Thank you.
I will now field questions.
You there - yes, you - go ahead. Eh? Where did this cake pop up? I believe Wreckporter Carol Ann G. spotted it at her local supermarket. Yes, she is quite the Wreck stalker these days.
Sorry, your voice is a bit husky - what did you say? Oh, WHY did they make an ear of corn cake? Aw, shucks, how should I know? Maybe they just cobbled it together at the last minute.
Yes, Colonel? You had a question? No? Well, stop frittering away my time, then! Sheesh.
Hey, why are you all groaning? Don't try to butter me up, now: I know these puns are corny, but they're not THAT bad.
By my count that's 11. Happy punting (aka pun-hunting)!
128 comments | Post a Comment
Yes, Jen....your puns are THAT bad!
tee, hee...
We those to make me laugh?
No pun in ten did. :)
Then you got me with number 11.
Ok, it's a little chubby, but not a bad overall cake. But what the crap happened to the eyes??
Why, just why?
Wow... maybe someone can find a baked potato cake, and maybe a T-bone steak cake, let's round out the meal :) Yum!
I love that there is a whipped topping sticker!
nice reporting ;)
Ok, this is one of the very few times I think the cake is kind of cute. Would I buy it? Heck no, but at least it looks like what it is supposed to look like.
Does this ear of corn have glaucoma? Those eyes are really freaking me out, not to mention the bleeding lip.
Is that a worm hole between the eyes? Yum! Sugar AND Protein!
Alixandra Hice
Dear Lord. Why? WHYYYY?
Love the puns!
You are the most fun to rad- more fun than looking at the hideous cakes. yes...Why CORN?
What sort of flavour is "yellow"??! Actually...maybe I don't want to know...
I don't think this one is that bad... it's sort of a weird choice of theme, but the cake doesn't look as awful as most cakes on here.
I actually think the corn kernels on this are pretty well executed, if a little too glistening. Clearly, the eyes got smudged on the plastic lid. I agree with others -- it's kinda cute, but why a corn cake?
At least it's not brown corn. Then you would have another turd cake to deal with.
Being an Iowan, I think the cake is kind of cute....BUT, when I saw the eyes I thought they looked like they were infected with corn smut, a fungal disease that's kind of common in corn.
You know how when you open a beautiful looking ear of corn and it has something black and nasty growing inside. That's what the eyes reminded me of!
Perhaps this was made for my alma mater : Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. Our mascot is actually an ear of corn. Go Cobbers!
Ok, so I am not sure what is up with the creepy smooshed eyes... or why in the world someone would make it... but I guess at least its jovial, and not bleeding to death or covered in excrement like so many other bizarre wrecks.
Looking a little cross-eyed there. Maybe they should have given the ear some glasses.
Maybe its from a town famous for its Corn Festival. Or maybe its from Nebraska's college town??
Huh. It is a little past harvest time isn't it? Thanksgiving must be.
Angie (from over at
I like this little corn cake. I think he'd be quite the cutie to serve at Thanksgiving. Then again, I'm the mother of 5 so that pretty much makes me certifiably brain dead.
Ooooooo! I love this one but why the sticker that says "Yellow" I thought all corn was yellow! But I'm a city girl - what would I know!
Love your puns - but now I have to go to the store and buy more Attends!
I think the cake is cute, just looks like someone accidentally smashed in the eyes.
Well I think he's adorable!
That's a really cute cake! Maybe for a Nebraska Cornhuskers celebration? Or a hay ride?
hahahaha someone punched this wreck in the face!
As a former midwestern farm girl, I love this cake! It's just too bad its eyes exploded, and that you can see the cake between some of the rows of kernels. But I still wouldn't classify this as a wreck.
Those puns, on the other hand...
The puns had me! Although I gotta say that my youngest would be gaga over that cake. Anything that has corn in it (or looks like it might!) & she's there!!
At last! A cake you can give to your "stalker." (Hey, I didn't start the puns)
I lol'd :)
It wins a little bit. Cute. Pointless but cute.
What's with the brown string things on the eyes?
Word verification: corfines <--seems apt somehow.
Brianna McCarthy@Passion.Fruit
I think it's cute, except for the smeared eyes.
At first I thought it was some kind of egg-salad creation. Really, those boiled egg eyes, the scrambled egg body - the stripe of ketchup smile. It looks like someone's idea of breakfast to me...
And not remotely like a cake
Did you think of all those puns on your own, or did you have to Google "corn puns"? Just curious! That's talent! I can't imagine eating a cake shaped like a different food without thinking of the taste of that different food. So I might be hard pressed to eat the cake whilst thinking of buttery salted corn. (But maybe I could convince myself!)
There are children's books called "Veggie Tales". I'd bet they are infringing on that intellectual property.
