Friday, June 12, 2009

Star Wars Weekend

Friday, June 12, 2009

Tomorrow John and I are going to the Star Wars Weekends out at Disney. This is the event that causes our friends who work at Disney - even the hardened sci-fi geeks - to go blank-faced with terror, so needless to say I'm pretty psyched about it. (Apparently we Trekkers have nothing on Star Wars fans in the crazy department.) So in honor of the occasion, and for those of you too distant/sane to attend, here's some Wreckage to get you in the intergalactic mood.

This fun little number features a puddle of R2D2 (or possibly an attempt at Captain America's shield?) in the upper left-hand corner, and a Ferengi Marauder in the lower right-hand corner. [head tilt] Huh.

Hey, uh, Wreckerators? It's probably not wise to cross the sci-fi/geekery streams. Especially the Trek/Wars streams. You never, ever want to do tha...

Oh no you di'n't, Matt B.!

(Ok, so Matt's friends Wrecked it on purpose. It's still funny, though.)

Come to the Dark Side. We have granite texture-in-a-can.

Plus, our storm troopers have huge...



Yeah, let's go with goiters. No one knows what those are, anyway.

Bobble-headed Yoda you will love. Awesome is he:

His lack of legs, disturbing I find.

Little known fact: the first R2D2 prototype was made using only Styrofoam, blue painter's tape, and a Sharpie:

Plus, did you guys know that R2D2's birth name was Reginald Dillingham? It's true. I wouldn't lie to you. (Unless it was funny. Or I was bored. Or cake was involved. But this, this is true. Honest.)

And lastly, J. Williamson's local paper featured this as a "hot new trend" in weddings:

So naturally you're thinking, "Gee, Jen, people are serving Wolfman's head on a platter at weddings?"

(This is Wolfman, by the way:)

The answer, of course, is no - and I laugh in the face of your childish naivete. Hahahah! Ahhahaha! Mwaha. Ha. Aha.

Yes, as I was saying, the answer is no - because people are in fact serving Chewbacca's head on a platter at their weddings. That's Chewbacca. See the resemblance?

That's what I thought.

Debra B., Luci, Katie R., Brandi M., & Anony, when it comes to cake, use the forks.

Related Wreckage: Do These Taste Chewy To You?

NOTE: Today's post is dedicated to CW reader Jacob Taylor, since I hear he's a big Star Wars fan. Jacob is 8 years old and was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor last month, so he and his family could use all the good wishes, prayers, and warm thoughts you'd care to send their way. The good news is that he's responding well enough to radiation treatment that he's back to reading again this week. So, hi, Jacob! Say, you bakers in the Cincinnati Ohio area, how's about whipping him up some organic cake to celebrate? (He's on an all-natural diet these days.)
Etiquette Bitch said...

Wolfman/Chewbacca on a platter looks more like a pile of Sculpey. If I see that at a wedding, I ain't havin' any!

SW geek said...

The first cake is supposed to have the symbols of empire and rebellion. Not R2.

Anonymous said...

The two emblems on the first cake are the Empire and the Alliance, aren't they? *ducks head in nerd shame*

Becs said...

Hi Jacob! I will be keeping you in my prayers but I bet you won't need them!

I literally laughed until I cried at this post. Especially the storm trooper with the...uh...goiters.

Haiku Joy said...

When in Dagobah,
Swing by the Doll Dress Boutique.
Say, "Yoda sent me."

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is that the deliberate wreckers even said "Live long and PROPER!" Although, that is probably good advice too.

Jacob, my prayers are with you & your family. I am sure you will come through this just fine. Maybe you will even have a cool scar and be able to tell your friends it was from a shark attack or something :)

WV:ADVAI - If you are going to give advai on a cake, you should at least spell it correctly.

Unknown said...

Awwww! I hope Jacob gets inundated with cakes!

My prayers are coming right out to you buddy! (And your family)

Haiku Joy said...

"Live long and proper!"
could be wreckier. Just say
"Live long, you pooper!"

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob!! Sending you lots of prayers, smiles and hugs!

I kind of dig the granite in a can Darth Vader. But the Yoda had me laughing out loud.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob - our love and prayers to you. Laughter is the best medicine - keep reading Cake Wrecks. I know you will "Live Long and Proper!"

