We're fortunate that CW reader Jason got a hold of the actual episode this week, because he made a quick minute-and-a-half recap that captures the true Wrecktastic essence of this masterpiece. It also had John nearly crying with laughter, so you must watch:
I should mention that the challenge was to create a birthday cake for Kerry Vincent, aka the Simon Cowell of cake competitions. This is not the lady you screw up in front of. Or make towering spikes of cake and fruit and paper lathered up with melted goo and then set aflame in front of.

Here it is covered with a fine dusting of fire extinguisher foam, which most everyone agreed was a visual improvement:
Still, before you guys rip on these gals too much, consider how boring the world would be without those daring innovators who are willing to go down in flames [smirk] for the sake of their art. I say we applaud these brave souls, and encourage all the ingenuity, forward-thinking, and pyromania that we can. [nodding seriously] Wreck on, my friends, wreck on.
- Related Wreckage: Sandra Lee Shows Us How It's (Not) Done
364 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 364 Newer› Newest»What was that cake suppossed to be? It's the culinary equivalent of Anna Nicole Smith . . . you know you shouldn't look but you have to and everyone is happy when it's finally put of it's misery!
I kind of want to throw up now. D:
Wow! This cake embodies the word "fiasco". Setting the horrible thing on fire was really the only humane thing to do.
wow - what a disaster! and for KV? I've met her (love the Simon Cowell comparison, that is dead one!), and I can't imagine dreaming that up for her, let alone having to hear her critique it!
OOOOOHH MY! I'm SO glad you posted this-- my husband and I were watching Sunday and we both said, this has GOT to be on CakeWrecks!! I think she really thought it was pretty awesome. ...Pretty hideous.
Wow. That's a wreck on quite a grand scale!! =-0 Fire? Really? ::shakes head::
I saw that episode this weekend and I couldn't BELIEVE that the baker ever thought this would be a good idea. I mean, I don't bake *at all* and I know that trying to shove small blocks of cake down wooden dowels is not going to create a nice "wall" look - it going to create a freaking mess!
I'm not even sure I understand her initial concept. I know she was wanting to make something sculptural that was "vertical" rather than the usual horizontal (much like the tipped-on-end rice krispy treat bridge disaster she had created on an earlier episode,) but I figured she's stack the cake layers up normally and then cut down into them to create the vertical points - OR that she'd use thicker cake layers that would be able to stand vertically, so that you'd have the frosting between them running vertically, too. Pretty much anything but shoving small blocks down wooden dowels.
I have so much to say, being a fan of the cake cChallenges, but I'm going to keep it short...
Sort of says it all.
This was a professional competition? Please tell me this was just a case of overzealous amateurs. Because suddenly I feel like the Da Vinci of cake decorating, and that's just wrong.
I have never seen that competitor make a cake that is not wrecktastic. Seriously.
That is just hilarious - been looking at this cake all week trying to figure out WTF the 'artist' was thinking....still don't get it, but am now highly amused. THANKS Jen!!!
I am pretty sure that this episode aired for the FIRST time this past Sunday. I was taped last year.
I have no words...
holy cow, that is a mess. I saw the ad for the show but forgot to watch it - which is probably good, I would have broken my new TV when I threw things at it! That "artist" made a horrible bridge sculpture thing out of rice krispies treats too, didn't she? Maybe they should just not have her on anymore... but then who would we gape in horror at?!?!
Thanks for the video and photos, it made my day!
I think you might be a little confused. This episode had not aired before Sunday. It was the first time it was on the air. It was taped back in Dec actually, because that's when Norm got sick. I got an e-mail when he was in the hospital, and that's why he missed my New Year's party this year.
That said, my partner looked at me on Sunday night and literally said to me "Now THAT'S a cake wreck!" I cracked up!
Having watched a lot more of these Challenges than I probably should, and having seen how. . . umm. . . "pleasant" Kerry Vincent is to the contestants, I can't help wondering if this was an attempt at making a statement upon being asked to make her a birthday cake. If it wasn't, I would suggest they lie and claim it was.
Having seen the decorator's website, I would say this is just the tip of the wreckburg:
Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
I watched that the other night. I saw the concept and the first befuddled attempts to build it like you build a brick wall. Then I had to go rescue my daughter who fell out of bed. When I came back, the judging was going on and I was all WTF happened to that cake!! I really love/hate it when Stevie is on because she is a trainwreck.
So I saw that SAME "artist" (I hesitate to name her a cake decorator) not to long ago do a cereal bridge contruction. SHE WAS LUDICROUS!!!! It is painful to watch her work on cakes. Her art work is semi-palatable--however her bridge (no pun intended) to cake artistry is undeniably a mistake. Sorry if that's too harsh, but there are SOOO many other WORTHY cake decorators that should be invited to participate in the Food Network Challenge and they waste time on a nut like her.
Jason, that was amazing! Now just think how boring our day would have been if those poor women hadn't been insane enough to think they could make a pretty cake.
On a more serious note, in what warped and twisted version of reality would that have been a nice cake? Even from the initial sketch?
This is even worse than the crazy lady that made the gingerbread "cave". Yikes.
Oh, I am so hoping that now they don't invite Stevie back for another competition!!! This Wrecktastic disaster is just another one of the ruins that she has created on Food Network Challenge.
I have to say, though, I LOVED that they invited her for this competition, seeing as she and Kerry Vincent have, shall we say, differences of opinion when it comes to cake art!
