Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Maximum Irony Has Now Been Achieved

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yep, it's a Fail Cake Fail.

Jen G., I used to think the shorter the word, the harder it was to screw up. Thanks for ruining another one of my theories.
Shoshannah said...

Are you ^sure* this isn't intentional? ;)
It's hilarious!

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

Are you sure it's not supposed to be "Final" as in "Best Wishes for a Happy Funeral. This is Your Final Party."???

Regardless, I need to go brush my teeth just looking at that monstrosity.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as a "FAIL fail"!

The Courteous Chihuahua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Boozy Tooth said...

Wow. Sniff. Talk about the ultimate depression... receiving your final cake only to discover the misspelling reminds you of a lifetime of failure.

So terribly sad. I'd say happy trails, but -

Alixandra Hice

Haylee said...

All that black frosting makes me gag. Yuck!

Alyssa Jones said...

The urban dictionary says:
1. fial:
The epitome of fail. Fail is used on the internet as an expression of disapproval, so failing to type fail correctly will often lead to subsequent ridicule and derision.

(How appropriate for this cake!)

Anonymous said...

I think this cake was made to poke fun at one of the entries on failblog- I frequent that site (too funny) and here is the post that probably inspired this wreck...

Not sure why they made a tribute to it in cake form, but- well, it wouldn't be the first time we pondered that on this site, would it?

Sorry to burst your bubble, Jen- but I think they purposely misspelled it.

Unknown said...

...I think this is one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

It's also possible that this particular misspelling was intentional :)

Great blog, keep up the good work!

The Kitchen Gadget Goddess said...

Stop - who does this? This has to be a set-up!

Kameron said...

I always take delight in celebrating my "fialures"!! :o)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HorribleLicensePlates said...

Someday we'll have spell-check cakes... until then...

Christina said...

The idea of eating a cake made entirely of black icing makes me sorta sick. X.X and that blig plop of icing for no reason is a great touch too.

Anonymous said...

This can't be real. The utter simplicity of it is what shocks me. Sure, forget to outline the tail on an already ugly looking monkey-cake. Believe that it would make sense to make a life-like baby cake. But ... to misspell the word Fail? Really?

fleeting said...

LOL oh wow. Truly, this cake is made of fail. And so is the education system.

Bailey's Leaf said...

My husband and I met in college. He had a project due and was showing me the presentation piece that he made. I about had a heart attack when I read it. It said, "Glaciation in Oiho." Yes, Oiho. He panicked. He didn't believe me that he had spelled it wrong until I took him to the license plate and proved it. He had to quickly run home and redo a section of his presentation piece. Thank goodness I found it! His parents proofed it and didn't see it!

So short words-- they can get way butched, too.

Hi Kooky said...

Maybe they did it on purpose. I would have.

Can you imagine taking a big ol' bite of those black frosting roses? Yikes!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Black poo WIN!!! LOL.

Colleen said...

Maybe they spelled fail wrong on purpose... to make it a fail cake...

Amy and the Huskies said...

That was great! I have never commented but I love this blog, I check it every day. Keep up the great cake wreck reporting!

Matt said...

How do you get the icing that black?

Anonymous said...

Ewwww, I would not be able to eat a cake with all-black icing. That is just gross.

HollyGee said...

OH MY WORD!!! I wonder what that looks like coming out!!!

Mari said...

Thanks for the translation!

Anonymous said...

I think this one was on purpose... "FIAL" slang for an ultimate fail.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say about this cake...words "fial" me!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Fail Blog another of my favorites for a hearty chuckle. The black icing is such a nightmare - seriously teeth, tongues, gums, lips - everyone will be walking around like they've been chewing coal. Ick.

Jamie said...

On the plus side, anyone with enough humor to order a failcake probably appreciated this ironic twist more than the original idea. This is a masterpiece of fail.

Anonymous said...

I know a few people who would have specifically ordered that spelling for the humor factor. I'd like to think that's what happened here, but I've seen too many misspellings of easy words to have faith.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! So what exactly is a fail cake??

Jonathan's Mommy said...

ICK--can you imagine what your teeth would like like after that icing? That cake is one of the most unappetizing I've seen on this blog yet!

Kimmie said...

Beyond the epic misspelling, can you imagine actually eating a black cake? The icing would be so bitter. Not to mention what your mouth would look like. Yuck!

Stephanie said...

This may be my new favorite wreck. Absolutely hilarious! Wouldn't you like to see their teeth after they eat all of that black icing?? Epic. Cake. Fail.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what the inside of your mouth would look like after eating this cakewreck. Ewww.

Anonymous said...

Black poo FTW!
I didn't know it was possible to fail at failing but apparently I've been proven wrong.

Angie McCullagh said...

I thought it was, like, a Norwegian word for dead. Or something.

Angie (from over at

Kimberly said...