Haiku Joy said...

Wookies John-the-Baptist style?
Salome = Leia?

Crystal said...

Great collection of wrecks Jen.
Enjoy the weekend.

And HI Jacob!!! Prayers being sent! Continued success with his treatment.

Randomeis said...

A friend of mine scored this sweet boba fett cake for his birthday this year.

Got Triplets? said...

I've got a friend who works in the Marketing Dept at Busken in Cincinnati. Let me see what I can do for Jacob!

Anonymous said...

All I could think about re the Chewie head: "Hello? Is it me you're looking for?"

Meg Spencer said...

I'm glad someone else mentioned the emblems on the first cake! Here's what they're supposed to look like:

Good luck Jacob!

Haiku Joy said...

Greetings to Jacob!
Who's your favorite character?
Mine is so Yoda.

Painted on velvet
is Dagobah's Jedi knight
and on my room's wall!

Jacob, get well soon!
We're all rooting for you here.
Live long and proper!

Yota Armai said...

Jacob, lots of love and hugs and prayers from Florida! I hope you get a wrecktastic organic cake so you can send us a picture, or maybe, even better, a Sunday sweet.

Jen, thanks, I'll probably be muttering goiters and shaking my head and laughing for the rest of the day, which is fine by me, but my coworkers are starting to wonder if they should call the people with the big butterfly nets.

Chey said...

Sending many, many good wishes to Jacob and his family. <3

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Yoda has a milk mustache.

Marcos said...

As others have noted, the R2-D2 puddle crossed with Cap's shield is supposed to be the Imperial emblem:

And the Ferengi marauder is the symbol of the Rebel Alliance:

Lauren said...

Prayers and good wishes to Jacob!

BTW on that first cale, I believe it's the Imperial Logo the Wrecker is attempting to emulate.

LivingDeadNurse said...

muah i just love your blogs!

Alison said...

Oh no, you did NOT just misspell Cincinnati!!


Granite Vader got a little Alderaan on 'im.

dlauthor said...

"Live long and proper."

MC Hammer IS Mr. Spock IN an enormous mistake.

Mary said...

Gotta respond on a few levels here -
1. I have a son, Jacob also, who is disabled and one of the biggest Star Wars fans ever! He checks into Cake Wrecks often so I am sure he will love your post today.

2. He will be bummed to hear that someone is going to Star Wars weekend at Disney and it isn't him! Want to rent a kid in a wheelchair? They're great for getting right to the front of the line!!!

3. Definitely will keep the Jacob you mentioned in my prayers - maybe my Jacob will email him and they can talk SW.

4. And last - because you have nothing else to do - check out my son's new blog: The Happy Wookiee

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Am really grateful l don't know what the heck any of you are talking about. :)

Angie (from over at

Caryl said...

StarWars Weekend at Disney, you ARE NUTS.

It's 100' in the pandhandle, Disney will be roasting!

Here to hoping your icing doesn't melt off !

Bob Borst said...

Are Darth "Granite" Vader's eye prunes?

blueiguana said...

Hi, Jacob. You and your family are in my prayers. I can tell you from experience that it is amazing what medicine can do these days. Live long and proper.

Stacie said...

Jacob! Many prayers for you bud! Make sure your parents give you a giant "Git Well Soone" (organic) fudgey chocolate cake!

Anonymous said...

Warmest wishes to Jacob for a speedy recovery filled with lots more CW laughs!!! xoxox

Michelle said...

I'm guessing Jason is at Cincinnati Children's. I hope he is able to see this (they do have internet access in rooms) and knows that thousands of people are thinking/praying of him.

Great wrecks as usual Jen.

Unknown said...

Hi Jacob! Said a little prayer for you, friend!

(hopefully you read the comments... or you mom or dad does & can tell you!)

:::b r a n d i::: said...

That top cake is the exact same one my little brother just had for his birthday! Must be Wal-mArt or something.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob! Sending warm, loving, healthy thoughts your way!

Now, if someone presented me with that clay sculpture of... er... whoever's head that is, I would throw it at them! However, your take on all these cakes, as usual Jen, is hilarious!

Frannie, AKA Q's Maid said...

Oh goodness Jen. I visit Cake Wrecks every day for a giggle or two, but you outdid yourself today. I'm not even a trekkie, but tears are rolling. From laughing, of course! Thanks!