My boys and I watched this episode. We laughed so hard. We thought that cake was disgusting. Who would ever want to eat it? We also thought it deserved to be on your blog as the ultimate wreck.
This episode was great! Her kitchen was as much of a mess as this "cake" and the worst part is that she was actually proud of this mess! if i were her i would stay away from the challenges, i have seen both of hers, and she may go out of business with how bad she has done on both.
Given my thoughts on Ms. Vincent every time I see one of the cake challenges (I kinda wish *she* would go up in flames; they should've doused the cake in water since that's how they put out - and happy accidentally defeated - the Wicked Witch of the West; she makes the most inane, nothing-to-do-with-the-cake-itself, nasty, backbiting comments such that Simon Cowell could only hope to be her; you get the picture), I believe this cake should've won.
(Oh, it's a hideous creation, no doubt, and I did have to wonder what the heck they thought they were doing, but it's on FIRE! That's awesome. I'll have to keep an eye out for a rerun.)
I saw this and was so shocked by tehe craziness. That woman is crazy! Her website shows much of the same weirdness.
I feel bad for the baker but man what an ugly cake before it flamed up!
OMG! I watched this episode on Sunday and was blown away by this cake... It's so horrible, and on national t.v. no less!
I saw the episode for the first time this past weekend and this baker had me absolutely speechless. As in jaw hanging on the floor because I couldn't BELIEVE that she would actually be paid for creations like that. I agree with thorswitch in that her initial concept was completely lost on me. And I'm all for innovation, but badly cut chunks of cake crammed together and jammed on skewers, then frosted (sort of) and set ablaze doesn't exactly strike confidence in the hearts of the public.
Oh my word! I just went to her website (http://www.steviefamulari.net) and she actually has that wreck on her TV Appearances page - along with the toppling rice bridge (though she doesn't show it in it's post-collapse state) and a "Wrapped Christmas Tree" from another FoodNetwork challenge that I'll let her describe:
an edible garland, ornaments, tree topper and wrapping. The theme for this artwork is memories from NYC Christmas, including large colorful fruits and vegetables from the deli displays on all NYC streets; garland of the ingredients of lasagna- a staple at every holiday meal in an Italian household; and wrapped ala Christo inspired, with edible cling wrap (which disintegrates with water).
Yes, garlands of lasagna ingredients! What I've always thought my Christmas tree needs! (The edible cling wrap is hilarious, too, because it pretty much covers up everything else.)
Yeesh! LOL
Installation art cake ,obviousley.
In other words,pretentious, ugly and even sordid,uggh by some "artist" who cant draw or paint, put a huge price tag on it and sell it to Tate Modern!! it would probably win the turner prize...sigh.
Wow. And I thought looking at a Pollack was confusing.
Oh yes, one last thing. I dunno if this episode has aired yet or not, but she's also got pictures up of a different cereal bridge she made during a FoodNetwork Challenge in April 2009. Here's her description:
Main Avenue Bridge (Veteran's Memorial Bridge) in one-point perspective, created in a three dimensional structure. The artwork has ramps flooding with milk on the sides and sugar for the blizzard, as a commemoration to the 2009 Flood in Fargo, ND & Moorhead, MN.
The pictures for this one actually don't look nearly as bad as the other stuff she has posted, but you can't really see the milk or sugar in them, so ....
Oh my...reminds me of the results of "sacrificing" a cake to a little kid:
On occasion, I've handed over a plain, un-iced cake to a child, along with a couple of containers of frosting, some food coloring, and a lot of other edible cake accessories like sprinkles, food writer pens, those tubes of colored gel, etc, and just let them go at it.
I've yet to see a kid manage to light one on fire though...
I also watched this episode. This cake is truly the ultimate of Cake Wrecks. Thanks for posting it.
Holy crap, that is so awful. Was it supposed to be a garbage castle?
I thought of you the whole time I was watching this episode. Oh and I went to her website... http://steviefamulari.net/
Many a wreck to be had there. I wouldn't hire her if she were the last decorator on earth and I couldn't pipe to save my life.
Frankly I'm tired of the "artists" that go on the challenges and then whine that "they don't get it" Because really, it's cake, you shouldn't have to "get it"
I still don't know what she was thiking when she planned that cake. Insane. lol
I looked at her website and was looking at some of the Medium Scale Edible Landscapes and let me just say.....THAT WAS NASTY. Why in god's name would you make a va gay gay out of chocolate?! And put red beans in it?
This woman needs to be locked in an insane asylum!
Seriously, what were they thinking? That thing is awful!
The cake design is a complete trainwreck. But I have to admit, it does look tasty! Mmmm... chocolate!
Does anybody remember the edible christmas tree that she made? (http://www.steviefamulari.net/popups/B1a.html)
She wrapped it in what looked like plastic bags at the end and it looked a mess. I really don't understand this 'artist' and her work.
What a wreck!
Wow! This may be the mother of all wrecks. I can't believe that a "professional" created this disaster, and as part of a competition no less.
I have seen kids make prettier mud pies than that wreck.
That cake made my cry inside, enough said about that.
There is nothing that can't be fixed with a good fire.
Well, I'd eat it. Don't knock fire extinguisher dust until you've tried it.
Man, the only way that video clip could have been better was to show Kerry Vincent's reaction! bwahahahaha
WV: volomato - the italian word for what happened to that cake when matches were applied.
@Jen: Well I thought it was a new episode. So now I'm glad I didn't e-mail you about it.
