a Broadway play without the music. Fabulous!
wv: poksp- This generation's Great Gatsby. The entire thing takes place on Facebook.
These are so wonderfully terrible.
I am glad you spelled out the writting on the math cake, my head couldn't take looking at it that closely.
Jayspec is right on the theory. Although it's not a ligature-s, it's a Long S. I formed a currently ſolo movement to reſtore the uſe of Long S to common language. The only reaſon it was abandoned to begin with is that printers were lazy and cheap. So I've ſtarted uſing it in daily writing where appropriate. many of my more learned friends underſtand and have no problem with it. Others ask me why I'm writing Fs inſtead of Ss :)
Jen, you did it again, left me speechless! "lime-green Yoda head" LOL too funny! I find myself quoting you in the announcer voice from the Muppet Show, "Space In SSSSPPPPAAAAAAAAACCCEEE!"
At least Tommy got sprinkles!
I hope Amber went to the University of Texas, because there is no ohter reason for that color of brownorange.
WV: drati. What some recipients of these wrecks say when they see the cake.
"Boo Hoo" cake is FUNNY!
The orange one that just doesn't stop? Oh. My. Heck. Love it. I'd laugh so hard if I got a cake that busy with words...even if the words made sense. Bwa ha ha!
At least the Wreckerator responsible for the "Boo-hoo Tommy" cake has excellent cake-handwriting. (Is there a word for "cake-handwriting"?) The mistake looks much classier that way.
I got my own space... in space. Boosh Boosh Boosh! :D
It's seeming more and more obvious that bakeries should require a dictionary..or several..in the kitchen at all times!
~Amy B.
Boo hoo Tommy, that is my favorite.
Perhaps the recepient of the "Math" cake is of Welsh decent, and was named after Math fab Mathonwy. Or something.
The Math one is nauseating....
Long time lurker, first time commenter.
Wow... That wreck was so bad I never even got to see it.
I guess its better that way. I mean they shouldn't make fun a persons FAFFLE! I may studder alot but a cake is just mean!
I'd love to get the "Boo-Hoo" cake for my nephew, Tommy, who is a very sensitive soul. Poor kid cries at everything.
Not to echo the other Melinda (I need an avatar to clear up any Melinda confusion), but the Boo-Hoo Tommy cake was my absolute favorite. I was reading along grinning until I got to that one, then I burst out laughing.
wv: Bleth, what the wreckerator wrote on Beth's graduation cake.
Oh my, the math cake...just...oh my.
jayspec said...
"The second cake is clearly using the f-shaped ligature-s, fashionable in the 18th century."
Okay...I'll bite. WHY, then, is the word "Hassel" NOT making use of the same type of "s"? Both words are on the same cake, for corn's sake.
Wait! Wait! I know: the cake was STARTED in the 18th century, and FINISHED in the 20th.
Obviously looking up the word "hassle" in the dictionary was too much of a bother too.
Hassel was a Norwegian scientist. Yep, that's just what I'd want on my cake.
I, for one, am not likely to try and OPEN a math cake...at least not until I've checked it out of the Librarakery.
I prefer Pi anyway.
I think the Math cake is hideous, but it does have some promise. I think the scribbles are attempting to illustrate a corrected paper by a teacher. I think the cake is attempting some sort of mental flashback of 12 years of school. Still VERY poorly executed.
How about bad TWILIGHT cakes?? That would be awesome! Or maybe a Twilight Sunday Sweets?
Personally, I'm smart enough to not try to open a math book after college... much less a math CAKE. Yikes.
Altho, if all the math books were really made of cake, I might have done better in calculus.
wv: genne
The Genne was obviously not paying attention when these people wished for non-wrecked cakes.
Amber's and Christian's cakes both have a mortarboard-on-a-black-saucer thing going on--what's up with that? Since WHEN do mortarboards have BRIMS on them?
It looks weird.
I mean this sincerely: aside from that small glitch, the cakes are truly lamentable.