Anniebananie said...

Many Prayers for you and your family Jacob! I know it's hard now, but someday you'll have quite the story to tell! We have two little boys at my church as well who have cancer- one is only 4 and the other 7 and we've been praying really hard for them too. I hope that you're able to get out and enjoy some of your summer. Enjoy cakewrecks as much as I do!! Laughter IS the BEST- and Jen is REALLY great at making me laugh, even out loud!

Karen said...

Wow! This is a well-timed post!

My own Jacob turns 8 today! And I made him Star wars cupcakes to take to his class today.
They are topped with crossed light sabers made from multi-colored twizzlers and tootsie rolls.

Prayers going out to your Jacob!

Jediman said...

LOL I'll have to pug your site today on The Happy Wookiee my star wars blog

Melanie said...

Live long & prosper, Jacob! Something tells me you are one tough dude & that this thing can't beat you! Sending you tons of "kick butt, Jacob" cheers!

Pilgrim said...

As a star wars fan i always THOUGHT it'd be cool to have a star wars cake.... but...uhh... maybe NOT....

why does Yoda have an ape face?

Wayward Son said...

I actually thought the Wookie-head-on-a-platter cake was supposed to be Teen Wolf. Until I recalled the theme for the day.

WV: matorye: a tomato-flavored grain used when making sauceless pasta

Julie said...

I'm praying for Jacob. I hope the treatments work. Below are links to the starwars cakes my twins had for their birthday..


Darth Vader


Professor Raven said...

Jacob, keep reading CW and laughing, you'll get better in no time! Sending you lots of virtual hugs from the mother of another Jacob.

Live Long & Proper...sounds so boring :-)

I love the flattened R2! Goiters...*shakes head* much more PC term than the one I originally thought of! And the Vader looks like flecked-stone spray paint I've used on decoration projects (that my husband openly despises...)...yum, if you're a Rock Biter, that is...

Unknown said...

Cake 1 looks like R2 melted, and an Imperial Guard left his uniform on the floor. Why was he nekkid????

The Chewie head is in no way close to the actual Chewie. And Yoda is going to fall over anytime he tries to take a step on those legless feet, b/c he's top-heavy!

Great cakes today.
Amy B.

the ginabean said...

Still laughing out loud at the Yoda cake. (hahahahaha!)

Also, the "Chewbacca" head cake's resemblance to Wolfman is uncanny...

Maureen said...

So jealous... er, of your SW Weekend, not of the cakes. I always wanted a SW cake for my birthday; I've been waiting since 1977, but my family has yet to think to give this Geek one. With a basement full of SW crap, you'd think they'd catch on... sigh. Well, at least I collect SW cake toppers (along with nearly everything else Star Wars).

May the Forks Be With You!

Muum said...

extra great post, today .. 'use the fork' hahaha!!!

Amira said...

The best part about the Star Wars cake with the Spock tag line is that the line is wrong. It should say "Live Long and Prosper". It's missing the "s", which of course makes it even funnier.

Abby Normal said...

Crossing Star Wars and Star Trek isn't too bad... Well, unless your a Trek fan.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacob! You sound like a strong and neat young man. Star Wars fans are the coolest (shhhh... don't tell the Trekkies!)

LCBrisson said...

I have had the Star Wars- Tribute to John Williams by Moosebutter stuck in my head ( so your post today was especially amusing. (Kiss a Wookie, Kick a Droid . . .)

Thanks and May The Force Be With You Jacob. I'll be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

I thought the Chewbacca cake looked a little like The Thing from Fantastic Four.

Rachel said...

I guess that blue thing might be the Imperial symbol (although it ought to have six spokes), but that red thing is definitely a terrible miscarriage of the Alliance symbol from Star Wars.

JordanBaker said...

"Live Long and Proper" sounds like the title for a Vulcan etiquette handbook.

Karen in Hammond said...

That Darth head looks like the indoor-outdoor carpeting we use in our fair booth every year.

And since I am in the Relay for Life in a local city this year, I will be purchasing a Luminaria in honor of Jacob! I'll take a picture and send it to you to share with the family.

Han said...

