Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Future's So Bright..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

If the current state of bakery (il)literacy has you down, then consider this: Right now thousands and thousands of new graduates are flooding the workforce, bringing with them all the knowledge, skill, and personal communications excellence that the American educational system has to offer.


Missy F., once you realize this is a CCC [haaaauuu-patooey!], and that it's depicting an apple being devoured by maggots, suddenly the "daz" thing seems that much more tragic.

I'm sensing some confusion, Stephanie G., and it's coming from this direction:

Ah, I see someone took my "When in doubt, scream it" advice to heart! And I like how s/he covered all the bases with that comma/exclamation mark combo.

Libby B. assures me there's a misspelling in here somewhere...

...but looking at that writing makes my eyes feel like they're careening out of control on an oil slick. Ow.

Mercedes W., I was with you until "proud":

We've already seen congratulations/graduation spelling mix-ups, but here Shelby found a mix-up of the actual words:

As you can see, the "n" is so embarrassed he's making a break for it.

Jess S., don't you just hate letters that look the same upside down as right side up? Like H, I, & O?

If only there were some way to know which way was up when you put them all together! Curse you, you vile deceivers of the alphabet! Curse... you!

Oh, and S! S is another one!

'Course, the school logo COULD have been a tick, right, Jade R.?

Gimmie a 'T'!
Gimmie an "Icks"!
What's that spell?
Say it again!
[flourishing red pom-poms]
Yeah, we ain't yo' momma, ain't yo bud,
All we do is suck yo' blood!
Go Ticks! Woo!! Go Ticks!

Trevor said...

At least if their school mascot was a tick, they could yell "SPOON!" as their chant!

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha....oh the tick thing really got me, wooo

Anniebananie said...

Well Job Done Jen! I still love this site! I love how the second cake says that- Well Job Done! Do people read what they write? Anyway, I love the tick thing- I probably would have seen that cake and been like, oh, that looks nice... althought, I suppose that person knew the logo. Love the commentary- Gradulations!

Squiddy said...

Does that OHIO cake have *marijuana leaves* as decoration? Wow, you learn so much about other places from this site.

bttrflybabydoll said...

Am I bland or is there not an original asterisk for your note? Or is that just a note on the whole post? Just a bit confused.

Love, love, love the Graduation on your day! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I think those might be marijuana leaves on the O H I O cake.

SmittyChic said...

Ummm - can someone tell me why there appear to be marijuana leaves on the OIHO cake? Was that intentional? Perhaps they wanted to order a cake celebrating the fact that despite all the pot Jess smoked, she graduated!

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Are those pot leaves on the OIHO cake? Even better! Ha!

Miranda said...

Dictionary is FRIEND!


VW: inglat

no speak inglat. congladutations.

Lisa said...

Actually, I'm pretty sure the only problem with the second cake is the punctuation. Take out the first exclamation mark and add a comma after "Well," and you have a cake that aptly describes the condition of a student with a new Ph.D. (as I assume the recipient of this cake to be).

Frigglesnitz said...

On the OIHO cake, are those um... glaucoma medicine leaves in the corners?

Could explain not realizing which end was up.

WV- exclavol- When one shouts and laughs at the same time.(used in emails)
"Your last post made me exclavol and my coworkers came over to see what I was looked at."

Anonymous said...

Maybe when the Tick's cake looked like that when he graduated. That is where he got his superhero name idea.

Kris (new here)

Weaug- a very small bug.

Lisa said...

Also, re: the plants on the cake, I suspect they're actually supposed to be buckeyes, which for some strange reason are Ohio State's mascot.

Bob said...

I suppose that Dr. Hushkins just finished digging a well.

Cheryl Wade said...

Yeah, we ain't yo' momma, ain't yo bud,
All we do is suck yo' blood!

You got me. I actually was sitting at my desk laughing. At least no one came in to my office.

Shelley said...

JEN, YOU CRACK ME UP. Your descriptions are frigging hilarious. You should write a cartoon or something.

Jayme Q said...

I, too, thought that those were marijuana leaves on the OHIO cake. And the tick chant was just fabulous, Jen! :D

Anonymous said...

does anyone else think "Christmas" when they see the OHIO cake?! lol

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Amazing! At least, your impromptu cheer is. The cakes? Not so much. Ugh.