@DaniFae: Yes It is a professional competition, you should have seen the other cakes each of them much better for a sunday sweet
@carrera: Wow, Now I have seen her website... hmm... Frosted real Trees, Check, edible face paints, Check, cereal bridge 2, Check, Edible boxes that make me like airbrushing *shudder*, Check, oh and this: http://www.steviefamulari.net/popups/B5c.html Moldy Strawberries, Check! Hmm, It appears she's enviromental artist guru, that really shouldn't have anything to do with food.
I have seen that particular baker in other challenges... the other challenge was a complete wreck that actually forced Ms. Vincent to chastize the baker for not taking the competition seriously.
@redheaded mama -
Did you catch her Environmental Art (which is basically vertical panels for growing grass or other air-cleaning plants on walls?)
Hmmm.... a vertical bridge, a "vertical" cake, vertical grass panels... am I sensing a theme here?
Man, the only reason people like her get invited to go on shows like that is because it boosts ratings. You know what they say, everybody loves a train, er, cake wreck!
The creations on her site are beyond horrifying. Her concepts might not be so bad if her execution weren't so ridiculously sloppy. But honestly, her concepts are pretty terrible too.
My God, I looked at her website and she has an amazing talent...for making anything edible look TERRIBLE! She even managed to make chocolate covered strawberries look repulsive!! How does anyone pay her for this stuff???
i kind of like to think she did it on purpose. as a sort of 'screw you' to KV. tee hee!
I know it's tv & the network likes drama, but personally I think it's insulting to the serious decorators who are there to compete. There are so many awesomely talented people out there (as witnessed by the Sunday Sweets) that deserve a chance to shine. She is definitely a WRECK & I can only hope she's not invited back.
Stevie has a personal grudge against Kerry. She was so annoyed when Kerry "didn't get it" during the bridge cake competition [which was another wreck by the way-sea weed wrapped on string?!?]. If you watched the whole massacre of the flaming cake, you may have caught the comment she made that it was as hard as nails [like Kerry].
Okay so Kerry is passionate about cake decorating and is arrogant, but she is fabulous at what she does. Stevie was malicious, mean spirited and cruel in creating this cake. Personally as an artist I saw no "art" in it, it was an emotional statement of anger,and personally I don't find that entertaining or very creative. Does anyone really think these fiascos will enhance her career as a viable pastry chef?...Nah, only the TV ratings are affected.
And what in God's name is UP with the va-jay-jay cake on her site!? Something must be wrong with this woman, because A) who makes a vagina cake? and B) last I checked, vaginas do NOT LOOK LIKE THAT. Nor do they dispense cinnamon-flavored jelly beans!
I have things to do but now I'm going to be puzzling over this all day. Some things are better not knowing about.
Let me just say...I looked up this Food Network Challenge loon a while back after the rice krispies episode and I was floored ! What a strange one ! Her "art" is so hideous that I can't believe the Food Network would EVER invite her to participate in one of their challenges. She's been invited to more than one ! I don't get it. How can someone with her lack of talent actually make it in the business. I wouldn't feed anything of hers to my dog, and it looks like something my dog made ! Look her up...you'll be shocked by her website....
It was horrible to begin with! The only way to save it was to light it on fire! I was dying to see this episode because one of the cut scenes had another competitor asking if she was on acid for thinking this was a good idea.
I realize the point of this blog is the cake and not the attitude, but I have to comment that her response to Kerry shocked me. I realize some customers are idiots, but to tell Kerry Vincent that the customer is wrong and she knows better?!?!?!?!!?!?!
I did love the drawing--very Frank Lloyd Wright. If she could have actually done it, I would have been shouting at the telly in joy instead of agony.
wv minfun= in Afrikaans min=little/few. this was definitely "min" fun!
I'm sorry I missed that episode. What a hoot.The flaming cake was a wreck for sure. She's obviously a conceptual artist that works in food as a medium and not a baker/cake decorator. I thought some of the stuff on her website looked cool, but I wouldn't want to eat any of it.
Absolutely jaw dropping in the horror that someone of that calibare was invited to a Food Network Challenge. Amazingly bad design and what in heaven's name was it supposed to be...just junk on a stick on top of Mount Trashmore. I hate it when untalented people get TV time. Look at those amazing Sunday Sweets and tell me those people don't deserve the shot at national recognition more than this "artist".
This loon reminds me of a crazy woman I used to teach with. One day she sent her seven year olds, out unsupervised, around the campus to find items to turn into "stone age weapons". Yes, in this age of zero tolerance, people tend to get frightened of an adult who has small children sharpening rocks into spears and attempting to start fires by rubbing sticks together. The experiment came to a halt when two little boys ran past the principals office with "spears" chasing a squirrel. Lord of the Flies Anyone.
i was fine all the way through this post until i finished then glanced back at the title.
Big mistake. Explosive giggle fits are not work-friendly.
wv - exturbi - can't think how to use it in a sentence, but somehow it fits this post.
This is the same wrecktastic wreckie that made that seaweed bridge disaster! Which actually would be great if you couldn't decide between sushi and rice crispie treats, and who can't???
She cannot be serious, and if she is, everything she creates are just epic failures... Epic.
Oh, gosh, I saw that episode. The baker was so proud of it! She just claimed that "no one understood" her art. I'm really okay with not understanding that art. D:
Classic FAIL. Y'know, it's one thing it have a wreck at your local grocery store, but it's quite another to fail as miserably as they did on national television. lol
We just couldn't stop laughing the other night watching this. So, Tivo, Tivo Transfer to the Mac, a little Handbrake, some iMovie, and here we are.
