Sure, it tends to stick in the molars a bit, but it's extremely low in fat.
NOTE TO BAKERS: Icing tends to slide off of Styrofoam when displayed at an angle.
NOTE TO CUSTOMERS: Regard all cakes stored flat with extreme suspicion from now on.
If for some reason you feel compelled to have a photo of your grad on the cake, then this bakery obliges with either a traditional, "boring," photo, or the hip new "green-out silhouette" option:

And for those customers who may become confused, thinking they have to purchase a cake with someone else's photo on it, this bakery provides a helpful clarification:
But suppose your grad is spiritually inclined? How do you tastefully incorporate his or her religious views into a graduation cake? Well, this bakery shows us how...
And lastly, this bakery wants you to send your graduate a really heartfelt message.

Specifically: "Your face looks like a butt."
Oh, and "your cap is ridiculous, with its teensy little robot arm."
Victoria W., Maya J., Denise R., Leanna P., and Patricia B., "you're thanks here."
141 comments | Post a Comment
Haha. I love the last one. Nothing like a bum cookie to celebrate your graduation!
That teensy little robot arm would be scratching its head in bewilderment, if only it had a head. So, it's scratching its butt instead.
"your cap is ridiculous, with it's teensy little robot arm."
Uh oh. Bad form to misuse an apostrophe in a post that includes pointing out a misused apostrophe.
its -- not it's. [...with it is teensy little robot arm? NOT]
Otherwise, great post as usual. I laughed, which is what I come here for. Thank you.
Sometimes I wonder about people...
The "teensy little robot arm" comment just about made me spit my morning tea all over my computer screen.
I'm so well trained by this site that I thought those first cakes were some weird, wavy, squish-the-writing-on-the-bottom new design the bakery had made up for grad.
Oh Oh Oh! These had me rolling on the floor laughing! I'm right in the middle of a stressful move and took a break to see if today's wrecks had been posted. So glad I did. I'll be laughing about the butt cake for the rest of the day!
Ooh, you can't dump on a baker for misspelling "your" if you're going to misspell "its" in the same post.
Otherwise, I love you.
LOL! I just had a niece graduate and i am so glad none of these made it to the party... what were these people thinking anyway? how can you possibly look at any of these and say- "wow, this looks AWESOME."?
WV: ingesse
meaning: I'm glad i dont have to "ingesse" any of these wrecks.
Haha, that was great. A nice big laugh to start my day!
If I can stop laughing, I'll go back and look at the one with the cross on it again. What IS that priest doing with that child back there??
WF- nones
I'd like nones of those cakes.
wondrously sarcastic comments ;-} Oh the comments that could be made about that cookie for graduates ..... o:-}
The butt cookie about killed me. Not just a butt, but a butt with chocolate chip zits. Lovely. :-)
The cookie cake reminds me of Carvel - one style cake, many uses.
Wow ... styrofoam cakes!!! I mean, who wants a PICTURE of their graduation cake when they can have a cake that will last forever? What will they think of next?
I am lovin the buttface cookie.
I think you have the message of that last cake all wrong. They aren't saying your face looks like a butt, they just had some Valentines cakes that didn't sell.
At least they managed to spell everything correctly on the last picture!! Hilarious as always!
I want to know how old and stale that heart shaped cookie with the grad cap is!!!
Cakewrecks, I love you, used "it's" wrong.
I love the butt cookie. Ah, yes, it's a mortarboard - I was puzzling over why an arm was reaching out of the roof of a grass hut.
Um. What is going on in the top right corner of the Catholic grad cake? Perhaps I need more coffee, but, um. I see pervy things.
And that last one looks more to me like a healthy, hairy nutsack. Graduating into puberty?
Until you explained the last one I was afraid to ask what the heck that was. Oh, so bad.
Now I know two good reasons why using styrofoam for art projects is bad: #1 it melts in the presence of high volumes of water and #2 icing slides off of it.
The butt cookie cake is hilarious!
Now, before anyone goes accusing Jen of hypocrisy over using the wrong "it's," let me just say that I never had any trouble with your/you're, its/it's, there/their/they're, etc., until I taught high school and constantly faced the incorrect usage, despite all of my efforts to combat it. Sadly, I still have to think about which one is correct. To make a long story short, it's the wreckerators' fault for Jen losing her grip on grammar! ;)
Buttface graduate....hilarious!
