For example...
Liz had Mike's Amazing Cakes replicate a favorite stuffed frog for her and her guy Nat's joint birthday celebration:

Ro Bruhn is an artist who makes colorful (and quite pretty) journals, like this one:

So for her birthday, her family surprised her with a cake version of that same journal:

Honestly, I kept getting the two photos mixed up, the cake is such a close match. Those buttons are fantastic. So are the ribbons. And the cover. Ok, fine, the whole thing's pretty darn cool. Ro says a local company did the cake, but she didn't say which one. So if you're reading this, Ro, let me know who to credit, k? (And thanks to Pauline L. for nominating the cake.)
And lastly, Andrew S. is the creator of the webcomic Elderly Apple, which is named for his character Pliny, the (you guessed it) Elderly Apple. As a fan of Cake Wrecks, he was inspired to order a cake version of Pliny for the site's birthday. This is Pliny:

Not the easiest thing to make a cake from, right? But look what Virginia Bakery came up with:

Have you had something replicated in cake form you'd like to nominate as a Sweet? Then send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
59 comments | Post a Comment
Wow! The frog and apple are cute...but that journal replicake is AMAZING!
Those are fantastic and fabulous! I'm particularly impressed with the apple. What a wonderful creation.
Wow, these decorators are real artists. Fantastic!
Ooh, that book is really beautiful! (I think the cake's the one with 'Happy Birthday' written on it ;)
The journal cake is a work of art...imagine the work that went into that!
Those are all so COOL!
I would so not want to cut into the journal cake -- it's gorgeous.
The apple is beyond cool -- anybody know how the heck you get frosting that smooth and shiny?
Wow! Those cakes are Chef d'oeuvres.
those are beautiful! Seriously, win!
They're all really well done, but that journal one is aMAZing. They got every detail right. I think the hardest part must have been that cover with all its colors. How the heck did they DO that?
The cakes are amazing.
My sister is an "amateur" baker, but her work is amazing. It looks professional.
She has a trick [that I am sure a lot of people know] to make buttercream icing that smooth [as in the apple cake].
After icing the cake cover it in wax paper strips. Smooth down. Refrigerate until firm.
Peel off the wax paper and wa-la a smooth cake.
I have done this several times and it works like a charm - you just need a good buttercream icing recipe to begin with.
It is so easy.
Book cake--amazing.
Now, about Pliny. Gawd, he is just so darn CUTE! But where are his WRINKLES????
Sure, he's got a few under-eye baggies going on, me the wrinkles.
I know, he's fictional. AND a fruit. AND a drawing.
But still...
"Elderly" = wrinkles!
(Hey--I should know.) Sheesh.
Hee hee, you said "joint" birthday...hee hee.
I can't believe it's not fondant!
Deray clapping, those cakes are A-mazing! I'm so glad there are still good bakers in the world ;-)
I love all of them but that journal is stunning.
Pliny looks like a young tomato to me, but lovely nonetheless.
Hi everyone! This is the the creator of Elderly Apple and the owner of that gorgeous cake! I want to thank Jen for featuring it (when I had only shown it to her as thanks for inspiring me); and if you wanted to see some more pictures, including the dismemberment of the cake, you can take a look here.
And to reply to sendingtheclowns: of course he's old! He has a cane! :P
I can't get over all the talent out there and how perfect these cakes all are...that apple is brilliant...
I just love Sunday Sweets !
Oh my gosh, I love the frog! So cute! All in all, they're really amazing!
@Andrew Schnorr:
Heh heh...thanks for clarifying!
I did see the cane, but since it isn't as long as our gentleman apple's legs, I'd assumed it was a prop--ala Fred know?
(Hey, he's GOT the top hat already!)
Charming, I must say!
Oh how cool, you found a way to mention Ro Bruhn's amazing journal cake! This is her blog, for everyone else's enjoyment :
I did a wonderful workshop with her - no cake though.
I don't know that I'd have the heart to cut into that journal cake. Seriously. KUDOS!
I wouldn't be able to eat the frog cake. That's just TOO cute!
Those shoes on that apple are SO darned cute!!
All three of them are incredible! I really admire that kind of talent.
the cakes is adorable.