Haiku Joy said...

Preschool "commencement?!"
A CCC is fitting.
Patooey on both!

wv: Gwarsh, mister, I'm just plumfush you asked me to dance. Huh-yuk.

Caroline said...

Oh dear. That last cake is for a graduate of my alma mater, SHSU. Our mascot is the Bearkat, but I think the Tick might be just as good.

Valerie said...

These are hilarious! And the commentary is, as usual, what really makes the site fun. Love the pot leaves on the OHIO cake. Must be for college... The craze over texting and casual emails where one isn't expected to even consider grammar is making things worse.

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Hey, Kindergarten is a very big deal. Do you know what it takes to make it through preschool these days?

Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)

Anonymous said...

That "tick" cheer was FABULOUS!
I have to visit your site every day to get my laughs in.

Stacy Light Mygatt said...

Hmm, maybe the Graduation and Big Day were two events on the same day. Like, she got to walk in the graduation ceremony, and then later was induced to give birth??

Holly Denghel said...

That cheer was surprisingly well done. I would imagine that someone, somewhere, is starting a new school and the mascot will be the ticks just so they can use that cheer!

Jenna Lynn Cody said...

First of all, my word verification for this post is "illitral" which I think is eerily appropriate.

Secondly, that giant maggot-apple looks like a big nasty tomato to me.

Melinda said...

I will never look at a paw print the same again, right side up or not. HA! Well Job Done,! I pick up a graduation cake on Saturday...maybe I'll be unfortunate/lucky enough to get to send it your way.

Stacie said...

mmmmmm...you had me at swirly chocolate syrup words.

Unknown said...

Somehow the OHIO cake got me a bit woozy... As did Libby's cake! As always, wonderful, wonderful blog,! Congrads!!!!!! P.S.- I got an official Cake Wrecks Baker shirt! I can't wait to get it! Woo-hoo! I'll wear it proudly while making my cakes, fo sho!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, so maybe they're supposed to be buckeyes, but for THIS cake, marijuana makes much more sense. :)

Susan said...

The "Well Job Done,!" one has such pretty writing too...too bad the artist is grammatically impaired.

Are those mary jane leaves on the OHIO (or is it OIHO) cake?

Love the Ticks High cheer...bet they used Brad Paisley's song for the prom theme!!

WV: ingspo: How "Well Job Done,!" decorator spells spoing.

Unknown said...

As a proud Ohioan for most of my life, I'm not sure which is worse, the upside-down "OHIO" or the, ahem, "buckeyes" in the corners!

JennyKitten76 said...

STOP making me laugh out loud at work - my office thinks I'm crazy!

Go ticks, LOL! Srsly :D

soozenw said...

The Ticks chant got me.

Alison said...


Jen, you're going to give me a concussion if you keep these up!!

word verification: berside "I am beside myself with irritation and am going berserk!"

Anonymous said...

Maybe the pot leaves is a subconcious cry for help. I mean it could explain alot of past "wreckage." Just because you like the Grateful Dead doesn't mean you decorate cakes.

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

I believe the Ohio State cake decorator had glaucoma and was smoking medicinal marijuana. That is the only way I can explain what happened there.

Yota Armai said...

I kept trying to read the O H I O cake upside down, you know to go with the rest of the print and all I kept coming up with was Oi! Ho!, as in two separate words because of the odd spacing between the I and the H.

Then I had a face palm moment and got it.

Kelly said...

Spoon!!! Hilarious. The Tick would be an excellent mascot, and you already have that rockin' cheer. All we need now is a school with HS for initials.

Zannie said...

So, if you turn the "OIHO" cake over (to read the rest of it correctly) am I mistaken or would it then read, "Jess 01 HO?" (#1 Ho???) Hhmmm... maybe upside down IS better!

Laura said...

Lisa is right about the leaves - it's an Ohio State thing

iris said...

cracks me up. a tick for a mascot...i wonder what the alma mater would be...a good laugh in the morning is a great way to start my day! so thank you!

Glory von Hathor said...

You just know that there is a hot-house tot in the city somewhere being wrestled into a cap and gown by Mother, whilst Father holds up a flashcard saying Toutes mes félicitations, mon petit génie!

