Well, I gave
Trek its time in the sun, so it's only fair to showcase some Star Wars goodness now. Besides, since I shared in the heady experience of a group heatstroke with approximately three million SW fans yesterday, I'm definitely in a "Wars" mindset.
The challenge, of course, was finding SW Sweets that my friend Mike over at
Great White Snark hasn't featured yet. Seriously, Mike, how's about you leave some goodies for the rest of us cake-loving geeks to post, eh? Sheesh. It's a good thing Star Wars fans reeaally enjoy their cake.
Ok, let's start with the "official" stuff. Jim found these two on
StarWars.com, and both were made by the "Ace of Star Wars Cakes" himself, Duff Goldman.
(That link leads to a great article on Duff, btw, for you Ace of Cakes fans.)
Hard to believe it's not a large model, huh? And check out this next one:

Wowza. The gang at
Charm City Cakes really rocked this one. Kudos, guys.
Here's the backside:

Kristi F. sent in this amazing Millennium Falcon by
Cakes by Jyl:

Just look at that detail! Jyl reports that everything here is edible, too. Nice!
Rose B. found a Star Wars
wedding cake:

And get this, icing purists: that AT-AT is almost entirely fondant-free! Amazing. Here's another cool shot:

Yep, those are the bride and groom figurines - and they dressed to match! The cake was made by the bride's friend Teresa, and the cutie-patootie Ewok cupcakes by her friend Amanda. You can see all the fun wedding pics
Here's Brooks G.'s amazing R2D2 groom's cake, which he was kind enough to share with me this week:

Artoo was made by the
1886 Cafe & Bakery in Austin, TX, who were furnished with painstakingly detailed diagrams, photographs, and plans by the bride, Kristina. Yes, the
bride. (Alright, Kristina! Way to represent for us geek gals!) Oh, and speaking of which, here's Kristina with the cake:

After all the guests were through taking pictures with Artoo (in increasingly risque poses, I hear) the couple cut the cake - while playing the "waaaHHHH!" noise that R2d2 makes when he gets shot in the head with a blaster. Heh. Morbid, but funny. I bet the guests loved it.
And lastly, here's another wedding cake, by Dy Rinella of
Bewitching Elegance:

Not only is Dy a vegan baker, she also won the Star Wars Insider Best Wedding Cake of 2008 with this gorgeous Star Destroyer. It was made for a couple who belong to the
501st, an "imperial costuming organization."


The cake's obviously been cut here, but check out all the tiny details:

Looks like it was a well-deserved win, Dy! Great job.
If you want to see more great Star Wars cakes (and I mean LOTS more) head over to Great White Snark for his Geeky Cake of the Week feature. And as always, if you have an amazing cake to nominate for SS, send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com. (I also take requests, so if you have an idea for a theme, let me know.)
53 comments | Post a Comment
I love how the little cupcakes with the AT-AT cake are ewoks!
I like the one that's almost fondant free. Seriously isn't covering the entire thing in fondant cheating? Never tasted a cake that's had it on it but it sounds like it would not taste as yummy as just cake with buttercream
OMG! I want one of those Ewok cupcakes!!!!
Yay vegan cake!
Those are great! My husband and I made a Star Wars cake wreck for our oldest son's birthday last year. Check it out http://underthelaundryheap.blogspot.com/2008/08/hes-9-already.html
Suddenly, I want to renew my wedding vows.
I think the week Half Blood Prince comes out, we should have a Harry Potter extravaganza?
*bats eyelashes*
& I agree with Amy. I think it's amazing, still, what they can do with fondant, but to me it's more impressive with buttercream.
I want to do a taste test. {oh man, that's right up my alley.}
cakes are meant to be eaten. fondant is practically inedible, therefore all cakes with fondant are wrecks in my book. huzzah to the AT-AT cake!
(and the only good ewok is an edibke ewok).
Aw, Ewok cupcakes! Those are all pretty sweet, but I think R2D2 takes the cake. :)
You didn't mention that the picture of the bride with R2 is a pose from the hologram scene.
My husband and I are part of the 501st! :) Great cakes today Jen!!!
I wonder if there are any awesome Firefly cakes. That is, if you want to continue the geeky goodness.
Mmmmm Cake Wars. I don't even like Star Wars, but I would totally eat those.
And speaking of funny things from TV, has anyone seen this stupid game on YouTube?
The groom is Admiral Ackbar?
"It's a trap!"
I so want to renew my vows to get one of those cakes.
Hooray for the fondant free cake! Delicious! and omg are those lil ewok cupcakes?! I adore them!
What incredible detail and designs! Wish we could see some of the more 'risque' pics with R2. LOL
~Amy B.
WOW! I so love all those cakes. I made tie fighter cupcakes once to circle a death star cake, but i'm not a pro, so it never would have looked this nice in a million years. But yay Star wars cakes!
You just made my son very happy, heh. Of course, now he wants me to make him a Death Star cake for his next bday, but if I can do a Millenium Falcon, a lil' ol' Death Star is no biggy. :-P And yes, it will be buttercream FTW.
you know, I once made a great R2 cake for a neighbor... which I've always been quite proud of...
I'm currently hanging my head in shame because although mine's not wreckworthy, it's no comparison!
Ewok cupcakes! :D
Wow...these are all amazing! I wish Duff would spring for a better camera so we could see some BIG pictures with lots of detail. :)
whoaaaaaaa! awesome cakes!!
I wanna see close ups of the ewok cupcakes
Okay, there's one for Jen - since we got Star Wars, and Star Trek - let's find the third major Sci-Fi oldies:
Bet you can do it.
You know, I have never had a fondant covered cake! I wonder why that is? Maybe they're not that big here in Pittsburgh? hmmm...I wonder if it's because Pittsburghers only like their icing to be one of two varieties...either buttercream, or a penalty called agains the Redwings. GO PENS!
Sweet! I'm a total nerd; Love Star Wars! ;)
Anna Marie
all of these are so cool!
i love the little ewok cupcakes with the at-at wedding cake
I am such a dork! It made me very happy when I saw the picture of the bride with R2D2. I am so going to be that bride someday!
I agree with Amy. I'm not fond of fondant (no pun intended) either. I've been a decorator for 20 years and I avoid it like the plague.
Shout out to 1886 Cafe & Bakery in Austin! Hometown pride!
Awesome cakes and great finds! The Ewok cuppies are adorable.
@Charlene: I thought the same thing. I picture Akbar in a ball and chain. Even tho it's usually Leia who's in chains.
I saw the bakery for the R2D2 cake, and I was so happy, because I've been there, and drive past it almost everyday. It's awesome finding out stuff like that.
Kudos for doing the Star Wars sweets on my birthday weekend! SW is my favorite thing, like, ever.
Nice touch!
the woman in the picture with the stormtroopers was the baker of the star distroyer cake. . . incase anyone didn't know
The groom is Admiral Ackbar?
"It's a trap!"
I know, right? Not exactly a good omen for the marriage. They couldn't find a Han figurine?
You should check out the site for the guy who did the Wall-E cake - he has a picture of a full size Yoda that is amazing!
Millennium Falcon, you gotta cut back on the beer and get into a step aerobics class.
You're reeeealy starting to get pudgy, dude.
Awesome! :)
I`ve made many a cake that I really didn`t feel like making or found totally annoying to make but its my job....and people come up with some strange requests.My favorite silly stupid cake was the toilet cake I made for Robert Irvine.while making it I had to leave it in the deep freezer at different stages with a a sing on it "Please Don`t Touch The Potty"
The AT-AT cake and Ewok cupcakes were insanely delish! The cake was served with a squirt of a chocolate hazelnut ganache cream.
It was the best wedding EVER!
I should know, I officiated dressed as Yoda ;) Happy Anniversary to Ackbar and Mon Mothma!
My friends Teresa and Rich made the fabulous AT-AT cake. Teresa is a baker, but the cake was not made at a bakery. My friend Amanda Longstocking made the adorable Ewok cupcakes. Cheers to them!
I am not a Star Wars fan, and yet I am completely in love with the ewok cupcakes.
My husband and I are 501st as well. :D
Love the blog and this thread! We do love our cake. ;)
The cakes were all amazing, but were I the Star Wars Bride, I'd probably be aiming that AT-AT's barrels at the Photographer who cut off more heads than the guillotine era.
Those are way cool!!
An R2-D2 groom's cake!! <3 Today's Non-Wreck showcase makes this longtime SW geek very happy.
(But yeah, we've seen Dalek cakes before-but *someone* has to have done a Police Box cake, don'cha think? Or a Cyberman? A Weeping Angel? Bessie?)
My CAPTCHA= endio. "The end is near-but the moment has been prepared for...."
Goodbye Doctor #10, good luck Doctor #11....
yeah but you know what's lame about the wedding cake? Leia would never marry Admiral Ackbar.
If you want to see MY attempt at a Millenium Falcon cake, check this out:
Those are the desserts and sweets made on the theme of Star Wars. I think me and my hubby should have a bite of this before we got married. That could have signified how we started our war for this star life.
Theresa did my wedding cake (Day of the Dead). She is AMAZING!
That's not Princess Leia with Admiral Ackbar, it's Mon Mothma. That's a couple that actually makes a certain amount of sense.
Holy Sith! Those are flipping awesome!!!!!
I am quite the Star Wars Geek (notice the capitalization of Geek) and I've been reading your website practically nonstop for four days. When I saw the signs of geekiness, and your proud declarations I KNEW there had to be Star Wars cakes around here somewhere. I'm so pleased I found them! I swear I had a nerdgasm looking at these! Some of them could do with a little fondant modeling, but the fact that they look so good without much of it is AMAZING! The AT-AT is the best one! The Force is surely with these bakers (and the brides and grooms that ordered these babies!)