For some reason, the embedded version chops off the right side of the video, so if you want to see it in all of its widescreeny goodness, click on the video after it starts playing, and you'll crack open a new window to youtube and see the full size video..
Glad you guys like it!
WOW...her website makes me feel like I'm being punked. Are we sure this is real? Did anyone take a look at the "wrapped Christmas tree"? Since when is covering a Christmas tree with fruit and wrapping it in edible saran wrap considered art?
Good grief. I wonder if there was ice cream inside.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
To be fair, the concept looked great. Too bad she couldn't carry it off.
I watched it this weekend and was just horrified! My favorite line when my jaw dropped when she told Kerry that "the idea that the customer is always right is just not one she agrees with". What a wreck that was!
OH. MY. GOODNESS. I'm left...speechless. ALMOST. Everything about this cake is FUGLY. What makes it even better is who it was made for. [shaking head, trying darnedest to keep a straight face]
These decorators are innovative, if nothing else...
So I read through all the posts & I can't believe that no one who saw the episode mentioned the comments during the judging...when Kerry said something about how the cake totally didn't fit anything about her, Loony replied with, "Well I don't believe that the customer is always right."
I'm surprised more of her "creations" haven't been on here with that attitude...
I'm not sure which is worse... that wreck, or her falling-over cereal bridge with seaweed hanging all over it. When this chick creates a wreck (and she always does), they are spectacular.
Wow, does Food Network have a secret agenda to bring down cake? First they let Sandra Lee loose, then this person.
I suppose one could argue that the network is going for ratings and/or rigging the competition to make sure someone in particular wins by giving them an easy opponent, but geez.
Word verification: kworse - Wreck Reporters, when examining a potential wreck, ask yourself, "'K, worse than the cake on fire?"
One word comes to mind...Craptastic. Crappy for the maker fantastic for all of us to enjoy the carnage.
@Lumy - I think "no one understands it" because it just ain't art!
@Jason - yes, thank you VERY much for the video!
@andshewas - as for being a "screw you" to KV, yes and no. This was one of their "mystery client" episodes, so they didn't know who they'd be making the cake for. This was the idea she brought for whomever the client turned out to be! So, in that sense, the idea itself wasn't a "screw you."
Once she found out KV was the client, however, she barely asked her any questions about what she'd want for her birthday cake and made it pretty clear she didn't care, either. She finished her little consultation with KV by telling her that she wanted KV to keep an open mind. Once she got back to her work station, she said something to the effect that she was just going to go ahead and do what she planned to do. So THAT part - which is what led to the final result - definitely was a BIG "screw you" to KV.
The other three cakes made for the episode were really nice, though, and the winner really seemed to put some thought into how to adapt his original concept for KV and make something that would show he'd really considered who she is in creating it. It wasn't the *most* beautiful cake I've seen (not many from that show are, just because of how difficult it can be to make something within their time limits,) but it really felt more like a gift to KV, and I *really* liked that!
KV may not be the nicest person all the time (or the most tactful,) but that doesn't mean she deserves a flaming pile of trash on her b-day!
What's the song in the video? I know it but haven't heard it in a long time - it's an instrumental tucked away on an album that I know I have (or had?) somewhere.
I want to say it's the Beastie Boys or something out of left field like that.
She calls her work "art", but come one. That was terrible! A two year old could've done that.
It's probably very wrong of me, but I loved the cake before it caught fire. XD Spears of fruit and melted chocolate on a cake just screams "delicious" to me. Mind you, the fire extinguisher doesn't.
I kept looking for the "before" picture. Only after looking at the creators website did I realize that it was supposed to look that way. WOW!
This one could be put on the 'Better Dieting through Cake' segmant!
Seriously. I LOVE cake but when I watched this on Food Network I was totally turned off to cake....ok for like 5 seconds...but still what on earth was this woman thinking?
Maybe I missed something...what in the name of all things holy was this supposed to BE??
holy bejesus. i forgot to tape that episode of food network challenge (one of my favorite food network shows, fyi) but OH MY GOD. I need to find it on reruns and watch IMMEDIATELY.
I'm sure Kerry was about to throw down. She's so intimidating.
I'm guessing they haven't been invited back. ;)
What's wrong with a classic Victoria Sandwich for pity's sake?
Were these guys 'professionals'? The most amusing part was wallpapering with dodgy mould coloured kitchen roll (or that's what it looked like!).
It brightened my day though so we shouldn't complain!
Aren't those the girls who, on the cake bridge episode, made the ugly sideways bridge wrapped in seaweed? I'm all for making the cake world interesting, but good lord people. Execution in key!
Reminds me a lot of grad school where the art and engineering programs shared a building. As one of the engineers, it was quite painful to see so many art projects in the hallways (and lobbies, and sidewalks, and generally anywhere you try to walk so that people would literally stumble on them and have to look at the "art") that started with some grand idea but failed spectacularly in execution due to a tremendous lack in foresight and common sense.
wv: bangu -- no... not even going to go there...
I just looked at her website. Seriously, what is wrong with her? That's not even art! Does she actually get paid to do any of this? And those wedding cakes. I hope those are just a display and not somebody's actual wedding cakes! Oh, and the wrapped Christmas tree and edible Christmas tree. Seriously?? Ugh!
OMG, I didn't realize that the first picture was the Before pic!
The concept drawing didn't look like the Trashheap from Fraggle Rock, so naturally I was confused when the cake DID look like the Trashheap from Fraggle Rock.
Catching it on fire was a definite improvement, espcially the white stuff from the extinguisher.