Huh. Knowing the comments are moderated, I'm sure someone else has said this before and it just isn't up yet, but... I think the first cake was made by a Canadian. That Rebel Alliance emblem looks an awful lot like it wants to be a maple leaf.

Anonymous said...

Take care, Jacob! We're thinking of you!

Monica and Grayson said...

I am now an even BIGGER Cake Wrecks fan!!!

Thank you for mentioning our buddy Jacob!
Mmmm ... organic cake!

Sending love to Tiff, Jacob, Nathan, Molly, and Sammy!!!

Lauren said...

Jacob- may you get better, be happy, and may all of your cakes never be wrecks. Love from DC.

Jackie D said...

Have fun at star wars weekend!
from experience, i know how terrifying it is!

D said...

I kinda like the Yoda one... It's cute!

Anonymous said...

Jen, I bow to your Trekkie-ness for seeing a Ferengi Marauder. Once you said it, I could see it, but I don't think I would have come up with the comparison on my own. Apparently it has been too long since I've spent any meaningful amount of time with Ferengi. Sad.

Anonymous said...

That Chewbacca cake looks like a big terd with a face...ich.

lisadh said...

How appropriate today's theme is! My 9-yr old son's birthday party is tonight complete with a Star Wars theme. Due to some copyright thing, the bakeries don't have the SW toppers right now (at least in Central TX). So, working together with the grocery story bakery, we have dreamed up a "spacey" background, onto which I will place a couple of SW figurines. I cross my fingers that wreckiness does not follow. I'll let you know how it goes.

Jen, I was at SW Weekend last year, and it was a blast! Have FUN!! Thanks for all the laughs!


Anonymous said...

I have to admit I didn't read the other comments before posting this, so if someone else pointed it out, my bad. On the first cake, that is not a "puddle of R2-D2" or a Captain America shield. That is supposed to be the Empire's symbol.

By the way, I used to work for a sci-fi convention company. I've never had a Star Wars fan stop and run my ear off for an hour and a half as I awkwardly tried to escape just because I tried to be polite and took .2 seconds to compliment his or her t-shirt. But I have had that experience with several Trekkies.

Dianne said...

Is it me, or is Yoda wearing a pink dress??

TisforTonya said...

the goiters are going to keep me laughing all day long...

Jack Draco said...

The first one with the failed Galactic Empire logo (Melted R2-D2) and Rebel Alliance logo (discarded robe) is one of the officially licensed designs that Kroger offers in their flip book. The Wreckerator that made that had a nice detailed picture to copy those symbols from and they STILL got it horribly, horribly misshapen.

K said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to Jacob and his family. Get better soon. There are alot of people rooting for you,including me. I'll be thinking about you. What a strong boy you must be to be fighting this. Keep fighting and stay strong.

Hi Jen,
I love your blog so much. I check it everyday and it always puts a smile on my face. I even introduced my sister to it. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for tomorrow's post.

Kate in New York

Anonymous said...

We're all pulling for you Jacob!!! :)

phelpsgurl said...

Ok...the Vader cake looked like it was covered in flies...just saying... :-) Yoda...creepy, I would say. It looks like a converted toy Hulk hand...really tasty looking, if you're into foam!

Jacob, smiles and laughter will help get you through the rough stuff. Prayers and well-wishes from Iowa to you... :-)

D.B. Echo said...

That first one is actually Epcot.

Oh, wait...

MoneyFunk said...

I had NO FREAKIN clue it was Star Wars Weekend(s)! WOw, I may just see you there! Woo Hoo!

Jessi said...

I had never before noticed the similarities between a poorly constructed symbol of the Rebel Alliance and...a Ferengi Marauder you say? Hmm. And yes, that's supposed to be the symbol of the Empire. No idea why it's does look a little like the top of R2's head.

Star Wars weekends are incredible. Last time I went I got to meet Warwick Davis and I don't think he was very excited when I told him I loved him in "Willow".

MoneyFunk said...

Oh Darn... it at DisneyWorld not disney land. Wrong coast for me. Darn!

Trish said...

Hey Jacob! Our thoughts are with you!

These cakes, on the other hand, SUCK!

It appears to me the Storm Trooper dude has a Thyroid problem.

Perhaps Yoda just has a slight case of bone settling. Bones tend to do that as you age...Man, he must be OLD!!

Sadi said...

Hi Jacob! My prayers to you and your family.