Makes me giggle as always, although I'd like to be picky and point out that you probably didn't intend to have the period outside the quotes on the submitter acknowledgments... one of my pet peeves =)
And nice puns, of course!
LMAO. I'm loving the last one.
OMG That "butt-face" cake, well, cookie, is hilarious! When I graduated I probably would l have loved that cake because it would have been such a good laugh!
Here's my cap and gown,
Son! Such memories! And look,
my cake is still good!
God, I'm glad that's a graduation cap. I was tipping my head at all angles to figure it out...and I was scared to find out.
Angie (from over at
Love them as usual.
I have pointed out punctuation errors to the bakers where I work, the common one is the wrong use of their/there/they're or your/you're. When I read it like it says "You are picture here" then the bakers understand the mistake and fix it.
As for "it's", I believe the apostrophe was correct. Apostrophes are used for contractions and to show posession..."Jen's blog", so in this case, it would be "it's robot arms"
You want a butt cake with your diploma?
And, the Styrofoam displays are just too sad. Someone needs a severe talkin' to!
~Amy B.
Whew! Glad I'm not the only one who saw a nutsack in the butt cake.
OK, grammar police, go back to bed, please. Grammar mistakes on CAKES are funny and noteworthy. Picking at the punctuation in a blog, not so much.
I LOVE the butt face one. hee hee.
Got a question here, what, oh WHAT is the giant purple paisley-ish blob at the foot of the cross on the Catolic grad cake? All I could figure was maybe it's Jonah (fresh out of the belly and onto the back of the whale) arriving at the cross surfer style?
Hey guys,
I appreciate all of you who pointed out Jen's misuse of the word "it's." Very kind. This is one of those things that really makes no sense though. Observe:
John's going to the store.
It was John's idea.
It's taking quite a while.
The cat played with its toy.
Why does an s that denotes a possessive not have an apostrophe after it? I looked to my wise English professor Mom for and answer, hopefully one based in ancient Saxon verbage or...something. Her answer:
"English is stupid. Be glad you were born with it."
Which is why I'm starting a petition to change the possessive of it to it's. Who's with me?!?!
*cricket chirping*
its - the possessive form of it (used as an attributive adjective): The book has lost its jacket. I'm sorry about its being so late.
it's - contraction of it is: It's starting to rain.
Jen got it right as in "Sure, it tends to stick in the molars a bit, but it's [it is] extremely low in fat.
The butt cake is still funny!
Er, am I the only one who is looking at the cookie cake and Not seeing a hat on a butt? It, um, looks like the front side of the butt area, of a male, to me. If you catch my drift...
Re: "teensy little robot arm"
I can't help it, my first thought was Big butt, small arms! Big butt, small arms!
I'm bad, aren't I? Heh.
I wish people would learn to spell "your" and "you're" correctly. It would eliminate so much pain and suffering. On the other hand, it might also substantially cut down the number of cakes you can make fun of. So what if I ended that sentence with a proposition?
This site also seems to be reasonably mean and awesome:
Cake Wrecks, you rule!
OK. That last one is totally an upside down heart. That makes it even worse. And that's saying a lot.
I bet a lot of kids want the butt cookie cake...okay, maybe just the boys. ;)
A choked on my coffee!!! :-D LOL that's great!!!
I saw the green-face cakes at Sam's Club the other day. I was about to take a picture to send in, but I didn't have my camera. Love the butt cake.
Well, at least the writer for the last cake could spell "Congratulations, graduate." If only the baker hadn't decided to use the old valentine pan.
Ok, I made it to the "teensy little robot arm" before I lost it. Unfortunately, I was eating at the time. When will I ever learn?
I am English etymology puncutation extravaganza lesson!
There is no apostrophe in the possessive "its" for the same reason there is no apostrophe in other pronomitive possessives (yours, his, hers, mine, my, ours, theirs, whose): the word itself is already possessive.
