Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This Calls For An Intervention

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

As we've seen, flotsamizing a cake is hugely popular - particularly around the holidays. However, there comes a time when we, the rational-minded public, must step in.

How do you know when that time has been reached? Here are a few handy hints.

1. When the weight of the flotsam is actually pulling the icing off the cake.

"Right, so now we know seven is too many. Next time, let's stop at the candy cane, 'Believe' sign, clear snowflake, santa hat, santa head, and Christmas tree. The yellow angel creeps me out anyway."

2. When the bakery thinks propping a plastic Santa head on something automatically makes it a Christmas cake.

Wow. You feel that? That's the "magic of the season."
Or possibly indigestion.

3. When there's a plastic hat on top of the icing one.


4. When there are a bunch of small plastic candy canes ON THE GIANT CANDY CANE.

Plus there are sprinkles. WHY are there sprinkles, again? Why?

5. When it's obvious the Wreckerator has no idea what s/he just made.

"It's a...a....a glove! Yeah. And the person wearing it is offering you some decapitated Santa & reindeer heads.
So, you know, happy holidays!"

Karen S., April K., Malisa T., Julia H., Rachel S., life in plastic: it's fantastic.

- Related Wreckage: The Easiest Cake Theme EVER


Today's charity is for you animal lovers, and one very dear to my heart: Puffy Paws Kitty Haven.
Rick and Chris Kingston have dedicated their lives to running this nonprofit, no-kill, and - get this - cage free shelter. John & I visited them earlier this year, and never wanted to leave: it is a fantastically clean, warm, and friendly environment filled with over 200 happy cats.

Puffy Paws is in financial trouble, so every dollar given today will make a huge difference. Go directly to their site to donate yours through Paypal. For those of you who don't like Paypal, you can use the First Giving site we set up.

Note: John & I want to help revamp the Puffy Paws site. Any of you web designers out there have some free time to give? Send us an e-mail.
Mike Owens said...

I think #4 is really a question mark, as in "Didn't you say you wanted sprinkles?"

No Wonder My Kids Are Scared Of Santa said...

A Christmas flotsam avalanche is festive, right?

John Dash said...

That's not a Candy Cane CCC -- that's a twisted Zipper. And I don't want to go there.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else getting an error when clicking on the PayPal link? said...

The PayPal link for the kitties isn't working. Can you post another one?

Unknown said...

Yes, I'm getting an error when I click on the Paypal link too!

joyce said...

The first one looks like a decorated roll of tp. yikes

SM said...

PayPal link isn't working at this time.

Heather said...

#3 isn't actually a professional wreck, right? That's a home job. Please tell me that's a home job. Made by a 3 year old. With no arms. (I particularly like how they just stuck Hershey's kisses in spots where they messed up. Chocolate fixes everything!)

Looking at that last one I can't help but wonder why they didn't just go the extra mile and slap a 25th cupcake down there on the bottom left and make it look ALMOST like a stocking. I suppose they couldn't afford to do that w/o dipping into their flotsom account though, huh?

Anonymous said...

I'm getting an error as well. However, if you go to their main site their Donate button works perfectly.

I also suggest using to update their site. It's really easy to use. They host preloaded templates. You simply pick out which template you want and type in your information (just like Word). Plus it's cheap. Hope that helps!


Renee said...

Jen fix the puffy paws link! Id love to donate again today...

Veronica said...

Thanks for choosing a charity for our little furry friends! I'm a cat person so I was excited to see a cat-specific charity!! I bought kitty litter for a day!

Vickie said...


Another great animal cause is

Elisa said...

I donated from their webpage also. I'm happy to hear that it is CLEAN. It must be so much work for them!

Maren said...

Decapitated reindeer heads. I'm remembering what Christmas is really all about....
Actually, for some reason, the three Hershey kisses stuck to the side of the snowman are cracking me up. Afterthought? Or part of the grand design?

Anonymous said...

For #5, they could have just stuck another cupcake or two at the bottom and had a decent-looking stocking.

Connie Moreno said...

OMG, homeless kitties! I love cats! You got my heart.

MzHartz said...

Does that snowman have toes?