Em... who actually gives a "fail" cake anyhow??? isn't that a little twisted to start with????

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is a plain disaster in sugar!

Michelle said...

Does anyone know exactly what black food coloring does to your insides? I'm not saying that I do, but I'd be tempted to think that by the time it circulates through the bloodstream (you know, along with the useful stuff) that your kidneys would be like, aw son-of-a-b!!!

sues2u2 said...

That is one of the ugliest cakes I've ever seen. All I could think of was that someone ate a ton of black licorice & then barfed. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Well, what flavor would the black icing be? "Logic" dictates liquorice flavor—but maybe it's just generic unflavored sugar. Or maybe bubblegum flavor or something.

Kimberly said...

Epic Fial, of course. I'm concerned for the people that ate this as well. I would flat-out refuse to eat that much black frosting if it were ever placed in front of me. Ew.

April said...

I think this is probably an intentional fail, but the worst thing of all is the black icing. I can just picture everyone who ate the cake walking around with black teeth.

Unknown said...

I think I got the runs just looking at this one..

But yeah I think that the misspelling might be intentional.. maybe.

Anonymous said...

Fail cake win!

Trevor said...

Seriously, I think this was intentional. I believe misspelling "fail" on a Fail cake was total irony.

And if black buttercream does to you what blank fondant does, expect a lot of green poo!

The Barnes Crew said...

Fail as in "The decorator failed at making a good cake!" ! Are you icing...can you imagine how horrible this thing tasted!

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the above comments... the frosting alone is the fail!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so maybe it WAS intentional. That doens't mean it's celver. Or appaeling.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a misspelled File cake, like you send to your friends in prison.

Anonymous said... icing...not!

I wanna know what the occasion was

Anonymous said...

I want to know exactly how many bottles of black Wilton gel coloring had to die to make that cake.

Unknown said...

Oh, excellent self-esteem booster there! Wow. I'd just like to know what occasion it was for. Did someone fail their entrance exams? Wow.

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder at the decorator's response to this request (whether or not the misspelling was intentional): "All black, word Fail [or Fial] prominently displayed. OK. Do you want flowers on it? One's good? Got it. And you want to pick it up on Tues.? Great, see you then!"

Word verification: emose. I think that's a pretty accurate description of how an all black cake makes me feel.

Unknown said...

That cake is terrifying. Should someone buy one of those for my post-funeral get together, I will haunt the person responsible until the end of time.

The Honorable Mayor of Bethville said...

Please tell me that's a funeral cake.

Bri said...

All the black icing and angst should be the perfect base for the ultimate cynicism of our time. And yet it FIALS.
Maximun irony is a WIN!
Pwnage is a yes.

Brianna McCarthy @ Passion.Fruit

Scritzy said...

When I decorated cakes (back in the dark ages), I HATED using black icing because you had to use so much coloring to make the stuff black that it tasted nasty.

I can't imagine a cake with nothing but black icing. *shudder*

"Fial" indeed.

Anonymous said...

You can get the color black, by starting with chocolate frosting and then adding the black food coloring. I'm not saying this is good, but it might not be as bad as you think.

Josie said...

Can you imagine how obvious the glutton would be--black frosting all over their fialure face and teeth?

So since it's a fail fail---do they cancel each other out?

Baya Clare said...

I think this was actually a misspelling of the word "file" as a heads-up to the prisoner who received it as a gift.

Anonymous said...

But why? Why make a fail cake at all? WHY NOT LOOK UP HOW TO SPELL FAIL IF YOU DON'T KNOW? Why make an intentionally misspelled cake, if that's the case? WHy all the black icing? Jesus, WHYYYY??

MaryO said...


Words "fial" me...

I crack me up!!!

Sorry. Couldn't help myself! meo

jackie31337 said...

Aoccdrnig to rseearch, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit palce. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wohle.

TexPatriate said...

Fial -- FTW !

Boozy Tooth said...

I've been curiously obssessed all day by the inmitigated ugliness of this cake (not even including the misspelling) and wonder why anyone would find this "design" appealing and/or funny. Even in its wreck-titude, it's neither. Black icing? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

Whether it was intentional or not, that is one of the funniest blog post titles ever!

Laura, Ben, and family said...

it's not the black mouths that make me cringe, it's what I'll see in my toddlers diaper the next day.

Adele said...

OMG, I live for my daily wreckalicious fix but the past two days have almost gotten me fired! The Monkey DooDoo was pretty funny but FIAL...I'm dying here!!!

Hyena Overlord said...

Is there a fial in that cake?

Maybe it's word verification cake.

Eckkk black icing. For the record, black icing makes your mouth and teeth blue. I know cuz I ordered black icing trim for a cake and everyone had blue teeth...and probably blue poo*LOL*

Anonymous said...