Live long and prosper, my friend.

Katie H said...

Am I the only one that sees Hannibal Lecter in the face mask in the Chewy cake? His eyes are following me! And the Yoda one looks like it is made out of styrofoam.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob! You're definitely in my thoughts...and here's hoping you DO get a wrecky cake. ;) Especially if it looks absurd and tastes great.

And hi to Jedi-Jacob!

May the force be with you both! And may you Live Long and Prosper!

I was disappointed about Disney until I realized it's the wrong coast for me too.

My word verification was mazedoe. And now I have that song from the 40s in my head. Which feels like the musical version of a wreck. Ack!

Hyena Overlord said...

Haiku Joy said

"Live long and proper!"
could be wreckier. Just say
"Live long, you pooper!"

Ass off laughed I did.

Be well Jacob.

wv nonsatio....latin for insatiable need for cakewrecks

Chelsea said...

Good luck Jacob!
May the force be with you!

lindalou said...

My 3 year old grandson is a Star Wars nut (induced by his equally Star Wars crazy uncle). He would love the Star Wars week-end at Disney World. He watches some of the events that are posted on YouTube and loves them. The whole family is hoping to take him there one day.

We are all jealous!~

Love your site Jen.I am continually amazed at the vastness of cake wrecks out there.

Jacob - Sending you lots of good thoughts!

Bree said...

That stormtrooper must be taking Viagra while he's not fighting.

If I attempted to draw the symbols of the Rebel Alliance and the Imperials, it would definitely turn out like that first cake. As Yoda would say, "freehand drawing on cakes not good at it you are hmmm?"

The Darth Vader helmet cake looks like a goth version of the ghosts from the Pac Man game.

Jacob---may the force be with you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Cake 1 is definitely Imperial and Rebellion insignia.
And in a lot of places you'll see the Imperial Crest as blue (like the one on the cake) which has always bugged me (since I like blue better than red, I think it should've been the other way around.) The starbird is a bit off, but that's a pretty minor offense, really (as compared to even some of the Sunday Sweets in the past).

KMilt said...

Hi Jacob!! Prayers and much cake to you and your family!

Good cake, I mean. Not these weird things.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob!! GET WELL SOON LIL BUDDY!! I want to see a celebratory cake wreck in your honor!!

Anonymous said...

Jacob - Live long and proper Buddy!!!! I hope you gets loads of yummy organic cakes!! xoxo

Hannah said...

The only one missing is the Boba Fett!! Fawesome!

Teddy Started It said...

OMG, you never fail to leave me in stitches! Thanks for the laughs!
I've spread a little love your way --

Anonymous said...

I live in Cinci! Any info in Jacob, so I can send him a card or something?

Anonymous said...

JACOB - your in my thoughts and prayers... keep smiling and laughing... laughing at cakewrecks is some of the best medicine!!

Rose said...

Those were hilarious!

The Yoda cake is just brilliant!

Sending positive thoughts to Jacob and his family! Get well buddy!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

love the wrecks!

Is there somewhere to leave Jacob a message? I googled, but didn't fiind anything, except an 8 year old in London...

Amy Lee said...

I tried to email you, but the link won't work.

Have fun at SWW! I know almost all of the marchers in the 501st that will be marching in the parade. My husband and I are a part of the group and we've marched quite a few of our own parades at SWW when we used to live in Florida :)

And as a SW fan (my husband more so then me) those cakes are awful! Very depressing!

TereG said...

Have fun at SWW. My husband and I went for weekend 1. And reassure your Disney castmember friends, this will be over soon.

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Anna said...

Man, I could read posts like this every day, they make my geeky side (which, btw, is stronger than both the dark side and the light side combined) so very, very happy. I especially like when you talk like Yoda. So funny are you, Jen, rolled off the bed with laughter, I almost did.

As for Jacob: hi! You are one brave little kid and it's so cool that the younger generation also still loves Star Wars. I'm sending lots of well-wishes your way and I hope you get better real soon. The Force sure is strong with you, if you are already responding well to your current treatment. Also, keep reading CW, laughter is scientifically proven to be a great medicine and I guess anything that will help is welcome.
To Jacob's family: I wish you a lot of strength in this trying time. I'm sending you lots of good vibes over the ether of the net. Keep going on!