Unknown said...

Kindergarten is also misspelled....it's German so it has a T not a D - it's a common misspelling, but as former K teacher it sticks out to me! :-)

Mirth said...

Maybe Dr. H had to dig wells to put himself through med school. That would explain the well job being done now wouldn't it? The tick cheer? Awesome!

NYCGirl said...

The upside-down Ohio made me spit-laugh.* Thanks; I needed that.

*Though I didn't think "pot leaves." Heck, I didn't even notice the leaves!

Anonymous said...

Why are there marajuana (did I spell that right?) leaves on the OIHO cake? Maybe that was the excuse for the foul up?

WV: CODGE - to cower and dodge at the same time. The baker codged when her cake was viewed by the client.

LaurenH said...

I'm glad there's an extra space in the "OHIO" cake...you know, just in case you WEREN'T thinking of reading it as "Oi...Ho"

Anonymous said...

Please don't find out that Dr. Huskins is an English professor!

Aunt Sat said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one who sees pot on the OIHO cake.

WV: dontis

Hey, Mervyn, dontis cake look like it got pot onnit?

Linda said...

Here in swell Connecticut, home of Lyme Disease, the Lyme/Old Lyme High School teams are call the Ticks! Disgusting!


Anonymous said...

I think the Ohio cake mishap is definitely due to the marijuana leaves. There was probably not much going on in the mind of whoever decorated that wreck.

Promise said...

And Trevor wins with the first post! Spoon! to you, Trevor!

Unknown said...

The ohio cake has BUCKEYE leaves on it!! I'm guessing the cake is for a grad of OSU....

Christina M. said...

Glad I'm not the only one who saw what looked like marijuana leaves on the "OH IO" cake. I saw plenty of buckeyes when I was in Ohio, and they do not look like that.

Unknown said...

Nothing like wormy apples to celebrate graduation!

Eww..ticks. Just in time for tick season, too! Nice.
~Amy B.
wv: inter "Inter the cake wrecks!"

Anonymous said...

Done job well Jen!, done job well,!

(improper punctuation is so hard to get just right)

wv: encen - "Encen, go check that dark cave over there for hostile life-forms"

Stephanie said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I were Libby I might be a little "tick"ed that I only got one congratulation. I mean most other people get congratulations. If I'm going to have to eat my swirly chocolate words off of an oil slick I darn sure want multiple kudos. Just sayin'..

~Anne said...

Marijuana leaves on cakes.....unreal. Although I had to snort at OIHO because it reminds me of my dad asking where the onion dip had gone in the fridge but couldn't figure out what the container marked "noino" was.

WV: exuyk What one says when tasting wrecked cakes.

Brandy said...

Man, the giant mound of shortening-based frosting on the CCCs never fails to make me gag. :( Why do they seem to require 2" of frosting??

Sandi said...

Love the ticks!

Amy Lee said...

Are those pot leaves on the OHIO cake?? They sure look like it..LOL

Anonymous said...

Ya know, a comma right after the 'well' would sort of make it work as a statement: 'Well, Job Done!" Something an excited construction worker might say after finishing a building project.

MarieA said...

job done Dr H definitely t-shirt material!

drgns4vr said...

I am delighted with the educational possibilities of this blog. My spelling is improving (which is a GOOD Thing), my punctuation skills are being sharpened, and, after a long and obviously boring life I have learned what marijuana leaves look like. (Now I have to go out and inspect the weeds at the back of my lot line.)
Cake Wrecks, you are shining light.

wv scalusid Was I ever scalusid to see marijuana leaves on this blog!

ten blue stars said...

My boyfriend walked up as I was on the "Well Job Done,!" cake. He thinks it is for some one who digs wells for a living. When I told him these were graduation cakes, he said the person must be graduation from well-digging school then.

12 hour pills said...

Oh god. That last cake has my old high school colors. Any cake is pure wreck with that combo.

Bobbi Sharp said...

I swear I'm seeing pot leaves on the Ohio cake....

teacher lady said...