Went to look at the other...creations on her site. Good lord - that woman is trying WAY too hard to be different and edgy. It just makes her cakes/cookies/everything look poorly constructed and below amateur.
Even her cookies look inedible. They're just cookies! How do you screw THAT up?
I couldn't even figure out where she was going with half that stuff. I could see her vision for the chocolate covered strawberries, but the execution just made them look moldy. I couldn't go near those things, let alone eat one.
Also, I'd have cried if I commissioned her for a wedding cake and she brought me the one on that site.
It's hilarious, though, that she posted photos of the wreck featured in this post - including the one where it's covered in foam!
It re-airs tonight!
Jun 17, 2009
7:00 PM ET/PT
Jun 20, 2009
4:00 PM ET/PT
Jun 21, 2009
6:00 PM ET/PT
It will be tivo-ed.
The best work on her website was with jello jigglers. And I totally don't get her wedding cake design, but I'm okay with that.
I saw this on Sunday too and my husband and I had much the same reaction. The cake was just representative of her attitude of "screw you" towards these challenges and mostly KV! Seriously, from using her interview time to lecture her on "art" to making that... I seriously can't find a word strong enough for that cake... I'm pretty sure that the fire was out in a first little shot of the fire extinguisher! The crew just wanted to make sure it was really dead!
Seriously though, this is by far the worst thing she has offered but each time she goes on these Challenges she shows how talentless she is. Sure it's $10,000 but you are losing business! Who in their right mind would hire her after this cake or even hearing her say that she doesn't care about what the client wants, in the end she is going to make "art"?????
I hope Norm was okay, I sorry to read that he went to the hospital. His assistant did a beautiful job though, very impressive!
Why did they keep trying even when they realized their cake sucked horribly?! Why didn't they just give up?!
It wouldn't be bad if were supposed to be the compost pile that Madame Trash Heap came out of in Fraggle Rock.
Oh... and also...
With regards to the cake in this post...
Why bother drawing up a concept when the end result looked NOTHING like the concept art? (Except for the fire, anyway).
The concept drawing didn't look too bad. The end result... not even in the same universe, let alone the ballpark.
Oh, Lord! I will never forget this woman. She is *terrible*! Her rice krispy bridge she made on another show to illustrate the 'narrative' she had in mind? Oi vay. A disaster waiting to happen.
At least she didn't let anyone down with her 'cake.'
I agree with Anu. I kind of want to throw up now, too.
We were watching this show the other night.. and the entire time my husband and my jaw's were on the floor.. we could not even believe what we were watching. I WISH they would have had her explain what she was thinking.. we kept saying "This has to be a joke..."
My husband who has never ever said a swear word in his entire life slowly said... w...t...f.. while they were showing it at the end... it was hillarious!!!!
Checked out her website! Is that a joke??? Really does she expect people to hire her based off of that? I am a culinary student and I'm only in my 3rd quarter and already my portfolio is miles better than that steaming pile she has on her website. My 3 year old child can and does do better work.
It's certainly a birthday everyone will remember. What a hot mess!
That is the same lady that was on another challenge that included making a bridge out of rice krispies and she decided to make the bridge stand on its side to make a statement. (have you ever seen an upright bridge?) She is ridiculous.
I'd have been absolutely mortified to even be associated with presenting that to Kerry Vincent! Kinda like a train wreck- you don't wanna look, but you can't help it!
I watched this episode. This baker has done other disasterous cakes on those competition shows. She's a nut. Honestly I really think she ought to do her abstract "art" with a different medium than cake art, because the world of cake and icing doesn't and can't accommdate some of the stupid ideas with which she comes up. Ug, and she's so delisional too.
I was just checking out her site, and remember her from the Christmas Tree competition too, where she put on a ton of ornaments and then wrapped the entire thing so you couldn't see any of it. I am amazed that she puts this stuff on her site!
I think I have seen this baker on a another challenge...the candy bridge one perhaps. She is um...different...I've done the cake thing and yes it is art for sure, but, I don't think it should be abstract, I need a whole lot of acid to get this cake kind of art.
What IS that???
Amy B.
That thing was hideous before the fire... what the heck were they trying for? Oh man.
Was she absent from school the day they taught that paper and fire don't play well together? I don't get why she would cover a cake with paper anyway, let alone add fire knowing there was so much paper. She may be Darwin Award material in the future.
the baker who did that is crazy. my favorite was when she did "cereal bridges" and she made hers sideways and covered in seaweed. she (weirdly enough) lives in fargo, nd (where i am) part of the year, and has a crazy, messed up yard as well. they ran a whole article about her in the fargo forum, and i don't think they even mentioned her cakes.
Oh dear god, not only is her work a brand new definition of wrecktastic, but her website is too! *shudders*
I caught that episode the other night with my six year old and we were possibly even more horrified than the judges. That "baker" (and I use the term loosely) is a whack job.
Y'know, somehow I can't help but think this had to be a plant. Food Network notices its ratings falling, so brings on someone to totally hose up a cake...instant ratings.
The competition shows begin to bore me after the 400th one...
Oh man that's all sorts of a mess. I saw her earlier this year on the bridge cake challenge where she decided to make a vertical bridge (because we all know those exist...) that ended up being a complete disaster (or joke really).
I understand that my cake decorating knowledge is still not very expansive, but surely you'r suposed to take the baking paper off before decoration it.
Also,I'm fairly sure it's common knowlage that sugar is flamable.