Dana W. said...

The link works now! :) I am donating via the 12 (14) Days of Christmas Song...$1 the first day, $2 the second day, so today's was $6!!! Thanks Cake Wrecks!!!

Unknown said...

You know, I realize that a waterfall isn't exactly the most Christmassy of motifs, but I keep looking and can't see where the frosting is pulling away from the cake in #1.

wv: impers
Good cake decorating really imperses people.

ustmistress said...

I donated to the lovely people and kitties of Puffy Paws - what a wonderful facility!

I do HTML coding and graphics, so let me know if I can help with the revamp in any way:

Anonymous said...

Why are there sprinkles? I can't believe you had to ask! BECAUSE! I want sprinkles!

Amy said...

I MIGHT have free time to help. (I'm a web developer/designer.) Depends on how much free time is required. I definitely would love to help, I know that much!

Alaina said...

I can't donate money because I'm out of work now, but I can do free web design work for them. Please have them email me at amethysta ~at~ comcast ~dot~ net

Alex said...

I can't get the Puffy Paws site to load (hope this is due to excessive giving).

This one can't be set up on the Firstgiving page? I dont have a Paypal account. I do not like paypal's terms and conditions and am boycotting them. Also I will not pay a 30% cut to them on my donation.

pet lover,

Alex said...

@Jasini -
Its not a waterfall. It is a white cake re-iced with blue/white icing to simulate snow (or sky??) and then stuck with flotsam.

the different consistencies of the old white icing and the softer blueish icing caused a discontinuity between the layers and the clu slid off the front/right side of the cake.

this is pretty clearly what happened. it is not a waterfall. woudn't a waterfall be contained within some kind of creek bank rather than flowing down an icy cylinder?

Rosamarsh said...

I also can't give financially at this time but I would be happy to help Puffy Paws regarding their website content.

I've sent you guys an email via your Comments account. Please let me know if I can contribute!

Joel Polowin said...

CALVIN: How do they know the load limit on bridges, Dad?

DAD: They drive bigger and bigger trucks over the bridge until it breaks. Then they weigh the last truck and rebuild the bridge.

Stephanie said...

Yes, these definitely call for an intervention. Of course, the CCC's (patooie!) wouldn't really be much improved by the removal of the flotsam...

Anonymous said...

Do you think the last one is, maybe, a Christmas stocking and they either ran out of or got tired of cupcakes????

Julie K said...

I love how the "stocking" CCC has fill-in blobs between the cupcakes. Because, you know, there isn't enough frosting on a CCC if some doesn't end up flopping onto the wrapper/hands.

Katherine said...

I usually look at CakeWrecks each morning, anxious to see the new and terrible wrecks, but now I read through the post anxious to get down to the new charity we are donating to!

What a great idea for the holiday, I am saving the info for all the charities and doing this again next year! Awesome new holiday tradition; thanks for putting this together!

Shellie said...

Thank you for making Puffy Paws today's charity! My cat just died a couple of days ago and it made me feel better to help them.

Chey said...

I love today's charity! As a cat lover pretty much ever since I could walk, I was glad to see a cat-related one. =D Donated $10 to it -- $2 for me, and for each of my four kitties. ^_^

ML said...

Where do these things happen? I'm a little disappointed that my local bakeries have no fuel for this fire - a little left out of the fun. Thank you for bringing this horrific joy to my life!

Mira8 said...

Santa and the reindeer weren't decapitated, they just sank into the icing quicksand. Their heads are all that's still sticking up - quick, saves them!

Unknown said...

Nothing says "cozy and warm" like a plastic scarf.

Bek said...

My two year old just sat here on my lap saying, "Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha." If a two year old can identify a cake as a wreck, it must be pretty bad. Though, I must admit she said snow to the snowman...

WV: wispi. We should all just be glad the wreckoraters didn't throw any wispi tinsel on these.

Kimberly said...

Oh I love today's charity! I couldn't donate much, but I did donate some! Thanks for the laughs and the opportunity to help the kittehs!!!!

Anonymous said...

My 4-year old, upon seeing the candy cane with sprinkles: "Look, a snake!"

cryandwriteasong said...