May the Force be with you, Jacob, always.

bats :[ said...

Oh, I am so envious of you getting to go to a Star Wars weekend. Don't miss the Dancing with the Star Wars Stars stage show.

(And yes, the symbols on the first cake are those of the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Sorta. Kinda.)

HIllary said...

So I have been looking at this site everyday for about 3 months now and I love it!! I have gotten many people hooked on it as well. As I was looking over today's wreckage's I realized that I recognized the Chewbacca/Wolfman grooms cake. I thought of all the sites that I have looked at lately and then it hit me. The baker who made my wedding cake. And sure enough there it was! I can't believe it! Luckily her other cakes are amazing and I loved mine!! It was exactly what I wanted, not a wreckage at all!

Thank you for making my days just a tad bit more hilarious! Can't wait to see more awesome wrecks!

Anonymous said...

Sending much love and strength to Jacob and his family all the way from sunny England!

Keep strong little man - I just know you're going to pull through. *cuddles*


Anonymous said...

Since I am working at the annual Superman Celebration I think I could see your crazy Star Wars fan and raise you a fat guy in blue tights!

Jayme said...

Hi Jacob!
I'll be praying for you, lil' trooper!

Word verification: yoness.

Chewy/wolfman on a plate: Does this platter make my head look fat? Be yoness!

cakegirl68 said...

Just found this blog...I absolutely ADORE it!!

I used to work for a bakery in a grocery store and used to see these types of "cake wrecks" ALL the time unfortunately!

Nonna said...

Jacob, stay strong buddy...a friend of ours beat brain cancer last year with treatments and surgery and is on an all raw diet that is really working for him...may the force be with you and I'll be praying for your recovery too !

Hey Jen, that Darth Vader cake looks like "Creature from the Black Lagoon" and the Anonymous #1 is correct, those are the emblems of the Empire and Alliance.

Amanda M. said...


Love it. :)

{CuTe CaRd QuEeN} said...

oh my gosh- my eyes are crying and my gut is hurting from laughing while I am trying to be quiet while my son sleeps. This blog is soooo stinkin funny. The only thing that is better than the horrible cakes is your witty comments! You crack me up! I am totally linking to your blog from mine!!

Nicole said...

Hey Jen! We've been at Disney all week and our last day is tomorrow! Wish I knew where to find you so we could meet up :)

Art Kilmer said...

The emblems on the first cake are emblems of the Empire and the Rebellion, not Ferengi and R2D2 :-) I happily and joyfully leap off into nerd land!!!

Anonymous said...

The Star Wars nerds are right, the blue/white mess up at top is the symbol of the Galactic Empire (which is usually done in gray or some other dark color) and that anchor thing is a lop-sided symbol of the Rebellion. It's pretty obvious, if you're a hardcore fan. :)

I hope we get to see some Star Trek/Wreck cakes, too! :D (I've been loving this blog, by the way.)

sendingtheclowns said...

Aw, Jacob...virtual HUGS heading your way from a complete stranger...but one who "somehow" senses-- (okay, I'm magic)-- that you are exactly tough enough to get good and mad at this stupid, mean disease and kick its butt. Hard!
You have a lot of STUFF to do!!
Everyone's right, too, about the laughing; check in here every chance you get. This place is funEE! No one EVER laughs enough, really.

Hey--doesn't anyone else think that the Wolfman photo looks like Bill Clinton???

sendingtheclowns said...

The Darth Vader cake has everyone fooled; it wasn't baked--it was KNITTED!
That's the worsted thing I've ever seen...


TableforTwo said...

On that second cake, are those little pink Darth Vader Erasers? And why are they pink?

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Jacob!!!

Anonymous said...

Goiters! Hahahahahaha!

Unknown said...

The storm trooper with the... uh... goiters reminds me a LOT of the Cuttlefish on Gaia Online. xD
They're cute little pixel fish you put in a pixel aquarium. They're "emo", apparently, in a pun on their names.