Love it. Can't help it. I'm from a town that has a corn festival.
was wondering about the eyes as well...
and omg stop with the corn jokes!!!
Wow. That's a-maize-ing.
What really gets me is that it looks like it's bleeding between the eyes. Did someone shoot it to put it out of our misery?
Why did they put dead roaches on its eyes? Why?
Corny but good. can't really say this one's a wreck. Kinda like it. Except for the eyes. Would make a good birthday cake for a corn grower.:o)
There's just something wrong with making one food look like another food. When I see corn I want to taste corn - not chocolate and frosting. That just ruins the potential goodness the cake can taste.
Sans face, this might be kind of cute. Right now it looks like an ear of corn that got shot between the eyes, though. That's what it gets for having/being such a big ear. It obviously heard something it shouldn't have...
I really could not come up with any idea of an occasion that would call for an ear of corn cake, that a real ear of corn would not be better!
So thanks to the readers who suggested a team mascot theme. Or the deliruim that comes with preparing thanksgiving meals for 5 kids.
Personally, I would still prefer real corn on the cob! Yum!
I will take my cakes in a form that is more cake worthy.
Suzy, what do you want on your birthday cake?
Yeah, Corn.
These wrecks never cease to amaize me.
I think it's cute, smudged eyes and all. Almost too cute to eat! But then again, I'm a sucker for anthropomorphized inanimate objects.
@ipa: I think the "yellow" denotes that it's yellow cake inside (instead of, say, chocolate cake) and not the corn color itself.
I'm not sure if this is a wreck or not. I mean, I could tell it was an ear of corn. But then there is the question of "WHY?!".
aww, I think it's kinda cute..and if I bought cakes in the store instead of making them myself I would buy would be perfect for dessert at a bbq.
I like it. I think it's darling. Also? I think it'd be hilarious to bring to an impromptu birthday celebration, you know, for the guy who doesn't want a big deal made over his birthday. Well, you have to have CAKE, man. And, why not this random corncob cake? Happy Birthday!
Okay so at first I thought they made his eyes out of those stringy bits, the corn silk I think it's called, but then I noticed that the cake got squished and it's actually his brown eyes all mushed over the top... squishy cake.
Wow, that cake is a-maize-ing.
How is that a wreck? I think it is adorable!
So what if the eyes are a little wonky...I bet it still tastes nummy...
Say, just a note, since yellow cake with chocolate frosting is a family favorite, that on a cake site you good viewers should know cake types. For the curious who didn't know yellow cake is a famous American traditional cake, which comes in Ducan Hines as well as Betty Crocker mixes, to just google image "yellow cake with chocolate frosting."
Aw, I think it's cute! I wonder, though, what's up with those eyeballs...
I think it's cute but DH thinks it looks gross! lol
Well, obviously y'all need to watch Veggietales a little bit more often.
*thinks for a sec*
Okay, so I don't remember a corn character, but still, it's cute. The eyes are a lil goofy, but it's cute.
It looks like a pile of creamed corn. Was this in Nebraska or something?
It's a fine cake that accidentally got its eyes smooshed by the cover, maybe when another cake was stacked on top of it. I bet if you wanted to buy that one they could fix up the eyes for you. They probably don't evenlook so bad one you take the cover off.
Corn is a very traditional American Thanksgiving food, although it used to be more red than yellow, so it makes sense that it would be available as a cake design. All Adither: I thought Amerian Thanksgiving was this late because they harvested late. It is supposed to be a harvest festival.
Lol! I really shouldnt be laughing, but it's just so punny.
Hi there. I'm new. Who knew a blog about cakes could be SO funny. Your commentary is hilarious-I sprayed coffee all over the monitor while reading "Monkey See, Monkey Doo Doo." I need to go clean up now.
Corn?? Are you sure??? Looks more like a white pineapple. But, I agree with Arlynn---"maybe someone can find a baked potato cake, and maybe a T-bone steak cake, let's round out the meal" !!!
Don't let anyone "tassle" you about your choice! I think it's a"maize"ing! It's kind of a cute cake but personally I prefer a little "varigation" in my decoration. Yeah, not only am I from the Midwest but I'm a geneticist who knows way too much about corn!
Actually, if not for those unfortunate eyes, it would be kind of's kind of growing on me :3
Maybe they were trying to lure in the Veggie Tales fans? Who else would buy a corn cake???
Think it's sorta cute, actually. Not as bad looking as some of the cakes out there. Just wonder why an ear of corn? I could see that being popular in Nebraska!
I've never had the urge to butter my cake... until now!
Where was the cake from? Maybe it was a cake for the Nebraska Corn Huskers.
So it doesn't even have frosting? All of that is whipped topping? What's the point?
If I want yellow cake with whipped topping (not likely), I will buy Sara Lee and a tub of Cool Whip.