Really? Only one other reader saw that kindergarten was spelled wrong? And nobody mentioned that the kid is 'bounh'for greatness now? I think all the wrecktasticness is blinding us!

wv: odumsh "Odumsh, how could Jen have missed that?"

talda said...

as a michigan alumna, the ohio cake makes me grin. evilly.

those leaves are buckeye leaves. but they might as well be pot.

oooh, the rivalry never dies. LOL

Shannon said...

I think the Oi Ho cake was done on purpose. There were two fans at an Ohio game caught holding their sign incorrectly and the picture went all over the internet a few years ago.

Pretty good joke cake, and I'm sure most Oi ho graduates would get it.

elle said...


Being from Ohio myself, that cake is more than a wreck...lol. For shame that they mistook buckeyes for something else. :)

Jen, what a wonderful site you have here!

Anonymous said...

The explanation for the OHIO cake being messed up might me the marijuana leaves in the corners!

Sewing-Chick said...

Hey people, just FYI. Those are BUCKEYE LEAVES :) Lots of people smoke pot at Ohio State, sure, but that's not our mascot ;)

Sewing-Chick said...

Oh, and just to stick up for the cake decorator a little bit OH and IO are supposed to be separated as if they were two separate words. It's one of the big cheers they do in the stadium. Half of the stadium yells, "O! H!" and the other responds, "I! O!"

Haley said...


The cake with the "tick" mascot is actually a Sam Houston State University cake....the college I attend.

Let me tell you...this is a small town and given the nature of the folks who work at our Wal-Mart bakery.... I will just say that Cake Wrecks are a frequent occurrence here.

GroovyGirl said...

those are great...
how are my grad cupcakes?

Scrangie said...


Sabrina said...

I think "Conralulation on your gratuation Libby" has to be my fav. Oy.

Anonymous said...

The leaves are, in fact, supposed to be buckeye leaves. Though I think the decorator must have been smoking pot.

Shannon said...

LOVE the tick cheer. Well, except for the fact that Mt. Dew just shot out of my nose when I read it. But still--AWESOME!!


Charlotte said...

What is up with the marijuana on the "OHIO" cake? Maybe they smoked a bit too much and that's why they got it wrong.
It's amazing how people that spell Kindergarden can actually graduate from kindergarten.

WV: seding

The cake should have been seding Ohio, instead it sed Oiho.

Anonymous said...

Why does the OHIO cake look like its surrounded by pot leaves? Somebodies parents are super ... special.

Rachael said...

The spacing in the ohio cake is intentional, fyi. Its a common cheer in the buckeye state. One person yells O-H and everyone else yells I-O in return. And they are buckeye leaves. The cake is still a wreak, but not as bad as everyone things it is.

Chatterley said...

I have two theories for the "Last Daz" cake:

1. They meant to say days, but thought they could save time by spelling it differently

2. It was written on a European keyboard. I am from Germany, you see, and we have QWERTZ keyboards, not QWERTY ones. Y and Z are switched. So MAYBE the cake design was submitted in an online form, and the person who ordered it simply didn't double check.

(Happens to me all the time when I use my American husband's computer. I'll say "I love zou babz" for instance.)

arbed said...

I'm sure Jen did indeed notice the misspellings on the "Kindergarden" cake, which is why she said "I was with you until 'proud'". Otherwise, the only thing making it a wreck would be the fact that some poor child somewhere is graduating from, what, daycare? Insane. Maybe now instead of celebrating birth, we can celebrate graduating from the womb! With cake! The images I'm conjuring up are making me laugh - must go now.

Stryx said...

I find myself wanting to go order a cake for a random celebration. Just hoping they screw it up some how lol

Jules said...

These are beyond pitiful, but oh so entertaining. Jen, you have a way with the commentary, let me tell ya. Bravo, my wrecky sister, bravo!

Chris the Yardsale Queen said...

Poor Libby. She only got a singular congralution for her gratuation. Not multiple congralutions.

S.B. Kates said...

This post reminded me of how damn funny you are. I am not even that into cakes. I read this blog every day because you're hilarious.

Bree said...

Mr. Well Job's cake is really pretty, despite the bad grammar.

And when I saw the OIHO cake, I didn't see pot leaves, but chewing tobacco.

Norkio said...

Why are there green jalapenos or gah, pickles on top of that apple cake?

Bri said...

