I guess I have to call this a tie:

Yep - tied for worst icing cohesion
and worst
neckwear representation. Unless that's supposed to be an alien joystick, of course. In which case,
someone needs a checkup.
How about some tasty powdered hot dogs on the grill?
Mmm. Powdery.
And for the discriminating Dad, there's always this classic
WTF design:

Jeremiah L. submitted this beauty over 10 months ago, and I
still have no idea what it's supposed to be. A car? A grill? A set of weights? A toolbox? A
lunchbox? Elmo? Herbie the Love Bug? A picnic basket? Bertie
Bott's fizzing
whizbees? Phil
Spector? Seriously,
WHAT IS THIS?!?Stephanie H. & Phyllis L., I think I need to lie down for a bit. That white spot on the bottom chocolate cupcake is making me question my own sanity.
- Related Wreckage: Face Time on CW
190 comments | Post a Comment
Wickedly horrible!
i think it's one of those round red grills. but it is very 'interpretive'.
I thing you guess right with gas grill--see the white thing on the side, that's the propane tank, and the brown swath across the front is the lid handle? But sheesh, who has a RED grill?
WV: harkin--I'm harkin' up a big PTOOOIEEEE for that CCC wreck!
What about the "D" on that first pic? "Happy Father's ay? . . . . D"
I think it is red grill with the lid down!
Was the "D" in the 1st one supposed to be falling or is that just an added extra?
I think the alien weenie is AWESOME!!!!! Maybe my dad would like that.. He is a fan of Star Trek! :P
I'm going with the red grill, but ONLY because of the white object on the side, which appears to be a propane tank.
The first cake had me puzzled for ages! I seriously couldn't figure out what it said. At one point I thought it said Happy Fathore, oy! The worst thing is you never actually know with these cakes either.
I think I need someone to explain to me why the D has walked off on its own.
Hard to tell by the position of the sticker, but the cupcake grill mess looks like it says, "Happy Father! Day"
Just me?
on the second one my money is on phil spector!
Wow...I was going for "boombox" on that red one, but that was after staring at it for 10 minutes and getting a little dizzy. At least I know what to get my husband to make him laugh...
It's a grill. The white spot on the bottom cupcake is supposed to make it look like a wheel.
I think the last one might be a taxi or car created by someone with "Constructional dyspraxia" (the inability to relate parts to a whole). You seem to have several examples throughout you blog! If you look carefully, you have the wheels, the windscreen seems to have slid off to the right, the brown amorphic shape could be the grill and headlights. (Although they may also be confused by the 'grill' definition here)and...
OK, so now I'm clutching at straws!
It's Stevie What's-Her-Name's interpretation of a Webber grill.
Second cake: that's what people get when trying for a dreaded CCC!
Alien Joystick- i see what you did there. :LOLOLOL:
"Phil Spector?"
wv: botarqui. It sounds like an exotic liqueur.
"bring me some more botarqui and rum. I still can't tell what that last cake's supposed t'be!"
Sorry, my last comment should have read: the THIRD cake is what people get when they attempt the dreaded CCC!
It's definitely a grill...notice how the plastic silverware looks like the grill tools? C'mon now!
Okay my 3 year old walked up, pointed, and said it's Mickey Mouse's car.
How can you argue with that?
That is so awful. But, yeah red grill like this - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007XXNQS
The question is... Are the knife and fork a part of the design, or were they thrown in as a nicety for that one super picky eater who always embarrasses you at dinner by sending back three dirty knives and using a fork to eat their french fries?
Oh no, the poor "D" fell down, go boom! :*(
Okay I've got it. I think the last one is a BBQ grill. The plastic utensils had me thrown but here goes.....It's one of those round topped grills. It has the meat fork and other tools that hanging from the grill on one side and a towel hanging on the other side and those are wheels on the bottom. Whew! Ow! I think my head hurts........
WV: blons - how a blond spells blonds
HA! That last thing is a riot! Ah, I love this blog...
At first I thought "it" was "father". I can almost see a head (like beetlejuices), a large body, legs, hands holding silverwear. But, now I too think it is a red grill. a charcoal one with the lid down.
My dad's aesthetic would just love those cakes...he's in it for the cake primarily after all...
hahahahaha... at first I thought the red one was Chef from South Park...