And is it just me or does it look a little like that wedding cake wreck from a while back.
oh dear, that is a Wreck w/ a capital W! I hate when a project keeps getting worse the more you try to 'fix' it.
I don't know if you've seen this yet, or if you can use the image, but I read it and I thought of you:
It seems like Holly's parents already have a career in mind for her...
Stevie is a notorious wreck-maker. She's one of those artists that believes that her 'art' is above criticism because it's art. ::rolls eyes:: She takes it most seriously. But the truth is, she makes crap. Real art is beyond her reach.
She was PROUD of that piece of crap! And she gushed when one of the judges made some platitudes about understanding her 'vision' or 'art' or whatnot... OMG...
I've seen two shows with her 'work' and they were both disgusting. And seeing how she manhandled everything, who the hell would want to eat something that has been squished and manipulated like that? It's disgusting. She's a total slob in the kitchen too. Her website speaks it all; her overblown sense of talent, and the wrecktastic truth of her product...
I find no enjoyment in her participation in these challenges. I don't really understand why the Food Network asks her to be on. There are enough "characters" without involving her. It looked like she brought pieces of old cake to use for her design. Nasty. Someone in her life must have told her that she is talented...someone on acid!
she reminds me of my days as an architecture student in studio class: there would always be that one person with the "conceptual" design that "no one got," which loosely translates to a pile of crap. these people are amazingly tenacious - the girl in my architecture class persevered for four years before giving it up despite subtle and not-so-subtle hints to change her major. creative industries such as architecture and (serious) professional cooking/baking just do not forgive that kind of crap - the sheer amount of stress and pressure she must go through to keep making this stuff and appearing on shows must be astounding. i hope she quits.
i agree so much with everyones comments already!
I just have to add.. her website is almost as painful as the wrecks! Goodness.. it reminds me of the angelfire.com website I made as a 14 year old BSB fan in 97 !! Yuck
My wife and I were watching this episode and the whole time we were laughing at this cake and wondering how long it'd take to appear on your blog!
I'm just trying to figure out WTH they were thinking???? Like Kerry would even like that mess!
Wasn't that also the woman who did the Christmas Tree episode where she decorated it really nicely and then WRAPPED the entire tree in edible sheets of gelatin? What a nut job!
I also loved how hard Kerry laughed when they sprayed it with a fire extinguisher.
The cake didn't really look all that appealing to begin before they set it on fire...Maybe it's just me?
wow, this cake actually does look like SOMETHING... a garbage land fill! It really is a wreck because you just can't tear your eyes away!!
Truly the most hideous and wreckworthy cake I've ever seen. And that was before the fire. Good Lord am I terrified for the world now.
I think that this really may be the worst cakewreck I've ever seen. It's in a class all its own- this is the standard of horribleness to which all future cakewreckers should aspire. *impressed*
...but, wait, you mean they didn't mean for it to turn out that way? 0_0
What a flaming pile! Just perfect. Bring on the Fire Marshal! The extinguisher dusted it like fine snow. Awesome. I am speechless. What was Kerry's reaction?
The strawberry sticks resemble nothing more than dozens of tiny severed heads on pikes. Off with her head...Ack!!
I hope they don't invite her back for another competition. She really has not made anything even close to the quality of the other people on the show. She'll only be remembered for this horrible cake and that falling bridge thing. Even her website is a mess. I definately wouldn't get her to decorate a cake for me.
It's time they take her off and give another unknown a chance to make a name for themselves and hopefully stir up some business.
That may actually be the worst cake of all Cake Wrecks. It's mind-boggling.
I watched that episode of Cake Challenge just other night. I was so annoyed by Stevie, I really don't like her. She came with her plans already drawn up before she came. She didn't care who her customer was or what the customer wanted. Then she proceeded to make this disaster. Her kitchen was discusting while she was working, it looked like she threw food all over. I am annoyed at Food Network for even allowing her on. I hope they never invite her back. Sorry, I'll get off my box now.
My God . . . I just checked out the link someone posted to some of Stevie's other creations, and the woman can make dipped strawberries look like something I just vomited up. Sometimes it's best to be brutally honest with children when they develop an interest in something that is clearly beyond their abilities, because otherwise you just wind up encouraging them to grow up into people like Stevie. Bleah.
Wow...poor design, less-than-quality ingredients (if you're going to use strawberries as a professional, make sure they're actually RIPE), an I-Know-Better-Than-You attitude and crappy execution...hey! I think I've done plays with this lady!
You mean she DIDN'T do that on purpose to get at someone (Kerry) she disliked so much? I think she's had run ins with Kerry before....
OMG that woman is insane. I was appalled by the condition of her kitchen. I'm not always the neatest baker but I NEVER have a kitchen that disastrous and unsanitary. It was sickening!
And I'd like to say that the other guys cake, with the Chanel purse? Was a little bit wrecktastic as well, considering how COMPLETELY off base it was for Kerry.
Jason is awesome though! I'm so glad he won. That cake was beautiful. I would have been happy for Zane if he though, he did a great job for having to step into the limelight unexpectedly!
If anyone wants to catch the whole thing, that episode is airing again this afternoon on Food Network, at 7pm eastern time/6pm Central.
Oh man. So hilarious, but so very sad. They worked very hard on that flaming pile of crap. I can see what their vision was, but the execution? Whooo boy. I love this site. It always makes my day.
Oh man, Stevie Famulari!! We get so mad every time we see her on a cake challenge! I would give my left mixer to have a shot on that show and she's on for the second (or maybe third) time and likes like a buffoon each and every time! I hope that Food Network bans her from any future competitions!