Yeahhh..um...the ganja on Jess' cake got me scratching my head too.

The ticks cheer is superb!

I'm really quite pleased I didn't have get a gratulation/congradulations cake when I gradumulated.:]

Anonymous said...

Ok, children defending "OH IO" - that cheer makes sense, but why is the cake spelled "OI HO". 'Splain me that one, Lucy.

Tbelle said...

You would think the Tick cake would have something along the lines of 'SPOON!!' with it.

Ann S. said...

Ummm...did that OHIO cake have cannibis leaves on it? I think I am more apalled at that than the upside down lettering.

Jessica said...

"As you can see, the "n" is so embarrassed he's making a break for it."

This line had me laughing out loud! I also like how everyone sees pot leaves on the OHIO cake (which is what I saw too cause I'm not familiar with a buckeye)

Anonymous said...

The Ohio cake looks to me like an upside-down license plate. Are you sure that cake wasn't for someone who just got a driver's license?

If not, is it supposed to be University of Ohio or Ohio State? I thought OSU's colors were red and white...is black one of them?

word verification: reade
Who taught these bakers how to reade?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we ain't yo' momma, ain't yo bud, All we do is suck yo' blood!

Cheryl Wade- that is latte spurting through your nose HILARIOUS!!!!

And that ain't no apple... that's a tomato!

Unknown said...

Great writing on the post! Really made me laugh out loud :D

Anonymous said...

Hey! The last cake has my school on it! Sam Houston State University! Go Bearkats!
And is that weed on the OHIO cake?

Jen C. said...

I think smoking those pot leaves on the OI HO cake would be the only thing that would make the scarlet and gray frosting appetizing.

And I am an Ohio State grad.

Cake for Breakfast said...

Graduation season is officially my favorite cake wrecks time of the year - this beats all those holiday cakes.

Samantha Suzuki Photography said...

Jen, good well job! Your cheerleading skills are exsellent,! really.

Mel said...

oh boy, that tick cheer made me laugh so hard I'm crying.

Professor Raven said...

"congralulation on your gratuation"... OH, the American educational system at its finest... SIGH. Jen, you crack me up! But so does reading about everyone else snorting soda or spitting lattes HEHE

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the others when I admit my first thought of the "foliage" on the upside down OHIO cake was marijuana.
I mean, it would explain a lot.

msyendor said...

OH, OH, I-O,

Buckey leaves like marijuana piped // Orange ticks sucking sugar highs // You take your chances // When you phone in cake demands // You'll wonder how some "gratuated" // For the longest time

OH, OH, I-O // For the longest time // OH, OH, I-O

WV: Tritick -- couldnt help it, that little 3-faced tick just kept sucking my brain cells out until all that was left was that tune

Karen said...

I LOVE your site! The tick rules! Gradulations!

I once made a cake that said "Happy Bithday!" My kids LOVED it...it brought much merriment to us, . Also, when I tried to make layer cakes, I had quite a time mastering the art of leveling the bottom layer. When the cakes cracked, I just called them "California cakes" in honor of the San Andreas fault. Unfortunately, photos of said cakes have not survived.

Anonymous said...

Cake Wrecks - we keep the "hi" in "Ohio".

wv: toccur. The alternative French spelling of "toker". The decorator of the Ohio cake was an obvious toccur.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the 6th cake for Jess is in tribute to her being a Jewish Nympho - Oi Ho - ???

TisforTonya said...

...maybe Jess's family was commenting on her chastity issues and not celebrating her graduation from Ohio... "oi! - Ho!"

but the tick thing had me laughing out loud!

FelixAndAva said...

Aside from the "well job" thing, did anyone else notice the upper left corner of the doctor's cake is slumped down? Maybe it's embarrassed to be on this cake. :-)

I noticed the "kindergarten" misspelling right away, so whoever thought they were the only one, take heart, you weren't.

I couldn't even identify the green things on the OIHO cake as meant to be a plant. I thought maybe really mutant starfish.

Anonymous said...

I think the 'Well Job Done' cake is for the year end faculty party of an elementary school. The comma that’s down by the exclamation point is supposed to be up by ‘well.’ As in, "Well, job done! It wasn't a great year but it's done. And those little buggers we’re supposed to teach didn’t kill us Dr. Huskins!”