It looks like he got flipped upside down and squished against the lid. Very professional.
I know it took some effort.
I hope it didn't hurt.
Best wishes.
To my eyes that looks like a pineapple!
I still don't like the idea of cakes in the shape of other foods. If I wanted to eat corn, I'd eat corn!
It's too confusing for my brain to compute.
I don't know why this one is prompting me to post more than once.
But I feel the need to further clarify the yellow cake questions.
Yellow cake is just plain cake. You don't have to buy it in a box mix. You can also make from scratch. It is the most basic recipe, using whole eggs, which is what provides the yellow color. White cake, in contrast, is made with only egg whites, to keep the color out. The flavor is simple, just a hint of vanilla. But mostly just good old sugar, flour, eggs, and milk. Also why it is so good with chocolate frosting.
And I still think this is a goofy concept for a cake, no matter how "cute" it is. Cake should not pose as other food!!!
Ps my word verification is cessem.
Please cessem with the corn puns! Ha!
I think it's cute!
Not sure WHY you'd want such a cake.
But it's adorable nonetheless
You are so very very punny....
Poor guy, his little eyes got messed up....
And is he friends with the scary watermelon cake??? Why should food have faces???
@Arlynn: We have seen a T-bone steak cake.
Sheesh....if you want an ear of corn, get some Green Giant. A proper cake is a traditional geometric shape with some flowers and misspelled quotations on it. Right? Yeah, thought so. If you want eyes on your simulated cake veggies....get a potato.
You gotta wonder how long these ugly cakes actually sit on display until some sucker decides to buy the stale, aged thing. Wow. LOL.
I actually think this cake is rather adorable, even though the eye icing (eye-cing?) is smudged.
I think it's really cute! It's a shame about the eyes and the fact that it's iced with whipped topping (yuck!).
Have we hit the yearly allotment of puns yet? (please?)
@Iowagirl - Corn smut? Are you serious? I didn't know that had a name. And somehow Corn Smut sounds...disturbing? (I'm trying to avoid a pun about a Corno movie but I don't know if I can)
For the record, the cake is from an Acme in Mays Landing, NJ (near Atlantic City). We're not particularly know for our corn; insomuch as any other vegetable in this "Garden State", and to my knowledge this isn't a mascot of any local institution.
I agree that he's not terribly wrecktastic (besides poopy eyes), just bewildering.
If they were trying to make a cake I wouldn't feel bad cutting into, they succeeded. I have no "awwww" feelings because it's so cute or well done. On the other hand, it doesn't look like poo on a pumpkin or worse, so I guess that's a good thing.
Aww. I think it's cute.
I actually think the cake isn't that bad.
I hope I'm not the only one, lol
Finally, a wreck that shows the terrible truth about genetic engineering. No I wanted an EAR of corn, not corn with EARS (or in this case, eyes). Sure, the puns were awful, but it's important to inform people about Frankenfoods, so I'll take the jokes with a grain of salt.
Cake not too bad, but I HATE that whipped topping type frosting. It's so gross and nausea-inducing.
Now, I love frosting most times. My grandmother made the most awesome cakes when I was a kid and to prevent finger-swipes, she made all the grandkids their own bowl of frosting. It didn't stop the finger swiping, but it was good nonetheless. I mean, forbidden frosting always tastes better!
But, that whipped stuff? Ewwww! I will totally refuse to eat cake that has that garbage on it!
That nasty tasting whipped cream frosting makes it a cake wreck - yuck. That stuff should be outlawed.
I saw a cake in the shape of a turkey breast at my grocery store bakery today. It was even stuffed. I had to do a double take and go in for a closer look. Kind of ruined my appetite for turkey dinner. Would have taken a picture if two bakery employees had not been there.
But the cake is actually pretty cute, at least nowhere near as bad as a lot of your wrecks!
You are too funny! Like your sense of is still intact..must not have kids bugging you at home all the time...or maybe you DO and that's why you're so funny!
Cake that looks like vegetables. Definitely at the root of the obesity epidemic.
I think it's cute, but I do agree the choice of topic is odd and the eyes are pretty gross. Oh well, I would want this cake over the pooh cake from a couple of days ago! At least the corn is still on the ear. XD
yes the eyes are alittle mushed against the plastic and it doesnt make any sense to make a corn cake, but still i think its a pretty cute cake
WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY HAPPENED TO ITS EYES??? They appear to be smeared on the lid! Ewwww. Other than that, I must admit it's cute... useless perhaps... but cute.
Its eyes are bleeding.
Well, I am only an ex-pat living in UK, so what do I know? But I am guessing an ear of corn could be suitable for a harvest festival party or even Thanksgiving, which was a harvest festival dinner so long ago...
But having proved my defense for the poor corn cake, I am still scratching my head, why make a corn decorated cake? It is just naff, yeah?
