[Drum roll, please]
The new category IS...
"Close-Your-Eyes Cakes"
[cymbal crash]
Because while we can appreciate the talent required to make a cake that looks like, for example, a bloody steak (I mean, just look at that fat casing!), we don't really relish the thought of eating it with our eyes open. We're pretty sure we'd be half-cringing up until the last second, praying all that "blood" really is icing.
22 comments | Post a Comment
I keep checking in just to see what you come up with! This one is unreal..would someone really pay money for this? Poor Dad! This would be one time where he probably wishes he got the tie instead.
The late George Carlin surely saw this when coming up with his "meatcake" routine. Could be meat? Could be cake? What is it? I dunno, maybe it's Meatcake!
The USDA sticker is especially well done.
I think this cake is brilliant! Especially if the cake itself is red velvet.
Oh cool, my dad is a butcher, this cake would be perfect for him!!
Or for my friend's birthday who has been trying for years to get me to be a Vegan.
mmm... beefcake... ::: gurgle :::
I have to say that I love this cake!
It is a cake worthy of being on one James Lileks' "Meat!" pages, truly.
I've actually seen a similar cake from "Mike's Amazing Cakes" - though with much better execution. http://www.admit-one.net/webimages/meatcake.jpg I seem to recall reading it was made for a vegetarian birthday party as well!
I love this site! Love what you do! But I gotta say, I love this cake! I would be proud to receive a cake like this! :-)
Honestly? I think this one is *brilliant*.
You should look into meat cakes. They're made from meatloaf, but then frosted with mashed potatoes and decorated to look like meat again.
It's a whole genre of creepy cakes that this one may just fall into.
As a girl wearing a steak necklace and who has steak earrings and hair clips, this is the coolest damn cake ever.
I want this for my birthday, and it's gotta be red velvet cake OMG yes!!!! best cake ever.
I Love the idea of the cake being red velvet. Genius.
I'm so glad others posted about meatloaf meat cake too.
Here is a link:
@ the "anonymous" whose comment I had to delete:
Just wanted you to know your comment was not published due to your use of profanity, not due to your criticism of me and my writing style. I don't claim to enjoy reading stuff like that, but I still try to be fair in publishing everyone's opinions.
So next time, just nix the four-letter-words, k?
Aw I just made a steak cake for a birthday, and it was a thrilling challenge! Yeah, yeah, I'm a dork. (I did Red Velvet for extra gross effect and cream cheese icing made a perfect bone color...and they loved it.)
Love this blog, btw!
As a dad who loves his steak, I would be honored and awed to receive a cake like this for Father's Day.
this is actually not bad. actually, it's freaking brilliant -especially the realistic skin and that usda stamp.
the only complaint i could possibly lodge is that the meat isn't marbled -but then i'd be a dick :p
I showed this to my husband and he immediately asked for one for Father's Day. Ew. :P
See i want to make a meat cake because im strange and work as a butcher :P
But i want to make a cake out of actual meat not just a cake that looks like meat although im seriously impressed by it :D
LOL! Husband is a well known carnivore who hates veggies. He'd absolutely love this cake. And, yes, it'd have to be red velvet!
As a cake model of a piece of meat, its not bad. But why would you do this...or get this for someone?