I really think she wrecked that one on purpose just to stick it to Kerry Vincent.
Oh-My-God. I mean that was purposeful, right? Right?
I'm all for following one's creative impulses, but to ask others to have an open mind, then complain when people "don't get it" means she's the one with the closed mind. Is a FN Challenge really the venue for her work to be appreciated? Does she seriously expect to compete with these other folks? It's an apples and oranges situation. Also, if you don't want to accept the challenge of working with an assignment, like a particular customer, then don't enter this competition! Duh. I make custom jewelry, but if I have some other design I want to express, then I'll just make it and maybe sell it later or not.
Does FN really need the ratings? Certainly got Stevie a lot of traffic on her website. Sigh.
That and the fact that this particular baker (why for the life of me can't I remember her name) has always make "creative" stuff. Rememeber her edible christmas tree decorations?? it was basically a tree wrapped in edible plastic wrap stuff. No one on the judging panel was impressed at all.
Apparently she forgot that cake is supposed to be EATEN. Or did she deliberately make it inedible so nobody would ruin her "vision" by cutting it up?
She was going for a King Kong thing, right? Sacrificing those poor, innocent strawberries to the beast...
XD It's Kerry's job to be a critic. She may not be sunshine, but she does do her job well.
I was just thinking about how much I'd like them to have a Cake Wrecks challenge.
I'm not even pro.
Seriously I could do better. I bet most of us that read the blog could have done better! Not even close to pro and we could.
Saw this CakeWreckers site..
and holy..!!!
Look at this!
... Seriously?!
... and the rest of it..
wow.. she's 2 tons of crazy in a tiny human package!
I am so happy you touched on this, if people haven't seen this show, you need to. Stevie, the decorator, is so pushy and hates Keri so much, it's uncomfortable to watch. She even said the customer isn't always right. WTF?
When I watched that episode this weekend, I became annoyed on a couple levels. Firstly, I call these idiots "Reality Show Ratings Plants". You know, those talentless, clueless, emotional trainwrecks that every single "reality show" inserts among real competitors - obviously encouraged to stir up drama and lunacy for ratings. I hate that this kind of crap has become the standard for tv now.
Secondly, if this woman wasn't a plant and truly what foodies consider some sort of visionary culinary artist, I have news for them: Dadaism is dead and has no place in the culinary arts. It demeans true culinary artists and makes those that embrace this sort of nonsense look ridiculous. There is nothing innovative or creative about anti-art as art. It's been done to death for over a century and should no longer be taken seriously. Neo-Dadaists are the attention-whore trolls of the art world. It's time to ignore them. Instead, this woman will become another celebrity because she's a complete idiot and for whatever reason, people love that. Borrrrriinnnng.
I find it insulting to the other cake designers that Food Network continues to invite Stevie to these challenges.
Kind of makes me wonder if they put her on the show simply so people like you and me would talk about it later.
Mission accomplished. Any publicity is good publicity, so they say.
I must say I cannot think of anything dripping in chocolate repulsive...unless it's inedible. Noooo, not the CHOCOLATE! Um, ah, I'm ok now.
Um, what about the "abstract" rice crispie treat/licorice cake she made for the Famous Bridges Challenge... that was DEFINITELY worse... until she let it crash to the ground. Vast improvement I tell you!
The best part about that whole episode was listening to that woman. Even in front of the judges, she was completely convinced that her cake was perfect and should win. As Kerry Vincent said, "So ,this is all about you?"
What do they call this one? Chernobyl Cake?
My favorite part of the challenge was when Stevie put a bowl of melted chocolate on the floor (on - the - floor!!) and started spooning chocolate on the "cake" in random splashes. Can you imagine how dirty that cake was even before the fire extinguisher?!? It also looked like the production guy was using that extinguisher with some relish.
OMG. What a disaster. How does someone like that even get invited on a show like that? Her webpage is equally strange...
Anonymous said...
What was that cake suppossed to be? It's the culinary equivalent of Anna Nicole Smith . . . you know you shouldn't look but you have to and everyone is happy when it's finally put of it's misery!
Okay, that will definitely be the funniest thing I read/see/hear all day. Thank you!
Does anyone know if they will be replaying this episode on FNC anytime soon?
You know, even with art I don't understand I can usually see an acceptable execution of the basic techniques, use of color, form, composition, etc. But this. I honestly thought she suffered a mental breakdown during the Food Network Challenge! After seeing her website, though, I see it's not an acute issue but a chronic problem with her. WOW!
I was fortunate enough to go to the taping of this and lemme tell ya... it was even better in person!! The mess on the floor was probably worse than the cake itself. The poor stagehands were constantly cleaning up the floor in front of her workspace. The downside was that I left before the fire fiasco. Was waiting to see the footage somewhere online. Now I feel complete.
I think this is the reason you should always keep a CO2 extinguisher in the kitchen - puts out the flames and you can eat it when you're done.
The cake was a wreck to begin with. My toddler has decorated prettier cakes.
The cake looks sort of like an Indiana Jones set, but I'm still baffled about the strawberries on sticks.
I love how at the judging stage, she said that she didn't always think the client was right. That's the kind of woman I want creating my cakes - NOT!
She is definitely what I call a "legend in her own mind." Join me in writing Food Network to ask that she not be invited back. After looking at her website, I know there will always be wrecks made by this individual, but we don't have to see them on t.v.
oh my dear sweet jeebus, this makes me really disappointed that i missed that episode.
Uh, how many hundred people did she think this was supposed to serve?