It is an excellent vehicle for your 'corny' jokes!
Well you know its cute....I'm just confused. Why would you make a corn cake? Who buys a corn cake? How much icing is on that? It looks like a lot. I got my 5 year old son to look at it. He is confused also. He said Mommy why is that corn smiling?
I said I have no idea son. He said don't it know its gonna get eaten?
LMAO and then he walked away.
Living in Iowa, the best complement to this cake would be the BLT cake. I'm sure our state fair would sell thousands of these!
hell, the ONE veggie that you know isn't going to look different going in or coming out. seriously. maybe a yam next time?
Aside from the eyes getting sumdged on the lid, and a few little gaps between the kernels, I'm not seeing what's so bad about this one.
Hey, Lady!! (said in Jerry Lewis voice)
Eye-cing! good one!!!
I bet Jen's kicking herself over missing that one!!!
I think it's actually pretty cute. I'm going to guess that it was a special order that was ditched by the customer ... after they mashed the box lid and smeared the face.
This makes me wonder how a corn bread cake would taste?
Okay Okay!! Something about the "punting" and the corn cake all together made this one of THE BEST posts for me so far!! LMAO!
WAY TO GROW - hehe, okay, I got bad puns too
Happy Monday Evening!
its perfect timimg for thanksgiving wouldn't you want to have corn looking cakr after all that great thanksgiving dinner? i so know i would.......n't
Don't let all the mean comments about puns dissaude you from doing them, you're awesome and they're hillarious!!
What no pun about kernel's?! Nothing?!
Oh. My. It has cataracts.
I'm sure there's some corn syrup in there somewhere so it's not completely false advertising.
But it is covered with whipped cream frosting which just can't compare to buttercream frosting. The thought of covering a cake with that much sugary disappointment makes my sweet tooth sad.
It's a cute cake except for the eyes which looked like they have been stabbed repeatably,or the frosting on the eyes got smeared but then that would mean that the pupils on the corn were red...
And the fact that the actual corn cob looks like spongebobs arm with a ton of flea bites on it.(I've been watching too many spongebob shows.)
And the husk kinda looks like a green stream flowing around the corn..Of course that is just my own opinion.
very punny!
Huh. I guess the inspiration is kind of wrecktastic. But given the premise of 'make a cake that looks like an ear of corn', it's not that wrecky. Well, other than the smashed eyes. And the mouth that looks like an oh-crud-I'm-out-of-time-just-slap-it-on addition. And the leaves that look about the same.
Okay, I guess it is kind of a wreck. But I still think they did at least decently on the kernels.
you're crazy. i love reading your blogs and you always without fail make my day...but you're crazy
just thought i'd let you know
Well thank goodness there aren't ACTUAL CORN KERNELS in it....wait, I'll bet there are.
I think it's kinda cute. It looks like the eye frosting stuck to the lid.
Apart from the demented eyes it is really really cute!
Such a happy little wreck! :D
At least one can tell what it is!
Arlynn said Wow... maybe someone can find a baked potato cake, and maybe a T-bone steak cake, let's round out the meal
Steak cake has been done. Anyone got a baked potato?
Helly said But then again, I'm a sucker for anthropomorphized inanimate objects.
Don't anthropomorphize inanimate objects; they hate that! ;)
Very beautiful blog.
Could someone explain to me the need for a corn cake? It looks fat and ugly and completely inedible. ACK.... definitely a cake wreck, unless one wants to celebrate the harvesting of their corn field? The ripening of their sweet corn? The shaving of corns from their toes? No No No,.. absolutely no reason for this cake.
Those puns were so corny...they popped.
Actually, that corn cake would probably be a big hit here in Korea - we have corn ice cream, which comes in a shell shaped like an ear of corn.
ok ok...all of you need to do time in the punitentiary!
to the person from NJ - not known for corn?! Where TF have you been? Jersey corn is a must on the way back from the Shore in the summer
and the person who thought there was only yellow corn - there is white and blue (really more of a purple) and other colors...mmmm blue corn tortilla chips...but please - no representation in cake
OH, Puns are hilarious! That was awesome. Thanks again, Jen!
why would anyone feel the need to make an ear of corn cake?
who the heck would want a corn cake? that's what i can't figure out! the only kind of corn cake i'd like is the corn cake side dish that chi-chi's mexican restaurant used to serve on its platters... and you can still buy it in the grocery store.. i love it!
and thanks to your site, i scope out the bakeries at the stores here just dying to find something worthy of sending to you!!!!
That corn is so dang cute.
Cutest corn cake ever! I just don't understand WHY it exists.
OK, whoever stalked out this work of art should be creamed, then canned. Sorry, but these were about the only 3 you missed. We won't even talk about tassles....
really a nice post.its awesome