What I think is funny is...every black-coloured thing that I've ingested, when it comes out the, uh, other end, is not in fact black, but *green* (cf. eating large quantities of black Jell-O, though I don't know if that's still on the market).

Barb said...

I remember a time as a child, when my grandmother (the one that couldn't cook) made meatloaf. Tombstone grey meatloaf. It was so frightening that I took one look at it and said "I'm going out to eat" and literally walked out the door. I probably would have been in big trouble - if my dad and grandfather hadn't followed me with their coats and wallets!

Anyhow, I didn't think I'd ever see anything quite as morbid looking as that meatloaf - not that someone was attempting to pass off as food, anyhow.

This black monstrosity proved me wrong. Yikes. It's just horrid.

I'm not sure whether the spelling was intentional or not, so I'm going to leave that part of it alone. The cake speaks for itself.

Anonymous said...

That might be the best worst thing I've ever seen!

Dea said...

It reminds me of the scene in Steel Magnolias where Sally Field is saying, "It's repulsive. It's got gray icing. I can't even begin to think how you make gray icing!" Yeah, that.

Jessicalovescake said...

I would love to know what occasion requires an all black "fail" cake anyway.

Who celebrates failure?

Anonymous said...

black icing is easy and not horrible if you start with chocolate icing. Less colour needs to be added so it doesn't taste as gross or stain quite as bad.

still, though...


Melanie said...

Are you sure the real fail isn't the black icing?

Dani said...

Ewwww how do you even achieve black frosting?

Anonymous said...

Has the owner of the Fail blog seen this?? Too funny! Oh and Christina I think those are a bunch of black roses, not a big plop of icing for no reason. But still, weird!

Anonymous said...

I suppose it's possible that they made black icing the smart way and began with chocolate. That way you use way less coloring and it doesn't turn everyone's mouth black...but somehow, I doubt it.

Donna M. said...

Hey Mom, for my graduation cake, I want it all black and the word "fail" misspelled on it. I don't want people thinking we're smart.

Kami said...

Ew. I think I like black frosting even less than bright frosting that turns your poop funny colors.

Brenda Blake said...

I'd have a slice, just to show everyone my cool black teeth.

Anonymous said...

It might not have been that bad... I've had perfectly edible black frosting. You just have to start with chocolate frosting so that it's already pretty dark, and you therefore don't need as much of the nasty-tasting coloring.

Anonymous said...

I actually know some people with the last name Fial---could this be a birthday/funeral cake? Do we know the story behind this?

Pretty funny.

jengersnap said...

What a fialure!
It's so black, it shines. Yuck!

Kate Taylor said...

All I can think of is what all that black icing will do to anyone who ingests it. Blech.

Muffin Pants said...

I'd be more interested in seeing photos of those who consumed this would be a dentists dream come true

Anonymous said...

'All your failcake are belong to us'

verification: rummur - it's an anagram!

Anonymous said...

Ok, this cake is full of 'fail'.
If I was to give anyone an actual Fail Cake..this is what I would write on it. So funny!

Anonymous said...

I want the story behind this cake. Why was it ordered? What Fial are they celebrating?

And for the wreck-ord, something about the black makes my insides seize up and think back to all the people who might want to poison me. I would then start trying to figure out which one of them sent me the cake...

ipa said...

I never needed the pee pads in my underwear until I started reading your site! You are costing me a fortune!Stop it!

Chocolate said...

I woke up this morning with the dreams of making you a "FIAL" cake as well.

I'm sorry, but that cake just onws. [and yes, that was intentional]

Anonymous said...

It looks as though it would taste like black licorice. while I like black licorice, I prefer it to come in the size and shape of a jelly beans only...not on my cake...

that's just wrong all the way around!

Anonymous said...

Ewww, look like it tastes like black licorice. While I like black licorice, I prefer it to come in the size and shape of a jelly bean, not a whole stinking cake...

Just wrong!

P.S. had trouble submitting, sorry if this is a dup

Anonymous said...

I was thinking perhaps it was really suppose to spell vile? The perfect goth party cake.

Bedlam said...

A fail cake?? The icing is black, what color is the cake???

Anonymous said...

Perhaps "Fial" is someone's name. Who knows?

Anonymous said...


I actually like the black frosting. The color is beautiful. The fial just . . . fails me, lol.

moonpuppy in colorado

Anonymous said...

Definitely intentional. I'm shuddering to think how bitter it must be, too. Blargh.

Ell said...

That is the best cake ever.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked at how few people posed the question, "why make a fail cake anyway??"
Poor, poor recipient.

Kookaburra said...

Damn. About 8 hours after eating all of that black icing, the toilet is sure going to look horrific.

King of New York Hacks said...

Had to be written by the government and the IRS to remind people to "FILE" !! Hmmmmmmm....where is Dan Quayle these days?

Anonymous said...

