Well, we haven't done one of these in a while, but 'tis the season and all that, yes?
First up, Eric of
Your Status is Annoying designed this fabulous Wreckporter badge:

Which looks oh-so-cute on this ringer tee:

Next, we had a few of you submit Poo-dolph designs, but we went with Jennifer's of
EyeAmCre8ive 'cuz I like the word art:
Click on the pics to see the designs in Zazzle, where you can also change the shirt styles, colors, etc. Heck, you can even buy one there - how crazy is that?
And finally, I guess it's high time I officially announce that we added a
Stuff page, where you can get yourself one of these babies:
Only a few left, so act fast if you want one before Christmas. (We're working to make another batch, but these things take forever! Plus the babies are back-ordered. Grr.)UPDATE: Sorry, guys, the jockeys are sold out right now. I'll let you know when we have a fresh batch made up - which will hopefully be in a few days.
Or a personalized bookplate for your copy of Cake Wrecks:

The necklaces are $15 and the plates are $5, shipping included in the U.S. (International, add $1.) Go to the
Stuff page if you'd like to order.
27 comments | Post a Comment
Super Neat! I love the shirts :)
Raychel from My Creative Way
You know, there's a lot of potential for a good "Poo-Dolph" song. What? You don't believe me? Here, I'll show you.
*clears throat*
"Poo-dolph, the bulldozed reindeer... had a very bloody nose. And if you ever saw it, you would scream and yell 'that's gross!'."
See? Hmm? What do you mean you still don't see? *sigh*
I know of a fantastic charity for you to consider! I know you guys are Stargate fans and will know who Amanda Tapping is.
With some coworkers from her new show Sanctuary, Amanda has started a charity for children called Sanctuary for kids.
This is a great charity. They personally choose small charities where they can see the money directly helps children in need. With Amanda and Damian covering all the admin costs, 100% of donations goes directly to the small grassroots organisations that really make a difference- the small charities that are struggling the most in the current economic climate.
My new favourite charity, as it combines helping children and geek. Yay!
Jennifer- comment #2: I totally agree. I was trying to come up with other verses when I came up with the design but everything I came up with was just too wrong to put on a t-shirt.
This is off-the-wall and apropos of nothing, but if the background in the carrot jockey pic is your shower curtain, I have the very same one. Random, I know.
Speaking of back-ordered babies, my husband and I spotted 10 baggies of these babies at a nearby Hobby Lobby in Austin. We burst out laughing b/c prior to this, we'd never seen them! Look forward to the next batch of the 'bling' coming out so we can get one of our own!
i love the first one!
if you gave each item its own unique page, I'd be able to add it to my Amazon wishlist!
Jen--Oh, noes, the necklaces are sold out already! I wanted to get one for a Christmas present.You were not kidding; they must have sold like hotcakes. When do you expect to get more??
Oh my $30.00 for a t-shirt ...as much as I would loved to wear rein-poo..I think I will have to pass on that one.....
I think we need wreckporter badges for our blogs. I would love to have one on mine!!
OMG, the necklace is hilarious!!! I'd so totally hang that from the car mirror!!!
OK, so if I want 3 separate plates for the three books I've ordered for presents, I guess I have to make 3 separate PayPal orders? Since there's only one "Tell Jen what to write" box. I was afraid if I put all 3 in the one box, well, you know what might possibly happen. Heh! Plate Wreck!
That's not poo-dolf it's obviously Epcot. See the Disney script at the bottom?
Charity ideas:
International Justice Mission http://www.ijm.org/ and Streetlight Phoenix http://www.streetlightphx.org/ are both working to end child prostitution and slavery in the United States and all over the world.
Hi, John and Jen! This isn't actually a comment about this post, but another suggestion for a charity: Give to the Troops (http://www.give2thetroops.org/default.htm)
They take donations of money and items and send care packages of letters and toiletries and entertainment items like books and DVDs and video games to all the troops deployed overseas. There are so many men and women in the military who rarely or never receive mail from home, and they very much appreciate getting packages and letters. I can't imagine how much more amazing mail would be overseas. Just another 2 cents for y'all. I know you've been overrun with charity ideas.
I've got one to add to your charity drive- although this one isn't asking for any money- just for people to pass along the story in hopes of staying indoors for Christmas. I started on Twitter and you can RT Paralyzed & abandoned by insurance -The Full Story http://bit.ly/7fOVZH and http://bit.ly/6QZlgh, or use the links if you'd like.
Thank you.
Here's another charity suggestion:The Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America. Crohns and UC affect so many people, from shame and embarassment to pain to extensive surgery and so on. These diseases impact so many people it would be worth mentioning. Their website is www.ccfa.org
I neeeeed that carrot necklace.
I think it woulda been better with the chain through the baby's head though. A little gruesome, perhaps. Maybe they could wear a hat and it could go through that?
I mean, if it's through the baby's head, it's, like, floating on a flying carrot! How much more awesome is that.
Infinitely more awesome.
WV: supre - French for how super my idea is.
Must....have.....carrot jockey.....
I would like to through in Habitat for Humanity as a contestant. I am passionate about this charity because it helps people help themselves. And lets the average schmoe like me learn how to build houses right beside the person for whom the house is built.
Also... my children and I are fan/lurkers. Patiently awaiting necklaces.
I have dropped so many hints to my partner about that Cake Wrecks book! Mind you, they went like this: "I want the Cake Wrecks book for Christmas." (I am the *queen* of subtle, no?)
If it is not there...oh man...
Maybe it comes with one of those carrot jockey necklaces?
As much as I LOVE THIS BLOG, I can't afford Zazzle shirt pricing. $28-$32 for a t-shirt, not including shipping, is not something I can pay or even ask of for Christmas. Hope you have necklaces soon. :)
Does the person who originally designed the "wrecky" cake get any sort of compensation from this? I'm surprised that the carrot/baby necklaces can actually be made and sold without permission from the original "designer"
I'm just curious on how copyrights and ownership are handled in these situations.
If I created a cake, even if it was ugly, and someone was making money off my design I'd just want to know the legality of that and whether I'd receive compensation for my design.
I'd love a post on this. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders.
I would totally pay $30 for a "What if I'm not the nerd?" shirt!! Please, oh please make one (and maybe for less than 30, so others can buy it too!)
Eee, I'm feeling pseudo-famous since my submitted wreck has become a shirt!! :D
Are you guys still working on making more of the necklaces??? I saw your comment about them on the post for the new bracelet (which is absolutely awesome, by the way!) and wasn't sure if you were gonna be making anymore necklaces. :)