Liked the way you snuck the Phil Spector comment in...where you thinking with the wig on or off?
"Phil Spektor"? HA! I think I actually cackled. How embarrassing.
I think the one with the burgers and hot dogs actually looks pretty cool.
I couldn't decide between the worst depiction of a La-Z-Boy chair or a grill. I think I'll go with the grill. I can't identify the chocolate cupcakes though - meat? grill legs? aliens?
It's totally Fat Albert.
Alien joy stick...bahahaha!
I now need a conversation in which to use that phrase!
ROTFL....Phil Spector..LOL...white spot....LOL....oh my..first good laugh I've had in days.
I looked at that last cake from all angles. I would say it's a car but the knife and fork definitely throw me off of that. I'll have to keep looking.
The first thing I saw was a beheaded Santa. Yep, nothing says "I love you Dad" like a dismembered off-season CCC.
Guys. Obviously it's a sumo wrestler. Seen from behind. Who has broken his leg. And splinted it with cutlery. Duh.
Are those real hotdogs on that cake?
and real cheese on the "burgers"?
Yep, that looks like the weird red grill (square?) my husband picked up at home depot last year. Maybe the wreckorator was drunk?
That 3rd CCC (patooey!) is just wrong.
I have to say that last one appears to be a very badly executed Weber grill, gas bottle and all. And the white spot is an axle hub I presume.
But "Happy Father's Day" to all the "ads" out there...
I can't get past the green-tinted hamburgers on the second one. Ew.
The third cake is the Typewriter from Sesame Street!
I can see why people might think it's a red Weber grill, aside from being a CCC (pah!), but it's not! It's the Typewriter. I recognised it immediately.
The red cake is like one of those pictures in a psychiatrist's office... "Now, tell me what you see..."
It's the Kool-Aid Man!
Koolaid Man?
That last one is Amy Winehouse, no one knows what she's supposed to be either.
That last cake is a glorious wreck! It is the Rorschach ink test of cupcake cakes -- what you see in that undulating mass of red and ambiguously incongruous details speaks volumes about what lies in your soul. As for me, I saw what the beloved cartoon character, Fat Albert, would look like after getting run over by a steamroller. R.I.P., Albert.
"But sheesh, who has a RED grill?"
I have a red grill. :( It doesn't look anything like THAT, though.
"It a gril!"
Glad to see I wasn't the only one to see Chef from South Park in that red "cake".
It is clearly a very overweight man in a red shirt, sitting on a white headstone. He is wearing a mask that says "Happy Father! Day" because he is embarrassed to show his face after two beavers died in his lap. Apparently he bent over, suffocating them, and their flattened bodies and paddle-like tails became his belt.
His pudgy legs have overgrown his knees. One ankle requires support in the form of a large white pin while the other is supported by plastic tableware.
I'm surprised you all didn't recognize this. :)
That last one looks like the typewriter guy from Sesame Street..
That letter "D" is trying to escape because it's too embarrassed to be associated with that "tie"!
Yep, I think it's one of those red grills too. Maybe they were just trying to be 'artistic'. Actually I am hoping to find a cake wreck for Father's Day. My dad has a great sense of humor and not doubt would love a wrecked cake!
I kept staring at that thing under the 'tie'... I just couldnt figure out what it was... I hadnt read the yet, but after I did I thought 'where's the D?' Oh there it is! hehehe
And those burgers on the grill look mighty green yum
I think that it's a person, abstract as it is. :o)
I love all of the interpretations of the CCC. It certainly is wrecksational.
I think these Wreckorators are making completely ridiculous CCC's just to spite you, now.
I think the D is so embarrassed/ terrified that it's trying to make a break for it!
I asked my 6 year old what it is. He said, "Maybe a Turkey?"
I too think the red blob is supposed to be a grill- but from the side, rather than top down. The charred hamburger/hotdog combo is actually the lid handle, the white thing is the propane, the brown sticks are the stand and wheels.
Talk about your non-Euclidean geometry.
That has got to be the worst representation of a grill I've ever seen! It looks like something you'd see on a bad acid trip.
Aliana: I laughed. A lot.
It *is* a gril!
If that's Chef, his hat fell off.
The second one almost works. I think with different color choices -- and hot dogs free of mold -- it would have worked.