In keeping with the cat-related charity, I'd just like to ask if anyone else here thinks that the frosting bit of the scarf of the snowman looks like cat barf (or maybe doody). Maybe it's just me. *shrugs*

WV: Prettio
"Let's add more flotsam to this cake and make it look REALLY prettio!"

Anonymous said...

Another good charity for today - I love cats! (Shhh don't tell my spoiled princess Jack Russell LOL) I donated $10 via paypal directly from the website, so you may add that to the daily total if you wish!

Chrystalline said...

Another designer chiming in; I've always loved the idea of a cage-free shelter, but never knew anything about starting a non-profit. Sending email.

Stacie said...

You had me at no-kill.... :)

WV: micat!

Jens Knudsen (Sili) said...

It does look like that last wreckorator is a few cupcakes short of a stocking, yes.

Anonymous said...

I respect that the first wreckerator poo-pooed the idea of drawing a cliche' snowflake or some wimpy icicles and went for a full-on Christmas glacier.
Liz in Seattle

Anna C. Morrison said...

I gave to them, but didn't see where I could indicate that I found them through you. I wish I could have done that.

Stephanie said...

I would happily volunteer my copwriting skills to Puffy Paws.

Siouxzr said...

The last one is definitely Santas five fingered fist of doom-- fear him!

Melissa (& Billy) said...

Poor snowman, he looks like he's on his way out ("I'm meltiiiinngg!!"). And the weight of the plastic junk stuck on him isn't helping!

Okay. I have to admit that the candy cane CCC (CCCCC =) ) isn't THAT bad. For a kindergarten holiday party, it would be a big hit. Anything else MIGHT be pushing it.

For the rest, I think that getting a 'Grand Award'--you know, imported from the country of Fragile--might be better than these tacky things. XD (Ooh, speaking of--I wonder if there's any 'leg lamp' cakes out there, wrecks or otherwise??)

Merry Wreckmas!

WV: Caties: I donated my $ to Puffy Paws to help the caties! =D

Andygirl said...

Perhaps the last one is an oven mit? For your holiday baking! And that snowman. Man, where do I even start? Madness!!

Steph @ Steph Runs On said...

I love the Candy Cane CC. Why just have one with you can have many, may more?

Jael said...

Now that charity I couldn't resist. :-D I don't have a lot to spare so I've been taking stock of my options over the past few days and I'm glad I waited for this one! Fuzzy kitty love.

As for the cakes... uh. Wow. There really are no words.

msyendor said...

Jeez. At least use real mini peppermint candy canes to stick in that horrific colectomy extraction (peppermint being very good for digestion).

WV: Serthe -- Serthe pre'e sphinkles (sorry, sucking on a candy cane while typing)

Anonymous said...

Or, A BAHAMAvention. Look it up.


hope said...

Hurray for Puffy Paws! I have a bunch of cast-off critters myself; a blind, amazingly old silky terrier mix, a fat but sweet cocker, a deaf long-haired girl kitty (sweeetest cat EVAR) and on and on, to a total of eight.

I don't have a lot of money to spare, but I slipped PP a sawbuck.

Wreck on!


Anonymous said...

Seriously? How hard is it to make a candy cane out of cupcakes? I would think that shape would be right up the CCC alley, but no!
And I agree with the others who've said that stocking CCC was just sooo close. I think the snowman's "toes" were my favorite wreck. I almost didn't see the double hat wreckiness because I was too busy trying to figure out those toes!

Hobbit said...

Yikes! How can you mess up a snowman? I guess there is a way.

Great charity today. This crazy cat lady approves! :-)

Sandy said...

I gave $4.00. One for me, my husband, our son, and our kitty!

Anonymous said...

Injinji Christmas stockings! Yay!

WV: terinest. Those are the terinest cakes I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that you will also make one of your donation days to a place that helps dogs out...not just cats...

Robin G said...

Why sprinkles?

Because putting small plastic candy canes on the CCC candy cane isn't enough - if you look closely, the sprinkles are actually candy cane sprinkles!

So it's really a 3 stage candy cane-ing (like one of those picture in a picture in a picture kind of things).