As for Star Wrecks... I was helping a friend out with a Star Wars themed party back when the "new" chapters were just about to start hitting theaters. My friend bought the cake pan shaped like Vader's mask and we decided we had enough cake mix to make two. Only... one got a little.. dark.
We shrugged it off and set to work frosting the GOOD one (complete with line piping, colored sugar shading, etc.. went all out on it). I got to thinking.. and an evil plan formed. I hacked off the worst of the burnt spots, iced the whole blob, and cut it into chunks. Round about two inches square, I would guess, maybe smaller. Both were served side by side... Vader and.. well.. Cakey Carnage.
When the guests arrived for our Star Wars Marathon (complete with a listen to an original vinyl LP of the soundtrack), we made the announcement. Tonight, they could choose between... (wait for it)

Before OR after the Death Star exploded.

Christine said...

Yoda it is not, the Queen Mother it clearly is

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacob! Glad to hear you're back reading with the rest of us!
Stay strong and hang in there, and we'll see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Jacob's grandmother. I am overwhelmed with the love that people have sent from all over the country. Here is his web site on Caringbridge:
His youtube videos are jacobee817.
These kind words really do lift us up. My email is:

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker, first time poster.

My son and I just went to Star Wars Weekend yesterday and it was AWESOME! He was picked to participate in the Jedi Knight training and got to fight Darth Vader! Check out photos here:

Colleen said...

My 13 year old could not figure out how the granite texture on the Vader head was achieved. I had no idea that she had never before witnessed a cake completely decorated with tiny rosettes. Wow.
I remember the extreme creations of the 1980s and 90s when the Wilton mania for rosettes swept through parties all over North America.
I wonder if we could have a selection of retro-wrecks one day which would introduce the younger generation to the wonder of the stippled cake?

WV: (appropriate!) Dockle: to completely cover a cake with rosettes of frosting.

Caitlin said...

Hey, I work at Studios!! Did you see the Beauty and the Beast show, because I was totally there today...

But on a more exciting note, did you see the Hyperspace Hoopla? It's definitely the best part of SWW.

Anonymous said...

HI JACOB! Star Wars is AWESOME! You rock kid! Keep up the good fight! May the Force be with you, as all our hopes, dreams and wishes are.

Anonymous said...

Is that meant to be Darth Vader, or did Jabba the Hut steal his helmet?

- Renee

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob! Prayers coming to you from Washington State. :o)

Marjorie said...

Okay, good, I'm not the first one to post that the first cake was supposed to have the rebel and imperial symbols, not R2 and that blob. Poorly done, yes, but I definitely know what they were supposed to be, haha.

Anonymous said...

Hello and good luck to you, Jacob! I am praying each day for you to "live long and proper". I can just feel that you are going to come out of this just fine. I hope you have a 100th birthday cake...and I hope it's a funny Wreck!

Ingrid said...

God bless Jacob!
Every time I come to this website I want to eat cake!! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

come on, jen! the ferengi marauder is clearly the insignia of the rebel alliance!

Anonymous said...

Wolfman/Chewbacca head looks to me like it's made of clay!

Meredith said...

Love these! As always!

Speaking of crossing the lines, did you happen to notice that R2D2 is in the new Star Trek movie?

There was a contest on FB to find him!

Kristin said...

Has anyone noticed the Trek/Wars cake said

"live long and PROPER" ??

Dazy said...

I think Star Wars Weekends is a great tradition that has grown over time to cover a lot more events and a whole lot of fun for the Star Wars Fan in you. Make sure you save some time to get to Disney’s Hollywood Studios and experience it first-hand. Happy exploring

ECSETS said...

The Darth Vader head is from the Wilton cake pan that came out with the Empire Strikes Back.

The grey with touches of black color is black icing not completely mixed, and not quite enough black. This could have been a photo of my first try at that cake in 1982.

The decorating is actually pretty close to what Wilton wanted if I remember correctly. Black on black just makes a bland cake.

DefinitelyAGeek said...

I think the symbol on the first cake is supposed to be the Dark Horse Comic symbol. They're the ones who made the SW graphic novels.

Mamaleh said...

how do I know the symbol on the R2D2 puddle cake is the Red Squadron emblem? Because I once met someone with that tattooed on his leg. forever.

articia said...

I know it's been said a few times over that the first cake is supposed to have either the galactic republic on the galactic empire emblem on the top left, and the rebel emblem on the bottom right, but I thought I'd post a link with photos so those who aren't total nerds know what we're talking about. heh.

Anonymous said...

give one of these to Linda Skywalker-Effron!