Stephanie said...

Oh. My. Word. The tick cheer is hilarious! Brilliant. :D
As always, a job well done. Or is it 'well job done'? I'm confused now... :P

Joy said...

Squiddy- Yes, I believe those are pot leaves on the Ohio cake. Which may explain why the decorater did it upside down- she was high as a kite

Rhubarb said...

Ah, the "Last Daz" cake is really obvious to me.

Daz is Australian slang for a toilet. Clearly they're having their toilets removed. Poor school. No more toilets!

Mothermore. said...

I had to come read the comments to make sure I was really seeing pot leaves on the Ohio cake! Glad it's not just me.

Scritzy said...

Okay, this settles it. I'm going tomorrow to order a joint birthday cake for spouse and his best friend (birthdays two days apart), and by God, I'm drawing a picture of what I want it to look like and say ... and reiterating what I want to say in 24-point type at the bottom of the page.

And if they still mess it up, then they can just go be cheerleaders for the Ticks. Go, team, go!!

Anonymous said...

Is there anybody else who see's "Hell job done". Which makes sense too, considering the whole comma/exclamation point combo.

I agree with the people who think that somebody just plain didn't know their punctuation, and took a perfectly lovely cake and sentiment and made it scary. But you have to admit, it's funny.

Anonymous said...

I am really afraid of the "OIHO" cake. Because one never knows what Jess did to deserve that. Perhaps she smoked the marijuana on the side.

Congralulations all to who,! had their Gratuation this spring! Especially those who are KindergardenBound!!!

Jennifer said...

I love your blog.. and as always, love the cake wrecks.. but on this one, your tick cheer... ahem... takes the cake!! HARDY HAR

Anonymous said...

The OSU cake reminds me of when my friend found out the cheer is actually OH-IO. People on her floor kept yelling "OH" and she'd yell "OH!" back. Thanks for the reminder of happy times. :-)

Maddy said...

Ah yes. Lettering and calligraphy. Best to stay well clear in my opinion as we all need editors.

Kristen said...

LMAO at that last one, especially with the cheer. :D

Rhiannon said...

oh, cake wrecks. it's SO nice to come home to such disasters after a rough day in culinary school (the pastry program no less!). how do i love thee, Cake Wrecks? let me count the ways..

in carrot jockeys. i'll start counting.

coeurdechoeur said...

Ooh, the 'Tick' cake looks like it's for a grad from Sam Houston State University in Texas. My sister went there.

Anonymous said...

Have the Ohioians ever seen pot leaves and a buckeye in the same room???? I'm just asking! This is my favorite Cake Wrecks ever!!!!

wv: travisi - When a cake is bad but not quite a travisity it is a travisi.
OOPS it didn't go through!
2nd wv: lecone - A side dish for lecake is an ice cream lecone.

Anonymous said...

If you turn the license plate cake right side up, it says that Jess is an "ol' ho". How sweet.

Shannon said...

I just wanted to say thank you for writing this hilarious blog. It's been a lousy day, and I really needed a good laugh. This post was an excellent way to end my day! Thanks!!

wannabe_aussie said...

have pity on a latecomer to the party and explain "Spoon!" to me.

Hyena Overlord said...

Squiddy said "Does that OHIO cake have *marijuana leaves* as decoration?"

Oh High? Oh...yup.*L*

Anonymous said...

The OHIO cake is one of the best ever. I'm SOOOO glad I'm not the only goddamn stoner that saw some familiar foliage on that cake, too.

Anonymous said...

Loved today's selection of cakes and the commentary. Thanks for bringing laughter to what was otherwise a dreary day. Well Job Done, indeed!

Ames said...

To everyone who keeps saying they look like pot leaves on the Ohio cake... I know they look like pot leaves, but really they are Buckeye leaves, which look a lot like pot leaves (but bigger - look up Buckeye tree). It's an Ohio State University cake - the colors of the school are scarlet and gray, and the mascot is the Buckeyes. And the OH and IO are supposed to be separated, as other people have mentioned - it's a cheer on campus. One person shouts "OH!" and the other shouts "IO!" in response.

Not sure why they are upside down though.