I really want to know how the decorators even let these abominations leave the store!
The Yoda one is hilarious just because of the weirdly placed "decorations" and the lettering that gets bigger and smaller throughout...
WV: raxobarf -- these cakes must have come from raxobarf.
I have not laughed this hard in two months.
Maybe the wreckerator of the "taffle" cake was using the Long S letter, common in English until it became an obsolete letter some 150 years ago. "Taſſle" reads the same "tassle" in this regard.
On a related note, because it's in your comments:
Is there a difference between Wreckers and Wreckies? Like with the Star Treck people? Some of us just enjoy Cake Wrecks and know the terminology and can reference our favorites, and some of us go driving from bakery to bakery searching for Wrecks, and even attend conventions dressed up as our favorite Wreck? If so, I believe that my invitation to the last Cake-Con was lost in the mail. I *totally* would have come as a naked baby on a carrot.
I'm hurt, guys... really hurt.
"Boo Hoo Tommy" made me laugh til I cried! Maybe the Wreckerator was combining "Woo Hoo!" and "Boo Yah!"??? Ok, mebbe not.
wv: huralls (slang) combination of "Hurray" and "Y'alls".
MalMal said...
"... I *totally* would have come as a naked baby on a carrot."
And would you be sporting a Mohawk haircut as well?
I'll ask this, too (as long as we're riding the train to Fantasy Land): Where would you get a big enough carrot to ride in on?
Ahhh...the images cavorting in my mind (of a carnival-like atmosphere for a "Wreckies" convention) are MORE than tantalizing...!
I apologize in advance. I can't resist.
in best Barbie voice
"Math is hard!"
*withering sigh*
In partial defense of a mostly indefensible wrecktastic cake, my partner's name is Math, so that is one plausible possibility for the "why?" question.
Did anyone watch Cake Boss tonight? The Doves in the cake idea freaked me out alot, but the execution was incredible!
And those "exotic" cakes as Cake Momma called them. ahem, um... well let's just say that they were incredibly detailed, and the client very happy. Jenny, did you see it, and what did you think?
I'm pretty sure I saw that math cake as a greeting card. It would make more sense that way. Still ugly as a cake, though. Another thought - maybe it was supposed to be for Matt instead of Math.
The Boo Hoo one made me laugh for quite awhile. Especially the caption.
Actually, I think the baker of the Math! cake is getting a bum deal. I think the person ordering it brought in the graduate's math book and asked for an exact duplicate of the cover. Hence, you have a monstrosity of bored and somewhat deranged writings of various unknown persons over a multitude of years. (We all know how much time passes before they spring for new textbooks.)
That deaf dumb and blind boy sure cries a lot.
"Taffle" reminds me of the old-style S-that-looks-like-f that you see, for example, in the US constitution.
Various spellings of "hassel" mean "hazel" in several Germanic languages, and are the basis of the word for "hazelnut". I'm not sure whether the tassel is worth a hazelnut though.
If you ignore all the mistakes and just look at the color of icing on all the cakes, you will still be reaching for pepto-bismal!! Seriously the colors should be banned LOL.
The penmanship on Tommy's cake was lovely! At least he's got that going for him.
My rehearsal dinner cake was a bit of a wreck. I'll have to scan that in and submit it.
Well, I waf going to fay what Jayfpec faid, but no need to be repetitive. :)
Erin G.
It cracks me up that "Congratulations" is finally spelled right, but now they can't spell "hassle."
Choice of icing colours...Fail.
wv: dualed...a term used to describe someone who has role played two characters in RGP chat rooms. Dualling is usually forbidden.
LOL!!! This is hysterical!
That last one made me try to pass my coffee through my nose! (yuck)
Thanks for the laugh.
Of COURSE I would have a mohawk. As for the carrot, well... let's just see how well this Miracle Grow really works, shall we?