Wow. That journal cake amazing. Almost a shame to eat it!
All the cakes this week are fantastic, but that Pliny...well, who could stand to take a bite out of him?!
the frog cake makes me SO HAPPY I CANNOT EXPLAIN IT
I like all of them, but DANG! That journal! I'm blown away!
You got the journal and the cake photos mixed up? I'll give you a hint for next time - the cake was the one on the cake board :P
Just kidding. These are all great! The Elderly Apple thing reminds me of this site I stumbled across. It's kid's drawings that artists have interpreted and re-done. Check it out!
That frog cake is really cute! Looking forward on your next post. Have a great day.=D
A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo
I was not familiar with Pliny the Elderly Apple before seeing this, and now I'm hooked on the comics. Just the right kind of absurdity for me!
Oh, and also:
Perhaps this will be next year's cake? (Yeah, I'm reading through the entire archives)
Wow thanks to Pauline for showing you my birthday cake, it was even more amazing to see it in real life. The hardest part was cutting into it, but it was a mud cake so there was no way it was not going to get eaten, it tasted great too, even the buttons. My husband had it made by CW Cakes a company here in Australia. Thanks again Ro.
Ah ha! We've got it worked out now!
The journal cake was made by :
CW cakes in Dandenong, outside of Melbourne, Australia. I should have known - I get all my sprinkles there! Check their cakes from the last show they did - whoa!
See ya
That is one frog I'd love to dissect! Yum.
Poor Pliny! As they cut into him, the red frosting on the person's fingers looked like blood!
Fondant. I googled it so I now know what it is... It's a bad thing, is it? Does it taste bad, or something? Does it have a nasty texture?
Or is it simply more impressive when bakers use regular frosting?
I'm confused.
The cakes today are wonderful. Their secret ingredient is whimsy. I love a little whimsy with my dessert.
I love the frog and Apple. GREAT JOB!!
Just when I'm getting too scared to ever order a cake again, along come these wonders. Thank you this weekly restoration of faith in cakes. Amen!
That frog is totally adorable. I always tune in to the cake challenges on tv when Mike McCarey is on. He does do amazing work.
The journal and the apple are precious as well. There are some talented folks out there.
Skippy mom, the wax paper trip sounds good, but a little old school.
I saw Cake Boss using a steamer on his icing and that seemed to produce a smooth finish.
But I'm not in the cake business so what do I know?
I always look forward to Sunday Sweets, but this week's was disappointing. The cakes are good, but not spectacular.
Virginia Bakery! They make the best sprinkle cookies too. And eclairs. Used to go there after my appointments at the pediatrician. Glad to see they're doing fine work.
These cakes were great! I love the frog.
And can I say, I cracked up that the apple's name is Pliny--surely named after Pliny the Elder, the early Christian church writer? Can you tell I'm a Biblical studies nerd? (: Brilliant.
Flayelim: what happened to the cake version of Pliny.
Um, correction: Pliny the Elder was NOT an early church father, but a Roman philosopher/naturalist. Still a good source for biblical studies but yeah, my bad. Apparently I'm not nerdy enough. (:
Waah! The Virginia Bakery! I love that place; never expected to see it up here!
Those are all amazing!
You can get your icing smooth like that by melting it and then dipping the cake in it or pouring it over the cake. Admittedly, it's MUCH easier with cupcakes and I've never tried it with a full on cake, but it's worth a shot lol
Awww, my dad used to take us to the Virginia Bakery for "flops" (danishes) on days when we'd play hooky from school. (Let's just say that my parents were divorced and my Dad was heavily trying to show us his good side.) But all the same, the memories are sweet indeed. Thanks :)
Awww, the froggy is just perfect for my little guy......
I grew up on virginia bakery! Like Daisy said we always went there after a visit to the doctor, I guess its a Berkeley tradition. I wonder if I can find a picture of the drawing my sister did and the cake they copied it on to, in icing, back in the early eighties...
i love the apple cake :D
thaks, these decorators are real artists. Fantastic
you have a good recipe cake on your links
A little too Soylent Green for my taste