Anonymous said...

Are we sure that the cake is supposed to say Ohio? I think it is supposed to say Oi! Ho!

keptwoman said...

Same, same but different.
bwahahahahaha! Poor Jess.

Lauren Reese said...

Maybe the OIHO cake isn't actually upside down at all, but just misspelled?

WV: craftsu- "Your gonna love these cakes I hand craftsu"

Miranda said...

Hey, maaaaan. Those "green vegetables" are there to give you the munchies so you can eat the cake even though it's wrecked!

puff, puff, pass...

RRigdon said...

I'm late to the party, but I just had to tell you that this site is the funniest, most creative blog I've seen. Stinkin' hilarious.

Anonymous said...

An ancient riddle:

Q. What's high in the middle and round on both ends?
A. Ohio.

I believe at the time this riddle was invented, nobody would have thought "high" meant anything other than "tall." Certainly when I learned it, I did not know it might mean something else.

This cake, however, is IH in the middle and high on the corners.

Obava said...

Are those marijuana leaves on the "OIHO" wreck?

Plaidfrogg said...

Are those CANNIBIS leaves on the OHIO/OIHO cake??

Clare said...

GUYS. Cake Wreck commenters are not the first people in the world to notice the buckeye/pot leaf connection. As an Ohio State graduate, let's set the record straight: buckeyes have five leaves, pot has seven. Hardy har har, they look alike, get over it. The decorator really didn't mess them up THAT bad- they look very similar anyway. And THANK YOU to whoever cleared up that the spacing between OH and IO is intentional- yes it's backwards and that's just silly, but I agree, the cake isn't as much of a wreck as you guys seem to think it is.

which makes me wonder- aside from the pretty obviously hilarious wrecks on here, there must be more than just this Ohio cake that we're just misunderstanding and aren't really that bad.

final note: why does the Ohio cake even count here? It looks homemade.

Yoda said...

Well Job Done.
60 Miles You Did.

Anonymous said...

Of course Buckeyes would create a Cakewreck.


Anonymous said...

"Congralulation on your gratualion Libby"?
Man... deciphering that one almost twisted my brain to mush.

Anonymous said...

After my husband died, my then 5 year old son had to go back to kindergarden for the 1st time in a month. He requested that he bring a cake for the class. He wanted it to say "My Daddy Passed Away". Though it was a strange request for an adult, for a child, it kind of made sense. When we got to the school with the cake, I opened the box. The decorator had written "My Daddy Past Away". Oh my!

Unknown said...

Okay, now that someone else was brave enough to ask, I'll chime in... can someone please explain about the SPOON???

wv: imment - imment to spell kindergarden with a "t", but I dint.

kim said...

Seriously, where do they find some of these people and what qualifies them to work in a bakery?

Sunny said...

Umm...is it just me, or does the "ohio" cake look like it has marijuana leaves in the corners...or something..??

What's the message here? "I would have gotten 'Ohio' the right way up, but I decided to take a break and smoke some weed before I did the decorating...."


..I'm wondering what they were really s'posed to be...


PS: haha..love this site.

Amanda | Glittericity said...

This is hilarious, but the part that nearly made me spit coffee everywhere was the Ticks cheer! Oh man, that's *awesome*!

Darth Artemis said...

Marijuana leaves on a cake... I know what I want on International Reggae Week!!

katydid25 said...

"so proud kindergarten bound" is that what its supposed to say? what the... I hate CCC's!!! It would be a decent looking cake if you could read the word after kindergarten

andi said...

i love the one that says "happy fathers DATY." in hooker lingo, DATY is short for Dining At The Y.

i'm sure you can figure out what's getting munched in that euphamism, and i'll tell you: it's not cake!

Anonymous said...

My teachers often brag that they can read anyone's handwriting. Considering they grade 8th grade papers, they have reason to say this. However, I am willing to bet that not even they could read the cake sent in by Libby. I'll have to ask them.

Anonymous said...

The "tick" cake is very funny...even funnier when you know that it's the logo for a college that is upside-down! It looks like the cake is for a recent graduate of Sam Houston State University.

Anonymous said...

I'm coming late to the party on this one, but I want to know why there are pot leaves on the O-H-I-O cake.