This is in contrast to nominative possessives (Jen's blog, Cake Wrecks' bandwidth, Haiku Joy's bad haircut)in which the apostrophe and "s" change the noun (Jen) into a possessive adjective (Jen's).
So, if you start with a pronoun and use it to show possession, no apostrophe. Start with a noun, and you need it.
"It's" is the contraction for "it is."
Kinda unrelated, but I have noticed some posters using "nutsack" alot lately. That has got to be one of the most hilarious words. EVER! Tee hee... I'm going to call my hubby a nutsack when he gets home. I'm sure he will be flattered! :) (Seriously, he will!)
Wow Haiku Joy,
You rock absolutely.
Its true.
Maybe that last one really says, "sure, you graduated, but you're still a BUM!" LOL...that one's too funny!
Wow- HaikuJohn?
I'm glad I didn't see the "teensy little robot arm" sticking out of hair.... eew.
WV: Barref - the butt-cake with chocolatey pimples makes me want to barref.
I'm totally getting my husband an ass cookie for father's day!!!
I laughed out loud, here, all by myself for an extended period at the last one. My goodness that was funny! Thank you!
as someone who went to Catholic schools, I totally get that religious one (I saw way too many of them but at least it's more interesting than the boring flowers and mismatched piping).
Lily - the purple thing under the cross is the cuffs of the sleeves of prayer hands.
I can't believe all of the people that are pointing out that she misspelled 'its'. There is a huge difference in not paying a ton of attention when writing an entertainment blog and not paying attention when decorating someone's cake. I'm pretty sure Jen wouldn't misspell something on a cake.
Wow. They're awful, but that last one...what were they THINKING?!?
Megan @
Actually, I think you mean "'re face looks like a butt."
I do enjoy your site. Thanks for it.
Oh my gosh! The butt cake! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! That is just tooo darned funny!!!
As for the apostrophe issue, maybe I can help clear up beyond just "English is stupid."
"It" is a pronoun. You also don't use an apostrophe to denote possession with other pronominal forms, as with ours, hers, his, theirs. Apostrophes are used with nouns and/or as contractions, as in "the cat's got milk" or "Jane's going to the shop." All very simple, really.
I'm so many things:
Sweet, smart, tanned, and strong-chinned, but
Don't call me butt-face!
Dear God, that last one's RUDE.
AND you get to pay to bring it home!
Um, is that a headless pope in the upper right hand corner of the religious one?
In a world dominated by lolcats and txt msgs, I am surprised that anyone knows how to spell, use proper grammar or even just ennunciate their words properly anymore. I sure don't.
Oh yes, and the butt cake has given me a days worth of smiles :)
WV: masiver-what the vetran CCC decorater said to the rookie CCC decorater, "No, no, no! Use more icing, it needs to be masiver!"
Entertaining and educational.
This site rocks!
Thanks to everyone for clearing up the its vs. it's for me. Now I know when to stick an apostrophe between my its. (that sounds a little nasty)
Now, this is something I always wonder when I look at these cakes: Why, oh why are they on a shelf in a bakery section somewhere long enough for someone to sneak a picture?
I think a standing ovation belongs to the fellow employees and employers that say, "hrmph, that looks pret-ty darn good."
p.s. yeah, its was misspelled. who cares??
"Congrats! You spelled "your" wrong!" Hahaha! That is so great.
Melanie, I saw something similar involving hair... and string. Let us just say that it was disturbing. And the religious one, WTH is going on in the upper right-hand corner?
"Also great for grads in the Witness Protection Program!" Probably my favorite line in this post. So funny.
I just love the butt-face cake. Creative ways to use a heart-shaped pan. Why let the pan just sit on a shelf and pull it out just once a year? Good thinking there ... (um ... not.)
The one with all of the holy flotsam looks like a "this is your life" for the Catholic set. Several sacraments (Confirmation, First Communion) are covered; plus the general crucifix and praying hands. They just threw in the Graduation flotsam as an afterthought. Maybe this person only got one cake and all the bases had to be covered!
I like big cookies and I cannot lie...
"with its teensy little robot arm" had me cracking up! thanks for the fun :)
Oh too many funnies today! I'm lovin' it... First a purple blob (Jonah?), then a butt-cookie/nutsack "cake," and then Jon cracking me up after all the hoopla about a silly Monday-morning whoopsie. As always, Jen, thank you from the bottom of my upside-down heart!