Those hamburgers look a bit green. Ewww.
I guess I'm having a pregnancy craving because I still want to eat them... all them : )
Raychel - MyCreativeWay.blogspot.com
I would have never guessed that CCC was supposed to be a grill.
The last one is obviously a Rohrshach Cake - just what DO you see?
That hot dog isn't "powdered." It's the one that slipped through the grill into the ash-coverd coals. Then Dad said "carbon is good for the digestion" as he fished the dog out of the coals and put it back on the grill to finish burning.
My first thought about the "tie" cake was that it was a board game spinner which was pointing in the general direction of the missing "D" from "Day" which slid to the bottom. LOL! I had to see the word "tie" to even SEE the tie!
Abstract wreck at its finest!
~Amy B.
wv: loggin: what the lumberjacks do.
uhm... I knew it was a tie, but it was still very distressing.
I seem to see a headrest at the top, and the brown circles at the bottom could be legs. Is it a chair? Like, Dad's chair?
Oh I think its a grill, but your original title for it made me cry laughing. Man I love your blog!
These are absolutely disgusting. . . seriously, some of these cakes really make me wonder about the mental well being of the decorator.
If that red thing is supposed to be a BBQ grill with the lid down, then that baker/decorator should be roasted on one!
HA! Yes, I'm almost positive that last one is supposed to be a grill ("supposed to" being the operative words) but I think Phil Spector is a good second guess ;)
How sweet that professional decorators are bringing in children to decorate cakes for their dads!!
Assuming the knife and fork are ON the cake, the bottom looks like a place setting to me (upside-down) with the white spot being a cup next to a napkin on the right?
I'd have to go with gas grill. Pretty blobby, though.
Powdery hot dogs and moldy hamburgers...yummy, yum, yum... Nothing says Happy Father's Day like a daily dose of penicillin...
I actually think the last "un-cake" looks like Typewriter Guy from Seasame Street:
the last one kinda reminds me of the kool-aid guy
Drawn to Caricature said I think the last one might be a taxi or car created by someone with "Constructional dyspraxia" (the inability to relate parts to a whole).
I wonder if that's how cubism came to exist. That CCC strikes me as a very creative attempt to convey some very deep symbolism, but unfortunately none of us earthlings can understand its meaning.
I love these creative little assignments, and I love the responses just as much!
I'm going with the "it a gril" crowd (Aliana ftw). But, if I try really hard and squint my eyes, it kinda looks a little like the Jetson's robot Rosie...only the Dad version also cuts the lawn, chars up some dusty 'dogs, and brings you a beer, all while holding you in the perfectly reclined position for watching sports or "resting your eyes."
Phew, that took some doing. But Dad's worth it.
I thought I was looking at the backside of Mario working on plumbing with the third picture.
they did a good job on the knife and fork though. whoa... almost real.
Also, Knitty is my new hero.
My daughter suggested that the last cake was the father's head but was needing eyes. Maybe?
Jami H. :)
I thought it was supposed to be "Further".
Clearly the last one is a Transformer. Happy Fathers Oy everyone!
I think the last cake is supposed to be a grill.... good try!
lol, I think that last one is a George Foreman grill or something, wow that's ugly.
And that Alien "Joystick", gross!!
My money's on Phil Spector for pic #3. Nothing else looks that weird.
The third one is blowing my mind. I can see that it MIGHT be a gas grill ...
... except I think the person who designed and decorated it might have been huffing the propane.
Gad. My head hurts.
Word verification: graticke. Gratitude that you didn't get an icke CCC.
Yikes! It's like Elmo roadkill slapped on a gas grill covered in ketchup. Wretched.
not to mention that on the first one that somehow the D from Day got put way down at the bottom.............
Is that bacon hanging out of both sides of the last cake? At least it has one redeeming quality.
Oh dear me. I hope that second one really isn't covered in CHEESE!
Cool! That first cake is written in Pig Latin.
Nevermind the powdery hot dogs... what about the grey-green, sickly, "this meat has been sitting out in the sun too long" hamburgers???
That last cake is definitely a barbecue grill. The white thing? A propane tank. The cupcakes? Wheels. The thing on the front? A handle.
It's sad that I can tell what it is supposed to be because I think I SHOULDN'T be able to tell.