I really think a Cake-Wreck-Con would be awesome. As long as nobody came as Olivia (of "Push Olivia Push").
wv: dieramp. Certain onramps in the LA freeway system.
this post made snot come out my nose. and i don't have a cold. not even allergies.
i love you.
Boo-Hoo! I think that is my ultimate favorite. I almost lost my pudding cup I was laughing so hard.
I think the who decorator who correctly spelled "Congratulations" (even though she messed up both "tassel" and "hassle" pretty royally) deserves some credit though!
Can someone tell me what wv stands for?
I must say they are all awful in their own ways but I have to admit, I smiled when I read your comments and I saw the happy face Yoda cake ( you already know my opinion of plastic junk on cakes )...
I can't remember the little guy looking so cute or carefree ! LOL
For a math graduate, this cake must be sort of depressing. It just screams "Congratulations for getting a degree in absurd gibberish that I'm not gonna pretend like I care about! Here, stuff it with a square root with a plus sign."
Holy McMoly. Wowzerella, even. Those colors, for heaven's sake.
The...ahem, "patriotic" cake with the airbrushing...all I could think of was that the eagle had eaten a boatload of mixed berries before he took flight over THAT cake...urgh.
Also, that MATH!! cake clearly has a mistake...7 divided by a does not equal oddly-angled different-colored 09. That's just fail.
(Hey Crazy Cat Lady! "wv" is the word-verification thingie we have to type before our comments will post. For some reason, the ones here at Cake Wrecks are--like Cake Wrecks itself--awesomer than the rest, and thus are very receptive to having Wrecky definitions made up to fit them. For example, mine:)
wv: aphicke. The cake looked as though it were infested with aphickes; then again, perhaps some pesticide might have improved the flavor.
That third Yoda/Grad Cap cake is going to have me scratching my head for days...make that weeks.
Your blog makes me happy.
Alrighty, then! That's settled.
We'll watch for such a gathering, and I'm confident that all in attendance will be on the lookout for a naked, Mohawk-headed person with a HUGE carrot.
I agree: Olivia should be barred from our convention. There has to be *some* measure of decorum.
"Taffle"- gotta love it. LOL!
I don't think the words are crossed out and not fixed... There is a brown squiggle nowhere near a word. I think those are poorly placed confetti/streamers. I guess that would mean the spelling is just atrocious.
Thanks, Gladys!
Those are not "f"s in Tassle they are clearly old fashioned long "s"s. The decorator has some sort of degree in Old English but doesn't get to use it a lot.
wow, the wreckerator of the second cake is clearly from the early 1800's. those ff's look strikingly similar to the weird-looking s's you used to see in old-timey type.
Sorry, I disagree. Those are Fs. If they were Ss then the ones in "Hassel" (sic) would look the same.
I'm going to go against the crowd and say that I love the math one. I think it must be a joke, crossed out spelling errors, nonsensical messages, it must be a wreck on purpose. Math's celebrators hopefully asked for it to be that ugly.
I just pre-ordered a cake to say, "Happy New Years! Congratulations on Your no Babies '09. For Serious, bros. Mission Accomplished!" the baker kind of looked at the form, asked me if I was sure that was what I wanted, repeated it back to me, checked the punctuation and capitalization, and asked me for a color scheme.
I hope that the math cake was made by an equally dedicated baker.
I've read a little bit about handwriting analysis. In the "Boo-Hoo Tommy" cake, the Y has a little claw on it. People who do that feel guilty about something and subconsciously try to create reasons for people to get angry at them.
My favorites were Rhianna's taffle cake and Boo-Hoo Tommy! I can't believe how awful these cakes are!
Also, I have a hard time congratulating Math. I think they should make a Biology cake. No wait.... considering the way Wreckerators make frogs, that's not a good idea.
"At least the tassel wasn't worth a Hasselhoff cake." - great comment. Made me laugh xx
Maybe the congratulations was supposed to go to Matt, not math. It is a post on misspellings after all...