Ummmm.... That's not a butt. Although it is found on the other side of the taint. As for the "tiny robot arm"... welll... *snicker* I guess it's not the size that matters.
Sad.Sad.Sad. How awkward would it be eating a butt-shaped cookie? mmmmmmm..sign me right up.
Wow, I did not see a butt on that last one.
I saw a certain kind of hair, with a certain kind of dangly man parts below it.
I guess that goes to show where my mind is!
One word: ASSHAT!
I'd have to concur with those who think the last one looks like a scrotum.
In a word, ew.
Laughing out loud at the cookie one. Maybe it's supposed to symbolize "Congratulations - They even let butt-holes graduate".
i see boobs. Is that bad?:)
LOVING the butt/nutsack one more all the time! :-D The more I look at it (and read comments here) the funnier it gets. Laughter is the best medicine for everything.
Thanks, Karin for setting me straight that Jonah surfing on a whale is really a cuff with praying hands emerging. Now I see it!
If you're going to use styrofoam, use royal icing!! Since it's so much like plaster, it doesn't slide off anything. I should know, our wedding cake was styrofoam, and that sucker had rock-hard.
I totally saw that first display at wholesale store today and WISHED I had brought my camera!
It took me a minute to realize that thing at the top of the upside-down heart was a graduation cap. I too though it had an arm. Yikes!
And here I was just wondering to myself... "Hmmm, what can I do with that heart-shaped cake pan that sits around 364 days a year?..."
Of course! Turn it upside down and make butt-shaped cakes for all my butt-head friends.
I'm in the "that looks more like frontal nudity than a butt" group on the cookie cake. And, really, whatever gender the recipient is, they should be offended.
definately looks more like lustrous pubes than any kind of hat.
on the brackets and full stop thing, i think that is a variable rule and in the uk the full stop goes inside the brackets and in america it goes outside. or the other way round perhaps... but either way which one is right depends on where you are.
Actually, after attending our school district inservice today, the "green out" cake is probably a cake aimed at gang members. This has become a new trend--to post a picture tinted in your gang colors.
Loved the final picture!
Dont worry "bout" the it'ses. Coulda hapened to inny-one.
Your the best!
Okay, you guys: if that last entry is of the front of a guy, then that is the saddest little bent blue penis I've ever seen.
The green photos raise so many interesting thoughts, irradiation, off planet exotic bakery there. Love the bottom cheeks, what were they thinking, especially later when they put it on display and stood back...hmm now what does that remind me of?
Ahhh Cake Wrecks. A place to get my laughter, and also learn a few things. WHat could be better in life?
I know! A little robotic hand to scratch your male front butt. Finally, guys can scratch their stuff without offending the general public. Quick, somebody patent that!
I stared at that first picture forever... I couldn't figure out why they looked so funny! I just thought they were really badly piped... Why the heck would you put them on styrofoam and then prop them up at an angle - and then not take them down when the piping and icing started sliding?!?!
WV - twebobs --- I can't think of a funny way to use it, it's just a good word!
Jen did NOT, in fact, make a punctuation error in this post.
Learn your grammar rules before you critique someone.
Thank you, Cake Wrecks and comments writers, for the uproarious laughter you induce! And thank you. Lily and Karin, for asking and answering my "huh?" at what looked to me like more dead fish filets on cake... I love you all!
I was looked at the first photo (sliding frosting) without reading first and was all, "What is going on here?" I didn't realize the frosting had slid, I thought the cakes were just oddly (creatively?)decorated.
Love it!
I missed a wrecky photo-op yesterday as my phoen with camera was dead. But the CostCo near me had a slew of the same "congratulations grads" (although all spelled properly) cakes in different colors representing the local High Schools and a key taped to the cooler to show which schools were which colors. Great asset for the parent who has missed their child's school colors for four years. But the real wreck was that amidst this sea of sloppily-piped caps and tassels there was one half sheet that simply said "Happy Cake" on it. I am tempted to go back and see if it's still there. At least the cake is happy.