The handle looks more like two hamburger patties falling off onto the front of the barbecue - which, is close, so it makes no sense. Or, perhaps it's a horrible mangled car. It's an autoNObile? Get it? Get it? (Told ya I was a bit of a punner myself!)
My first thought was chef from South Park, but apparently he's wearing a phone for a belt and had his breakfast surgically implanted into his legs.
I hate to say this, O my how I hate to say this, but it's a car. A red car with brown (!) headlights. See the four wheels beneath it?
Now I have to go put a fork in my eyes.
I think the last one is a literal mix between a car and grill. It's one of those eye-teasers, where it could be two things, depending on your interpretation. I think it was originally, possibly, a car, and then they were like 'This doesn't look like a car!' so added on a napkin and a fork and knife. Now it's both.
I think you have yet to notice... that cake of... of... something... is a (dramatic tan-tan-tun music) cupcake cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Anybody notice that the grill in Wreck #2 could not have made the grill marks on those particular hotdogs?
Look like a red grills . but who knows.
Have a great Day ~~~
The hot dogs on the first "grill" were apparently pre-cooked on a DIFFERENT grill, because the spacing of the hot dog's burn-lines are too close together for them to have been cooked on the grill they are lounging on--which also, by the way, has NO heat source anyway. Seemingly, someone left the grill out in the rain...(at MacArthur Park?)
if that's supposed to be a grill, why is there a fork and knife in there? Don't they know the utensils would melt if put on the grill?
And on the hotdog cake, are those butterflies around the edge? My dad would NOT appreciate a Father's Day cake with butterflies on it.
Oh, no...All I can ask is:
Do people really pay for these awful cakes ? How can the bakery dept. manager let things like that leave the store ? Just a couple more mysteries of the universe...
I'm seeing Fat Albert.
Heaven (or more likely, Hell) only knows the "raison d'etre" for the Big Red Question of the Century cake.
Sometimes, things are best just left alone...
It's the typewriter from Sesame Street!
I think what kills me the most is that the first cake is clearly a display one, not one set out for sale. So someone actually made the decision that a cookie cake with an alien joystick "tie," where the green icing from the "tie" is creeping out from under the black outline to form a haphazard smudge of green and the D is making a run from it to save its dignity was something they should set out on display to entice customers to order their Fathers' ay cookie cakes. Because when you see that mess as the display, and you assume that it represents their best (or at least better) work, as a display should, you're going to be all about having them decorate a cake for your special occasion.
A+ Harry Potter reference!
How the heck do these people get hired to do cakes? *Shakes head* Love the "Italian Joystick." Lol.
Happy Father's day to all the dads. These cakes make me feel better about what I got for my dad. It sure isn't a cake wreck!
I also think it is a red grill with a white propane tank. It is horrible!!!
The last wreck is clearly a grill to me, the knife and fork hanging down are obviously supposed to be grill tools hanging off the handle. With this superior level of artistry, you wouldn't want to wreck the interpretation by trying to draw such tools, when the plastic cutlery make such a statement!
WV: curioni -- The curious readers of this blog; i.e., That last wreck prompted multiple interpretations by the curioni.
Oh my goodness....that last one although there are many possiblities....to me it just looks like a mess of cupcakes thrown together with a free set of plastic silverware...just terrible!
5 or 6 more botarquies with rum and i could figure it out...
I call 'planarian worm' on the first one.
You are seriously disturbed. Or on drugs. Can I have some?!
As for the rest of you who recognized the red blob as a grill--kudos to you. Though Typewriter Man was a good guess.
That first cake was almost pornographic...
It's a grill... the red is the grill drum, the horribly cross-hatched brown is a wooden handle, and the white is a propane tank! and the white dot in the bottom right is the wheel axle.
it's just...
flip it over.
it's a crab, one from whose legs have already been removed & probably boiled [for &/or by the father in question]. but its learning to find joy in life again——thats a radio it has up against its brightly opened eyestalk.
& notice the firm & serious set of the mouth. thats cos it is protesting against the further mutilation/ingestion of members of its species, its protest sign being shaped like a knife & fork & held against the closed eye of its left eyestalk, symbolizing the closed mind of the crustacean-eater.
someone clearly just put the inscription on upside down, thats all.