That, and the wreckerator probably couldn't think of any other way to give the cake a pepperminty taste (the little things do taste good!)

Jennifer said...

Does anyone else think the snowman in the 3rd picture looks a bit like an octopus? I mean, I've never a snowman with tentacles before.

Wildroses said...

I donated 10 dollars to fluffy paws from their webpage. :) Paypal is my friend!

D.B. Echo said...

The first one looks kinda like a snow globe full of stuff that just floats around. Maybe someone thought that's what it was, and decided to shake it up.

I agree thatthe last one was supposed to be a stocking. But I think the wreckerator got a little hungry.

Anonymous said...

Why are there sprinkles? I recognize those from my bakery, they are "candy cane" sprinkles. Just to make it extra redundant.. Ha!

Ashley said...

That number 3 about your "big head and little arms". Poor thing. Someone needs to put it out of its misery.

ksaldria said...

Forget the plastic hat. I'm still trying to figure out the reasoning behind the plastic scarf.

Anonymous said...

OH Jen, what a wonderful idea you have had. I love that you are combining two of my favorite things, wrecky cakes and great charities. I wish that I had the ability to donate, but as an unemployed mother we don't have the money at this time. I am keeping track of all the charities and as soon as I am back to work I am donating my dollar (or more) to each. Keep up the fabulous work

Unknown said...

Donation made via paypal... thanks again for doing this. Another rescue I'd love you to consider is Pet Rescue by Judy, which is in the Orlando area.

Anonymous said...

I donated too. And this is a great wreck day.... gotta love the inedible parts

throughraindrops said...

the candy cane would have been alright if they had used 2 white cupcake sthen 2 red cupcakes then white then red using the cakes to make the stripes but it just looks well terrible

Jenny said...

i donated $15 to the kitties through their webpage!

thanks again for doing this, it's so great. said...

You found my soft spot, Jen; and donation was actually easy since I already had a Paypal account. Thanks for linking to a place that helps the kitties...I have two spoiled rotten ones and would have a few more if my living arrangements allowed for it. (I'm not like those crazy people you see on those Animal Planet shows however...I'd never have more than I could spoil!)

Anonymous said...

As a grocery store decorator all I can say is

2 - I stick christmas cutouts on everything in December. I have SO MANY I could drown in them otherwise. And people like them.

4 - Because sprinkles make everything better.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little late to post about a charity, but I think it is a cause that is SO worthwhile! We raise money for the March of Dimes every year. Last year my family was the ambassador family for the state of Delaware. Our family team was able to raise almost $10,000 for this amazing charity that helps to save premature babies everyday. Please consider donating to the March of Dimes! I'd specifically love it if you would donate to the Delaware chapter because we are in desperate need of funding. We recently lost 3 large corporations in our state that were huge supporters of the March of Dimes. This is going to play a large impact on our fundraising this year.

Please feel free to look at my website to read about our story of premature triplets!

Anonymous said...

The last one, the stocking, has such intensely colored frosting. I bet it would stain my teeth for a week.

Anonymous said...

I think the snowman is adorable. Well, if you like obese snowmen that contain so much plastic flotsam it is a choking hazard.

Anonymous said...

I especially like Frosty the Snow least that's what it looked like to!
I plan on donating on Friday when I get paid, it looks wonderful! Yay kitties!

I took a tour of the site and it does need some re-vamping. I wish I knew enough to help out with the site. Ideas for graphics, site map and layout? Yes. Actual implementation of HTML and CSS? Not yet :(

Anonymous said...

*sniff* Ok, these wrecks crack me up, but watching that video on the Puffy Paws site made me bawl! I just donated (paypal link seems to be working now), and wanted to say thanks so much Jen and John for bringing the Kingstons and their rescue kitties to the attention of the Cake Wrecks audience! Cake Wrecks Rocks!

Kelly said...

The candy cane CCC (*ptoeey*) reminded me more of the shape of an ear than a cane. Looks like something I'd give my friend who is an audiologist!

holly said...

What? Do you discriminate against dogs? Got something against dogs? Why da kitties ratin' higher? Dogs can has cheezburger too.

(My $$ is being sent as I type..;)

Anonymous said...