On the issue of it's vs. its:
I confess it's one that I frequently mess up. And I am pretty sure the confusion comes from how we are taught to punctuate possessives. When it comes to a pronouns, nouns, or proper names, there is an apostrophe. For instance: "The table's leg is broken." Okay. Well, we aren't saying "The table is leg broken.", so why the apostrophe there but not here: "I just purchased this table. Its leg is broken."
The apostrophe should be used consistently or not at all, in my opinion. And yes I know you that correctness dictates one can't have an "opinion", but language and punctuation does evolve over time, so nyah. Anyway, the rule to leave out the apostrophe because she's not saying "your cap is ridiculous, with it is teensy little robot arm." makes sense - but so then why then doesn't: "It would be Robert's last attempt." mean "It would be Robert is last attempt."?
Anyway. blahblahblah I'm pretty sure there are at least 5 unnecessary punctuation marks in my post. Have at it grammar/punctuation patrol.
The green photos on the 2nd batch of cakes didn't start out that way. They likely had regular full-color pictures and then were subjected to bright lights.
I can't speak to florescents, but a high-school friend had a very nice sheet cake (with plastic hat dohickey in a corner) with her photo printed on it. Grad party was outside. Her (photo) face was green within 10 minutes.
Years ago my friends had my husband and I over for dinner to celebrate my husband's birthday. She knew he liked carrot cake, so she picked one up at the grocery store. When we went to cut into we realized they sold us their cardboard model cake! We've laughed about that for years!
FLMAO! i love yer commentary.. as always. bahahahahahha awesomeness
Awesome post. Hilarious! Brought a smile to face tonight...thanks. "Teensy little robot arm"...ftw.
It's "its" for the same reason it's "his" and "hers", not "him's" and "her's". Pronouns don't get possessive apostrophes. They don't get no respect, either.
Nothing says, "Congratulations!" like a giant, ass-shaped cookie.
OK, in regards to the last cake and caption...I have not laughed out loud this hard since the Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys. I mean, my are hilarious. I love this blog.
I love frosting, and I love that squeaky sound styrofoam makes when you masticate it.
Okay, seriously, the cookie shops really need to stop it with the decorations!! At most add the "congratulations" or whatever the saying needs to be...but leave the decorating alone...let it be what it is...a giant cookie note card...
I seriously, seriously thought the giant cookie cake was a hairy headless person scratching their rear. LMAO, as usual!!
I recognise those cakes. Not THOSE cakes specifically, but those designs (and the cheesy plastic) are the ones my bakery made/recieved in shipment LAST MONTH.
We did, I should note, store them flat. On a display table, way out in the middle of the floor, for two weeks (the other two weeks they were hidden in the freezer. I had to walk/work around them. They had a big sign on the rack saying "FOR DISPLAY ONLY". No *bleep*, SHerlock). We also had the same picture on the yellow photo cake, with the same problems from using a poorly calibrated food-ink printer. I recognise it because I kept wanting to print it back out after fixing "our" printer (and later discovered that OUR printer had different calibration issues than the one that printed that photo.)
Wow, thanks for the shout out to Bake! Decorate! Celebrate!, that's my favorite show. It's such a trainwreck! Sadly our local station no longer shows it, but my boyfriend was sweet enough to buy the DVD's.
julie in arlington said One word: ASSHAT!
I can't believe we got that far in the comments before somebody said that!
janet2buns said If you're going to use styrofoam, use royal icing!! Since it's so much like plaster, it doesn't slide off anything.
Why not just go all the way and use actual plaster, or maybe caulk?
WV: yackly - Cakes like these can only be eaten yackly.
bryn said on the brackets and full stop thing, i think that is a variable rule and in the uk the full stop goes inside the brackets and in america it goes outside. or the other way round perhaps... but either way which one is right depends on where you are.
Actually, that has to do with whether the punctuation is part of the parenthetical text or not.
Sometimes, the punctuation belongs to the sentence as a whole (as in this case).
Sometimes, the parenthetical text has its own punctuation. (See what I did there?)
Basically, if the text in the parentheses can stand on its own as a complete sentence, the punctuation goes inside the parentheses with it, and the parenthetical text is capitalized in sentence case.