[ps. yes, i am a vegetarian. & you may thank this vegetarian for the certainly & absolutely proper interpretation of this profound cake.]
I definitely saw Chef from South Park in the third cake, although I'm 90% certain that it's a grill with the lid down.
The second one... oh gosh.... I was more put off by the cheese than the grey detail on the hot dog.
The first one made me laugh so hard, my tea almost wound up all over my keyboard. It looks as if the decorator changed his/her mind as to where the word 'day' should go.
I think it's a coleman grill....RoadTrip Pro SS Grill. if you google image it, there are some with white hubcaps.
These comments are the best yet. Cracking me up!
The post was good too, Jen. Ha!
My husband asked me if I was laughing or crying in here.
WV: Vivesse
If your alien joystick is not up to par, try Vivesse, available at a CVS in your quadrant of the galaxy.
Wow, what oddly ironic timing that you have an add for condoms in your sidebar right now. Eew.
As soon as I saw the last cake, I knew it was Fat Albert:
"Hey, Hey. Hey! Have a Happy Fathead's, er, Father's Day!"
My vote on the red cake is also Fat Albert. Perhaps Fat Albert as interpreted by an enthusiastic scholar of cubism.
Re: the first one, I was so confused by the whatsit-tie that I didn't even notice that the 'D' in 'Day' was trying to make an escape.
Did anyone else see Chef from South Park in that last cake?
oops that's why you should read the comments before you make one... i see i'm not alone in my chef thought
My friend photographed that grill Father's Day '06 and went back and asked the decorator the next day when they couldn't figure out what the cake was depicting. They had a whole set of Father's Day themed cakes including football, fish and tents. The utensils are supposed to be large grilling tools and the white is a propane tank.
My friend took that grill photo around Father's Day '06 and went back the next day to ask the decorator what the cake was depicting. There was a whole set of Father's Day cakes with tents, fish, footballs etc. The knife and fork are supposed to be the large grilling tools and that is in fact a propane tank.
"Bertie Bott's Fizzing Whizbee's"
I concur. That red monstrosity is Fat Albert. That was what immediately sprang to my mind and it was then followed by the thought that he was exposed to high levels of radituon and was now a melty mutant but Fat Albert none the less.
That first one is totally a penis in the guise of a tie.
I agree the closest thing it could be is a grill. Hideous cake!
My guess is that the red thing is a George Foreman grill and the other items are food (sitting on the counter top of course ::shudder::) waiting to be Foremanized.
The cookie cake is obviously made by a Canadian imposter. "Happy Father's, ay" A TRUE Canadian knows it is spelled "eh" not "ay".
My daughter says the last one looks like Santa Claus' butt.
~Amy B.
people really need to think these cake designs through first.
- baldouting.blogspot.com
I have been staring at that red thing for a while... I think its a grill.... maybe..... er... crap.... brain cells dying. Why?
Is "alien joystick" a euphemism for penis that I been heretofore unaware of?
...It's got to be chef from South Park. That was all I could see
@Blissfully caffeinated: I think the 'alien' part just came because it's green. However, I do think all future 'joystick' manglings must and should now be called 'alien joysticks'.
Won't that be a lovely tribute to this wreckerator?
I have secret info on the first cake:
This is actually a prototype for a new BOARD GAME.
Here's how it works:
A bunch of letters & stuff is scattered willy-nilly over the top of a frosted cake, see?
Then you attach a thing --which could be mistaken for a necktie, but which is actually an arrow--to the center.
That's your "spinner".
Players take turns spinning the arrow and seeing if it will hit the letters hard enough and well enough to scatter /rearrange and form actual words. Then they shoot for sentences (or "inscriptions").
Someone was doing pretty well here until a bad spin bopped the "D" right out of the ballpark.
[Ages 6 & up. Not a fat-free game.
Parental guidance discouraged.]
that last one is seriously the most perplexing cake I have ever seen. WHAT IS IT?
I too believe it is the classic red grill, yet it appears to be a dual axle model-- perhaps to support the seemingly 175 pound lid.
Oooh, sendingtheclowns - you should patent that - or trademark it, or something. A game you can eat is a great idea.
The "powder" on the hot dogs has to be meant as the charcoal ash that clings to the wieners when they inevitably fall through the grill plate onto the coals! Then Mom or Dad takes a long fork and fishes the wienies out and plops them back on the grill. Yum! Nothing like that taste... it is probably the cause of all manner of illnesses.