I went to the site, clicked "donate" and signed up to give $10 per month for the next year.

Every year on my birthday, my kids give to charity in my name. It's the best gift EVER!

MissRon said...

that last cake might be a stocking. maybe. i'm not sure. this gives me hope however. i love to bake and if THIS is what professional cakes look like, i have nothing to worry about..........

Natalya said...

No kitteh should ever go unwanted. Good luck and Merry Christmas to Puffy Paws. Plus the lame ass Christmas cakes are hilarious.

robyn said...

GAh!! Day-glo poo! My eyes!!!

Zsa said...

My 6 year old says "sprinkles make everything better!"

Anonymous said...

Flotsam avalanche! It was only a matter of time, I guess...

I am giving some money today in honor of my own rescue two kitties-- I don't know what my family would do without them!

Unknown said...

I think the snowman one is very cute! As for the last picture, I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a stocking and they were just one cupcake short down by the toe!

china said...

My hubby and I are both out of work, so I don't have much to give, but the kitties melted my heart. I sent a couple of bucks their way! Yay for PayPal.

daisythecat said...

I just sent a donation and PayPal worked. Love those kitties!

#2 is fine by me: rip that Santa off and throw him away, then just look at all that chocolate! What's not to like?

Unknown said...

Coming in late here, but I second Vickie's mention of When you're homeless and have a pet, a dog especially, you can't get into any shelter, not even the emergency winter ones. Some might say the homeless person should just give up the dog, but for many of us, our dogs and cats are *our* children, and no one would suggest a homeless man or woman give up his/her children. You lose so much when you become homeless, including large portions of your sense of humanity; having your dog or cat or bird with you at least keeps you tethered to the world and provides not only much-needed warmth and love, but something much rarer in the world of the homeless: hope. I know it's not an official one, but if anyone looking to catch up wants to add a 15th day of Cake Wrecks Giving, please consider helping a homeless man or woman provide for his/her pet. Short of providing a means of obtaining and retaining permanent shelter, nothing could mean more.

Pam Walter said...

Are people actually decorating the plastic containers?

Brittany said...

To go along with this theme, I adopted my handsome little guy from Fur the Love of Paws in Owings Mills, MD. They can always use donations and support... they have so many kitties in their foster homes who need loving!

Advanced Gourmet said...

These are creative and fun. Great post!

joanne said...

sometimes you don't want sprinkles. or twizzler stripes.

so I think they were going for stocking, but ended up with holes in the toes, or it's now a glove. good calle, Jen. nice flotsam infection on the cuff there, too.

joanne said...

@ John Dash--"Twisted Zipper" would be a great neame for a band!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Frosty the Snow Octopus! Actually, he is kinda cute. But what's with a PLASTIC SCARF?

I thought the candycane looked rather like an ear, too!

wv rofsat: ROFSAT--roll on the floor screaming in agony from tasering. or to sit down roughly.

joanne said...

ick. pardon my awful spelling. I'm typing too fast and not checking today!

StuffCooksWant said...

Niiiiiice. I think that last one is trying to be a stocking... you know, those red "fur" stockings? It's missing a few cc that I believe were eaten by the baker, I mean artist.

Dave -nibbleanibble said...

The 5th one is (obviously) a glove. No doubt about it.

kittikats said...

Just want to make sure you that Cake Wrecks will be credited for our donation to Puffy Paws. We just donated $10 a month for the next year. As proud parents of 3 rescued cats (Charlie, Toula, and Lucy), we are happy to give a little to remind us of how lucky we are to have our kitties and vice versa!

poornamelesscat said...

Donated $2.00 via PayPal, so you can add that to your count.

Keep up the wonderful work!!

Elyse said...

The sprinkles on the candy cane CCC are also in the shape of....candy canes!!! Yes! A candy cane trifecta! Mmmm, minty.

Unknown said...

Couldn't resist this charity... thanks for helping the cats!

lorrwill said...

Can I thank you profusely for setting up the First Giving? I detest Paypal and do not have and account. I was very glad to give Puffy Paws my moola. It was not much cos I'm poor but I lurve kittehs verry much.