Seriously, looking at the "artist", something about her face just screamed "mental illness". Hope there's someone who cares enough for her to get her some help.
Each time this lady is on this show i die a little inside. I have yet to see why they bring her back. She brings hot mess after hot mess to the table. Bleh!!
is it a birthday cake or a garbage castle? I'm confused!
Is this, ahh, "competitor" to this show something like Jay Walking is--oops, was--to the Tonight Show? Because really.... *snicker*
the best part of the show is when she tries to defend it by saying "the customer is not always right!" all defensively. as if someone would ever request such a ridiculous cake!
i wonder if she'll ever be asked back to the show? :-P
Couldn't they see it was ugly to begin with even before the fire?
Really? Seriously?
I nearly died when I was watching this episode on Food Network.
WV: tetedust. Stevie's cake was tetedust after it caught on fire.
It was ugly before the fire and a totally wreck after the fire.
Raychel- MyCreativeWay.blogspot.com
As the page was loading, I thought that the cake had already been on fire. It was pretty nasty. Then I saw the aftereffects. I didn't realize the cake could look worse!
next time i start craving cake reading this website, i'm going to look at the post and instead try not to barf.
Wow. Just WOW. First of all, FOOD is supposed to be APPETIZING. You shouldn't have to "get it", it should look YUMMY. Not, um, SCARY. I've seen more attractive "clusters" in the cat's litter box.....
I hate everything on her site, except for this one which, not only do I not hate, I actually like! It's called Lawn.
Funnily enough, I saw this episode on the Food Channel the other day. When Kerry Vincent expressed her surprise that the contestant did not ask Kerry for her input since it was supposed to be the cake for Kerry's Birthday. The contestant replied: "I do not think that the customer is always right." And at the end of the episode, she said something about not expecting everybody to understand her concept, I think she might have used the word "art" too. HMMMMM, what concept? What art?
I need to know where this lady works, I am definitely ordering my next cake from her (sarcasm intended!)
WOAH. What show is that from??
I usually watch but missed this episode, thanks for filling me in! I think I may wait for a rerun. Unbelievable!!!
It's not just the ugliness...it's the inedibility. Watching her smush cake around--ewww. This is a CAKE competition. If I can't imagine cutting and eating it, it's a massive FAIL.
Oh wow! I just looked at her website - what a mess! There are so many gorgeous decorators out there - why does Food Network waste their time?
This one was particularly horrendous - http://www.steviefamulari.net/popups/B4v.html
can't... find... cake...
They say the only bad publicity is no publicity, but I dunno about that after seeing this clip and reading the comments. I'm guessing this self-proclaimed edible artist has turned off many more potential clients than she attracted.
Maybe this cake was a passive aggressive nod to Kerry Vincent and her lovely demeanor... I happen to think this is the PERFECT cake for her!
Oh my goodness!!! :o That's hilarious!!
I only just started cake decorating as a hobby but I feel less incompetent already..... :)
I saw that episode and was wondering who on earth would call her an "artist" of any type! It was hideous and her attitude was about the same.
Oh my god did you see the chocolate vagina on her web page??
In all honesty, although Stevie's cake was an absolute wreck, I sort of liked her comment about seeing the spikes and thinking it was just like Kerry Vincent. Kerry Vincent is an absolute ogre. My roommate and I have dubbed her "cake b*tch". Even though she does some absolutely beautiful work, she can't say a nice word to anyone and is the picture of a bitter spinster. Never having your own birthday cake? What was wrong with this woman's life?!
But beyond that, Stevie's work was an absolute mess, that episode of Challenge was almost difficult to sit through.
wv: cragiant "Kerry Vincent looks like someone's cragi ant"
wv: Dushyre. "After reviewing her website, it is clear this wrecker always engages in this sort of dushyre."
Yep - I can't top wv for that singular word description of this wreck.
Am I the only one getting an error, therefore being unable to watch the Wreckage of vid??
I agree that seeing Kerry laugh made the monstrosity so worth it! ROFL
I really felt bad for the other competitors who were actually working and trying to do their best, though.
My brother and I just went to the website and someone should stop this person from touching anything food related! It is a whole nother ball game with Stevie involved, apparently. Everything on the site was covered in cheap candy and gooey frosting that made us both sob in our hearts. It's HILARIOUS!
Anonymous said...
I'm not even pro.
Seriously I could do better. I bet most of us that read the blog could have done better! Not even close to pro and we could.
Saw this CakeWreckers site..
and holy..!!!_____________________________
Ok, I'm going to slap some cake crumbs everywhere. Mix in a little chocolate frosting with a little bit of the crumbs to rub all over in random spots. Pour a bottle of rum or burbon whatever I'm feeling like that day. Then *WOOSH*! I don't need a fire extinguisher but I will be needing some marshmallows and a coat hanger.
omgosh what a wreck!
if you go to her site (someone linked to it previously) you can see pictures of this horrible bridge/cake thing she made for a different competition. She couldn't just make the bridge, she had to "interpret" it and have it standing on end... needless to say, it was a wreck as well and couldn't even stand up to be judged! It fell over!
what's sad is that it's up on her website. if i made a mess like that, i would definitely try to disassociate myself from it.
I wonder if she got partway through that and thought, oh dear, this is not going well, but if I quit now, then I'll REALLY look bad....
I watched it and the first thing that popped into my mind was
"Hey look, a wreck!"
I knew it would be on here soon :D
Wow, just wow. I missed that the first time around! Wonder when that challenge will be on again?