Chakolate said...
Oooh, sendingtheclowns - you should patent that - or trademark it, or something. A game you can eat is a great idea.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I thought there already WAS a game (or two) that you can eat.
Or doesn't *everybody* play marbles with gumballs...???
And then, there's also Pin the Tail on the Pizza...
Licorice Lasso Roundup...
My brain is getting foggy....
You say the red "gas grill" was sent to you over 10 months ago. I saw one in my local market yesterday! Apparently this has a template. The salutation was plastic. It is no more comprehensible now, either.
My daughter (6) looked at the last one and said "Oh, a fireplace. Why are they burning the silverware?"
wv: boars- Not all Dad's are boars on father's day. :)
In the name of all that is holy, please.... WTF is that red thing?!?!?! I'm laughing and getting even more confused and freaked out by the second!!!
WV: unico (reads as unique-oh) That sure is one unico wreck.
it a grill. seriously.
I agree the third one is a red gas grill on wheels, but I have to wonder, with all that lovely space on the red lid why did this decorator decide to cram 'Happy Father's Day' into the little brown blob on top?
I think the red CCC is a Mazda that didn't get assembled correctly (or maybe the buyer was supposed to put it together since it wouldn't fit in the box otherwise). The two white CC are s'posed to be the windshield, it's got three tires, a steering wheel...
Zoom, Zoom!
I seriously think I laughed for about 5 minutes on this one.
The description killed me.
My stomach hurts.
the last one is Snoopy's dog house after his attempt to cook the 'round headed kid' some lunch.
I know what it is: It's a fat lady bending over (away from our view). The chair is breaking as she does so.
Oh my gosh! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!
That hot dogs on the grill one is so nasty! It looks like to peachy pink things at the sides are severed tongues hanging out of the cake! Plus, why are the burgers poo green?
I can't figure out what that last one is supposed to be either, and the longer I look at it, the more I just find myself laughing histerically.
I think it looks like a barber's chair.... I mean, there ARE barbers who are fathers. Maybe even mean fathers that inspire their kids to send them cakes that say, "Hey! we like ya. DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB!"
The white thing on the side? DUH! It's a garbage can! Like, "If you do happen to quit, we can kick Oscar The Grouch out of the can in the alley... So anyway, you keeping your job, RIGHT?!?
phil spector?
you are just unbelievably funny.
so glad i can read in english...
thanks for your creativity
I CANNOT stop laughing at this!
Sendingtheclowns-- I've never played marbles with gumballs, but when I was a kid we learned to play poker with uncooked macaroni, and then with chocolate chips. (game ends when there are no chips left....)
It's a grill.....I think!
my husband thinks it's fat albert showing his belt.
it´s a transformer!
I thought that was Chef from South Park.
That last cake..
Simple and obvious...it's a WTFBBQ.
Internet memes as cake. Yum.
Christmas town?
My 2 year old is here with me looking at the cakes on your site, and coming across this one, she tells me "that's not birthday cake, that's couch!" haha, random.
The last one.. it's Epcot!
So many people commented on this one, and not one person pointed out the Harry Potter mistake!
Sorry to be a nitpicker, but Bertie Botts made the Every Flavor Beans, not the Fizzing Whizbees...and sorry to be so late, but I just discovered this blog and I'm going back through old posts.
Awesome for using an HP reference, though!
Oh, come now. Bertie Bott makes the jelly beans. Fizzing Whizbees are their own thing.
But that is a hilarious cake, & that's what I'm here for.
Looks like Fat Albert to me.
It's a grill
I think it is supposed to be a grill. The knife and fork are the "tongs" for the BBQ that are hanging off the front handle. Wheels are at the base. The white box, possibly the propane tank??
on the last cake, it's also a wreck because it says "Happy Fahjer! Day." near the top.
but I guess it is sort of small.
the inscription.
I think it is supposed to be a naugahyde Easy Chair seen head on. Great work!
the last one-1st its a ccc (yuck yuck yuck!!!) but part of me wants to say its santas belly with some random limbs sprayed abouut but on the other hand i think its a bad ccc(yuck yuck yuck!)grill
part of me wants to say its santas stomach....