WV: lectr. This concludes my lectr for now.
the religious cake would most likely be used for ordination or graduation from seminary... although it is extremely tacky and i probably would have thrown up on mine had it looked like that!
...I think there one more "-ate" word to the post title...
Specifically: "Your face looks like a butt."
Hahahahahahaha. Laughed out loud at that one.
Does the silhouette of the graduating student on the styrofoam cakes remind anyone else of those POW/MIA flags?
"Students: You are not forgotten"
All of them look so fabulously delicious!
Will make for a wonderful day for celebrating graduation!
Thanks a ton...:-)
Hahah this is hysterical.. Robot arm :). I actually baked my graduation cake, it was a red velvet cake that I found on this website Was absolutely yummy and I didn't dare to write anything on it.
Why did they need to display that many fake graduation cakes anyhow? Wouldn't 1 or 2 have done the job?
WV:cycrie - The baker will need to use some pretty powerful cycrie for you to believe those cakes look good.
its amazing how something as simple and juvenile as "your face looks like a butt" can make me laugh loudly at work, causing all my coworkers to stare at me in confusion and demand to know why I was laughing while they were telling stories of woe and back pain.
hmm, perhaps no more cake wrecks at work for a while.
Had to LOL at the butt cookie.
The 'your' / 'you're' always drives me nuts!
Ooooooohhhh dear. I think this says far, far more about my state of mind than the actual cake... >< But I wasn't thinking of a bum (Butt to you Americans :P ) when I saw that last cake.. No.. It looks far more like a part of the male anatomy to me.
Ahhh...that cookie is scratching its butt! Wow. That takes the cake.
I'm beginning to worry that gradcakes that make the tassel look like a robot arm is becoming an epidemic. They were on half my friends' grad cakes! It's worse than the swine flu. D:
The last one looks like a view of a woman...from, uh...up. With a tampon string. In the 70s. Ew.
My God, it took my a whiiile to figure out the thing on the last picture was a HAT. I thought it was hair. o___o
"Jen did NOT, in fact, make a punctuation error in this post.
Learn your grammar rules before you critique someone."
There was indeed an apostrophe error in her original post, although it has (aka "it's") been fixed now. Perhaps you could use your own advice before you jump on people who are just trying to defend the much-maligned apostrophe. :)
Hey all,
I fixed the whoopsy pretty quickly but since Jen is adverse to me deleting comments, I left up the ones pointing it out. I think in the future, I'll just take them down to avoid confusion. Thanks for being so attentive.
OMG, it took me forever to work out what that last one was. "Is it an upside down heart?" "A butt?" "A really weird coconut drink with a straw?" Finally, that moment of clarity, "Ohhhhhh! It's a graduation hat on"
'...robot arm..." I LOL'd
I wonder if the person giving the butt cookie is trying to tell the recipient that they are a smart a$$?
When I saw the butt cookie I didn't think of a robot arm instead I thought it was hair and a string..well you get my point.
My pic! I'm famous! :) Love the butt cake.
I thought that was a bottom and some pubic hair and then the "robot arm!"
tomorrow i have a biology test and i won´t be able to focus thanks to the butt cake;)
I remember seeing that butt cake in person at the mall in Nashua! I pointed it out to my sister-in-law and we had a good giggle over it. Thanks for a great blog. You are officially.....bookmarked!
First thing I saw there was "my, what big balls you have".
You'd have to have real cojones to serve that to anyone.
Sam's Club here in Albuquerque had a display for the graduation cakes and everyone was the same color! Now that I know there is a web site dedicated to cake disasters I will be taking lots of pictures!!!
I heard of your page on ELLEN today. I love all your pics but I think this is my favorite. That cookie should have a warning sign "Do Not Share. Eat me and your butt will look like me"
this is my first comment on your blog, I am TOTALLY addicted to it since i found it by "accident" last week. That last one just cracked me up LOL!!! (pun was unintended HAHAHA)
I work at a bakery and have for about 13 years (not at the same one). The faded photo was, the light fads the rice paper. The sliding cake fiasco was NOT the decorators falt. That was sent down from headquarters. No joke the " managers" at some stores where told and did not care.