To get black icing you would start out with chocolate icing and add black food coloring. Chocolate icing is pretty're more than half way there, so not much food coloring is needed.

WendyB said...

I relate to this cake lately.

ponydust said...

Always made horse-y cakes for the horse-loving daughter's birthdays, and mostly they were pretty good.
I had no idea how to make black icing way back then (only the red, yellow, blue greens being commonly available)but if I could have made icing like this I would have had the world's most beautiful Black Stallion cake !
Come to think of it, perhaps I'll make one for her next (37th)birthday- yaaaahh !

Anonymous said...

Would *love* the backstory.
Wish I'd been clever enough last year to send that cake to the guy who stole my Bar exam prep books...and then still proceeded to FIAL....TWICE!!!

word verification: firefyi
"that kwanzaa cake should be set on fire,fyi" ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm just dying to know what the occasion was!?? I'm guessing there was some retaliation somewhere down the road for that one!

Anonymous said...

I spent nearly 4 hours at work going through each & every "FAIL" on Next to CakeWrecks, that's is the funniest site on the web!!

Carrie and Michael Brown said...

Why would someone make an ugly black cake with the word "Fail" or "Fial" on it? What the heck does that mean and why does it deserve a cake? On another point, that is the grossest looking think I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

This cake was sent by Darth Vader on Luke Skywalker's 21st birthday.

Anonymous said...

mmm purple teeth and misspelled fail.

Anonymous said...

Twenty-some years ago a friend of mine got a Darth Vader helmet cake for her birthday. The icing started out as basic chocolate that was darkened with as much black food coloring as necessary. Very nice result.
And it definitely was a gift that kept on giving, about a day after the party when all the guests starting calling one another..."You, too?!".

Anonymous said...

....I want this cake. I so want it. This is seriously the best cake ever. :D

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the misspelling was intentional. Whoever orders a fail cake might as well order it with a self-referential misspelled writing on it. Other than that - the real failing is in the black icing - urglll.

jackie31337 said...

Kookaburra said Damn. About 8 hours after eating all of that black icing, the toilet is sure going to look horrific.

Man, you're telling me! This is why I never let my toilet eat cakes with black icing any more.

CAPTCHA: blacr (as in "can this cake get any blacr?")

Unknown said...

LOL weird cake I wonder what it was for.

Anonymous said...

I want that cake! :D

And man, that black frosting is going to stain like nothing else...

Ms Unreliable said...

Epic fial.

Anonymous said...

That's not food coloring... it's ink...

Karena said...

It's the flower design that kills me! They make me think maybe Fial is actually someone's name ... but then the black icing is just crazy. But 'epic/ ultimate failure' is an occasion for flowers??? This thing's just ulgy. :)

Kameron said...

Wow. Now I have *another* site to addict me!! Thanks for that. Ü

Anonymous said...

omg! that was such a brilliant idea. im so mad that someone messed up the fail cake.
to whoever did that...


Unknown said...

Black frosting is gross. And makes your mouth and teeth turn black or blue.


Anonymous said...

This has made my entire day.

Bree said...

Not just fail...metafail!

Tina said...

Whoa! Epic Fial!!

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? Does everyone know what the blob next to Fial is? I get the humor in Fial but what IS that black mess next to it? Why is no one asking?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who doesn't mind that the cake is black? I'd totally eat a black cake.

I'm not sure I'd eat those frosting roses, but I never eat frosting roses regardless of the color anyway.

Anonymous said...

Aww that's gonna make a lot of black mouths, intestines, and.. other stuff.

Andrea Trotter said...

It took me three times to see that the "black pile" was roses with leaves. Maybe 9 years of decorating cakes helped with that? Maybe I didn;t want to BELIEVE that that's what it was! Dang, that's the funniest cake I ever saw...

Anonymous said...

its been mentioned that whoever ordered it already has a sense of humor, so maybe the cake decorator has the same and saw a chance to join in the joke without to much hassle over it... i mean, how many chances like this come along?

Mr. and Mrs. Benona said...

Can you image eating all that black frosting? YUCK

Anonymous said...

ACK! Though normally a lover of the dark and spooky, that cake gives me the creeps!!!

Gavrielle said...

Intentional or not, this makes me laugh every time. XD

Anonymous said...

THAT will make your teeth blue-green for days!

Deryn Leduke said...

not to mention the huge mound of frosting on top of it...
(wouldn't this be funny if this was for a kid's birthday party and they picked up the wrong cake? I believe that would be considered a fail-fail-fail)

Anonymous said...

MeMouse said...

Maybe this is a divorce surrender cake, like "Well just go ahead and FIAL!"

Isabel said...

My friend made a cake similar to this one. But she intentionally put fial instead of fail.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it isn't like, another language or an inside joke??

Anonymous said...

I sooooo want that cake :D